Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 143: Thousands of people in the country


Renren Daily published an article saying that the TV station punished itself with three cups, and the strongest academic announced that it would be suspended indefinitely. However, the program team has been disbanded and reorganized, and everyone knows that it is impossible to resume broadcasting.

What surprised him was another thing -

Looking at the document and the "top youth" certificate issued to him by the school, he always felt that there was a sense of compensation in it.

However, even so, if he were to be elected again, he would not hesitate to stand up to defend his research results. There is no room for compromise on this point because it is a matter of principle as a scholar.

"Do you want me to give you a song called Maple Leaves Falling Slowly?"

At this point, he smiled freely: "Let's break up, it's not a big deal. There is nothing between us, we are just ordinary friends who can talk to each other... We really want to be together. We will face each other all day long." The men calling me “husband” are annoying enough.”

If I don't work harder, wouldn't I be sorry for the system's son's cultivation of me

Of course, Lu Zhou himself is an undergraduate now, and it is impossible to lead graduate students. However, it is still within a reasonable range to give yourself a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan and slightly improve your life. You only need to write a research expenditure report every year and submit it together with the project research progress report.

An insider also revealed that he saw players from the French team in the finals at the Shanghai Airport.

If you go to the library at this time, you won't be able to sit for long before it closes. Lu Zhou simply took out the draft paper from his computer bag, then turned on the desk lamp, and continued the work he had done a week ago to complete the rest of his thesis. Lower part.

Next, let’s finish the paper first.

What surprised Lu Zhou was not that he was selected, but that he didn't expect that the application approval document would come out so quickly.

The document that approved the selection of the Ten Thousand People Plan was inexplicably released ahead of schedule.

"Do you want me to give you a song called Maple Leaves Falling Slowly?"

In short, from now on, he can be regarded as a member of the "Four Youths".

As for the main person responsible, Director Zhang, although he was not expelled from the system, he was transferred to the printing room of the TV station. People who knew him were surprised to find that this once high-spirited director in the station seemed to have aged ten years overnight. How old are you? There are a few more gray hairs on your temples.

That is the math expert who was hyped as Wu Yan's "biggest rival" some time ago when he won the championship. When the person who broke the news handed out the scarf, the powerful man was sitting in the waiting room playing with his mobile phone, waiting for the flight back to China.

"No, no, no, that's not necessary." Huang Guangming waved his hand quickly.

Although these scientific research funds cannot be directly put into bank cards, they can be used to purchase air tickets, travel expenses for academic exchanges abroad, and pay salaries to graduate students...

Renren Daily published an article saying that the TV station punished itself with three cups, and the strongest academic announced that it would be suspended indefinitely. However, the program team has been disbanded and reorganized, and everyone knows that it is impossible to resume broadcasting.

Looking at the Ten Thousand People Plan certificate in his hand, Lu Zhou shook his head and sighed.

At this point, those who are waiting for the final episode can leave now.

The fraud in other links was also uncovered.

Lu Zhou suddenly felt like he was being tricked again...

"Do you want me to give you a song called Maple Leaves Falling Slowly?"

Normally, shouldn't I decline at this time

The worst thing may be Wu Yan. Although he fled to New Zealand and escaped criminal prosecution, his personality has collapsed and his degree has been revoked. He will spend the rest of his life in the shadows.

Regarding the selection of the Ten Thousand People Plan.

Well, actually even without these things, after the roll call of Renren Daily, the audience had almost dispersed.

However, even so, if he were to be elected again, he would not hesitate to stand up to defend his research results. There is no room for compromise on this point because it is a matter of principle as a scholar.

The fraud in other links was also uncovered.

It’s not just academic fraud in the semi-finals.

"No," Huang Guangming shook his head, "I just can't accept someone slandering my friend behind his back, and in a way that confuses right and wrong..."

However, even so, if he were to be elected again, he would not hesitate to stand up to defend his research results. There is no room for compromise on this point because it is a matter of principle as a scholar.

The document that approved the selection of the Ten Thousand People Plan was inexplicably released ahead of schedule.

