Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 141: Watch the news yourself


Director Zhang and the program crew were not the only ones who were pale.

Just two "geniuses" who just happened to come up with the idea...

Yang Feng was stunned for a moment, and then he shouted with hatred: "You don't care about your tutor, are you really going to go back to New Zealand to do your math? You have been doing math all your life, how much more can you earn from one advertising endorsement? Now that you have money, are you still afraid of not having an education?"

Sitting in the hotel, Wu Yan, who had just brushed his scarf, his face was pale, and he was not as calm and calm as when he was standing on the stage holding a pen.

Yang Feng hated iron and said: "Are you a pig? You're talking nonsense to me about mathematics. I don't understand that stuff! I'll ask you to change the steps. You can follow his ideas, but it's not necessary. Copy it, for example, change a few letters or something. We insist that it is a coincidence. At most, it proves at the same time, what do you care about the academic circle? Your position is the Internet and the entertainment industry, what matters is the facts? "

The door was pushed open and the agent walked in.

Professor Harris said in a serious tone: "Someone has accused you of plagiarism, and this accusation comes from the Federal Mathematical Society. I hope you can take this matter seriously."

The name University of Auckland sounds very unfair, after all, it is the largest city in New Zealand. But in fact, in New Zealand, a large rural area located on the edge of the world, the world ranking of this university is not particularly outstanding. It is only at the bottom of the top 100, not as good as Shuimuyan University, and at most on the same level as Zhejiang University and Jiaotong University. on a line.

Just two "geniuses" who just happened to come up with the idea...

Someone posted the minutes of the academic conference online, with the signature of Mr. Francis, the president of the Federal Mathematical Society, on it. For him, it was like a bolt from the blue.

Then, the voice sounded sarcastic.

There was no way out for him.

Disputes caused by copyright are not uncommon in academic circles, but this does not mean that academic circles can tolerate them. On the contrary, the academic circle is probably the most intolerant of plagiarism.

The door was pushed open and the agent walked in.

Although this university is still very strong compared to its average size, if you cannot stay in the local area after graduation, you will be very passive after returning to your country.

"Watch the news for yourself."

Yang Feng was stunned for a moment, and then he shouted with hatred: "You don't care about your tutor, are you really going to go back to New Zealand to do your math? You have been doing math all your life, how much more can you earn from one advertising endorsement? Now that you have money, are you still afraid of not having an education?"

Taking out his cell phone and looking at the caller, Yang Feng stood up, said "I'm going to answer the phone" and walked to the entrance.

When he opened his mouth, it was in a questioning tone.

Unfortunately, at this moment, a call came to his mobile phone.

As it happened, Wu Yan was the type who "reluctantly wanted to stay at the University of Austria, but had nowhere to go after returning to China." What's more, his major is mathematics, and the status of this subject at the University of Austria is already very delicate.

Just when he was about to ask what the news was, the receiver already heard a busy signal indicating that the phone had been hung up.

In the end, even though he was thick-skinned, he couldn't continue talking.

Wu Yan was stunned. Just as he was about to ask what this sentence meant, a busy signal rang on the other end of the phone.

In the end, even though he was thick-skinned, he couldn't continue talking.

As for the affectionate name he is given by fans, just like his real age, everything can be packaged. No matter whether graduation is far away or not, those who are studying for a Ph.D. can barely be considered a Ph.D.

In the end, even though he was thick-skinned, he couldn't continue talking.

There was no way out for him.

Wu Yan was stunned for a moment and replied: "I didn't submit a paper."

His face turned blue and white, and cold sweat crawled down his back.

The door was pushed open and the agent walked in.

Even if this degree is in the future tense.

Even if this degree is in the future tense.

Professor Harris said in a serious tone: "Someone has accused you of plagiarism, and this accusation comes from the Federal Mathematical Society. I hope you can take this matter seriously."

Wu Yan was stunned. Just as he was about to ask what this sentence meant, a busy signal rang on the other end of the phone.

He had never given a report on stage, so how could he know these things? Even the proof process was a "gun version" discussed and compiled by several experts on the Princeton Academic Exchange website. He could only digest it.

"Then you checked the conference submission and found that it was the speaker's improvisation. Then you logged into arXiv to search and found that this document was not pre-included, so you happily took it and used it? Did you know that in addition to conference submissions, there are also conference minutes? ?"

At that time, he saw the video abroad and thought it was very interesting. He thought that not many people in China had seen it, and the speaker did not make additional submissions at academic conferences. What was hanging there was still a paper proving Zhou's conjecture. Greed arose in my heart.

Just as Wu Yan and his agent were discussing the specific implementation plan, a phone call suddenly came.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while.

Even if this degree is in the future tense.

Knowing that there was no point in concealing it, Wu Yan tried to quibble with his tutor: "I didn't publish a paper in a journal or on arXiv. At most, I just had a sudden inspiration..."

Unfortunately, at this moment, a call came to his mobile phone.

The caller was none other than Professor Harris, his mentor at the University of Auckland.

Thinking that it was not published in a journal anyway, and the entertainment industry and academia had no intersection anyway, he moved the proof process over... Maybe, at that time, he had not thought about the idea of pretending to be real, so it was quite Enter the play.

However, things don't always develop as he wishes.

Just when he was about to ask what the news was, the receiver already heard a busy signal indicating that the phone had been hung up.

Yang Feng hated iron and said: "Are you a pig? You're talking nonsense to me about mathematics. I don't understand that stuff! I'll ask you to change the steps. You can follow his ideas, but it's not necessary. Copy it, for example, change a few letters or something. We insist that it is a coincidence. At most, it proves at the same time, what do you care about the academic circle? Your position is the Internet and the entertainment industry, what matters is the facts? "

His personality is that of a taciturn academic. Once his personality collapses, it will be a devastating blow to his career.

However, he couldn't think of a better way.

As for the affectionate name he is given by fans, just like his real age, everything can be packaged. No matter whether graduation is far away or not, those who are studying for a Ph.D. can barely be considered a Ph.D.

