Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 130: Letter from the late Emperor


After returning from dinner in Palmer Square, Senior Brother Luo, who was standing at the door of the hotel in deep thought, had disappeared.

I believe that even Professor Deligne needs some time to refine the details of the paper and ask other colleagues for their opinions.

There was more than a thousand U.S. dollars left in the school's funding. Not only did he not spend all the money, he also brought back a check for ten thousand U.S. dollars. According to Francis, the check could be cashed at any Citibank around the world.

Even at the report meeting, Lu Zhou wrote down the proof process on the blackboard in front of all the math experts. Even if no one found any faults at the time, it does not mean that there are no flaws in the paper.

I believe that even Professor Deligne needs some time to refine the details of the paper and ask other colleagues for their opinions.

Suddenly, he noticed the letter written to him by Mr. Grothendieck on the bedside table.

I'm alone, I can't even afford to rent a safe in the bank, and I have nothing to give you, so I'll give you something interesting.

With a sigh, Lu Zhou closed the computer lid without saying a word, sat on the edge of the bed, and began to pack his luggage silently.

"Psychology, social behavior, plus a little probability. If you are interested, you can take Todorov's mathematical research methods of social behavior and psychology," Molina bit her gum and blew a small bubble. , "I can convince my teacher to write a letter of recommendation for you. With your ability, there will be no problem in studying for a Ph.D. here."

Lu Zhou silently blessed him in his heart that he could find the answer he wanted in the illusory Hilbert space, and then took the elevator upstairs to his room.

Take this letter to the priest of Sainte-Lizier, who knows what to do.

Especially when it comes to proofs of major mathematical conjectures, the review cycle is generally not very short.

Travel time is always short.

Opening the mailbox, Professor Deligne's reply has been received. There is only one word in the whole letter.

To be honest, this is not a paper that a young scholar could write, but maybe my eyesight is dim and I may have misread it. Please don’t take the confusion of an old man to heart.

"Psychology, social behavior, plus a little probability. If you are interested, you can take Todorov's mathematical research methods of social behavior and psychology," Molina bit her gum and blew a small bubble. , "I can convince my teacher to write a letter of recommendation for you. With your ability, there will be no problem in studying for a Ph.D. here."


But speaking of which, Dean Qin or Director Lu didn't even call me

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but I need some time to think about this issue."


Seeing her face, Lu Zhou was slightly stunned.

Who wouldn’t love a talking QQ pet


Mathematics is a rigorous subject, and every brick stacked on this building must undergo strict selection. The consequences of a wrong paper may not only be as simple as retraction by the journal, but also cause a series of other papers citing this paper to fall into a passive situation.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou actually felt a little regretful.

Because your paper really surprised me, I will make this letter a little longer. But here, it’s time to end. I don't have much time left, and I have to leave some for others.

To be honest, this is not a paper that a young scholar could write, but maybe my eyesight is dim and I may have misread it. Please don’t take the confusion of an old man to heart.

With a sigh, Lu Zhou closed the computer lid without saying a word, sat on the edge of the bed, and began to pack his luggage silently.

[Of course I love it.]

Take this letter to the priest of Sainte-Lizier, who knows what to do.

Especially when it comes to proofs of major mathematical conjectures, the review cycle is generally not very short.

Of course, maybe I am too optimistic

It would be even better if I could dance again!

Lu Zhou typed a reply casually.

Even at the report meeting, Lu Zhou wrote down the proof process on the blackboard in front of all the math experts. Even if no one found any faults at the time, it does not mean that there are no flaws in the paper.

To be honest, I am pessimistic about the proof of the Riemann Hypothesis. It took us three and a half centuries to solve the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, and Goldbach's conjecture is still standing after two and a half centuries. In contrast, the Riemann Hypothesis has only been proposed for one and a half centuries. And its importance has surpassed the sum of the first two... I think this statement is no exaggeration, although the public is obviously more interested in the first two.

Opening the mailbox, Professor Deligne's reply has been received. There is only one word in the whole letter.

Where is Saint-Lizier Church

Standing at the door of the Princeton Hotel, Lu Zhou called Senior Brother Luo, but the phone rang for a long time and no one answered.

I believe that even Professor Deligne needs some time to refine the details of the paper and ask other colleagues for their opinions.

Travel time is always short.

"OK, anyway... my proposal is valid at any time," Molina shrugged, "Get in the car, don't be late."

In fact, Lu Zhou has also been thinking about this issue these days, wondering whether it is necessary. The scientific research environment here is very comfortable, and the academic atmosphere in the university is very strong. It is much less impetuous than at home. It is indeed worthy of the name of a world-class university.

It would be even better if I could dance again!


Is it such a coincidence

To be honest, this is not a paper that a young scholar could write, but maybe my eyesight is dim and I may have misread it. Please don’t take the confusion of an old man to heart.

I have placed my works in the Church of St. Lizier. There are some things that I have published but retracted, and some that have not yet been published or have been half-researched. I hope it can be helpful to you. .

However, Lu Zhou felt that there should be no big problem. He himself has mild obsessive-compulsive disorder and had checked the paper several times before uploading it.

