Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 117: Arriving at Princeton!


"What the hell are you talking about?" After hearing these ominous words, Professor Tang became furious and used his right hand to slap Lu Zhou on the back of the head. I've said hello, his name is Luo Wenxuan, you can just call him Senior Brother Luo. When the time comes, you get off the plane and take the bus directly according to the route I told you. When you get to Princeton, he will pick you up at the station there and drop you off directly. You go over there!”

As soon as he heard Lu Zhou speak, the driver's eyes lit up.

Old Tang smiled.


I always feel like this uncle seems to have a story...

It’s quiet, elegant, and relaxing here, and it’s a good place for learning… But at the same time, this small place also takes advantage of one of New Jersey’s major features, which is the inconvenience of transportation.

In this way, Lu Zhou embarked on his trip to North America...

"Coming to study abroad? Where to go?"

"Haha, just so-so."

Noticing the suitcase next to Lu Zhou, she raised her eyebrows in confusion and asked.

Lu Zhou didn't explain much: "Princeton University, do you want to go outside the city?"

Are foreigners so social? !

After a nearly 25-hour flight, with several awakenings in the middle, the plane finally landed at Philadelphia International Airport.

"Hey, if others don't leave, I still have to leave." The driver grinned, turned on his watch, reminded Lu Zhou to fasten his seat belt, and started the car.

"My name is Zhang Hai. Here is my business card. If you need a car in an emergency, you can call me."

With this thought in mind, Lu Zhou immediately didn't bother to study the bus route and went straight to sleep.

Although I knew that the professor was doing it for his own good and that he said so much out of the elders' concern for the younger ones, this concern was too much and turned into pressure.

"The hotel arranged by the organizer seems to be called... Princeton Hotel? Where is this hotel?"

Moreover, Dean Qin generously promised Lu Zhou that if the $2,000 was not enough, he could reimburse him with the invoice when he came back.

However, Lu Zhou felt that with his consumption level, the $2,000 was definitely enough.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Zhou looked at the gate of Princeton again and then at the nearby streets.

Just as Lu Zhou was looking around at the school gate, a blond foreign girl wearing a gray windbreaker and a red plaid scarf at the collar happened to pass by.

Princeton is located between New York and Philadelphia. It is a corner of the prosperous capitalist world and can be regarded as a unique rural city.

After enthusiastically helping Lu Zhou put his luggage in the trunk, the driver sat in the driver's seat and asked with a smile.

Lu Zhou: "Across from Palmer Square? Thank you."

It feels so troublesome...

After thinking for a while, he suddenly remembered that the senior Luo whom Professor Tang and he were talking about seemed to be waiting for him at the gate of a certain train station.

But the system is his, the process is digested by him, and the calculations are all compiled by himself. Even if he is a little pretentious and proud, there should be no problem, right

Wait, is this a flag? !

According to the transportation plan recommended by Old Tang to Lu Zhou, taking a train from Philadelphia to Princeton would require at least two transfers along the way.

"The mathematics academic conference of the Federal Mathematical Society, right? You went to the wrong place," the girl smiled faintly and pointed across the street. "Although the lectures and poster exchanges of the academic conference were held in the auditorium of Princeton University, the accommodation location was not Not at Princeton University, but at the hotel across from Palmer Square.”

It took about an hour or two to drive to Princeton.


Hearing this, Lu Zhou rubbed the back of his head and sighed sincerely, "Professor, your students really are all over the world."

Anyway, the school reimburses the travel expenses, so he doesn't need to save money.

Lu Zhou said dumbfounded: "I know, Professor, I will definitely come back alive!"

As soon as he said these words, Lu Zhou regretted it again.

Twisting the blond hair beside her ears, the girl said in a relaxed tone.

Because of the time difference, the sky was only bright at this time.

Perhaps because it was rare to meet a fellow driver, the driver talked a lot. He and Lu Zhou talked about everything from the international situation to daily life in the United States, and finally talked about the unavoidable topic of safety.

After all, it represents the honor of the school to a certain extent, and JJTU is quite supportive of his trip to Princeton to attend this academic conference. Not only did it cover his round-trip air ticket, it also allocated $2,000 from its financial resources to him.

