Scheme of the Official Descendant

Chapter 6: Calculate


Ying'er and Zhu'er were assigned to two servants in the outer courtyard and became ordinary servants in the outer courtyard.

The boundary between the outer courtyard and the inner courtyard of the Ren family is clearly defined. Even if some people have been poor in the Ren family for a lifetime, it is extremely difficult to step into the hanging flower door with the hanging lotus columns overhanging the eaves.

"Mummy, you should say that he is here and now! Now that we are back, she still thinks she can stretch her hands so long?" Ren Yaohua's eyes were icy, and she said coldly, "I will arrange her to come in tomorrow, and The minions who had been knocked down by the wind in the yard were all driven out."

Mother Zhou persuaded: "Miss San, we are about to come back, so let's put this matter aside for now, right? The number of people we brought back is still a small number, and this Ziweiyuan still needs people to be errands, even if it is to re-select people. , or if you buy another one, you have to report to the old lady and the eldest wife first. Besides, you need a reason to drive people out. You can't drive people out of the yard without any reason. It's not easy to communicate with the old lady."

Ren Yaohua hated the other party's aunt in her heart, she raised her eyebrows after listening to Zhou Mama's words and said: "Grandma's side is up to me, as for the reason? That's not easy? Lazy, broken mouth, stealing, disrespectful to the Lord... The master gives them to them. Convicted, can they still refute it?"

"Miss Three..."

"Does the third sister want to offend everyone in the Ren family before giving up?" Ren Yaoqi suddenly said.

Ren Yaohua looked at Ren Yaoqi with a cold face, and Ren Yaoqi turned a blind eye to her anger and said softly: "Aunt Fang has rearranged a lot of people to come in for Ziweiyuan, except for Zhu Mama next to me and two others. Aside from a personal maid, most of them are not her own."

"It's not hers?" Zhou Ma thought for a while, and then said in a deep voice, "It is reasonable to say that she is not so talented in her spare time..."

Networks need to be managed. Mammy Zhou has helped Li's business for more than ten years, but she has more than a dozen genuine confidants who are serving her, and two have been sent away.

The other wives of the Ren family are not vegetarians, so how could Aunt Ren Fang sit too big and ride on top of them

Ren Yaoqi nodded: "Most of the maids in Ziwei's courtyard are newly selected from various villages a year ago."

However, Ren Yaohua sneered and gave Ren Yaoqi a sidelong glance: "This yard is in charge of Auntie Fang, shouldn't people still have to go through her hands? Even if these people have nothing to do with her before, it's not enough to go her way. her people?"

Although Ren Yaohua has a strong temperament, he is not a dull person. Although he is young, he has his own opinions because he has helped the weak Li to make up his mind since he was a child.

Ren Yaoqi listened to what Ren Yaohua said and did not deny it, but nodded in agreement: "Third sister is right, these people went the way of Aunt Fang and got such a job, so they are all grateful to her, this year Her reputation among the people under Ren's government is getting better and better."

Mrs. Li and Ren Yaohua went to Zhuangzi. There were few masters in Ziwei's courtyard, but their share was the same as before, and Aunt Fang never took it lightly. Therefore, the errands in Ziwei's courtyard had become known to the servants of the Ren family as a waste of money.

This time, although Ren Yaohua's face was even more ugly, he didn't speak out immediately.

The eldest maid, Xi'er, couldn't help but wonder: "But didn't Fifth Young Lady initially say that these people are not from Aunt Fang? Now they say they belong to her... Are they from her?"

Ren Yaoqi thought for a while, and said softly, "Although these people are all newly born children from the village that Aunt Fang picked up from the village, they are all with the old lady, the eldest lady, the second lady and the fifth lady's yard. For example, the sister-in-law Niu, who is in charge of the keys to our yard, is the eldest daughter-in-law of the eldest lady in the old lady's yard, and Liu'er, who manages the tea for the guests in our yard, is the first-class eldest next to the eldest lady. The younger sister of the maid of the autumn equinox, Mrs. Liu, who was in charge of hot water in the backyard, was originally a concierge in the Ren's outer courtyard, but her niece is now in charge of the accounts in the fifth wife's courtyard..."

Mammy Zhou is also an old man who was rolling and crawling in the backyard. After listening to these few sentences, he could hear the powerful relationship between them, and his heart was even more turbulent.

The maid Que'er was also frightened and said: "She actually used the errand of our Ziweiyuan as a favor to please the other masters of the Ren family!"

Ren Yaoqi shook her head, and she glanced at Ren Yaohua.

Ren Yaohua pursed her lips tightly, making her cold face a bit stubborn, but her eyes were full of anger.

"Of course she can please the old lady and the people around the eldest lady by doing this, but the main purpose is not this."

Hearing this, everyone turned their attention to Ren Yaoqi.

Ren Yaoqi looked at Ren Yaohua: "Her purpose is the third sister and mother."

Ignoring the stunned eyes of several people, Ren Yaoqi continued to say in a hurry, "She has calculated the temperament of the third sister, knowing that you must not allow the people she arranged to stay in Ziweiyuan, and will start cleaning up as soon as she comes back. The inner courtyard. In fact, these people have nothing to do with her, and they can't hinder her wherever they are sent. She takes the favors she gives, but you offend the old lady, the eldest lady, the second lady, and the fifth lady because of this. ."

