Scheme of the Official Descendant

Chapter 493: A complete failure


Qi shi blinked, walked towards Ren Yaoyin, and said aggrievedly: "fourth sister, what are you talking about, I just kindly dropped by to give you a ride."

Ren Yaoyin was about to get angry, but a big smile suddenly appeared on Qi's face, and then he waved his hand imposingly.

A tall old woman who was standing behind Qi's suddenly jumped forward and slapped Ren Yaoyin's neck without saying a word. Ren Yaoyin rolled her eyes without even uttering a sound In the mother's arms.

Everyone: "… "

"Hold the fourth young lady to the carriage, be careful, don't bump into it." Mrs Qi instructed without changing her expression.

The eldest young lady was stunned for a long time before she regained her senses, and swallowed her saliva: "Yuegui... this... is this bad?" The eldest young lady was so frightened that her legs were softened, Ren Yaoyin was her mother-in-law's jewel! She never thought that Qi Shi would do this.

Mrs Qi gave the eldest young lady a consoling smile, patted her shoulder and said carelessly, "It's okay, we're doing it for her, she'll understand later."

The pale Qi Shi was speechless.

It wasn't until Ren Yaoyin was carried into the carriage that Qi Shi did not react: "The old ladies just now are..."

Originally, the eldest grandmother wanted to bring the maid here, but as Mrs. Qi said she brought someone, the eldest grandmother didn't think much about it, but the old women looked a little strange, especially the one who knocked Ren Yaoyin unconscious. Very disturbed.

Qi Shi didn't care: "Oh, that's the person I borrowed from my young master. You can rest assured that it won't be counted on our heads."

Ren Yijun sneezed.

The eldest young mistress said, "But will it be too much for us to do this? In case the fourth sister sues the mother in the future, we..."

As a submissive daughter-in-law, the eldest and youngest grandmother is very afraid of her mother-in-law.

The third young lady comforted her and said, "Even if the fourth sister wants to sue, it is also my case. Don't worry, sister-in-law, I won't implicate you at that time."

The eldest young lady was anxious: "I, that's not what I meant. You are here to help me, how can I make you take responsibility! If the fourth sister tells my mother, I will take it all down."

The third young mistress looked at the eldest young mistress who was clearly frightened and her face was pale, but she still had a determined face. She sighed in her heart, gently held the eldest young mistress, and said in a rare and serious manner: "Sister-in-law, don't be afraid, if the fourth sister doesn't study well. I guarantee that she will not have the opportunity to complain in front of her mother. And even if she complains, my young master will take the responsibility, and we will be fine. "

The eldest grandmother was surprised: "Then if the mother wants the fourth sister to visit her..."

The third young lady interrupted: "I will handle all of this, I have a way."

Looking at the confident Qi family, the eldest grandmother didn't know what to say, but said, "You, aren't you afraid?" Aren't you afraid of being reprimanded by your mother-in-law, or abandoned by the Ren family

Qi shi smiled and sighed in a rare way: "I'm not afraid, because I have nothing to ask for. And what I want is already mine, and no one can take it away."

The eldest young lady looked at Mrs. Qi blankly. She didn't expect Mrs. Qi, who was always carefree, to say something like this, and she felt envy and admiration in her heart.

But at this moment, Mr. Qi thought of that person in his heart, and felt that he was full of courage, and secretly clenched his fists: Don't be afraid, young master, I will protect you! All the monsters and monsters around you, I will help you eliminate them! Destroy it!

The third young master Ren Yijun rubbed his nose and sneezed again.

After Ren Yaoyin woke up in the nunnery, her whole body was shaking with anger.

She thought that it would be easy to get out of the nunnery with her ability, and she thought that when she went back, she must make that bitch Qi look good, but what she didn't expect was that no matter how she tried to bribe the nuns in the nunnery, the news spread It was as if nothing had been heard from the sea, she was confined in a remote yard, and she didn't even know that she was locked in that nunnery. Every day, I can only smell the smell of incense and hear the dull sound of wooden fish.

Ren Yaoyin thought at first that her mother was too disappointed in her and wanted to teach her a lesson, because she didn't believe that Qi could have this ability. She thought that she should be soft in front of her mother first, and then make calculations after going out. , but after trying to communicate with the little nun who brought her meals, she found in desperation that she couldn't even contact her mother, she was placed under house arrest by someone who didn't know, and a nunnery beside her. There is no one who can use it. Ren Yaoyin's life has never been so desperate.

On the other hand, Ren Yaoqi received a letter of thanks from the third sister-in-law, Mrs. Qi. Mrs. Qi's words were crooked and miserable, and the content of the letter was very simple: the place is good! Thanks for your help! A big smiley face was drawn at the end of the letter.

