Scheme of the Official Descendant

Chapter 111: Xiao Jinglin


Although she was talking about life and death, Xiao Jinglin's tone was still indifferent: "...My first war horse was raised by me since childhood. It was named Xue Ying, and it was also eaten. The war horse that is regarded as a comrade-in-arms is still like this. , but it's a camel. A camel can keep an excellent team of more than 20 people fighting for four or five days. Four or five days is enough to last for reinforcements."

Ren Yaoqi listened to Xiao Jinglin's words, and couldn't help but be curious about her experience over the years. Xiao Jinglin was no more than two or three years older than her current age, but when she talked about these things, she seemed calm and vicissitudes of life, with her tender and beautiful face Very incongruous.

Xiao Jinglin noticed that Ren Yaoqi was looking at her seriously, and she couldn't help but say, "Sorry, you probably don't like what I said."

Ren Yaoqi smiled and said, "How come? No one has ever told me about the battlefield, which I find very novel."

Xiao Jinglin shook her head seriously: "In ancient times, there have been a few people who fought in battles, but things on the battlefield have always been cruel."

Seeing that Xiao Jinglin's delicate smiling face had a heavy expression, Ren Yaoqi smiled and changed the subject: "Has the county master ever learned martial arts? Last time you were at Bailong Temple, you threw the blessing bell quite accurately. When I go to the temple to offer incense, my mother also asks me to throw a few coins, but I have never won."

Xiao Jinglin nodded when she heard the words: "Well, I started learning horseback archery and close-up kung fu from Uncle Yuchi when I was three years old."

"Three years old?" Ren Yaoqi was slightly taken aback, is that the age when he just learned to run and jump

"It's hard, isn't it?"

"Bitter?" Xiao Jinglin's eyes were a little surprised, as if she had never thought about this question, she subconsciously stretched out her right hand and looked down at her palm.

Ren Yaoqi also looked down at her palm, but found that her right hand, which should have been slender and soft, had sharper joints than that of ordinary women, and there were thick calluses in the palms and fingers. Xiao Jinglin's hands were obviously larger than ordinary women's hands. Be rough.

Xiao Jinglin slowly clasped her palms, raised her head again, her eyes were calm, but she shook her head: "It's not bitter."

Ren Yaoqi suddenly didn't know how to answer this sentence.

The carriage was silent for a while, until Xiao Jinglin took the initiative to say, "How about you, how did you live as a child?"

Ren Yaoqi was silent for a while before saying, "Write, draw, and read every day."

She was so silent not because she couldn't answer, but because she couldn't remember things when she was a child, but it should be nothing more than these things.

Xiao Jinglin heard the words thoughtfully: "How can you be the same as Xiao Jingxi? No wonder you can talk."

Ren Yaoqi: "..."

"Well, as well as sewing and quarreling with my sister." Ren Yaoqi added with a smile.

Xiao Jinglin was stunned for a moment, then frowned and thought for a while: "He definitely won't be able to sew, quarrel..." Xiao Jinglin shook her head.

"You don't get along with your sister?" Xiao Jinglin asked.

This question made Ren Yaoqi think for a moment: "Maybe I am jealous that she is favored more than me in front of my mother."

Xiao Jinglin nodded as a matter of course: "I see. Xiao Jingxi is more favored by my elders than me, but I won't beat him for this reason."

Ren Yaoqi: "..."

At this time, Dongsheng, who was driving the car, shouted, and the carriage stopped steadily. Xiao Jinglin lifted the curtain of the car and took a look out. Ren Yaoqi's eyes were turned to the outside of the carriage.

This is still outside the city, the carriage is driving on the mountain road, and there are gently rolling hills on both sides. But this should be a place where there is no front or back of the village and no shop.

Ren Yaoqi thought that he didn't seem to have asked them where they were going, and was about to ask, but Xiao Jinglin said in a low voice, "Is the carriage behind you not following?"

Dongsheng's voice sounded through the curtain: "Back to the county master, it has been thrown away."

Ren Yaoqi couldn't help being astonished: "Someone is following us?"

Xiao Jinglin didn't speak, Ren Yaoqi suddenly thought of something: "Is he from the Ren family?"

They met Mrs. Ren just now when they were going out. Mrs. Ren should have heard that the county master was coming and rushed back on purpose, but Xiao Jinglin rejected his intention of letting the Ren family members be the guides. Mrs. Ren still sent Ren to follow

Xiao Jinglin nodded: "Well, they have followed us since we left the house, but they didn't follow quietly. They must be worried about your safety, so they were followed far behind."

Ren Yaoqi didn't take it seriously, and all the Ren family was thinking now was how to follow Xiao Jinglin to the Yanbei Palace, how could she have the time to worry about her safety. However, she naturally would not say such words to Xiao Jinglin.

On the contrary, Xiao Jinglin explained apologetically: "I don't like being followed, so I told the servant early in the morning that if anyone follows, I will find a way to get rid of it."

Ren Yaoqi nodded and smiled: "I forgot to ask, where are we going?"

