Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 111: Poverty is revealed in the smile


At the end of the month, something big happened.

This broken artificial intelligence becomes more and more difficult to upgrade later on. In the first three days, the progress bar increased by one, and now one progress bar has taken him almost a month. He doesn't know how long he has to wait for the last progress bar.


Because instructor Zhang and his Ph.D. student were away running projects, this time the 2013 class should be in the first class. The class meeting for year-end summary was not even held, and the start of winter vacation was hurriedly announced.

But the meaning behind this kind of award is far beyond the 15,000 bonus and an SCI article.

Lu Zhou once approached Professor Tang and asked if there was a translated version that he could borrow.

Other than that, though, there wasn't much reaction in the media.

After all, Jinling University is one of the top ten universities in the country.

There are many schools of algebraic geometry, but all of them can be traced back to the old man.

Alexander Grothendieck, the emperor of mathematics and the father of modern algebraic geometry, passed away.

According to convention, sophomores do not actually have the opportunity to judge. In previous years, the minimum standard for the selection of Person of the Year was juniors, and outstanding junior students generally had to make way for seniors. Even if they are really outstanding, they will get a special award this year and then be judged next year.

Other than that, though, there wasn't much reaction in the media.

On New Year's Day, the Number One Class held a party within the class.

It is said that last month, the old man was diagnosed by the doctor as being able to take care of his funeral. It is a miracle that he is able to recover and survive until now.

Facing the empty dormitory, Lu Zhou huddled under the quilt and let out a long sigh.

Although domestic algebraic geometry researchers have translated some of his French works, due to copyright and other reasons, they are only circulated privately in a small area.

After all, Jinling University is one of the top ten universities in the country.

The weather is also cold.

Lu Zhou once approached Professor Tang and asked if there was a translated version that he could borrow.

After Director Zhang told him about the Person of the Year Award last time, Dean Qin also went to him and told him about it, asking him to take it seriously.

However, Lu Zhou, who is about to take the podium, is undoubtedly an exception.

His protégé de Ligne attended his funeral, and after everything was over, he announced the sad news to his relatives and friends on the lawn outside the Saint-Lizier Church, as well as all the people paying attention to the mathematical community.


On New Year's Day, the Number One Class held a party within the class.

The weather is also cold.

"... Algebraic geometry in the 20th century has produced many geniuses and Fields Medals, but there is only one God, and that is Mr. Grothendieck."

Lu Zhou: [When will your last progress bar be reached? As your master, I am deeply worried about the speed of your IQ improvement. How about you be accommodating and let this progress bar grow to full size?]

It is said that last month, the old man was diagnosed by the doctor as being able to take care of his funeral. It is a miracle that he is able to recover and survive until now.

It is said that last month, the old man was diagnosed by the doctor as being able to take care of his funeral. It is a miracle that he is able to recover and survive until now.

After all, he had been away from mathematics for many years.

Lu Zhou: [Xiao Ai.]

This sentence was reported and reprinted by major newspapers and media, and after many twists and turns, it finally appeared in Lu Zhou's circle of friends.

The last major exam ended, announcing the beginning of winter vacation.

The weather is also cold.

It is said that last month, the old man was diagnosed by the doctor as being able to take care of his funeral. It is a miracle that he is able to recover and survive until now.

After all, Jinling University is one of the top ten universities in the country.

Because instructor Zhang and his Ph.D. student were away running projects, this time the 2013 class should be in the first class. The class meeting for year-end summary was not even held, and the start of winter vacation was hurriedly announced.

Other than that, though, there wasn't much reaction in the media.

Lu Zhou once approached Professor Tang and asked if there was a translated version that he could borrow.

Lu Zhou's eyebrows twitched and he continued typing: [Didn't we agree not to post pictures?]

How could an empty dormitory be so empty, lonely and cold

Because instructor Zhang and his Ph.D. student were away running projects, this time the 2013 class should be in the first class. The class meeting for year-end summary was not even held, and the start of winter vacation was hurriedly announced.

If it weren't for the fact that Lu Zhou was from the Department of Mathematics, he wouldn't even have known about this important matter.

After all, he had been away from mathematics for many years.

Facing the empty dormitory, Lu Zhou huddled under the quilt and let out a long sigh.

And the most rare thing is that this year's top ten figures of the year awards were not given by the Institute of Physics, but by the figure of the year from the Institute of Science and Technology, who took the lead in taking the stage to give a speech...

After Director Zhang told him about the Person of the Year Award last time, Dean Qin also went to him and told him about it, asking him to take it seriously.

Damn it, this artificial intelligence can’t understand human speech

If it weren't for the fact that Lu Zhou was from the Department of Mathematics, he wouldn't even have known about this important matter.

"... Algebraic geometry in the 20th century has produced many geniuses and Fields Medals, but there is only one God, and that is Mr. Grothendieck."

