Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 119: gentleman


Just when Lu Zhou looked at the Indian guy, the Indian guy obviously noticed him.

Someone else…

Lu Zhou: "But there is no if, right?"

Someone whistled nearby.

When Lu Zhou approached, he had a springy smile on his face and immediately greeted him in curry-flavored English.

Since P is a prime number and P-2 is also a prime number, they form a pair of twin prime numbers.

Lu Zhou: "But there is no if, right?"

Just when Lu Zhou looked at the Indian guy, the Indian guy obviously noticed him.

"Okay, please shut up."

Lu Zhou didn't even notice when she was standing here.

"Hey, buddy, you have a good eye. Are you also majoring in number theory?"

Dirang raised his eyebrows: "Didn't you see clearly what I wrote in the first line? When there are limited pairs of twin prime numbers, take the largest pair of twin prime numbers (Pn-1, Pn)..."

"Reverse mathematics?" Looking at the Indian guy in surprise, Lu Zhou couldn't help but complain, "Did you use reverse mathematics to prove it? I thought you were studying algebraic number theory."

This idea of seeking answers outside the framework is worth promoting.

Seeing Lu Zhou put away the chewing gum, Molina pursed her lips and smiled.

Although he was told not to accept food from strangers when he was a child, it should be fine here, right

"That's right. Very... shocking research results," Lu Zhou barely understood what he was talking about. He glanced at the poster, then looked around, and found that no one around him seemed interested. He couldn't help but ask, "But why is there no one here?"

"Reverse mathematics?" Looking at the Indian guy in surprise, Lu Zhou couldn't help but complain, "Did you use reverse mathematics to prove it? I thought you were studying algebraic number theory."

"Lu Zhou, Jinling University." Without mentioning his degree, Lu Zhou stretched out his hand to shake his hand, and then asked impatiently, "Can I read your thesis?"

This idea of seeking answers outside the framework is worth promoting.

"It'll be ready soon!"

"Because of the arrogance and prejudice of 'Princetonians', they could not accept that a native Indian had defeated them in mathematics, and even refused to let me go on stage to give a report without reason. It seems that my friends on the same side of the ocean are better Understand my feelings." The dark-skinned Indian guy grinned and stretched out his hand, "Dijang, a master's student at Nehru University, what's your name?"

"Hey, buddy, you have a good eye. Are you also majoring in number theory?"

"No, similar things happen all the time," Molina curled her lips, "This is the 'arrogant' Princeton. Showing one's research results here requires more than just a quick-thinking mind. The brain must also have a heart that is strong enough to withstand it.”

Someone whistled nearby.

"No, similar things happen all the time," Molina curled her lips, "This is the 'arrogant' Princeton. Showing one's research results here requires more than just a quick-thinking mind. The brain must also have a heart that is strong enough to withstand it.”

"Hey, buddy, you have a good eye. Are you also majoring in number theory?"

Obviously P cannot be divisible by all prime numbers from P1 to Pn, and will always have a remainder of 1, so P is a prime number. In the same way, it can be proved that P-2=(P1P2P3*... *Pn)-1 is obviously also a prime number, and division by any prime number from P1 to Pn will always differ by 1.

It was obvious that she listened to their conversation from beginning to end.

"Reverse mathematics?" Looking at the Indian guy in surprise, Lu Zhou couldn't help but complain, "Did you use reverse mathematics to prove it? I thought you were studying algebraic number theory."

Lu Zhou actually wanted to say, I don't quite understand your mood, because my research results will be displayed in the form of a report on the fifth day. But after thinking about it, in order not to irritate this foreign friend, I still He kept these words in his heart.

"Algebra is just a tool for studying number theory, not the only way... I know this sentence may make you sound a little uncomfortable. After all, your Mr. Zhang made a good start for algebraic methods to prove the bounded distance of twin prime numbers, and I took out This set of proof methods will mean that he not only walked into a dead end, but also brought a group of mathematicians into the grave."

"You're welcome. Since you accepted my little gift, in exchange, I hope you will give me your email address and FB account."

While the Indian guy was writing and drawing on the whiteboard, Lu Zhou noticed that many people were looking at him with interest and approaching.

Dirang raised his eyebrows: "Didn't you see clearly what I wrote in the first line? When there are limited pairs of twin prime numbers, take the largest pair of twin prime numbers (Pn-1, Pn)..."

"The large prime number P you constructed is indeed guaranteed not to be divisible by a series of prime numbers from P1 to Pn, but the prerequisite is that Pn is the largest prime number. Obviously, you have fallen into a logical trap. How do you prove that Pn is known The largest prime number?”

Di Rang hung up the blackboard and turned back to Lu Zhou and raised his eyebrows proudly.

This idea of seeking answers outside the framework is worth promoting.


"Lu Zhou, Jinling University." Without mentioning his degree, Lu Zhou stretched out his hand to shake his hand, and then asked impatiently, "Can I read your thesis?"

Just when Lu Zhou looked at the Indian guy, the Indian guy obviously noticed him.

Just when Lu Zhou looked at the Indian guy, the Indian guy obviously noticed him.

It’s really a bad taste…

Realizing that he had made a stupid mistake, Dirang's face turned red to the color of pig liver. He cursed and tore off the poster and stuffed the things on the table into his backpack. Someone whistled at him, but he ignored it and ran away quickly without looking back.

He didn't even change his clothes. It was the blond girl who took him to the hotel yesterday.

First, assume that twin primes are finite pairs, and let the largest twin prime pair be (Pn-1, Pn). It can be seen that the prime numbers within Pn are limited, let them be P1, P2...Pn-1, Pn.

First, assume that twin primes are finite pairs, and let the largest twin prime pair be (Pn-1, Pn). It can be seen that the prime numbers within Pn are limited, let them be P1, P2...Pn-1, Pn.

