Scheme of the Official Descendant

Chapter 108: is her?


Ren Yaoqi also saw the figure in the woods before, but because of the distance and the shadow of bamboo, he didn't see it very clearly. Seeing that Mama Xu said she wanted to chase after him, Ren Yaoqi nodded and let her go. Ren Yaohua asked his maid, Turnip, to go with him.

"Who was it just now?" Ren Yaohua frowned and muttered to herself, she often likes to frown, so there are always two raised lines on her brows at a young age, and her beautiful little face is a little serious.

Ren Yaoqi walked slowly towards the bamboo forest, Ren Yaohua thought about it and followed.

Spring is coming to an end, and many of the ground-breaking Hsinchu trees have grown green leaves. There are still many small round holes in the wet and soft soil, which were left when the maids and ladies came to dig bamboo shoots a while ago. down. They dug up bamboo shoots not because of greed, but because this small bamboo forest is not big, just a landscape, so the density of bamboos is very important, and they cannot be allowed to grow wildly.

The soil of this small bamboo forest is very soft, and stepping on it will leave not deep and not shallow footprints in the soil.

Ren Yaoqi looked down at the two newly left footprints, thoughtfully.

"This must be left by the two people before." Ren Yaohua said.

The footprints of the two men were one large and one small. They were all embroidered shoes with round pointed toes, which are commonly used by women. They should not have been left by men. Since it's not men and women who meet secretly, why do they run away when they see them

"Let's go to my aunt's yard first, I won't be able to guess the result here." Ren Yaoqi shook his head and said.

"Miss, there is only my aunt's yard nearby. Maybe the two of them escaped to my aunt's yard. We can just pay attention to see who is doing it deliberately." Xiang Qin leaned over and whispered.

It's very possible what Xiang Qin said, Ren Yaohua nodded and took the lead to hurriedly walk to Ren Shijia's yard.

Several maids and old ladies stood in the courtyard and whispered and laughed. When they saw Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua coming in, they hurriedly came forward to salute. Ren Yaoqi's eyes swept across them and found that it was the servant Ren Shijia brought back from the Lin family.

"Did anyone walk in just now?" Ren Yaohua asked after looking at their shoes one by one and finding that they were clean and without traces of soil.

Several maids and old women glanced at each other strangely after hearing the words, and an older old woman said: "Miss Hui San, the servants and servants did not see anyone coming in. There were only a few of us in the yard."

Ren Yaohua was a little disappointed.

"The third and fifth misses are..." the old woman asked tentatively.

Ren Yaoqi smiled and said, "It's okay, I saw someone walking in front of us just now. We thought it was the sister who arrived first, so we asked."

The old woman hurriedly said: "Earlier, the eldest young grandmother and the fourth young lady came together, and they have gone back after seeing the young master."

"That's a misunderstanding. Is my aunt still resting? Can I see guests now?" Ren Yaoqi asked.

The old woman smiled and said, "I'm afraid the madam is still resting. The slave and maid will lead the two young ladies to see the young master. They look very energetic."

Ren Shijia gave birth to a child in the early hours of this morning, so it is normal to be resting at the moment.

The sisters did not disturb Ren Shijia, but followed the old woman to see the baby. The child was handed over to the wet nurse who had been prepared before, and did not live with Ren Shijia.

When Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua passed by, a nanny, four maids, and four wives were all guarding the room. The child was still asleep without opening his eyes. His face was wrinkled and pink. Like a little monkey, I can't see where the spirit is, and I really can't make it look good.

Everyone in the room spoke softly, and Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua were also very careful not to wake the child.

At this time, someone else seemed to walk in outside. Ren Yaoqi turned his head and saw a young man with a medium build and a square chin.

Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua saw the people who came to greet them and called out, "Uncle."

It turned out that it was Lin Kun, Ren Shijia's husband-in-law.

Lin Kun nodded with a smile, glanced at the child, and then said softly, "When a child is born, he will snooze, and he will be able to play with you after a while." Yao Qi and Ren Yaohua disliked the fact that children were boring.

At this time, the child's face was wrinkled, and he began to cry softly, as if he had woken up.

When Lin Kun heard this, he strode over to the child, bent down and gently hugged the child in his arms. The world generally pays attention to holding grandsons and not sons, but the wet nurses and maids in the house are not surprised by Lin Kun's actions.

Although Lin Kun's posture of holding the child is not proficient, it is a very correct way of holding the child. He must have received the advice of the nurse. He lowered his head and looked at the child in his arms with a smile, his face was very soft.

The child seemed to recognize his father's breath, and after crying a few times delicately, he stopped crying, did not open his eyes, and did not know whether he was awake or not.

Lin Kun held the child in front of the two sisters Ren Yaoqi, and explained patiently with a smile: "I only opened my eyes once after birth, and I refuse to open them after that, otherwise I can show you both. Now there are only those pairs. The eyes look better."

