Scheme of the Official Descendant

Chapter 21: destiny


Ren Shimin thought of the old lady Ren who said that the paintings he gave away were children's playthings. At that time, although he was extremely unhappy, it was difficult to refute because the old lady Ren was an elder.

Li Shi was stunned for a moment, and looked at Mammy Zhou at a loss.

Mammy Zhou wanted to say something, but Ren Yaoqi, who knew Ren Shimin very well, interjected with a smile: "Daddy has prepared some good things for others, can you tell us?"

Ren Shimin's expression softened, and he said to Ren Yaoqi, "Young Master Han took a fancy to a calligraphy and painting at my place. Before I left, I asked the servant to send the painting to him."

Ren Yaoqi blinked: "I guess the calligraphy and painting that Young Master Han liked must be your father's painting!"

Ren Shimin was happy in his heart, but said calmly on his face, "Oh? How can you see it?"

Ren Yaoqi said solemnly, "He has helped us so much. Wouldn't it be a big loss if he picks out other people's calligraphy and painting?"

Ren Shimin laughed, and everyone in the room could feel his joy from the bottom of his heart.

Li Shi was also happy when he saw the father and daughter, but Ren Yaohua just lowered his head and played with the agate bracelet between his wrists, seemingly absent-minded.

"This young master of the Han family is also an elegant person. If there is a young lady in the Han family, you can communicate with our third and fifth misses." Mammy Zhou took advantage of Ren Shimin's happiness to join in on the fun, but she was actually turning a corner. Inquire about the situation of the Han family.

The Han family only moved to Baihe Town last year. At that time, they were still in Zhuangzi. After they came back, there were people who mentioned the matter of the Han family, but there was no contact.

An old man like Mo Gun who is used to crawling in the inner house naturally knows that the clearer and clearer some things are, the more dominant they are.

Ren Shimin was in a good mood, so she accepted Mammy Zhou's words with admiration: "I heard Master Han say that he has a son and a daughter, Young Master Han is fifteen years old this year, and Miss Han doesn't know. Although the young master is young, he is eager to learn and know the etiquette, especially the regular script with Yan Ti, which is extremely well-written."

Ren Yaoqi originally heard that Ren Shimin mentioned the Han family and didn't know which Han family it was for a while, but now listening to him praising the Han family's son, he suddenly remembered.

In the year when her mother and Ren Yaohua went to Zhuangzi, a new family with the surname Han moved to Baihe Town. Later, Ren Shimin took a fancy to the talent of the young master of the Han family, and set up a marriage for Ren Yaohua. The Ren family saw that although the Han family was low-key, they were well-connected, had a wealth of wealth, and had only one only son. They were also happy to see this marriage succeed.

It's just that the son of the Han family suddenly broke off the marriage for no reason, and the Ren family originally disagreed, but finally compromised for some reason.

Ren Yaohua was deeply hit, and her temper became more and more irritable, and the Ren family already regarded her as an abandoned child.

In the end, with the help of the second wife, the second wife, Mrs. Su, Ren Yaohua married Zeng Kui, the cousin of the second wife's nephew's daughter-in-law, Grandma Su.

Grandma Su was from the capital, and her cousin was Zeng Lin, who was the new commander of Ningxia at that time. Zeng Lin had numerous wives and concubines, but Zeng Kui was the only son.

At that time, the unmarried sisters of the Ren family were all envious of Ren Yaohua's good life. If someone broke off the marriage, they could still find such a good relative who was hard to find even with a lantern. However, they didn't know until a few days before Ren Yaohua got married that the young master of the Zeng family had been scalded by a wet nurse with boiling water and had been blinded in one eye when he was young.

Mrs. Ren, Xu Xun, came to Ziweiyuan to persuade Ren Yaohua to get married in person. During the process, the old lady understood and moved her with emotion. Ren Yaoqi did not know how the old lady Ren persuaded her to "love her the most in her life". The arrogant and domineering granddaughter happily married a man with a face as ugly as a ghost.

But she succeeded, and Ren Yaohua married the Zeng family without making a fuss.

Half a year later, Ren Yaohua strangled her new husband-in-law with her own hair, and was thrown into the red tent of the military camp by Zeng Lu in a rage. On the night when the northwest wind was blowing, Ren Yaohua set fire to the barracks and died in the sea of fire.

As a result, the Ren family became enemies with the Zeng family, and bad luck ensued.

And the young master of the Han family, who broke off with Ren Yaohua, married Yun Qiuchen, the eldest young lady of the Yun family, in the same year. She is a talented woman and has red makeup.

