Scheme of the Official Descendant

Chapter 514


Xiao Jinglin was stunned when she saw the person coming, and then quickly returned to her expressionless expression. She stared at the person and walked to her without speaking.

"How did you find out?" The visitor looked at Xiao Jinglin and sighed, "I thought I was well hidden."

Xiao Jinglin said softly, "Your hooves are different from ours."

Hearing the words, the visitor glanced at Xiao Jinglin's horse and found that her horse's hooves were covered with a layer of cloth, which was more convenient when rushing on the road, and the movement would be much smaller.

The visitor turned over and dismounted, took the reins of the horse in his hands, looked up at Xiao Jinglin, and smiled: "I've been in a comfortable environment for a long time, and I was negligent."

Xiao Jinglin frowned, and after a moment of silence, she dismounted: "What are you doing here? Is there anything in the Yun family that requires you to come forward?"

The visitor did not answer and asked, "Are you going back to Jiajing Pass?"

There was no rumor about Xiao Jingxi's injury in the Yanbei palace, so only a few people in the palace know about it so far.

Xiao Jinglin said softly, "Do you want to interfere in military affairs?"

The visitor shook his head, looked at Xiao Jinglin and said seriously, "No, I only care where you go."

Xiao Jinglin didn't seem to expect him to say such a thing, she was stunned, and then she frowned: "So are you going to follow me all the way to Jiajing Pass?"

"What if I say yes?"

Xiao Jinglin was a little impatient, but she held back and said in a low voice, "I remember your wedding date is set for more than ten days? You won't be able to catch up with Jiajing Pass."

The person who came, namely Yun Wenting, the eldest young master of the Yun family, heard the words, but there was some sparkle in his eyes: "You know?"

Others don't know Xiao Jinglin, but Yun Wenting is clear, like those trivial matters, Xiao Jinglin has always been indifferent, but she knows that his wedding date is more than ten days away. This made Yun Wenting have to think more about whether Xiao Jinglin cared about him that much.

But Xiao Jinglin still showed no expression: "I heard from my mother when I went out, and she asked me to leave a gift for you, so as not to lose the etiquette."

Yun Wenting's eyes dimmed again.

Xiao Jinglin looked at him and said, "I have military affairs to deal with, so please stop following me."

After saying this, Xiao Jinglin turned on his horse. She was about to turn her horse around and chase after Hongying and the others, but she saw that Yun Wenting also got on the horse, and she had no intention of leaving by herself.

Xiao Jinglin glanced at him, pursed her lips, and then pumped her horse's body. Her horse rushed out like an arrow from the string, and the speed was astonishingly fast. Yun Wenting followed her without saying a word.

Xiao Jinglin's horse was a war horse, and a leisurely horse would definitely not be able to run, but after running for about a quarter of an hour, Yun Wenting still followed her closely and was not thrown away.

Xiao Jinglin suddenly attacked without warning, and slammed the whip in her hand, but instead of hitting the horse under her, she went towards Yun Wenting who was only half a horse behind her.

She didn't slow down when she started, and the whip still carried a fierce momentum. If it really hit someone, it would definitely tear its skin to pieces. Yun Wenting didn't slow down either. When the whip was about to fall on his arm, he suddenly leaned back and avoided it lightly.

Xiao Jinglin couldn't make a single blow. She turned sideways on the horse, raised her legs and swept towards Yun Wenting. Yun Wenting was about to straighten up when she heard the sound of the wind, and she rolled over to avoid Xiao Jinglin's kick.

Xiao Jinglin snorted softly and waved the whip in her hand again. This time, she danced the whip fiercely and dazzlingly. Yun Wenting kept dodging immediately. Xiao Jinglin's whip was thrown, and her skills were unusually agile.

While these two were riding horses galloping, you attacked me to hide, but their speed did not slow down. Fortunately, the road was remote, and there was no one else except the two of them, otherwise they would have been harmed by Chiyu.

Xiao Jinglin saw that the two had been entangled for a long time, and she did not dismount Yun Wenting. While throwing the whip at Yun Wenting, she suddenly kicked the horse under Yun Wenting. Xiao Jinglin would not be so cruel to horses on weekdays, but today she was forced to rush. Although she controlled her strength, she would not really kick the horse, but it would definitely make the horse unable to run.