Lu Zhou: "How about I treat you to a meal? Just in time... my three-star student has also been selected."

At this point, he smiled freely: "Let's break up, it's not a big deal. There is nothing between us, we are just ordinary friends who can talk to each other... We really want to be together. We will face each other all day long." The men calling me “husband” are annoying enough.”

That is the math expert who was hyped as Wu Yan's "biggest rival" some time ago when he won the championship. When the person who broke the news handed out the scarf, the powerful man was sitting in the waiting room playing with his mobile phone, waiting for the flight back to China.

The worst thing may be Wu Yan. Although he fled to New Zealand and escaped criminal prosecution, his personality has collapsed and his degree has been revoked. He will spend the rest of his life in the shadows.

Reverse Rubik's Cube, blind filling in Sudoku, memorizing questions in front of the audience, rehearsing scripts...

And I'm afraid he's still the youngest one.

"Bitch, what's wrong with you?"

It’s not just academic fraud in the semi-finals.

Normally, shouldn't I decline at this time

Liu Rui looked gloating, but still asked with concern: "Qian Hua?"

At this point, those who are waiting for the final episode can leave now.

The fraud in other links was also uncovered.

Although these scientific research funds cannot be directly put into bank cards, they can be used to purchase air tickets, travel expenses for academic exchanges abroad, and pay salaries to graduate students...

Such a result was not beyond Lu Zhou's expectation.

After the station director was scolded, everyone knew that this guy was finished.

However, even so, if he were to be elected again, he would not hesitate to stand up to defend his research results. There is no room for compromise on this point because it is a matter of principle as a scholar.

As for the main person responsible, Director Zhang, although he was not expelled from the system, he was transferred to the printing room of the TV station. People who knew him were surprised to find that this once high-spirited director in the station seemed to have aged ten years overnight. How old are you? There are a few more gray hairs on your temples.

After the audience knew that they had been deceived and that the so-called competition was just a carefully planned script, they could no longer look directly at this science reality show that was billed as a competition for the "World's Strongest Academic Master".

What surprised him was another thing -

After the audience knew that they had been deceived and that the so-called competition was just a carefully planned script, they could no longer look directly at this science reality show that was billed as a competition for the "World's Strongest Academic Master".

If I don't work harder, wouldn't I be sorry for the system's son's cultivation of me

That is the math expert who was hyped as Wu Yan's "biggest rival" some time ago when he won the championship. When the person who broke the news handed out the scarf, the powerful man was sitting in the waiting room playing with his mobile phone, waiting for the flight back to China.

There's no science, not even real people, it's just a show.

Well, actually even without these things, after the roll call of Renren Daily, the audience had almost dispersed.

Next, let’s finish the paper first.

Regarding the selection of the Ten Thousand People Plan.

Normally, shouldn't I decline at this time

In short, from now on, he can be regarded as a member of the "Four Youths".

At the same time, there is also 1.6 million scientific research funds.

Seeing the optimistic Xiao Jian, Lu Zhou still felt very sad.

Several big-name celebrities who were originally invited by the program to be observers of the finals also terminated their contracts and parted ways with the program team.

"Bitch, what's wrong with you?"

"Bitch, what's wrong with you?"

After all, this kind of program has been completely ruined, and anyone who gets involved in it will be a mess.

Liu Rui looked gloating, but still asked with concern: "Qian Hua?"

At the same time, there is also 1.6 million scientific research funds.

The worst thing may be Wu Yan. Although he fled to New Zealand and escaped criminal prosecution, his personality has collapsed and his degree has been revoked. He will spend the rest of his life in the shadows.

Lu Zhou's expression was a little subtle and he coughed dryly.

The document that approved the selection of the Ten Thousand People Plan was inexplicably released ahead of schedule.

An insider also revealed that he saw players from the French team in the finals at the Shanghai Airport.

As for the main person responsible, Director Zhang, although he was not expelled from the system, he was transferred to the printing room of the TV station. People who knew him were surprised to find that this once high-spirited director in the station seemed to have aged ten years overnight. How old are you? There are a few more gray hairs on your temples.

