Scheme of the Official Descendant

Chapter 107: Doubtful


"Then what should we do now? We want to help her?" Ren Yaohua stood up, walked back and forth in the room, and asked Ren Yaoqi.

Ren Yaoqi was silent for a long time, and finally shook his head: "It's not the time yet."

Ren Yaohua was stunned for a moment, glared at Ren Yaoqi and said, "What is not the time? When is the time?"

Regarding Ren Yaohua's twisting question, Ren Yaoqi didn't answer the question: "How do you want to help the third sister?"

Ren Yao is stuck in Chinese. At this time, even if she didn't want to admit it, she had to admit that Ren Yaoqi was smarter than her. No wonder her father liked her more than himself.

Although she figured out that she wanted to help the Lin family, she didn't know how to do it, so she would only ask Ren Yaoqi here and let her do it.

Ren Yaoqi said sternly: "What can we do now? No matter what we do now, we are only involved in the murky waters of the five-bedroom wives and concubines, which will not benefit us at all. The fifth aunt may not appreciate it. Don't forget your purpose in anything you do, otherwise you will be led by your opponent's nose." Ren Yaoqi's words unconsciously carried a bit of a preaching flavor.

Ren Yaohua was silent for a moment after hearing the words, and finally turned and left without saying a word.

Ren Yaoqi looked at her back with a wry smile.

Did she think she was too impatient? Should she give Ren Yaohua more time to grow up

Because of the extra life, the impression of Ren Yaohua in the previous life has been blurred, and the current Ren Yaoqi actually regards Ren Yaohua as his sister.

But Ren Yaohua had a strong temper since she was a child, even in front of their mother, Li Shi, she was always used to making decisions. Now the roles between Ren Yaoqi and her have suddenly reversed, Ren Yaoqi has become the decision maker between them, while Ren Yaohua has to listen to his sister's wishes.

Ren Yaohua might be a little uncomfortable.

But how much time do they have to let Ren Yaohua get used to it slowly

Although Ren Yaohua walked away without saying a word, she did not act on her own. After all, she was still a little different from before.

In the evening, when Ren Yaoqi went to say good night to Mrs. Li, he saw her again, and Ren Yaohua couldn't see anything wrong on the surface.

When he came out of Li's room, Ren Yaoqi whispered to Ren Yaohua, who was walking in front, and said, "Third sister, I'm sorry. I'll be more careful next time I speak, so don't be angry with me."

Ren Yaoqi, who had lived a new life, was always a little more tolerant towards Ren Yaohua. Thinking of the ending of her last life, Ren Yaoqi couldn't bear to be too harsh on her.

Ren Yaohua took a step and said in a low voice, "I have nothing to be sorry for. I have thought about it, you are indeed farther than I thought, and you have a way to do it. You can do whatever you think of in the future, you don't need to ask my opinion. ."

Ren Yaoqi didn't know if Ren Yaohua was still angry, or had calmed down. She was silent for a moment, and when she was about to say something, Ren Yaohua had already turned and left.

Ren Yaoqi sighed and returned to his west wing.

Many things cannot be changed overnight, take your time. At least Ren Yaohua didn't speak ill of her as he did before. This is much better.

The maids and wives in the yard found that the atmosphere between the third and fifth misses has become strange again in recent days. The fifth lady is more careful when talking to the third lady, and the third lady's attitude towards the fifth lady is much more polite than before.

Mrs. Li was a little worried about her two daughters, so she asked Mammy Zhou, "What happened to these two this time? They won't quarrel again, will they?"

Mammy Zhou comforted: "It shouldn't be the servant girl. Don't you know the third young lady? If she really quarreled with the fifth young lady, how could she give her a good look?"

Li Shi thought about it and felt that it made some sense. In the end, it can only be concluded that Ren Yaohua is more stable.

It's a good thing not to be impetuous, Li's heart is a little wider.

After a few days like this, it is rare for the house to be peaceful. Even in the fifth room, the fifth wife, Mrs. Lin, had two troubles after Ren Shimao really moved to the Kang family's yard. a lot. When she left Ren's house and returned to her parents' house, Mrs. Lin wished for someone to report the affairs of the Ren family to her three or four times a day, no matter the details.

Now that she returned to Ren's house, she ordered her not to hear the slightest news from Kang's side.

This afternoon, Ren Yaoqi was still practicing calligraphy and reading books in the study room of Xikuoyuan, but he heard a few maids outside the study chatting happily, as if something had happened.

Because Ren Shimin didn't like the maid's wife entering the study, Ren Yaoqi didn't invite anyone to come in for questioning, but put the pen down and walked out by himself.

"What happened?" Ren Yaoqi asked a few excited maids.

Sang Qian hurriedly replied: "Miss, there was news from the aunt just now, saying that the aunt started to have a seizure after noon. The old lady has already ordered the wife to go to the aunt's yard to wait for orders, and she and the eldest wife also Hurry up. Our third wife is going too."

