Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 120: That fleeting white dove


Lu Zhou tore off a page from the diary given as a small gift at the door and wrote his email address on it.

Picking up the glass filled with fruit juice, Lu Zhou gently clinked the glasses with her.

Although Lu Zhou is not very interested in socializing, he can still distinguish the occasion. Coffee parties in small circles are not cost-effective. It doesn't matter whether you attend or not. But if you miss this kind of official party, it will be a disaster. Big loss.

Looking at the handsome guy in the mirror, Lu Zhou nodded with satisfaction, but suddenly felt a little worried.

After copying the email address, Lu Zhou continued to wander around the hall.

Lu Zhou replied casually: "There are many more times to attend mathematics conferences, but inspiration only comes a few times in a life."

As for the FB account, there is nothing he can do without it.

Looking at the handsome guy in the mirror, Lu Zhou nodded with satisfaction, but suddenly felt a little worried.

After all, international mathematicians have reduced the number of 70 million to 246 through Mr. Zhang Yitang’s method. As long as you keep trying and choosing an appropriate lambda(n) function, one day you can reduce this gap to the number 2...

After putting the note away, Molina said, "My email and Facebook account are on the back of the gum wrapper," then she made a goodbye gesture, turned around and walked away.

"There is a coffee party upstairs, discussing the contents of Professor Deligne's lecture this morning. Are you not interested?"

After walking around for a long time, Lu Zhou found that the small handbook he received from the door was not enough.

The focus of this large-scale mathematics academic conference is still only a few report meetings every day.

Lu Zhou glanced at the chewing gum in his hand, hesitated, peeled it off and threw it into his mouth.

Moreover, there are only a few worthless "poster-session" after all, and many of the academic achievements displayed in the hall are quite valuable.

For example, a big brother studied the automorphism group problem of Witte algebra. Although he did not complete the final solution to the problem "AutWn=?", many of the ideas he put forward were quite enlightening and attracted countless students. , and even some professors watched.

Although Lu Zhou is not very interested in socializing, he can still distinguish the occasion. Coffee parties in small circles are not cost-effective. It doesn't matter whether you attend or not. But if you miss this kind of official party, it will be a disaster. Big loss.

For example, a big brother studied the automorphism group problem of Witte algebra. Although he did not complete the final solution to the problem "AutWn=?", many of the ideas he put forward were quite enlightening and attracted countless students. , and even some professors watched.

It takes a lot of courage to break out of the existing framework and find a new way.

Not just a "poster-session" in the lobby.

"Algebra is just a tool for studying number theory, not the only way..."

He soon discovered that Miss Molina was right, "things similar to the scene just now" were happening every moment.


The conference team provided a simple buffet meal, mainly fruits and various steaks, to all participants in the academic conference.

After walking around for a long time, Lu Zhou found that the small handbook he received from the door was not enough.

Especially the study of twin primes.

Looking at the handsome guy in the mirror, Lu Zhou nodded with satisfaction, but suddenly felt a little worried.

After walking around for a long time, Lu Zhou found that the small handbook he received from the door was not enough.

Not just a "poster-session" in the lobby.

Vanilla mint flavor

Just as he was fiddling with his hair style in front of the mirror, there was a knock on the door.

However, "killing the weak" is not the purpose, it is just a result.

When discussing the proof of the twin prime conjecture with the obsessed and confident Indian guy, although Lu Zhou did not get any substantial gains, he may have been infected by that optimistic attitude, so that the long-dormant inspiration It emerged from the depths of his heart again.

Who knows, in just one glass of champagne, you might receive an offer from a certain laboratory.

After copying the email address, Lu Zhou continued to wander around the hall.

Of course, even if your face hurts a little, being able to bravely show your research results here will definitely be of great benefit to the presenter's future academic career.

For example, a big brother studied the automorphism group problem of Witte algebra. Although he did not complete the final solution to the problem "AutWn=?", many of the ideas he put forward were quite enlightening and attracted countless students. , and even some professors watched.

He soon discovered that Miss Molina was right, "things similar to the scene just now" were happening every moment.

In the evening, Lu Zhou put on his suit and leather shoes, took a look in the mirror, and put some mousse on his hair.

The conference team provided a simple buffet meal, mainly fruits and various steaks, to all participants in the academic conference.

Vanilla mint flavor

After copying the email address, Lu Zhou continued to wander around the hall.

In the evening, Lu Zhou put on his suit and leather shoes, took a look in the mirror, and put some mousse on his hair.

