Scheme of the Official Descendant

Chapter 534: Little Fuwa


After Xiao Jingxi said that, the rumors about the "indescribable price" of the young son of the Yanbei Palace really subsided. Of course, there were also rumors, but the rumors were about the young son "Fu Xing Gao Zhao" or "Wenqu Xing Xingxia", etc. Wait. Over time, everyone in Yanbei knew that Young Master Xiao was a lucky child, and no one associated him with the so-called "image of an emperor".

Ren Yaoqi naturally breathed a sigh of relief.

After giving birth to the child, Ren Yaoqi sat down for confinement in accordance with Mother Gong's instructions. During this period, she didn't do anything except eat and sleep. Sometimes she even wanted to take a few books from the study to relieve her boredom, but she was stopped by the maid, saying that it was the most taboo to work hard during the confinement period.

The child can be seen every day, the little guy is well taken care of, and he is born more tender day by day, Ren Yaoqi can't help but want to pinch his talented little face when he sees it. Because of this, Ren Yaoqi doesn't feel that confinement is depressing anymore, since Xianggong's children are by his side, what more can he ask for

Because he was already in the limelight as soon as he was born, the child's full moon wine was not a big deal. He only invited his close relatives verbally, and he didn't even post a post. This is what the princess meant. Yanbei had just experienced a war, and the old princess passed away. One year, the most important thing is not to ruin the child's blessing, Ren Yaoqi also agrees.

On the day of the full moon, the King of Yanbei named his child Xiao Weizhuo, nicknamed "Azhuo". "Being as straight as humble, as clever as clumsy, and as insensitive as discernment." The name given by King Yanbei may also be due to the fact that the child was born with too much limelight.

Several female relatives of her parents' family were talking and laughing here in Ren Yaoqi, the third sister-in-law Qi also came, and there were only Qi and Ren Yijun in the Ren family, because Qi and Ren Yijun had more face in front of Ren Yaoqi than the rest of the Ren family. Now they also have a great say in the Ren family, but neither Ren Yijun nor the Qi family have ever offered half the conditions for the Ren family to come to Ren Yaoqi.

The Ren family is far from what it used to be. When others mention the Ren family, they say that the Ren family has fallen. The Ren family was indeed defeated. There was not a single cent of the property left in that year, and even the ancestral house was repaid. The money in hand is only enough for a family of old snacks, and even the maids and servants have scattered seven or eight out of ten. But Ren Yaoqi felt that the Ren family was better than ever.

Mr. Ren was a little disheartened by this blow, but the two juniors, Ren Yiyan and Ren Yijun, stood up and are now trying to learn business with their fifth uncle, Ren Shimao. I don't want to make a comeback, I just want to keep my family fed and clothed.

Ren Yiyan said it's okay to say, Ren Yijun surprised Ren Yaoqi a little. The young master's temperament is somewhat similar to his third uncle Ren Shimin.

Ren Yaoqi asked Ren Yijun about this, the young master glanced at Ren Yaoqi out of the corner of his eye and said, "The whole family is going to starve to death, what can I do to be arty? Can the young master still rely on a woman to support him? I have lost my identity! The husband can bend and stretch, and when the young master has supported the mother and daughter-in-law, he will come back to listen to the words of the sage!"

Makes Ren Yaoqi and Qi's family laugh non-stop.

Ren Yijun and Ren Yiyan supported their family outside, and the eldest wife taught the two daughters-in-law of Zhao and Qi as housekeepers. The family was happy when they arrived, but unfortunately neither the Zhao nor the Qi had children, which made the eldest wife sad and gray. If Mrs. Ren and Mrs. Ren were still in charge, the two daughters-in-law would definitely suffer serious crimes. Now, although the eldest wife is also dissatisfied, thinking about whether to take concubines for her two sons, she was sent away by Ren Yijun with a word, "No money to support idlers!"

The eldest wife knew that the Ren family couldn't stand the toss anymore, so she just thought about it and didn't mention it again.

Ren Yaoyin was still staying in the nunnery, and the eldest wife also thought about taking her back, after all, Ren Yaoyin was also old. Mrs. Qi and Mrs. Zhao did not stop the eldest wife from picking them up.

This is what Qi Shi said: "The fourth sister has been in the nunnery for so long, and it's time to bring her back, but to bring people back so rashly is afraid that the talkative person will gossip about the fourth sister, the fourth sister. You're not too young, why don't you help the fourth sister to find a good family first? When the time comes, you can say to the outside world that the fourth sister is coming back to prepare for marriage."

The Zhao family quickly echoed.

The eldest wife thinks about it and thinks it is right, she also knows in her heart that she is actually Ren Yaoyin's elder brother. The opinions of the two sisters-in-law are also very important. After all, Ren Yaoyin's dowry will be paid from the public, and the only thing she can subsidize in private is some of the old jewelry she left behind.

But when she really wanted to say kiss, the eldest wife was worried. The Ren family had fallen to this point, and the people who had been with the Ren family in the past would naturally not look at Ren Yaoyin. Only some squires, ordinary merchants, and even widowers can marry Ren Yaoyin. The psychological gap was too great, and the eldest wife couldn't accept it for a while. She couldn't help but blame herself for not marrying Ren Yaoyin earlier, and she also resented Ren Yaoyin for delaying her future. The matter of taking over Ren Yaoyin's return was put on hold again. The eldest wife was afraid that when Ren Yaoyin came back, she would become more troublesome when she saw this situation and didn't want to marry. Ren Yaoqi also saw from the incident of Ren Yaoyin that the third sister-in-law, Qi, had some means, and she would never be soft-hearted when she should be cruel.

