Scheme of the Official Descendant

Chapter 81: Muddy water


"Since you have to go to Yunyang City for a follow-up consultation every month, wouldn't it be inconvenient for you to go back to the mine?" Ren Yaoqi asked with a smile.

Zhu Ruomei scratched her head, and then suddenly realized that this action was indecent, and immediately put her hand down again: "I can ask for mercy from the manager of the mine, I will do more work on weekdays..."

Ren Yaoqi shook his head: "You should concentrate on serving your mother. Although your sister is capable, she is only ten years old. I'm afraid she won't be able to take care of her. Last time, my father had already instructed the steward to return the deed of prostitution to you. , with your ability, it is not difficult to find a better job in Yunyang City. Why don't you take your mother and sister to live in Yunyang City, so that the consultation will be smoother. "

Ren Yaoqi knew that those who took the initiative to sell themselves in the coal mines were either out-of-towners who fled as refugees, or those whose families were very poor and needed money. Zhu Ruomei will work in the Ren family's coal kiln because she desperately needs money to treat her mother. A strong young man like Zhu Ruomei, the Ren family would give twenty to thirty taels of silver at one time, as a buyout of his labor.

Given the choice, very few people really want to work in the mines. There were also several escaping incidents in the Ren family's coal mine, which made the masters of the Ren family feel relieved.

Zhu Ruomei was silent for a moment, then looked up and said, "Then I will pay back the thirty taels of silver that the Ren family gave me in the future."

Ren Yaoqi tilted his head and thought for a while: "Why don't you do this. I just want someone to help me with an important thing, and it's not easy for me to give this matter to others. If you feel bad about it, help me here. How about repaying the thirty taels of silver once the matter is settled?"

When Zhu Ruomei heard the words, she immediately said: "The Fifth Young Lady has something to do and instructed the younger one, where can the younger ask you for money, and these things cannot be confused."

Ren Yaoqi looked disappointed: "If this is the case, then I won't let you help me with things, I'll find someone else. It's just that this matter is a little urgent, and I don't know if I can find a suitable and reliable person. "

Zhu Ruomei thought about it for a while, but she still compromised: "Then ask Fifth Young Lady to instruct me. The youngest will help you get things done properly, and she will also be tight-lipped."

When Ren Yaoqi saw him answer, he couldn't help but smile.

At this time, she and Zhu Ruomei were in the pavilion, while Apple Mulberry and several maids stood outside the pavilion.

Although there were occasional mothers and maids passing by, but seeing that there was a master resting here, he didn't dare to look at it, and hurriedly saluted and passed by.

Ren Yao and Zhu Ruomei were talking, and if their voices were lowered, they would be indistinguishable.

Ren Yaoqi explained it to Zhu Ruomei in detail, fearing that he would not be able to remember, he repeated several important names of people, places and events...

"Do you remember?" Ren Yaoqi asked worriedly.

Zhu Ruomei frowned slightly and recited what Ren Yaoqi said twice in her heart, and then nodded: "Don't worry, Fifth Young Lady, the younger ones have memorized them clearly. The place you said is detailed, and everyone has a name and a surname. It's hard to find. When I'm young, I will disguise myself to make sure that the little girl won't recognize it."

It's just that he has some doubts about the reason why Ren Yaoqi asked him to do such a thing, but he also knows that there are many things in the big family that cannot be told to outsiders, and he doesn't ask many questions. He just wants to help Ren Yaoqi well. Get this done.

Ren Yaoqi was relieved when he saw that he really remembered it.

If this Zhu Ruomei was really the Zhu Ruomei she had heard of in the last life, then it must have some real skills, otherwise Xiao Jingxi, who was called "without a last resort", would not be able to discredit her daughter. Road to him.

I just don't know if she has intervened like this in this life, can Zhu Ruomei have the same future as his last life? A lot of things depend on fate. It would be a real pity if he was left to do nothing because of her meddling.

Thinking like this, Ren Yaoqi smiled and nodded and said, "In that case, you can go back first. It only takes a day or two to do this. Can your mother arrange it?"

"I'll rush back to Yunyang City to explain to my family. Fifth Young Lady, please rest assured."

"If there is something at home that I can help with, let Mrs. Yuan come and tell me." Ren Yaoqi instructed.

Zhu Ruomei thanked her solemnly again, and then left the house.

Ren Yaoqi sat alone in the Yiran Pavilion for a while, as if he was thinking about something and seemed to be in a daze. The maids outside the pavilion wanted to come in but did not dare to come in.

Until Ren Yaoqi gently stroked her skirt, stood up, and said gently, "The wind is blowing, go back."

In the afternoon of this day, both Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua were in Li's house listening to Zhou Ma's talk to them about the way to run the family. Li was sitting on the kang next to him and made soft boots for Ren Shimin.

