Scheme of the Official Descendant

Chapter 524: fight


Xiao Jingyue didn't even look at Yan Ningshuang, he patted the dust on his robe that didn't exist at all, and looked at Ren Yaoqi with a frivolous and presumptuous gaze, as if he was looking at a woman who could let him bully | Excited light.

The person Xiao Jingyue hated the most in his life was Xiao Jingxi. The Xiao family had few children, so people kept comparing him to Xiao Jingxi from childhood to adulthood. Unfortunately, even when Xiao Jingxi was dying of illness, he was better than Xiao Jingxi. Not on Xiao Jingxi. In the end, no one compared them, because in the eyes of outsiders, the two of them have already stood at different heights, and he has lost the qualification to be compared.

Xiao Jingyue's envy and jealousy of Xiao Jingxi from the beginning turned into disgust and hatred. Later, whenever he heard the name Xiao Jingxi, he would feel uncomfortable. However, paradoxically, he also longed and yearned for everything Xiao Jingxi had, including the identity of the actual heir to the Yanbei Palace, the Zhaoning Hall where Xiao Jingxi lived, and even the reason why he agreed at the beginning. Marrying Yan Ningshuang is not only because of the plan with the imperial court, but because Yan Ningshuang is madly infatuated with Xiao Jingxi. When facing Yan Ningshuang, as long as he thinks of this, Xiao Jingyue will feel excited|excited, this excited|excited When she was on the bed, she showed it naked, which is why Yan Ningshuang hated Xiao Jingyue so much.

Ren Yaoqi understood from Xiao Jingyue's eyes looking at him the dirty desires hidden in her heart, which made her feel very uncomfortable, and a burst of sour water surged up in her stomach, Ren Yaoqi couldn't help it He covered his lips and vomited.

Apple quickly took a spittoon and ran to Ren Yaoqi's side.

Xiao Jingyue squinted slightly, and then his eyes moved along Ren Yaoqi's face to her abdomen, with excitement and strange light flashing in his eyes, Ren Yaoqi subconsciously put his hand on his lower abdomen.

Concubine Yun glared at Xiao Jingyue angrily, but she also felt a little nervous about his eyes. She quickly got up and stood in front of Ren Yaoqi, and helped Ren Yaoqi pat her back lightly, blocking Xiao Jingyue's sight.

Xiao Jingyue smiled and approached Ren Yaoqi step by step.

Ren Yaoqi was leaning on Concubine Yun's arms, trying her best to suppress the desire to vomit. She lowered her eyes and saw Xiao Jingyue's gradually approaching robe feet, and couldn't help but quickly glanced in the direction of the inner room.

Before Princess Yelu came in, Nan Xing quietly hid in her inner room. Thinking of Nan Xing's ability, Ren Yaoqi reminded himself to keep his composure.

Xiao Jingyue seemed to be very satisfied with the tense atmosphere in the room, he stretched out his hand to pull away the unsightly person in front of him, but he was stopped by a hand halfway.

Xiao Jingyue raised his eyebrows, then looked at the red-clothed woman who suddenly stopped him with a half-smile: "Princess, what does this mean? If I remember correctly, the condition that you promised me at the beginning was that after the event was completed, in this palace All things and everyone at my disposal?"

Yelu Sage glanced at Xiao Jingyue, and in her heart, she actually despised Xiao Jingyue, a man who sold his family for profit and wanted to bully a pregnant woman. In her eyes, all men who vented their anger on women were all men. Not a man, only a coward.

But Yelu Sage returned Xiao Jingyue's bright smile and said, "What is Xiao Sangong anxious about? There is a saying in the middle of you that you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Since the conditions say that after things are done, then we have to wait for them to be done. After that, the entire palace will be yours."

Xiao Jingyue twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "How difficult is it to get things done? When the news of Princess Yanbei's death comes out, the entire Yunyang City is almost under our control."

Yelu Sage nodded with a smile: "Then just wait a little longer."

