Scheme of the Official Descendant

Chapter 494: Secrets of the Chamber of Secrets


This afternoon, Ren Yaoqi had just returned from the Princess' Nine Sun Palace, but found that Xiao Jingxi, who had gone out in the morning, was in the house.

"Didn't you say you only came back at night?" Ren Yaoqi asked in surprise.

Xiao Jingxi smiled slightly, got up and said, "Is there anything in the afternoon?"

Ren Yaoqi thought for a while: "I'll go to Lanxian Temple to copy Buddhist scriptures from the concubine of the Lanxian Temple later."

Xiao Jingxi stepped forward and pinched Ren Yaoqi's nose lightly: "I'll ask someone to go to the concubine and say that you won't be going today, and you should change into lighter clothes that can be used to go out."

Ren Yaoqi patted Xiao Jingxi's hand away and asked suspiciously, "Want to go out?"

Xiao Jingxi blinked: "Take you somewhere."

Ren Yaoqi was very curious: "Where is it?" The two seldom went out together since they got married. Seeing Xiao Jingxi like this, it didn't seem like there was anything important.

Xiao Jingxi gently pushed Ren Yaoqi's shoulder, pushed her into the inner room, and said with a smile, "Go and change clothes first, and talk about it later."

Ren Yaoqi was helpless and had to call the maid in to serve her to wash and change her clothes.

Xiao Jingxi sat aside and waited for Ren Yaoqi to get dressed before walking forward. He bent over to look at Ren Yaoqi in the mirror, but frowned after looking at him for a long time.

Ren Yaoqi was a little inexplicable: "What's wrong?"

Xiao Jingxi turned to look at her, and then said, "It seems that something is wrong."

Ren Yaoqi was amused, squinting at him and jokingly said, "What's wrong? Could it be that you only realized today that I am wearing a painting skin? Young Master Xiao, you should read less of the messy books in the future."

Ren Yaoqi's words have to start from the novel that she accidentally flipped on Xiao Jingxi's bookshelf to a novel that was basically popular among young ladies in the world.

Xiao Jingxi coughed lightly when he heard the words, and his ears were slightly red, which surprised Ren Yaoqi.

In fact, since the two got married, someone's face has grown thicker and thicker, and Ren Yaoqi has not seen Xiao Jingxi's red ears for a long time.

Ren Yaoqi didn't know that Xiao Jingxi worked very hard in order to pursue beauty. As reserved and arrogant as Second Young Master Xiao, he naturally couldn't let go of his body to ask others how to pursue the girl he liked, but Second Young Master Xiao believed in one sentence, as long as he wanted to learn any knowledge, he would not be able to learn it.

So there was a period of time when Second Young Master Xiao read in the study with the lights on in the dead of night. No one knew that the noble and glamorous Second Young Master Xiao was secretly reading novels in the study.

Everyone has secrets, and Second Young Master Xiao is no exception. He didn't expect that these books would eventually be seen by Ren Yaoqi, and would be teased by Ren Yaoqi from time to time in the next few decades.

If he had known earlier...

Xiao Jingxi avoided Ren Yaoqi's joking gaze as if nothing had happened, took out a piece of Luozidai from her dressing box, dipped it in water, and said solemnly: "The eyebrow on the right is pale, I will draw it for you." He raised Ren Yaoqi's jaw with his hands, and raised her eyebrows attentively.

Ren Yaoqi stared at Xiao Jingxi with a smile for a while, holding back the smile and letting him go.

Second Young Master Xiao was still frowning in dissatisfaction: "Don't laugh, don't blame me for spending time painting."

Ren Yaoqi couldn't help but burst into laughter, and then Xiao Jingxi's hand shook, and his eyebrows really froze.

When the two of them were cleaned up and came out, Xiao Jingxi finally regained his usual nobility and coldness in front of outsiders, only the smile on Ren Yaoqi's face could not be restrained.

After getting on the carriage, Second Young Master Xiao finally couldn't bear it any longer: "Madam, do you want to waste your mouth fat if you smile at me again?"

Ren Yaoqi was stunned for a while before realizing what he meant, he couldn't help but glared at him, turned his head away and ignored him.

