Scheme of the Official Descendant

Chapter 65: The adulterer appears


Because of the experience of the previous life, Ren Yaoqi had a different understanding of the family of his grandfather, Xianwang, and developed a deep affection for him.

It is easy to add icing on the cake, but it is difficult to send charcoal in the snow.

If someone stands up and helps you without a purpose when you are desperate for the world, you can understand this feeling.

Ren Yaoqi calmed down the mixed feelings in his heart, stood up, and asked Xiangqin, "Where did they go? How long have they been gone?"

Xiangqin hurriedly said: "After you and Miss Eight went to the clean room, Miss Three left. She originally wanted to talk to you. But Miss Three is in a hurry, and she was afraid... I was afraid that my uncle would encounter some trouble again, so I went to look for someone first. I also said that if she didn’t come back after three to four quarters of an hour, I would have the servants come to tell you and let you help cover it up in front of the other masters.”

Ren Yaoqi couldn't help laughing bitterly when she heard the words, Ren Yaohua didn't go looking for someone because she was afraid that her uncle would get into trouble, she was afraid that her uncle would cause them trouble. The last time my uncle sold the house in order to buy a cricket, Ren Yaohua was very angry, for fear that he would be absurd again this time. Because every time Li Tianyou leaves home, there must be nothing good.

Moreover, Ren Yaohua didn't want the rest of the Ren family to see Li Tianyou. In her heart, not only could this uncle not be able to back up her mother, but she would try to hold them back, and she felt a little ashamed of being with him.

In the last life, Ren Yaohua didn't have any good feelings for those people in Xianwang's mansion, and even once she followed Mammy Zhou to send money to her grandfather's house, and she also brought a few girls to challenge her grandfather and said not to sell those "players". If you go out, you will never give them money relief in the future.

The grandfather, who had never been temperamental, got angry that time, smashed the silver at Ren Yaohua's feet, pulled her out with a horse whip used for singing, and said that she would never be allowed to belong to the Li family again. Door, he does not recognize this granddaughter.

Although Li's grandfather still reluctantly accepted the money when Mrs. Li sent money to her mother's house, she was always indifferent to Ren Yaohua.

It's just that Ren Yaohua didn't come back for nearly an hour. Seeing that it was almost time for lunch, Ren Yaoqi had to quietly send a few trusted old ladies to look for her.

In the end, the temple sent someone over to say that the meal was ready, and let Ren Yaoqi go over for the meal.

Ren Yaoqi could only secretly send someone to continue to look for it, while going to see the eldest wife, Mrs. Wang.

Fortunately, the eldest wife wanted to discuss the affairs of the Liu family with the eldest young grandmother.

Listening to the meaning of the words of the eldest wife and the eldest young mistress, the two sisters of the Liu family cried in front of Mrs. Liu and complained that the Ren family abused them because of the crowd.

However, the eldest wife trembled with anger after knowing what the Liu sisters scolded Ren Yijun. She not only did not care about the blame for Ren Yaoqi helping Ren Yijun teach the Liu sisters, but she was also very kind to her. No mother can tolerate others calling her child short-lived.

Therefore, seeing the Liu family's wife open her mouth, the Ren family must show their sincerity, and they will settle the matter, otherwise she will let the Ren family's reputation be discredited, and the eldest wife will only give her a sneer.

An old lady next to the eldest wife looked at the eldest lady's face and said contemptuously to the Liu family's wife: "Our young master is not afraid of anything, even if your girl met for the first time, she casually invited our young master to the side. Talking, there is not even a servant around, are you going to rush to our Ren family to be a concubine? To tell the truth, our Ren family has a great business, but I don’t mind having an extra meal or two.”

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the Liu family were suddenly ugly. The eldest lady lowered her head and took a sip of tea, pretending that she did not hear the presumptuousness of the servant.

A good blind date has turned into a fight.

But in the end, for the sake of the reputations of the two families, everyone tacitly exposed this matter. As for the Liu family's attempt to blackmail the Ren family, they succeeded in the last life. Just think.

The eldest wife was a little disappointed with her visit to Bailong Temple this time, and planned to go back after lunch and rest for a while.

Because they didn't have dinner together, Ren Yaoqi told the eldest wife that Ren Yaohua would not be able to come back after going to the farther Kaling stupa, because she felt that Ren Yaohua was surrounded by maids and old ladies, so the eldest lady didn't care. . She is discussing with the eldest and young women about helping Ren Yijun see each other next time. Ren Yijun's marriage is one of her heart problems.

I don't want to, it was raining heavily outside while we were eating. The eldest wife sent someone over and told them to rest in the room after the meal was over, and then set off back home after the rain stopped.