It can even be said that the policy support is the key point, and the small amount of funds provided is secondary.

It’s not just academic fraud in the semi-finals.

An insider also revealed that he saw players from the French team in the finals at the Shanghai Airport.

"No, no, no, that's not necessary." Huang Guangming waved his hand quickly.

After the station director was scolded, everyone knew that this guy was finished.

Logically speaking, as one of the 12 major talent projects identified in the talent development plan, the selection process for top-notch youth in this 10,000-person program would have to go through the second half of the year, even if there is a recommendation letter from an academician.

Reverse Rubik's Cube, blind filling in Sudoku, memorizing questions in front of the audience, rehearsing scripts...

And I'm afraid he's still the youngest one.

"No, no, no, that's not necessary." Huang Guangming waved his hand quickly.

It’s not just Director Zhang.

Lu Zhou suddenly felt like he was being tricked again...

Logically speaking, as one of the 12 major talent projects identified in the talent development plan, the selection process for top-notch youth in this 10,000-person program would have to go through the second half of the year, even if there is a recommendation letter from an academician.

Of course, Lu Zhou himself is an undergraduate now, and it is impossible to lead graduate students. However, it is still within a reasonable range to give yourself a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan and slightly improve your life. You only need to write a research expenditure report every year and submit it together with the project research progress report.

The worst thing may be Wu Yan. Although he fled to New Zealand and escaped criminal prosecution, his personality has collapsed and his degree has been revoked. He will spend the rest of his life in the shadows.

At this point, those who are waiting for the final episode can leave now.

"Bitch, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing the optimistic Xiao Jian, Lu Zhou still felt very sad.

Maybe it's his imagination

Of course, Lu Zhou himself is an undergraduate now, and it is impossible to lead graduate students. However, it is still within a reasonable range to give yourself a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan and slightly improve your life. You only need to write a research expenditure report every year and submit it together with the project research progress report.

Such a result was not beyond Lu Zhou's expectation.

At the same time, there is also 1.6 million scientific research funds.

If I don't work harder, wouldn't I be sorry for the system's son's cultivation of me

What surprised him was another thing -

After returning from school, Lu Zhou was very busy these days applying for this ten-person program. The writing of his graduation thesis has almost stopped, and the system's reward tasks have just passed the (1/15) threshold. As for the fifty documents and a set of experiments, he has not touched them at all.

What surprised him was another thing -

Looking at the document and the "top youth" certificate issued to him by the school, he always felt that there was a sense of compensation in it.

At the same time, there is also 1.6 million scientific research funds.

Lu Zhou's expression was a little subtle and he coughed dryly.

The document that approved the selection of the Ten Thousand People Plan was inexplicably released ahead of schedule.

Regarding the selection of the Ten Thousand People Plan.

Lu Zhou's expression was a little subtle and he coughed dryly.

Although these scientific research funds cannot be directly put into bank cards, they can be used to purchase air tickets, travel expenses for academic exchanges abroad, and pay salaries to graduate students...

Looking at the Ten Thousand People Plan certificate in his hand, Lu Zhou shook his head and sighed.

Although these scientific research funds cannot be directly put into bank cards, they can be used to purchase air tickets, travel expenses for academic exchanges abroad, and pay salaries to graduate students...

Logically speaking, as one of the 12 major talent projects identified in the talent development plan, the selection process for top-notch youth in this 10,000-person program would have to go through the second half of the year, even if there is a recommendation letter from an academician.

At this point, those who are waiting for the final episode can leave now.

At this point, he smiled freely: "Let's break up, it's not a big deal. There is nothing between us, we are just ordinary friends who can talk to each other... We really want to be together. We will face each other all day long." The men calling me “husband” are annoying enough.”

And I'm afraid he's still the youngest one.

After all, very few people apply for this title simply because they don't have enough money.

Shi Shang, who was originally sitting in his seat tuning the guitar, raised his head and glanced at Huang Guangming. He found that his expression was a little unnatural, and asked after a pause.

Seeing the optimistic Xiao Jian, Lu Zhou still felt very sad.