"Here is the paper, but I recommend you to read that thing," Dirang patted the stack of paper in his hand and threw it aside, then moved out a large whiteboard and wrote and drew on it with a marker. "The process is a bit troublesome, but the principle is very simple. You only need to listen to me explain it once, and you will soon understand the mystery of inverse mathematics."

First, assume that twin primes are finite pairs, and let the largest twin prime pair be (Pn-1, Pn). It can be seen that the prime numbers within Pn are limited, let them be P1, P2...Pn-1, Pn.

Lu Zhou: "2*3*5*7*11*13+1=30031."

"That's right. Very... shocking research results," Lu Zhou barely understood what he was talking about. He glanced at the poster, then looked around, and found that no one around him seemed interested. He couldn't help but ask, "But why is there no one here?"

Molina smiled and said in a joking tone: "No, that's the gentlemanly thing to do."

Lu Zhou watched the process he listed on the blackboard from beginning to end.

Di Rang hung up the blackboard and turned back to Lu Zhou and raised his eyebrows proudly.

Just when Lu Zhou looked at the Indian guy, the Indian guy obviously noticed him.

"Reverse mathematics?" Looking at the Indian guy in surprise, Lu Zhou couldn't help but complain, "Did you use reverse mathematics to prove it? I thought you were studying algebraic number theory."

Seeing Lu Zhou looking towards her, Molina raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "Killed a player on the first day?"

Dirang raised his eyebrows: "Didn't you see clearly what I wrote in the first line? When there are limited pairs of twin prime numbers, take the largest pair of twin prime numbers (Pn-1, Pn)..."

"Algebra is just a tool for studying number theory, not the only way... I know this sentence may make you sound a little uncomfortable. After all, your Mr. Zhang made a good start for algebraic methods to prove the bounded distance of twin prime numbers, and I took out This set of proof methods will mean that he not only walked into a dead end, but also brought a group of mathematicians into the grave."

When they heard Lu Zhou reciting this calculation, many of the people watching had a look of surprise on their faces. Some people had obviously guessed it a long time ago and could not help but laugh softly.

With curiosity in his heart, Lu Zhou, who was standing next to the poster, followed the Indian guy's proof.

In fact, in the abstract, his idea is very simple.

"It'll be ready soon!"

"Yes." Molina pursed her lips and smiled, then took out a stick of chewing gum from somewhere, "Would you like a piece?"

When they heard Lu Zhou reciting this calculation, many of the people watching had a look of surprise on their faces. Some people had obviously guessed it a long time ago and could not help but laugh softly.

Lu Zhou said speechlessly: "...I'm not unhappy at all. Can you get to the point quickly?"

"Just think about it, for a genius from Princeton, this should be easy, right?"

"Reverse mathematics?" Looking at the Indian guy in surprise, Lu Zhou couldn't help but complain, "Did you use reverse mathematics to prove it? I thought you were studying algebraic number theory."


Seeing that Lu Zhou remained silent, Molina continued to ask, "Did you come up with the calculation on the spot? Or did you prepare it in advance and come here specifically to snipe him?"

"Algebra is just a tool for studying number theory, not the only way... I know this sentence may make you sound a little uncomfortable. After all, your Mr. Zhang made a good start for algebraic methods to prove the bounded distance of twin prime numbers, and I took out This set of proof methods will mean that he not only walked into a dead end, but also brought a group of mathematicians into the grave."

"You're welcome. Since you accepted my little gift, in exchange, I hope you will give me your email address and FB account."

Di Rang hung up the blackboard and turned back to Lu Zhou and raised his eyebrows proudly.

Molina raised her eyebrows slightly: "You may have some misunderstandings about the word genius. The human brain is more powerful than computers in logical thinking and creativity, not in the operation of floating point numbers. If his research group has a Someone who knows a little bit about computers can help him exhaustively search for possible counterexamples, and he won't come all the way here to make a joke."

Lu Zhou: "But there is no if, right?"

Although he was told not to accept food from strangers when he was a child, it should be fine here, right

"Lu Zhou, Jinling University." Without mentioning his degree, Lu Zhou stretched out his hand to shake his hand, and then asked impatiently, "Can I read your thesis?"

"Reverse mathematics?" Looking at the Indian guy in surprise, Lu Zhou couldn't help but complain, "Did you use reverse mathematics to prove it? I thought you were studying algebraic number theory."


Lu Zhou shrugged helplessly.

It’s really a bad taste…

"It'll be ready soon!"

"Hey, buddy, you have a good eye. Are you also majoring in number theory?"

"Thanks… "

Lu Zhou helplessly spread his hands: "I just pointed out his mistake. Is there anything wrong with that?"

"Because of the arrogance and prejudice of 'Princetonians', they could not accept that a native Indian had defeated them in mathematics, and even refused to let me go on stage to give a report without reason. It seems that my friends on the same side of the ocean are better Understand my feelings." The dark-skinned Indian guy grinned and stretched out his hand, "Dijang, a master's student at Nehru University, what's your name?"

With curiosity in his heart, Lu Zhou, who was standing next to the poster, followed the Indian guy's proof.

Only one person remained, looking at him with a smile.

"No, similar things happen all the time," Molina curled her lips, "This is the 'arrogant' Princeton. Showing one's research results here requires more than just a quick-thinking mind. The brain must also have a heart that is strong enough to withstand it.”

Looking at this person, Lu Zhou found that he looked familiar.

While the Indian guy was writing and drawing on the whiteboard, Lu Zhou noticed that many people were looking at him with interest and approaching.

"Here is the paper, but I recommend you to read that thing," Dirang patted the stack of paper in his hand and threw it aside, then moved out a large whiteboard and wrote and drew on it with a marker. "The process is a bit troublesome, but the principle is very simple. You only need to listen to me explain it once, and you will soon understand the mystery of inverse mathematics."

