SAYE/Act Wildly

Chapter 81


"Jiang Cheng," Nini clapped her hands, "It's yours, hurry up!"

Jiang Cheng put the water on the ground and stood up. Gu Fei no longer stared at this side. He was looking down at the photo taken in the camera. He couldn't see his expression from his side. It was similar to the way he usually looked at the camera.

For a moment, Jiang Cheng thought that the dark cloud and rainstorm face he had seen before was his own illusion.

"Talk later." Tan Lin added another sentence behind him.

Jiang Cheng paused, and walked away without looking back.

Talk again

What a fart!

Besides, was that also a chat just now!

When he walked to Gu Fei's side, he realized that his face in the rainstorm was not an illusion, because the cloud on Gu Fei's face hadn't cleared yet, and his face was quite obvious. Even the black cloud was picked up on his eyelashes.

Gu Fei didn't wait for him to speak, but he twisted the camera and clicked, "Stop talking to him."

The voice is not high, but it is frighteningly cold.

Jiang Cheng frowned. He was already upset by Tan Lin's question after question. Gu Fei's reluctance to say more also made him upset. In addition, he didn't say anything to Tan Lin at all... the most important thing. The point is! Why did Gu Fei slap her face at herself!

"It's just three times," Jiang Cheng stared at him, "It's a talk, I'll tell you this in the future."

Gu Fei raised his eyes to look at him.

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng stared at him.

"Work first," Gu Fei said.

"Yeah." Jiang Cheng replied, turned and walked to the shooting area.

Now I’m shooting a part of him and Xiaozhen together. The couple’s outfit. When Xiaozhen changed clothes and stood beside Jiang Cheng, the staff of the brand nodded with satisfaction: “They are quite suitable. I feel CP. ."

"Really?" Xiaozhen laughed, and looked at Jiang Cheng, "You can give me ten or eight CPs like this, I definitely don't think too many."

"Start." Gu Fei raised the camera.

The camera was holding Gu Fei’s face. Jiang Cheng couldn’t see his expression clearly. Anyway, the low air pressure can be felt. When taking pictures of him at ordinary times, Gu Fei will remind him carefully in various ways, where the height of his hand looks good and what is his face. The degree of light and shadow effect is the best...

At this moment, she was silent all the time, just holding the camera with a click, and the only thing she said was to let Nini adjust the angle of lighting.

To be honest, Jiang Cheng is not used to it. He is not a professional model and has little experience. He usually relies on Gu Fei's tips to do it.

Fortunately, Xiaozhen has been doing this work for many years. She has rich experience and a cheerful personality. She will pull Jiang Cheng to tell him how to shoot.

"Be more intimate, now it feels like a girlfriend, not like a couple." The brand staff who stood aside said.

Boudoir, your ebony honey!

Jiang Cheng was so irritable that he couldn't say anything. He wanted to put aside other things so he would leave, but now this matter is taking money, although he is not short of money right now...

He can only be intimate with Xiaozhen. In fact, he is not like Gu Fei. Although he does not want to be touched by others, he will not be uncomfortable to have more intimate contact with girls when he is prepared.

Unlike some people, because they are afraid that the girl will ride on his back seat and ride the bike, it is like being chased.

When thinking of this, Jiang Cheng wanted to laugh a little, but when Yu Guangli swept the dark clouds, he suddenly lost his sense of laughter.

This is probably the most uncomfortable few hours since Jiang Cheng started taking pictures. When he changed his clothes and went to the bathroom in the middle, he gave Gu Fei his eyes several times, indicating that Lao Tzu is free now. I have so few minutes to say what you want. Listen.

But Gu Fei never caught his eyes.

On the contrary, it was Tan Lin who smiled at him very friendly twice. Jiang Cheng wanted to go over and tell Tan Lin what the hell there is anything you want to say, just say it all at once.

It was not until the photo was taken that Gu Fei walked to him and said: "Let's go, I'll wait for you to change your clothes."

"Yeah." Jiang Cheng replied.

When he came out after changing his clothes, Gu Fei had already packed his things and waited for him in the hallway. There was another model in the room for shooting. Tan Lin stood aside and smiled when he saw him: "Go away?"

Jiang Cheng nodded, wiped the water off his face, and walked out.

When following Gu Fei to the elevator, Jiang Cheng couldn't help it. "Gu Fei."

"Huh?" Gu Fei turned around.

"What do you want to say," Jiang Cheng said, "Your face has been pulled to the center of the earth."

"I just want you to stay away from Tan Lin." When Gu Fei reached out to press the elevator button, Jiang Cheng slapped him away. He turned to look at Jiang Cheng.

"I don't know who Tan Lin is to you," Jiang Cheng looked at him, "but to me, he is a stranger, and a stranger with a different relationship from what you said."

Gu Fei didn't say a word, just wrinkled his eyebrows, and reluctantly reached out again and quickly pressed the elevator button, Jiang Cheng slapped him empty.

"He wants to talk to me, what can I do? I just yelled three times, it's far enough," Jiang Cheng said, "what are you making a bad face at me."

The elevator door opened, Gu Fei walked in, but Jiang Cheng stood still.

"Let's go," Gu Fei said, "I just told you to stay away from him, nothing else."

"I don't mean anything else, your face can be pulled out eight feet long? The height of the house can't stop you," Jiang Cheng was irritated. In fact, Gu Fei didn't feel anything at all when he saw Tan. Lin was in a bad mood, but at this moment he couldn't bear the stubbornness of the relationship between the two of them. "Why don't you tell him, stay away from me? See you when you look up and see you next time." , I will look at your face for a few hours, I'd rather go to the street to hand out flyers."

Gu Fei stretched out his hand to block the elevator door that was about to be closed, then walked out, threw the camera bag in his hand or something on the ground, and walked over there.

"Why are you going!" Jiang Cheng asked.

"I'll tell him, stay away from you." Gu Fei said without turning his head.

Jiang Cheng was stunned, and stared at Gu Fei as he walked into the door. He didn't recover for a long time.

At the entrance of the elevator, he froze for ten seconds before he rushed back with a start. After two steps, he remembered that Gu Fei’s equipment was still on the ground. These things are valuable. If you lose it, you want to buy it all again. not easy.

He had to turn around and pack up a few on the ground.

When I returned to the studio, I didn't see Gu Fei in the room. Jiang Cheng looked around, but didn't see Tan Lin either.

"Why are you back?" Xiaozhen just took off her makeup and came out. She was sitting there holding a small mirror and was probably preparing to make up again. Jiang Cheng almost didn't recognize who she was with her face without makeup.

"Have you seen Gu Fei?" Jiang Cheng asked. (End of this chapter)