After returning from school, Lu Zhou was very busy these days applying for this ten-person program. The writing of his graduation thesis has almost stopped, and the system's reward tasks have just passed the (1/15) threshold. As for the fifty documents and a set of experiments, he has not touched them at all.

At least, after the defense in February, we still have to wait until the announcement in August.

After all, this kind of program has been completely ruined, and anyone who gets involved in it will be a mess.

It’s not just Director Zhang.


As it turned out, there was no waiting until August.

Lu Zhou: "How about I treat you to a meal? Just in time... my three-star student has also been selected."

That is the math expert who was hyped as Wu Yan's "biggest rival" some time ago when he won the championship. When the person who broke the news handed out the scarf, the powerful man was sitting in the waiting room playing with his mobile phone, waiting for the flight back to China.

In addition, in addition to scientific research funding, there is also policy support from other aspects.

It's not okay to go on like this.


Several big-name celebrities who were originally invited by the program to be observers of the finals also terminated their contracts and parted ways with the program team.

There's no science, not even real people, it's just a show.

The boy agreed so quickly that Lu Zhou almost didn't react.

The school issued a defense notice, Lu Zhou prepared the defense materials, and followed Professor Tang's suggestion to submit the application topic as "Polignac Conjecture" as his scientific research project.

Maybe it's his imagination

Lu Zhou's expression was a little subtle and he coughed dryly.

Shi Shang sighed and swept his index finger across the tuned guitar, "Hey, there is no grass anywhere in the world. I believe in you, classmate Guangming, your future will be bright!"

Although these scientific research funds cannot be directly put into bank cards, they can be used to purchase air tickets, travel expenses for academic exchanges abroad, and pay salaries to graduate students...


If you go to the library at this time, you won't be able to sit for long before it closes. Lu Zhou simply took out the draft paper from his computer bag, then turned on the desk lamp, and continued the work he had done a week ago to complete the rest of his thesis. Lower part.

Of course, Lu Zhou himself is an undergraduate now, and it is impossible to lead graduate students. However, it is still within a reasonable range to give yourself a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan and slightly improve your life. You only need to write a research expenditure report every year and submit it together with the project research progress report.

That is the math expert who was hyped as Wu Yan's "biggest rival" some time ago when he won the championship. When the person who broke the news handed out the scarf, the powerful man was sitting in the waiting room playing with his mobile phone, waiting for the flight back to China.

The fraud in other links was also uncovered.

The worst thing may be Wu Yan. Although he fled to New Zealand and escaped criminal prosecution, his personality has collapsed and his degree has been revoked. He will spend the rest of his life in the shadows.

The document that approved the selection of the Ten Thousand People Plan was inexplicably released ahead of schedule.

It's not okay to go on like this.

Looking at the document and the "top youth" certificate issued to him by the school, he always felt that there was a sense of compensation in it.

Lu Zhou suddenly felt like he was being tricked again...

After all, very few people apply for this title simply because they don't have enough money.

It’s not just Director Zhang.

What surprised him was another thing -

Huang Guangming nodded: "Okay."

At the same time, there is also 1.6 million scientific research funds.

And I'm afraid he's still the youngest one.

Well, actually even without these things, after the roll call of Renren Daily, the audience had almost dispersed.

Although these scientific research funds cannot be directly put into bank cards, they can be used to purchase air tickets, travel expenses for academic exchanges abroad, and pay salaries to graduate students...

"Bitch, what's wrong with you?"

The worst thing may be Wu Yan. Although he fled to New Zealand and escaped criminal prosecution, his personality has collapsed and his degree has been revoked. He will spend the rest of his life in the shadows.

Looking at the document and the "top youth" certificate issued to him by the school, he always felt that there was a sense of compensation in it.

If you go to the library at this time, you won't be able to sit for long before it closes. Lu Zhou simply took out the draft paper from his computer bag, then turned on the desk lamp, and continued the work he had done a week ago to complete the rest of his thesis. Lower part.

