Scheme of the Official Descendant

Chapter 55: Lin


The Lin family is the largest grain merchant in Yanbei.

The current head of the Lin family is the head of the Lin family, the father of the fifth wife, the Lin family.

Decades ago, when Lin's father's grandfather died, the Lin family split up once. The Lin family's grain shop was equally divided between the two brothers of the Lin family, that is, the grandfather and uncle of the Lin family. With the efforts of the two brothers, the Lin family's grain shop has doubled.

It's a pity that Lin's great-uncle and cousin were robbed and killed when they encountered a thief on a long trip. Only the uncle's wife, who was pregnant with Liujia, was left in the second line of the Lin family.

Lin's aunt was eight months pregnant at the time. After hearing the bad news of her husband and her father-in-law, she couldn't bear the blow of premature birth. In the end, she gave birth to her husband's posthumous child and died on the delivery bed.

After that, the family of Lin's family took over the business of the second room logically, and took the premature nephew of the second room under the care of the house, and named him Lin Kun.

Lin Kun was born eight months premature and weighed only two pounds, so everyone thought it was not big. However, this child's vitality is very tenacious, and he has grown up safely.

Lin Kun has been raised by the old lady Qiu in the long house since he was a child, and he loves his own grandson and grandson. When Lin Kun was seventeen, he begged Mrs. Lin to marry Ren Shijia, a girl from the Ren family.

Ren Shijia is the daughter of Mrs. Lin's maiden niece, and she is naturally happy to see it happen. The Ren family also did not reject the Lin family's proposal for some kind of consideration back then, and married Ren Shijia to Lin Kun, the second wife of the Lin family.

It was also an expedient measure for Lin's family to take over the business of the second room. Logically, after Lin Kun grew up, the business of the second room of the Lin family should be returned to the second room. But after so many years, Lin's family has no intention of returning the business, and only treats Lin Kun as the grandson of the elder's family.

However, Lin's family has many grandchildren, and whether Lin Kun is a second-bedroom or a big-family person will make a huge difference when he inherits the family's origin in the future.

At this time, the eldest wife, Mrs. Wang, came in, and Ren Shijia smiled and called her eldest sister-in-law.

The eldest wife said warmly, "I have already sent someone to clean up your Nuanxiang Pavilion. Would you like to go and have a look now?"

The old lady opened her eyes at this time, but said to Mrs. Lin, "You and Shijia have always been on good terms. If you know what she likes, then go to Xiangnuan Pavilion with your sister-in-law to help her take a look. Look at it, Shijia. Jia must be satisfied too. She just came back, and she is heavy, so I might as well rest here for a while."

Lin Shi hurriedly got up with a smile, and said to Ren Shijia, "Then I'll go check it out for you. If there is anything that needs to be replaced, I'll replace it for you. Don't say you don't like it when the time comes."

Ren Shijia said angrily: "What the fifth sister-in-law likes, I must like it. Thank you sister-in-law and fifth sister-in-law for making you tired."

"What is this? We are all happy that you can come back."

Lin clapped Ren Shijia's hand, bowed with the eldest wife, and walked away, talking about the furnishings that Ren Shijia liked when she was a girl.

Li looked at the old lady and Ren Shijia's mother and daughter. The old lady slightly closed her eyes and leaned on the Luohan bed without speaking, while Ren Shijia lowered her head and counted the patterns on the skirt. Feeling uneasy, he also got up and said, "Since my aunt is going to rest, I will take the children down first."

She could see that Ren Shijia must have something to do when she came back, but she had never had a chance to talk to old lady Ren alone before, so she wanted to leave.

The old lady finally opened her eyes and nodded: "You go down first."

Ren Shijia also smiled friendly and said, "If the third sister-in-law is free, remember to bring Yaohua and Yaoqi to my yard to play. It is rare to live in the Nuanxiang Pavilion once a year, so it's very lonely."

Li returned her a smile and nodded.

Ren Shijia's attitude towards Li's family is quite friendly, especially since she married into the Lin family and has never been able to give birth to a child, so she can particularly appreciate the pain of Li's lack of a son.

Mrs. Li retired with sisters Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua.

Only then did the old lady dismiss the people who were serving her, and sat up: "Why are you back now? What happened?"

When Ren Shijia heard the words, her eyes suddenly turned red, and she finally lowered her head and sobbed.

The old lady Ren frowned, but sighed: "Why are you crying? Be careful if you hurt your body, it's not good for the child."

Ren Shijia stopped crying immediately, quickly took out her veil to wipe her tears, and sniffed, "Mother, I'm so scared, I... I don't dare to stay at Lin's house anymore."

The old lady Ren originally thought that Ren Shijia came back because the husband and wife were having trouble, but now she suddenly heard such a sentence, and she couldn't help being surprised: "What happened?"

Ren Shijia suddenly jumped into the arms of the old lady Ren, her face turning pale: "After I became pregnant, the Lin family arranged a small kitchen for me. I sent a letter to my aunt before asking her to help me find a cook in Jiangnan. A few days ago, my aunt sent me two cooks, one is good at making Jianghuai dishes, and the other is good at making medicated meals."