When discussing the proof of the twin prime conjecture with the obsessed and confident Indian guy, although Lu Zhou did not get any substantial gains, he may have been infected by that optimistic attitude, so that the long-dormant inspiration It emerged from the depths of his heart again.

"Yes, that's what happened."

He is a powerful player...

However, "killing the weak" is not the purpose, it is just a result.

After copying the email address, Lu Zhou continued to wander around the hall.

Vanilla mint flavor

It takes a lot of courage to break out of the existing framework and find a new way.

Thoughts of the same level can rub together to produce sparks, but eggs and pebbles can only produce a pile of sticky egg whites.

Looking at the handsome guy in the mirror, Lu Zhou nodded with satisfaction, but suddenly felt a little worried.

If knowledge is compared to wealth visible to the naked eye, then what he gained today is as rich as a pirate ship.

Picking up the glass filled with fruit juice, Lu Zhou gently clinked the glasses with her.

Hearing the sound, Lu Zhou already guessed who it was, so he didn't raise his head and continued to think about the problem.

He soon discovered that Miss Molina was right, "things similar to the scene just now" were happening every moment.

The most interesting thing is that Lu Zhou saw someone claiming to have proved the last step of Goldbach's conjecture, that is, the "1+1" situation. As a result, he just walked over to join in the fun, but before he could finish reading the proof process written by the buddy, the stall owner, who had only a few words of discussion with a certain big boss, tore off his poster and left in despair.

Of course, even if your face hurts a little, being able to bravely show your research results here will definitely be of great benefit to the presenter's future academic career.

Looking at the handsome guy in the mirror, Lu Zhou nodded with satisfaction, but suddenly felt a little worried.

Although Lu Zhou is not very interested in socializing, he can still distinguish the occasion. Coffee parties in small circles are not cost-effective. It doesn't matter whether you attend or not. But if you miss this kind of official party, it will be a disaster. Big loss.

At six o'clock in the evening, the organizer prepared a cocktail party at the Princeton Hotel, where sumptuous food and wine will be provided to the participants.

Of course, even if your face hurts a little, being able to bravely show your research results here will definitely be of great benefit to the presenter's future academic career.

The time in the afternoon is very relaxed. After four o'clock, the academic conference will be temporarily adjourned, and the stall owners who have posters in the hall will close their stalls and leave until eight o'clock the next morning.

Looking at Lu Zhou with interest, Molina said curiously: "Academic conferences are a place for communication. They may only be once or twice a year, and there is still a lot of time for research. Why do you put studying mathematical problems on What about this time?"

Although Lu Zhou is not very interested in socializing, he can still distinguish the occasion. Coffee parties in small circles are not cost-effective. It doesn't matter whether you attend or not. But if you miss this kind of official party, it will be a disaster. Big loss.

Hearing the sound, Lu Zhou already guessed who it was, so he didn't raise his head and continued to think about the problem.

The most interesting thing is that Lu Zhou saw someone claiming to have proved the last step of Goldbach's conjecture, that is, the "1+1" situation. As a result, he just walked over to join in the fun, but before he could finish reading the proof process written by the buddy, the stall owner, who had only a few words of discussion with a certain big boss, tore off his poster and left in despair.

However, "killing the weak" is not the purpose, it is just a result.

Moreover, there are only a few worthless "poster-session" after all, and many of the academic achievements displayed in the hall are quite valuable.

After all, international mathematicians have reduced the number of 70 million to 246 through Mr. Zhang Yitang’s method. As long as you keep trying and choosing an appropriate lambda(n) function, one day you can reduce this gap to the number 2...

"Algebra is just a tool for studying number theory, not the only way..."

For example, a big brother studied the automorphism group problem of Witte algebra. Although he did not complete the final solution to the problem "AutWn=?", many of the ideas he put forward were quite enlightening and attracted countless students. , and even some professors watched.

Lu Zhou glanced at the chewing gum in his hand, hesitated, peeled it off and threw it into his mouth.

Hearing the sound, Lu Zhou already guessed who it was, so he didn't raise his head and continued to think about the problem.

After walking around for a long time, Lu Zhou found that the small handbook he received from the door was not enough.

This report meeting was also the one that Lu Zhou listened to most seriously among all the report meetings in the morning.

But it would be naive to think that we will rest after four o'clock!

"Generally interested...but not what I'm studying right now." Lu Zhou shook his head, turned the pages of his notes, poked a small tomato with a fork, and threw it into his mouth.

If knowledge is compared to wealth visible to the naked eye, then what he gained today is as rich as a pirate ship.