Ren Shijia is about to produce

Ren Yaoqi thought for a while: "Is it a few days ahead of schedule?"

Sydney said: "It was said that the attack happened two days earlier." Sydney looked around and lowered her voice, "I heard that Mrs. aunt went to see Mrs. Fifth in the morning, and she was a little unhappy when she came out. Then at noon, I felt When my stomach hurts, the mother-in-law next to me sees it and realizes that she is going to give birth ahead of schedule."

Are you involved with the Lin family again? Ren Yaoqi shook his head.

At this time, Ren Yaoqi saw a group of people hurried past outside the courtyard of Xikuoyuan, as if her mother had led them out. It should have gone to Ren Shijia.

Ren Yaoqi is a girl's family and cannot enter the delivery room, and even the yard where the delivery room is located is forbidden to enter in a place with strict rules. Ren Yaoqi was also not curious. In her last life, she had seen people give birth, and the picture was really not very good.

Ren Shijia's husband came over almost in the evening. When he came, Ren Shijia had been in pain for almost two hours, and the child had not yet been born.

The third wife also stayed there and did not come back. Ren Yaoqi used the dinner by himself. Ren Yaohua didn't come back from the old lady's yard, Ren Shimin went out to drink and eat with others.

In the evening, Ren Yaoqi didn't fall asleep at first, but he finally felt sleepy and was about to fall asleep when he heard the sound of the courtyard door of Ziweiyuan being opened, and then someone came in.

The dim light of the lantern was reflected from Ren Yaoqi's south window covered with white veil. From far to near, from near to far, Ren Yaoqi heard the voice of Mother Zhou whispering to the maid, and knew that it must be Mrs. Li. came back.

Putting on his shoes and getting out of bed, Ren Yaoqi quickly put on his blouse and ran out. At that time, Mrs. Li had already reached the main room.

"Mother, is my aunt okay? Is the child okay?" Ren Yaoqi asked.

Li turned back and saw Ren Yaoqi running out, with a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth. She nodded: "Well, you added a cousin. You can visit him tomorrow."

Ren Shijia gave birth to a son.

Ren Yaoqi's impression of Ren Shijia's aunt is not bad, and she is also happy for her when she hears it.

The next day, Ren Yaoqi was about to go out when he heard a few old maids whispering something. When Ren Yaoqi walked over, he heard a woman say, "... It is said that Qingliu has been settled. When the auntie leaves, Qingliu will go to Yunyang City with her, and the fifth wife will arrange for her in the future..."

"It's actually Qingliu? That girl looks ordinary and not very clever. How could the old lady and the aunt pick her?" A maid said in a slightly sour tone.

The old woman glared at her and said, "What do you know? This is for the son-in-law to find the maid in the house, not for the son! Naturally, it is a different method."

Ren Shijia is going to arrange the opening of the room for the uncle. Somehow everyone in the Ren family knows it. The speculation has been very lively these days. I heard that there are those who are willing to gamble. , bet on who wins in the end,

"She is lucky, I really didn't see it before." Someone sighed.

The old woman who spoke before laughed again, and said the same sentence: "Didn't you say it, this is for the daughter to find a room, not for the son. What else can I get? The one in the old lady's room has to use it. Miss Jinlian wished that it wasn't her who was chosen. I heard that it was Qingliu, and Jinlian would not be overjoyed!"

Ren Yaoqi turned around and walked away as if he hadn't heard this.

Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua went to visit the newly born child together.

Ren Shijia's production went smoothly this time, and there was no danger, so there was nothing wrong with her body except for losing her strength, and the old lady Ren finally felt relieved.

Since the moon has not yet come out, neither adults nor children can move easily, so Ren Shijia can stay at her parents' house for another month as it should.

This time, my uncle Lin Kun also stayed.

Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua were walking on a path with no people on weekdays, because it was closer to Ren Shijia's yard.

I didn't want to find two people hiding in the bamboo forest talking when I walked to a path outside the small bamboo forest behind Ren Shijia's yard. Because the bamboo forest is not dense, and the forest is not large, so the two figures can be seen when they walk in.

However, after hearing that someone was coming here, the two of them immediately separated in a panic, and then one ran east and the other went directly into the other side of the bamboo forest, and in a blink of an eye gone.

"Who is it!" Madam Xu, who was behind Ren Yaoqi, felt that something was wrong and called out first.

Everyone raised their heads, only to see that Huang and Yiqing, who were only vaguely vague, disappeared after a while.

"Miss, this servant took a few people to take a look. These two are talking sneakily here. If they run away when they hear someone coming, they must be planning something shady." Madam Xu frowned.


There are too many typos, and there are places where the sentences are not smooth, so I fixed it.