Naturally, it is impossible for Qi's to put Ren Yaoyin under house arrest in the nunnery, but she still has friends!

any home.

With gauze still wrapped around his head, Mr. Ren asked the eldest wife a little guiltily, "How's my mother's illness? Every time I go to see her, she doesn't wake up. It's because of my unfilial piety..."

The eldest lady interrupted Mr. Ren gently and said, "It has nothing to do with you, sir, since the old lady's death, the old lady's health has been in bad shape. The doctor came to see it and said that it is not a big problem, but she is not in good spirits and needs more rest. Haosheng takes care of it and it will get better in the future."

The eldest man sighed, nodded and said, "You take care of it more, and you will have to worry more about things at home."

The eldest lady lowered her head and said, "I know, sir, don't worry."

So Mrs. Ren was placed under house arrest by her daughter-in-law. The Ren family was not hindered by the old lady, and the contact between Mr. Ren and the Gao family went smoothly. The Gao family was willing to buy the Ren family's house and mines. The two sides are negotiating.

What the eldest wife didn't expect was that her daughter-in-law had learned this trick to deal with her mother-in-law.

The eldest wife asked the eldest young lady, "How is Yin'er doing recently?"

The eldest grandma lowered her head and replied, "The fourth sister is in good health and her mood has improved a lot. She reads and draws every day, and occasionally copies Buddhist scriptures. A few days ago, she secretly asked the little nun to buy her some cream and head hair from outside. Oil."

The eldest young lady will not lie. She heard these from the third young lady. She believed it, so the eldest wife also believed it.

The eldest wife sighed, nodded and said, "Then stay for a while longer, and go pick her up when she has calmed down."

There have been too many things in the Ren family recently. After selling the Ren family's house, they will move out of the Renfu. Although they have already bought a spacious four-entry house, some things in the family need to be regulated, and the warehouse will also need to be rebuilt. Reconciliation, the eldest wife is too busy to touch the ground and has no time to bother about Ren Yaoyin. So she didn't know that her daughter was being bullied to death by her daughter-in-law.

On the contrary, the eldest wife found that although her little daughter-in-law did not know a few words, she learned things like bookkeeping very quickly. After completing it, I couldn't help but admire her a little bit, so I kept both daughters-in-law by my side for training|teaching.

Although the Ren family was defeated, it was finally possible to ensure that the family had no worries about food and clothing, and the eldest wife hoped that both sons would be well.

In this way, when Mrs. Han did not come back and Mrs. Ren was "sick in bed", the Ren family and the Han family behind the Gao family had quietly completed a deal.

The ancestral home of the Zhai family and the mines originally owned by the young grandmother of the Zhai family were returned to the hands of the Han family. There was nothing left but the silver. But anyway, all debts are cleared.

In May of this year, the Ren family finally moved out of the "ancestral house" that they had lived in for decades. When the family left the Ren family, they suddenly discovered that there were only a few people left in the Ren family. The contents and some furniture and utensils have been moved to the new house a few days ago, so when they left the Ren family mansion early in the morning, they were very cold. .

The old lady Ren was still powerless and drowsy. When she was lifted into the carriage, she only spasmed her fingers. She moved her lips but couldn't speak, and turbid tears kept falling from her eyes.

Mrs. Ren's eldest maid took out the handkerchief, carefully wiped the tears for Mrs. Ren, and said softly: "The old lady hasn't been out for a long time, can't she see the light? It doesn't matter, she will go to the new house soon. Rest well."

The old lady Ren twitched and stopped moving. The eldest maid straightened the front of the old lady's clothes and fanned lightly.

The carriage of the two young masters of the Ren family was very quiet, and no one could hear the third young masters occasionally lowered their voices and reprimanded in exasperation.

"Damn girl! You can't put your feet away! I stepped on your young master!"

"That's the rice paper I used for painting, not to wipe your nose, you idiot!"

"Stop! Drop my..."

Not far away, Han Yunqian quietly watched the Ren family's carriage slowly drive out of the Ren family's gate. He walked to the door and looked up at the two dusty words "Ren Fu" on the lintel. With a sigh, he turned around and left without entering the mansion.

When the old man of the Han family hurried back from the northwest, everything was settled.

Grandpa Han Han Dongshan looked at his grandson standing in front of him with gloomy eyes, raised his hand and slapped him fiercely, so strong that one could almost hear the sound of bones shattering, but the young master of the Han family did not. His face did not change, his brows did not wrinkle, and his steps were extremely steady.

"Who gave you the guts!" Han Dongshan said one word at a time, gritted his teeth, no one doubted that he would pounce on him in the next second and personally tear up his grandson.

Han Yunqian calmly swallowed the blood in his mouth and said softly, "Grandfather, it's time to end."