It was obvious that she listened to their conversation from beginning to end.

"It'll be ready soon!"

It’s really a bad taste…

With curiosity in his heart, Lu Zhou, who was standing next to the poster, followed the Indian guy's proof.

Lu Zhou was not bored to this extent. He didn't study mathematics just to find trouble.

"You're welcome. Since you accepted my little gift, in exchange, I hope you will give me your email address and FB account."

Di Rang hung up the blackboard and turned back to Lu Zhou and raised his eyebrows proudly.

Dirang was stunned and felt something was wrong. He frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Okay, please shut up."

This overturns the conclusion in the hypothesis that "pairs of twin prime numbers are finite", and conversely "pairs of twin prime numbers are infinite" is correct.

In fact, in the abstract, his idea is very simple.

Only one person remained, looking at him with a smile.

Seeing that Lu Zhou remained silent, Molina continued to ask, "Did you come up with the calculation on the spot? Or did you prepare it in advance and come here specifically to snipe him?"

Only one person remained, looking at him with a smile.

"You're welcome. Since you accepted my little gift, in exchange, I hope you will give me your email address and FB account."

"It'll be ready soon!"

First, assume that twin primes are finite pairs, and let the largest twin prime pair be (Pn-1, Pn). It can be seen that the prime numbers within Pn are limited, let them be P1, P2...Pn-1, Pn.

There was a small applause.

Di Rang hung up the blackboard and turned back to Lu Zhou and raised his eyebrows proudly.

"Thanks… "

Then construct a large prime number P=(P1P2P3*... *Pn)+1

"You're welcome. Since you accepted my little gift, in exchange, I hope you will give me your email address and FB account."

Seeing Lu Zhou put away the chewing gum, Molina pursed her lips and smiled.

Obviously P cannot be divisible by all prime numbers from P1 to Pn, and will always have a remainder of 1, so P is a prime number. In the same way, it can be proved that P-2=(P1P2P3*... *Pn)-1 is obviously also a prime number, and division by any prime number from P1 to Pn will always differ by 1.

Seeing Lu Zhou looking towards her, Molina raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "Killed a player on the first day?"

"No, similar things happen all the time," Molina curled her lips, "This is the 'arrogant' Princeton. Showing one's research results here requires more than just a quick-thinking mind. The brain must also have a heart that is strong enough to withstand it.”

Di Rang hung up the blackboard and turned back to Lu Zhou and raised his eyebrows proudly.

"Here is the paper, but I recommend you to read that thing," Dirang patted the stack of paper in his hand and threw it aside, then moved out a large whiteboard and wrote and drew on it with a marker. "The process is a bit troublesome, but the principle is very simple. You only need to listen to me explain it once, and you will soon understand the mystery of inverse mathematics."

"Okay, please shut up."

"That's right. Very... shocking research results," Lu Zhou barely understood what he was talking about. He glanced at the poster, then looked around, and found that no one around him seemed interested. He couldn't help but ask, "But why is there no one here?"

Since P is a prime number and P-2 is also a prime number, they form a pair of twin prime numbers.

There was a small applause.

"I can give you my email address, but I don't have a FB account... Speaking of which country is this a custom?"

Then the problem arises. The twin prime pair formed by P and P-2 is larger than the "maximum prime pair" initially set, thus denying (Pn, Pn-1) as the largest twin prime pair.

"Hey, buddy, you have a good eye. Are you also majoring in number theory?"

"No, similar things happen all the time," Molina curled her lips, "This is the 'arrogant' Princeton. Showing one's research results here requires more than just a quick-thinking mind. The brain must also have a heart that is strong enough to withstand it.”

Looking at this person, Lu Zhou found that he looked familiar.

Then the problem arises. The twin prime pair formed by P and P-2 is larger than the "maximum prime pair" initially set, thus denying (Pn, Pn-1) as the largest twin prime pair.

Seeing Lu Zhou put away the chewing gum, Molina pursed her lips and smiled.

"That's right. Very... shocking research results," Lu Zhou barely understood what he was talking about. He glanced at the poster, then looked around, and found that no one around him seemed interested. He couldn't help but ask, "But why is there no one here?"

Just like climbing a ladder, no matter how big (Pn-1, Pn) is, you can always find a pair of prime numbers larger than (Pn-1, Pn).

This idea of seeking answers outside the framework is worth promoting.

There was no excitement to see and the crowd dispersed quickly.

Then the problem arises. The twin prime pair formed by P and P-2 is larger than the "maximum prime pair" initially set, thus denying (Pn, Pn-1) as the largest twin prime pair.

First, assume that twin primes are finite pairs, and let the largest twin prime pair be (Pn-1, Pn). It can be seen that the prime numbers within Pn are limited, let them be P1, P2...Pn-1, Pn.

Then construct a large prime number P=(P1P2P3*... *Pn)+1

Only one person remained, looking at him with a smile.

Lu Zhou actually wanted to say, I don't quite understand your mood, because my research results will be displayed in the form of a report on the fifth day. But after thinking about it, in order not to irritate this foreign friend, I still He kept these words in his heart.

This overturns the conclusion in the hypothesis that "pairs of twin prime numbers are finite", and conversely "pairs of twin prime numbers are infinite" is correct.

Lu Zhou sighed: "30031 can be broken down into the product of two prime numbers 59 and 509, so this number is a composite number... Did you come to Princeton at your own expense? If I were your professor, I would definitely not help you get funding. .”

"Lu Zhou, Jinling University." Without mentioning his degree, Lu Zhou stretched out his hand to shake his hand, and then asked impatiently, "Can I read your thesis?"

Lu Zhou said speechlessly: "...I'm not unhappy at all. Can you get to the point quickly?"

Lu Zhou shrugged helplessly.

Only one person remained, looking at him with a smile.

Someone else…

This idea of seeking answers outside the framework is worth promoting.