However, the final result was beyond his expectation.

"Then you checked the conference submission and found that it was the speaker's improvisation. Then you logged into arXiv to search and found that this document was not pre-included, so you happily took it and used it? Did you know that in addition to conference submissions, there are also conference minutes? ?"

Just as Wu Yan and his agent were discussing the specific implementation plan, a phone call suddenly came.

Just two "geniuses" who just happened to come up with the idea...

Even though the program team was helping him delete his posts to reduce his popularity, and even though his ardent fans were still helping him clear the air as always, he was still panicking at this moment.

Yang Feng was stunned for a moment, and then he shouted with hatred: "You don't care about your tutor, are you really going to go back to New Zealand to do your math? You have been doing math all your life, how much more can you earn from one advertising endorsement? Now that you have money, are you still afraid of not having an education?"

Then, the voice sounded sarcastic.

It hadn't even been a week before he was skinned.

When he opened his mouth, it was in a questioning tone.

Perhaps because he heard that his name was not in the second position, Professor Harris' tone softened slightly, but he still did not change his seriousness.

Wu Yan was stunned. Just as he was about to ask what this sentence meant, a busy signal rang on the other end of the phone.

"Part of the proof of the twin prime conjecture presented at the Princeton academic conference..."

The name University of Auckland sounds very unfair, after all, it is the largest city in New Zealand. But in fact, in New Zealand, a large rural area located on the edge of the world, the world ranking of this university is not particularly outstanding. It is only at the bottom of the top 100, not as good as Shuimuyan University, and at most on the same level as Zhejiang University and Jiaotong University. on a line.

In the end, even though he was thick-skinned, he couldn't continue talking.

The door was pushed open and the agent walked in.

Then, the voice sounded sarcastic.

Someone posted the minutes of the academic conference online, with the signature of Mr. Francis, the president of the Federal Mathematical Society, on it. For him, it was like a bolt from the blue.

Isn’t this the way many second-generation rich people go abroad to become rich? Although foreign universities adhere to the principle of lenient entry and strict exit, this does not mean that there are no opportunities at all. It's really not a good idea. It's not a bad idea to find an Oakland Community College and spend money on packaging...

Professor Harris asked him to go back and resolve the student status issue.

Even though the program team was helping him delete his posts to reduce his popularity, and even though his ardent fans were still helping him clear the air as always, he was still panicking at this moment.

In fact, there was not a little bit of luck in his own heart, just like his initial bit of luck.

Knowing that there was no point in concealing it, Wu Yan tried to quibble with his tutor: "I didn't publish a paper in a journal or on arXiv. At most, I just had a sudden inspiration..."

Taking out his cell phone and looking at the caller, Yang Feng stood up, said "I'm going to answer the phone" and walked to the entrance.

"Then you checked the conference submission and found that it was the speaker's improvisation. Then you logged into arXiv to search and found that this document was not pre-included, so you happily took it and used it? Did you know that in addition to conference submissions, there are also conference minutes? ?"

Regardless of whether the academic community is convinced of this explanation, at least he can give his fans a reasonable explanation. And fans are his foundation. Even if the show is suspended for rectification, as long as his fans are still there, he may not be able to make a comeback after a while.

In the end, even though he was thick-skinned, he couldn't continue talking.

Unfortunately, at this moment, a call came to his mobile phone.

Isn’t this the way many second-generation rich people go abroad to become rich? Although foreign universities adhere to the principle of lenient entry and strict exit, this does not mean that there are no opportunities at all. It's really not a good idea. It's not a bad idea to find an Oakland Community College and spend money on packaging...

"Then you checked the conference submission and found that it was the speaker's improvisation. Then you logged into arXiv to search and found that this document was not pre-included, so you happily took it and used it? Did you know that in addition to conference submissions, there are also conference minutes? ?"

Even if this degree is in the future tense.

He has also read the paper published by Professor Zelberg in 1995. If an unscrupulous general journal publishes it first, and then insists that it is his own original work, who can tell clearly

Director Zhang and the program crew were not the only ones who were pale.

The voice on the other end of the phone was so old that Yang Feng almost didn't recognize who it was.

Disputes caused by copyright are not uncommon in academic circles, but this does not mean that academic circles can tolerate them. On the contrary, the academic circle is probably the most intolerant of plagiarism.

The caller was none other than Professor Harris, his mentor at the University of Auckland.

At that time, he saw the video abroad and thought it was very interesting. He thought that not many people in China had seen it, and the speaker did not make additional submissions at academic conferences. What was hanging there was still a paper proving Zhou's conjecture. Greed arose in my heart.

Wu Yan thought about it and felt that what the agent said made sense.

In other words, he didn't even realize that he was stirring up more than one hornet's nest.

In fact, there was not a little bit of luck in his own heart, just like his initial bit of luck.

"Part of the proof of the twin prime conjecture presented at the Princeton academic conference..."

The name University of Auckland sounds very unfair, after all, it is the largest city in New Zealand. But in fact, in New Zealand, a large rural area located on the edge of the world, the world ranking of this university is not particularly outstanding. It is only at the bottom of the top 100, not as good as Shuimuyan University, and at most on the same level as Zhejiang University and Jiaotong University. on a line.

When he opened his mouth, it was in a questioning tone.

His personality is that of a taciturn academic. Once his personality collapses, it will be a devastating blow to his career.

In fact, there was not a little bit of luck in his own heart, just like his initial bit of luck.

However, the final result was beyond his expectation.

Even if this degree is in the future tense.

Knowing that there was no point in concealing it, Wu Yan tried to quibble with his tutor: "I didn't publish a paper in a journal or on arXiv. At most, I just had a sudden inspiration..."

Taking a deep breath, he managed to calm down and asked, "What should we do now."

"What paper did you submit recently? Didn't you include my name on it?"

Even if this degree is in the future tense.