Considering that it would be troublesome to carry large amounts of cash through customs, Lu Zhou decided to wait to receive the bonus after returning to China. As for the more than a thousand dollars, just buy some gifts here and take them back.

He had been busy with the paper during this period, so much so that he almost forgot about this letter.

"Psychology, social behavior, plus a little probability. If you are interested, you can take Todorov's mathematical research methods of social behavior and psychology," Molina bit her gum and blew a small bubble. , "I can convince my teacher to write a letter of recommendation for you. With your ability, there will be no problem in studying for a Ph.D. here."

Considering that it would be troublesome to carry large amounts of cash through customs, Lu Zhou decided to wait to receive the bonus after returning to China. As for the more than a thousand dollars, just buy some gifts here and take them back.

If nothing else happens, he plans to at least finish his undergraduate degree in China, and then consider studying abroad for a doctorate.

Seeing her face, Lu Zhou was slightly stunned.

But speaking of which, Dean Qin or Director Lu didn't even call me

He remembered that he only told her in the email he replied to what time his flight back to China would be, but he never told her when he planned to depart from the hotel.

[Xiao Ai, please wish your master can get another million. If not, I will give you another home to live in.]

With curiosity, Lu Zhou opened the envelope.

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but I need some time to think about this issue."

In this cold world, perhaps this hot CPU has some warmth left.

Moreover, if one day he really needs to use this mathematical treasure, even if he forgets it, the system will somehow remind him of it.

It seems that Lao Tang did not spread this matter hastily, and the domestic and foreign mathematics community will not make hasty conclusions based on a mere video before seeing the paper. After all, for mathematicians, applause means nothing, no matter who is applauding.

It seems that Lao Tang did not spread this matter hastily, and the domestic and foreign mathematics community will not make hasty conclusions based on a mere video before seeing the paper. After all, for mathematicians, applause means nothing, no matter who is applauding.

I have placed my works in the Church of St. Lizier. There are some things that I have published but retracted, and some that have not yet been published or have been half-researched. I hope it can be helpful to you. .

Xiao Ai: [Master, do you love me? (wink)]

Moreover, if one day he really needs to use this mathematical treasure, even if he forgets it, the system will somehow remind him of it.

After returning from dinner in Palmer Square, Senior Brother Luo, who was standing at the door of the hotel in deep thought, had disappeared.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou actually felt a little regretful.

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but I need some time to think about this issue."

Where is Saint-Lizier Church

Putting aside political factors, the "academic value" of the twin prime conjecture is theoretically higher than that of Zhou's conjecture. The reward of one million may be the maximum, but giving it again is not excessive, right

Seeing that Lu Zhou didn't speak for a long time, Molina suddenly laughed and put her arms on the steering wheel.

Lu Zhou silently blessed him in his heart that he could find the answer he wanted in the illusory Hilbert space, and then took the elevator upstairs to his room.


Considering that it would be troublesome to carry large amounts of cash through customs, Lu Zhou decided to wait to receive the bonus after returning to China. As for the more than a thousand dollars, just buy some gifts here and take them back.

Considering that it would be troublesome to carry large amounts of cash through customs, Lu Zhou decided to wait to receive the bonus after returning to China. As for the more than a thousand dollars, just buy some gifts here and take them back.

Thinking that someone was going to send him money soon, Lu Zhou couldn't help but feel a little drifting in his heart, and casually typed on the keyboard on the computer.

"...Okay, I'll just say casually, you probably have your own arrangements, right?"

Is not just girl paper now, but also artificial retardation so realistic

Perhaps out of consideration for the recipient, the letter was written in English.

After returning from dinner in Palmer Square, Senior Brother Luo, who was standing at the door of the hotel in deep thought, had disappeared.

[Xiao Ai, please wish your master can get another million. If not, I will give you another home to live in.]

Take this letter to the priest of Sainte-Lizier, who knows what to do.

However, from you, I saw a slight turning point.

Xiao Ai: [Master, do you love me? (wink)]

He remembered that he only told her in the email he replied to what time his flight back to China would be, but he never told her when he planned to depart from the hotel.

Because your paper really surprised me, I will make this letter a little longer. But here, it’s time to end. I don't have much time left, and I have to leave some for others.

Standing at the door of the Princeton Hotel, Lu Zhou called Senior Brother Luo, but the phone rang for a long time and no one answered.

Thinking that someone was going to send him money soon, Lu Zhou couldn't help but feel a little drifting in his heart, and casually typed on the keyboard on the computer.

But speaking of which, Dean Qin or Director Lu didn't even call me

Yo? So smart

To be honest, this is not a paper that a young scholar could write, but maybe my eyesight is dim and I may have misread it. Please don’t take the confusion of an old man to heart.

However, Lu Zhou felt that there should be no big problem. He himself has mild obsessive-compulsive disorder and had checked the paper several times before uploading it.

This is the Internet age, can't you package it into a PDF and send it to my email? Or does it have to be there

This is the Internet age, can't you package it into a PDF and send it to my email? Or does it have to be there

In this cold world, perhaps this hot CPU has some warmth left.

Lu Zhou typed a reply casually.