As for the main person responsible, Director Zhang, although he was not expelled from the system, he was transferred to the printing room of the TV station. People who knew him were surprised to find that this once high-spirited director in the station seemed to have aged ten years overnight. How old are you? There are a few more gray hairs on your temples.

At least, after the defense in February, we still have to wait until the announcement in August.

Of course, Lu Zhou himself is an undergraduate now, and it is impossible to lead graduate students. However, it is still within a reasonable range to give yourself a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan and slightly improve your life. You only need to write a research expenditure report every year and submit it together with the project research progress report.

Such a result was not beyond Lu Zhou's expectation.

After all, this kind of program has been completely ruined, and anyone who gets involved in it will be a mess.

It can even be said that the policy support is the key point, and the small amount of funds provided is secondary.

The boy agreed so quickly that Lu Zhou almost didn't react.

What surprised him was another thing -

Seeing the optimistic Xiao Jian, Lu Zhou still felt very sad.

Well, actually even without these things, after the roll call of Renren Daily, the audience had almost dispersed.

In addition, in addition to scientific research funding, there is also policy support from other aspects.

In short, from now on, he can be regarded as a member of the "Four Youths".

What surprised him was another thing -

It can even be said that the policy support is the key point, and the small amount of funds provided is secondary.

Shi Shang, who was originally sitting in his seat tuning the guitar, raised his head and glanced at Huang Guangming. He found that his expression was a little unnatural, and asked after a pause.

"Do you want me to give you a song called Maple Leaves Falling Slowly?"

After all, very few people apply for this title simply because they don't have enough money.

Shi Shang sighed and swept his index finger across the tuned guitar, "Hey, there is no grass anywhere in the world. I believe in you, classmate Guangming, your future will be bright!"

There's no science, not even real people, it's just a show.

"No," Huang Guangming shook his head, "I just can't accept someone slandering my friend behind his back, and in a way that confuses right and wrong..."

Lu Zhou suddenly felt like he was being tricked again...

It can even be said that the policy support is the key point, and the small amount of funds provided is secondary.

At this moment, the door to the dormitory opened, and Huang Guangming, carrying a shoulder bag, walked in from the outside.

However, even so, if he were to be elected again, he would not hesitate to stand up to defend his research results. There is no room for compromise on this point because it is a matter of principle as a scholar.

What surprised Lu Zhou was not that he was selected, but that he didn't expect that the application approval document would come out so quickly.

It's not okay to go on like this.

As for the main person responsible, Director Zhang, although he was not expelled from the system, he was transferred to the printing room of the TV station. People who knew him were surprised to find that this once high-spirited director in the station seemed to have aged ten years overnight. How old are you? There are a few more gray hairs on your temples.

It’s not just Director Zhang.

If you go to the library at this time, you won't be able to sit for long before it closes. Lu Zhou simply took out the draft paper from his computer bag, then turned on the desk lamp, and continued the work he had done a week ago to complete the rest of his thesis. Lower part.

The boy agreed so quickly that Lu Zhou almost didn't react.

The document that approved the selection of the Ten Thousand People Plan was inexplicably released ahead of schedule.

Maybe it's his imagination

Looking at the document and the "top youth" certificate issued to him by the school, he always felt that there was a sense of compensation in it.

Reverse Rubik's Cube, blind filling in Sudoku, memorizing questions in front of the audience, rehearsing scripts...

Logically speaking, as one of the 12 major talent projects identified in the talent development plan, the selection process for top-notch youth in this 10,000-person program would have to go through the second half of the year, even if there is a recommendation letter from an academician.

It can even be said that the policy support is the key point, and the small amount of funds provided is secondary.

Huang Guangming nodded: "Okay."


After the station director was scolded, everyone knew that this guy was finished.

Maybe it's his imagination

It’s not just Director Zhang.

As it turned out, there was no waiting until August.

Shi Shang, who was originally sitting in his seat tuning the guitar, raised his head and glanced at Huang Guangming. He found that his expression was a little unnatural, and asked after a pause.

In short, from now on, he can be regarded as a member of the "Four Youths".