After all, Ren Yaohua is also the daughter of the Ren family, and the old lady Ren always takes care of her, so she will always return to the Ren family. Aunt Fang understood this from beginning to end, so she never thought that she could drive Ren Yaohua and the Li family out of the Ren family completely.

She is a concubine, and even if she gives birth to a son, she can't be right, so what she wants is the control of the backyard of the third room.

Even if Li Shi and Ren Yaohua returned to Ren's house, they could no longer shake her status.

"This despicable and shameless poisonous woman!" Xi'er cursed through gritted teeth.

Ren Yaohua gradually calmed down because of his anger, and said word by word in an indifferent tone: "She will just wait and see, I will make her look good!"

Ren Yaoqi asked calmly, "How do you make her look good? Let her come to set rules for her mother, and then take the opportunity to rectify her?"

Ren Yaohua raised his eyes and looked at Ren Yaoqi with a sullen face.

Mammy Zhou was afraid that the two sisters would quarrel again, so she hurriedly tried to smooth things out: "Miss San also thought about why we went away for a year, and the people in the Ren family only knew that there was Aunt Fang, but they didn't know that there was a serious master like Mrs. I want to give Aunt Fang a chance to set rules and give my wife a chance to show prestige."

Ren Yaoqi didn't want to quarrel with Ren Yaohua, so he nodded: "The idea is right, but the timing is wrong."

"Oh? What's wrong?" Ren Yaohua raised her eyebrows and said coldly.

Ren Yaoqi said seriously: "Didn't I ask the third sister how to look good on Aunt Fang? Before you left the house, I did look good on her a few times, but have you ever thought about why you can look good on her? Let her eat and have nowhere to appeal?"

Ren Yaohua didn't say anything, but Xi'er said, "Of course our third young lady is more embarrassed in front of the old lady than Fang Auntie! With the old lady's support, Fang Auntie naturally dare not be presumptuous when she sees the third young lady."

Mrs. Ren didn't like Mrs. Li, but she was kind to Ren Yaohua, her granddaughter.

When Ren Yaohua pushed Ren Yihong into the water, the old lady also thought that she was young and arrogant, and she missed her hand, not deliberately framed her younger brother's life, and helped her to say good things to the old man Ren.

"Aunt Fang also knows this. So if one day the old lady no longer stands on the side of the third sister, what will happen?"

"How is this possible, the old lady has always loved the third young lady, and she also sent someone to bring food to the third young lady when we were in Zhuangzi." Que'er shook her head hurriedly.

Ren Yaohua and Mother Zhou were silent.

There is no shortage of Cheng Huan's younger generation around the old lady. The current Ren family is the fourth young lady Ren Yaoyin, the direct descendant of the eldest wife, and Ren Yaoyu, the fifth wife direct descendant.

Today, Ren Yaohua and Mrs. Li went to greet the old lady. Although the old lady was very happy to see Ren Yaohua, she was coldly reprimanded when Ren Yaohua pleaded with Mrs. Li.

In the Ren family, Mrs. Ren would never say a harsh word to Ren Yaohua. Every time the old lady Ren embarrassed the Li family, with Ren Yaohua on the side, the old lady Ren would give her granddaughter a bit of face.

"So the most important thing for the third sister right now is not to find trouble with Aunt Fang, so that her mean and domineering reputation is purposefully publicized to the point where everyone knows it. It is to try to consolidate her position in front of the old lady. As long as you are still the most favored granddaughter around the old lady, you will have more chances to teach Aunt Fang a lesson in the future." Ren Yaoqi pointed out calmly and objectively.

No one noticed the indifference to Mrs. Ren in her calmness. It seems that in her heart, the old lady Ren is just a tool for standing in the inner house, and it has useful value, not her own grandmother.

"Miss Third, Miss Fifth is right." Mother Zhou pondered Ren Yaoqi's words, and the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became.

Aunt Fang first cut off Li's old family in Ziweiyuan. First, she could cut off the connection between Li's and the Ren family's main house, and deepen the estrangement between Ren Yaoqi, Li's and Ren Yaohua. The second is to give her an empty space for those people who want to get to Ziweiyuan next.

She did this, and when Ren Yaohua returned to the house, she would definitely be furious, so her next move came.

Let Ren Yaohua fall out of favor with the old lady Ren completely, and offend the masters and servants of the Ren family into isolation, this is her ultimate goal.

Ren Yaohua also wanted to understand now, and couldn't help feeling aggrieved. She wanted to sarcastically ask Ren Yaoqi, "I fell out of favor with my grandmother, didn't I just say what you want?"

But she still swallowed her words to the quiet eyes of the previous Yaoqi.

Although Ren Yaohua was noncommittal, Mammy Zhou knew her very well and knew that she must have listened. Then he smiled at Ren Yaoqi with great relief: "The fifth young lady has really grown up, and these things have not even been thought of by the madam and the old slave."

Ren Yaoqi lowered her eyes and said nothing. In her previous life, she studied with Pei Zhiyan, who was an imperial teacher. The twists and turns of these inner houses seem to her now as if the curtain and console of the shadow puppet show were lifted, and she was in control of the densely packed dolls who raised their hands and feet. The control lines are clearly visible.