"Lu Zhou, Jinling University." Without mentioning his degree, Lu Zhou stretched out his hand to shake his hand, and then asked impatiently, "Can I read your thesis?"

There are still many processes in between, but the overall idea is this.

"Reverse mathematics?" Looking at the Indian guy in surprise, Lu Zhou couldn't help but complain, "Did you use reverse mathematics to prove it? I thought you were studying algebraic number theory."

"That's right. Very... shocking research results," Lu Zhou barely understood what he was talking about. He glanced at the poster, then looked around, and found that no one around him seemed interested. He couldn't help but ask, "But why is there no one here?"

In fact, in the abstract, his idea is very simple.

Only one person remained, looking at him with a smile.

Lu Zhou watched the process he listed on the blackboard from beginning to end.

Lu Zhou: "But there is no if, right?"

With curiosity in his heart, Lu Zhou, who was standing next to the poster, followed the Indian guy's proof.

Then construct a large prime number P=(P1P2P3*... *Pn)+1

Seeing Lu Zhou looking towards her, Molina raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "Killed a player on the first day?"

When Lu Zhou approached, he had a springy smile on his face and immediately greeted him in curry-flavored English.

Lu Zhou: "2*3*5*7*11*13+1=30031."

Surprisingly, he did not cite any existing research results to solve this problem.

"Yes." Molina pursed her lips and smiled, then took out a stick of chewing gum from somewhere, "Would you like a piece?"

Lu Zhou helplessly spread his hands: "I just pointed out his mistake. Is there anything wrong with that?"

Lu Zhou sighed: "30031 can be broken down into the product of two prime numbers 59 and 509, so this number is a composite number... Did you come to Princeton at your own expense? If I were your professor, I would definitely not help you get funding. .”

Looking at this person, Lu Zhou found that he looked familiar.

Since P is a prime number and P-2 is also a prime number, they form a pair of twin prime numbers.

This idea of seeking answers outside the framework is worth promoting.

Lu Zhou: "2*3*5*7*11*13+1=30031."

It’s really a bad taste…

Molina smiled and said in a joking tone: "No, that's the gentlemanly thing to do."

"Because of the arrogance and prejudice of 'Princetonians', they could not accept that a native Indian had defeated them in mathematics, and even refused to let me go on stage to give a report without reason. It seems that my friends on the same side of the ocean are better Understand my feelings." The dark-skinned Indian guy grinned and stretched out his hand, "Dijang, a master's student at Nehru University, what's your name?"


"I can give you my email address, but I don't have a FB account... Speaking of which country is this a custom?"

Lu Zhou finally understood why no one was paying attention to him.

Lu Zhou finally understood why no one was paying attention to him.

Lu Zhou didn't even notice when she was standing here.

This overturns the conclusion in the hypothesis that "pairs of twin prime numbers are finite", and conversely "pairs of twin prime numbers are infinite" is correct.

"The large prime number P you constructed is indeed guaranteed not to be divisible by a series of prime numbers from P1 to Pn, but the prerequisite is that Pn is the largest prime number. Obviously, you have fallen into a logical trap. How do you prove that Pn is known The largest prime number?”

"Algebra is just a tool for studying number theory, not the only way... I know this sentence may make you sound a little uncomfortable. After all, your Mr. Zhang made a good start for algebraic methods to prove the bounded distance of twin prime numbers, and I took out This set of proof methods will mean that he not only walked into a dead end, but also brought a group of mathematicians into the grave."

Since P is a prime number and P-2 is also a prime number, they form a pair of twin prime numbers.

Someone whistled nearby.

Lu Zhou actually wanted to say, I don't quite understand your mood, because my research results will be displayed in the form of a report on the fifth day. But after thinking about it, in order not to irritate this foreign friend, I still He kept these words in his heart.

Dirang raised his eyebrows: "Didn't you see clearly what I wrote in the first line? When there are limited pairs of twin prime numbers, take the largest pair of twin prime numbers (Pn-1, Pn)..."

"Reverse mathematics?" Looking at the Indian guy in surprise, Lu Zhou couldn't help but complain, "Did you use reverse mathematics to prove it? I thought you were studying algebraic number theory."

Surprisingly, he did not cite any existing research results to solve this problem.

It was obvious that she listened to their conversation from beginning to end.

"Lu Zhou, Jinling University." Without mentioning his degree, Lu Zhou stretched out his hand to shake his hand, and then asked impatiently, "Can I read your thesis?"

Lu Zhou: "2*3*5*7*11*13+1=30031."

Then construct a large prime number P=(P1P2P3*... *Pn)+1

Then the problem arises. The twin prime pair formed by P and P-2 is larger than the "maximum prime pair" initially set, thus denying (Pn, Pn-1) as the largest twin prime pair.

Lu Zhou actually wanted to say, I don't quite understand your mood, because my research results will be displayed in the form of a report on the fifth day. But after thinking about it, in order not to irritate this foreign friend, I still He kept these words in his heart.

Since P is a prime number and P-2 is also a prime number, they form a pair of twin prime numbers.

Lu Zhou actually wanted to say, I don't quite understand your mood, because my research results will be displayed in the form of a report on the fifth day. But after thinking about it, in order not to irritate this foreign friend, I still He kept these words in his heart.

This idea of seeking answers outside the framework is worth promoting.

"Algebra is just a tool for studying number theory, not the only way... I know this sentence may make you sound a little uncomfortable. After all, your Mr. Zhang made a good start for algebraic methods to prove the bounded distance of twin prime numbers, and I took out This set of proof methods will mean that he not only walked into a dead end, but also brought a group of mathematicians into the grave."

When they heard Lu Zhou reciting this calculation, many of the people watching had a look of surprise on their faces. Some people had obviously guessed it a long time ago and could not help but laugh softly.