As for the main person responsible, Director Zhang, although he was not expelled from the system, he was transferred to the printing room of the TV station. People who knew him were surprised to find that this once high-spirited director in the station seemed to have aged ten years overnight. How old are you? There are a few more gray hairs on your temples.

What surprised Lu Zhou was not that he was selected, but that he didn't expect that the application approval document would come out so quickly.

Several big-name celebrities who were originally invited by the program to be observers of the finals also terminated their contracts and parted ways with the program team.

At this point, those who are waiting for the final episode can leave now.

Lu Zhou: "How about I treat you to a meal? Just in time... my three-star student has also been selected."

And I'm afraid he's still the youngest one.

"Yes." Huang Guangming nodded with a heavy expression and sighed, "We were studying together, but it turned out to be unpleasant, so I came back first."

He had always felt that Qian Hua and Xiao Jian were a good match.

Huang Guangming nodded: "Okay."

At the same time, there is also 1.6 million scientific research funds.

Several big-name celebrities who were originally invited by the program to be observers of the finals also terminated their contracts and parted ways with the program team.

Looking at the document and the "top youth" certificate issued to him by the school, he always felt that there was a sense of compensation in it.

"No," Huang Guangming shook his head, "I just can't accept someone slandering my friend behind his back, and in a way that confuses right and wrong..."

In addition, in addition to scientific research funding, there is also policy support from other aspects.

Logically speaking, as one of the 12 major talent projects identified in the talent development plan, the selection process for top-notch youth in this 10,000-person program would have to go through the second half of the year, even if there is a recommendation letter from an academician.

After returning from school, Lu Zhou was very busy these days applying for this ten-person program. The writing of his graduation thesis has almost stopped, and the system's reward tasks have just passed the (1/15) threshold. As for the fifty documents and a set of experiments, he has not touched them at all.

After the audience knew that they had been deceived and that the so-called competition was just a carefully planned script, they could no longer look directly at this science reality show that was billed as a competition for the "World's Strongest Academic Master".

"Yes." Huang Guangming nodded with a heavy expression and sighed, "We were studying together, but it turned out to be unpleasant, so I came back first."

Renren Daily published an article saying that the TV station punished itself with three cups, and the strongest academic announced that it would be suspended indefinitely. However, the program team has been disbanded and reorganized, and everyone knows that it is impossible to resume broadcasting.

In short, from now on, he can be regarded as a member of the "Four Youths".

At this point, those who are waiting for the final episode can leave now.

The worst thing may be Wu Yan. Although he fled to New Zealand and escaped criminal prosecution, his personality has collapsed and his degree has been revoked. He will spend the rest of his life in the shadows.

It's not okay to go on like this.

Several big-name celebrities who were originally invited by the program to be observers of the finals also terminated their contracts and parted ways with the program team.

Normally, shouldn't I decline at this time

At this moment, the door to the dormitory opened, and Huang Guangming, carrying a shoulder bag, walked in from the outside.

Both of them are optimistic types. Although they both have their own shortcomings, everyone has shortcomings.

Looking at the Ten Thousand People Plan certificate in his hand, Lu Zhou shook his head and sighed.

What surprised Lu Zhou was not that he was selected, but that he didn't expect that the application approval document would come out so quickly.

After all, very few people apply for this title simply because they don't have enough money.

After the station director was scolded, everyone knew that this guy was finished.

What surprised Lu Zhou was not that he was selected, but that he didn't expect that the application approval document would come out so quickly.

Well, actually even without these things, after the roll call of Renren Daily, the audience had almost dispersed.

If I don't work harder, wouldn't I be sorry for the system's son's cultivation of me

Huang Guangming was in a better mood, but his old habit of asking for beatings couldn't help but come back: "Thank you, Brother Fei, it seems that you can also speak human words occasionally."

After returning from school, Lu Zhou was very busy these days applying for this ten-person program. The writing of his graduation thesis has almost stopped, and the system's reward tasks have just passed the (1/15) threshold. As for the fifty documents and a set of experiments, he has not touched them at all.

Next, let’s finish the paper first.