Qi shi said casually while holding Ah Zhuo teasingly: "Ninth sister's wedding date is approaching."

Hearing this, Ren Yaoqi raised his eyebrows and glanced at Qi's. Qi's always knew that she and Ren Yaohua didn't want to see Ren Yaoying, so they rarely mentioned it in front of them. If it wasn't for Qi's mention, Ren Yaoqi would almost forget Ren Yaoying is this person.

Ren Yaohua's face turned cold and he said, "Why do you mention her on a good day? What does it have to do with us whether she is married or not? My father has said that we will not recognize this kind of kiss."

Ren Yaoying's marriage has been dragged to the present due to various reasons. Originally, the He family wanted to break off the marriage, but once the master of the He family went to Baihe Town to meet Ren Yaoying due to business matters, he dismissed the idea of breaking off the marriage.

Ren Yaohua said with a sneer: "The inner courtyard is deep in the house, she will see you when she sees it, she has some skills when she arrives!"

Qi Shi couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed when he heard the words: "The wife originally ordered someone to watch her, but now the family is short of hands, if one doesn't watch it..."

Ren Yaohua said: "The third sister-in-law doesn't need to say, I don't mean to blame you. The original discipline of Ren Yaoying can't reach the head of the aunt and you sister-in-laws. Speaking of it, it's still ours. If it wasn't for her grandmother... Ren Yaoying We know very well what kind of thing it is, even if you send someone to watch her, she can always think of a way if she wants to take advantage of men."

Mrs Qi was amused by Ren Yaohua's ruthless and rude contempt: "Speaking of which, I also don't understand what Sister Jiu was thinking. Didn't she make a fuss before and refused to marry, but now she's catching up. on."

The enemy knows the enemy best, and Ren Yaohua immediately said with disdain: "What's so hard to figure out, when she was arguing about not marrying because she thought she could marry a better one, now her father kicked her out of the house, and the Ren family has If she loses, can she still climb up to someone richer than the He family?"

Qi Shi smiled and said: "But if the ninth sister wants to marry herself, it will save a lot of trouble. She wants to be the head wife of the He family, and she will naturally feel at ease and prepare for the marriage for a while now. For the fourth sister's marriage, I'm afraid that I don't have the time to choose a Ruyi man who suits her heart."

Ren Yaohua frowned: "After you said that, why do I think it's not so easy to end?"

Ren Yaoqi took over his sleeping son from the Qi family, and when he heard this, he gave Ren Yaohua a helpless look: "Crow's mouth!"

Ren Yaohua was about to refute, when suddenly his face changed, he turned around and covered his mouth and retched.

Seeing that her face suddenly turned pale, Mrs Qi was startled and quickly stepped forward to support her: "What's the matter?"

Ren Yaohua kept retching, but he couldn't speak when he wanted to speak.

Ren Yaoqi was also a little anxious at first, and wanted the maid to go to the doctor, but after thinking about it, he seemed to have thought of something, with a bit of anticipation in his eyes, and asked in a low voice, "Sister, did you come by Sunflower Water last month? "

Qi shi was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, but also thought about it, and looked at Ren Yaohua's abdomen.

Ren Yaohua's face was still a little pale, but he finally stopped the retching temporarily, and said somewhat uncertainly: "No, but sometimes my days are a little inaccurate."

Ren Yaoqi was overjoyed when he heard the words, and quickly ordered Sangling: "Go and invite Gong mama." After a pause, he said, "In addition, invite another doctor."

The people outside were also alarmed by the movement inside. Mrs. Li and the others walked in quickly, thinking it was Ren Yaoqi.

Gong mama came soon, gave Ren Yaohua two pulses and nodded with a smile: "It's Huamai, I'm happy!"

One sentence calmed everyone's heart, and the invited doctor was useless, Ren Yaohua was also pleasantly surprised when he stroked his abdomen.

Lei Pan'er clapped her hands and said happily: "I have a younger brother again! I have a younger brother again!"

Li Shi, who had been worried about her daughter, immediately wanted to offer incense to the Bodhisattva, but she believed that Ren Yaohua's pregnancy this time was due to Ah Zhuo, because Ren Yaohua often held Ah Zhuo recently.

Because Ren Yaohua was diagnosed to be pregnant, Xiao Weizuo's baby's full moon banquet became more and more lively, and more people believed that Ah Zhuo was a lucky child, and Qi Shi even hugged Ah Zhuo and refused to let it go. I don't care.

The birth of Xiao Weizhuo also reminds people of another child of his generation, the young son of Yanbei Wangfu, Xiao Weiyong who is far away in the capital.

Many people think that it was an expedient measure to establish Xiao Weiyong, the king of Yanbei, as the heir, and the position of the heir will eventually fall to Xiao Jingxi. Now the birth of the young son Xiao Weizhuo is a good opportunity.

But no matter what the outside world guesses, the Yanbei Palace has no intention of changing the heir. Some people attacked him from the side, and the King of Yanbei would express his love for the eldest son and grandson who was far away in the capital.