Scheme of the Official Descendant

Chapter 112: competition


The woman's face turned green when she heard this.

Instead, Xiao Jinglin said suddenly, "I don't accept anyone who can't read."

"Gah?" Mo Xiaoliang heard the words and forgot to struggle, and was stunned on the spot.

However, the child is also smart, his eyes rolled and he said happily: "Then if I can read, you will accept me?"

Xiao Jinglin thought for a while and nodded, "Yes."

Mo Xiaoliang immediately broke free from her mother's hand and ran away happily, while shouting, "Writing, writing..."

The woman looked at her son's figure and ran away in a blink of an eye, her face full of worry, she looked at Xiao Jinglin before she stopped talking.

But before she could speak, Xiao Jinglin nodded to the woman in a low voice, "Don't worry."

The woman breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Jinglin turned to Ren Yaoqi again and said, "You go first and wait for me, I'll come when I go."

"Where are you going?" Ren Yaoqi couldn't help frowning. The location was remote, and she only brought Apple by her side. Although she is not timid, she does not want to stay here alone.

"I'm going to buy something nearby, I'll be back soon, I'll let Tongxi stay." Seeming to know Ren Yaoqi's worries, Xiao Jinglin leaned closer to her and whispered, "Don't be afraid, there are people around, who won't let them go. Idle people are waiting to come in."

Ren Yaoqi was relieved, although she was a little strange that Xiao Jinglin had to buy something by herself? Moreover, she thought that Xiao Jinglin didn't like to take people with her because she really didn't take them, and she didn't want anyone to be in the dark.

Xiao Jinglin explained to the woman a few more times, then turned around and went out.

The woman took Ren Yaoqi to the backyard.

It was only then that Ren Yaoqi discovered that although the front of the shop was small, the courtyard inside was more than three times larger. Although it was just an ordinary backyard, it was planted with some flowers and plants. Ren Yaoqi found that there was an open field in the corner of the wall, and some herbs such as Panax notoginseng and mountain thistle were planted.

"Anyone in the shopkeeper's family understands medicine?" Ren Yaoqi asked.

The woman hurriedly said, "My husband's surname is Mo. Miss Mo, please call me Sister-in-Law Mo. My daughter-in-law's grandfather originally opened a pharmacy, so she recognizes some medicinal herbs. On weekdays, she also collects and grows herbs for money."

"I see."

"Miss recognizes herbal medicine?" Sister Mo asked with a smile while leading Ren Yaoqi to the table placed in the northeast of the courtyard.

"I only know a few common flavors, but I don't recognize them."

The young woman who was setting the table and chopsticks looked up at Ren Yaoqi with some curiosity in her eyes. Looking at her dress and age, Ren Yaoqi guessed that she should be Sister-in-law Mo's daughter-in-law.

Sister-in-law Mo instructed the young woman, "Huoxiang, go and help me watch Xiaoliang write. I don't open the door for business today. There are no other guests. I can do it myself."

"Yes, mother." Huoxiang placed the tableware and chopsticks and lowered her head.

"Sit down, miss, I'll go to the kitchen to see if the meal is ready." Sister-in-law Mo said with a smile.

Ren Yaoqi nodded: "You are busy."

Sister-in-law Mo also went down, Ren Yaoqi looked at the small courtyard, got up and looked at a potted plant with rough tiles next to it. There was a Muzhulan planted in it, which was growing very well. Magnolia is also a medicinal plant.

Ren Yaoqi looked at it carefully and found that most of the flowers and plants in this yard can be used as medicine. She saw caviar, pinellia, gentian, phoenix, horse chestnut, windproof, asarum, liangianzhen, chuanxiong, and southern star in potted plants alone.

Feeling that someone had entered the backyard, Ren Yaoqi turned around and found that it was Dongsheng who had entered.

Dongsheng stopped at a distance of about four or five steps away from Ren Yaoqi, and bowed, "I have seen Fifth Miss Ren."

Ren Yaoqi looked at him with a smile, Dongsheng's appearance did not change, his spirit was good, his eyes were still clear and flexible.

"Why are you by the county master's side?"

Dongsheng bowed his head and said respectfully, "The second son is also in Baihe Town, and the youngest was ordered to drive for the county master."

Xiao Jingxi really came.

Ren Yaoqi looked at Dongsheng and pondered: "Do you have something to tell me?"

Dongsheng nodded and said, "Miss Biao, there is something going on at the White Dragon Temple."

Ren Yaoqi was stunned for a moment, but then he was overjoyed, and hurriedly asked, "You are talking about the Xiao family's army..."

Dongsheng nodded: "There was another conflict in the Japanese army, and people died. I heard that the documents asking Yanbei to reduce the army are already filled with the emperor's case, and there should be an imperial decree in Beijing in a few days. Yanbei Wangfu Before the imperial decree is issued, several troops will be divided into parts, and they will be dispersed to some large temples in Yanbei as farm laborers. When people come to Beijing, even if they see the clues, there is nothing they can do."

Ren Yaoqi couldn't help but rejoice. The Xiao family's army did not enter Ningxia, and even if Zeng Rin came in the future, he would not have the strength of the previous life. His career path will not be so smooth either.