Originally, Ren Yaoqi thought that Xiao Jingxi was just taking her to somewhere in Yunyang City, but he didn't expect the carriage to go out of the city gate and go to the official road. Ren Yaoqi was a little surprised to find that the carriage was heading towards Baihe Town.

"Where are we going?" Ren Yaoqi lowered the curtain and asked.

Xiao Jingxi brought Ren Yaoqi a cup of tea and smiled slightly: "Guess what?"

Ren Yaoqi: "..."

After entering Baihe Town, Ren Yaoqi became calmer as the buildings along the way became more and more familiar. When the carriage stopped in front of the gate she was familiar with, Ren Yaoqi was just silently helped by Xiao Jingxi to get off the carriage, looking up at the dusty door plaque and was speechless.

Xiao Jingxi took Ren Yaoqi's hand and led her up the steps. When he entered the door, no one came up to greet her. The concierge was empty and no one was there.

Ren Yaoqi stood in front of the shadow wall in the front yard, looking at the empty house, he suddenly felt as if he had passed away.

"Is this house in the hands of the Han family?" Ren Yaoqi turned to look at Xiao Jingxi.

Although she didn't leave the door, she still knew the affairs of the Ren family clearly.

Xiao Jingxi nodded, dragged him into the hanging flower gate, and walked along the veranda to the inner courtyard.

Ren Yaoqi had traveled this road countless times, but it was the first time she walked here side by side with Xiao Jingxi. The empty and silent surroundings made her feel very strange. I don't know if it's because of the person around her, but the house that she usually hates doesn't look so depressing today. After adjusting her mood a little, she followed Xiao Jingxi forward. There is even a leisurely discussion with Xiao Jingxi about the feng shui pattern in this big mansion.

Xiao Jingxi smiled and said, "The feng shui pattern here is surprising."

Ren Yaoqi sighed: "The book says that fate and feng shui complement each other, but it's a pity that no matter how good the feng shui here, ordinary people like the Zhai family and the Ren family can't hold back."

The two owners of this house did not have a happy ending in the end.

Xiao Jingxi didn't know what to think, so he couldn't help but ponder.

"What did you bring me here for?" Ren Yaoqi asked with a sigh.

Xiao Jingxi looked down at her and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Ren Yaoqi: "I don't guess!"

Xiao Jingxi couldn't help but chuckle, squeezed her hand and said, "Han Yunqian said he wanted to give a small gift to the Yanbei Palace, so I'll show you."

Ren Yaoqi was stunned when she heard the words, and she couldn't help but guess what Han Yunqian said about the thin gift, and she had some guesses in her heart.

Xiao Jingxi seemed to be familiar with the road, and he didn't need Ren Yaoqi to lead the way. Ren Yaoqi couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and glanced at him: "Have you been here before?"

Xiao Jingxi blinked innocently: "No, I want to come with you. But Han Yunqian drew a picture for me before."

Ren Yaoqi stopped talking.

Xiao Jingxi took Ren Yaoqi to the garden. Ren Yaoqi frowned at the newly dug deep holes around the garden. Although these holes were not big, they were extremely deep. Hachizhang, the beautiful garden flowers have been destroyed by these messy holes and lost their beauty in the past. If they came here at night, they might accidentally fall down.

But because of these holes, if there is a secret room underground, it is easy to find.

Xiao Jingxi led Ren Yaoqi to avoid the dark holes and came to the pond.

There is a lotus pond in the middle of Ren's garden. Yanbei in May is still cool. The lotus flowers in the lotus pond are not blooming, and even the lotus leaves are a little listless. Xiao Jingxi led Ren Yaoqi around the rockery beside the lotus pond, and then made a gesture behind him.

Xiao Hua, who was dressed in gray, appeared out of nowhere, and after bowing to Xiao Jingxi and Ren Yaoqi, he turned around and got into the rockery.

Ren Yaoqi raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Here?"

Xiao Jingxi smiled back at Ren Yaoqi.