Someone posted the minutes of the academic conference online, with the signature of Mr. Francis, the president of the Federal Mathematical Society, on it. For him, it was like a bolt from the blue.

Wu Yan was stunned for a moment and replied: "I didn't submit a paper."

What does it mean

Taking a deep breath, he managed to calm down and asked, "What should we do now."

Disputes caused by copyright are not uncommon in academic circles, but this does not mean that academic circles can tolerate them. On the contrary, the academic circle is probably the most intolerant of plagiarism.

Taking out his cell phone and looking at the caller, Yang Feng stood up, said "I'm going to answer the phone" and walked to the entrance.

Yang Feng hated iron and said: "Are you a pig? You're talking nonsense to me about mathematics. I don't understand that stuff! I'll ask you to change the steps. You can follow his ideas, but it's not necessary. Copy it, for example, change a few letters or something. We insist that it is a coincidence. At most, it proves at the same time, what do you care about the academic circle? Your position is the Internet and the entertainment industry, what matters is the facts? "

Perhaps because he heard that his name was not in the second position, Professor Harris' tone softened slightly, but he still did not change his seriousness.

Just as Wu Yan and his agent were discussing the specific implementation plan, a phone call suddenly came.

Disputes caused by copyright are not uncommon in academic circles, but this does not mean that academic circles can tolerate them. On the contrary, the academic circle is probably the most intolerant of plagiarism.

There are no baseless accusations.

Regardless of whether the academic community is convinced of this explanation, at least he can give his fans a reasonable explanation. And fans are his foundation. Even if the show is suspended for rectification, as long as his fans are still there, he may not be able to make a comeback after a while.

Then, the voice sounded sarcastic.

Taking out his cell phone and looking at the caller, Yang Feng stood up, said "I'm going to answer the phone" and walked to the entrance.

Director Zhang and the program crew were not the only ones who were pale.

Yang Feng hated iron and said: "Are you a pig? You're talking nonsense to me about mathematics. I don't understand that stuff! I'll ask you to change the steps. You can follow his ideas, but it's not necessary. Copy it, for example, change a few letters or something. We insist that it is a coincidence. At most, it proves at the same time, what do you care about the academic circle? Your position is the Internet and the entertainment industry, what matters is the facts? "

The name University of Auckland sounds very unfair, after all, it is the largest city in New Zealand. But in fact, in New Zealand, a large rural area located on the edge of the world, the world ranking of this university is not particularly outstanding. It is only at the bottom of the top 100, not as good as Shuimuyan University, and at most on the same level as Zhejiang University and Jiaotong University. on a line.

In the end, even though he was thick-skinned, he couldn't continue talking.

Wu Yan was startled by this idea, but he didn't expect that his agent was even crazier than him.

Especially since this accusation comes from the Federal Mathematical Society.

He has also read the paper published by Professor Zelberg in 1995. If an unscrupulous general journal publishes it first, and then insists that it is his own original work, who can tell clearly

On the contrary, what if his academic career is over? His acting career has just begun! What's more, his own level is so good. Even if he is not blacklisted by a mainstream journal, he probably does not have the ability to publish a manuscript in it.

When he opened his mouth, it was in a questioning tone.

On the contrary, what if his academic career is over? His acting career has just begun! What's more, his own level is so good. Even if he is not blacklisted by a mainstream journal, he probably does not have the ability to publish a manuscript in it.

Professor Harris said in a serious tone: "Someone has accused you of plagiarism, and this accusation comes from the Federal Mathematical Society. I hope you can take this matter seriously."

The name University of Auckland sounds very unfair, after all, it is the largest city in New Zealand. But in fact, in New Zealand, a large rural area located on the edge of the world, the world ranking of this university is not particularly outstanding. It is only at the bottom of the top 100, not as good as Shuimuyan University, and at most on the same level as Zhejiang University and Jiaotong University. on a line.

Knowing that there was no point in concealing it, Wu Yan tried to quibble with his tutor: "I didn't publish a paper in a journal or on arXiv. At most, I just had a sudden inspiration..."

Wu Yan's face turned red.

As soon as Yang Feng entered the door and saw Wu Yan's face, he was stunned for a moment and immediately asked: "...What's wrong with you?"

Someone posted the minutes of the academic conference online, with the signature of Mr. Francis, the president of the Federal Mathematical Society, on it. For him, it was like a bolt from the blue.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while.

As for the affectionate name he is given by fans, just like his real age, everything can be packaged. No matter whether graduation is far away or not, those who are studying for a Ph.D. can barely be considered a Ph.D.

"My mentor," Wu Yan said with a bitter look on his face, "...I might be fired."

"I didn't plagiarize," Wu Yan's face turned red, "I just participated in a TV show from our country and may have quoted part of it..."

On the contrary, what if his academic career is over? His acting career has just begun! What's more, his own level is so good. Even if he is not blacklisted by a mainstream journal, he probably does not have the ability to publish a manuscript in it.

Wu Yan was stunned. Just as he was about to ask what this sentence meant, a busy signal rang on the other end of the phone.

Especially since this accusation comes from the Federal Mathematical Society.

Wu Yan immediately wanted to scold you for being a pig. Do you think your mathematics paper is a college entrance examination essay? This kind of reform of the law will be stopped once it is thoroughly investigated.

In fact, there was not a little bit of luck in his own heart, just like his initial bit of luck.

Isn’t this the way many second-generation rich people go abroad to become rich? Although foreign universities adhere to the principle of lenient entry and strict exit, this does not mean that there are no opportunities at all. It's really not a good idea. It's not a bad idea to find an Oakland Community College and spend money on packaging...

Thinking that it was not published in a journal anyway, and the entertainment industry and academia had no intersection anyway, he moved the proof process over... Maybe, at that time, he had not thought about the idea of pretending to be real, so it was quite Enter the play.

In the end, even though he was thick-skinned, he couldn't continue talking.

Wu Yan thought about it and felt that what the agent said made sense.