Han Dongshan took a few steps back and forth like a trapped beast, and then suddenly turned back and kicked Han Yunqian's abdomen.

Han Yunqian paused, but still didn't move. He caught Han Dongshan's foot abruptly. The severe pain finally made him frown, and the blood gushing from his throat also overflowed from the corner of his mouth. No mercy, Han Yunqian was seriously injured in the abdomen, but he still stood up straight with a pale face.

Han Dongshan didn't seem to see the tragic state of his grandson, and his face twisted and said fiercely: "End? Dreaming! If you want to end it, the Ren family must die or I die!"

"What if the house and mine are all back? Don't think it's over! Originally, I wanted to keep their dog's life for a while to have fun, but since you don't have the patience, I'll give them a treat. "Han Dongshan looked at Han Yunqian, and a strange smile suddenly appeared on his face, distorting his originally handsome brows.

Han Yunqian looked at his grandfather with no emotion in his dark eyes.

Han Dongshan said coldly: "Since you don't want to do it, I won't force you. Before their family is dead, you can stay in the yard for me, and you are not allowed to go anywhere!"

Saying that, Han Dongshan called someone in and took Han Yunqian down.

When Han Yunqian raised his foot, his steps were a little sloppy, but he quickly stabilized.

"Grandfather, even if your actions will bring disaster to the Han family, do you still insist on doing this?" Han Yunqian's voice was still calm, and he couldn't hear the slightest emotion.

Han Dongshan's face was cold: "No matter what the price is, this hatred must be guaranteed!"

Han Yunqian closed his eyes and sighed: "I see." After saying this, he left Old Man Han's study step by step. Although the pace was a little slow, it didn't make anyone notice the slightest instability, and he took it with him. On the door of the study.

Han Dongshan looked at his grandson's back, snorted coldly, and didn't take it seriously. All he thought about now was how to drive out all the Ren family members.

After Han Yunqian left, Han Dongshan called his confidant in: "Where did the Ren family move?"

The confidant said an address, and it was still in Baihe Town, but it was a little far away from the original Ren family house, and the location was a little off.

Han Dongshan showed a chilling smile: "Is it a four-entry yard? This location is not bad, the weather is dry, and a fire can burn it clean!"

The confidant didn't dare to lift his head, and only asked cautiously, "Master, do you mean... set fire?"

Han Dongshan smiled pleasantly: "I can't think of a more suitable way to die. Find someone to do it, keep your hands and feet clean, and remember to burn me alive! And don't leave a living mouth."

Hearing the words, the confidant broke out in a cold sweat. The meaning of burning alive is to burn people alive first, not to burn the corpse after killing.

"I understand." The confidant bowed his head and stepped back.

When only Han Dongshan was left in the study, he suddenly couldn't help laughing wildly. This laughter caused a chill from the depths of the hearts of the attendants waiting outside the study.

On this day, Mrs. Han was in a very good mood, and added an extra bowl of rice to dinner than usual.

Han You, who was eating in the grandmother's room, saw that his grandfather was in a good mood, so he cautiously said: "Grandfather, can I bring some food to see my brother? I heard that he is sick, can I invite the doctor into the house?"

Mrs. Han glanced at Mrs. Han. Although she didn't speak, there was concern in her eyes.

Standing behind the old lady Han, Jiang Shi, who was doing the cooking, calmly scooped a spoonful of tofu into the old lady Han's dish.

Grandpa Han's face became cold, and he looked at Han You: "Who told you that your brother is sick?"

Han You was terrified, almost fell off the chair, and said with red eyes, "I... I... I heard what the people guarding outside said when I was looking at my brother."

Grandpa Han snorted coldly, put down the chopsticks in his hand and walked away.

Tears welled up in Han You's eyes immediately, and the old lady Han sighed softly, hugged Han You in her arms, stroked her back and comforted: "Don't cry, your grandfather doesn't mean to scold you."

Jiang Shi looked at Han You, who was out of breath from crying, and looked at the direction that Mr. Han was leaving, and couldn't help but think.

At the third watch of the day, Mrs. Han got up, and Mrs. Han was woken up and asked, "Master?"

Grandpa Han said in a low voice, "I have something to do." After speaking, he tied his robe and left.

After Mrs. Han came out of his yard, he saw his confidant waiting at the door, stepped forward and asked, "How are you preparing?"

The confidant bowed his head and said: "Everything is ready, just wait for the hour to start, master, are you still waiting for news in the mansion?"

Han Dongshan smiled: "At such a time, I must see them burned to ashes to be interesting."

Han Dongshan raised his feet to go out, and his confidant lowered his head to keep up.

In order not to be hit by someone, Han Dongshan got into a carriage. The carriage drove out of the Han house and slowly headed south of Baihe Town.

