Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 102: Invest five million to test the waters


After a while, Fatty Wu coughed lightly.

For a moment, Lu Zhou felt really unspeakable in his heart.

Fatty Wu controlled his breathing: "Okay, do you want me to notify you in the discussion group?"

Because the transfer was through the VIP channel, he quickly received a remittance text message from ICBC.

The ballpoint pen was placed on the table. Unable to hold back the confusion in his heart, Lu Zhou finally couldn't help but ask, "Aren't you going to read our business plan?"

Leaning next to the pillar of the subway station, he stretched out his fingers that were shaking with excitement and took out a cigarette. At this moment, Fatty Wu noticed the no-smoking sign, stuffed the cigarette case back into his pocket, and said with a dry smile: "What are you talking about? What am I talking about?" I don’t want to say it, I just want to find a place to smoke a cigarette and calm down alone.”


He didn't know if what he did was good or not. Without him, maybe their college life could have been different.

Fortunately, he was not the first to fall.

Five million in financing.

After the banquet was over, Director Liu sent two drivers to take Lu Zhou and others back to school.

"five million."

Now it seems that the MVP is himself.

The investment letter of intent worth 5 million was just signed.

It’s shameful to say that at this critical moment when “Twelve Arhats turned into Seven Calabash Babies”, two generals were working tirelessly outside, and a coder was staying up late to make his liver explode. On the contrary, he, the founder, was fishing for fish. Working on my own project, I failed to make any contribution to the team.

"... I'll just invest 5 million to try."

Poverty once again limited his imagination.

"Hello? What's going on?"

In a sense, Lu Zhou felt that he had changed the lives of at least eight people.

The things Ms. Yang taught him were of no use at all.

As a result, Angel Wheel raised five million.

Lu Zhou: "Where is Yuan Liwei?"

After standing under the sycamore tree for a while, he shook his head, took out his cell phone from his pocket, and called Fatty Wu.

Several research monks and doctoral students in the project team took turns toasting. Lu Zhou, who was not used to this kind of dinner, became a little dizzy after several rounds.

Of course, it is impossible to receive these five million in one go.

The excitement lasted until eight o'clock, when the banquets began to disperse.

Seeing that they had already taken a break, everyone calmed down a bit.

This Liu Wanshan is also a man who acts vigorously and resolutely, and he doesn't even bother to wait for a day. He waved casually, motioned for his secretary to come over, took Lu Zhou to the hotel manager's office, borrowed a computer and printer, and produced a financing letter of intent on the spot.

Walking alone on the path lined with parasol trees, feeling the cool evening breeze blowing across his face, and listening to the faint singing from the gymnasium, Lu Zhou's drunkenness finally dissipated a little.

Lu Zhou did the math and found that it was only an hour...

Fatty Wu: "He and I worked separately. He should be outside at the moment... Let me call him and ask him to go back to school directly. By the way, has the contract been signed? Or is it just a letter of intent?"

During the entire celebration banquet, the round table was filled with delicacies, but Lu Zhou couldn't taste any of them.

Lu Zhou nodded slowly.

Hearing Lu Zhou's words, Fatty Wu was stunned for a moment: "What happened?"

He only knew that there would be many people tossing and turning tonight.

"It's only 5 million, what's so surprising about that." Professor Li Rongen said with a smile, "If you help me get two more projects, let alone the angel round, believe it or not, I will also get the A round for you."

This financing method of installments is mainly to protect the rights and interests of investors and prevent entrepreneurs from abusing investment funds or incurring legal problems due to extreme behavior.

A total of five hundred thousand yuan.

This sentence was said in a calm and relaxed manner, as if instead of spending five million to invest in a company, it had spent five hundred yuan to buy a bicycle.

Senior Brother Qian, who was so drunk that he was red-faced, fell on the table with a thud.

What was signed tonight was a letter of intent. As for the specific agreement on equity change and financing, it will be completed within 3 days. At that time, Zhongshan New Materials will send someone to the school to sign the contract.

This was the first time Lu Zhou saw such a willful investor.

Perhaps, this is the "face" of rich people

five million!