Or where did you copy the chat history

Even at the report meeting, Lu Zhou wrote down the proof process on the blackboard in front of all the math experts. Even if no one found any faults at the time, it does not mean that there are no flaws in the paper.

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but I need some time to think about this issue."

Thinking that someone was going to send him money soon, Lu Zhou couldn't help but feel a little drifting in his heart, and casually typed on the keyboard on the computer.

Seeing that Lu Zhou didn't speak for a long time, Molina suddenly laughed and put her arms on the steering wheel.

Mathematics is a rigorous subject, and every brick stacked on this building must undergo strict selection. The consequences of a wrong paper may not only be as simple as retraction by the journal, but also cause a series of other papers citing this paper to fall into a passive situation.

[Of course I love it.]

When you read this letter, maybe I have gone to another world.

After hesitating for a moment, just when Lu Zhou was considering whether to call the fellow villager, a Ford stopped at the door of the hotel and honked its horn at him.

Lu Zhou:…

Lu Zhou typed a reply casually.

With curiosity, Lu Zhou opened the envelope.

He remembered that he only told her in the email he replied to what time his flight back to China would be, but he never told her when he planned to depart from the hotel.

Do you need to go to France? Don't do this.

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but I need some time to think about this issue."

Lu Zhou silently blessed him in his heart that he could find the answer he wanted in the illusory Hilbert space, and then took the elevator upstairs to his room.

"Have you started exploding your liver in the laboratory already?"

There was more than a thousand U.S. dollars left in the school's funding. Not only did he not spend all the money, he also brought back a check for ten thousand U.S. dollars. According to Francis, the check could be cashed at any Citibank around the world.

Who wouldn’t love a talking QQ pet

Because your paper really surprised me, I will make this letter a little longer. But here, it’s time to end. I don't have much time left, and I have to leave some for others.

He remembered that he only told her in the email he replied to what time his flight back to China would be, but he never told her when he planned to depart from the hotel.

It would be even better if I could dance again!


Xiao Ai: [Taobao link: IBM server (Xeon 8-core ultra-large capacity SSD...) Quote: 2.99 million]


After hesitating for a moment, just when Lu Zhou was considering whether to call the fellow villager, a Ford stopped at the door of the hotel and honked its horn at him.

Because your paper really surprised me, I will make this letter a little longer. But here, it’s time to end. I don't have much time left, and I have to leave some for others.

Seeing that Lu Zhou didn't speak for a long time, Molina suddenly laughed and put her arms on the steering wheel.

Yo? So smart

Even at the report meeting, Lu Zhou wrote down the proof process on the blackboard in front of all the math experts. Even if no one found any faults at the time, it does not mean that there are no flaws in the paper.

Perhaps out of consideration for the recipient, the letter was written in English.

Lu Zhou:…

"OK, anyway... my proposal is valid at any time," Molina shrugged, "Get in the car, don't be late."

[Xiao Ai, please wish your master can get another million. If not, I will give you another home to live in.]

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but I need some time to think about this issue."


Or where did you copy the chat history

Or where did you copy the chat history

Take this letter to the priest of Sainte-Lizier, who knows what to do.

Or where did you copy the chat history


This is trouble.

Lu Zhou sighed and threw the letter into the suitcase.

Lu Zhou silently blessed him in his heart that he could find the answer he wanted in the illusory Hilbert space, and then took the elevator upstairs to his room.

It would be even better if I could dance again!

I'm alone, I can't even afford to rent a safe in the bank, and I have nothing to give you, so I'll give you something interesting.

This is the Internet age, can't you package it into a PDF and send it to my email? Or does it have to be there

Moreover, if one day he really needs to use this mathematical treasure, even if he forgets it, the system will somehow remind him of it.

This is the Internet age, can't you package it into a PDF and send it to my email? Or does it have to be there

Is not just girl paper now, but also artificial retardation so realistic

"Get in the car and I'll take you there." The window was lowered and Molina was sitting in the car.


Lu Zhou silently blessed him in his heart that he could find the answer he wanted in the illusory Hilbert space, and then took the elevator upstairs to his room.

Standing at the door of the Princeton Hotel, Lu Zhou called Senior Brother Luo, but the phone rang for a long time and no one answered.

In this cold world, perhaps this hot CPU has some warmth left.

I believe that even Professor Deligne needs some time to refine the details of the paper and ask other colleagues for their opinions.

With a sigh, Lu Zhou closed the computer lid without saying a word, sat on the edge of the bed, and began to pack his luggage silently.

Seeing that Lu Zhou didn't speak for a long time, Molina suddenly laughed and put her arms on the steering wheel.

With a sigh, Lu Zhou closed the computer lid without saying a word, sat on the edge of the bed, and began to pack his luggage silently.

Where is Saint-Lizier Church

Perhaps out of consideration for the recipient, the letter was written in English.

Suddenly, he noticed the letter written to him by Mr. Grothendieck on the bedside table.

Xiao Ai: [Taobao link: IBM server (Xeon 8-core ultra-large capacity SSD...) Quote: 2.99 million]

He had been busy with the paper during this period, so much so that he almost forgot about this letter.

