SAYE/Act Wildly

Chapter 85


In fact, Jiang Cheng was a bit unhappy today, so after coming out of Old Xu's office, he didn't tell Gu Fei what was the cause.

Gu Fei said that he can't play guitar. Today, when I suddenly heard Lao Xu say, "Gu Fei can play guitar, how about a show with you?", he had the urge to beat Lao Xu in the past.

Why beat Lao Xu... Who knows, anyway, he was the one who let him know that Gu Fei was drinking tea last time.

Gu Fei's stuff deceived him.

I don't know how to play the guitar, just as it is.

However, Gu Fei’s reasons were just passable. At that time, the relationship between the two of them was at the same table. People like Gu Fei who never even participated in school group activities would probably be too good to talk to classmates during the last semester without a ball game. But ten sentences, it's normal not to tell him the truth.

It's just that Jiang Cheng didn't really understand why Gu Fei would always stay away from his classmates, not participate in school activities, and basically not interact with classmates. At most, he would go to Wang Xu's house to have pie.

Speaking of Jiang Cheng, he didn't think he was looking forward to mixing with his classmates. Pan Zhi also said that he was a bit alone, but he was still different from Gu Fei. He would participate in school activities and hang out with his classmates.

When Old Xu told him about the show, he knew that Gu Fei would not agree, but now Gu Fei hasn't agreed, and he refuses very simply.

Although he had guessed that this would be the answer, he was still a little disappointed.

It’s nothing great to perform a show at an event in the Fourth Middle School, but if the two of them cooperated, the feeling would be different again. More importantly, he hoped that someone would see the different Gu Fei, and everyone would see that silence and indifference. On the other side of the head, who didn't dare to provoke, seeing his talent, he wanted everyone to see that Gu Fei would shine.

He wanted people around him to see that Gu Fei was different.

I also want Gu Fei to see that you are different.

Gu Fei, who was sitting behind him, did not speak any more, and put his arms around his waist, with his forehead resting on his back, and he should have fallen asleep listening to his breath.

After class, Gu Fei did not arrange for Jiang Cheng to take pictures, but his own work did not reduce at all. There would be two or three absenteeisms every afternoon, and he would often take pictures at night.

Quite tired, Jiang Cheng lowered his head and touched Gu Fei's hand lightly. What on earth was this man supporting for so many years to live a dull and unchanging life.

"Huh?" Gu Fei moved dazedly behind.

"It's okay," Jiang Cheng patted his hand, "go to sleep."

To be honest, the third year of the fourth high school probably went to the undergraduate rate at 0. After the school started to prepare for the sports meet, the third year of high school can actually sign up for it, and those who don't participate can also go to watch the game.

Compared with the original state that disappeared from the eyes of the whole school since the summer vacation of the senior high school, Jiang Cheng very seriously thinks that the principal is probably someone who truly regards his grades as dung.

In this case, he can only rely on himself. Jiang Cheng was still lying on the table during the break. Basically all the people in the classroom had gone to the hallway to make trouble. He glanced forward to see the people who were still reading. Probably only him and Yi Jing.

And Captain Wang Jiuri who quietly reviewed her back behind Yi Jing.

"I'm going to pee." Gu Fei leaned on a book and turned his head to look at him.

"Yeah." Jiang Cheng replied.

"I'm going to the toilet." Gu Fei said again.

"Go." Jiang Cheng said.

"Hey," Gu Fei sighed, "Go, let's go together."

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng glanced at him.

"Activate," Gu Fei said, "you haven't moved your nest all morning."

After being pulled out of the classroom by Gu Fei, Jiang Cheng felt a little sore in his neck and sore arms. He sighed as he moved, "I'm not so nervous before the exam. I don't know what happened this time. I always feel that if I don’t see it at a glance, something important will be missed."

"This is not an ordinary exam," Gu Fei raised his hand and pinched it behind his neck. "I bought you a small gift and delivered it today. Come with me to get it when school is over today."

"What gift?" Jiang Cheng was stunned. After thinking about it, he approached Gu Fei and asked in a low voice, "You fucking bought some shameless sex toys, right?"

"... Brother Cheng," Gu Fei was also taken aback, and sighed and whispered, "Do you know that you who are full of little pornography?"

"I'll just ask casually." Jiang Cheng smiled.

"It's a very serious gift," Gu Fei said with a smile, "Really, I find that I'm really innocent when compared to you when it comes to brain-filling hooligans."

"You need to have some face," Jiang Cheng looked around, lowered his voice, "Do you have a few tricks?"

"That's different. I have two methods," Gu Fei said. "One is to think in my heart, and the other is to do it directly, which is different from you."

"...Yes, that is, you are so innocent," Jiang Cheng nodded, "Then I'm just one of them, and I'll just talk about it."

Gu Fei stretched for two seconds and laughed, Jiang Cheng followed him all the way to the toilet with a smirk, and when he went in, he happened to run into Lao Xu coming out of it.

"So happy," Old Xu laughed after seeing the two of them before he knew what they were laughing.

"I'm holding my urine." Gu Fei went into the toilet.

"Xin Le." Jiang Cheng smiled with Old Xu.

"Will you come to my office for self-study class?" Old Xu said, "Shall we talk?"

"Oh." Jiang Cheng replied. It is estimated that Old Xu is going to ask about the show.

Gu Fei refused to participate. He didn’t want to persuade them any more. He went back to He Zhou and asked them to play. In the end, Gu Fei didn’t go there. He played a game with He Zhou during the make-up class. It was a bit of relaxation. In the end, Gu Fei Didn't even go to see it.

So this time he didn’t want to say anything more, and didn’t want to ask Gu Fei why he was like this. Before, he always felt that there was something wrong with Gu Fei that he couldn’t find where it was. In such a free state, he actually didn't have the courage to go to the roots.

Gu Fei said before that he will be here, always behind him, just have this sentence.

Feelings are like this sometimes, just grab what you want.

"Oh," Old Xu sighed while sitting at his desk, "I thought you two had such a good relationship. You played a game together last time. Tell him, he can agree."

"He has his own ideas." Jiang Cheng leaned against the desk.

"What about your thoughts?" Old Xu looked at him.

If Gu Fei doesn't participate, I'll just forget it.

That's what Jiang Cheng thinks. He doesn't have much interest in this kind of show itself. If Gu Fei refuses to participate, then he honestly doesn't want to bother at all. After all, it takes time to practice.

But the expectation in Old Xu's eyes made him not say this sentence. (End of this chapter)