Lu Zhou had always thought that he had a good drinking capacity before, but when he got here, he realized that it was just because the other three animals in the dormitory were too good. Every time Liu Rui took a break, the others couldn't drink anymore, so he had the problem. The illusion that I have a strong drinking capacity.

Of course, generally speaking there won't be.

Fatty Wu took a breath of cold air.

Lu Zhou took a deep breath and said: "Letter of intent, but the other party is very sincere. The advance payment of 500,000 yuan has been received. The contract will be officially signed within three days. There will be a meeting tomorrow night. Help me borrow a classroom."

"As for financing, Zhongshan New Materials invested five million in us."

Lu Zhou coughed lightly and broke the silence: "Say something. I'm a little embarrassed if you don't say a word."

This kind of contract has a template, and you only need to modify the key parts according to the template.

If the angel wheel can reach five million, then you really have met a noble person.

Originally, their plan was to raise two million in the angel round, which would be great. Spend 200,000 yuan a month for promotion, and use it until next summer to reach at least 6 million users, and then start the second round to fool those venture capital and funds into entering the market...

Liu Wanshan laughed and waved his hand: "What's the use of that thing? BP? PPT? Those are all things that fool people. How can it look good and how can it be done? I still don't know how to do it after doing business for so many years? No matter how good it is I don't invest in projects, I only invest in people. I think you are a talent and have investment value. Of course, I don't rule out that I am mistaken. But it doesn't matter. Even if I make the wrong investment, the worst I can do is withdraw my investment, and still lose my car?"

"It's done."

"It's better for me to inform you," Lu Zhou paused for a moment, then continued, "make a phone call to look more dignified."

However, on the other hand, if the investor refuses to perform the financing agreement one day in the future and delays the payment for more than one month, it will be a so-called "withdrawal" and the equity held by the investor will also be withdrawn. As for the money that has been invested, , whether to take it back or not depends entirely on the integrity of the startup company and whether it has the ability to pay.

Taking the investment letter of intent, Lu Zhou went straight back to his dormitory. On the way, he made phone calls to Yuan Liwei, Rong Hai... the friends from the campus assistant club, congratulated each other, and informed them about tomorrow's meeting. .

Looking at Lu Zhou who was not yet immersed in 5 million, Professor Li Rongen smiled and said, "What's wrong, you're surprised?"

The project that had been busy for a year finally came to fruition. Everyone was very happy and forgot about it. Whether they were researchers or entrepreneurs and company executives at the next few tables, everyone clinked glasses and encouraged each other to drink and celebrate.

The voice on the other end of the phone was so loud it sounded like I was in a subway station.

"How much? It was a bit noisy just now... I didn't hear clearly."

Thinking that Fatty Wu and Yuan Liwei had been running back and forth for half a month for the two million, no investment institution was optimistic about their project, and even threw BP into the trash can in front of them. When it comes to my side, after just a few casual conversations, five million has been settled...

I didn’t read BP or PPT, I didn’t even ask about the business model, I just threw five million into it without even frowning...

Liu Bo said goodbye to Lu Zhou and walked to the graduate student dormitory with Qian Zhongming, who was drunk.

That’s the whole world…

There was deathly silence on the other end of the phone.

Seeing Lu Zhou's disbelief, Professor Li Rongen didn't say anything, just smiled and wandered off to another place.

According to the agreement reached between Lu Zhou and Director Liu, Zhongshan New Materials will raise RMB 5 million from Campus Assistant and obtain 20% of Campus Assistant’s shares.

What does it mean for a group of students with entrepreneurial dreams

After chatting with Professor Li for a few more words, Liu Wanshan wandered off to another place. After all, the general manager of Jinling Building Materials is still standing in the hall. At this moment worthy of celebration, he cannot leave his partners aside.

According to general financing practices, both parties will first sign an equity transfer agreement, and then Zhongshan New Materials will transfer the first batch of 500,000 yuan to the account of the campus assistant, and pay 500,000 yuan at the beginning of each month in ten installments pay off.

After hearing the boss's willful answer, Lu Zhou was speechless for a moment.