Ren Yaoqi couldn't help but be very different. This garden is not a secret place. The daughters and children of Ren's family like to visit the yard when they have nothing to do. The maids and women also come in sometimes, especially the rockery because there is a lotus flower. The pool is a good place to cool off in summer. Ren Yaoqi did not expect that the secret passage of the Han family would be here.

Xiao Hua stayed in the rockery for about a quarter of an hour. If Ren Yaoqi had not heard the slight beating sound coming from the rockery, he would have thought that Xiao Hua had exited through another exit.

Fortunately, both Xiao Jingxi and Ren Yaoqi were very patient, and they didn't look impatient at all. Xiao Jingxi was thinking about asking Ren Yaoqi if he wanted to walk around, but suddenly there was a click in the rockery. The machine squeaked, and then "boom boom" after a slight vibration, I don't know what was turned on.

Ren Yaoqi and Xiao Jingxi couldn't help but look at each other.

Xiao Hua quickly got out of the rockery and lowered his head to report: "Master, there is indeed a secret passage in it, and it has been opened according to the method you said. Come on down, ma'am."

Xiao Jingxi thought for a while, then nodded. If it is his own, he is not afraid of any traps, but it is better to be careful if you go in with Ren Yaoqi.

Without a word, Xiao Hua got into the rockery again, and this time it took another half a quarter of an hour before he came out.

"Master, there is no mechanism."

Xiao Jingxi nodded and led Ren Yaoqi into the rockery.

Ren Yaoqi is no stranger to this rockery. When she was young, she and several sisters often came to play. The center of the rockery is hollow, and the place is not small. Because there is a light opening at the top of the rockery, it is still bright in the daytime. .

However, when Ren Yaoqi went in, he found that even a hole about six or seven feet deep had been dug in this rockery, and he couldn't help laughing.

"The secret road was not discovered?"

Xiao Jingxi glanced at Ren Yaoqi, then held her face gently with his hands to make her turn her head, Ren Yaoqi saw that behind her, the rock wall near the pond of the rockery was actually opened, and Xiao Jingxi was blinded by Xiao Jingxi. Jingxi pulled over and took a look. Under the stone wall was a staircase that could only be passed by one person, and it was inclined to the bottom of the lotus pond.

Ren Yaoqi was surprised: "How can this happen? This lotus pond is very deep, and it is full of soft silt underneath."

Xiao Jingxi smiled and blinked: "Go down and have a look and you'll know."

Xiao Jingxi walked down the secret passage, Ren Yaoqi hurriedly followed, since only one person could pass through the secret passage, Xiao Jingxi put his right hand behind him and held her carefully, while reminding her not to We met, because he was prepared, and his left hand was holding a torch that could illuminate.

This secret passage is very narrow, and Xiao Jingxi even bends slightly to pass.

Ren Yaoqi found that the secret passage was not only narrow but also very long. The surrounding air was very humid and cold, and there was a smell of rotting mud that penetrated into the tip of the nose. If Xiao Jingxi was not there, Ren Yaoqi himself would have discovered such a secret passage. Dao wouldn't even want to go down to see it.

Xiao Jingxi reminded Ren Yaoqi to be careful, and said with a smile: "Do you know why it took Xiao Hua nearly a quarter of an hour to open this secret passage?" The elegant voice sounded in the narrow and long confined space, and it seemed to echo.

Ren Yaoqi thought for a while: "Is this secret passage difficult to open?"

Xiao Jingxi said: "Well, I actually used the trap technique. If someone wants to dig this passage with violence, the stone steps of this secret passage will collapse, blocking the entrance to the secret room inside."

Ren Yaoqi couldn't help frowning: "It stands to reason that the Zhai family is just an ordinary wealthy family. Why did they spend so much effort to build such a secret room? Could it be that there are some rare treasures hidden?"

Xiao Jingxi smiled and said, "If there are any rare treasures, go down and see."

Because they had to take care of Ren Yaoqi, the two of them didn't go down fast, but they finally stepped on the ground, and Ren Yaoqi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. This is already the bottom of the pond, and because the underground air does not circulate all the year round, she is a little uncomfortable.