Although Lin Kun's words were joking that his son looked ugly after he was born, his words were filled with the joy of being a father.

Because his tone was gentle and he didn't have the air of elders, Ren Yaohua couldn't help but agree with him: "I heard Zhou mama say that children are not very good-looking when they are born, and they cry like a cat when they cry. But wait. After a few days, the face will grow and it will look good."

When Lin Kun heard the words, the corners of his mouth curved slightly and nodded, "Well, the three girls are right, then I won't dislike him for the time being."

Ren Yaohua couldn't help but chuckle, and couldn't help but feel good about this uncle who seldom met.

A woman happily ran in and saluted: "Master, our young lady is awake, and the first thing she said was to see the young master. The slave and maid carry the young master over and let the young lady take a look."

It turned out that Ren Shijia woke up.

Lin Kun heard the words and asked with a smile, "Has she eaten? The old mama said it's best to let her drink a bowl of medicinal porridge when she wakes up."

The old woman shook her head: "Miss said to see the young master first."

Lin Kun handed the child in his hand to the wet nurse behind him, shook his head helplessly and said, "I'll go see her, wait for her to drink the porridge, and then take the child over." The last sentence was addressed to the wet nurse. .

That old lady should be the one sent by the old lady of the Ren family to take care of Ren Shijia. Seeing that Lin Kun has not forgotten to care about his wife at this moment, he is also happy, not against Lin Kun's intention, but agrees: "What my uncle said Yes."

Before Lin Kun left, he asked Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua warmly, "Your aunt can't see the wind for the time being, so the house is not very ventilated, and you may not be comfortable with it. You don't need to see her today, I will tell you about your coming. Tell her." Although it was a refusal, it sounded considerate.

Ren Shijia woke up now because she was worried about her son who was born, and Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua would not bother to disturb him now, so they nodded in agreement.

Lin Kun went out again with the old lady.

Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua stayed for a while, then got up to leave.

When he walked to the door, he saw that the old woman who had followed Lin Kun out had come back, and she had come to carry the child over to show Ren Shijia.

When the two sisters came out, Ren Yaohua said, "Uncle is very good." It is rare for Ren Yaohua to comment on a person in such a straightforward manner.

Ren Yaoqi smiled and was noncommittal.

A person may have more than one temperament. She has only met Lin Kun a few times, so she is not very good at making judgments about this person.

After the two left the yard, they found that Mammy Xu and Wu Jing, who had been chasing the two suspicious people, were already waiting outside the yard.

"How? Have you found someone yet?" Ren Yaohua walked over and said softly.

Madam Xu sighed, shook her head and said, "We searched all around, but we didn't find the figures of the two people before."

Ren Yaoqi had already expected this result, and he was not disappointed when he heard the words. He nodded and said, "Maybe it's just two lazy people. If you can't find it, then forget it."

Having said that, as soon as he returned to the main room of Ziwei Courtyard, Ren Yaoqi called Apple over: "Have you found it?"

Apple stepped forward and said in a low voice, "The slave took the size of the two pairs of feet and went to find Madam Liu next to the eldest young lady. Madam Liu found out for the slave to make summer shirts this time, everyone in the inner court reported. The size of the smaller pair of feet is the same as that of many maids in the house, so I can't find it out. The one with big feet, because the size of the shoes is too large, and the size of the left and right feet is still slightly different, so the slave maid checked."

Ren Yaohua glanced at Ren Yaoqi in surprise: "When did you send her to check this? Can two lines of shoe prints detect someone?"

Ren Yaoqi said with a smile: "I used my feet to roughly measure the footprints before, and found that the size was a bit too large, and the feet seemed to be different in length, so I secretly told her to find my sister-in-law. You go. In the front, I didn't hear it."

Ren Yaohua glanced at Ren Yaoqi, then turned to ask Apple, "Who is that?"

Seeing Ren Yaoqi nodding to her, Pingping said softly, "There are about twenty women with big feet in the mansion, most of them are from the outer courtyard or rough messengers, and there are only six in the inner courtyard, which are about the same size as those of those feet. There are almost three of them. The only one whose feet are different in size is the cook in my aunt's yard, who is called Sister Wen. After that, the slave went to my aunt's yard again, and the sister-in-law Wen did not go back until you left. , and she is wearing a blue gown today."

"Is it someone from my aunt's yard?" Ren Yaohua frowned.

Ren Yaoqi remembered the sister-in-law Wen who made medicinal food in Ren Shijia's yard that time. From Jiangnan, the old lady of the Fang family helped Ren Shijia find it.

Ren Yaoqi had suspected before that this sister-in-law Wen discovered that Ren Shijia's previous miscarriage was too coincidental, and it was recommended by the Fang family to Ren Shijia. Now it seems that this cook should have something to do with Fang Auntie.


I fell asleep on the table... When I opened my eyes, it was bright... t___t! ! !