"Part of the proof of the twin prime conjecture presented at the Princeton academic conference..."

In the end, even though he was thick-skinned, he couldn't continue talking.

As it happened, Wu Yan was the type who "reluctantly wanted to stay at the University of Austria, but had nowhere to go after returning to China." What's more, his major is mathematics, and the status of this subject at the University of Austria is already very delicate.

Perhaps because he heard that his name was not in the second position, Professor Harris' tone softened slightly, but he still did not change his seriousness.

Just as Wu Yan and his agent were discussing the specific implementation plan, a phone call suddenly came.

Professor Harris frowned and asked, "Part of what?"

As for the affectionate name he is given by fans, just like his real age, everything can be packaged. No matter whether graduation is far away or not, those who are studying for a Ph.D. can barely be considered a Ph.D.

He has also read the paper published by Professor Zelberg in 1995. If an unscrupulous general journal publishes it first, and then insists that it is his own original work, who can tell clearly

Toot toot…

Regardless of whether the academic community is convinced of this explanation, at least he can give his fans a reasonable explanation. And fans are his foundation. Even if the show is suspended for rectification, as long as his fans are still there, he may not be able to make a comeback after a while.

Disputes caused by copyright are not uncommon in academic circles, but this does not mean that academic circles can tolerate them. On the contrary, the academic circle is probably the most intolerant of plagiarism.

Even though the program team was helping him delete his posts to reduce his popularity, and even though his ardent fans were still helping him clear the air as always, he was still panicking at this moment.

"Part of the proof of the twin prime conjecture presented at the Princeton academic conference..."

There was no way out for him.

Just when he was about to ask what the news was, the receiver already heard a busy signal indicating that the phone had been hung up.

Then, the voice sounded sarcastic.

There was no way out for him.

Especially since this accusation comes from the Federal Mathematical Society.

Wu Yan thought about it and felt that what the agent said made sense.

Taking out his cell phone and looking at the caller, Yang Feng stood up, said "I'm going to answer the phone" and walked to the entrance.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while.

What does it mean

However, he couldn't think of a better way.

When he opened his mouth, it was in a questioning tone.

Then, the voice sounded sarcastic.

As for the affectionate name he is given by fans, just like his real age, everything can be packaged. No matter whether graduation is far away or not, those who are studying for a Ph.D. can barely be considered a Ph.D.

His personality is that of a taciturn academic. Once his personality collapses, it will be a devastating blow to his career.

The voice on the other end of the phone was so old that Yang Feng almost didn't recognize who it was.

Toot toot…

Regardless of whether the academic community is convinced of this explanation, at least he can give his fans a reasonable explanation. And fans are his foundation. Even if the show is suspended for rectification, as long as his fans are still there, he may not be able to make a comeback after a while.

Just when he was about to ask what the news was, the receiver already heard a busy signal indicating that the phone had been hung up.

"Then you checked the conference submission and found that it was the speaker's improvisation. Then you logged into arXiv to search and found that this document was not pre-included, so you happily took it and used it? Did you know that in addition to conference submissions, there are also conference minutes? ?"

As for the affectionate name he is given by fans, just like his real age, everything can be packaged. No matter whether graduation is far away or not, those who are studying for a Ph.D. can barely be considered a Ph.D.

Wu Yan immediately wanted to scold you for being a pig. Do you think your mathematics paper is a college entrance examination essay? This kind of reform of the law will be stopped once it is thoroughly investigated.

Taking out his cell phone and looking at the caller, Yang Feng stood up, said "I'm going to answer the phone" and walked to the entrance.

Wu Yan immediately wanted to scold you for being a pig. Do you think your mathematics paper is a college entrance examination essay? This kind of reform of the law will be stopped once it is thoroughly investigated.

Wu Yan thought about it and felt that what the agent said made sense.

Wu Yan's face turned red.

As it happened, Wu Yan was the type who "reluctantly wanted to stay at the University of Austria, but had nowhere to go after returning to China." What's more, his major is mathematics, and the status of this subject at the University of Austria is already very delicate.

Wu Yan was stunned for a moment and replied: "I didn't submit a paper."

"Hello, Director Zhang. Hello, how are the negotiations between the program team and the station? What do the leaders of the station mean? Such a large investment cannot be stopped at the drop of a hat... "

He had never given a report on stage, so how could he know these things? Even the proof process was a "gun version" discussed and compiled by several experts on the Princeton Academic Exchange website. He could only digest it.

In the end, even though he was thick-skinned, he couldn't continue talking.

His face turned blue and white, and cold sweat crawled down his back.

Wu Yan's face turned red.

Knowing that there was no point in concealing it, Wu Yan tried to quibble with his tutor: "I didn't publish a paper in a journal or on arXiv. At most, I just had a sudden inspiration..."

Are you... being fired

In other words, he didn't even realize that he was stirring up more than one hornet's nest.

Professor Harris said in a serious tone: "Someone has accused you of plagiarism, and this accusation comes from the Federal Mathematical Society. I hope you can take this matter seriously."

Are you... being fired

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while.

Even though the program team was helping him delete his posts to reduce his popularity, and even though his ardent fans were still helping him clear the air as always, he was still panicking at this moment.

"You're glad you didn't submit an article on arXiv, so you think there's still room for maneuver? You can get away with it even without apologizing? In any case, I suggest you take the time to go back to Auckland and deal with your student status."

Just two "geniuses" who just happened to come up with the idea...

Professor Harris frowned and asked, "Part of what?"

Wu Yan was stunned. Just as he was about to ask what this sentence meant, a busy signal rang on the other end of the phone.

"Hello, Director Zhang. Hello, how are the negotiations between the program team and the station? What do the leaders of the station mean? Such a large investment cannot be stopped at the drop of a hat... "

Someone posted the minutes of the academic conference online, with the signature of Mr. Francis, the president of the Federal Mathematical Society, on it. For him, it was like a bolt from the blue.