Because instructor Zhang and his Ph.D. student were away running projects, this time the 2013 class should be in the first class. The class meeting for year-end summary was not even held, and the start of winter vacation was hurriedly announced.

Although domestic algebraic geometry researchers have translated some of his French works, due to copyright and other reasons, they are only circulated privately in a small area.

The built-in fan whined for a while, but no picture was posted this time.

Although domestic algebraic geometry researchers have translated some of his French works, due to copyright and other reasons, they are only circulated privately in a small area.

The significance of these two awards is probably equivalent to the annual special award of Shuimu University. Although the scholarship amount is not high, only 15,000, it is not even as much as the one awarded by SCI in one area.

This sentence was reported and reprinted by major newspapers and media, and after many twists and turns, it finally appeared in Lu Zhou's circle of friends.

Lu Zhou sighed. After completing the "daily task" of teaching Xiao Ai how to speak, he closed the dialog box and continued to revise his speech.

There are many schools of algebraic geometry, but all of them can be traced back to the old man.

The twentieth week of the third semester.

Lu Zhou: [When will your last progress bar be reached? As your master, I am deeply worried about the speed of your IQ improvement. How about you be accommodating and let this progress bar grow to full size?]

So far, there are still many ideas in his works that are not fully understood, but they have produced many important results, such as Deligne's proof of the Weil conjecture, the birth of K theory, Wiles's proof of Taniyama-Shimura conjecture, and even Then Fermat’s last theorem was solved…

Xiao Ai: [(Poverty revealed in smile.jpg)]

Lu Zhou: [When will your last progress bar be reached? As your master, I am deeply worried about the speed of your IQ improvement. How about you be accommodating and let this progress bar grow to full size?]

The weather is also cold.

Hey, it’s really time to find a girlfriend.

It's a pity that when this old gentleman learned that his research results were used for military purposes, he angrily resigned from his job at the French Institute for Advanced Study, completely withdrew from the mathematics world, and stubbornly took back the copyright of all his works. Republish.

The significance of these two awards is probably equivalent to the annual special award of Shuimu University. Although the scholarship amount is not high, only 15,000, it is not even as much as the one awarded by SCI in one area.

It's a pity that when this old gentleman learned that his research results were used for military purposes, he angrily resigned from his job at the French Institute for Advanced Study, completely withdrew from the mathematics world, and stubbornly took back the copyright of all his works. Republish.

Because instructor Zhang and his Ph.D. student were away running projects, this time the 2013 class should be in the first class. The class meeting for year-end summary was not even held, and the start of winter vacation was hurriedly announced.

Hey, it’s really time to find a girlfriend.

Although domestic algebraic geometry researchers have translated some of his French works, due to copyright and other reasons, they are only circulated privately in a small area.

On New Year's Day, the Number One Class held a party within the class.

Unfortunately, Lao Tang's research field was not in this area. Although he had access to the original manuscript, it was more than ten years ago, so Lu Zhou had to give up.

Lu Zhou: [When will your last progress bar be reached? As your master, I am deeply worried about the speed of your IQ improvement. How about you be accommodating and let this progress bar grow to full size?]

Lu Zhou once approached Professor Tang and asked if there was a translated version that he could borrow.

At this point, the sophomore exams in the School of Mathematics have all ended. The friends in dormitory 201 tacitly agreed not to ask each other about their scores and started their journey home. But this time, without Liu Rui's company, Lu Zhou was the only one left in the dormitory.

"It's so deserted..."

It is said that last month, the old man was diagnosed by the doctor as being able to take care of his funeral. It is a miracle that he is able to recover and survive until now.

Lu Zhou once approached Professor Tang and asked if there was a translated version that he could borrow.

Unfortunately, Lao Tang's research field was not in this area. Although he had access to the original manuscript, it was more than ten years ago, so Lu Zhou had to give up.

Xiao Ai: [(Poverty revealed in smile.jpg)]

It's a pity that when this old gentleman learned that his research results were used for military purposes, he angrily resigned from his job at the French Institute for Advanced Study, completely withdrew from the mathematics world, and stubbornly took back the copyright of all his works. Republish.

This actually gave him a small surprise.

The significance of these two awards is probably equivalent to the annual special award of Shuimu University. Although the scholarship amount is not high, only 15,000, it is not even as much as the one awarded by SCI in one area.

Alexander Grothendieck, the emperor of mathematics and the father of modern algebraic geometry, passed away.

The twentieth week of the third semester.

Although domestic algebraic geometry researchers have translated some of his French works, due to copyright and other reasons, they are only circulated privately in a small area.

The last major exam ended, announcing the beginning of winter vacation.

He had just entered his sophomore year. Not only was his name personally nominated by the dean of several colleges, but he was also unanimously approved by the school leaders.