Moreover, there are only a few worthless "poster-session" after all, and many of the academic achievements displayed in the hall are quite valuable.

After putting the note away, Molina said, "My email and Facebook account are on the back of the gum wrapper," then she made a goodbye gesture, turned around and walked away.

In the end, I had to shamelessly go to the small gift stall at the door and ask for a copy.


After copying the email address, Lu Zhou continued to wander around the hall.

Who knows, in just one glass of champagne, you might receive an offer from a certain laboratory.

"Sorry, it's nothing. I just think you are very interesting." Molina raised the goblet slightly, "I hope you can catch the fleeting white dove."

It takes a lot of courage to break out of the existing framework and find a new way.

After copying the email address, Lu Zhou continued to wander around the hall.

Hearing the sound, Lu Zhou already guessed who it was, so he didn't raise his head and continued to think about the problem.

After copying the email address, Lu Zhou continued to wander around the hall.

If knowledge is compared to wealth visible to the naked eye, then what he gained today is as rich as a pirate ship.

In the end, I had to shamelessly go to the small gift stall at the door and ask for a copy.


Repeating this curry-flavored English sentence, Lu Zhou looked at the lines of calculations in his notebook, recalling the "Zhang's proof method" written on the blackboard by Mr. Ren in the lecture, and fell into deep thought.

Lu Zhou glanced at the chewing gum in his hand, hesitated, peeled it off and threw it into his mouth.

Not just a "poster-session" in the lobby.

When discussing the proof of the twin prime conjecture with the obsessed and confident Indian guy, although Lu Zhou did not get any substantial gains, he may have been infected by that optimistic attitude, so that the long-dormant inspiration It emerged from the depths of his heart again.

After putting the note away, Molina said, "My email and Facebook account are on the back of the gum wrapper," then she made a goodbye gesture, turned around and walked away.

Hearing the sound, Lu Zhou already guessed who it was, so he didn't raise his head and continued to think about the problem.

Repeating this curry-flavored English sentence, Lu Zhou looked at the lines of calculations in his notebook, recalling the "Zhang's proof method" written on the blackboard by Mr. Ren in the lecture, and fell into deep thought.

After walking around for a long time, Lu Zhou found that the small handbook he received from the door was not enough.

The focus of this large-scale mathematics academic conference is still only a few report meetings every day.

As for the FB account, there is nothing he can do without it.

What if someone ignores their talent because they are handsome

After walking around for a long time, Lu Zhou found that the small handbook he received from the door was not enough.

Among them, what impressed Lu Zhou deeply was Professor Deligne's 60-minute report, which reported on the research progress of the transcendence of the Riemann zeta function at odd positive integer points. Many novel ideas and applications were put forward. The mathematical methods are all very groundbreaking.

Although he didn't know where the proverb came from, he could tell that the blessing came from good intentions.

"What's wrong?"

"Yes, that's what happened."

Lunch break.

Especially the study of twin primes.

This report meeting was also the one that Lu Zhou listened to most seriously among all the report meetings in the morning.

In the evening, Lu Zhou put on his suit and leather shoes, took a look in the mirror, and put some mousse on his hair.

"Yes, that's what happened."

Repeating this curry-flavored English sentence, Lu Zhou looked at the lines of calculations in his notebook, recalling the "Zhang's proof method" written on the blackboard by Mr. Ren in the lecture, and fell into deep thought.

It takes a lot of courage to break out of the existing framework and find a new way.

"Yes, that's what happened."

"Thinking about math problems?"

The focus of this large-scale mathematics academic conference is still only a few report meetings every day.

"Algebra is just a tool for studying number theory, not the only way..."

However, "killing the weak" is not the purpose, it is just a result.

Lu Zhou replied casually: "There are many more times to attend mathematics conferences, but inspiration only comes a few times in a life."

The time in the afternoon is very relaxed. After four o'clock, the academic conference will be temporarily adjourned, and the stall owners who have posters in the hall will close their stalls and leave until eight o'clock the next morning.

Vanilla mint flavor

Lunch break.

However, "killing the weak" is not the purpose, it is just a result.


The conference team provided a simple buffet meal, mainly fruits and various steaks, to all participants in the academic conference.

The time in the afternoon is very relaxed. After four o'clock, the academic conference will be temporarily adjourned, and the stall owners who have posters in the hall will close their stalls and leave until eight o'clock the next morning.

Not just a "poster-session" in the lobby.

"Thinking about math problems?"

For example, a big brother studied the automorphism group problem of Witte algebra. Although he did not complete the final solution to the problem "AutWn=?", many of the ideas he put forward were quite enlightening and attracted countless students. , and even some professors watched.

