Scheme of the Official Descendant

Chapter 481: Domineering Mr. Ren


When she sent Ren Yaoyin to Jiangnan, in addition to preserving her reputation, she also wanted her to break her hopes for the eldest young master of the Yun family. She did not want Ren Yaoyin to be in Jiangnan. Her elder sister Ren Yaochi also gave her to her. After searching for a few good marriages, Ren Yaoyin refused for various reasons. After returning to Yanbei, she also thought a lot about Ren Yaoyin's marriage, but it happened that Ren's family was in trouble, and finally she failed. Not enough.

The eldest wife originally thought that her daughter's life was suffering, and she didn't want Ren Yaoyin to have forgotten the eldest young master of the Yun family. She wanted to enter the Yun family's door.

"No! I've already married you a family, and you'll get married as soon as your grandfather's filial piety is over!" The eldest lady said in a tough tone. This was the first time she sang against the old lady Ren in front of people. .

The old lady Ren was stunned for a while, then she became unhappy: "Which family? It's the broken family surnamed Yang you mentioned earlier? Even the eldest son and grandson don't have any left over to inherit the family? What happened to Yin'er? Can you marry someone like that?"

The eldest lady also tried to reason with the old lady Ren: "Old lady, although the Yang family does not have much ancestral property left in this generation, the eldest young master of the Yang family is a rare and capable person. The eldest young mother's uncle's family is also a big family in Wuzhou, and he will definitely be successful in a few years."

But the old lady Ren was never a reasonable one. Looking at the eldest lady, she snorted coldly: "How many years? How many years can the Ren family wait for him? Don't worry about Yin'er's marriage, I am the master! If you have spare time, it is better to discipline and discipline your daughter-in-law and set up more rules for them!"

The eldest wife wanted to say something, but after taking a look at Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua, she suppressed it temporarily, lowered her head and lowered her eyes and did not speak.

But the old lady thought that the eldest lady had given up. She glanced at Ren Yaoyin and said meaningfully: "Besides, it may not be our wishful thinking to let Yin'er go to Yun's house."

The eldest lady raised her eyes and frowned: "What does the old lady mean?"

But the old lady narrowed her eyes and said to Ren Yaoyin, "Yin'er, tell your grandmother and your mother honestly, are you secretly communicating with the eldest young master of the Yun family?"

Ren Yaoqi was slightly surprised when he heard the words, and looked at Ren Yaoyin.

Ren Yaoyin's face first showed panic, blushing and bowing her head, "Why did grandma say this? Granddaughter... Granddaughter didn't..."

Although Ren Yaoyin didn't admit it, she didn't look like that.

So Mrs. Ren was satisfied, looked at Ren Yaoyin and said, "Don't lie to me, I know that you have several letters from the eldest young master of the Yun family to you."

It turned out that the maid next to the old lady Ren went to look for Ren Yaoyin's maid to get the flowers a few days ago, and happened to see Ren Yaoyin hiding something in a panic. After she went back, she told the old lady about it. After listening to the old lady Ren, the more she thought about it, the more wrong she was, so she called Ren Yaoyin away the next day, and then asked the maid to go to Ren Yaoyin's room to find out what she was secretly hiding, and she found it. I read the letters written by the eldest young master of the Yun family to Ren Yaoyin, and even a few letters that Ren Yaoyin received while he was in Jiangnan.

After the old lady Ren found out, she was not angry but happy.

Now the old lady Ren pointed out the matter, Ren Yaoyin lowered her head and did not speak, but her face was red with blood, which was the default.

The eldest wife was speechless in shock. She pointed at Ren Yaoyin and said, ""

Ren Yaoyin looked at the eldest wife with guilt in her eyes: "Mother, I, I didn't mean to hide from you, I..." Ren Yaoyin bit her lip and summoned up her courage, "I and Yun Lang, we are in love with each other. Delightful."

The eldest wife looked at Ren Yaoyin, her face was full of anger and disappointment, and she couldn't even speak. She used to have high expectations for Ren Yaoyin. This daughter is smart and sensible, and her appearance is also outstanding, but Ren Yaoyin makes her more and more disheartened.

But the old lady Ren was very satisfied. In her heart, it was better for Ren Yaoyin to be the concubine of the Yun family than to be the wife of the Yang family. Because the Yun family can bring benefits to the Ren family, but the Yang family cannot be counted on.

Ren Yaoqi watched this big play with a cold eye, thinking that Ren Yaoyin's pretentiousness and the mercenary of old lady Ren deserved it.

Others don't know, but Ren Yaoqi knows who the young master of the Yun family really likes. Although she hadn't had several contacts with Yun Wenting, and she didn't have a good impression of the Yun family, she didn't believe that Ren Yaoyin, who had been confirmed by Xiao Jinglin as the candidate for the county horse, was secretly unclear.

It is very likely that Ren Yaoyin made this incident from the beginning to the end, and the purpose is to get the support of Mrs. Ren.

The old lady Ren is not the eldest lady. Although the eldest lady is not a good person, she really loves her children and is dedicated to their good, but the old lady Ren only sees the benefits. In today's turbulent Ren family, if the Ren family can have a relationship with the Yun family, the life of the Ren family will be much better in the future, especially the capital girl whom Yun Wenting was married to is obviously going to be a decoration in the future. The Yun family will meet It's hard to say that she won't have children.