This is the Internet age, can't you package it into a PDF and send it to my email? Or does it have to be there

Xiao Ai: [Master, do you love me? (wink)]

He read line by line along the main text.

Mathematics is a rigorous subject, and every brick stacked on this building must undergo strict selection. The consequences of a wrong paper may not only be as simple as retraction by the journal, but also cause a series of other papers citing this paper to fall into a passive situation.

It would be even better if I could dance again!

With curiosity, Lu Zhou opened the envelope.

Do you need to go to France? Don't do this.

With curiosity, Lu Zhou opened the envelope.


Perhaps out of consideration for the recipient, the letter was written in English.


Of course, maybe I am too optimistic

Lu Zhou:…

After returning from dinner in Palmer Square, Senior Brother Luo, who was standing at the door of the hotel in deep thought, had disappeared.


He read line by line along the main text.

"...Okay, I'll just say casually, you probably have your own arrangements, right?"

In this cold world, perhaps this hot CPU has some warmth left.

Coming to study at Princeton

"OK, anyway... my proposal is valid at any time," Molina shrugged, "Get in the car, don't be late."

Suddenly, he noticed the letter written to him by Mr. Grothendieck on the bedside table.

He remembered that he only told her in the email he replied to what time his flight back to China would be, but he never told her when he planned to depart from the hotel.

He read line by line along the main text.


Even at the report meeting, Lu Zhou wrote down the proof process on the blackboard in front of all the math experts. Even if no one found any faults at the time, it does not mean that there are no flaws in the paper.

I'm alone, I can't even afford to rent a safe in the bank, and I have nothing to give you, so I'll give you something interesting.

The next morning, Lu Zhou dragged his suitcase and went to the hotel counter to check out.

Of course, maybe I am too optimistic

Mathematics is a rigorous subject, and every brick stacked on this building must undergo strict selection. The consequences of a wrong paper may not only be as simple as retraction by the journal, but also cause a series of other papers citing this paper to fall into a passive situation.

To be honest, I am pessimistic about the proof of the Riemann Hypothesis. It took us three and a half centuries to solve the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, and Goldbach's conjecture is still standing after two and a half centuries. In contrast, the Riemann Hypothesis has only been proposed for one and a half centuries. And its importance has surpassed the sum of the first two... I think this statement is no exaggeration, although the public is obviously more interested in the first two.

In fact, Lu Zhou has also been thinking about this issue these days, wondering whether it is necessary. The scientific research environment here is very comfortable, and the academic atmosphere in the university is very strong. It is much less impetuous than at home. It is indeed worthy of the name of a world-class university.

[Of course I love it.]

Lu Zhou typed a reply casually.

Is it such a coincidence

Do you need to go to France? Don't do this.

Especially when it comes to proofs of major mathematical conjectures, the review cycle is generally not very short.

To be honest, this is not a paper that a young scholar could write, but maybe my eyesight is dim and I may have misread it. Please don’t take the confusion of an old man to heart.

He remembered that he only told her in the email he replied to what time his flight back to China would be, but he never told her when he planned to depart from the hotel.

This is the Internet age, can't you package it into a PDF and send it to my email? Or does it have to be there

When you read this letter, maybe I have gone to another world.

With curiosity, Lu Zhou opened the envelope.

Is it such a coincidence

To be honest, I am pessimistic about the proof of the Riemann Hypothesis. It took us three and a half centuries to solve the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, and Goldbach's conjecture is still standing after two and a half centuries. In contrast, the Riemann Hypothesis has only been proposed for one and a half centuries. And its importance has surpassed the sum of the first two... I think this statement is no exaggeration, although the public is obviously more interested in the first two.

It's impossible now, so let's wait until we have the chance to go.

Your research on the distribution of Mersenne prime numbers is astonishing. The proof process is perfect beyond my expectation. Even I can't think of anything to find fault with.

It would be even better if I could dance again!

"OK, anyway... my proposal is valid at any time," Molina shrugged, "Get in the car, don't be late."

Take this letter to the priest of Sainte-Lizier, who knows what to do.

"Get in the car and I'll take you there." The window was lowered and Molina was sitting in the car.

To be honest, this is not a paper that a young scholar could write, but maybe my eyesight is dim and I may have misread it. Please don’t take the confusion of an old man to heart.

It seems that Lao Tang did not spread this matter hastily, and the domestic and foreign mathematics community will not make hasty conclusions based on a mere video before seeing the paper. After all, for mathematicians, applause means nothing, no matter who is applauding.

If nothing else happens, he plans to at least finish his undergraduate degree in China, and then consider studying abroad for a doctorate.

This is trouble.

Especially when it comes to proofs of major mathematical conjectures, the review cycle is generally not very short.

But speaking of which, Dean Qin or Director Lu didn't even call me

To be honest, I am pessimistic about the proof of the Riemann Hypothesis. It took us three and a half centuries to solve the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, and Goldbach's conjecture is still standing after two and a half centuries. In contrast, the Riemann Hypothesis has only been proposed for one and a half centuries. And its importance has surpassed the sum of the first two... I think this statement is no exaggeration, although the public is obviously more interested in the first two.


