Scheme of the Official Descendant

Chapter 523: Enter the room


Yelu Sage was stunned again when he heard the words, and then grinned at Ren Yaoqi: "Mrs. Xiao Shao is really eloquent." Concubine Yun looked at Yelu Sage and Ren Yaoqi again, frowning, By this time, she also slowly noticed something was wrong, and stopped talking easily.

Yelu Sage didn't say anything. She turned her attention to a calligraphy and painting hanging on the wall. She also stood up and walked over to stare at it carefully for a long time. Finally, she turned her head and pointed to the calligraphy and painting with curiosity. Ask Ren Yaoqi, "Did you write this?"

Ren Yaoqi looked up and nodded.

That word was written by her, with her signature on it, which Xiao Jingxi insisted on hanging it. She thought that there would be no outsiders who would come into the house, so she went with him.

The admiration in Yelu Sage's eyes is real: "Although I don't understand these elegant things, I can see that the writing is very good, and I am not afraid of your jokes. I have been practicing Chinese characters for a while, and I have written it. The words are really hard to come up with. I really envy you women with many talents."

Ren Yaoqi smiled: "Everyone has their own strengths, why should the princess belittle herself. I may not be good at what you are good at."

Yelu Sage thought for a while, then nodded: "It makes sense, but I still envy you. Sometimes I can't help but think, if I also have such elegant skills as yours, the prince will look at me with admiration. ." Having said this, Yelu Sage laughed to himself.

As for his father-in-law, Ren Yaoqi couldn't say anything, just smiled.

On the contrary, Concubine Yun glanced at Yelu Sage and let out a "hum" from her nose. Although there was no words, her demeanor and actions could very well explain what she was thinking.

Yelu Sage didn't mind at all, but Concubine Chaoyun and Ren Yaoqi smiled brightly: "I know that the lord doesn't like me, although I feel a little regretful."

Ren Yaoqi lowered his head and drank tea, pretending that he hadn't heard. However, she was secretly paying attention to the movement outside, but it was a pity that Yelu Sag had been in for so long, but there was no movement at all outside, and it was almost eerily quiet.

Yelu Sage has been paying attention to Ren Yaoqi's expression, looked at her for a while, and couldn't help but thoughtfully ask: "What kind of person or thing is Mrs. Xiao Shao waiting for?"

Ren Yaoqi glanced at Yelv Sage calmly.

Yelu Sage's smile was a little smug and a little sly: "If this is the case, then the result may disappoint you. At the moment when I am talking to you, the outside of the Yanbei Palace has been surrounded, even A fly can't get in, and of course, can't get out."

Concubine Yun suddenly sat up straight and looked at Yelv Sage coldly, but her body involuntarily moved in the direction of Ren Yaoqi.

Ren Yaoqi just sat there and didn't move, as if what Yelu Sage said just now was just an insignificant joke.

Yelu Sage asked Ren Yaoqi curiously: "What? Are you not afraid of Mrs. Xiao Shao? I mean, you have fallen into my hands now."

Ren Yaoqi looked at her, smiled and said calmly: "Then what is the princess waiting for? Who is waiting for or what happens?"

Yelu Sage could not help but squinted slightly when he heard the words.

Ren Yaoqi noticed her expression and couldn't help but smile.

The reason why she and Yelvsage have been talking nonsense for so long is because she is delaying time, and Yelusag is also delaying time. It's just that the results they want to wait for are different.

Yelu Sage looked at Ren Yaoqi carefully, laughed, and asked tentatively, "Is this young lady bluffing? Sage has lived in the palace for so long, but the defense in the palace is clear. Today is the deputy general Zhou Cheng who is guarding outside, but it is hard to say whether he is still alive or not.

Ren Yaoqi ignored her.

Yelu Sage continued: "Does the young lady know who did it?"

Yelu Sage's words were just finished, when there was a noise outside, as if many people suddenly came to the direction of Zhaoning Hall.

Ren Yaoqi and Yelu Sage were both attracted by the sound outside, until a loud male voice said loudly outside: "Princess Yelu? Are you in Zhaoning Hall?"

A big smile appeared on Yelu Sage's face when she heard this, and she winked at Ren Yaoqi playfully: "The person I'm waiting for is here, young lady, the person you're waiting for may not be able to come."

Ren Yaoqi hadn't spoken yet, but Concubine Yun said coldly, "Xiao Jingyue's evil obstacle! How dare he..."

Xiao Jingyue took his people to control Zhou Cheng's people and surrounded the entire palace. He had endured for so many years and pretended to be sick for so many days, and he was waiting for this day.

At this moment, Xiao Jingyue stood outside the Zhaoning Hall, looking at the open door and the words "Zhaoning Hall" on the door plaque. .

Two servant-like people pressed a woman to the side of Xiao Jingyue. The woman's hair was a little messy, and she was described as embarrassed, but looking at Xiao Jingyue's eyes was the same disgust and hatred.