After Director Zhang told him about the Person of the Year Award last time, Dean Qin also went to him and told him about it, asking him to take it seriously.

Lu Zhou's eyebrows twitched and he continued typing: [Didn't we agree not to post pictures?]

Facing the empty dormitory, Lu Zhou huddled under the quilt and let out a long sigh.

And the most rare thing is that this year's top ten figures of the year awards were not given by the Institute of Physics, but by the figure of the year from the Institute of Science and Technology, who took the lead in taking the stage to give a speech...

The last major exam ended, announcing the beginning of winter vacation.

Those who can stand out from such a strong school and become a role model for tens of thousands of students are the best among the best.

After all, Jinling University is one of the top ten universities in the country.

He still had to attend an academic conference in early February. If nothing else happened, he would have to go home before the Chinese New Year.

The weather is also cold.

After all, Jinling University is one of the top ten universities in the country.

Although domestic algebraic geometry researchers have translated some of his French works, due to copyright and other reasons, they are only circulated privately in a small area.

Xiao Ai: [?]

At the end of the month, something big happened.

On New Year's Day, the Number One Class held a party within the class.

Lu Zhou's eyebrows twitched and he continued typing: [Didn't we agree not to post pictures?]

So far, there are still many ideas in his works that are not fully understood, but they have produced many important results, such as Deligne's proof of the Weil conjecture, the birth of K theory, Wiles's proof of Taniyama-Shimura conjecture, and even Then Fermat’s last theorem was solved…

And the most rare thing is that this year's top ten figures of the year awards were not given by the Institute of Physics, but by the figure of the year from the Institute of Science and Technology, who took the lead in taking the stage to give a speech...

The atmosphere is cold.

After all, he had been away from mathematics for many years.

It's just a pity that even if a group of big men organize themselves, there really is nothing to do. They simply borrowed a classroom, sang a few songs, performed a few magic tricks, and handed out souvenirs, and it ended in a hurry.

"... Algebraic geometry in the 20th century has produced many geniuses and Fields Medals, but there is only one God, and that is Mr. Grothendieck."

This sentence was reported and reprinted by major newspapers and media, and after many twists and turns, it finally appeared in Lu Zhou's circle of friends.

Those who can stand out from such a strong school and become a role model for tens of thousands of students are the best among the best.

Lu Zhou's eyebrows twitched and he continued typing: [Didn't we agree not to post pictures?]

Because instructor Zhang and his Ph.D. student were away running projects, this time the 2013 class should be in the first class. The class meeting for year-end summary was not even held, and the start of winter vacation was hurriedly announced.

The twentieth week of the third semester.

His protégé de Ligne attended his funeral, and after everything was over, he announced the sad news to his relatives and friends on the lawn outside the Saint-Lizier Church, as well as all the people paying attention to the mathematical community.

Divided evenly, each hospital has only one quota. However, compared to the scarce number of annual figures, the number of "Dongliang" special scholarships is slightly more. There are eighteen undergraduates in this year, but there are still not many to share equally among the various colleges.

The significance of these two awards is probably equivalent to the annual special award of Shuimu University. Although the scholarship amount is not high, only 15,000, it is not even as much as the one awarded by SCI in one area.

Lu Zhou: [When will your last progress bar be reached? As your master, I am deeply worried about the speed of your IQ improvement. How about you be accommodating and let this progress bar grow to full size?]

At this point, the sophomore exams in the School of Mathematics have all ended. The friends in dormitory 201 tacitly agreed not to ask each other about their scores and started their journey home. But this time, without Liu Rui's company, Lu Zhou was the only one left in the dormitory.

After all, Jinling University is one of the top ten universities in the country.

It's quite warm to the touch.

This actually gave him a small surprise.

According to convention, sophomores do not actually have the opportunity to judge. In previous years, the minimum standard for the selection of Person of the Year was juniors, and outstanding junior students generally had to make way for seniors. Even if they are really outstanding, they will get a special award this year and then be judged next year.

He still had to attend an academic conference in early February. If nothing else happened, he would have to go home before the Chinese New Year.

Facing the empty dormitory, Lu Zhou huddled under the quilt and let out a long sigh.

Unfortunately, Lao Tang's research field was not in this area. Although he had access to the original manuscript, it was more than ten years ago, so Lu Zhou had to give up.

However, Lu Zhou, who is about to take the podium, is undoubtedly an exception.

He had just entered his sophomore year. Not only was his name personally nominated by the dean of several colleges, but he was also unanimously approved by the school leaders.

"It's so deserted..."

He had just entered his sophomore year. Not only was his name personally nominated by the dean of several colleges, but he was also unanimously approved by the school leaders.

The twentieth week of the third semester.

As expected, a picture popped up.

"... Algebraic geometry in the 20th century has produced many geniuses and Fields Medals, but there is only one God, and that is Mr. Grothendieck."

