Scheme of the Official Descendant

Chapter 491: final compromise


Master Ren and Ren Yiyan involuntarily took a few steps back, with expressions of disbelief.

Ren Yijun looked back at the crooked tablet, and said in a firm tone, "Father, you are lying."

Master Ren turned pale: "This..."

"Father, how long will you continue to lie to us? Do you dare to deny what I just said?"

Master Ren shook his mouth, but he couldn't utter a single word again.

Seeing Master Ren's expression, Ren Yiyan was also in shock, and couldn't help calling out, "Father?" He still hoped to hear that his father could deny Ren Yijun's words, he would rather believe that it was his brother who was making a fool of himself.

But Mr. Ren was speechless, as if something stuck in his throat, so that he could no longer deny Ren Yijun's words.

Ren Yijun said, "So you still admit it?"

After waiting for a long time, Ren Yiyan didn't see any expression from Mr. Ren, and his eyes gradually became complicated, and he said in disbelief: "Father, is what the third brother said true? There is also the Zhai family in this house..." Ren Yiyan thought about Ren Yi The words Jun said made his heart feel a little cold.

Master Ren closed his eyes and finally said, "How did you know this?"

Is this an admission

Ren Yijun clenched his fists slowly.

Although Ren Yijun's behavior just now seemed a little aggressive, in fact, he, like Ren Yiyan, hoped that Mr. Ren would deny it to the end, but he didn't expect...

"These are the things of the previous generation..." Mr. Ren's tone was very tired and vicissitudes.

Although he knew some grievances between the Ren family and the Zhai family before, some specific ones were only explained by Mr. Ren a few days before his death. After listening to Mr. Ren, he also felt uneasy and apprehensive, but his father's last words were Can't go against it, he can't just watch the Ren family's foundation ruined.

So Mr. Ren didn't want the juniors to know about this. He just wanted to find the property first to let the Ren family get through the difficulties, and then rot this matter in his stomach. As for the Zhai family, if there is a chance in the future, I will make up for it.

Hearing Mr. Ren's explanation, Ren Yijun sneered and said unceremoniously, "You will be fantastic! All good things have been taken up by the Ren family, but have you asked the Zhai family what they mean?"

Master Ren closed his eyes and had nothing to say. His exhaustion made him look like he was ten years older.

After all, he is his biological father, Ren Yijun finally swallowed his harsh words temporarily when he saw such a master, but he still had to say: "Father, this house can no longer live, and those mines are also If you can’t keep it, if someone wants it, give it to them and return it to the original owner.”

Master Ren shook his head: "Your grandfather's last words have been explained..."

Ren Yijun interrupted impatiently: "What a fucking last word! When he said his last words, did he consider the life and death of future generations? Did he consider whether future generations will have uneasy conscience or will they be punished? It's a matter of living people. It should be up to the living to decide."

Seeing that Mr. Ren didn't speak, Ren Yijun turned to Ren Yiyan and said, "Tell me your opinion! Even if the Ren family finds the property, would you dare to spend it?"

Ren Yiyan glanced at the eldest man, was silent for a moment, and said in a difficult tone, "Father, forget it."

Ren Yijun's face softened slightly, but the next words were still as sharp as a blade, and the scratching hurt heart and lungs: "You heard? If you still want to go your own way, we can't do anything, but I will be like the third and fifth uncles. Leave the Ren family like that! From now on, everything that happens in the Ren family has nothing to do with me!"

In normal times, Ren Yiyan would have persuaded his brother to persuade him no matter what, but today he looked at Ren Yijun and said nothing, just frowned tightly and lowered his head silently.

Ren Yijun glanced at Ren Yiyan, and said to Mr. Ren, "Neither my elder brother nor I will take over the Ren family's property. In the future, you can hand it over to whoever pleases your eyes. But I'm afraid we can't find anyone who can inherit the Ren family. I don’t know if the grandfather who left his last words will feel that he has exhausted his thoughts and finally got nothing.”

Master Ren was stunned when he heard the words.

The East House and the West House of the Ren family have completely cut off the relationship. The third and fifth brothers of the generation of the eldest master in the West House have left the Ren family, leaving only the line of the eldest master. But if Ren Yijun and Ren Yiyan both gave up the Ren family, the Ren family would really have no successor.

"You..." Master Ren glared at Ren Yijun, and then looked at Ren Yiyan.

Ren Yiyan noticed his father's gaze, and he was silent for a while, always obeying the orders of his elders. After all, he still did not dare to look at his father. The meaning was very obvious.

Master Ren closed his eyes fiercely, and then a stumbled almost unsteady.