Xiao Jingyue turned his head to look at her and smiled, he gently squeezed the woman's chin, and his tone was very gentle: "Miss, look at where this is? Haven't you always wanted to live in it? I will satisfy you as a husband today. This wish, let you die here."

Xiao Jingyue's words made Yan Ningshuang shudder uncontrollably. Her face was pale and she was very scared, but she was unwilling to show her timidity in front of Xiao Jingyue easily. She forced herself to look at him coldly without saying a word.

Yan Ningshuang still hadn't figured out why Xiao Jingyue had already planted the poison, but she suddenly woke up today and looked fine.

Xiao Jingyue patted Yan Ningshuang's face lightly, and smiled jokingly: "Don't be afraid, you gave your husband such a great gift, and he has kept it in his heart." Seeing that the fear in Yan Ningshuang's eyes could not be concealed, Xiao Jingyue smiled again, Then he pointed to Zhaoning Hall and said, "Do you know where this place is? You only know that this is where your good Xiao Lang lives, but you don't know that Zhaoning Hall is actually the place where every heir to the Yanbei Palace lives. The king and the princess told a huge lie, treating everyone in the world as fools, and the poor prince who entered the capital as a pledge is just a joke."

Yan Ningshuang looked at Xiao Jingyue in shock.

Xiao Jingyue didn't look at her, he just looked up at the gate of Zhaoning Hall, with an unknown enthusiasm surging in his eyes.

"But this is where I live from now on."

Xiao Jingyue bent the corners of his mouth, then dragged Yan Ningshuang into the Zhaoning Hall, and the dozen or so guards he brought also walked in behind him. Yan Ningshuang was dragged by Xiao Jingyue, and he stumbled. Xiao Jingyue seemed to have not seen it, and dragged him directly to the front of the main hall.

The dozen or so guards did not keep up, but stood in the courtyard in front of the main hall.

When Xiao Jingyue went in, Ren Yaoqi didn't show any surprise, just glanced at him calmly, and then looked at Yan Ningshuang who was pulled in by his arm.

Xiao Jingyue was surprised when he saw that Concubine Yun was also there, but then he smiled indifferently, and saluted: "It turns out that Empress Concubine Yun is also here, fortunately I didn't act rashly to scare your old man. "

Concubine Yun looked at him with a cold face, as if she was looking at something dirty that couldn't penetrate human eyes.

Xiao Jingyue didn't care, he turned his head to stare at Ren Yaoqi, looked back and forth on her face recklessly, and said with a smile, "I have seen the second sister-in-law, long time no see, the second sister-in-law is getting more and more beautiful."

Ren Yaoqi wasn't angry at his offense either, just sat there calmly, as if he was singing a big show.

Not seeing anger or panic on Ren Yaoqi's face, Xiao Jingyue was still a little disappointed, he pretended to sigh and said, "It's a pity to hear that my second brother is dead, second sister-in-law, you are going to be a widow at a young age. , it's really embarrassing for you."

Not knowing what to think, Xiao Jingyue laughed suddenly, and said to Ren Yaoqi: "But it's a pity that the second sister-in-law is so beautiful and widowed, if you want, you can remarry someone else, how about I give you a dowry? If you don't want to marry If you give it to others... it's okay to follow me, and my brother-in-law and sister-in-law Shuangsu Shuangfei is also a good story..."


Before Xiao Jingyue's words were finished, Concubine Yun picked up the tea bowl at hand and smashed it in the face. Fortunately, Xiao Jingyue's reaction was still very sensitive. ' smashed to the ground.

Concubine Yun pointed at him and scolded angrily: "You wicked obstacle! Don't shut up for me!"

Xiao Jingyue raised his hand and touched his temples, glanced at Concubine Yun, and still laughed condescendingly: "Miss Concubine, what kind of anger do you have? My second brother is indeed too dead to die, and I am doing this for the good of second sister-in-law. ."

Although Ren Yaoqi knew that Xiao Jingyue's words were unbelievable, she only saw Xiao Jingxi's letter to report safety not long ago, but when she heard this sentence, she still clenched her heart, and she couldn't help trembling in pain. .

Yan Ningshuang, who was standing by the side, suddenly raised her head when she heard this and grabbed Xiao Jingyue's arm: "What did you say? Xiao Lang he... No, how could Xiao Lang die? He won't die! It must be you This scumbag rumour!"

Xiao Jingyue gave Yan Ningshuang a pitying look, but what he said was cruel: "He died! He died on the way to Wuzhou! The corpses were all mutilated and finally fed to eagles."

"No—" Yan Ningshuang covered her ears with her hands and screamed, then rushed over to beat Xiao Jingyue with red eyes, "You are talking nonsense! Nonsense!"

Xiao Jingyue pouted in disgust and kicked Yan Ningshuang out.

Yan Ningshuang was kicked and hit the leg of the table in the room, and she fainted with a scream.