The person who sent to look for Ren Yaohua has not come back, Ren Yaoqi can only go to the eldest wife once again, saying that Ren Yaohua sent the maid to come back and say that she met her uncle's servant on the way and wanted to go over to greet the uncle, so she has not come back yet. .

Although Li Tianyou is known to be unreliable, but after all, he is the brother of sister Ren Yaoqi's mother's family, a serious elder, and the eldest wife didn't say anything. Only if Ren Yaohua came back, he would go over and tell her.

As soon as Ren Yaoqi returned to the room, he instructed Xiangqin to find her a bamboo hat and a cloak, and arranged for Apple to guard the room. In the courtyard, explain to them that if anyone came to ask, she would go to Ren Yaohua.

She is only an eleven-year-old child, and it is normal to have fun. And Yanbei's rules are not as strict as those near Kyoto in the south.

Ren Yaoqi led people all the way to the place Xiangqin said, but did not see Ren Yaohua.

When it rained, the people in the Bailong Temple disappeared. Walking along the road, I only felt that the ancient temple of Nuoda was empty, and even the footsteps would leave an echo. The icy rain fell on the flat stone road, and it splashed onto Ren Yaoqi's embroidered shoes, which soon became wet.

In the temple, we can find minoyi and hats, but we can't find suitable clogs.

Ren Yaoqi felt uneasy in his heart.

In the last life, she and Ren Yaohua did not come to Bailong Temple at this time, so Ren Yaohua did not meet Dongsheng in the last life. But Dongsheng disappeared in his last life.

Ren Yaoqi didn't know when Dongsheng disappeared in the last life, but Ren Yaohua hadn't come back for so long, so she always felt something was wrong.

The main building of Bailong Temple covers an area of about 100 mu. In addition, there are many peripheral houses around it. Some courtyards are rented out to pilgrims who come to the temple to burn incense or seek medical treatment, and some are rented to pilgrims who want to ask for a clean place. The reader who reads. For example, the nearby Baiyunyan actually used the land of Bailong Temple. Only Baiyu Temple has to pay some incense and silver to Bailong Temple every year.

Although they are all under the seat of the Buddha, they still have to settle accounts.

In the Zhou Dynasty, everyone from the royal family to the common people believed in and revered Buddha. In addition to enjoying the imperial court rewards every year, the large monasteries also had 30 acres of cultivated land, plus large donations from pilgrims. The wasteland of the monastery, the annual output of the monastery is a considerable amount of income.

Most monks do not own land, but rent out their arable land to landless peasants. So every big temple is a big landlord. Therefore, there is a saying that the world's wealth is ten percent, and the Buddha seven percent.

If Li Tianyou came to Bailong Temple, then he was most likely in a courtyard under the name of the surrounding Bailong Temple.

There are many scholars who rent the courtyard of Bailong Temple, and many of them like to play. Although they gambled on cockfights and crickets, most of them did not gamble for money, but they gambled on some ancient paintings and antiques. It can be said that as long as they were not real money and valuable things, they would gamble with them and consider themselves elegant.

As for Li Tianyou, he doesn't care about being elegant or not, and he doesn't care whether he bet on money or a house, he just bet on a willingness.

"Fifth Miss, your shoes are all wet, you should go back and let the servants find it." A woman came forward and whispered.

Ren Yaoqi looked at the new pair of pink embroidered shoes under her skirt, and was thinking about sending more people out to find someone, but Xiangqin suddenly pointed to the front and said, "Look, miss, it's my uncle. "

Ren Yaoqi immediately looked up, and sure enough, not far away, two more people were coming towards this side in the rain. The man walking in front was a man of twenty-five or six years old who was not very tall. The shabby bamboo hat came, but he didn't wear a hoodie, so he got wet from the neck, but his big coat, which couldn't see the color, was very ill-fitting on him, and the sleeves were rolled up several times, looking at him. It's like a naughty child sneaking out in an adult's clothes.

Behind him was an ordinary black-faced man who looked like an iron tower. Li Tianyou often joked that it was really a waste to pretend to be a martial arts student, and he should be a black-faced Bao Gong.

The man walking behind saw Ren Yaoqi first, and he hurriedly stepped forward and whispered a few words in the ear in front. The man behind looked up and saw Ren Yaoqi. After he was stunned for a while, he suddenly covered his face with his sleeves and turned to run, but his sleeves were all picked up, and he hurriedly rolled his sleeves down, looking embarrassed and funny.

Parsley on the side covered her mouth with joy.