Xiao Jingxi glanced back at her and frowned: "Uncomfortable? Why don't you go up? I owe it to me."

Ren Yaoqi held Xiao Jingxi and smiled: "I've already come down. I'm not reconciled if I don't go in and see the rare treasures. I'm fine, just get used to it."

Xiao Jingxi was relieved when he saw that Ren Yaoqi had nothing serious.

There was a stone gate that had been opened in front of them, still allowing only one person to pass through.

Xiao Jingxi lit a grease lamp hanging on the stone wall with a fire stick, and then led Ren Yaoqi into the secret room with the lamp.

Arriving here, Ren Yaoqi was really curious and looking forward to it.

She has known this secret room for a long time. The Ren family has been trying to find the entrance to the secret passage since her great-grandfather. Part of the reason for the death of the Zhai family is because of this guilt. It's a pity that it was unsuccessful until the Ren family moved out of the house. She didn't expect to see this day with her own eyes.

After walking in, Ren Yaoqi couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. This is just a very ordinary stone house. Although it is not as narrow as the passage outside, it is only as big as the bedroom she had when she was at her parents' house. Several large wooden boxes, the red paint on the boxes has peeled off badly, and it looks like it has been a few years old.

There is an offering table in the direction of the door. There is an incense case and fruit plate on the offering table. The incense case is covered with incense ashes. There is something dark in the fruit plate. The jade statue enshrined in the back couldn't help but be stunned,

"This is..." Ren Yaoqi tilted his head and carefully looked at the jade statue that was only a foot tall.

"It's Jiutian Xuannv." Xiao Jingxi said.

Ren Yaoqi frowned: "Jiutian Xuannv? Few people worship this at home..."

Xiao Jingxi pondered and continued: "Except for the family of the generals."

Ren Yaoqi raised his eyebrows and looked at Xiao Jingxi.

Xiao Jingxi smiled and said, "It is said that Jiutian Xuannv was the counselor of the Yellow Emperor, a goddess of war in ancient times, who was well versed in military tactics, so some generals would enshrine this in their homes."

Ren Yaoqi nodded and asked in doubt, "Is the ancestor of the Zhai family a military general?"

Xiao Jingxi pulled Ren Yaoqi towards the statue and looked down at the wooden box under the statue. The box was placed on the offering table. It seemed to be made of sandalwood. It was smaller than the dozen or so alleys stacked next to it, and there was a lock on it.

Ren Yaoqi looked around, looking for a key to open the box, but found nothing.

Xiao Jingxi grabbed her and said with a smile, "What are you looking for? This is not an ordinary lock, but a machine that is retracted and the key can't be opened."

Ren Yaoqi took the oil lamp in Xiao Jingxi's hand and looked at it, and found that it was an ordinary-looking brass lock with double tiger heads. Because the air here is humid, it has turquoise rust on it. If you look closely, you will find that there are five gears that mesh together, and each gear is engraved with dense and small words.

Ren Yaoqi had seen this kind of machine lock in a book, and the lock could be opened by turning the five gears to align the correct characters in the correct position.

Ren Yaoqi looked at it with interest for a while, and then asked Xiao Jingxi: "Since Han Yunqian has the mechanism to tell you the secret way, he should also tell you the secret secret of the lock, right?"

Who knew that Xiao Jingxi shook his head: "No."

Ren Yaoqi couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he heard the words: "So you can't see it as a rare treasure?"

Xiao Jingxi thought for a while, then frowned, "Do you really want to see it?"

Ren Yaoqi deliberately embarrassed Xiao Jingxi and said, "Yes, it's a pity that you can't open it, so forget it."

Hearing this, Xiao Jingxi just raised his eyebrows and smiled, without defending, he just pulled Ren Yaoqi away, and said warmly, "Let's see what's in the other boxes first."

Except for the one on the case, the other dozen large boxes in the room were not locked. Xiao Jingxi opened one of them and found a box of porcelain, ranging from pastel generals from all over the world to small ones. There are different types and sizes of small snuff bottles. After Xiao Jingxi carefully identified the pastel general, he nodded and concluded, "It's a treasure." Then he closed the box and went to open the other one.