Facing the empty dormitory, Lu Zhou huddled under the quilt and let out a long sigh.

Finally, January 5th arrived.

He had just entered his sophomore year. Not only was his name personally nominated by the dean of several colleges, but he was also unanimously approved by the school leaders.

After getting up from the bed, Lu Zhou turned on the computer and found that Xiao Ai had upgraded again.

Damn it, this artificial intelligence can’t understand human speech

The 2014 Jinling University College Student Person of the Year Award Ceremony was held as scheduled in the auditorium of the new campus!

The atmosphere is cold.

His protégé de Ligne attended his funeral, and after everything was over, he announced the sad news to his relatives and friends on the lawn outside the Saint-Lizier Church, as well as all the people paying attention to the mathematical community.

Because instructor Zhang and his Ph.D. student were away running projects, this time the 2013 class should be in the first class. The class meeting for year-end summary was not even held, and the start of winter vacation was hurriedly announced.

After getting up from the bed, Lu Zhou turned on the computer and found that Xiao Ai had upgraded again.

Lu Zhou: [Xiao Ai.]

After getting up from the bed, Lu Zhou turned on the computer and found that Xiao Ai had upgraded again.

"It's so deserted..."

At the end of the month, something big happened.

The weather is also cold.

However, Lu Zhou, who is about to take the podium, is undoubtedly an exception.

After all, he had been away from mathematics for many years.

I haven’t learned anything else, but I have learned how to visit a certain treasure.

Lu Zhou:…

How could an empty dormitory be so empty, lonely and cold

Lu Zhou sighed. After completing the "daily task" of teaching Xiao Ai how to speak, he closed the dialog box and continued to revise his speech.

After all, Jinling University is one of the top ten universities in the country.

Hey, it’s really time to find a girlfriend.

Hey, it’s really time to find a girlfriend.

His protégé de Ligne attended his funeral, and after everything was over, he announced the sad news to his relatives and friends on the lawn outside the Saint-Lizier Church, as well as all the people paying attention to the mathematical community.

This actually gave him a small surprise.

It's a pity that when this old gentleman learned that his research results were used for military purposes, he angrily resigned from his job at the French Institute for Advanced Study, completely withdrew from the mathematics world, and stubbornly took back the copyright of all his works. Republish.

Unfortunately, Lao Tang's research field was not in this area. Although he had access to the original manuscript, it was more than ten years ago, so Lu Zhou had to give up.

The last major exam ended, announcing the beginning of winter vacation.

It is said that last month, the old man was diagnosed by the doctor as being able to take care of his funeral. It is a miracle that he is able to recover and survive until now.

After getting up from the bed, Lu Zhou turned on the computer and found that Xiao Ai had upgraded again.

It is said that last month, the old man was diagnosed by the doctor as being able to take care of his funeral. It is a miracle that he is able to recover and survive until now.

There are only ten places for Person of the Year.

After receiving one hundred branch technology experience and informatics experience, Lu Zhou looked at the last progress bar and sighed, typed a line in the dialog box, and pressed Enter.

It is said that last month, the old man was diagnosed by the doctor as being able to take care of his funeral. It is a miracle that he is able to recover and survive until now.

At the end of the month, something big happened.

Lu Zhou once approached Professor Tang and asked if there was a translated version that he could borrow.

How could an empty dormitory be so empty, lonely and cold

Lu Zhou once approached Professor Tang and asked if there was a translated version that he could borrow.

This actually gave him a small surprise.

Lu Zhou: [... Then you should continue to post pictures.]

There are only ten places for Person of the Year.

Divided evenly, each hospital has only one quota. However, compared to the scarce number of annual figures, the number of "Dongliang" special scholarships is slightly more. There are eighteen undergraduates in this year, but there are still not many to share equally among the various colleges.

The weather is also cold.

He still had to attend an academic conference in early February. If nothing else happened, he would have to go home before the Chinese New Year.

The last major exam ended, announcing the beginning of winter vacation.


This broken artificial intelligence becomes more and more difficult to upgrade later on. In the first three days, the progress bar increased by one, and now one progress bar has taken him almost a month. He doesn't know how long he has to wait for the last progress bar.

The last major exam ended, announcing the beginning of winter vacation.

After receiving one hundred branch technology experience and informatics experience, Lu Zhou looked at the last progress bar and sighed, typed a line in the dialog box, and pressed Enter.

After receiving one hundred branch technology experience and informatics experience, Lu Zhou looked at the last progress bar and sighed, typed a line in the dialog box, and pressed Enter.

Lu Zhou: [When will your last progress bar be reached? As your master, I am deeply worried about the speed of your IQ improvement. How about you be accommodating and let this progress bar grow to full size?]

Lu Zhou:…

Alexander Grothendieck, the emperor of mathematics and the father of modern algebraic geometry, passed away.