Ren Yaoqi reluctantly called the person who was dragging his entourage to escape: "Uncle, I have seen you!"

Li Tianyou stopped very depressed, and when Ren Yaoqi walked over, he heard him turn his back and teach his entourage: "... I told you to eat less on weekdays! Look at how big you have grown. Hulk, every time you want to turn around and run gracefully, people will recognize you, you are a living target! From now on, you can only eat two bowls of rice... no... one bowl of rice! Can you hear me!"

The man, who has always been submissive, bowed his head helplessly and said yes.

Li Tianyou rolled his eyes and whispered even more: "Look at my niece? Is it the fierce one or the one who likes to look at the sky like her father?"

Ren Yaoqi looked at the black-faced man with a serious look at her, and then replied, "Master, it's the one who likes to see the sky with both eyes."

Ren Yaoqi: "..."

Li Tianyou breathed a sigh of relief, turned around, was startled when he saw Ren Yaoqi standing behind him, and then glared at his entourage: "Why don't you remind me when you are right behind you! "

Seeing that it was still raining, Ren Yao didn't bother with him, but asked, "Has my uncle seen my third sister?" Although she heard from the conversation between the master and the servant, Li Tianyou might not have seen Ren Yaohua. big.

Sure enough, Li Tianyou shook his head, and the water on the hat shook Ren Yaoqi's face: "I didn't see it, I ran away when I saw it."

Ren Yaoqi reluctantly wiped the water droplets on his face: "What about Dongsheng next to you? Did you only bring Dongsheng and Xiasheng out today?"

Li Tianyou was busy rolling up his long sleeves, when he heard the words, he said casually: "I don't know, Dongsheng went to help me away before... Dongsheng went to work. That boy is nimble, but he is stupid, so long If he doesn't come back, he will get caught in the rain here! When he comes back, let's see how he will teach him a lesson!"

Ren Yaoqi's face turned pale when he heard the words, and he was speechless.

If Dongsheng was missing this time, would Ren Yaohua, who went to find him, also disappeared with him

Li Tianyou also found that Ren Yaoqi's face was wrong, and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong with you?"

Ren Yaoqi looked up, glanced at Xia Sheng behind Li Tianyou, thought about it, and said, "My sister said she saw Dong Sheng, so she chased after her, but she hasn't come back after walking for more than an hour."

Li Tianyou was taken aback: "What? Xiaoyasha went to chase Dongsheng? She, she, she, she won't be caught by those people, right?" The last sentence asked Xia Sheng next to him.

Ren Yaoqi grabbed his words and asked anxiously, "Who are you talking about? Why did they arrest my sister?"

Hearing this, Li Tianyou pulled the broken bamboo hat off his head a little tangled, but he couldn't say why.

Ren Yaoqi said sternly: "Uncle, if you don't tell me, if something happens to my sister, how can you explain it to my mother!"

Li Tianyou's face twitched, and his teeth hurt. After thinking for a while, he glanced at Xia Sheng sideways: "Tell me..."

Xia Sheng was about to speak, when Li Tianyou hurriedly added: "Pick what is important, and don't say what is not important."

Xia Sheng was silent for a while before saying: "Master was originally..."

"Stop!" Li Tianyou roared, stopping Xia Sheng's words, and glared at him: "Master said it, pick what is important!"

Xia Sheng's expressionless face is still expressionless, but he is roaring in his heart: I haven't said anything yet!

"Forget it, let me tell you. You don't know what it will be distorted!" Li Tianyou glanced at Xia Sheng with some disgust, and said to Ren Yaoqi, "I originally had something important to do with people, so I changed the Dong Sheng and Xia Sheng were sent away. The person I didn't want to have an important business with offended some people before, and then... Then at a critical moment they broke in, and I ran through the back door. I didn't want that group of people to chase Grandpa is here!"

Speaking of this, Li Tianyou's face was a little indignant: "They chased the master, but fortunately Dongsheng didn't listen to me and walked away. So he put on my clothes and led people away. Then Xia Sheng found me. After that, we came to find Dongsheng again. Xiaoyasha must have seen Dongsheng who was disguised as me and escaped, so he went after him."

Ren Yaoqi looked a little weird when he heard that, and couldn't help looking at Li Tianyou a few times, and suddenly asked, "Uncle, what clothes were you wearing before?"

Li Tianyou thought for a while: "A white jacket, Yihong embroidered a big white crane on it, and the lord is quite majestic and domineering. This is the first time that the lord is on the upper body. Tsk - when I go back, I will be talked about by Yihong again. After a while." Li Tianyou was a little depressed.

Ren Yaoqi became more speechless, she felt as if she knew something.