Seeing that Lu Zhou didn't speak for a long time, Molina suddenly laughed and put her arms on the steering wheel.


After hesitating for a moment, just when Lu Zhou was considering whether to call the fellow villager, a Ford stopped at the door of the hotel and honked its horn at him.

From my point of view, all the work we are doing now is just to pave the way for future generations to solve these problems. These problems will eventually be solved and replaced by new problems... This process may take a century, or it may not be the same. Maybe two.

I believe that even Professor Deligne needs some time to refine the details of the paper and ask other colleagues for their opinions.

Or where did you copy the chat history

Lu Zhou silently blessed him in his heart that he could find the answer he wanted in the illusory Hilbert space, and then took the elevator upstairs to his room.

The next morning, Lu Zhou dragged his suitcase and went to the hotel counter to check out.

This is the Internet age, can't you package it into a PDF and send it to my email? Or does it have to be there

Lu Zhou: "How did you know that I would set off at this point?"

There was more than a thousand U.S. dollars left in the school's funding. Not only did he not spend all the money, he also brought back a check for ten thousand U.S. dollars. According to Francis, the check could be cashed at any Citibank around the world.

[Xiao Ai, please wish your master can get another million. If not, I will give you another home to live in.]

However, from you, I saw a slight turning point.

"Get in the car and I'll take you there." The window was lowered and Molina was sitting in the car.

Of course, maybe I am too optimistic

It's impossible now, so let's wait until we have the chance to go.

Mathematics is a rigorous subject, and every brick stacked on this building must undergo strict selection. The consequences of a wrong paper may not only be as simple as retraction by the journal, but also cause a series of other papers citing this paper to fall into a passive situation.

"Get in the car and I'll take you there." The window was lowered and Molina was sitting in the car.

Of course, maybe I am too optimistic

[Of course I love it.]

There was more than a thousand U.S. dollars left in the school's funding. Not only did he not spend all the money, he also brought back a check for ten thousand U.S. dollars. According to Francis, the check could be cashed at any Citibank around the world.

When you read this letter, maybe I have gone to another world.

Because your paper really surprised me, I will make this letter a little longer. But here, it’s time to end. I don't have much time left, and I have to leave some for others.

It seems that Lao Tang did not spread this matter hastily, and the domestic and foreign mathematics community will not make hasty conclusions based on a mere video before seeing the paper. After all, for mathematicians, applause means nothing, no matter who is applauding.

The next morning, Lu Zhou dragged his suitcase and went to the hotel counter to check out.

However, from you, I saw a slight turning point.

With curiosity, Lu Zhou opened the envelope.

Take this letter to the priest of Sainte-Lizier, who knows what to do.

I'm alone, I can't even afford to rent a safe in the bank, and I have nothing to give you, so I'll give you something interesting.


Putting aside political factors, the "academic value" of the twin prime conjecture is theoretically higher than that of Zhou's conjecture. The reward of one million may be the maximum, but giving it again is not excessive, right

It's impossible now, so let's wait until we have the chance to go.

With a sigh, Lu Zhou closed the computer lid without saying a word, sat on the edge of the bed, and began to pack his luggage silently.

Lu Zhou: "How did you know that I would set off at this point?"

However, from you, I saw a slight turning point.

Because your paper really surprised me, I will make this letter a little longer. But here, it’s time to end. I don't have much time left, and I have to leave some for others.

Because your paper really surprised me, I will make this letter a little longer. But here, it’s time to end. I don't have much time left, and I have to leave some for others.

I have placed my works in the Church of St. Lizier. There are some things that I have published but retracted, and some that have not yet been published or have been half-researched. I hope it can be helpful to you. .

Coming to study at Princeton

But for now, he can still learn things at Jinling University, and life abroad is always not as convenient as at home.

Take this letter to the priest of Sainte-Lizier, who knows what to do.

Take this letter to the priest of Sainte-Lizier, who knows what to do.

It seems that Lao Tang did not spread this matter hastily, and the domestic and foreign mathematics community will not make hasty conclusions based on a mere video before seeing the paper. After all, for mathematicians, applause means nothing, no matter who is applauding.

"...Okay, I'll just say casually, you probably have your own arrangements, right?"

Or where did you copy the chat history

Lu Zhou sighed and threw the letter into the suitcase.

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but I need some time to think about this issue."

Do you need to go to France? Don't do this.

Coming to study at Princeton

Seeing that Lu Zhou didn't speak for a long time, Molina suddenly laughed and put her arms on the steering wheel.


However, from you, I saw a slight turning point.

Lu Zhou silently blessed him in his heart that he could find the answer he wanted in the illusory Hilbert space, and then took the elevator upstairs to his room.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou actually felt a little regretful.

Xiao Ai: [Master, do you love me? (wink)]

To be honest, this is not a paper that a young scholar could write, but maybe my eyesight is dim and I may have misread it. Please don’t take the confusion of an old man to heart.

Where is Saint-Lizier Church


Seeing that Lu Zhou didn't speak for a long time, Molina suddenly laughed and put her arms on the steering wheel.