Although there are different pronunciations in Hubei Province, and the cultural identity of each city is not high, once you leave this country, everyone is a fellow countryman!

It can be seen that the old gentleman is quite proud.

After dragging his suitcase into the airport, Lu Zhou waved goodbye to Professor Tang who was seeing him off in the departure hall, and then turned around and walked to the security checkpoint.

After helping Lu Zhou put the suitcase in the trunk, the driver threw down a business card, got in the car and left.

"No, I'm not a student here," Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly and asked quickly, "How do I get to the mathematics academic conference here?"

Accommodation and meals were all taken care of by the organizer. Apart from the transportation costs, he couldn't even think of a place to spend money.

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Sorry to trouble you... By the way, can I ask your name?"

After returning from Shanghai, Lu Zhou put all his energy into preparing for the academic conference next month. He dug out the paper on the study of the distribution of Mersenne prime numbers and read it over and over again. He rehearsed all the possible points where he would be asked questions and he rehearsed them countless times...

The girl smiled faintly: "You're welcome. Speaking of which, Lu this how you work hard? I have read your paper on the study of the distribution of Mersenne prime numbers. It is an excellent proof process. No wonder even Deligne The professors can’t fault it.”

Coincidentally, the driver was a Chinese, and his Mandarin had a bit of a Jiangcheng accent.

Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly: "It's just a coincidence."

His expression was slightly awkward for a moment. Lu Zhou took out his phone from his pocket, put on the ten-day temporary phone card bought by a certain treasure, and quickly called Senior Brother Luo, saying sorry and asking him not to pick him up. So much so.

The uncle driver grinned: "Haha, that's not necessarily a woman."

The driver seemed to have been here many times before and drove to the entrance of the university with ease.

"Be careful when you get there. Don't go to places with few people. Don't go into black neighborhoods and see strangely dressed people walking around..."

And this "hehe"...

Do you want to open it here

Anyway, it will only be a matter of time before his mathematics level rises and he can independently prove conjectures of this level.

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Men don't have to worry about this. Is there such a thing as a female robber?"

Dragging his suitcase, Lu Zhou stood at the gate of Princeton University for a while, feeling as if he had forgotten something.

The girl stared at Lu Zhou and looked him up and down.

Fortunately, the call was made in time. The other person had just put in the car keys and hadn't set off yet, so it didn't cause much trouble to others.

Professor Tang drove Lu Zhou to the airport himself.

Lu Zhou:? ?

The girl said: "If you're being modest, there's no need. I'm looking forward to your speech on stage, and I'm already prepared to ask questions. We happen to be traveling the same way, so I'll take you there."

We arrived at our destination soon.

Along the way, Professor Tang kept reminding Lu Zhou about safety issues, making it seem as if he was going to North Africa instead of North America.

"Lu Zhou."

What the hell

"Molina Abel, I don't like my last name very much, so you can call me Ms. Molina, or Miss Molina."

In this country where driver's licenses are used as ID cards, very few people do not own their own cars. It is precisely because of this travel habit that it is difficult to travel without your own car in this country.

After passing through the bustling crowd, Lu Zhou quickly left the airport with his suitcase and hailed a taxi directly outside the airport.

While on the plane, Lu Zhou took a map and pondered the transportation route for a long time, but finally gave up and decided to take a taxi.

In this way, time passed day by day, and finally January 29th arrived.

It's embarrassing to say that the proof of Zhou's conjecture was actually given by the system. If you can find faults, that would be magical.

As a white line draws across the blue sky, it gradually gets farther and farther.

There seemed to be an address on the invitation, but it was tucked away in the suitcase.

"...Actually, it's not as exaggerated as your teacher said. Places like Princeton are considered rural. The security in the countryside here is much better than in the city. However, it is best not to walk at night, especially for people without a car. The easiest thing to do is to get targeted. Fortunately, if you encounter someone who is robbed of money, nothing will happen if you hand over your wallet. If you are not a vicious fugitive, you usually don’t want to be involved in a big case. But if you encounter someone who is robbed of sex, hehe... "