Ren Yaoqi also had to admire Xiao Jingxi's ability to act. This thing is easy when she thinks, but it is very difficult to actually implement it. But Xiao Jingxi did it, and it only took such a short time.

Seeing the joy on Ren Yaoqi's face, Dongsheng couldn't help but say, "This thing is done, what's the benefit to Xian Wangfu?"

Ren Yaoqi said: "I only know that if the power of the imperial court penetrates into Yanbei, it will not be good for Xianwangfu."

Dongsheng thought for a while and nodded in agreement, "Miss is right."

Seeing that he was still thinking about dedicating the palace, Ren Yaoqi sighed softly, "Tongxi, can you tell me these masters of your family are to blame?"

When Dongsheng saw her calling his current name, he understood what Ren Yaoqi meant, and after thinking about it, he shook his head and said, "I shouldn't, I feel that the second son seems to have guessed something. Yesterday, Tongde went to report this to him. When this incident happened, he didn't let Xiao retire, and today he specially ordered Xiao to follow the county master to Ren's house... Xiao feels like he knows."

Do you know that she is the one who proposed this method

"You don't need to worry about the little one, the young lady knows what to do." Dongsheng said to Ren Yaoqi, "Second Young Master, he treats the little one well, since the little one has followed him, he will naturally work for him with all his heart. Wangfu... Xian Wangfu is like a small home, a small one will not forget his origin."

Dongsheng is like this, if the Xian Wangfu and Yanbei Wangfu have been in peace, it will be fine, if there is a conflict of interest that day, Dongsheng is afraid...

However, in the last life, Xianwang's mansion and Yanbei's mansion did not break the river in the end. Even when Li Tianyou secretly went to Beijing to find her, he turned a blind eye, and there should be no sudden conflict in this life.

"By the way, have you ever heard of a family surnamed Qu? It should be a prominent family in Yanzhou decades ago. Later, for some reason, the family fell into disrepair, and most of the clan members died." Ren Yaoqi suddenly remembered He hurriedly asked about the matter of the Han family.

Since so many people died in the Qu family, then something big happened. If so, Dongsheng might know. Although they are not from Yanbei, they also know a lot of things that Yanbei people don't know.

Hearing this, Dongsheng thought for a while, but still shook his head: "Miss, are you sure that the Qu family is a big family? Why is the little one not impressed? It stands to reason that even the little ones from several decades ago should know about the famous families in Yanbei. ."

For this, Dongsheng is still very confident. When it comes to martial arts, maybe even Yihong and the others are better than him, but when it comes to the rules of the family, he is the most proficient. And those big and small famous families in Yanbei, he all remembered the genealogy.

Ren Yaoqi couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, can't even Dongsheng remember having a Qu family

"Maybe it's not a famous family." Ren Yaoqi was not sure.

"Maybe it was a few decades ago because of the rampant Liao people, some people disappeared completely after the disaster, and they were not recorded. But I really can't remember it for a while, or it is not small. Go back and think about it again? I remember that there seems to be some local chronicles recording the past history of Yanzhou in the second son's study, and the younger one went back and looked at it to see if he could find anything." Seeing Ren Yaoqi's disappointment, Dongsheng couldn't help comforting him.

Ren Yaoqi nodded. Usually, this kind of local chronicle will record some local things big and small. If the Qu family really belongs to Yanbei, they should be able to find some clues.

At this time, another person entered the backyard. Ren Yaoqi turned to look, and couldn't help but be stunned, it was Xiao Jingxi who walked in.

Seeing Ren Yaoqi and Dongsheng talking, Xiao Jingxi was neither surprised nor unhappy.

He walked slowly, looked at Ren Yaoqi and smiled at her: "Miss Ren."

"Second son Xiao." Ren Yaoqi hurriedly bowed his knees and saluted.

Sister-in-law Mo came up with the messenger, put the tea on the table respectfully, and then hurriedly saluted and retired.

Xiao Jingxi walked to a pot of gentian, and gently lifted a young leaf that had just sprouted with the index finger of his right hand and bent over to take a closer look.

Ren Yaoqi stood in front of a pot of Muzhulan not far from him, watching his movements silently.

"The Su family sent a message to the Han family, inviting the Han family, the Su family and a few other families to prepare for the dragon boat race outside Yunyang City for the Duanyang Festival next month." Xiao Jingxi turned to look at Ren Yaoqi with a light smile.

After Ren Yaoqi was stunned for a while, his mind turned fast.

In Yunyang City, the Dragon Boat Festival is blocked every year during the Duanyang Festival, but the preparations for this race are made by several leading families in Yanzhou. It can be said that this is a symbol of the strength of a family. The Ren family had competed for this qualification last year, but they still failed to win it.

The Su family is the organizer of the first dragon boat race, and can be regarded as the initiator of the event. The invitation of the Su family is very important.

No matter what the real strength of the Han family is, the Han family is too shallow and low-key after all. It stands to reason that this kind of thing should not go to the Han family.

Then the purpose of the Su family doing this is actually the drunkard's intention not to drink

The Han family's coal mine... This is what Ren Yaoqi thought of.

The Su family decided to make a move

"Does Fifth Miss Ren know the reason?" Xiao Jingxi looked at Ren Yaoqi and asked with a smile.

Ren Yaoqi looked up at Xiao Jingxi, she always felt that there was something else in Xiao Jingxi's smile.