Xiao Jingyue hummed and finally did not step forward, but those eyes never moved away from Ren Yaoqi.

While Ren Yaoqi breathed a sigh of relief, she couldn't help but raise her heart again. She was a little worried about the safety of the princess. Listening to what Xiao Jingyue just said, they really sent someone to intercept the princess, and they didn't plan to stay alive.

King Yanbei, Xiao Jingxi and the county master are not in the palace. If there is an emergency in the palace, as the princess, they may be able to secretly mobilize people in an unknown way, so Xiao Jingyue and the others planned to meet before the princess returned to the palace. Let her die before anything goes wrong in a pinch.

Xiao Jingyue found a chair in the room and sat down by himself, and Yelu Sage also sat down. Concubine Yun did not sit back, but sat beside Ren Yaoqi, held Ren Yaoqi in her arms, and pursed her lips tightly without saying a word.

The house became eerily quiet.

I don't know how long it took, a man dressed as a guard walked in from the outside, and called out a son in front of Xiao Jingyue in the aisle.

Xiao Jingyue and Yelu Sage both turned their attention to him, Xiao Jingyue said lazily: "How is it? Is the person dead?"

Concubine Yun and Ren Yaoqi also looked at him.

The guard paused for a while, and then said with difficulty: "When I returned to the son, Mu Hu suddenly came out with a group of people halfway through and rescued the princess. Most of the people sent out were killed and injured."

When Xiao Jingyue heard the words, he immediately sat up straight, squinted to look at the guard, and gritted his teeth: "Mu Hu? Isn't he guarding the city gate today? Why did he suddenly appear!"

The guard lowered his head and didn't dare to look into Xiao Jingyue's eyes: "I don't know, the appearance of Mu Hu should be... a coincidence."

Their actions today have been arranged for a long time, and it is reasonable that the people in the palace should not have noticed the problem, otherwise the princess would not go out today, and the palace would not be controlled by them so quickly.

They didn't expect that they just lured Ren Yaoqi's two maidservants who knew martial arts just for the sake of safety, which aroused Ren Yaoqi's attention and suspicion, so Ren Yaoqi asked Nan Xing to pick up the princess, and Nan Xing naturally He handed over the task of taking the princess back to the house to Mu Hu, and she would stay to protect the young lady and the child in the young lady's womb.

Xiao Jingyue put his hand on the chair with great force, and with a "click", the armrest on the pear wood chair was missing a corner.

"Go and keep watching the movement outside for me, and tell my father that his people are ready!"

The guard took the order, and Liang Mang retreated.

Yelu Sage's face was also not good. She looked at Xiao Jingyue and said, "To alert Mu Hu is to alert the defenders of Yunyang City. Now we have become the turtle in the 'catch the turtle in the urn'? It's really thirty years. Thirty years from Hedong to Hexi."

Anyone who has learned a foreign language will always be tempted to show off their vocabulary, regardless of whether the word is used correctly or not.

Xiao Jingyue was silent for a moment with a cold face, and suddenly smiled again. He moved his eyes to Ren Yaoqi and Concubine Yun, touched his chin and said maliciously, "Just turtle, we don't lack bait here. I don't know. Will the princess come back by herself for her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law?"

Yelu Sage's eyes also stopped on Ren Yaoqi and Concubine Yun. Although she disdain to bully the old and the weak, she is still a princess after all. She understands the reason why you need to compromise when it is time to compromise. She hesitated for a while and said nothing.

Xiao Jingyue glanced at Yelu Sage, who was silent, smiled and got up and walked slowly to Ren Yaoqi and Taifei Yun, looking at this and then at that, Taifei Yun held Ren Yaoqi tightly, He looked at Xiao Jingyue coldly.

Xiao Jingyue bared his teeth and said half-truth: "Do you want me to cut off an arm and leg and send it to the princess, so that she can make the right decision quickly? But who is better?"

Concubine Yun looked at him vigilantly, Xiao Jingyue sneered and said, "Isn't Concubine Concubine always indifferent to her children and grandchildren? Why does she look like she is protecting the calf today? It seems that we all misunderstood your old man before."