The time in the afternoon is very relaxed. After four o'clock, the academic conference will be temporarily adjourned, and the stall owners who have posters in the hall will close their stalls and leave until eight o'clock the next morning.

After walking around for a long time, Lu Zhou found that the small handbook he received from the door was not enough.

For many elementary school students who don’t understand what is being said in the lectures during the day, the cocktail party in the evening may be the key point, because this may be the time when the big guys are closest to them and the most approachable.

Lu Zhou raised his head and gave her a puzzled look.

After taking a piece of ribs and some salad from the dining cart, Lu Zhou found a place to sit down, then spread out the notes he remembered this morning, and enjoyed his lunch while flipping through them.

It takes a lot of courage to break out of the existing framework and find a new way.

Looking at Lu Zhou with interest, Molina said curiously: "Academic conferences are a place for communication. They may only be once or twice a year, and there is still a lot of time for research. Why do you put studying mathematical problems on What about this time?"

As for the FB account, there is nothing he can do without it.

Looking at Lu Zhou with interest, Molina said curiously: "Academic conferences are a place for communication. They may only be once or twice a year, and there is still a lot of time for research. Why do you put studying mathematical problems on What about this time?"

He is a powerful player...

Lu Zhou replied casually: "There are many more times to attend mathematics conferences, but inspiration only comes a few times in a life."

The big brother has many academic achievements, but apart from the relatively novel ones, his main research achievements are still concentrated in the field of number theory.


He soon discovered that Miss Molina was right, "things similar to the scene just now" were happening every moment.

Especially the study of twin primes.

Especially the study of twin primes.

If knowledge is compared to wealth visible to the naked eye, then what he gained today is as rich as a pirate ship.

Although he didn't know where the proverb came from, he could tell that the blessing came from good intentions.


After taking a piece of ribs and some salad from the dining cart, Lu Zhou found a place to sit down, then spread out the notes he remembered this morning, and enjoyed his lunch while flipping through them.

When discussing the proof of the twin prime conjecture with the obsessed and confident Indian guy, although Lu Zhou did not get any substantial gains, he may have been infected by that optimistic attitude, so that the long-dormant inspiration It emerged from the depths of his heart again.

If knowledge is compared to wealth visible to the naked eye, then what he gained today is as rich as a pirate ship.

Rather, the focus of the academic conference is the free time after four o'clock.

"Algebra is just a tool for studying number theory, not the only way..."

Not just a "poster-session" in the lobby.

For many elementary school students who don’t understand what is being said in the lectures during the day, the cocktail party in the evening may be the key point, because this may be the time when the big guys are closest to them and the most approachable.

Looking at Lu Zhou with interest, Molina said curiously: "Academic conferences are a place for communication. They may only be once or twice a year, and there is still a lot of time for research. Why do you put studying mathematical problems on What about this time?"

At six o'clock in the evening, the organizer prepared a cocktail party at the Princeton Hotel, where sumptuous food and wine will be provided to the participants.

In the evening, Lu Zhou put on his suit and leather shoes, took a look in the mirror, and put some mousse on his hair.

Lu Zhou replied casually: "There are many more times to attend mathematics conferences, but inspiration only comes a few times in a life."

Repeating this curry-flavored English sentence, Lu Zhou looked at the lines of calculations in his notebook, recalling the "Zhang's proof method" written on the blackboard by Mr. Ren in the lecture, and fell into deep thought.

Picking up the glass filled with fruit juice, Lu Zhou gently clinked the glasses with her.

Lu Zhou raised his head and gave her a puzzled look.

Rather, the focus of the academic conference is the free time after four o'clock.

Rather, the focus of the academic conference is the free time after four o'clock.

"By choosing the appropriate lambda function... What if we think differently?"

Lunch break.

Lu Zhou glanced at the chewing gum in his hand, hesitated, peeled it off and threw it into his mouth.

Of course, even if your face hurts a little, being able to bravely show your research results here will definitely be of great benefit to the presenter's future academic career.

It takes a lot of courage to break out of the existing framework and find a new way.

Lu Zhou raised his head and gave her a puzzled look.

"There is a coffee party upstairs, discussing the contents of Professor Deligne's lecture this morning. Are you not interested?"

Lu Zhou raised his head and gave her a puzzled look.

Lunch break.

It takes a lot of courage to break out of the existing framework and find a new way.


However, "killing the weak" is not the purpose, it is just a result.