A large box next to it contains jade pieces, which are also peerless treasures. Ren Yaoqi even recognized that one of the pair of luminous cups was the craftsmanship of a small country in the south.

However, when Xiao Jingxi and Ren Yaoqi saw so many good things, they just looked at them casually, and they were not surprised.

When he opened the third box and found a box of well-preserved paintings and calligraphy inside, Xiao Jingxi smiled and said to Ren Yaoqi, "This box has to be moved back, so I can please Lord Taishan." He also took out a painting from the inside and took a closer look at it, and was very satisfied.

Ren Yaoqi: "..."

The two walked around the secret room and found that these boxes were filled with valuables that were not easy to carry. Although they just glanced at them, they could see that the Zhai family's wealth was indeed not thin.

After reading the box, Xiao Jingxi dragged Ren Yaoqi to the locked sandalwood box before the confession.

Ren Yaoqi looked at Xiao Jingxi's thoughtful expression, and asked curiously, "How? Can it be opened?"

Xiao Jingxi returned Ren Yaoqi's bright smile, and almost stunned Ren Yaoqi's eyes: "Since you want to see it, I have to find a way to open it."

Saying that, Xiao Jingxi handed over the oil lamp in his hand to Ren Yaoqi, and leaned over to play with the lock.

Ren Yaoqi didn't stop him when he saw this, just stood aside and watched.

Xiao Jingxi turned and read the words on the gears, and then tried to guess the secret words on the lock, but it was a pity that Second Young Master Xiao was not a god after all, and he guessed wrong twice.

Ren Yaoqi saw his frowning and serious look, and couldn't help but smile: "Forget it, let someone get it up and find someone to open it, I'm afraid this kind of lock is..."

Before Ren Yaoqi finished speaking, he suddenly heard a "click" and then the sound of the machine running, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

A smile slowly appeared on Xiao Jingxi's face, looking back at Ren Yaoqi and blinking.

Ren Yaoqi looked at someone's secretly smug look on his face and couldn't help laughing.

Second Young Master Xiao looked at Ren Yaoqi and whispered seriously, "As long as you want."

Ren Yaoqi couldn't help blushing, Xiao Jingxi bowed his head and kissed Ren Yaoqi's forehead, then pulled her over and said, "Would you be disappointed if it wasn't a rare treasure inside?"

Ren Yaoqi was also distracted by Xiao Jingxi's soft kiss just now, and without thinking about it, he said, "You opened it, how could I be disappointed."

When he met Xiao Jingxi Xiao Jingxi's bright eyes, Ren Yaoqi realized that what he had just said was so similar to what Xiao Jingxi said.

Ren Yaoqi was a little embarrassed, but Xiao Jingxi laughed softly, squeezed Ren Yaoqi's palm lightly, and said, "That's good, because I guess there are no surprises in this box, don't be frightened. Enough."

Ren Yaoqi was stunned when he heard the words: "You know what's in the box before you open it?"

Xiao Jingxi sighed, looked at the statue of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl and said, "That's not true, but I guessed the true identity of the owner of this box."

Ren Yaoqi frowned: "The real identity of the owner of the box? Isn't this the Zhai family's secret room? Isn't this box left by the Zhai family?"

Xiao Jingxi said: "That's not true. This person should have a deep connection with the Zhai family."

Ren Yaoqi was a little curious about what Xiao Jingxi said, and he couldn't help but look at the sandalwood box: "So the reason why you were able to open this machine lock just now was not just a random guess, but because of guessing. Out of the identity of the owner of this box?"

Xiao Jingxi nodded: "That's right." He smiled at Ren Yaoqi, "Don't you want to see it? Do you want to open it?"

Ren Yaoqi blinked, wondering what the fright in Xiao Jingxi's mouth meant.

Xiao Jingxi didn't speak, but just smiled at Ren Yaoqi, as if she opened it when she said it, and pulled her away when she said she didn't look at him.

Ren Yaoqi didn't hesitate for too long, after all, curiosity prevailed. And she knew in her heart that if there was any danger, Xiao Jingxi would not let her open the box, so at most it was a fright.