Xiao Jingyue said so, but suddenly raised his palm and patted Ren Yaoqi's abdomen, Taifei Yun was shocked and turned around to block Ren Yaoqi. At this moment, the sound of breaking wind came, Xiao Jingyue had practiced martial arts. Yes, the warrior's instinct made him aware of the danger, and immediately withdrew his hand and moved to the side to avoid it.

Unfortunately, it was still too late. A hidden weapon of unknown shape pierced Xiao Jingyue's face with a fierce momentum. With a "ding dong" sound, the hidden weapon fell to the ground. The hidden weapon turned out to be a woman's hairpin.

Almost at the same time as Xiao Jingyue dodged to avoid, a slender figure flashed from the direction of the inner room. Yelu Sage, who was standing farther away, noticed something was wrong, and wanted to rush over, not wanting the person who came out of the inner room to be alone. His feet slammed into Xiao Jingyue's chest, and Xiao Jingyue was dragged by the force to the direction of Yelu Sage.

Yelu Sage was forced to dodge aside, Xiao Jingyue fell heavily to the ground, and fell into a pile with Yan Ningshuang, who had fainted before, he snorted and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Yelu Sage didn't have time to manage Xiao Jingyue, she had already stepped forward to fight the man who rushed out of the inner room again.

Ren Yaoqi looked up and recognized that the woman who was fighting with Yelu Sage was Nan Xing who hid in the inner room before.

Nan Xing can get the heavy use of Xiao Jingxi, and it is natural to be able to subdue a man like Mu Hu. Yelu Sage's skill is not low, but Nan Xing did not fall behind in the fight with her.

Xiao Jingyue covered his chest with a pale face and wanted to stand up. He had just been kicked hard by Nan Xing, his sternum may have been broken, and his inner abdomen had also been injured.

Apple, who was standing beside Ren Yaoqi, noticed Xiao Jingyue's movements. She saw that Yelu Sage was stumbled by Nan Xing, so he gritted his teeth and picked up the copper incense burner that had been unused for a long time on the shelf, and then ignored the meeting. Being accidentally injured, he rushed towards Xiao Jingyue, raised the copper incense burner in his hand and smashed it on Xiao Jingyue's head.

The first time, Xiao Jingyue was smashed, blood poured out of his forehead, Apple turned a blind eye, pursed his lips and continued to smash Xiao Jingyue's head without saying a word.

With the second and third hits, the apple smashed harder and harder, and Xiao Jingyue's head and face soon became bloody, and finally he rolled his eyes and collapsed to the ground. Seeing him fall, Apple collapsed to the ground as if he had lost all his strength, but his eyes continued to stare at Xiao Jingyue for a moment, and the incense burner in his hand did not put down, as long as Xiao Jingyue opened her eyes, she would continue Smashing posture. Apple's face was wet, there was blood splashed by Xiao Jingyue on her face, and there were tears she didn't know when she shed, but she didn't seem to notice, just stared at Xiao Jingyue fiercely, like a Only the enraged female beast.

Apple is the most taciturn maid around Ren Yaoqi, but when it comes to loyalty, no one can match her. In Apple's mind, her young lady is like a god in the sky, and no one is allowed to blaspheme.

Xiao Jingyue, this beast, dares to make a rhetoric | play insulting her young lady, and wants to harm the child in her belly, this is simply unforgivable! So Apple exploded.

Even Yelu Sage and Nan Xing, who were fighting, were attracted by the movement on Apple's side. They turned their heads and glanced at Xiao Jingyue, who was lying on the ground horribly, before continuing to fight with a strange face.

Ren Yaoqi and Concubine Yun looked at Apple blankly, and it was the first time that Ren Yaoqi saw Apple's fierce side.

Yelu Sage and Nan Xing fought evenly, and no one could do anything about the other. At this time, a dozen guards who were staying outside Xiao Jingyue heard the movement and came to the main hall.


Sorry for being late again...