Xiao Jinglin was even more puzzled than Ren Yaoqi: "Didn't you say it? Go shopping on the street."

At this time, the carriage moved again, and Ren Yaoqi found that the carriage began to turn around.

Could it be that they ran so far out of the city to get rid of the blatant stalking of the people sent by the Ren family? Let people go down and tell those people not to follow, wouldn't it be faster? Ren Yaoqi felt that she still couldn't keep up with Xiao Jinglin's thoughts.

So the carriage began to return to the city. Ren Yaoqi took a look at the scenery outside the carriage and found that it was not the same road with them when they left the city. Obviously, Dongsheng was also very familiar with the terrain of Baihe Town.

At this time, it was almost noon, and many merchants who passed through Baihe Town on the official road began to pour into the town. Although Baihe Town is called a town, it is much larger than an ordinary town, and there are many shops on the main road in the town. Of course, most of the shops are all kinds of restaurants and inns.

Xiao Jinglin's carriage was passing by the "Fengxian Tower" mentioned by the old man before, Xiao Jinglin took a look and looked away, obviously not interested here.

"It's getting late, let's find a place to eat." Xiao Jinglin said to Ren Yaoqi.

Ren Yaoqi nodded. In the previous life, she also had contact with the market after leaving the Ren family. However, when she was in the Ren family, she ate vegetarian food in the temple when she went to the temple for incense, and she never ate outside.

There are many restaurants and restaurants in Baihe Town, but generally they are for business travelers, but very few of them are of the highest grade. "Fengxian Lou" is one of the best restaurants in Baihe Town.

The carriage slowly drove down an alley and left the main street of the town. Ren Yaoqi found that the surrounding scenery was familiar, because she had been here several times. This is an alley near Guan Gong Temple.

Xiao Jinglin said to Ren Yaoqi, "It's narrower to walk inside. You can bring one or two maids, and let the rest of them wait in the teahouse."

The teahouse Xiao Jinglin mentioned was on the right side of the carriage, and it looked rather decent.

Ren Yaoqi did not object, and asked Dongsheng to call Apple from the back, and asked the rest of the people to follow Mulberry to the teahouse to wait.

After a while, Apple was taken into the carriage, and the carriage continued on its way.

After a short while, the carriage finally stopped. Xiao Jinglin got out of the car first.

Apple's first Ren Yaoqi got off the carriage, and let him turn around to help Ren Yaoqi. Ren Yaoqi found that they had entered a relatively narrow alley, the alley was very deep, but they could only barely enter a carriage.

As soon as Ren Yaoqi got off the carriage, he smelled a strong aroma of gravy.

It turned out that in front of the carriage was a store that bought braised donkey meat. The store didn't even have a formal plaque. It only used a bamboo pole to support a curtain, and it said that it was neat and uncharacteristic. The three words "braised donkey meat".

After Xiao Jinglin got off the carriage, she went straight into the store, only when she entered the door, she remembered that Ren Yaoqi was still behind, then turned around and came out again, and waved to Ren Yaoqi: "Come in, it's here."

Because it is not yet time to eat, and the store is not very eye-catching, there are no people around. Seeing Ren Yaoqi coming, Xiao Jinglin turned back and walked her own, but at a slower pace.

After entering, Ren Yaoqi found out that although this small shop is not big, it is very clean and tidy inside. There are only four wooden tables in front of the facade, and some unnamed wild flowers in crock pots are placed on the table. Weeds add a bit of fun.

The curtain in the room was lifted, and a woman in her 40s came out. Seeing Xiao Jinglin and Ren Yaoqi come in, they hurriedly came forward to greet them with a smile.

Xiao Jinglin said to her, "Put the table in the backyard."

The woman hurriedly responded, turned her head and called to the inside.

A woman in her twenties with a woman's hair walked out with a boy of seven or eight.

The woman told the young woman to go to the backyard to set the table.

When the boy saw Xiao Jinglin's eyes lit up, he immediately ran over: "General, you are here. When I went to pick flowers with my sister-in-law in the morning, I picked up fresh mushrooms. My mother will cook soup for you later."

Ren Yaoqi glanced at Xiao Jinglin in surprise. Does Xiao Jinglin know him

The woman came over and patted him on the head, and whispered reproachfully: "Why don't you go to set the table with your sister-in-law? Don't scare the guests."

Only then did the boy see Ren Yaoqi behind Xiao Jinglin, but he didn't recognize him and grinned at Ren Yaoqi.

Xiao Jinglin said to him, "Didn't I tell you, I'm not a general."

The boy said stubbornly: "You will! When you become a general, I will follow you to the battlefield like my father!"

The woman sank, grabbed the boy by the ear and pulled him aside: "Mo Xiaoliang, have you finished practicing your calligraphy today? Could it be that you have to learn your father's big calligraphy without knowing one?"

Mo Xiaoliang grinned, wanting to cry out of pain, but seeing Xiao Jinglin holding back again, he only whispered, "What's the use of reading? Isn't our sign written by a fortune-teller at the entrance of the alley? What do you want me to do! We don't need ten or eight signs in our store."