Ren Yijun pursed his lips: "You should think about it." After saying this, Ren Yijun was no longer aggressive. He looked back at the tablets with a slightly ironic smile on his lips, and then left the ancestral hall without looking back.

After that, Mr. Ren and Ren Yiyan also left the ancestral hall. At that time, Mr. Ren did not dare to let anyone know what was going on outside the ancestral hall. He had to wait for the eldest wife to come and tell her to deal with it in person.

What no one thought was that as soon as Mr. Ren and Ren Yijun left, the cloth on the confession suddenly moved, and then a person climbed out from under the dark table, and finally was knocked to the knee by the tablet on the ground, and sat down with an "Ouch" to the ground.

After thinking about where this place is, she climbed up with a reel, put her hands together and begged for mercy on the tablet: "Don't blame me, ancestors, I also want to save the descendants of the Ren family, because I heard that I have done too much for my heart. I'm afraid that I'll end my sons and grandchildren... Hehe, can you understand?"

After saying this, the woman quickly and decisively slipped away from the ancestral hall, as if there were ghosts chasing her.

The matter of Ren Yijun's anger at the Ren's ancestral hall was finally suppressed by the skilled Mrs. Ren and did not spread.

Since that day, Mr. Ren has never slept peacefully. He always dreamed at night, and he didn't know what he dreamed, and he always woke up in the middle of the night.

Those who originally dug the well also stopped, and the Ren family returned to its long-lost silence. For the Ren family, who was in the dark, this eerie quietness was disturbing. The old lady Ren was ignorant of these things.

However, Mr. Ren did not let go of the matter of selling the house.

Ren Yijun couldn't stand the act of Mr. Ren without the slightest sense of responsibility. After three days of waiting, he finally ran out of patience and ordered Mr. Qi to pack up and leave the Ren's house.

Ren Yijun is serious, he is a proud person, and Qi's family is not allowed to take away every needle and thread of the Ren family when packing.

After the eldest wife got the news, she hurried to stop her, but Ren Yijun was unmoved by the tears of the eldest wife, she just said: "Although I left the Ren family, you are still my mother, and when the Ren family collapses, you will Come to Yunyang City to find us, and my son will give you the end of life."

The eldest wife originally wanted the eldest son to help stop the younger son, but Ren Yiyan did not come, the eldest wife was about to despair, and finally she could only go to see the eldest son, crying: "The son is gone, still guarding this place. What do you do with the house? Sell it and sell it! Whoever wants it! Without your son, even if you earn gold and silver, who can you leave it to in the future? If you don’t sell it, the house will be scattered Anyway, if they leave, I will follow my son! Do whatever you want!"

After being married for decades, this was the first time the eldest wife had a trouble with the eldest man.

After a while, the eldest master covered his face and covered his eyes, and his voice had some unnoticeable vibrato: "Then sell it..."

When the eldest wife heard the words, she let people stop Ren Yijun and Qi Shi who had already left the second door. Ren Yijun knew that Mr. Ren had finally compromised, so he did not insist on leaving.

Mr. Ren asked people to contact the Gao family, indicating that he wanted to sell the Ren family’s house and the few remaining mines, and asked if the high price was interested in taking over.

Although it was not Mr. Ren's original intention to sell his property, his wife and children insisted. Remembering that the foundation of the Ren family was ultimately destroyed in his own hands, the eldest master of the Ren family hadn't left the door of the study for several days.

There was no response from the Gao family, and the news that the Ren family sold the property spread, and the people of the Ren family began to panic, worrying about whether they would go or stay.

Then the thing that gave Mr. Ren the most headache happened, Mrs. Ren didn't know where to know the news, and started to live or die in her yard.

The eldest lady had ordered the news to be blocked, especially not to spread to the old lady's ears, but she finally let the old lady know for some unknown reason.

The eldest man went to see the old lady Ren once, and the mother and son talked for less than a quarter of an hour, then the old lady threw it up and threw a teacup out, causing the blood to flow from the forehead of the eldest man.

The old lady Ren disagreed with the sale of the Ren family's house and property, thinking that Mr. Ren was crazy.

In the end, the eldest lady asked Mr. Ren to help him down, and then came to comfort Mrs. Ren in person, and said warmly: "Mother, don't be angry, the lord is just confused for a while. I will persuade him again, and he will change his mind."

Saying that, the eldest wife handed the old lady Ren a cup of warm tea.

After being coaxed by the eldest lady, the old lady finally felt better, and she was indeed a little thirsty, so she took the tea bowl and drank half a cup. He came, and in the end inexplicably fell on his own kang unconscious.

The eldest lady bent over and helped the old lady to lie down, and covered her with a quilt, then calmly instructed the maid, "The old lady has been in a bad mood recently, and she feels a lot of sleep.