SAYE/Act Wildly

Chapter 99


As soon as Valentine's Day passed, the last bit of joy in the classroom before the college entrance examination disappeared.

There is no such thing as who is going to have a couple with whom, and who will go to the festival, it will be a lot of emptiness to chat.

The atmosphere in the classroom slowly sinks, the schoolmaster is studying, the middle and upper reaches of the students who want to fight for the last time are also gritting their teeth while listening to the class. A few didn't even come to class.

Just watch Lao Xu wandering around outside the classroom all day long, front door face, back door face, window face, as long as you look out, you can see Lao Xu's face eight out of ten times.

Not to mention the thinness of Xueba, Jiang Cheng felt that Old Xu had lost a lot of weight, and his face was shaved off.

"Did Old Xu get a face-lifting shot," he whispered, "how thin is so obvious."

"Worry about it," Gu Fei took a look at the front door, "I've been looking for juniors to talk to home visits during this period. It's almost time to find a schoolmaster in these two days."

"I have nothing to talk about," Jiang Cheng said. "There are few people in the city who can work harder than me."

"He is more stressed than you now," Gu Fei smiled, "I almost went to the exam with you."

Jiang Cheng looked at Lao Xu who was half-faced by the front door. Lao Xu tilted his head and nodded at him. The expression on his face was instantly full of sex. Jiang Cheng also nodded quickly, fearing that he nodded to be late. Old Xu Neng grabbed the door frame and raised his arms and shouted.

One week before the first model in the fourth middle school, Pan Zhi posted the question from the first model in the attached middle school. In order to be 100% accurate and prevent him from accidentally seeing the question, Pan Zhi sent the question to Gu this time. Fly on the phone.

The first model of the middle school attached to the middle school made the questions by himself. Although Jiang Cheng felt that he had already worked hard in the review, he still wanted to make a comparison.

"I went to print it directly?" Gu Fei said.

"Well," Jiang Cheng nodded, "I started doing it in these two days."

"Will the continuous test be too intense?" Gu Fei asked, "Moreover... If the two scores are different, will it affect your mood?"

"Are you afraid that my scores in the attached middle school papers will be slightly lower than that of the fourth middle school, which will affect my mood?" Jiang Cheng smiled.

"Well," Gu Fei looked at the phone, "I took a look at the geography, it seems to be quite difficult."

"It's okay," Jiang Cheng stretched his waist. "It's all time, it's time to face the gap directly. I don't know where the gap is, how can I fight it."

"Isn't it enough?" Gu Fei turned to look at him.

"I'm so old, and the most powerful skill is to fight," Jiang Cheng patted him on the shoulder, "Brother Cheng, let you see what fight is."

Gu Fei smiled and said nothing.

To be honest, maybe because Gu Fei had lived in such an environment since he was a child, Gu Fei had never seen someone like Jiang Cheng, not just a student.

It was his whole person, the kind of courage to go forward, to face up to the face, the kind of powerful aura when he let go.

It's like the hottest sun in summer, burning all auras.

Gu Fei had never seen such a person, never thought that one day he would meet such a person, and never thought that he would leave such a deep mark on such a person in his life.

After school, Cheng Jiang did not leave the school. Now there will be a teacher in the classroom for the evening self-study. Although Jiang Chengcong does not seem to have asked any questions, he still finishes the evening self-study in the classroom every day.

From school to the end of the last section of the evening self-study, after going back, continue to review until almost two points.

Gu Fei left school to print papers. When passing by the drugstore, he turned around and wanted to buy a few boxes of ginseng tea. During this time, among the students who worked a little harder in the class, several fell ill and had fever. For those who have a cold, although Jiang Cheng's physical fitness is very good, his desperate state has lasted from last semester to the present, and he is too tight.

"Teacher Xu, I suggest you take more rest. Your health is important." Gu Fei heard a sentence as soon as he entered the drugstore. When he turned his head, he saw Lao Xu standing by the Chinese medicine cabinet.

"I'm taking the third year of high school now, and there are still a few months left, and I will be relaxed after they finish the exam." Old Xu said.

"It's not that I said, just our Fourth High School, you are so worried, and you can't find a few of them," the pharmacy owner said while grabbing medicine for Lao Xu, "Look at my son, something came out of the test last year. I don't want to let him repeat it."

"Hey, some kids can't force it," Old Xu smiled. "But there is a good seedling in my class this year, who is absolutely worthy of the money. The city champion is no problem, and it is estimated that the provincial champions will have a show."

"Teacher Xu, I didn't see that you are also a good bragger." The boss handed the packaged medicine to Old Xu.

"I'm not bragging," Old Xu waved his hand, "I'll know when you look at it."

"If this is true, would it be the first major in the history of the Fourth Middle School?" the boss asked.

"That's not it!" Old Xu raised his head proudly, and walked to the door carrying the medicine.

Gu Fei hesitated for a while, followed out and called out behind Old Xu: "Mr. Xu."

"Hey," Old Xu replied before turning his head, "Gu Fei? Why are you here... Are you sick?"

"I'm not sick, I'll buy Ten Quan Da Tonic," Gu Fei looked at the medicine in his hand, "Your medicine?"

"Ah, I'm fine," Old Xu smiled, "There is always something wrong with getting older."

"You're getting older just after fifty?" Gu Fei said.

"I just can't sleep a bit," Old Xu sighed, "Neurasia is weak, and insomnia is a little stressed. Take some medicine to treat it."

"Those who can pass the exam will definitely be able to pass the exam, and those who fail the exam will have insomnia and he won't be able to pass the exam," Gu Fei said. "How can you bother so much."

"I don't want to worry about it either," Old Xu looked at him, "Like you... Well, you guys, I just never know the teacher's painstaking effort, I wish I could take the test for you, one by one, without asking at all. Motivated."

"Go back quickly," Gu Fei turned around to enter the pharmacy, "take medicine."

"Gu Fei," Old Xu stopped him, "Recently, you have been reviewing with Jiang Cheng, right?"

"... Hmm." Gu Fei responded.

"How is his condition now? I want to see his score and talk to him after he is done, or maybe he is under too much pressure." Old Xu said.

"You've been working hard all the time, don't worry," Gu Fei said, "You... relax, you are as thin as a face-lifting shot."

"Face-lifting needle?" Old Xu was stunned, "What is it?"

"Just get an injection in the face, and your face will be shame, and you will be smaller," Gu Fei said.

"So amazing?" Old Xu laughed, "Then Teacher Lu should be given an injection. He has recently become blessed."

"Go back to eat." Gu Fei entered the store.

"Face-lifting needle? There is such a magical thing?" Old Xu smiled and left. (End of this chapter)