Han Dongshan sat on the carriage and closed his eyes and rested, with a pleasant smile on the corner of his mouth. Seeing that his long-cherished wish will be fulfilled today, Han Dongshan's happiness is self-evident.

Along the way, he couldn't help but think back to the way he saw his close relative fall in a pool of blood. The hatred in his heart will be washed away by a fire tonight.

Just when Han Dongshan was thinking about the tragic death of the Ren family, the carriage suddenly stopped.

Han Dongshan's brows could not help but wrinkle, according to the distance, it should not be there yet.

He called his confidant's name, but no one answered outside. Han Dongshan thought something was wrong, and opened the curtain of the carriage.

However, he saw that his carriage was parked in a remote lane at the moment, a cold meniscus hung overhead, barely illuminating the road ahead, and a tall figure was standing in front of his carriage blocking the road, the light was dim. People can't see his facial features clearly, but Han Dongshan recognized the person at a glance.

Han Dongshan squinted slightly, jumped out of the carriage, and stared at the familiar figure in front of him with stern eyes: "Who allowed you to come out? Get out of the way!"

Compared to Han Dongshan's sternness, Han Yunqian's voice was much calmer: "Grandfather, go back, it's still too late."

Han Dongshan sneered: "You are so brave!" Seemingly thinking of something, Han Dongshan couldn't help but look to the side, a figure standing in the distance with his head lowered, it was his confidant.

Han Dongshan narrowed his eyes and looked at Han Yunqian, "You bought Li Wei too?"

Han Yunqian did not speak, it was a default.

Han Dongshan laughed angrily, pointed to Han Yunqian and nodded: "Very good! You are very good! I really did not train you wrong! How many people are you already around me? You can open my eyes."

Han Yunqian turned a blind eye to Han Dongshan's anger, and just said, "I can't just watch the hatred that the Han family gave you."

Han Dongshan said angrily: "I am the head of the Han family. Who do I want to die and who dare not die? It's your turn to tell the truth?"

Han Yunqian was silent for a moment, and then said softly: "Grandfather, you forgot that this is the Han family and not the Zhai family. You can forget me but you can't."

Han Yunqian's words made Han Dongshan look extremely ugly.

The world is about to forget that Mrs. Han does not believe in Han. He is the Han family who recruited his son-in-law. After years of smooth sailing, Han Dongshan himself forgot this point. He didn't expect that one day his grandson would pick it up. He is the head of the Han family, but his surname is not Han. The Han family has nothing to do with him.

"I didn't buy anyone, they were originally from my Han family." Han Yunqian said expressionlessly.

You won't understand this because you never considered yourself a member of the Han family. This sentence, Han Yunqian did not say it.

"Very good, so you want to do something to me?" Han Dongshan said coldly.

Han Yunqian paused and asked seriously, "Will my grandfather let the Ren family go back with me?"

Han Dongshan sneered: "Impossible."

Han Yunqian sighed, then raised his hand without hesitation and said, "Send the old man on the carriage."

Just as he finished speaking, several entourages behind the carriage who had followed Mr. Han out of the house quickly surrounded him.

Han Dongshan was shocked and angry: "Han, Yun, Qian!"

Han Yunqian didn't listen, stood still and watched silently as the entourage subdued Han Dongshan and took him to the carriage.

It wasn't until Mr. Han's carriage disappeared from sight that Han Yunqian pursed his lips and turned to look at Li Wei, who was standing there motionless, his tone not fluctuating at all: "You have done a good job, and you will still follow in the future. Wait by your grandfather's side."

Li Wei secretly wiped the cold sweat from his hands on his clothes, and bowed his head respectfully and said yes.

Han Yunqian nodded, glanced at his grandfather's confidant, and reassured: "If you don't do this, the Han family will perish, so you don't need to blame yourself."

Li Wei was very grateful that Han Yunqian would come back to comfort him at this time, and couldn't help but say, "Where is the old lady..."

Han Yunqian was expressionless: "Grandfather will understand one day, the Han family should not be buried with the hatred of the Zhai family."

Li Wei thought about it for a while, but couldn't help but say: "Master, this time we are also forced by the situation. Who let the Ren family climb the high branch back then really did it right? If you don't have to worry about the people in the third room of the Ren family, Master, Will you avenge the old man?"

Han Yunqian was silent for a moment, then turned away without saying anything.

Li Wei looked at Han Yunqian's tall and lonely back, and sighed heavily.

The reason why he betrayed Mr. Han was because he understood the situation. He was old and young, and like the young master, he was unwilling to let his family be buried with Mr. Han's hatred.

The reason why Mr. Han failed was because he was not named Han after all.

The people of the Ren family who have moved to the new house are all sound asleep at this time, and they will never know that they have just walked around the gate of hell.