After all, international mathematicians have reduced the number of 70 million to 246 through Mr. Zhang Yitang’s method. As long as you keep trying and choosing an appropriate lambda(n) function, one day you can reduce this gap to the number 2...

Although he didn't know where the proverb came from, he could tell that the blessing came from good intentions.

"What's wrong?"

When discussing the proof of the twin prime conjecture with the obsessed and confident Indian guy, although Lu Zhou did not get any substantial gains, he may have been infected by that optimistic attitude, so that the long-dormant inspiration It emerged from the depths of his heart again.

What if someone ignores their talent because they are handsome


The time in the afternoon is very relaxed. After four o'clock, the academic conference will be temporarily adjourned, and the stall owners who have posters in the hall will close their stalls and leave until eight o'clock the next morning.

If knowledge is compared to wealth visible to the naked eye, then what he gained today is as rich as a pirate ship.

But just like Goldbach's conjecture, climbing the last meter of Mount Everest is far more difficult than the combined 8,843 meters that have already been traversed.

The big brother has many academic achievements, but apart from the relatively novel ones, his main research achievements are still concentrated in the field of number theory.

"By choosing the appropriate lambda function... What if we think differently?"

Repeating this curry-flavored English sentence, Lu Zhou looked at the lines of calculations in his notebook, recalling the "Zhang's proof method" written on the blackboard by Mr. Ren in the lecture, and fell into deep thought.

Lu Zhou raised his head and gave her a puzzled look.

This report meeting was also the one that Lu Zhou listened to most seriously among all the report meetings in the morning.


"By choosing the appropriate lambda function... What if we think differently?"

The most interesting thing is that Lu Zhou saw someone claiming to have proved the last step of Goldbach's conjecture, that is, the "1+1" situation. As a result, he just walked over to join in the fun, but before he could finish reading the proof process written by the buddy, the stall owner, who had only a few words of discussion with a certain big boss, tore off his poster and left in despair.

Just as he was thinking about this problem, a faint smell of perfume wafted over.

But it would be naive to think that we will rest after four o'clock!

Although he didn't know where the proverb came from, he could tell that the blessing came from good intentions.

A lady sat across from him holding a dinner plate and spoke in a casual tone.

The focus of this large-scale mathematics academic conference is still only a few report meetings every day.

After taking a piece of ribs and some salad from the dining cart, Lu Zhou found a place to sit down, then spread out the notes he remembered this morning, and enjoyed his lunch while flipping through them.

Rather, the focus of the academic conference is the free time after four o'clock.

The conference team provided a simple buffet meal, mainly fruits and various steaks, to all participants in the academic conference.

Lu Zhou tore off a page from the diary given as a small gift at the door and wrote his email address on it.

"Generally interested...but not what I'm studying right now." Lu Zhou shook his head, turned the pages of his notes, poked a small tomato with a fork, and threw it into his mouth.

"Thinking about math problems?"

Of course, even if your face hurts a little, being able to bravely show your research results here will definitely be of great benefit to the presenter's future academic career.

Molina stared at Lu Zhou blankly, and then laughed.

Looking at Lu Zhou with interest, Molina said curiously: "Academic conferences are a place for communication. They may only be once or twice a year, and there is still a lot of time for research. Why do you put studying mathematical problems on What about this time?"

Who knows, in just one glass of champagne, you might receive an offer from a certain laboratory.



Lu Zhou tore off a page from the diary given as a small gift at the door and wrote his email address on it.

Just as he was thinking about this problem, a faint smell of perfume wafted over.

Hearing the sound, Lu Zhou already guessed who it was, so he didn't raise his head and continued to think about the problem.

For many elementary school students who don’t understand what is being said in the lectures during the day, the cocktail party in the evening may be the key point, because this may be the time when the big guys are closest to them and the most approachable.


"There is a coffee party upstairs, discussing the contents of Professor Deligne's lecture this morning. Are you not interested?"

Looking at Lu Zhou with interest, Molina said curiously: "Academic conferences are a place for communication. They may only be once or twice a year, and there is still a lot of time for research. Why do you put studying mathematical problems on What about this time?"

"Generally interested...but not what I'm studying right now." Lu Zhou shook his head, turned the pages of his notes, poked a small tomato with a fork, and threw it into his mouth.

After walking around for a long time, Lu Zhou found that the small handbook he received from the door was not enough.

Although Lu Zhou is not very interested in socializing, he can still distinguish the occasion. Coffee parties in small circles are not cost-effective. It doesn't matter whether you attend or not. But if you miss this kind of official party, it will be a disaster. Big loss.