Xier suddenly ran in from outside.

Mother Zhou frowned and reprimanded with a stern face: "What are you doing in such a hurry? Where did you learn the rules?"

Xi hurriedly said: "The slave-maid just heard from the concierge's wife about the Han family, and the Han family is quarreling."

When Li heard it was about the Han family, she immediately raised her head and asked in surprise, "What? The Han family? Why did the Han family quarrel?"

Mammy Zhou knew that the Li family was very satisfied with the marriage of the Han family, and she didn't care to teach the maid the rules, and watched Xi'er waiting for her to say the following.

"A dozen or 20 people came from Jizhou at noon today, and went straight to the Han family's house. It has been a year since the Han family moved to our town. They have always been low-key and have never had any guests. , so everyone is a little strange, and those people are still noisy along the way, and some good people follow to watch the fun."

"The 20 or so people were invited into the Han residence by the housekeeper of the Han family, and they said that they were relatives of Jizhou. I didn't want these relatives to go in for a while, and there would be noises inside, and the movement was quite loud. Even the old man of the Han family and the young master of the Han family who were out of the house were hurriedly called back."

Because Li didn't let sisters Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua go out, they also sat there and listened.

Hearing this, Ren Yaohua frowned and asked, "Since it's a person from Jizhou's hometown, and was invited in by the Han family's housekeeper, then it must be a relative. What is the reason for the Han family's troubles with their hometown's relatives? "

Xi'er said: "Some people said that the meaning of what the Jizhou people said before, it seems that the old man Han secretly sold some property of the Han family, and the members of the Han family were kept in the dark before. When you know it, come here to make trouble."

Li put the soles half of his hands into the embroidered basket on the side, and said in surprise, "How can this happen?"

"Don't you know how much property the Han family has in the Han family? It was only when they were sold that they stood up and said?" Zhou Ma was also a little strange.

"It seems to say that many years ago, there was an aunt in the Han family who married a maritime businessman in the early years. Because her husband and son died in a shipwreck, she returned to the Han family to marry. It is said that the aunt has saved a lot of valuable treasures. , because she had no children, and after her death, she gave her property to the clansmen who took care of her, which was regarded as the public property of the Han family. It was only shortly after the Liao people invaded our Yanbei, and those precious treasures were all It was raided by the Liao people, so no one in the Han family has actually seen those treasures. Only some old people in the Han family occasionally tell the younger generation how this aunt was rich in the first place, and what valuables are around her. The thing about the baby. The big guys originally listened to it as a story, but didn't take it seriously."

Mother Zhou shook her head and laughed: "This can't be taken seriously in the first place. I once heard of a shabby household and someone bragging that their ancestors used gold bricks to pave the road back then, and even the toilets used by Gong Gong were made of red gold. It's a pity that they were all kidnapped by the Liao people in the end. No one believed what they said, but the younger generation in the family loved to hear it, and in the end, it became more and more evil."

Xi'er shook her head: "The Han family originally listened to it as a joke and didn't take it seriously, but a few days ago, someone in the Han family learned that a treasure that only appeared in legends was secretly sold by Mr. Han not long ago. It was given to a foreigner. The Han family broke up after this, saying that the legend was true, but the aunt's property was not taken away by the Liao people, but was hidden by the patriarch of the Han family. He took it as his own, and was finally passed on to his daughter and son-in-law by the previous patriarch, Han Jianping."

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help looking at each other, and Mrs. Li said, "This, this is unlikely, right?"

"Oh, they were talking on the way that it's no wonder that Mr. Han has accumulated so much fortune in just a few decades. They originally thought that Mr. Han was capable enough to work hard, but now it seems that he has been attached to the ancestors of the Han family. The light. They are here to ask Mr. Han to explain." Xi'er lowered her voice a little.

"What do you think?" Ren Yaohua was silent for a moment, then suddenly turned to ask Ren Yaoqi, who was sitting on the sidelines and listened with gusto without expressing his opinion.

Ren Yaoqi smiled back at Ren Yaohua, shook his head and said, "After so many years, I can't tell whether it's the same or not. After all, no one has really seen that aunt's belongings... Well, maybe except for a few Several peopleĀ·"

Ren Yaohua couldn't help frowning slightly after hearing this: "You believe it too?"

Of course Ren Yaoqi didn't believe it, she would be surprised if she believed it.

But she still replied: "I believe it or not, it doesn't matter whether we believe it or not. The important thing is that some people in the Han family believe it."

Maybe some people don't believe it all, but they will get a lot of benefits if they believe it, so they all believe it.

"Also, I don't know if the grandparents believe it or not." Ren Yaoqi tilted his head and added.

"What does the grandfather and grandmother believe or not have to do with the Han family?" Ren Yaohua was puzzled.