Scheme of the Official Descendant

Chapter 118: Plan ahead


Ren Yaoqi listened to Apple's words and pondered for a moment: "You mean Aunt Kang is deliberately making Eighth Sister angry?"

"This... slaves are not easy to judge... slaves just feel that if Aunt Kang doesn't say anything, today's conflict may be avoided." Apple bowed his head.

Ren Yaoqi nodded, leaning halfway on the kang table without speaking, not knowing what he was thinking.

It was Apple who broke the silence and murmured with some doubts: "Miss, why do you think she is doing this? She is still pregnant. What if she really angers Miss Eight and Miss Eight makes a change? Aunt Kang At most, there are only two maids around each time, and no one dares to come forward to persuade... "

Ren Yaoqi blinked when he heard the words, smiled and glanced at Apple, just as he was about to say something, there was a light knock on the door outside.

Seeing Ren Yaoqi nodding, Apple hurried out to open the door, and came back after a while: "Miss, it's Sister Xiangqin next to Miss San, Miss San asked if you are free now, she is waiting for you in the main room. "

Ren Yaoqi nodded, slowly got up and got off the kang: "Go to the main room." Apple hurriedly stepped forward and squatted down to serve Ren Yaoqi wearing shoes.

When Ren Yaoqi went to the main room, Ren Yaohua sat alone in the east room drinking tea.

Seeing Ren Yaoqi coming in, Ren Yaohua raised his eyes and said, "You asked me before, did you have anything to do?"

What Ren Yaohua asked about was that before Ren Yaoqi asked Apple to find her to flutter the butterfly.

Ren Yaoqi shook his head and sat down beside Ren Yaohua: "It's nothing, it's just that the seventh sister suddenly wants to play with butterflies on a whim, so I'll ask you and the fourth sister if you want to come together."

Ren Yaohua gave Ren Yaoqi a sidelong glance, and snorted softly, "Want me to listen to you speak ill of me?"

She remembered what Ren Yaoqi said jokingly last time, but Ren Yaoqi didn't say a word, and Gu Zuoxiang told the girl Xiangqin, who was standing aside, to bring her tea.

Ren Yaohua glanced at her and said, "I don't like her. If this happens, you won't need to call me."

After she refused before, she remembered that she was afraid that Ren Yaoqi had used that excuse to come to her for something, and when she saw Ren Yaoqi came back, she came to ask her.

Ren Yaoqi reluctantly responded, and told her about the conflict between Aunt Kang and Ren Yaoyu.

I don't want Ren Yaohua to hear it, but she is not surprised at all: "The eighth sister was fine when she just came back from Lin's house, but then she gradually lost her temper, and now she doesn't scold her every time she sees Aunt Kang. uncomfortable."

When Ren Yaoyu was in her grandfather's house, who should have warned her not to have a head-on conflict with Aunt Kang. Ren Yaoyu tried her best to restrain herself at first, but she was unbearable after all.

Ren Yaoqi also told Ren Yaohua what Apple saw, and Ren Yaohua frowned when he heard the words: "If so, what exactly does Aunt Kang want to do?"

Xiang Qin came in, followed by a little girl who carried a red lacquered garden tray with two small bowls on it.

"Miss Fifth, my wife called someone to prepare almond dew for you and Miss Three. Your tea servant will serve you later?" Xiang Qin took out a cover bowl from the tray and gently placed it on the cup between Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua. On the kang table, he smiled.

Ren Yaoqi opened the cover, and the rich and fragrant almond and flower fragrance overflowed. He couldn't help but leaned slightly to smell it, and then smiled and raised his eyebrows: "Well, I like almond dew the most."

Xiang Qin covered her mouth and smiled, Ren Yaohua glanced at Ren Yaoqi with contempt, and slowly lifted the lid of the bowl in front of her.

When the little maid who was carrying the tray withdrew again, Ren Yaoqi took a small sip of the almond dew with a suitable temperature and stretched her eyebrows: "Aunt Kang seems to be deliberately angering the Eighth Sister."

Ren Yaohua paused and put down the bowl next to his lips: "What's the benefit of this?"

Just like what Apple said before, Aunt Kang is still pregnant, and the fetus is less than three months old. She really doesn't need to mess with the impulsive Ren Yaoyu at this time.

Ren Yaoqi also put down the bowl in his hand, maybe he was really thirsty, and he drank most of the almond dew in the bowl.

"For the time being, I'm not sure what she wants to achieve, but she probably wants to start with the eighth sister." Ren Yaoqi said casually.

In fact, Ren Yaoqi still had some guesses in his heart. For example, Aunt Kang didn't really care that much about the child in her womb.

But the idea is really weird. When Aunt Kang just came in, she wondered if Aunt Kang was really pregnant because the timing was too coincidental.

It was only later that she found out that the old lady had called several familiar women to see the Kang family shortly after the Kang family entered Ren's house. The results showed that the Kang family was really pregnant, and the timing could be roughly the same as the time when she met Ren Shimao. match.

Since it was true that Aunt Kang was pregnant, how could she not care about her own child? If it was just to help Aunt Fang, the price Kang Shi paid would be too high. What benefit did Aunt Fang give her

Because Ren Yaoqi couldn't figure out these joints, she didn't talk to Ren Yaohua in detail.