"Yaoyao? Yaoyao?" Ren Shimin shook his hand in front of Ren Yaoqi's eyes and called to her with a frown.

Ren Yaoqi returned to her senses, and when she saw that everyone in the room was looking at her, she forced a smile.

"Yaoyao, are you not feeling well?" Ren Shimin reached out and probed her forehead.

Li Shi also said: "Is it still not getting better? Why is your face so ugly?"

Ren Yaoqi obediently let Ren Shimin touch her forehead indiscriminately, and did not remind him that the palm of his hand when he was serving the hot tea could not detect the body heat, he just lowered his head and said, "No, I just remembered it suddenly. When my father left home, he arranged a lot of paintings and copybooks for me, but I didn’t finish it because I was sick for a long time, and I was afraid that my father would scold me when he checked the schoolwork later.”

Hearing this, Ren Shimin pulled back his hand helplessly, and scolded with a smile, "When did Dad ever blame you? Did he scare you like this?"

Seeing that Ren Yaoqi's face had improved a lot, Li Shi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: "It's fine if you're not sick."

Next, although Ren Yaoqi has been acting as a bridge of communication between Ren Shimin and Li Shi, she has been worried about how she can stop everything before it happens.

"Master, ma'am, Aunt Fang has brought Sixth Young Master and Ninth Young Lady to greet you." The eldest maid, Shan Shan, reported through the curtain.

Ren Shimin looked at Mrs Li in surprise: "Isn't Aunt Fang still ill?"

Li thought that this was to blame her, and said anxiously: "I, I told her not to come."

Ren Shimin nodded and motioned for people to come in.

After a while, Aunt Fang walked in with a pair of children.

Today's Concubine Fang was wearing a light blue sheepskin jacket of ordinary fabric, with a round bun and a Zhaojun sleeve on her forehead. Dress up plain but not dignified and beautiful. Along the way, the head of the bee is slightly low, the waist of the bee is full, and the lotus step is light.

It's no wonder that the servants of the Ren family like to learn from her secretly.

Ren Shimin looked at Aunt Fang, and her eyes couldn't help but contain some admiration. For beautiful things, he has always been generous.

Aunt Fang's eyes swept slightly towards Ren Shimin's direction, then immediately avoided it, and came forward to kowtow to Ren Shimin and Mrs. Li.

Ren Shimin smiled and nodded: "Get up, didn't your wife let you rest and recuperate?"

Concubine Fang's beautiful eyes narrowed, her smile was a little weak, but her joy radiated from the inside out: "It's the concubine who heard that the master is back, the concubine... the concubine is here to greet you."

Ren Yaohua looked at Concubine Fang's appearance, her anger didn't come out, although she tried her best to restrain herself, her words were still very cold and hard: "Since you are asked to rest, take a good rest, if you come out like this, you will have a cold and get sick again. Well, people outside thought it was my mother who was mean to you without knowing it!"

Aunt Fang's face darkened when she heard the words, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was a bit bitter, but she bowed her head very softly: "What the third lady taught is that the concubine was not thoughtful."

Ren Shimin frowned and glanced at Ren Yaohua. Before he, the head of the family, had spoken, his daughter taught her father's concubine a lesson, which was disrespectful to him.

Ren Yaoqi smiled at Aunt Fang: "Don't take offense, Auntie. Third sister, she always speaks straight, and a good word will become unpleasant after her mouth. I am the most impatient to talk to her on weekdays. But I miss her. His original intention was not to 'teach' you a lesson, but seeing that you were wearing too thin, I was worried that you might catch a cold."

Ren Shimin looked at Aunt Fang's clothes.

Aunt Zhou was also surprised: "Auntie, why are you wearing so little today? How cold is it outside? You don't take care of yourself too much. When it wasn't so cold a few days ago, you still knew how to wear a thick cloak with a fox fur coat. "You didn't mean to make our wife feel bad."

Aunt Fang's face turned red.

"My sixth brother and I were eager to see my father, and we were arguing to come over soon. My aunt only cared about what we were wearing, but I neglected myself. Mother, don't blame my aunt, okay?" Ren Yaoying looked aggrievedly. Lee's Road.

"Your mother didn't blame anyone, why are you all wronged first?" Ren Shimin interrupted, his voice was gentle, and he restrained himself very well.

Although he doesn't care about these inner court affairs, because of his sensitive temperament, this kind of back and forth between women annoys him.