Scheme of the Official Descendant

Chapter 508


Xiao Shun and Ren Yaohua are both resolute and resolute figures, so after Xiang Qin was married, it was very easy for both parties to prepare for a marriage.

Xiao Shun has a formal official position in the Yanbei Palace. Xiangqin's marriage was considered a high-ranking marriage in the past, and the marriage was more solemn than the average maid. Despite this, Ren Yaohua still set the wedding date in October, and Xiangqin was very sad about this. For a while, she thought that her master was eager to kick her out of the house, but Xiangqin became happy again when Sangqi persuaded her that the master let her marry her earlier to take care of the second young lady who was pregnant.

Although Ren Yaohua was very disgusted with the maid Xiangqin, she was not at all vague when she gave her dowry. In addition, Ren Yaoqi was also out of his own feelings or because of Xiao Jingxi's reuse of Xiao Shun. He added a lot of makeup to Xiangqin, so that Xiangqin, the first maid to marry, was no worse than the average wealthy young lady, which really made a lot of people envious.

At the same time, the Yun family and Zhao Yingqiu are also busy with the marriage. After Zhao Yingqiu's wedding date is set, she rarely goes out. Although the Zhao family has prepared a generous dowry for her, Zhao Yingqiu insists on embroidering the wedding dress and the quilt by herself. Shoes and socks for my aunt.

The relationship between Yan Ningshuang and Zhao Yingqiu is not bad. When the two were in Beijing, they exchanged handkerchiefs. Yan Ningshuang was a little unhappy these days, so she often went to see Zhao Yingqiu in other courtyards, and the two talked together to relieve their boredom.

This afternoon, after having lunch, Yan Ningshuang went out to another courtyard to talk to Zhao Yingqiu. Zhao Yingqiu was doing needlework with two big maids. Zhao Yingqiu was also considered to be ingenious. Embroidery comes alive.

Yan Ningshuang sat aside and watched, suddenly said, "Yingqiu, why did you come to Yanbei?"

The needle and thread in Zhao Yingqiu's hand paused for a while, then looked up at Yan Ningshuang and smiled, "This is what the Queen Mother meant, can I still be disrespectful?"

Yan Ningshuang was immersed in her own thoughts, and when she heard the words, she just said slyly: "When the Queen Mother ordered the selection of famous ladies and ladies to come to Yanbei, all the families reported to the concubine who were not favored at home, or lost their mother's family. Girl, no one who is really favored is willing to come. Only me... Only I knelt in front of the Queen Mother and begged for three days before she agreed. I came to Yanbei for a reason that I had to come, but why do you want to come? Come? You are still favored at home, and the empress dowager is willing to love you. If you stay in the capital, you will definitely get a good marriage. When the Li family is in charge of you, the husband's family will not dare to treat you badly. ."

Zhao Yingqiu was silent for a moment, then smiled slightly, raised his head and said, "I grew up in Beijing since I was a child, and the farthest place I have been is Zhaode Temple, which is 80 miles away from Beijing, so I have been yearning for Yanbei since I was a child. What? Is it bad for me to come to Yanbei? I can still be your companion."

Yan Ningshuang was in a bad mood, and didn't notice Zhao Yingqiu's deliberate ambiguity about her question, she just said to herself: "I just feel sorry for you, I heard that the reason why the eldest son of the Yun family has been unwilling to get married is because he has a crush. If you get married, aren't you afraid that the two of you will only have different dreams?" Yan Ningshuang thought of her marriage as she spoke, and there was a trace of pain in her eyes.

Zhao Yingqiu smiled, lowered his head and continued to thread the needle and thread, his hand holding the needle and thread was still steady: "Is it too early to think about this now? This is for the future."

Yan Ningshuang looked at Zhao Yingqiu and sighed, with a sense of grief connected with her life.

Zhao Yingqiu said suddenly: "By the way, Yanbei will be lively again after a while, right? I heard the people below say that the border trade between the imperial court and the Liao Kingdom is about to reopen. Presumably there will be fewer wars."

Yan Ningshuang didn't know what to think, and frowned: "It's too early to draw conclusions."

Zhao Yingqiu looked up at Yan Ningshuang in surprise: "What?"

Yan Ningshuang shook her head and refused to talk more.

Zhao Yingqiu smiled and didn't care, but said unintentionally: "I heard that when the imperial court signs the national letter with the Liao Kingdom, someone from the Yanbei Palace will also be present."

Yan Ningshuang's eyelids jumped: "Who is going to Yanbei Wangfu?"

Zhao Yingqiu thought about it and said casually: "I don't know, but I guess it should be the second son of Xiao? The prince and the Liao people are at war every year. I heard that the Liao people can't wait to kill the prince and then hurry up. In this case, it is the second son of Xiao. It's best to come out."

Yan Ningshuang was startled and almost jumped up: "No! He can't go!"

Zhao Yingqiu gave Yan Ningshuang a strange look: "Why can't you go? If Second Young Master Xiao doesn't go, who else can go to the Yanbei Palace?"

Yan Ningshuang's face turned pale, but she couldn't say anything.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Zhao Yingqiu lowered her head to embroider her mandarin duck.