Mrs. Ren felt that even if Ren Yaoyin married a concubine in the past, as long as she had children in the future, plus the relationship between the eldest young master of the Yun family and Ren Yaoyin, her status in the Yun family would definitely be comparable to that of a full-fledged wife.

Now Ren Shimin is reluctant to go back to Ren's house. No matter how high Ren Yaohua and Ren Yaoqi are, they are not of the same mind. Of course, the old lady Ren should pay close attention to Ren Yaoyin, the "obedient and obedient" granddaughter.

I have to say that Ren Yaoyin is still very calculated, and the old lady Ren's thoughts are ten percent.

The old lady Ren looked at Ren Yaoqi again: "How? Are you willing to help?"

Before Ren Yaoqi could speak, a male voice interrupted arrogantly, "No help!"

When everyone heard the words and turned around, they saw Ren Shimin and Li shi lifting the curtain and walking in. Ren Shimin's face was cold and expressionless, and Li shi was still very submissive when he stood a step behind him.

Ren Shimin's eyes swept around everyone's faces, and finally stopped on Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua, and said in a low voice, "What are you doing here? The carriages of the Xiao family and the Lei family are already waiting outside. Go back to your own home, it's not your turn to intervene in the affairs of your parents' and Ren's family."

Ren Yaoqi glanced at Li Shi, Li Shi gently shook her head at her, and Ren Yaoqi understood a little.

Ren Shimin and Mrs Li must have been standing outside for a long time, but I don't know why no one came in to report.

Ren Yaoqi knew that he couldn't refute any of his father's words at this time, so he pulled Ren Yaohua back to the back, but he was not in a hurry to leave.

Ren Shimin glanced at them and didn't care. He walked directly to the old lady Ren's bed, and bowed expressionlessly: "You are in good health today."

The old lady Ren was taken aback by his anger when he came in, but now she can't help but snorted coldly: "I can't die, maybe after being disobeyed by an unfilial son!"

Ren Shimin didn't answer, just looked at the old lady Ren and said, "I will repay the kindness I owe to the Ren family. They are just married daughters and have nothing to do with the Ren family."

Saying that, Ren Shimin glanced at Ren Yaoyin again, her already cold face was even more ugly, and the disdain and contempt in her tone did not hide at all: "As for rushing to be a concubine, you are willing to do it yourself. Just do it, don't get involved with Yaoyao, and let her embarrass yourself with you. I'll put my words here today, if she dares to help you, I'll beat her hard and drive her out of the house to deny this. Daughter! Ren Yaoqi, did you hear that?"

The last sentence, Ren Shimin turned his head and said to Ren Yaoqi. This was the first time he had spoken to Ren Yaoqi in such a stern tone, which made Ren Yaoqi stunned for a while.

"Yes father, daughter knows." Ren Yaoqi lowered his head and said.

Not only Ren Yaoqi, but the rest of the people rarely see Ren Shimin who speaks so sternly. Generally speaking, Mr. Ren is still very particular about his manners and manners, and he doesn't pay much attention to the little things that don't catch his eye. But this kind of person doesn't lose his temper, it's hard for someone not to be afraid when he loses his temper.

Even the old lady Ren was stunned by Ren Shimin for a while.

Ren Shimin turned back and said to the old lady Ren: "How much money I owe the Ren family, I will pay it off within a year, with the principal and interest, please rest assured."

Saying that, Ren Shimin lifted her hem and knelt down in front of Mrs. Ren's bed. Li was stunned for a moment, and quickly knelt down. Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua looked at each other and knelt down.

Ren Shimin kowtowed to Mrs. Ren without saying a word, and the sound of "dong dong dong" sounded in the room. Mrs. Li saw that Ren Shimin's forehead suddenly turned blue, and she was so distressed that she could only follow him with red eyes. Kowtow together.

Ren Shimin kowtowed nine times abruptly, then pulled Mrs. Li to stand up, and said to the stunned old lady Ren: "I will return to Yunyang City after the funeral of the old lady, except for the time after you a hundred years later, I will never be the same again in this life, Ren Shimin. Step into the door of Ren's house half a step. The descendants of my house will no longer step into the door of Ren's house half a step from today."

After Ren Shimin finished speaking, he went out, paused when he walked to Ren Yaoqi's side, and said in a low voice, "You said before that you will help the Ren family to fight for a three-year deadline in front of the Yu family. Since you have already said it, then help us. , let's pay more to stop other people's mouths, so that people don't have the opportunity to always make you do things you don't know."

After saying this, Ren Shimin walked away without looking back with a black head, and Mrs. Li also followed behind Ren Shimin. She didn't express her opinion from the beginning to the end.

Ren Yaoqi bent the corners of her mouth, and suddenly felt very happy, and she didn't affect her mood when she faced old lady Ren's bluish complexion, she took Ren Yaohua and bowed to old lady Ren: "Since the old lady Ren's face was black and blue, she did not affect her mood. In this case, my sister and I will leave first, old lady, please take care of your health."


If there is no update at night, it will be in the morning. Sometimes it may be too late to ask for leave, please forgive me... o(n_n)o

The author asked the moderator to open a story post in the top post in the book review area, and collect the stories or characters that everyone is more interested in next, because some of the ending stories may be detailed and not everyone can write about it. , The author tries to write as much detail as you like. I hope everyone can participate ^^~

However, the plot and the endings of all characters cannot be changed. This is the author's final decision. It doesn't work if you roll around and sell cuteness... o(n_n)o