Seeing her face, Lu Zhou was slightly stunned.


Mathematics is a rigorous subject, and every brick stacked on this building must undergo strict selection. The consequences of a wrong paper may not only be as simple as retraction by the journal, but also cause a series of other papers citing this paper to fall into a passive situation.

If nothing else happens, he plans to at least finish his undergraduate degree in China, and then consider studying abroad for a doctorate.

Considering that it would be troublesome to carry large amounts of cash through customs, Lu Zhou decided to wait to receive the bonus after returning to China. As for the more than a thousand dollars, just buy some gifts here and take them back.

Do you need to go to France? Don't do this.

To be honest, this is not a paper that a young scholar could write, but maybe my eyesight is dim and I may have misread it. Please don’t take the confusion of an old man to heart.

In fact, Lu Zhou has also been thinking about this issue these days, wondering whether it is necessary. The scientific research environment here is very comfortable, and the academic atmosphere in the university is very strong. It is much less impetuous than at home. It is indeed worthy of the name of a world-class university.

Where is Saint-Lizier Church

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou actually felt a little regretful.

This is the Internet age, can't you package it into a PDF and send it to my email? Or does it have to be there

After hesitating for a moment, just when Lu Zhou was considering whether to call the fellow villager, a Ford stopped at the door of the hotel and honked its horn at him.

Take this letter to the priest of Sainte-Lizier, who knows what to do.

If nothing else happens, he plans to at least finish his undergraduate degree in China, and then consider studying abroad for a doctorate.

Do you need to go to France? Don't do this.

Opening the mailbox, Professor Deligne's reply has been received. There is only one word in the whole letter.

Lu Zhou sighed and threw the letter into the suitcase.

With a sigh, Lu Zhou closed the computer lid without saying a word, sat on the edge of the bed, and began to pack his luggage silently.

This is trouble.

"...Okay, I'll just say casually, you probably have your own arrangements, right?"

Moreover, if one day he really needs to use this mathematical treasure, even if he forgets it, the system will somehow remind him of it.

It's impossible now, so let's wait until we have the chance to go.

Lu Zhou:…

I believe that even Professor Deligne needs some time to refine the details of the paper and ask other colleagues for their opinions.

Lu Zhou:…

Do you need to go to France? Don't do this.

Opening the mailbox, Professor Deligne's reply has been received. There is only one word in the whole letter.


Coming to study at Princeton

Coming to study at Princeton

There are definitely opportunities. Before the Cold War, Paris had always been the center of the mathematical community. Although it has declined somewhat since the Cold War, it still remains radiant. As long as he is still in the mathematical community, there will definitely be opportunities to go to Paris to attend academic conferences.

With a sigh, Lu Zhou closed the computer lid without saying a word, sat on the edge of the bed, and began to pack his luggage silently.

Suddenly, he noticed the letter written to him by Mr. Grothendieck on the bedside table.

Seeing her face, Lu Zhou was slightly stunned.

Moreover, if one day he really needs to use this mathematical treasure, even if he forgets it, the system will somehow remind him of it.

There was more than a thousand U.S. dollars left in the school's funding. Not only did he not spend all the money, he also brought back a check for ten thousand U.S. dollars. According to Francis, the check could be cashed at any Citibank around the world.

There are definitely opportunities. Before the Cold War, Paris had always been the center of the mathematical community. Although it has declined somewhat since the Cold War, it still remains radiant. As long as he is still in the mathematical community, there will definitely be opportunities to go to Paris to attend academic conferences.

Seeing her face, Lu Zhou was slightly stunned.

Lu Zhou sighed and threw the letter into the suitcase.

This is the Internet age, can't you package it into a PDF and send it to my email? Or does it have to be there

Perhaps out of consideration for the recipient, the letter was written in English.

The next morning, Lu Zhou dragged his suitcase and went to the hotel counter to check out.

Do you need to go to France? Don't do this.

Travel time is always short.

Or where did you copy the chat history


The next morning, Lu Zhou dragged his suitcase and went to the hotel counter to check out.

I have placed my works in the Church of St. Lizier. There are some things that I have published but retracted, and some that have not yet been published or have been half-researched. I hope it can be helpful to you. .

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou actually felt a little regretful.

Considering that it would be troublesome to carry large amounts of cash through customs, Lu Zhou decided to wait to receive the bonus after returning to China. As for the more than a thousand dollars, just buy some gifts here and take them back.

Travel time is always short.

He remembered that he only told her in the email he replied to what time his flight back to China would be, but he never told her when he planned to depart from the hotel.

This is the Internet age, can't you package it into a PDF and send it to my email? Or does it have to be there

Do you need to go to France? Don't do this.

To be honest, I am pessimistic about the proof of the Riemann Hypothesis. It took us three and a half centuries to solve the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, and Goldbach's conjecture is still standing after two and a half centuries. In contrast, the Riemann Hypothesis has only been proposed for one and a half centuries. And its importance has surpassed the sum of the first two... I think this statement is no exaggeration, although the public is obviously more interested in the first two.