Where did Yan Ningshuang sit, fidgeting, and she didn't know how long it took, when she suddenly stood up and stabbed Zhao Yingqiu so much that she stabbed her finger with a needle, and a tiny blood bead was printed on the half-embroidered Hipa on.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhao Yingqiu asked worriedly.

Yan Ningshuang shook her head: "I suddenly remembered something else. I'll go back first and see you next time." After saying this, she hurriedly left before Zhao Yingqiu could speak.

Zhao Yingqiu watched her back disappear into the room, smiled slightly, lowered her head and embroidered an eye on the bloodstain just now, blood red mandarin duck eyes.

Yan Ningshuang went straight to Zhaoning Hall after returning from the other courtyard, but this time she was stopped outside the hall without any accident.

"I have something important to see your young lady." Yan Ningshuang said anxiously.

The old lady who was guarding the door said respectfully: "Our young lady is resting, third young lady, you should come back another day."

"I have to see Ren Yaoqi in a hurry! She will regret not seeing me!" Yan Ningshuang said in a serious tone.

The old woman who guarded the door apologized apologetically, but refused to let Yan Ningshuang in.

Yan Ningshuang gritted her teeth and turned around to leave, but when the woman who was guarding the door turned around, she suddenly turned around and rushed past the two women who were guarding the door.

The doorkeeper was stunned for a while, then immediately stepped forward to stop: "Mrs. Three Young Masters!"

These back door wives outside Zhaoning Hall all had one or two brushes, so they quickly stopped Yan Ningshuang. When the two sides were at a stalemate, Yan Ningshuang looked up and saw a young woman dressed as a woman walking out of it, and immediately recognized that this was one of Ren Yaoqi's confidants, who was also staying when she looked for Ren Yaoqi last time. There was no evasion in the hall.

"Wait, go and report to Ren Yaoqi for me, I have something important to tell her." Yan Ningshuang said hurriedly.

That young woman was the apple of Zhaoning Hall, she looked at Yan Ningshuang without moving.

Yan Ningshuang looked left and right, and then quickly said, "I'm willing to tell her about the last time I was looking for your young lady, and I don't need her to promise me any conditions. Go and report it for me, she will be willing to. See me."

Apple looked at her for a while, seemed to think for a while, and then said, "Wait a moment." Then she turned around and went in again.

When Ren Yaoqi heard that Yan Ningshuang was here again, he was a little helpless, but after listening to Apple's report, Ren Yaoqi thought about it for a while, and let Apple go and Yan Ningshuang stayed in.

When Yan Ningshuang came in, she was out of breath, and there was a thin sweat on her forehead.

Ren Yaoqi called someone to bring her tea, but was interrupted by Yan Ningshuang: "I know you don't like me, and I don't like you either. I'm not here today as a guest, I'm here for Xiao Lang."

Ren Yaoqi was not annoyed when he heard the words, so he asked the little maid serving tea to retire first, and still only Apple and Leshan were left to serve, changing the cynicism from the last time, and said in a gentle and authentic tone: "Miss Yan has something to say, but Say it all right."

Yan Ningshuang hurried to find Ren Yaoqi this time because she had figured it out. She could not sit back and watch Xiao Jingxi fall into a trap. Although Xiao Jingxi and Ren Yaoqi both rejected her request, she still couldn't Your sweetheart is cruel.

So this time, Yan Ningshuang didn't sell anything, and asked straight to the point: "It won't be long before the imperial court and the Liao Kingdom will formally sign a document on mutual border trade in Wuzhou. Do you know this?"

Ren Yaoqi thought for a while, then nodded and said, "I seem to have heard Jinglin mention it before."

Yan Ningshuang frowned: "At that time, the imperial court will ask Yanbei Wangfu to send someone there too. Do you know who Yanbei Wangfu went to?"

Ren Yaoqi raised his eyebrows: "I don't know what Miss Yan wants to say?"

Yan Ningshuang sighed, and there was real worry in her eyes. She twisted a handkerchief tightly with her fingers: "I heard that this time it was Xiao Lang who went to Wuzhou on behalf of the palace. I wonder if it's true?"

Before Ren Yaoqi could answer, Yan Ningshuang continued: "In any case, Xiao Lang must not go, because this trip will be very dangerous.

Although Ren Yaoqi was slightly shocked when he heard the words, his face was still calm: "Why did Miss Yan say this? But where did you hear the rumors?"

Yan Ningshuang shook her head: "What I said is by no means a rumor! That's what I wanted to say when I came to you last time. I learned from Xiao Jingyue's secret note to the court that this time the court and Liao signed a border trade document. Xiao Jingyue will also find a way to follow him, but he didn't have any good intentions in the past, but wanted to take the opportunity to ambush and kill. Before I was not sure who he wanted to kill, now I know that the person he wants to kill is Xiao Lang."

Ren Yaoqi frowned: "Miss Yan, this matter is of great importance, you can't just talk about it."

Yan Ningshuang's face was very ugly: "It's about Xiao Lang's safety, how can I open my mouth? Xiao Jingyue is insidious and cunning. If he hadn't resorted to indiscriminate means to plot against me, how could I have... He was jealous of Xiao Lang's ability, I am also jealous that Xiao Lang was born in the direct line of the royal family and has a higher status than him, so I want to take the opportunity to get rid of Xiao Lang and replace him!"