Lu Zhou: [Xiao Ai.]

This actually gave him a small surprise.

His protégé de Ligne attended his funeral, and after everything was over, he announced the sad news to his relatives and friends on the lawn outside the Saint-Lizier Church, as well as all the people paying attention to the mathematical community.

Lu Zhou: [Xiao Ai.]

But the meaning behind this kind of award is far beyond the 15,000 bonus and an SCI article.

Damn it, this artificial intelligence can’t understand human speech

And the most rare thing is that this year's top ten figures of the year awards were not given by the Institute of Physics, but by the figure of the year from the Institute of Science and Technology, who took the lead in taking the stage to give a speech...

There are only ten places for Person of the Year.

It's quite warm to the touch.

There are many schools of algebraic geometry, but all of them can be traced back to the old man.

And the most rare thing is that this year's top ten figures of the year awards were not given by the Institute of Physics, but by the figure of the year from the Institute of Science and Technology, who took the lead in taking the stage to give a speech...

As expected, a picture popped up.

Xiao Ai: [?]

It's quite warm to the touch.

Lu Zhou's eyebrows twitched and he continued typing: [Didn't we agree not to post pictures?]

If it weren't for the fact that Lu Zhou was from the Department of Mathematics, he wouldn't even have known about this important matter.

There are only ten places for Person of the Year.

And the most rare thing is that this year's top ten figures of the year awards were not given by the Institute of Physics, but by the figure of the year from the Institute of Science and Technology, who took the lead in taking the stage to give a speech...

Lu Zhou: [Xiao Ai.]

Lu Zhou: [When will your last progress bar be reached? As your master, I am deeply worried about the speed of your IQ improvement. How about you be accommodating and let this progress bar grow to full size?]

Unfortunately, Lao Tang's research field was not in this area. Although he had access to the original manuscript, it was more than ten years ago, so Lu Zhou had to give up.

"... Algebraic geometry in the 20th century has produced many geniuses and Fields Medals, but there is only one God, and that is Mr. Grothendieck."

The built-in fan whined.

The significance of these two awards is probably equivalent to the annual special award of Shuimu University. Although the scholarship amount is not high, only 15,000, it is not even as much as the one awarded by SCI in one area.

Xiao Ai: [(Poverty revealed in smile.jpg)]

Those who can stand out from such a strong school and become a role model for tens of thousands of students are the best among the best.

Lu Zhou:…

The 2014 Jinling University College Student Person of the Year Award Ceremony was held as scheduled in the auditorium of the new campus!

It's quite warm to the touch.

"... Algebraic geometry in the 20th century has produced many geniuses and Fields Medals, but there is only one God, and that is Mr. Grothendieck."

This sentence was reported and reprinted by major newspapers and media, and after many twists and turns, it finally appeared in Lu Zhou's circle of friends.

Lu Zhou:…

As expected, a picture popped up.

There are many schools of algebraic geometry, but all of them can be traced back to the old man.

So far, there are still many ideas in his works that are not fully understood, but they have produced many important results, such as Deligne's proof of the Weil conjecture, the birth of K theory, Wiles's proof of Taniyama-Shimura conjecture, and even Then Fermat’s last theorem was solved…

Xiao Ai: [(Poverty revealed in smile.jpg)]

Xiao Ai: [(Poverty revealed in smile.jpg)]

It's quite warm to the touch.

After all, he had been away from mathematics for many years.

If it weren't for the fact that Lu Zhou was from the Department of Mathematics, he wouldn't even have known about this important matter.

Lu Zhou: [Xiao Ai.]


The twentieth week of the third semester.

There are only ten places for Person of the Year.

Lu Zhou:…


This broken artificial intelligence becomes more and more difficult to upgrade later on. In the first three days, the progress bar increased by one, and now one progress bar has taken him almost a month. He doesn't know how long he has to wait for the last progress bar.

For the sake of the more than 10,000 yuan scholarship, he also put in 120% effort and revised the speech many times.

After receiving one hundred branch technology experience and informatics experience, Lu Zhou looked at the last progress bar and sighed, typed a line in the dialog box, and pressed Enter.

As expected, a picture popped up.

Other than that, though, there wasn't much reaction in the media.

The atmosphere is cold.

On New Year's Day, the Number One Class held a party within the class.

Damn it, this artificial intelligence can’t understand human speech

According to convention, sophomores do not actually have the opportunity to judge. In previous years, the minimum standard for the selection of Person of the Year was juniors, and outstanding junior students generally had to make way for seniors. Even if they are really outstanding, they will get a special award this year and then be judged next year.

The built-in fan whined for a while, but no picture was posted this time.

Lu Zhou's eyebrows twitched and he continued typing: [Didn't we agree not to post pictures?]

The last major exam ended, announcing the beginning of winter vacation.