"Generally interested...but not what I'm studying right now." Lu Zhou shook his head, turned the pages of his notes, poked a small tomato with a fork, and threw it into his mouth.

The conference team provided a simple buffet meal, mainly fruits and various steaks, to all participants in the academic conference.

However, "killing the weak" is not the purpose, it is just a result.

Although Lu Zhou is not very interested in socializing, he can still distinguish the occasion. Coffee parties in small circles are not cost-effective. It doesn't matter whether you attend or not. But if you miss this kind of official party, it will be a disaster. Big loss.

Looking at Lu Zhou with interest, Molina said curiously: "Academic conferences are a place for communication. They may only be once or twice a year, and there is still a lot of time for research. Why do you put studying mathematical problems on What about this time?"

After walking around for a long time, Lu Zhou found that the small handbook he received from the door was not enough.

The most interesting thing is that Lu Zhou saw someone claiming to have proved the last step of Goldbach's conjecture, that is, the "1+1" situation. As a result, he just walked over to join in the fun, but before he could finish reading the proof process written by the buddy, the stall owner, who had only a few words of discussion with a certain big boss, tore off his poster and left in despair.

Lu Zhou glanced at the chewing gum in his hand, hesitated, peeled it off and threw it into his mouth.

Lu Zhou tore off a page from the diary given as a small gift at the door and wrote his email address on it.

The conference team provided a simple buffet meal, mainly fruits and various steaks, to all participants in the academic conference.

Repeating this curry-flavored English sentence, Lu Zhou looked at the lines of calculations in his notebook, recalling the "Zhang's proof method" written on the blackboard by Mr. Ren in the lecture, and fell into deep thought.

It takes a lot of courage to break out of the existing framework and find a new way.

Lu Zhou replied casually: "There are many more times to attend mathematics conferences, but inspiration only comes a few times in a life."

"Yes, that's what happened."

"By choosing the appropriate lambda function... What if we think differently?"

In the evening, Lu Zhou put on his suit and leather shoes, took a look in the mirror, and put some mousse on his hair.

But it would be naive to think that we will rest after four o'clock!

Picking up the glass filled with fruit juice, Lu Zhou gently clinked the glasses with her.

Molina stared at Lu Zhou blankly, and then laughed.

"Generally interested...but not what I'm studying right now." Lu Zhou shook his head, turned the pages of his notes, poked a small tomato with a fork, and threw it into his mouth.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Zhou raised his head and gave her a puzzled look.

Just as he was fiddling with his hair style in front of the mirror, there was a knock on the door.

This report meeting was also the one that Lu Zhou listened to most seriously among all the report meetings in the morning.

Picking up the glass filled with fruit juice, Lu Zhou gently clinked the glasses with her.

Especially the study of twin primes.

This is not impossible.

The most interesting thing is that Lu Zhou saw someone claiming to have proved the last step of Goldbach's conjecture, that is, the "1+1" situation. As a result, he just walked over to join in the fun, but before he could finish reading the proof process written by the buddy, the stall owner, who had only a few words of discussion with a certain big boss, tore off his poster and left in despair.

Moreover, there are only a few worthless "poster-session" after all, and many of the academic achievements displayed in the hall are quite valuable.

After all, international mathematicians have reduced the number of 70 million to 246 through Mr. Zhang Yitang’s method. As long as you keep trying and choosing an appropriate lambda(n) function, one day you can reduce this gap to the number 2...

"What's wrong?"

When discussing the proof of the twin prime conjecture with the obsessed and confident Indian guy, although Lu Zhou did not get any substantial gains, he may have been infected by that optimistic attitude, so that the long-dormant inspiration It emerged from the depths of his heart again.

The most interesting thing is that Lu Zhou saw someone claiming to have proved the last step of Goldbach's conjecture, that is, the "1+1" situation. As a result, he just walked over to join in the fun, but before he could finish reading the proof process written by the buddy, the stall owner, who had only a few words of discussion with a certain big boss, tore off his poster and left in despair.

In the evening, Lu Zhou put on his suit and leather shoes, took a look in the mirror, and put some mousse on his hair.

Repeating this curry-flavored English sentence, Lu Zhou looked at the lines of calculations in his notebook, recalling the "Zhang's proof method" written on the blackboard by Mr. Ren in the lecture, and fell into deep thought.

"Sorry, it's nothing. I just think you are very interesting." Molina raised the goblet slightly, "I hope you can catch the fleeting white dove."

Lunch break.

In the end, I had to shamelessly go to the small gift stall at the door and ask for a copy.