Sitting in the hotel, Wu Yan, who had just brushed his scarf, his face was pale, and he was not as calm and calm as when he was standing on the stage holding a pen.

Yang Feng hated iron and said: "Are you a pig? You're talking nonsense to me about mathematics. I don't understand that stuff! I'll ask you to change the steps. You can follow his ideas, but it's not necessary. Copy it, for example, change a few letters or something. We insist that it is a coincidence. At most, it proves at the same time, what do you care about the academic circle? Your position is the Internet and the entertainment industry, what matters is the facts? "

Even though the program team was helping him delete his posts to reduce his popularity, and even though his ardent fans were still helping him clear the air as always, he was still panicking at this moment.

Toot toot…

"Then you checked the conference submission and found that it was the speaker's improvisation. Then you logged into arXiv to search and found that this document was not pre-included, so you happily took it and used it? Did you know that in addition to conference submissions, there are also conference minutes? ?"

Professor Harris frowned and asked, "Part of what?"

Professor Harris said in a serious tone: "Someone has accused you of plagiarism, and this accusation comes from the Federal Mathematical Society. I hope you can take this matter seriously."

His face turned blue and white, and cold sweat crawled down his back.

He had never given a report on stage, so how could he know these things? Even the proof process was a "gun version" discussed and compiled by several experts on the Princeton Academic Exchange website. He could only digest it.

Professor Harris said in a serious tone: "Someone has accused you of plagiarism, and this accusation comes from the Federal Mathematical Society. I hope you can take this matter seriously."

Knowing that there was no point in concealing it, Wu Yan tried to quibble with his tutor: "I didn't publish a paper in a journal or on arXiv. At most, I just had a sudden inspiration..."

Professor Harris frowned and asked, "Part of what?"

At that time, he saw the video abroad and thought it was very interesting. He thought that not many people in China had seen it, and the speaker did not make additional submissions at academic conferences. What was hanging there was still a paper proving Zhou's conjecture. Greed arose in my heart.

Wu Yan's face turned red.

The phone fell on the bed, and his mood at this moment was only despair.

As soon as Yang Feng entered the door and saw Wu Yan's face, he was stunned for a moment and immediately asked: "...What's wrong with you?"

As for the affectionate name he is given by fans, just like his real age, everything can be packaged. No matter whether graduation is far away or not, those who are studying for a Ph.D. can barely be considered a Ph.D.

The voice on the other end of the phone was so old that Yang Feng almost didn't recognize who it was.

Professor Harris asked him to go back and resolve the student status issue.

"My mentor," Wu Yan said with a bitter look on his face, "...I might be fired."

Yang Feng was stunned for a moment, and then he shouted with hatred: "You don't care about your tutor, are you really going to go back to New Zealand to do your math? You have been doing math all your life, how much more can you earn from one advertising endorsement? Now that you have money, are you still afraid of not having an education?"

Even if this degree is in the future tense.

What does it mean

He has also read the paper published by Professor Zelberg in 1995. If an unscrupulous general journal publishes it first, and then insists that it is his own original work, who can tell clearly

Just when he was about to ask what the news was, the receiver already heard a busy signal indicating that the phone had been hung up.

In the end, even though he was thick-skinned, he couldn't continue talking.

Are you... being fired

Especially since this accusation comes from the Federal Mathematical Society.

"Part of the proof of the twin prime conjecture presented at the Princeton academic conference..."

The door was pushed open and the agent walked in.

Wu Yan immediately wanted to scold you for being a pig. Do you think your mathematics paper is a college entrance examination essay? This kind of reform of the law will be stopped once it is thoroughly investigated.

Just when he was about to ask what the news was, the receiver already heard a busy signal indicating that the phone had been hung up.

In other words, he didn't even realize that he was stirring up more than one hornet's nest.

Just two "geniuses" who just happened to come up with the idea...

Disputes caused by copyright are not uncommon in academic circles, but this does not mean that academic circles can tolerate them. On the contrary, the academic circle is probably the most intolerant of plagiarism.

As soon as Yang Feng entered the door and saw Wu Yan's face, he was stunned for a moment and immediately asked: "...What's wrong with you?"

His face turned blue and white, and cold sweat crawled down his back.

However, he couldn't think of a better way.

It hadn't even been a week before he was skinned.

Are you... being fired

In other words, he didn't even realize that he was stirring up more than one hornet's nest.

Wu Yan was stunned for a moment and replied: "I didn't submit a paper."

"My mentor," Wu Yan said with a bitter look on his face, "...I might be fired."

"Watch the news for yourself."

"Hello, Director Zhang. Hello, how are the negotiations between the program team and the station? What do the leaders of the station mean? Such a large investment cannot be stopped at the drop of a hat... "

The caller was none other than Professor Harris, his mentor at the University of Auckland.

Yang Feng was stunned for a moment, and then he shouted with hatred: "You don't care about your tutor, are you really going to go back to New Zealand to do your math? You have been doing math all your life, how much more can you earn from one advertising endorsement? Now that you have money, are you still afraid of not having an education?"

However, he couldn't think of a better way.

Isn’t this the way many second-generation rich people go abroad to become rich? Although foreign universities adhere to the principle of lenient entry and strict exit, this does not mean that there are no opportunities at all. It's really not a good idea. It's not a bad idea to find an Oakland Community College and spend money on packaging...

Just two "geniuses" who just happened to come up with the idea...

Wu Yan thought about it and felt that what the agent said made sense.

Yang Feng hated iron and said: "Are you a pig? You're talking nonsense to me about mathematics. I don't understand that stuff! I'll ask you to change the steps. You can follow his ideas, but it's not necessary. Copy it, for example, change a few letters or something. We insist that it is a coincidence. At most, it proves at the same time, what do you care about the academic circle? Your position is the Internet and the entertainment industry, what matters is the facts? "

Wu Yan immediately wanted to scold you for being a pig. Do you think your mathematics paper is a college entrance examination essay? This kind of reform of the law will be stopped once it is thoroughly investigated.