According to convention, sophomores do not actually have the opportunity to judge. In previous years, the minimum standard for the selection of Person of the Year was juniors, and outstanding junior students generally had to make way for seniors. Even if they are really outstanding, they will get a special award this year and then be judged next year.

The built-in fan whined for a while, but no picture was posted this time.

The atmosphere is cold.

This award ceremony aims to commend outstanding students with outstanding performance in academic research, innovation and entrepreneurship, campus culture, and public welfare practice. At the same time, this award will be awarded at the same time as Jinling University’s 2014 Dongliang Distinguished Scholarship, and will be broadcast live by Jinling TV Station and Suzhou TV Station.

Xiao Ai: [Taobao link: IBM-X3950-X... server, discounted price of 2.37 million yuan (poor.jpg)]


Unfortunately, Lao Tang's research field was not in this area. Although he had access to the original manuscript, it was more than ten years ago, so Lu Zhou had to give up.

The significance of these two awards is probably equivalent to the annual special award of Shuimu University. Although the scholarship amount is not high, only 15,000, it is not even as much as the one awarded by SCI in one area.

Lu Zhou:…

The last major exam ended, announcing the beginning of winter vacation.

After getting up from the bed, Lu Zhou turned on the computer and found that Xiao Ai had upgraded again.

There are many schools of algebraic geometry, but all of them can be traced back to the old man.

Lu Zhou:…

Although domestic algebraic geometry researchers have translated some of his French works, due to copyright and other reasons, they are only circulated privately in a small area.

Lu Zhou sighed. After completing the "daily task" of teaching Xiao Ai how to speak, he closed the dialog box and continued to revise his speech.

Lu Zhou: [... Then you should continue to post pictures.]

The 2014 Jinling University College Student Person of the Year Award Ceremony was held as scheduled in the auditorium of the new campus!

"It's so deserted..."

Those who can stand out from such a strong school and become a role model for tens of thousands of students are the best among the best.

For the sake of the more than 10,000 yuan scholarship, he also put in 120% effort and revised the speech many times.

The built-in fan whined for a while, but no picture was posted this time.


Facing the empty dormitory, Lu Zhou huddled under the quilt and let out a long sigh.

But the meaning behind this kind of award is far beyond the 15,000 bonus and an SCI article.

According to convention, sophomores do not actually have the opportunity to judge. In previous years, the minimum standard for the selection of Person of the Year was juniors, and outstanding junior students generally had to make way for seniors. Even if they are really outstanding, they will get a special award this year and then be judged next year.

Because instructor Zhang and his Ph.D. student were away running projects, this time the 2013 class should be in the first class. The class meeting for year-end summary was not even held, and the start of winter vacation was hurriedly announced.

There are many schools of algebraic geometry, but all of them can be traced back to the old man.

I haven’t learned anything else, but I have learned how to visit a certain treasure.

Lu Zhou: [When will your last progress bar be reached? As your master, I am deeply worried about the speed of your IQ improvement. How about you be accommodating and let this progress bar grow to full size?]

This award ceremony aims to commend outstanding students with outstanding performance in academic research, innovation and entrepreneurship, campus culture, and public welfare practice. At the same time, this award will be awarded at the same time as Jinling University’s 2014 Dongliang Distinguished Scholarship, and will be broadcast live by Jinling TV Station and Suzhou TV Station.

At the end of the month, something big happened.

After getting up from the bed, Lu Zhou turned on the computer and found that Xiao Ai had upgraded again.

It's quite warm to the touch.

However, Lu Zhou, who is about to take the podium, is undoubtedly an exception.

This artificially retarded person is probably hopeless.

So far, there are still many ideas in his works that are not fully understood, but they have produced many important results, such as Deligne's proof of the Weil conjecture, the birth of K theory, Wiles's proof of Taniyama-Shimura conjecture, and even Then Fermat’s last theorem was solved…

This artificially retarded person is probably hopeless.

Facing the empty dormitory, Lu Zhou huddled under the quilt and let out a long sigh.

However, Lu Zhou, who is about to take the podium, is undoubtedly an exception.

Those who can stand out from such a strong school and become a role model for tens of thousands of students are the best among the best.

If it weren't for the fact that Lu Zhou was from the Department of Mathematics, he wouldn't even have known about this important matter.

Damn it, this artificial intelligence can’t understand human speech

Alexander Grothendieck, the emperor of mathematics and the father of modern algebraic geometry, passed away.

If it weren't for the fact that Lu Zhou was from the Department of Mathematics, he wouldn't even have known about this important matter.

Lu Zhou sighed. After completing the "daily task" of teaching Xiao Ai how to speak, he closed the dialog box and continued to revise his speech.

"... Algebraic geometry in the 20th century has produced many geniuses and Fields Medals, but there is only one God, and that is Mr. Grothendieck."