There was more than a thousand U.S. dollars left in the school's funding. Not only did he not spend all the money, he also brought back a check for ten thousand U.S. dollars. According to Francis, the check could be cashed at any Citibank around the world.

With a sigh, Lu Zhou closed the computer lid without saying a word, sat on the edge of the bed, and began to pack his luggage silently.

In fact, Lu Zhou has also been thinking about this issue these days, wondering whether it is necessary. The scientific research environment here is very comfortable, and the academic atmosphere in the university is very strong. It is much less impetuous than at home. It is indeed worthy of the name of a world-class university.

It's impossible now, so let's wait until we have the chance to go.

Of course, maybe I am too optimistic

Considering that it would be troublesome to carry large amounts of cash through customs, Lu Zhou decided to wait to receive the bonus after returning to China. As for the more than a thousand dollars, just buy some gifts here and take them back.

Do you need to go to France? Don't do this.

There are definitely opportunities. Before the Cold War, Paris had always been the center of the mathematical community. Although it has declined somewhat since the Cold War, it still remains radiant. As long as he is still in the mathematical community, there will definitely be opportunities to go to Paris to attend academic conferences.

There are definitely opportunities. Before the Cold War, Paris had always been the center of the mathematical community. Although it has declined somewhat since the Cold War, it still remains radiant. As long as he is still in the mathematical community, there will definitely be opportunities to go to Paris to attend academic conferences.

"...Okay, I'll just say casually, you probably have your own arrangements, right?"

Standing at the door of the Princeton Hotel, Lu Zhou called Senior Brother Luo, but the phone rang for a long time and no one answered.

In this cold world, perhaps this hot CPU has some warmth left.

With curiosity, Lu Zhou opened the envelope.

Coming to study at Princeton

This is the Internet age, can't you package it into a PDF and send it to my email? Or does it have to be there

Or where did you copy the chat history

Suddenly, he noticed the letter written to him by Mr. Grothendieck on the bedside table.

Considering that it would be troublesome to carry large amounts of cash through customs, Lu Zhou decided to wait to receive the bonus after returning to China. As for the more than a thousand dollars, just buy some gifts here and take them back.

"Have you started exploding your liver in the laboratory already?"

It seems that Lao Tang did not spread this matter hastily, and the domestic and foreign mathematics community will not make hasty conclusions based on a mere video before seeing the paper. After all, for mathematicians, applause means nothing, no matter who is applauding.

There are definitely opportunities. Before the Cold War, Paris had always been the center of the mathematical community. Although it has declined somewhat since the Cold War, it still remains radiant. As long as he is still in the mathematical community, there will definitely be opportunities to go to Paris to attend academic conferences.

Take this letter to the priest of Sainte-Lizier, who knows what to do.

This is trouble.



There was more than a thousand U.S. dollars left in the school's funding. Not only did he not spend all the money, he also brought back a check for ten thousand U.S. dollars. According to Francis, the check could be cashed at any Citibank around the world.

After hesitating for a moment, just when Lu Zhou was considering whether to call the fellow villager, a Ford stopped at the door of the hotel and honked its horn at him.

Because your paper really surprised me, I will make this letter a little longer. But here, it’s time to end. I don't have much time left, and I have to leave some for others.

Where is Saint-Lizier Church

Coming to study at Princeton

When you read this letter, maybe I have gone to another world.

"Get in the car and I'll take you there." The window was lowered and Molina was sitting in the car.

It's impossible now, so let's wait until we have the chance to go.

With a sigh, Lu Zhou closed the computer lid without saying a word, sat on the edge of the bed, and began to pack his luggage silently.

This is the Internet age, can't you package it into a PDF and send it to my email? Or does it have to be there

[Of course I love it.]

Seeing her face, Lu Zhou was slightly stunned.

Do you need to go to France? Don't do this.

When you read this letter, maybe I have gone to another world.

He remembered that he only told her in the email he replied to what time his flight back to China would be, but he never told her when he planned to depart from the hotel.

Lu Zhou: "How did you know that I would set off at this point?"

It would be even better if I could dance again!

Is not just girl paper now, but also artificial retardation so realistic

Of course, maybe I am too optimistic

Yo? So smart

"Have you started exploding your liver in the laboratory already?"

Lu Zhou sighed and threw the letter into the suitcase.

Is it such a coincidence

When you read this letter, maybe I have gone to another world.

Seeing that Lu Zhou didn't speak for a long time, Molina suddenly laughed and put her arms on the steering wheel.

Or where did you copy the chat history

[Of course I love it.]

Lu Zhou: "How did you know that I would set off at this point?"

Suddenly, he noticed the letter written to him by Mr. Grothendieck on the bedside table.

Lu Zhou typed a reply casually.

He read line by line along the main text.

Suddenly, he noticed the letter written to him by Mr. Grothendieck on the bedside table.

Moreover, if one day he really needs to use this mathematical treasure, even if he forgets it, the system will somehow remind him of it.

Where is Saint-Lizier Church

This is trouble.

"Psychology, social behavior, plus a little probability. If you are interested, you can take Todorov's mathematical research methods of social behavior and psychology," Molina bit her gum and blew a small bubble. , "I can convince my teacher to write a letter of recommendation for you. With your ability, there will be no problem in studying for a Ph.D. here."