He didn't even change his clothes. It was the blond girl who took him to the hotel yesterday.


Someone else…

There was no excitement to see and the crowd dispersed quickly.

Realizing that he had made a stupid mistake, Dirang's face turned red to the color of pig liver. He cursed and tore off the poster and stuffed the things on the table into his backpack. Someone whistled at him, but he ignored it and ran away quickly without looking back.

"Because of the arrogance and prejudice of 'Princetonians', they could not accept that a native Indian had defeated them in mathematics, and even refused to let me go on stage to give a report without reason. It seems that my friends on the same side of the ocean are better Understand my feelings." The dark-skinned Indian guy grinned and stretched out his hand, "Dijang, a master's student at Nehru University, what's your name?"

There was a small applause.

There are still many processes in between, but the overall idea is this.


Molina smiled and said in a joking tone: "No, that's the gentlemanly thing to do."

Dirang was stunned and felt something was wrong. He frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

Lu Zhou finally understood why no one was paying attention to him.

"Just think about it, for a genius from Princeton, this should be easy, right?"

"That's right. Very... shocking research results," Lu Zhou barely understood what he was talking about. He glanced at the poster, then looked around, and found that no one around him seemed interested. He couldn't help but ask, "But why is there no one here?"

Lu Zhou said speechlessly: "...I'm not unhappy at all. Can you get to the point quickly?"

It’s really a bad taste…

Lu Zhou shrugged helplessly.

"Reverse mathematics?" Looking at the Indian guy in surprise, Lu Zhou couldn't help but complain, "Did you use reverse mathematics to prove it? I thought you were studying algebraic number theory."

Then construct a large prime number P=(P1P2P3*... *Pn)+1

Lu Zhou sighed: "30031 can be broken down into the product of two prime numbers 59 and 509, so this number is a composite number... Did you come to Princeton at your own expense? If I were your professor, I would definitely not help you get funding. .”

There was no excitement to see and the crowd dispersed quickly.

In fact, in the abstract, his idea is very simple.

Looking at this person, Lu Zhou found that he looked familiar.

This idea of seeking answers outside the framework is worth promoting.

Lu Zhou was not bored to this extent. He didn't study mathematics just to find trouble.

When they heard Lu Zhou reciting this calculation, many of the people watching had a look of surprise on their faces. Some people had obviously guessed it a long time ago and could not help but laugh softly.

Lu Zhou shrugged helplessly.

Someone whistled nearby.

When they heard Lu Zhou reciting this calculation, many of the people watching had a look of surprise on their faces. Some people had obviously guessed it a long time ago and could not help but laugh softly.

"The large prime number P you constructed is indeed guaranteed not to be divisible by a series of prime numbers from P1 to Pn, but the prerequisite is that Pn is the largest prime number. Obviously, you have fallen into a logical trap. How do you prove that Pn is known The largest prime number?”

"Reverse mathematics?" Looking at the Indian guy in surprise, Lu Zhou couldn't help but complain, "Did you use reverse mathematics to prove it? I thought you were studying algebraic number theory."

Then construct a large prime number P=(P1P2P3*... *Pn)+1

Lu Zhou shrugged helplessly.

Someone else…

First, assume that twin primes are finite pairs, and let the largest twin prime pair be (Pn-1, Pn). It can be seen that the prime numbers within Pn are limited, let them be P1, P2...Pn-1, Pn.

"Okay, please shut up."

Molina raised her eyebrows slightly: "You may have some misunderstandings about the word genius. The human brain is more powerful than computers in logical thinking and creativity, not in the operation of floating point numbers. If his research group has a Someone who knows a little bit about computers can help him exhaustively search for possible counterexamples, and he won't come all the way here to make a joke."

"Thanks… "

Lu Zhou: "But there is no if, right?"

Lu Zhou finally understood why no one was paying attention to him.

Molina smiled and said in a joking tone: "No, that's the gentlemanly thing to do."

Someone else…

After hesitating for a moment, Lu Zhou reached out and took out a piece.

Realizing that he had made a stupid mistake, Dirang's face turned red to the color of pig liver. He cursed and tore off the poster and stuffed the things on the table into his backpack. Someone whistled at him, but he ignored it and ran away quickly without looking back.

Lu Zhou: "2*3*5*7*11*13+1=30031."

Lu Zhou said speechlessly: "...I'm not unhappy at all. Can you get to the point quickly?"

"Reverse mathematics?" Looking at the Indian guy in surprise, Lu Zhou couldn't help but complain, "Did you use reverse mathematics to prove it? I thought you were studying algebraic number theory."

He didn't even change his clothes. It was the blond girl who took him to the hotel yesterday.

When they heard Lu Zhou reciting this calculation, many of the people watching had a look of surprise on their faces. Some people had obviously guessed it a long time ago and could not help but laugh softly.

Lu Zhou didn't even notice when she was standing here.

Dirang raised his eyebrows: "Didn't you see clearly what I wrote in the first line? When there are limited pairs of twin prime numbers, take the largest pair of twin prime numbers (Pn-1, Pn)..."

Lu Zhou shrugged helplessly.

This overturns the conclusion in the hypothesis that "pairs of twin prime numbers are finite", and conversely "pairs of twin prime numbers are infinite" is correct.

When Lu Zhou approached, he had a springy smile on his face and immediately greeted him in curry-flavored English.

Lu Zhou shrugged helplessly.

In fact, he also wanted to tell this Indian guy, from the perspective of mathematical logic, why (Pn-1, Pn) cannot be the largest pair of prime numbers. However, the Indian guy obviously did not intend to give him a chance to give advice, so he only I can give up.

"Hey, buddy, you have a good eye. Are you also majoring in number theory?"

There was no excitement to see and the crowd dispersed quickly.

Halfway through, Lu Zhou suddenly felt like he was being tricked.