The aunt in Ren Shijia's mouth is the elder sister of Mrs. Ren, the old lady of Jiangning Fang's family, that is, the first-mother of Mrs. Fang.

Mrs. Ren gently patted Ren Shijia on the back: "I heard your aunt mentioned this in a letter, why is there something wrong with those two cooks?"

Ren Shijia shook his head: "It's not that the cook has a problem, it's... that the Lin family has a problem. The cook who can make medicated meals can also cure some women's stubborn diseases. That time I asked her to show me whether the fetus in my womb was healthy. She could tell that my previous miscarriages were... manipulated!"

"What!" The old lady Ren almost jumped up in shock. She pressed Ren Shijia's shoulder and said sternly, "Jia'er, do you know what you are going to say?"

Ren Shijia nodded with a lingering fear: "My daughter knows. When my daughter heard this at first, she was shocked and couldn't believe it. My daughter has been at Lin's house these years, and the old lady and the eldest lady have treated me very well. The wife also asked me to stay with the eldest lady as a housekeeper, and the concubines in the long house were not as beautiful as me. I never gave birth to a child for the lord, and the old lady did not let the eldest wife take a concubine, and even let the eldest wife release me. I also think I am a lucky daughter-in-law. But... But this time I told my husband what the cook told me, and my husband quietly found a doctor with excellent medical skills for me. Miscarriage should be frequent, and the offspring will be difficult."

Mrs. Ren frowned and said suspiciously: "The doctor you saw before didn't see it right? Didn't I send you a few experienced wives? They didn't see it either?"

Ren Shijia said: "I then asked the two women to question them. They said that they just felt that I was weak and lacked energy, so they also paid attention to helping me replenish my blood and qi on weekdays, but they couldn't see that I was not in good health. Whether it was born like this or was hurt by others. As for the doctors who consulted for me on weekdays, they are all people who are used by the old lady. I... Mother, what should I do? I am afraid that this child will also be given to others. It's gone. I'll be thirty years old in another year, and Mrs. Wen said that she will be pregnant with a child, and the delivery will be even more difficult. Mother, please save me, save me... "

The old lady Ren was startled when she heard it, and hurriedly patted her daughter's back to comfort her: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, no one can hurt you with your mother here. Mother will ask a doctor to come into the house to check your pulse. Help you save the fetus in your womb. You can stay at home with peace of mind, and the Lin family should not go back yet."

"I came back to my parents' house under the pretext of arguing with my husband this time. On the way, the old lady and the eldest sent someone to persuade me twice. They will send someone back." Ren Shijia worried.

Mrs. Ren frowned and thought for a while: "I'll block you back, don't worry about anything, just keep your baby safe."

Ren Shijia sat up straight from Mrs. Ren's arms: "Mother, if this is true, what will my daughter do? If it is true, they are too vicious. The old lady is my aunt and grandmother. what!"

Old Madam Ren frowned and thought about things in her heart. She didn't answer Ren Shijia's words, but said, "When your father comes back, I will discuss it with him. You pretend you don't know anything." Come in and ask her to invite a doctor who is familiar with her on weekdays to come into the house to check on Ren Shijia's pulse.

When the maid went out, the old lady Ren explained to Ren Shijia again: "What you said just now, remember not to mention it to your fifth brother and fifth sister-in-law, and don't let them see any clues. You have to insist that it is because you are right. Uncle came back when he was dissatisfied, you know?"

"Yes, mother, my daughter knows." Ren Shijia hurriedly assured.

Not long after that, Mrs. Lin, the fifth wife, came over and said that she had already seen Ren Shijia's Nuanxiang Pavilion and added a few small items.

The old lady Ren asked Ren Shijia to go back to her yard to rest.

When the doctor entered the mansion, the old lady asked the doctor to go to her yard to explain, and then asked him to go to the Nuanxiang Pavilion to diagnose Ren Shijia's pulse.

At noon, when Mr. Ren came back, the old lady screened others and told Mr. Ren about Ren Shijia's suspicions.

"...Speaking of which, I have long felt that something is wrong, so after Jia'er was pregnant this time, I became more careful, and specially sent her two stable wives. A few years ago, the Lin family also said that they wanted Jia'er Choose a boy from the grandchildren of the long house to adopt him. But the child's biological parents are not dead yet, so when they grow up, won't they be with their biological parents

"What did Li Sheng say?" Mr. Ren, who slowly paced a few steps, stopped and asked calmly.

Lisheng in his mouth was the word of Ren Shijia's husband-in-law Lin Kun.

The old lady Ren said: "You don't know the temperament of the uncle? That's the best thing to do! I also took a fancy to him at the beginning, so I agreed to marry my daughter, but I didn't want it to be like this. The Lin family came to ask for marriage. Jia'er said it well when she was a child. My aunt also said that she was begging for his nephew in the second room, but now the second room has become the eldest room. If there is something wrong with Jia'er, the Lin family will not do it. Better to think about it! It's so outrageous! I offered their Lin family girl as a daughter, but they did this to my daughter."

The old lady Ren became more and more angry, and some couldn't control her voice.