Wu Yan was startled by this idea, but he didn't expect that his agent was even crazier than him.

As for the affectionate name he is given by fans, just like his real age, everything can be packaged. No matter whether graduation is far away or not, those who are studying for a Ph.D. can barely be considered a Ph.D.

Someone posted the minutes of the academic conference online, with the signature of Mr. Francis, the president of the Federal Mathematical Society, on it. For him, it was like a bolt from the blue.

Perhaps because he heard that his name was not in the second position, Professor Harris' tone softened slightly, but he still did not change his seriousness.

"What paper did you submit recently? Didn't you include my name on it?"

Isn’t this the way many second-generation rich people go abroad to become rich? Although foreign universities adhere to the principle of lenient entry and strict exit, this does not mean that there are no opportunities at all. It's really not a good idea. It's not a bad idea to find an Oakland Community College and spend money on packaging...

Even if this degree is in the future tense.

On the contrary, what if his academic career is over? His acting career has just begun! What's more, his own level is so good. Even if he is not blacklisted by a mainstream journal, he probably does not have the ability to publish a manuscript in it.

"How to change this? The biggest highlight of the entire paper is that he used the principle of topology to redefine the sieve theory. This point cannot be avoided at all... "

As soon as Yang Feng entered the door and saw Wu Yan's face, he was stunned for a moment and immediately asked: "...What's wrong with you?"

Even if this degree is in the future tense.

Then, the voice sounded sarcastic.

Thinking that it was not published in a journal anyway, and the entertainment industry and academia had no intersection anyway, he moved the proof process over... Maybe, at that time, he had not thought about the idea of pretending to be real, so it was quite Enter the play.

Taking a deep breath, he managed to calm down and asked, "What should we do now."

Perhaps because he heard that his name was not in the second position, Professor Harris' tone softened slightly, but he still did not change his seriousness.

His face turned blue and white, and cold sweat crawled down his back.

Apologizing is impossible.

When he opened his mouth, it was in a questioning tone.

Taking out his cell phone and looking at the caller, Yang Feng stood up, said "I'm going to answer the phone" and walked to the entrance.

However, things don't always develop as he wishes.

There was no way out for him.

Unfortunately, at this moment, a call came to his mobile phone.

There was no way out for him.

Especially since this accusation comes from the Federal Mathematical Society.

The voice on the other end of the phone was so old that Yang Feng almost didn't recognize who it was.

His personality is that of a taciturn academic. Once his personality collapses, it will be a devastating blow to his career.

Professor Harris said in a serious tone: "Someone has accused you of plagiarism, and this accusation comes from the Federal Mathematical Society. I hope you can take this matter seriously."

The voice on the other end of the phone was so old that Yang Feng almost didn't recognize who it was.

The door was pushed open and the agent walked in.

Even though the program team was helping him delete his posts to reduce his popularity, and even though his ardent fans were still helping him clear the air as always, he was still panicking at this moment.

On the contrary, what if his academic career is over? His acting career has just begun! What's more, his own level is so good. Even if he is not blacklisted by a mainstream journal, he probably does not have the ability to publish a manuscript in it.

Even if this degree is in the future tense.

In the end, even though he was thick-skinned, he couldn't continue talking.

Perhaps because he heard that his name was not in the second position, Professor Harris' tone softened slightly, but he still did not change his seriousness.

Thinking that it was not published in a journal anyway, and the entertainment industry and academia had no intersection anyway, he moved the proof process over... Maybe, at that time, he had not thought about the idea of pretending to be real, so it was quite Enter the play.

Someone posted the minutes of the academic conference online, with the signature of Mr. Francis, the president of the Federal Mathematical Society, on it. For him, it was like a bolt from the blue.

"The program has been rectified, and now there is only one way to save you." Li Dong's eyes flashed with a hint of fierceness, "You sort out the paper as soon as possible, and then find a general journal in China to publish it in advance. We will make a time difference. As long as you If your paper is published before his, then the result is still yours... Also, remember to differ from him in the steps, such as changing his steps. You are the MVP of the semi-finals of the strongest academic, why do you only Are you allowed to think of it but not you?"

"The program has been rectified, and now there is only one way to save you." Li Dong's eyes flashed with a hint of fierceness, "You sort out the paper as soon as possible, and then find a general journal in China to publish it in advance. We will make a time difference. As long as you If your paper is published before his, then the result is still yours... Also, remember to differ from him in the steps, such as changing his steps. You are the MVP of the semi-finals of the strongest academic, why do you only Are you allowed to think of it but not you?"

On the contrary, what if his academic career is over? His acting career has just begun! What's more, his own level is so good. Even if he is not blacklisted by a mainstream journal, he probably does not have the ability to publish a manuscript in it.

There are no baseless accusations.

Although this university is still very strong compared to its average size, if you cannot stay in the local area after graduation, you will be very passive after returning to your country.

Professor Harris frowned and asked, "Part of what?"

The phone fell on the bed, and his mood at this moment was only despair.

Professor Harris frowned and asked, "Part of what?"

Wu Yan was startled by this idea, but he didn't expect that his agent was even crazier than him.

Toot toot…

Disputes caused by copyright are not uncommon in academic circles, but this does not mean that academic circles can tolerate them. On the contrary, the academic circle is probably the most intolerant of plagiarism.

"You're glad you didn't submit an article on arXiv, so you think there's still room for maneuver? You can get away with it even without apologizing? In any case, I suggest you take the time to go back to Auckland and deal with your student status."

Sitting in the hotel, Wu Yan, who had just brushed his scarf, his face was pale, and he was not as calm and calm as when he was standing on the stage holding a pen.

Unfortunately, at this moment, a call came to his mobile phone.

"How to change this? The biggest highlight of the entire paper is that he used the principle of topology to redefine the sieve theory. This point cannot be avoided at all... "

Wu Yan thought about it and felt that what the agent said made sense.