But she could feel that Aunt Kang really wanted to start with the impulsive Ren Yaoyu.

Ren Yaoqi slowly drank the almond dew in her bowl, but Ren Yaohua frowned deeply and pondered this matter. On her slightly immature face, the worry and solemnity in her eyes made her look better than children of the same age. Much mature.

Ren Yaoqi looked at Ren Yaohua, shook his head and sighed, and deliberately interrupted: "Third sister, do you drink?"

Ren Yaoqi smiled and pointed at Ren Yaohua's bowl of almond dew that had not been touched, with an unfinished look on his face.

Xiangqin covered her mouth and snickered while watching.

Ren Yaohua came back to see Ren Yaoqi, and when she saw her appearance, she guessed that she was greedy. She glared at Ren Yaoqi, and under Ren Yaoqi's disappointed eyes, she took two sips from her bowl, the smooth and sweet taste filled her mouth, which made her feel much better.

Ren Yaoqi deliberately showed disappointment, and whispered, "I thought you didn't want to drink, but wanted to help you drink it."

Ren Yaohua glanced at Ren Yaoqi: "Thank you for your kindness! Excuse me!"

Ren Yaohua drank the almond dew, Xiang Qin packed up the bowls of the two, and quietly withdrew.

"What are you going to do?" Ren Yaohua thought for a while, and then asked. It seemed that he had forgotten the unpleasantness between the two of them last time.

Ren Yaoqi thought about it this time before answering: "We can't face Aunt Fang face-to-face yet." Seeing Ren Yaohua's mouth to speak, Ren Yaoqi hurriedly continued, "I'm not afraid of her. I heard Aunt Fang's younger brother's wife will come back to Yanbei to participate in Brother Ceng's Full Moon Yan, and I'm afraid there will be other things that will catch us off guard. So for now, we will keep the enemy in the open and I in the dark. it is good."

"The Fang family will let Fang Yacun's wife come?" Ren Yaohua was taken aback and asked.

Ren Yaoqi nodded and pondered: "Although Fang Yacun's official position is not high, he is a person who is good at drilling camps, and his work is stable, so he is highly valued by his boss. You know the situation of the Fang family, and now I am afraid it is Fang Yacun. Supporting the facade of the Fang family... Although the old lady of the Fang family is our grandmother's sister, but according to his grandfather's temperament, he will never have a deadlock with Fang Yacun. So our real trouble is still behind. "

Ren Yaohua listened quietly and did not refute Ren Yaoqi's words, even though a line was wrinkled between her brows.

Seeing Ren Yaohua's appearance, Ren Yaoqi knew that she must feel very aggrieved in her heart, so she said again: "But... if we don't do it ourselves, it doesn't mean that we will watch the enemy's conspiracy and tricks succeed."

When Ren Yaohua heard the words, he immediately raised his head and looked over. Although he did not rush to ask questions, he had an air of wanting to hear the following.

Ren Yaoqi beckoned to Ren Yaohua, and Ren Yaohua hesitated before coming over.

The two sisters whispered across the kang table, Ren Yaohua couldn't help but froze for a moment, then frowned and asked Ren Yaoqi, "Does this work?"

Ren Yao didn't make any promises when he arrived. He just smiled and said: "Whether it works, you will see if you try it. There is no strategy that can guarantee it will work. And what I told you just now is only based on me. It's just my guess."

Ren Yaohua was not angry when he heard it, but after pondering for a moment, he said: "Well, you are right. You can't guarantee success in anything you do, just do your best to obey the destiny. It's really not good, it's a big deal, I'm not afraid anyway. She doesn't care what Fang's Yuan's and Bian's are standing behind her!" Ren Yaohua said that although the highest was still a little murderous, it was faintly consoling.

Ren Yaoqi couldn't help but smile.

A few days later, the second wife of Dongfu, Mrs. Su, came with Ren Yaoting.

In less than ten days, the Duanyang Festival is coming, and the Su family sent a post from the Su family to the Xifu.

Every year for the Duanyang Festival, Yunyang City prepares a dragon boat race. The Su family is the initiator and organizer of this race.

Therefore, when the Duanyang Festival is approaching every year, the Su family will send invitations to Yunyang City and the big families in the surrounding towns.

Usually, invitations outside Yunyang City were sent out in early May, but because of the Su family, the Ren family could send them over in April.

When the Su family came, Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua happened to be in the Ronghua Courtyard.

Since the last time the county head visited Ren's house, Ren Yaoqi was often called by the old lady Ren to speak, and the frequency of going in and out of Ronghua Court was significantly increased. Ren Yaoqi has always been a low-brow and pleasing to the eye, and he is always on the go. The only difference from Ren Yaohua and Ren Yaoyin is that Ren Yaoqi seldom speaks in front of old lady Ren, and is not very courteous.

Therefore, although old lady Ren will remember to take her along with her for anything, and her attitude towards her is also much kinder, she is still different from Ren Yaohua and Ren Yaoyin who grew up by her side.

Therefore, her sudden "favor" did not let the eldest wife and the fifth wife take them to heart, and Ren Yaoyin's attitude towards her was as friendly as always, which made her worry a lot.