While a few people were talking here, the rain had stopped.

Ren Yaoqi instructed the two women who followed behind him: "You go to Baiyun Nunnery, one to check the news inside, and the other to look around there."

Before she could finish her words, Li Tianyou jumped up like his hair was blown up: "You, you, you, how do you know Baiyun... that scumbag?"

Ren Yaoqi calmly ordered his wife to go down, and then turned to look at Li Tianyou: "Guess."

"Then, that, that, what else did you guess?" Li Tianyou said without giving up.

Ren Yaoqi hadn't spoken yet, but Xiang Qin, who had been standing behind her, suddenly exclaimed, covered her mouth with her hand, and stared at Li Tianyou with wide eyes: "That face, face, face?"

Li Tianyou was stunned when he heard the words, inexplicable, "What does the master say? What face?"

Xiangqin looked at Ren Yaoqi, then lowered her head and closed her mouth tightly, and refused to speak again, but the corner of her eyes could not help but secretly look at Li Tianyou.

Xia Qing seemed to know something, and came over and said a few words in Li Tianyou's ear.

Li Tianyou's face flushed instantly, and then he shouted strangely: "Which bastard is slandering Grandpa behind his back? Go to his grandfather's face! Lord is just stealing incense and jade!"

Xiangqin and Losing the two maids also blushed when they heard this.

Ren Yaoqi shook his head and changed the subject: "The rain has stopped. My aunt will tell me to go back in a while. It's more important to find my third sister first. Otherwise, it will be troublesome."

Li Tianyou lowered his head and said dejectedly, "Then go look for it."

A few people then turned back to Bailong Temple.

After walking a short distance, she saw a few old ladies hurriedly walking out, Xiang Qin hurriedly said, "Miss Fifth, she is the old lady beside the eldest wife."

The old ladies also saw Ren Yaoqi, ran over a few steps, and saluted: "Fifth Miss, I have finally found you. Just now, the eldest wife asked the servants and servants to look for you, and the maid in your room told you to come out. Now. The eldest lady hurriedly sent the servants to find them. Why didn't the third miss come with you?" She glanced at Li Tianyou in surprise, secretly judging his identity.

Ren Yaoqi said: "third sister is looking for a place to shelter from the rain. I have sent someone to look for her. When I came out, I happened to meet my uncle who came to look for me."

The old woman breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly bowed to Li Tianyou, called her uncle, and said to Ren Yaoqi: "Since the fifth young lady has met my uncle, then the wife can rest assured. Before, the wife asked the slave to go. I just wanted to let you know that I am looking for the fifth lady, because there was a torrent on the mountain road before the rain, and several carriages turned over into the ravine. Just now, I sent someone to find the monk in the temple to help fetch the car and save the people. Mrs. Said, let's go back after a while, lest we have to go back in such a hurry to catch up with something."

Ren Yaoqi nodded: "Then more aunties will take this trip. When I go back, I will personally apologize to the eldest aunt."

The old woman went back to her life again.

Now that Mr. Li is not in a hurry to go back, he has plenty of time.

Ren Yaohua was gone, she would rather find it herself than disturb the eldest wife and ask the Ren family to help find it. She doesn't trust anyone in the Ren family.

If something happened to Ren Yaohua, she could still try to hide it. And let the Ren family know what the consequences will be.

Ren Yaoqi and Li Tianyou were planning to go looking for them separately, and not long after they walked out, they heard Li Tianyou shouting from behind, "Yaoqi, Yaoqi, come here. Dongsheng and the others are back!"

Ren Yaoqi hurriedly turned his head and walked over.

Sure enough, I saw Ren Yaohua who was wet all over. Behind Ren Yaohua was a medium-sized man with fair complexion but an ordinary face. It should be the Wusheng named Dongsheng.

Ren Yaoqi looked at Ren Yaohua who didn't say a word, frowned and asked, "Where have you been, third sister? Where is the maid next to you?" She remembered that Ren Yaohua was with a few people when she went out. Now only she and Dongsheng are back.

Ren Yaohua turned his head to look at Dongsheng with a very unpleasant expression, and snorted coldly, "Ask him what good things he has done!"

Li Tianyou secretly asked Dongsheng, "What did you do?"

However, he found that Dongsheng stood there with a face ashes, opened his mouth when he heard the words, and finally swallowed without saying anything.

Both Li Tianyou and Xia Sheng were a little surprised, Dong Sheng and Xia Sheng had completely opposite temperaments. Xia Sheng doesn't like to talk or laugh, ask a question and answer a question, but Dong Sheng has a lively temperament, and he smiles three times when he sees people talking.