SAYE/Act Wildly

Chapter 71


Gu Fei was eating a bowl of noodles that was boring. It was supposed to go to Wang Xu's house to eat pies and now I can't go. Compared with the big meat pies, this instant noodles is really boring.

Especially when I looked up and saw Jiang Cheng sitting opposite me in a daze, this side became even more boring.

Gu Fei was a little worried. Jiang Cheng's current state really didn't seem to be calm after he had really slowed down, but he was still in a daze.

He didn't want to leave Jiang Cheng alone tonight, but now he didn't dare to let Jiang Cheng stay or go to Jiang Cheng's place by himself. He was always afraid of any word or point that would cause Jiang Cheng to explode.

He washed the bowl after eating the noodles. When he returned to the store, Jiang Cheng was still sitting there.

He went to put the table aside and stood beside Jiang Cheng.

"The room in the steel mill," Jiang Cheng asked after a long time, "Is anyone here tonight?"

"No." Gu Fei replied.

"Come there with me for one night," Jiang Cheng said, "I don't want to spend the night in a familiar place."

"Good." Gu Fei nodded.

After standing for a while, Jiang Cheng didn't move, nor did Gu Fei urge him. He walked to the cashier and sat down and turned on the phone.

The time in the circle of friends has been maxed out at this point. It is said that some people here have jumped off the building, and some are inquiring, and some say that they have noses and eyes as if they were following him down.

Gu Fei quit the circle of friends and was about to play a few games to slow his mind, and Wang Xu sent a message over.

-I heard that the jumper was from the street next to you

Gu Fei did not reply.

Wang Xu sent another one.

-Some people say it is Jiang Cheng's father. Does he live in the street next to your house

Gu Fei frowned. The neighbors in the neighbourhood have spread word of mouth because of the various instant messaging tools in this era, they have become surprisingly fast and scary.

-Someone will tell this matter tomorrow, I will ask you to settle the account

-I didn’t preach, didn’t I ask you for the first time, I didn’t even ask Jiang Cheng

-Anyway, I want to hear someone say, I'll look for you

-Fuck! OK, let me warn, OK

Gu Fei ignored him and turned off his mobile phone. At the moment, he loved to eliminate and didn't want to play.

"What time is it?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"It's past eight o'clock, eight twenty-six," Gu Fei glanced at him, "You..."

"Sit down for a while," Jiang Cheng said, "I don't know why now, I just don't want to move, so I want to be so stunned for a while."

"Yeah." Gu Fei replied, picked up the phone again, and clicked on Love Elimination.

Jiang Cheng understands this state very well. He does not want to move, not only does not want to move the body, but also does not want to move. Faced with all kinds of upsets and fears, it will follow your tiny little movement, like a tide.

During the time he watched his father die in the river, he didn't know how many nights he spent just sitting in a daze like this.

Even if Jiang Cheng sat on that small stool for a day and a night, he wouldn't be surprised.

It's just that Jiang Cheng shouldn't face and experience all of this, but he was sent back here inexplicably.

Jiang Cheng wants to leave. Even if he was born here, his parents are special products here, and he still does not belong here. Gu Fei is sometimes afraid that Jiang Cheng will sink.

Fortunately, the "arrogance" in Jiang Cheng's bones has always been against him, no matter what the environment, he is standing.

There is a small clock on the wall in Gu Fei's shop. Every hour on the hour, when the hour hand moves one step forward, you can hear a slight click.

After the third beep, Jiang Cheng knew that it was 11 o'clock.

He was very sleepy, very sleepy, and felt that he could fall asleep as soon as he closed his eyes, but he really closed his eyes until he was sore and unable to sleep.

This state is very torturous.

He didn't see the scene where Li Baoguo finally leaped, but the sound when he landed on the ground, passing the shoe in front of him, was like a dream that couldn't be shaken off, shaking in front of his eyes half-true and half-vaguely, and he even felt a little bit in a trance. I don't know if it was a dream or I have actually experienced it.

It was quite hot. He was still sweating when he got tattoos in the afternoon, but at this moment he felt cold in his hands and cold all over his body, and he got goose bumps.

The only thing that is still hot is his eyes, which are hot like a fire, and there is no urge to cry. Although the tear ducts are a bit developed after he came here, he knows very well that he will not want to cry because of Li Baoguo's death. Li Baoguo didn't have that feeling between him, but his eyes were hot. Maybe he would have a headache if he continued to burn. He had to stop and press his hands on his eyes to make himself more comfortable.

Finally, he sighed and stood up. When he turned his head to look at Gu Fei, Gu Fei had also stood up and put the phone on the screen and put it in his pocket.

"Has this pass?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"It's over." Gu Fei said.

"Eight eggs," Jiang Cheng said, "I haven't heard the sound of passing the level. They are all failures. The game is not over yet."

Gu Fei laughed: "The ears are so good, I have adjusted the volume to one level."

"Give it to me," Jiang Cheng stretched out his hand, "I have fun."

Gu Fei took out his mobile phone and handed it to him. As expected, the level above is not over, but although there are only 7 steps left, there is great hope. He looked down at the screen: "Let's go, go to the small room."

When Gu Fei opened the shop, he glanced outside. The street lights were on and the shops on the street were closed. There was no one on the street, and the previous hustle and bustle had been erased by the night.

At this moment, he felt a strange feeling, such a terrible thing, such a shocking thing, something that made people scream in a few streets, just a few hours, everything has disappeared.

Everything has become a good meal that is repeatedly chewed under the bright lights of this family. After a few months and a few years, it will be like Gu Fei killing his father. Anecdotal legend.

How wonderful and terrible.

Jiang Cheng lowered his head and stared at the game screen on the phone screen and turned off the peripheral light. This state made himself look like a small egg yolk wrapped in an eggshell.

Gu Fei walked side by side with him to the steel factory, pushing lightly with one hand on his back. When there were obstacles, he would bring a hand, and he could follow this force to avoid the stones and bricks on the ground. Gougoukankan.

It wasn't until Gu Fei opened the door of the small room in the steel mill that he sat on the sofa and breathed a sigh of relief. He raised his eyes to look around and returned the game that had passed two levels to Gu Fei.

"Awesome," Gu Fei said, "I should change my nickname to call someone behind me." (End of this chapter)