"Yes." Molina pursed her lips and smiled, then took out a stick of chewing gum from somewhere, "Would you like a piece?"

There are still many processes in between, but the overall idea is this.

There was no excitement to see and the crowd dispersed quickly.

There was no excitement to see and the crowd dispersed quickly.

It was obvious that she listened to their conversation from beginning to end.

It’s really a bad taste…

When they heard Lu Zhou reciting this calculation, many of the people watching had a look of surprise on their faces. Some people had obviously guessed it a long time ago and could not help but laugh softly.

Looking at this person, Lu Zhou found that he looked familiar.

"I can give you my email address, but I don't have a FB account... Speaking of which country is this a custom?"

"Algebra is just a tool for studying number theory, not the only way... I know this sentence may make you sound a little uncomfortable. After all, your Mr. Zhang made a good start for algebraic methods to prove the bounded distance of twin prime numbers, and I took out This set of proof methods will mean that he not only walked into a dead end, but also brought a group of mathematicians into the grave."

Only one person remained, looking at him with a smile.

"Hey, buddy, you have a good eye. Are you also majoring in number theory?"

Seeing Lu Zhou put away the chewing gum, Molina pursed her lips and smiled.

Halfway through, Lu Zhou suddenly felt like he was being tricked.

Dirang was stunned and felt something was wrong. He frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"


There are still many processes in between, but the overall idea is this.

This idea of seeking answers outside the framework is worth promoting.

Lu Zhou: "But there is no if, right?"

Looking at this person, Lu Zhou found that he looked familiar.

"Hey, buddy, you have a good eye. Are you also majoring in number theory?"

It’s really a bad taste…

This overturns the conclusion in the hypothesis that "pairs of twin prime numbers are finite", and conversely "pairs of twin prime numbers are infinite" is correct.

When Lu Zhou approached, he had a springy smile on his face and immediately greeted him in curry-flavored English.

"That's right. Very... shocking research results," Lu Zhou barely understood what he was talking about. He glanced at the poster, then looked around, and found that no one around him seemed interested. He couldn't help but ask, "But why is there no one here?"

Although he was told not to accept food from strangers when he was a child, it should be fine here, right

Seeing that Lu Zhou remained silent, Molina continued to ask, "Did you come up with the calculation on the spot? Or did you prepare it in advance and come here specifically to snipe him?"

He didn't even change his clothes. It was the blond girl who took him to the hotel yesterday.

He didn't even change his clothes. It was the blond girl who took him to the hotel yesterday.

In fact, he also wanted to tell this Indian guy, from the perspective of mathematical logic, why (Pn-1, Pn) cannot be the largest pair of prime numbers. However, the Indian guy obviously did not intend to give him a chance to give advice, so he only I can give up.

Seeing Lu Zhou looking towards her, Molina raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "Killed a player on the first day?"

Although he was told not to accept food from strangers when he was a child, it should be fine here, right

Realizing that he had made a stupid mistake, Dirang's face turned red to the color of pig liver. He cursed and tore off the poster and stuffed the things on the table into his backpack. Someone whistled at him, but he ignored it and ran away quickly without looking back.

Since P is a prime number and P-2 is also a prime number, they form a pair of twin prime numbers.

Lu Zhou helplessly spread his hands: "I just pointed out his mistake. Is there anything wrong with that?"

"It'll be ready soon!"

With curiosity in his heart, Lu Zhou, who was standing next to the poster, followed the Indian guy's proof.

"No, similar things happen all the time," Molina curled her lips, "This is the 'arrogant' Princeton. Showing one's research results here requires more than just a quick-thinking mind. The brain must also have a heart that is strong enough to withstand it.”

Surprisingly, he did not cite any existing research results to solve this problem.

While the Indian guy was writing and drawing on the whiteboard, Lu Zhou noticed that many people were looking at him with interest and approaching.

It’s really a bad taste…

He didn't even change his clothes. It was the blond girl who took him to the hotel yesterday.

In fact, he also wanted to tell this Indian guy, from the perspective of mathematical logic, why (Pn-1, Pn) cannot be the largest pair of prime numbers. However, the Indian guy obviously did not intend to give him a chance to give advice, so he only I can give up.

Dirang raised his eyebrows: "Didn't you see clearly what I wrote in the first line? When there are limited pairs of twin prime numbers, take the largest pair of twin prime numbers (Pn-1, Pn)..."

It was obvious that she listened to their conversation from beginning to end.

"Here is the paper, but I recommend you to read that thing," Dirang patted the stack of paper in his hand and threw it aside, then moved out a large whiteboard and wrote and drew on it with a marker. "The process is a bit troublesome, but the principle is very simple. You only need to listen to me explain it once, and you will soon understand the mystery of inverse mathematics."

It was obvious that she listened to their conversation from beginning to end.

There was a small applause.

"No, similar things happen all the time," Molina curled her lips, "This is the 'arrogant' Princeton. Showing one's research results here requires more than just a quick-thinking mind. The brain must also have a heart that is strong enough to withstand it.”

In fact, he also wanted to tell this Indian guy, from the perspective of mathematical logic, why (Pn-1, Pn) cannot be the largest pair of prime numbers. However, the Indian guy obviously did not intend to give him a chance to give advice, so he only I can give up.

Someone whistled nearby.

Realizing that he had made a stupid mistake, Dirang's face turned red to the color of pig liver. He cursed and tore off the poster and stuffed the things on the table into his backpack. Someone whistled at him, but he ignored it and ran away quickly without looking back.

Only one person remained, looking at him with a smile.

Seeing that Lu Zhou remained silent, Molina continued to ask, "Did you come up with the calculation on the spot? Or did you prepare it in advance and come here specifically to snipe him?"

It’s really a bad taste…

"Lu Zhou, Jinling University." Without mentioning his degree, Lu Zhou stretched out his hand to shake his hand, and then asked impatiently, "Can I read your thesis?"