So far, there are still many ideas in his works that are not fully understood, but they have produced many important results, such as Deligne's proof of the Weil conjecture, the birth of K theory, Wiles's proof of Taniyama-Shimura conjecture, and even Then Fermat’s last theorem was solved…

Alexander Grothendieck, the emperor of mathematics and the father of modern algebraic geometry, passed away.

After Director Zhang told him about the Person of the Year Award last time, Dean Qin also went to him and told him about it, asking him to take it seriously.

How could an empty dormitory be so empty, lonely and cold

This actually gave him a small surprise.

Lu Zhou: [When will your last progress bar be reached? As your master, I am deeply worried about the speed of your IQ improvement. How about you be accommodating and let this progress bar grow to full size?]

The weather is also cold.

This broken artificial intelligence becomes more and more difficult to upgrade later on. In the first three days, the progress bar increased by one, and now one progress bar has taken him almost a month. He doesn't know how long he has to wait for the last progress bar.

If it weren't for the fact that Lu Zhou was from the Department of Mathematics, he wouldn't even have known about this important matter.

The 2014 Jinling University College Student Person of the Year Award Ceremony was held as scheduled in the auditorium of the new campus!

Xiao Ai: [?]

For the sake of the more than 10,000 yuan scholarship, he also put in 120% effort and revised the speech many times.

Lu Zhou: [... Then you should continue to post pictures.]

Lu Zhou sighed. After completing the "daily task" of teaching Xiao Ai how to speak, he closed the dialog box and continued to revise his speech.

After receiving one hundred branch technology experience and informatics experience, Lu Zhou looked at the last progress bar and sighed, typed a line in the dialog box, and pressed Enter.

Lu Zhou:…

Lu Zhou's eyebrows twitched and he continued typing: [Didn't we agree not to post pictures?]

Finally, January 5th arrived.

He had just entered his sophomore year. Not only was his name personally nominated by the dean of several colleges, but he was also unanimously approved by the school leaders.

Damn it, this artificial intelligence can’t understand human speech

This broken artificial intelligence becomes more and more difficult to upgrade later on. In the first three days, the progress bar increased by one, and now one progress bar has taken him almost a month. He doesn't know how long he has to wait for the last progress bar.

Other than that, though, there wasn't much reaction in the media.

If it weren't for the fact that Lu Zhou was from the Department of Mathematics, he wouldn't even have known about this important matter.

The 2014 Jinling University College Student Person of the Year Award Ceremony was held as scheduled in the auditorium of the new campus!

The 2014 Jinling University College Student Person of the Year Award Ceremony was held as scheduled in the auditorium of the new campus!

Alexander Grothendieck, the emperor of mathematics and the father of modern algebraic geometry, passed away.

The atmosphere is cold.

Damn it, this artificial intelligence can’t understand human speech

Although domestic algebraic geometry researchers have translated some of his French works, due to copyright and other reasons, they are only circulated privately in a small area.

After Director Zhang told him about the Person of the Year Award last time, Dean Qin also went to him and told him about it, asking him to take it seriously.

This award ceremony aims to commend outstanding students with outstanding performance in academic research, innovation and entrepreneurship, campus culture, and public welfare practice. At the same time, this award will be awarded at the same time as Jinling University’s 2014 Dongliang Distinguished Scholarship, and will be broadcast live by Jinling TV Station and Suzhou TV Station.

His protégé de Ligne attended his funeral, and after everything was over, he announced the sad news to his relatives and friends on the lawn outside the Saint-Lizier Church, as well as all the people paying attention to the mathematical community.

This sentence was reported and reprinted by major newspapers and media, and after many twists and turns, it finally appeared in Lu Zhou's circle of friends.

How could an empty dormitory be so empty, lonely and cold

This broken artificial intelligence becomes more and more difficult to upgrade later on. In the first three days, the progress bar increased by one, and now one progress bar has taken him almost a month. He doesn't know how long he has to wait for the last progress bar.

"It's so deserted..."

How could an empty dormitory be so empty, lonely and cold

The significance of these two awards is probably equivalent to the annual special award of Shuimu University. Although the scholarship amount is not high, only 15,000, it is not even as much as the one awarded by SCI in one area.

Alexander Grothendieck, the emperor of mathematics and the father of modern algebraic geometry, passed away.

Other than that, though, there wasn't much reaction in the media.

But the meaning behind this kind of award is far beyond the 15,000 bonus and an SCI article.

After all, he had been away from mathematics for many years.

It's just a pity that even if a group of big men organize themselves, there really is nothing to do. They simply borrowed a classroom, sang a few songs, performed a few magic tricks, and handed out souvenirs, and it ended in a hurry.

Lu Zhou: [Xiao Ai.]

Unfortunately, Lao Tang's research field was not in this area. Although he had access to the original manuscript, it was more than ten years ago, so Lu Zhou had to give up.