Putting aside political factors, the "academic value" of the twin prime conjecture is theoretically higher than that of Zhou's conjecture. The reward of one million may be the maximum, but giving it again is not excessive, right

In this cold world, perhaps this hot CPU has some warmth left.

Considering that it would be troublesome to carry large amounts of cash through customs, Lu Zhou decided to wait to receive the bonus after returning to China. As for the more than a thousand dollars, just buy some gifts here and take them back.

There are definitely opportunities. Before the Cold War, Paris had always been the center of the mathematical community. Although it has declined somewhat since the Cold War, it still remains radiant. As long as he is still in the mathematical community, there will definitely be opportunities to go to Paris to attend academic conferences.

Is it such a coincidence

Coming to study at Princeton

With curiosity, Lu Zhou opened the envelope.


There are definitely opportunities. Before the Cold War, Paris had always been the center of the mathematical community. Although it has declined somewhat since the Cold War, it still remains radiant. As long as he is still in the mathematical community, there will definitely be opportunities to go to Paris to attend academic conferences.

Mathematics is a rigorous subject, and every brick stacked on this building must undergo strict selection. The consequences of a wrong paper may not only be as simple as retraction by the journal, but also cause a series of other papers citing this paper to fall into a passive situation.

To be honest, this is not a paper that a young scholar could write, but maybe my eyesight is dim and I may have misread it. Please don’t take the confusion of an old man to heart.

But speaking of which, Dean Qin or Director Lu didn't even call me

In fact, Lu Zhou has also been thinking about this issue these days, wondering whether it is necessary. The scientific research environment here is very comfortable, and the academic atmosphere in the university is very strong. It is much less impetuous than at home. It is indeed worthy of the name of a world-class university.

In fact, Lu Zhou has also been thinking about this issue these days, wondering whether it is necessary. The scientific research environment here is very comfortable, and the academic atmosphere in the university is very strong. It is much less impetuous than at home. It is indeed worthy of the name of a world-class university.

Coming to study at Princeton

Lu Zhou:…

Lu Zhou typed a reply casually.

Of course, maybe I am too optimistic

Yo? So smart

From my point of view, all the work we are doing now is just to pave the way for future generations to solve these problems. These problems will eventually be solved and replaced by new problems... This process may take a century, or it may not be the same. Maybe two.

There are definitely opportunities. Before the Cold War, Paris had always been the center of the mathematical community. Although it has declined somewhat since the Cold War, it still remains radiant. As long as he is still in the mathematical community, there will definitely be opportunities to go to Paris to attend academic conferences.

I'm alone, I can't even afford to rent a safe in the bank, and I have nothing to give you, so I'll give you something interesting.

But for now, he can still learn things at Jinling University, and life abroad is always not as convenient as at home.

Coming to study at Princeton

Of course, maybe I am too optimistic

Lu Zhou:…

If nothing else happens, he plans to at least finish his undergraduate degree in China, and then consider studying abroad for a doctorate.

[Of course I love it.]

I believe that even Professor Deligne needs some time to refine the details of the paper and ask other colleagues for their opinions.

Coming to study at Princeton

Who wouldn’t love a talking QQ pet

Xiao Ai: [Taobao link: IBM server (Xeon 8-core ultra-large capacity SSD...) Quote: 2.99 million]

The next morning, Lu Zhou dragged his suitcase and went to the hotel counter to check out.

With curiosity, Lu Zhou opened the envelope.

Seeing that Lu Zhou didn't speak for a long time, Molina suddenly laughed and put her arms on the steering wheel.

The next morning, Lu Zhou dragged his suitcase and went to the hotel counter to check out.

To be honest, this is not a paper that a young scholar could write, but maybe my eyesight is dim and I may have misread it. Please don’t take the confusion of an old man to heart.

Considering that it would be troublesome to carry large amounts of cash through customs, Lu Zhou decided to wait to receive the bonus after returning to China. As for the more than a thousand dollars, just buy some gifts here and take them back.

"...Okay, I'll just say casually, you probably have your own arrangements, right?"


Is it such a coincidence

When you read this letter, maybe I have gone to another world.

I believe that even Professor Deligne needs some time to refine the details of the paper and ask other colleagues for their opinions.

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but I need some time to think about this issue."

Moreover, if one day he really needs to use this mathematical treasure, even if he forgets it, the system will somehow remind him of it.

"OK, anyway... my proposal is valid at any time," Molina shrugged, "Get in the car, don't be late."

Opening the mailbox, Professor Deligne's reply has been received. There is only one word in the whole letter.

Lu Zhou:…

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but I need some time to think about this issue."

It's impossible now, so let's wait until we have the chance to go.


Considering that it would be troublesome to carry large amounts of cash through customs, Lu Zhou decided to wait to receive the bonus after returning to China. As for the more than a thousand dollars, just buy some gifts here and take them back.

Xiao Ai: [Taobao link: IBM server (Xeon 8-core ultra-large capacity SSD...) Quote: 2.99 million]

In this cold world, perhaps this hot CPU has some warmth left.