Molina raised her eyebrows slightly: "You may have some misunderstandings about the word genius. The human brain is more powerful than computers in logical thinking and creativity, not in the operation of floating point numbers. If his research group has a Someone who knows a little bit about computers can help him exhaustively search for possible counterexamples, and he won't come all the way here to make a joke."

There are still many processes in between, but the overall idea is this.

Lu Zhou said speechlessly: "...I'm not unhappy at all. Can you get to the point quickly?"

When they heard Lu Zhou reciting this calculation, many of the people watching had a look of surprise on their faces. Some people had obviously guessed it a long time ago and could not help but laugh softly.

Lu Zhou finally understood why no one was paying attention to him.

Di Rang hung up the blackboard and turned back to Lu Zhou and raised his eyebrows proudly.

Molina raised her eyebrows slightly: "You may have some misunderstandings about the word genius. The human brain is more powerful than computers in logical thinking and creativity, not in the operation of floating point numbers. If his research group has a Someone who knows a little bit about computers can help him exhaustively search for possible counterexamples, and he won't come all the way here to make a joke."

Lu Zhou didn't even notice when she was standing here.

Although he was told not to accept food from strangers when he was a child, it should be fine here, right

"Reverse mathematics?" Looking at the Indian guy in surprise, Lu Zhou couldn't help but complain, "Did you use reverse mathematics to prove it? I thought you were studying algebraic number theory."

Seeing Lu Zhou looking towards her, Molina raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "Killed a player on the first day?"

Halfway through, Lu Zhou suddenly felt like he was being tricked.

"Algebra is just a tool for studying number theory, not the only way... I know this sentence may make you sound a little uncomfortable. After all, your Mr. Zhang made a good start for algebraic methods to prove the bounded distance of twin prime numbers, and I took out This set of proof methods will mean that he not only walked into a dead end, but also brought a group of mathematicians into the grave."

"Lu Zhou, Jinling University." Without mentioning his degree, Lu Zhou stretched out his hand to shake his hand, and then asked impatiently, "Can I read your thesis?"

"Here is the paper, but I recommend you to read that thing," Dirang patted the stack of paper in his hand and threw it aside, then moved out a large whiteboard and wrote and drew on it with a marker. "The process is a bit troublesome, but the principle is very simple. You only need to listen to me explain it once, and you will soon understand the mystery of inverse mathematics."

Seeing that Lu Zhou remained silent, Molina continued to ask, "Did you come up with the calculation on the spot? Or did you prepare it in advance and come here specifically to snipe him?"

Dirang raised his eyebrows: "Didn't you see clearly what I wrote in the first line? When there are limited pairs of twin prime numbers, take the largest pair of twin prime numbers (Pn-1, Pn)..."

There are still many processes in between, but the overall idea is this.

Lu Zhou helplessly spread his hands: "I just pointed out his mistake. Is there anything wrong with that?"

"The large prime number P you constructed is indeed guaranteed not to be divisible by a series of prime numbers from P1 to Pn, but the prerequisite is that Pn is the largest prime number. Obviously, you have fallen into a logical trap. How do you prove that Pn is known The largest prime number?”

"Just think about it, for a genius from Princeton, this should be easy, right?"

Someone else…

There was a small applause.

Dirang raised his eyebrows: "Didn't you see clearly what I wrote in the first line? When there are limited pairs of twin prime numbers, take the largest pair of twin prime numbers (Pn-1, Pn)..."

Seeing Lu Zhou looking towards her, Molina raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "Killed a player on the first day?"

"Hey, buddy, you have a good eye. Are you also majoring in number theory?"

In fact, he also wanted to tell this Indian guy, from the perspective of mathematical logic, why (Pn-1, Pn) cannot be the largest pair of prime numbers. However, the Indian guy obviously did not intend to give him a chance to give advice, so he only I can give up.

Lu Zhou was not bored to this extent. He didn't study mathematics just to find trouble.

Realizing that he had made a stupid mistake, Dirang's face turned red to the color of pig liver. He cursed and tore off the poster and stuffed the things on the table into his backpack. Someone whistled at him, but he ignored it and ran away quickly without looking back.

Although he was told not to accept food from strangers when he was a child, it should be fine here, right

"Algebra is just a tool for studying number theory, not the only way... I know this sentence may make you sound a little uncomfortable. After all, your Mr. Zhang made a good start for algebraic methods to prove the bounded distance of twin prime numbers, and I took out This set of proof methods will mean that he not only walked into a dead end, but also brought a group of mathematicians into the grave."

Only one person remained, looking at him with a smile.

First, assume that twin primes are finite pairs, and let the largest twin prime pair be (Pn-1, Pn). It can be seen that the prime numbers within Pn are limited, let them be P1, P2...Pn-1, Pn.

Di Rang hung up the blackboard and turned back to Lu Zhou and raised his eyebrows proudly.

This idea of seeking answers outside the framework is worth promoting.

Molina raised her eyebrows slightly: "You may have some misunderstandings about the word genius. The human brain is more powerful than computers in logical thinking and creativity, not in the operation of floating point numbers. If his research group has a Someone who knows a little bit about computers can help him exhaustively search for possible counterexamples, and he won't come all the way here to make a joke."

Halfway through, Lu Zhou suddenly felt like he was being tricked.

"No, similar things happen all the time," Molina curled her lips, "This is the 'arrogant' Princeton. Showing one's research results here requires more than just a quick-thinking mind. The brain must also have a heart that is strong enough to withstand it.”

Lu Zhou: "But there is no if, right?"

Just like climbing a ladder, no matter how big (Pn-1, Pn) is, you can always find a pair of prime numbers larger than (Pn-1, Pn).

Someone whistled nearby.

"Yes." Molina pursed her lips and smiled, then took out a stick of chewing gum from somewhere, "Would you like a piece?"