Molina stared at Lu Zhou blankly, and then laughed.

"Yes, that's what happened."


"Yes, that's what happened."


The time in the afternoon is very relaxed. After four o'clock, the academic conference will be temporarily adjourned, and the stall owners who have posters in the hall will close their stalls and leave until eight o'clock the next morning.

Who knows, in just one glass of champagne, you might receive an offer from a certain laboratory.

Although he didn't know where the proverb came from, he could tell that the blessing came from good intentions.

Although he didn't know where the proverb came from, he could tell that the blessing came from good intentions.

The most interesting thing is that Lu Zhou saw someone claiming to have proved the last step of Goldbach's conjecture, that is, the "1+1" situation. As a result, he just walked over to join in the fun, but before he could finish reading the proof process written by the buddy, the stall owner, who had only a few words of discussion with a certain big boss, tore off his poster and left in despair.

Molina stared at Lu Zhou blankly, and then laughed.


Picking up the glass filled with fruit juice, Lu Zhou gently clinked the glasses with her.

Just as he was thinking about this problem, a faint smell of perfume wafted over.

After copying the email address, Lu Zhou continued to wander around the hall.

"Sorry, it's nothing. I just think you are very interesting." Molina raised the goblet slightly, "I hope you can catch the fleeting white dove."

After copying the email address, Lu Zhou continued to wander around the hall.

Lu Zhou replied casually: "There are many more times to attend mathematics conferences, but inspiration only comes a few times in a life."

What if someone ignores their talent because they are handsome

In the end, I had to shamelessly go to the small gift stall at the door and ask for a copy.

"Algebra is just a tool for studying number theory, not the only way..."

He soon discovered that Miss Molina was right, "things similar to the scene just now" were happening every moment.

The time in the afternoon is very relaxed. After four o'clock, the academic conference will be temporarily adjourned, and the stall owners who have posters in the hall will close their stalls and leave until eight o'clock the next morning.

"Sorry, it's nothing. I just think you are very interesting." Molina raised the goblet slightly, "I hope you can catch the fleeting white dove."


After walking around for a long time, Lu Zhou found that the small handbook he received from the door was not enough.

But it would be naive to think that we will rest after four o'clock!

Not just a "poster-session" in the lobby.

For many elementary school students who don’t understand what is being said in the lectures during the day, the cocktail party in the evening may be the key point, because this may be the time when the big guys are closest to them and the most approachable.

Rather, the focus of the academic conference is the free time after four o'clock.

Thoughts of the same level can rub together to produce sparks, but eggs and pebbles can only produce a pile of sticky egg whites.

As for the FB account, there is nothing he can do without it.

After taking a piece of ribs and some salad from the dining cart, Lu Zhou found a place to sit down, then spread out the notes he remembered this morning, and enjoyed his lunch while flipping through them.


Hearing the sound, Lu Zhou already guessed who it was, so he didn't raise his head and continued to think about the problem.

Picking up the glass filled with fruit juice, Lu Zhou gently clinked the glasses with her.

Among them, what impressed Lu Zhou deeply was Professor Deligne's 60-minute report, which reported on the research progress of the transcendence of the Riemann zeta function at odd positive integer points. Many novel ideas and applications were put forward. The mathematical methods are all very groundbreaking.

At six o'clock in the evening, the organizer prepared a cocktail party at the Princeton Hotel, where sumptuous food and wine will be provided to the participants.

Lu Zhou replied casually: "There are many more times to attend mathematics conferences, but inspiration only comes a few times in a life."

"There is a coffee party upstairs, discussing the contents of Professor Deligne's lecture this morning. Are you not interested?"

For many elementary school students who don’t understand what is being said in the lectures during the day, the cocktail party in the evening may be the key point, because this may be the time when the big guys are closest to them and the most approachable.

Molina stared at Lu Zhou blankly, and then laughed.

"Thinking about math problems?"

Lu Zhou raised his head and gave her a puzzled look.

Lu Zhou glanced at the chewing gum in his hand, hesitated, peeled it off and threw it into his mouth.

Who knows, in just one glass of champagne, you might receive an offer from a certain laboratory.

After putting the note away, Molina said, "My email and Facebook account are on the back of the gum wrapper," then she made a goodbye gesture, turned around and walked away.

Hearing the sound, Lu Zhou already guessed who it was, so he didn't raise his head and continued to think about the problem.

Especially the study of twin primes.

A lady sat across from him holding a dinner plate and spoke in a casual tone.

