SAYE/Act Wildly

Chapter 48


When Gu Fei returned to the classroom, the class bell had already rang. He sat back in his seat, and Jiang Cheng was lying on the table and watching him.

"Sure enough, there was no accident," Gu Fei said, "Number one."

"Did you really ask?" Jiang Cheng was a little surprised.

"Yes," Gu Fei nodded, "very calm."

Jiang Cheng laughed and said nothing.

"But I didn't ask what the total score was," Gu Fei said, "I will add it first after the announcement today, I feel..."

He raised his head and glanced at Yi Jing: "Sir, the squad leader may be a lot worse than you."

"Is she second?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Well," Gu Fei said, "she is either first or second anyway, but she didn't get full marks. She is a bully in the fourth middle school, not your opponent of a major high school bully in a big city."

Jiang Cheng didn't speak.

Just now Pan Zhi sent him an email, scanned the papers of this mid-term exam and sent him over. He glanced at the English papers roughly. The difficulty was one level higher than that of middle school. It was not one grade or two grades higher. He suddenly Some are not very practical, so I plan to do this set of papers once after I go back to see how far it is.

-My mother agreed to see you on May 1st, ready to receive me

Pan Zhi sent another message.

-Well, I don’t need to stay in a hotel this time, I moved out

-Damn me? what happened

-Let's talk about it when we meet

-All right, Lao Yuan wrote a letter to you, I will bring it to you

-. . . .

-He sighs when he thinks of you

Jiang Cheng put the phone back in his pocket and wanted to sigh for some reason.

Lao Yuan was his former head teacher, a very good person. When he left, because he was in a bad mood, he didn't go alone with him, and he never contacted him again.

Except for Pan Zhi, whether it is family, teacher, classmate or friend, he is reluctant to contact him again, afraid of being asked about the current situation, afraid of hearing comfort, and afraid of remembering the past from these people.

In the last class in the morning, there were some small students in the class. Although there were still two subjects whose scores had not been announced because they were not in class, some people had already inquired about the total score.

"Fuck me?" Zhou Jing grabbed the phone and turned back, "Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng, Jiang..."

"Have you really been beaten by a repeater?" Jiang Cheng looked at him.

"Have you read the post!" Zhou Jing glanced at him, then looked at Gu Fei, then looked back at his face and stared, "Someone started the post, you are the first in grade!"

Zhou Jing's tablemate also turned his head: "Your total score is more than 680! Pulling away Yi Jing is almost 100 points! She is 599!"

"Yeah, fuck! 686 points!" Zhou Jing's eyes were almost out of his face. "The fourth middle school probably has never had such a high total score in history! Fuck Cheng Jiang, you are awesome!"

Jiang Cheng himself was a little surprised. He used to be in the top ten of the grade, up and down, and when he fell out of the top five, he would be called to talk by Lao Yuan. A few tenths of second place...

The news didn't excite him, but it made him a little flustered. According to the current situation, it is not a problem for him to get the first place in each exam, but how much gold does this number one have

However, when school was over at noon, Wang Xu's group of people surrounded him with excitement as if they had taken the second place-10th place in the first place, so that Jiang Cheng didn't worry about it anymore.

A group of people squeezed to the bulletin board and watched the red list posted. The first and second places were in Class 8. Although everyone was a scumbag, they are still very proud of this kind of thing even if they are scumbags. They are all scumbags with a sense of collective honor.

"I don't think this is scientific enough," Guo Xu said. "You should write the total score together. Just writing the ranking will not highlight Jiang Cheng's wildness."

"I think it's okay," Wang Xu said immediately, "you don't have to step on second if you are first."

"Yes," Lu Xiaobin said, "The second is Yi Jing."

Wang Xu stared at him without saying a word.

After watching the red list, a group of people left the school together. Two days later, it was the final of the basketball game. Wang Xu took them to the technical school to practice.

"Fuck me who posted this post?" Wang Xu looked at his mobile phone as he walked, "This is in the office. Old Xu took this red list before he finished writing..."

"I don't know who is passing by," Guo Xu said. "I don't believe that it was passing by. Now that there are so many girls staring at Jiang Cheng, they must have made a special trip to inquire."

"It's impossible to see this girl as a girl," one of their substitutes said. "Is the enemy doing things?"

Jiang Cheng stared at this substitute for almost two minutes before remembering that his name was Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan's words aroused his curiosity, and in the end he couldn't hold back it, and then took out his phone and opened the post of No. 4 Middle School.

At a glance, I saw the post that had already displayed the hot post... What the hell was the secret photo of the office? Still □□i

Before entering, he saw the name of the poster again, and suddenly turned his head to look at Gu Fei who was walking at the end.

"Huh?" Gu Fei looked at him calmly.

"This the fuck is your trumpet, right? Mr. Fancy handsome?" Jiang Cheng asked with a low voice.

"Who?" Gu Fei was still confused.

"Handsome blasting the sky," Jiang Cheng said to Gu Fei at the level of his name. "If it weren't for you, I'll live eating shit right away."

"Don't," Gu Fei smiled, "In order to prevent you from eating shit, it's not me, I have to say it's me."

"It's the fuck you," Jiang Cheng glanced at the time the post was sent again. "When the first get out of class is over, you go to Lao Xu. Did you post the post before leaving the office?"

"It's out." Gu Fei said.

"No," Jiang Cheng found it very difficult to understand, "What are you doing?"

"Show off," Gu Fei said softly, looking at the group of people walking in front of him, "I don't usually have anything to show off, so let's show off at the same table if I have a chance."

Jiang Cheng looked at him without speaking.

I don't know why, Gu Fei's words Xuanxuan are at the same table, which makes him feel very comfortable and a faint sense of intimacy.

It’s not far from their school to the technical school. I have something to eat in the middle, and walking over is considered an activity for digestion.

Jiang Cheng and Gu Fei were always at the end. They didn't speak, but looked at the group of people who were quite relaxed and excited because the exam was over and because Jiang Cheng's answers were good.

It’s getting warm. Today Jiang Cheng only wore a T-shirt with a thin coat. When walking side by side with Gu Fei, his arms occasionally touched each other. This sudden clearing of contact would make him suddenly Enjoy it.

I can't tell what's wrong, but I feel very comfortable.

As he walked across the street, he hit Gu Fei's arm several times, intentionally or unintentionally, and felt that there was something wrong with him. (End of this chapter)