First, assume that twin primes are finite pairs, and let the largest twin prime pair be (Pn-1, Pn). It can be seen that the prime numbers within Pn are limited, let them be P1, P2...Pn-1, Pn.

Lu Zhou: "2*3*5*7*11*13+1=30031."

After hesitating for a moment, Lu Zhou reached out and took out a piece.

First, assume that twin primes are finite pairs, and let the largest twin prime pair be (Pn-1, Pn). It can be seen that the prime numbers within Pn are limited, let them be P1, P2...Pn-1, Pn.

Dirang raised his eyebrows: "Didn't you see clearly what I wrote in the first line? When there are limited pairs of twin prime numbers, take the largest pair of twin prime numbers (Pn-1, Pn)..."

"Okay, please shut up."

"Okay, please shut up."

Since P is a prime number and P-2 is also a prime number, they form a pair of twin prime numbers.

"That's right. Very... shocking research results," Lu Zhou barely understood what he was talking about. He glanced at the poster, then looked around, and found that no one around him seemed interested. He couldn't help but ask, "But why is there no one here?"

"I can give you my email address, but I don't have a FB account... Speaking of which country is this a custom?"

"Thanks… "

"Thanks… "

"Because of the arrogance and prejudice of 'Princetonians', they could not accept that a native Indian had defeated them in mathematics, and even refused to let me go on stage to give a report without reason. It seems that my friends on the same side of the ocean are better Understand my feelings." The dark-skinned Indian guy grinned and stretched out his hand, "Dijang, a master's student at Nehru University, what's your name?"

There was a small applause.

Someone else…

"Okay, please shut up."

Only one person remained, looking at him with a smile.

Although he was told not to accept food from strangers when he was a child, it should be fine here, right

Lu Zhou: "But there is no if, right?"

In fact, in the abstract, his idea is very simple.

"Okay, please shut up."

Seeing Lu Zhou put away the chewing gum, Molina pursed her lips and smiled.

In fact, in the abstract, his idea is very simple.

Halfway through, Lu Zhou suddenly felt like he was being tricked.

"No, similar things happen all the time," Molina curled her lips, "This is the 'arrogant' Princeton. Showing one's research results here requires more than just a quick-thinking mind. The brain must also have a heart that is strong enough to withstand it.”

While the Indian guy was writing and drawing on the whiteboard, Lu Zhou noticed that many people were looking at him with interest and approaching.

"It'll be ready soon!"

"No, similar things happen all the time," Molina curled her lips, "This is the 'arrogant' Princeton. Showing one's research results here requires more than just a quick-thinking mind. The brain must also have a heart that is strong enough to withstand it.”

This idea of seeking answers outside the framework is worth promoting.

"Just think about it, for a genius from Princeton, this should be easy, right?"

"You're welcome. Since you accepted my little gift, in exchange, I hope you will give me your email address and FB account."

While the Indian guy was writing and drawing on the whiteboard, Lu Zhou noticed that many people were looking at him with interest and approaching.

Lu Zhou shrugged helplessly.

Seeing Lu Zhou put away the chewing gum, Molina pursed her lips and smiled.

With curiosity in his heart, Lu Zhou, who was standing next to the poster, followed the Indian guy's proof.

There are still many processes in between, but the overall idea is this.

Dirang raised his eyebrows: "Didn't you see clearly what I wrote in the first line? When there are limited pairs of twin prime numbers, take the largest pair of twin prime numbers (Pn-1, Pn)..."

Lu Zhou didn't even notice when she was standing here.

It’s really a bad taste…

"I can give you my email address, but I don't have a FB account... Speaking of which country is this a custom?"

After hesitating for a moment, Lu Zhou reached out and took out a piece.

Then the problem arises. The twin prime pair formed by P and P-2 is larger than the "maximum prime pair" initially set, thus denying (Pn, Pn-1) as the largest twin prime pair.

Lu Zhou actually wanted to say, I don't quite understand your mood, because my research results will be displayed in the form of a report on the fifth day. But after thinking about it, in order not to irritate this foreign friend, I still He kept these words in his heart.

Molina smiled and said in a joking tone: "No, that's the gentlemanly thing to do."

"Thanks… "

Halfway through, Lu Zhou suddenly felt like he was being tricked.

"No, similar things happen all the time," Molina curled her lips, "This is the 'arrogant' Princeton. Showing one's research results here requires more than just a quick-thinking mind. The brain must also have a heart that is strong enough to withstand it.”

Then the problem arises. The twin prime pair formed by P and P-2 is larger than the "maximum prime pair" initially set, thus denying (Pn, Pn-1) as the largest twin prime pair.

Someone whistled nearby.

Seeing that Lu Zhou remained silent, Molina continued to ask, "Did you come up with the calculation on the spot? Or did you prepare it in advance and come here specifically to snipe him?"

"Okay, please shut up."

There was no excitement to see and the crowd dispersed quickly.

Then the problem arises. The twin prime pair formed by P and P-2 is larger than the "maximum prime pair" initially set, thus denying (Pn, Pn-1) as the largest twin prime pair.

When Lu Zhou approached, he had a springy smile on his face and immediately greeted him in curry-flavored English.

Molina smiled and said in a joking tone: "No, that's the gentlemanly thing to do."

It was obvious that she listened to their conversation from beginning to end.

It was obvious that she listened to their conversation from beginning to end.

Molina smiled and said in a joking tone: "No, that's the gentlemanly thing to do."

Dirang was stunned and felt something was wrong. He frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

Although he was told not to accept food from strangers when he was a child, it should be fine here, right

"No, similar things happen all the time," Molina curled her lips, "This is the 'arrogant' Princeton. Showing one's research results here requires more than just a quick-thinking mind. The brain must also have a heart that is strong enough to withstand it.”

"It'll be ready soon!"