Although Lu Zhou is not very interested in socializing, he can still distinguish the occasion. Coffee parties in small circles are not cost-effective. It doesn't matter whether you attend or not. But if you miss this kind of official party, it will be a disaster. Big loss.

Hearing the sound, Lu Zhou already guessed who it was, so he didn't raise his head and continued to think about the problem.

"By choosing the appropriate lambda function... What if we think differently?"

This is not impossible.

He is a powerful player...

After walking around for a long time, Lu Zhou found that the small handbook he received from the door was not enough.

After walking around for a long time, Lu Zhou found that the small handbook he received from the door was not enough.

Although Lu Zhou is not very interested in socializing, he can still distinguish the occasion. Coffee parties in small circles are not cost-effective. It doesn't matter whether you attend or not. But if you miss this kind of official party, it will be a disaster. Big loss.

After walking around for a long time, Lu Zhou found that the small handbook he received from the door was not enough.

"Yes, that's what happened."

A lady sat across from him holding a dinner plate and spoke in a casual tone.

For many elementary school students who don’t understand what is being said in the lectures during the day, the cocktail party in the evening may be the key point, because this may be the time when the big guys are closest to them and the most approachable.

Thoughts of the same level can rub together to produce sparks, but eggs and pebbles can only produce a pile of sticky egg whites.

In the evening, Lu Zhou put on his suit and leather shoes, took a look in the mirror, and put some mousse on his hair.

The big brother has many academic achievements, but apart from the relatively novel ones, his main research achievements are still concentrated in the field of number theory.

Just as he was thinking about this problem, a faint smell of perfume wafted over.

The most interesting thing is that Lu Zhou saw someone claiming to have proved the last step of Goldbach's conjecture, that is, the "1+1" situation. As a result, he just walked over to join in the fun, but before he could finish reading the proof process written by the buddy, the stall owner, who had only a few words of discussion with a certain big boss, tore off his poster and left in despair.


What if someone ignores their talent because they are handsome

Just as he was thinking about this problem, a faint smell of perfume wafted over.

"Yes, that's what happened."


Thoughts of the same level can rub together to produce sparks, but eggs and pebbles can only produce a pile of sticky egg whites.

Lu Zhou raised his head and gave her a puzzled look.

Molina stared at Lu Zhou blankly, and then laughed.

This is not impossible.


Looking at the handsome guy in the mirror, Lu Zhou nodded with satisfaction, but suddenly felt a little worried.

Just as he was fiddling with his hair style in front of the mirror, there was a knock on the door.

For example, a big brother studied the automorphism group problem of Witte algebra. Although he did not complete the final solution to the problem "AutWn=?", many of the ideas he put forward were quite enlightening and attracted countless students. , and even some professors watched.

Just as he was thinking about this problem, a faint smell of perfume wafted over.

"By choosing the appropriate lambda function... What if we think differently?"


Molina stared at Lu Zhou blankly, and then laughed.

What if someone ignores their talent because they are handsome

Looking at Lu Zhou with interest, Molina said curiously: "Academic conferences are a place for communication. They may only be once or twice a year, and there is still a lot of time for research. Why do you put studying mathematical problems on What about this time?"

It takes a lot of courage to break out of the existing framework and find a new way.

After all, international mathematicians have reduced the number of 70 million to 246 through Mr. Zhang Yitang’s method. As long as you keep trying and choosing an appropriate lambda(n) function, one day you can reduce this gap to the number 2...

He is a powerful player...

Of course, even if your face hurts a little, being able to bravely show your research results here will definitely be of great benefit to the presenter's future academic career.

"What's wrong?"

If knowledge is compared to wealth visible to the naked eye, then what he gained today is as rich as a pirate ship.

Moreover, there are only a few worthless "poster-session" after all, and many of the academic achievements displayed in the hall are quite valuable.

Molina stared at Lu Zhou blankly, and then laughed.

Just as he was thinking about this problem, a faint smell of perfume wafted over.

"Sorry, it's nothing. I just think you are very interesting." Molina raised the goblet slightly, "I hope you can catch the fleeting white dove."

Just as he was fiddling with his hair style in front of the mirror, there was a knock on the door.

Not just a "poster-session" in the lobby.

Not just a "poster-session" in the lobby.


Hearing the sound, Lu Zhou already guessed who it was, so he didn't raise his head and continued to think about the problem.

Especially the study of twin primes.

This report meeting was also the one that Lu Zhou listened to most seriously among all the report meetings in the morning.

However, "killing the weak" is not the purpose, it is just a result.

Lu Zhou tore off a page from the diary given as a small gift at the door and wrote his email address on it.