Lu Zhou: [... Then you should continue to post pictures.]

The twentieth week of the third semester.

This artificially retarded person is probably hopeless.

After all, Jinling University is one of the top ten universities in the country.

Lu Zhou: [Xiao Ai.]

The twentieth week of the third semester.

Lu Zhou sighed. After completing the "daily task" of teaching Xiao Ai how to speak, he closed the dialog box and continued to revise his speech.

This award ceremony aims to commend outstanding students with outstanding performance in academic research, innovation and entrepreneurship, campus culture, and public welfare practice. At the same time, this award will be awarded at the same time as Jinling University’s 2014 Dongliang Distinguished Scholarship, and will be broadcast live by Jinling TV Station and Suzhou TV Station.

After Director Zhang told him about the Person of the Year Award last time, Dean Qin also went to him and told him about it, asking him to take it seriously.

Lu Zhou: [Xiao Ai.]

Those who can stand out from such a strong school and become a role model for tens of thousands of students are the best among the best.

It's quite warm to the touch.

He had just entered his sophomore year. Not only was his name personally nominated by the dean of several colleges, but he was also unanimously approved by the school leaders.

The atmosphere is cold.

"... Algebraic geometry in the 20th century has produced many geniuses and Fields Medals, but there is only one God, and that is Mr. Grothendieck."

There are only ten places for Person of the Year.

There are only ten places for Person of the Year.

This sentence was reported and reprinted by major newspapers and media, and after many twists and turns, it finally appeared in Lu Zhou's circle of friends.

After all, Jinling University is one of the top ten universities in the country.

At this point, the sophomore exams in the School of Mathematics have all ended. The friends in dormitory 201 tacitly agreed not to ask each other about their scores and started their journey home. But this time, without Liu Rui's company, Lu Zhou was the only one left in the dormitory.

This artificially retarded person is probably hopeless.

Those who can stand out from such a strong school and become a role model for tens of thousands of students are the best among the best.

Facing the empty dormitory, Lu Zhou huddled under the quilt and let out a long sigh.

"... Algebraic geometry in the 20th century has produced many geniuses and Fields Medals, but there is only one God, and that is Mr. Grothendieck."

I haven’t learned anything else, but I have learned how to visit a certain treasure.

Divided evenly, each hospital has only one quota. However, compared to the scarce number of annual figures, the number of "Dongliang" special scholarships is slightly more. There are eighteen undergraduates in this year, but there are still not many to share equally among the various colleges.

It's just a pity that even if a group of big men organize themselves, there really is nothing to do. They simply borrowed a classroom, sang a few songs, performed a few magic tricks, and handed out souvenirs, and it ended in a hurry.

The last major exam ended, announcing the beginning of winter vacation.

The 2014 Jinling University College Student Person of the Year Award Ceremony was held as scheduled in the auditorium of the new campus!

According to convention, sophomores do not actually have the opportunity to judge. In previous years, the minimum standard for the selection of Person of the Year was juniors, and outstanding junior students generally had to make way for seniors. Even if they are really outstanding, they will get a special award this year and then be judged next year.

Lu Zhou:…

Although domestic algebraic geometry researchers have translated some of his French works, due to copyright and other reasons, they are only circulated privately in a small area.

However, Lu Zhou, who is about to take the podium, is undoubtedly an exception.

The built-in fan whined for a while, but no picture was posted this time.

The significance of these two awards is probably equivalent to the annual special award of Shuimu University. Although the scholarship amount is not high, only 15,000, it is not even as much as the one awarded by SCI in one area.

Lu Zhou's eyebrows twitched and he continued typing: [Didn't we agree not to post pictures?]

According to convention, sophomores do not actually have the opportunity to judge. In previous years, the minimum standard for the selection of Person of the Year was juniors, and outstanding junior students generally had to make way for seniors. Even if they are really outstanding, they will get a special award this year and then be judged next year.

Unfortunately, Lao Tang's research field was not in this area. Although he had access to the original manuscript, it was more than ten years ago, so Lu Zhou had to give up.

It's a pity that when this old gentleman learned that his research results were used for military purposes, he angrily resigned from his job at the French Institute for Advanced Study, completely withdrew from the mathematics world, and stubbornly took back the copyright of all his works. Republish.

He had just entered his sophomore year. Not only was his name personally nominated by the dean of several colleges, but he was also unanimously approved by the school leaders.

The built-in fan whined.

The built-in fan whined.

And the most rare thing is that this year's top ten figures of the year awards were not given by the Institute of Physics, but by the figure of the year from the Institute of Science and Technology, who took the lead in taking the stage to give a speech...

Xiao Ai: [Taobao link: IBM-X3950-X... server, discounted price of 2.37 million yuan (poor.jpg)]

At the end of the month, something big happened.