Scheme of the Official Descendant

Chapter 122: fan the wind


Ren Yaoting's little face was still a little pale, and he was being carefully supported by the mama to walk out. When he saw Ren Yaoqi coming, he forced a smile at her: "Fifth sister, you really scared me just now. , I've never seen so much blood when I've grown up so much."

Ren Yaoqi tugged at Ren Yaoting's sleeve and whispered in her ear: "Seventh sister, did you really see eighth sister pushing Aunt Kang?"

Ren Yaoting was a little puzzled after hearing this, but after thinking about it, his face was a little ugly, and he shook off Ren Yaoqi's hand and said: "What do you mean by fifth sister? It is possible that I suspect that I am talking nonsense on purpose. Frame the Eighth Sister?"

Ren Yaoyu had a conflict with Ren Yaoting when she was in the Ronghua Courtyard before, and then let her see Ren Yaoyu pushing Aunt Kang. When she went to the garden before, she really went to the garden with the mentality of watching the fun. Now I see Ren Yaoqi. If you ask this, you naturally think that Ren Yaoqi doesn't believe her.

Ren Yaoqi was not annoyed, but explained with a smile: "Seventh sister, that's not what I meant, I just thought that besides you in the garden today, there are only two maids of Concubine Kang. Eight younger sisters are here... I'm afraid that you will still need to come to the West Palace."

Ren Yaoting was stunned for a moment, then frowned.

Apart from Fang Yiniang, Ren Yaoyu, Ren Yaoting and a few maids, no one else was present today. Now the old lady Ren wants to hold Ren Yaoyu accountable. Seeing that she has caused such a big disaster, Ren Yaoyu is afraid that she will not admit it so happily according to her temperament, but she just insisted in front of the old lady Ren that it was General Ren Yaoyu. Aunt Kang pushed her to the ground so that she had a miscarriage.

At that time, when Ren Yaoyu argued, it was only natural that Xifu would ask her to come and testify. But she just had a holiday with Ren Yaoyu, and it is not impossible for Ren Yaoyu to insist that it was her slander.

Thinking of this, Ren Yaoting couldn't help feeling a little annoyed. Not to mention Ren Yaoyu's crazy temperament, how could Mrs. Lin, the fifth wife of Ren, be a character who could suffer, Ren Yaoting felt that his next life would not be very peaceful.

At this time, she regretted that she should not go to this set of muddy waters because of curiosity.

Thinking of this, Ren Yaoting looked at Ren Yaoqi a little dejectedly and said, "I should have dragged you along, but you were fascinated at that time. Speaking of which, the fifth sister was lucky today, and she didn't have bad luck with me. ." Ren Yaoting couldn't help but glance at Ren Yaoqi suspiciously, thinking it was too coincidental.

Ren Yaoqi let her watch, and smiled calmly: "I also regret not holding Seventh Sister back at that time, but no one can predict such a thing."

Ren Yaoting just thought about it, Ren Yaoqi said it well, she is not a prophet, how could she deliberately avoid it because she knew something would happen? In the final analysis, it was because of my bad luck that I encountered such a bloody thing today.

"Anyway, I did see the eighth sister pushed Aunt Kang and pushed her to the ground, and then Aunt Kang was bleeding." Although Ren Yaoting was a little scared of Ren Yaoyu's madness today, she really didn't care about Ren Yaoyu. What kind of favor, she has no position to cover up anything for Ren Yaoyu, she is telling the truth.

Ren Yaoqi heard the words and sighed, and said nothing more.

The mama sent by the Su Clan kept her head down and carefully supported Ren Yaoting. She listened to the conversation between Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaoting without omission, but did not interrupt a word. Just stopped at Ren Yaoqi and said to Ren Yaoting, "You go back and rest well, I won't give it away." At that time, he raised his eyes and glanced at Ren Yaoqi.

Ren Yaoqi didn't notice and watched them leave.

Ren Yaoting's back disappeared at the gate of Ronghua Courtyard. Ren Yaoqi also walked out of the courtyard slowly. Before walking out of the corridor, he saw Gui Mammy bringing Ren Yaoyu over. They were followed by a disturbed face and pretending to be calm. Fifth Mrs. Lin.

When Ren Yaoqi approached, he heard Lin's account of Ren Yaoyu's words: " must tell the old lady, you just pulled her gently so that she would not block your way, it was she who did not stand firm. Go down. Don't mistake things you haven't done!"

Lin's voice did not lower, but instead increased it deliberately, as if this could convince others or convince himself. Ren Yaoyu kept her head down and didn't speak, and she didn't know what she was thinking. Madam Gui and a few maids just looked down at the road under their feet, and said nothing.

Several people raised their eyes when they heard the footsteps and saw that it was Ren Yaoqi coming over, and Gui Momo bowed her knees and bowed, with a thoughtful etiquette. Lin's words stopped for a while, but he didn't take Ren Yaoqi to heart, and continued to instruct Ren Yaoyu. Ren Yaoyu seemed to be wandering a bit at the moment, and didn't even look up at the person who came across.

After passing by each other, Ren Yaoqi did not plan to go back to Ronghua Court to hear the news, so he returned to Ziwei Court on his own.

And Ren Yaoyu and Lin went to the old lady Ren's room. Before the old lady had time to ask the teacher to ask the guilt, Lin began to help her daughter complain.

Looking at Lin's mouth that kept opening and reconciling, a trace of imperceptible disgust flashed in Mrs. Ren's eyes.

Before Mr. Lin could finish speaking, Mrs. Ren said coldly, "Did I ask you to come with me? Stand aside for me!"

Lin's voice paused, if in the past she would have red eyes and felt wronged, but these days she has gradually become accustomed to old lady Ren's honest words to her, if it is not for her daughter today, she will not run into it Self-inflicted humiliation.

"I'm not old yet. Even if she doesn't recognize the truth of the matter, someone still saw it! How does she want to deny it?" Old Madam Ren looked at Ren Yaoyu, her voice condensed.

Lin Shi endured it, but still said: "It depends on who you ask, I just heard about the matter and asked a few maids next to Yu'er, and they all said that Concubine Kang deliberately blocked Yu'er's way, Yu'er. Er originally just wanted to gently push her away, but she didn't stand firm or... Anyway, she accidentally fell. As for the maids around the Kang family, who knows if they were instructed by someone, To wrong my daughter!"

Seeing that she was still arguing, the old lady snorted coldly: "Yao Ting was also present at the time, and I saw clearly that it was indeed the person who was hit by this evil obstacle!"

At this time, Mrs. Lin lost the prudence she had when facing old lady Ren, and said plainly, "How can Ren Yaoting be trusted! She just had a quarrel with Yu'er, and it's not impossible for her to deliberately say nonsense and wrong people."

Therefore, what Ren Yaoting thought before was not wrong. Everyone in the Ren family knew what kind of temperament Lin was.


I'm sorry, I've been busy at home recently, so the update will be slower.

This chapter is very short, I know, if I have time tomorrow, I will make up for it.

please forgive.