Director Zhang and the program crew were not the only ones who were pale.

The phone fell on the bed, and his mood at this moment was only despair.

He had never given a report on stage, so how could he know these things? Even the proof process was a "gun version" discussed and compiled by several experts on the Princeton Academic Exchange website. He could only digest it.

Wu Yan was stunned for a moment and replied: "I didn't submit a paper."

Professor Harris frowned and asked, "Part of what?"

Thinking that it was not published in a journal anyway, and the entertainment industry and academia had no intersection anyway, he moved the proof process over... Maybe, at that time, he had not thought about the idea of pretending to be real, so it was quite Enter the play.

Yang Feng hated iron and said: "Are you a pig? You're talking nonsense to me about mathematics. I don't understand that stuff! I'll ask you to change the steps. You can follow his ideas, but it's not necessary. Copy it, for example, change a few letters or something. We insist that it is a coincidence. At most, it proves at the same time, what do you care about the academic circle? Your position is the Internet and the entertainment industry, what matters is the facts? "

Professor Harris asked him to go back and resolve the student status issue.

Even though the program team was helping him delete his posts to reduce his popularity, and even though his ardent fans were still helping him clear the air as always, he was still panicking at this moment.

Yang Feng was stunned for a moment, and then he shouted with hatred: "You don't care about your tutor, are you really going to go back to New Zealand to do your math? You have been doing math all your life, how much more can you earn from one advertising endorsement? Now that you have money, are you still afraid of not having an education?"

Professor Harris said in a serious tone: "Someone has accused you of plagiarism, and this accusation comes from the Federal Mathematical Society. I hope you can take this matter seriously."

When he opened his mouth, it was in a questioning tone.

Disputes caused by copyright are not uncommon in academic circles, but this does not mean that academic circles can tolerate them. On the contrary, the academic circle is probably the most intolerant of plagiarism.

Especially since this accusation comes from the Federal Mathematical Society.

Wu Yan thought about it and felt that what the agent said made sense.

Wu Yan immediately wanted to scold you for being a pig. Do you think your mathematics paper is a college entrance examination essay? This kind of reform of the law will be stopped once it is thoroughly investigated.

Thinking that it was not published in a journal anyway, and the entertainment industry and academia had no intersection anyway, he moved the proof process over... Maybe, at that time, he had not thought about the idea of pretending to be real, so it was quite Enter the play.

As it happened, Wu Yan was the type who "reluctantly wanted to stay at the University of Austria, but had nowhere to go after returning to China." What's more, his major is mathematics, and the status of this subject at the University of Austria is already very delicate.

"Watch the news for yourself."

The voice on the other end of the phone was so old that Yang Feng almost didn't recognize who it was.

However, he couldn't think of a better way.

Yang Feng was stunned for a moment, and then he shouted with hatred: "You don't care about your tutor, are you really going to go back to New Zealand to do your math? You have been doing math all your life, how much more can you earn from one advertising endorsement? Now that you have money, are you still afraid of not having an education?"

The caller was none other than Professor Harris, his mentor at the University of Auckland.

Wu Yan was startled by this idea, but he didn't expect that his agent was even crazier than him.

In fact, there was not a little bit of luck in his own heart, just like his initial bit of luck.

Perhaps because he heard that his name was not in the second position, Professor Harris' tone softened slightly, but he still did not change his seriousness.

Wu Yan was startled by this idea, but he didn't expect that his agent was even crazier than him.

The caller was none other than Professor Harris, his mentor at the University of Auckland.

He has also read the paper published by Professor Zelberg in 1995. If an unscrupulous general journal publishes it first, and then insists that it is his own original work, who can tell clearly

However, he couldn't think of a better way.

Then, the voice sounded sarcastic.

There are no baseless accusations.

Professor Harris asked him to go back and resolve the student status issue.

Wu Yan was stunned. Just as he was about to ask what this sentence meant, a busy signal rang on the other end of the phone.

"You're glad you didn't submit an article on arXiv, so you think there's still room for maneuver? You can get away with it even without apologizing? In any case, I suggest you take the time to go back to Auckland and deal with your student status."

Just two "geniuses" who just happened to come up with the idea...

He has also read the paper published by Professor Zelberg in 1995. If an unscrupulous general journal publishes it first, and then insists that it is his own original work, who can tell clearly

"I didn't plagiarize," Wu Yan's face turned red, "I just participated in a TV show from our country and may have quoted part of it..."

Isn’t this the way many second-generation rich people go abroad to become rich? Although foreign universities adhere to the principle of lenient entry and strict exit, this does not mean that there are no opportunities at all. It's really not a good idea. It's not a bad idea to find an Oakland Community College and spend money on packaging...

Regardless of whether the academic community is convinced of this explanation, at least he can give his fans a reasonable explanation. And fans are his foundation. Even if the show is suspended for rectification, as long as his fans are still there, he may not be able to make a comeback after a while.

"Then you checked the conference submission and found that it was the speaker's improvisation. Then you logged into arXiv to search and found that this document was not pre-included, so you happily took it and used it? Did you know that in addition to conference submissions, there are also conference minutes? ?"

Wu Yan immediately wanted to scold you for being a pig. Do you think your mathematics paper is a college entrance examination essay? This kind of reform of the law will be stopped once it is thoroughly investigated.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while.

When he opened his mouth, it was in a questioning tone.

As for the affectionate name he is given by fans, just like his real age, everything can be packaged. No matter whether graduation is far away or not, those who are studying for a Ph.D. can barely be considered a Ph.D.

"You're glad you didn't submit an article on arXiv, so you think there's still room for maneuver? You can get away with it even without apologizing? In any case, I suggest you take the time to go back to Auckland and deal with your student status."

However, things don't always develop as he wishes.

Wu Yan was startled by this idea, but he didn't expect that his agent was even crazier than him.

"What paper did you submit recently? Didn't you include my name on it?"

Wu Yan was stunned for a moment and replied: "I didn't submit a paper."