Yun Wenting dodged Xiao Jinglin's whip with the momentum of thunder before realizing Xiao Jinglin's intention. At this time, it was too late for the horse to avoid it. Yun Wenting suddenly let go of the horse's rein and put his hand on the horse's back. With another light leap, when Xiao Jinglin didn't react, she jumped onto Xiao Jinglin's horse and sat behind her.

Xiao Jinglin was startled, she wanted to push Yun Wenting down with her backhand, but Yun Wenting grabbed Xiao Jinglin's waist and shouted helplessly, "Liner, stop making trouble! It will kill you!"

Xiao Jinglin gritted her teeth and whispered, "Go down!"

Yun Wenting was silent for a moment, and then said: "My horse has been scared away by you. This is a barren country. Even if you want to go down, you have to wait until the next town."

Xiao Jinglin said coldly, "Don't blame me for being rude if you don't go down!" As she spoke, she was about to start.

Yun Wenting said, "Lin'er, I'll kick the horse if you make trouble again. I don't mind walking with you to Jiajing Pass."

Xiao Jinglin was stunned, as if she couldn't believe Yun Wenting would say such a rascal.

Xiao Jinglin has known Yun Wenting for more than ten years. Even if Yun Wenting is not obedient to Xiao Jinglin, she always follows her in everything, and pays more attention to self-cultivation and etiquette than she is a girl. But today's Yun Wenting makes Xiao Jinglin feel unfamiliar. Whether he insisted on following up regardless, or he rode with her, or even threatened her.

When they were young, the two were together for several years, almost inseparable, but even at that time Yun Wenting would pay attention to the defense of men and women, and would not do anything out of bounds.

At that time, Xiao Jinglin liked Yun Wenting, and was thinking hard about how to express her love so that she would be willing to be her horse. Xiao Jinglin thought that she had seen some men and women outside the customs ride together, and the beautiful scene made her yearn, so she asked Yun Wenting to ride out of the city, and then deliberately took advantage of Yun Wenting to pick wild fruits for her. The horse has run away...

The young county master Xiao solemnly said to the handsome young man who came back holding the wild fruit: "Cousin, my horse just got frightened and ran away, you take me back."

The handsome young man hurriedly stepped forward to check that she was not injured. Seeing that she was in no serious condition, he breathed a sigh of relief, let her get on his horse, and then...

No then.

The well-behaved young Yun Wenting asked Xiao Jinglin to ride the horse, and he led the horse all the way back.

County Master Xiao, who had failed to confess his heart, had a cold face for three days in a row, and kicked a big tree outside Jiajing Guanxi city gate crooked, and finally grew into a crooked neck tree.

The princess always complained that her daughter is still not enlightened when she grows up so old. In fact, the princess really misunderstood Xiao Jinglin. Xiao Jinglin grew up at the border where the folk customs are sturdy, and she knew from a young age that she should obey her own heart in matters of love. Therefore, Xiao Jinglin is not not enlightened, but enlightened early.

Xiao Jinglin's thoughts drifted away, and she forgot to struggle.

Yun Wenting gently wrapped around Xiao Jinglin behind her, but her arms could not help but tremble.

After Xiao Jinglin came back to her senses, she didn't struggle anymore, she said in a low voice, "Let go of me and sit down. You're shaking so much that I can't hold the reins."

Yun Wenting: "..."

Revealing people, beating people and slapping people in the face, this is what County Master Xiao has always insisted on and implemented.

Yun Wenting let go of his hand a little, but he didn't let go completely, his hand was vacantly resting on Xiao Jinglin's waist.

"I won't go back to Jiajing Pass for the time being. When you reach Da'an City in front, you can find a horse and go back by yourself."

Xiao Jinglin didn't care about Yun Wenting either. Although Yun Wenting's closeness made her feel a little awkward, it was not unbearable. When she fought, it was not that she had not dealt with men, and there was some physical contact.

Yun Wenting said, "Where are you going?"

The breath of his words was just behind Xiao Jinglin's ears, and Xiao Jinglin was so itchy that she wanted to shrink her neck, but she held back.

"This is military affairs, I can't tell you." Xiao Jinglin said coldly.

Yun Wenting didn't care, just whispered: "Then I'll go with you, my skills are not wasted, I can always help you."


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