The caller was none other than Professor Harris, his mentor at the University of Auckland.

Yang Feng hated iron and said: "Are you a pig? You're talking nonsense to me about mathematics. I don't understand that stuff! I'll ask you to change the steps. You can follow his ideas, but it's not necessary. Copy it, for example, change a few letters or something. We insist that it is a coincidence. At most, it proves at the same time, what do you care about the academic circle? Your position is the Internet and the entertainment industry, what matters is the facts? "

"Hello, Director Zhang. Hello, how are the negotiations between the program team and the station? What do the leaders of the station mean? Such a large investment cannot be stopped at the drop of a hat... "

Then, the voice sounded sarcastic.

The phone fell on the bed, and his mood at this moment was only despair.

In other words, he didn't even realize that he was stirring up more than one hornet's nest.

Someone posted the minutes of the academic conference online, with the signature of Mr. Francis, the president of the Federal Mathematical Society, on it. For him, it was like a bolt from the blue.

However, things don't always develop as he wishes.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while.

Although this university is still very strong compared to its average size, if you cannot stay in the local area after graduation, you will be very passive after returning to your country.

Professor Harris said in a serious tone: "Someone has accused you of plagiarism, and this accusation comes from the Federal Mathematical Society. I hope you can take this matter seriously."

What does it mean

Wu Yan's face turned red.

Just as Wu Yan and his agent were discussing the specific implementation plan, a phone call suddenly came.

However, he couldn't think of a better way.

Are you... being fired

However, he couldn't think of a better way.

His face turned blue and white, and cold sweat crawled down his back.

Yang Feng hated iron and said: "Are you a pig? You're talking nonsense to me about mathematics. I don't understand that stuff! I'll ask you to change the steps. You can follow his ideas, but it's not necessary. Copy it, for example, change a few letters or something. We insist that it is a coincidence. At most, it proves at the same time, what do you care about the academic circle? Your position is the Internet and the entertainment industry, what matters is the facts? "

However, the final result was beyond his expectation.

Taking out his cell phone and looking at the caller, Yang Feng stood up, said "I'm going to answer the phone" and walked to the entrance.

Wu Yan was stunned. Just as he was about to ask what this sentence meant, a busy signal rang on the other end of the phone.

"How to change this? The biggest highlight of the entire paper is that he used the principle of topology to redefine the sieve theory. This point cannot be avoided at all... "

"Hello, Director Zhang. Hello, how are the negotiations between the program team and the station? What do the leaders of the station mean? Such a large investment cannot be stopped at the drop of a hat... "

When he opened his mouth, it was in a questioning tone.

Knowing that there was no point in concealing it, Wu Yan tried to quibble with his tutor: "I didn't publish a paper in a journal or on arXiv. At most, I just had a sudden inspiration..."

Perhaps because he heard that his name was not in the second position, Professor Harris' tone softened slightly, but he still did not change his seriousness.

Even though the program team was helping him delete his posts to reduce his popularity, and even though his ardent fans were still helping him clear the air as always, he was still panicking at this moment.

On the contrary, what if his academic career is over? His acting career has just begun! What's more, his own level is so good. Even if he is not blacklisted by a mainstream journal, he probably does not have the ability to publish a manuscript in it.

On the contrary, what if his academic career is over? His acting career has just begun! What's more, his own level is so good. Even if he is not blacklisted by a mainstream journal, he probably does not have the ability to publish a manuscript in it.

On the contrary, what if his academic career is over? His acting career has just begun! What's more, his own level is so good. Even if he is not blacklisted by a mainstream journal, he probably does not have the ability to publish a manuscript in it.

"Watch the news for yourself."

"My mentor," Wu Yan said with a bitter look on his face, "...I might be fired."

On the contrary, what if his academic career is over? His acting career has just begun! What's more, his own level is so good. Even if he is not blacklisted by a mainstream journal, he probably does not have the ability to publish a manuscript in it.

Even though the program team was helping him delete his posts to reduce his popularity, and even though his ardent fans were still helping him clear the air as always, he was still panicking at this moment.

The voice on the other end of the phone was so old that Yang Feng almost didn't recognize who it was.

However, things don't always develop as he wishes.

Disputes caused by copyright are not uncommon in academic circles, but this does not mean that academic circles can tolerate them. On the contrary, the academic circle is probably the most intolerant of plagiarism.

Just when he was about to ask what the news was, the receiver already heard a busy signal indicating that the phone had been hung up.

Sitting in the hotel, Wu Yan, who had just brushed his scarf, his face was pale, and he was not as calm and calm as when he was standing on the stage holding a pen.

The name University of Auckland sounds very unfair, after all, it is the largest city in New Zealand. But in fact, in New Zealand, a large rural area located on the edge of the world, the world ranking of this university is not particularly outstanding. It is only at the bottom of the top 100, not as good as Shuimuyan University, and at most on the same level as Zhejiang University and Jiaotong University. on a line.

The door was pushed open and the agent walked in.

"You're glad you didn't submit an article on arXiv, so you think there's still room for maneuver? You can get away with it even without apologizing? In any case, I suggest you take the time to go back to Auckland and deal with your student status."

Knowing that there was no point in concealing it, Wu Yan tried to quibble with his tutor: "I didn't publish a paper in a journal or on arXiv. At most, I just had a sudden inspiration..."

Just when he was about to ask what the news was, the receiver already heard a busy signal indicating that the phone had been hung up.

Apologizing is impossible.

Knowing that there was no point in concealing it, Wu Yan tried to quibble with his tutor: "I didn't publish a paper in a journal or on arXiv. At most, I just had a sudden inspiration..."

Someone posted the minutes of the academic conference online, with the signature of Mr. Francis, the president of the Federal Mathematical Society, on it. For him, it was like a bolt from the blue.

However, he couldn't think of a better way.

In the end, even though he was thick-skinned, he couldn't continue talking.

When he opened his mouth, it was in a questioning tone.