As for the main person responsible, Director Zhang, although he was not expelled from the system, he was transferred to the printing room of the TV station. People who knew him were surprised to find that this once high-spirited director in the station seemed to have aged ten years overnight. How old are you? There are a few more gray hairs on your temples.

"No, no, no, that's not necessary." Huang Guangming waved his hand quickly.

Normally, shouldn't I decline at this time

At least, after the defense in February, we still have to wait until the announcement in August.

If you go to the library at this time, you won't be able to sit for long before it closes. Lu Zhou simply took out the draft paper from his computer bag, then turned on the desk lamp, and continued the work he had done a week ago to complete the rest of his thesis. Lower part.

Huang Guangming nodded: "Okay."

After all, very few people apply for this title simply because they don't have enough money.

It’s not just academic fraud in the semi-finals.

At this moment, the door to the dormitory opened, and Huang Guangming, carrying a shoulder bag, walked in from the outside.

After returning from school, Lu Zhou was very busy these days applying for this ten-person program. The writing of his graduation thesis has almost stopped, and the system's reward tasks have just passed the (1/15) threshold. As for the fifty documents and a set of experiments, he has not touched them at all.

He had always felt that Qian Hua and Xiao Jian were a good match.

"No," Huang Guangming shook his head, "I just can't accept someone slandering my friend behind his back, and in a way that confuses right and wrong..."

After the station director was scolded, everyone knew that this guy was finished.

He had always felt that Qian Hua and Xiao Jian were a good match.

However, even so, if he were to be elected again, he would not hesitate to stand up to defend his research results. There is no room for compromise on this point because it is a matter of principle as a scholar.

It’s not just Director Zhang.

He had always felt that Qian Hua and Xiao Jian were a good match.

Shi Shang, who was originally sitting in his seat tuning the guitar, raised his head and glanced at Huang Guangming. He found that his expression was a little unnatural, and asked after a pause.

After returning from school, Lu Zhou was very busy these days applying for this ten-person program. The writing of his graduation thesis has almost stopped, and the system's reward tasks have just passed the (1/15) threshold. As for the fifty documents and a set of experiments, he has not touched them at all.

At this point, he smiled freely: "Let's break up, it's not a big deal. There is nothing between us, we are just ordinary friends who can talk to each other... We really want to be together. We will face each other all day long." The men calling me “husband” are annoying enough.”

"Bitch, what's wrong with you?"

Lu Zhou suddenly felt like he was being tricked again...

As it turned out, there was no waiting until August.

At this moment, the door to the dormitory opened, and Huang Guangming, carrying a shoulder bag, walked in from the outside.

The boy agreed so quickly that Lu Zhou almost didn't react.

Shi Shang, who was originally sitting in his seat tuning the guitar, raised his head and glanced at Huang Guangming. He found that his expression was a little unnatural, and asked after a pause.

It's not okay to go on like this.

"Yes." Huang Guangming nodded with a heavy expression and sighed, "We were studying together, but it turned out to be unpleasant, so I came back first."

"It's nothing," Huang Guangming sighed and put down his shoulder bag with a slightly sad expression. "A young relationship has ended before it even started."

Reverse Rubik's Cube, blind filling in Sudoku, memorizing questions in front of the audience, rehearsing scripts...

However, even so, if he were to be elected again, he would not hesitate to stand up to defend his research results. There is no room for compromise on this point because it is a matter of principle as a scholar.

Liu Rui looked gloating, but still asked with concern: "Qian Hua?"

As it turned out, there was no waiting until August.

"Bitch, what's wrong with you?"

The boy agreed so quickly that Lu Zhou almost didn't react.

In short, from now on, he can be regarded as a member of the "Four Youths".

It’s not just academic fraud in the semi-finals.

"Yes." Huang Guangming nodded with a heavy expression and sighed, "We were studying together, but it turned out to be unpleasant, so I came back first."

He had always felt that Qian Hua and Xiao Jian were a good match.

At the same time, there is also 1.6 million scientific research funds.

Shi Shang sighed and swept his index finger across the tuned guitar, "Hey, there is no grass anywhere in the world. I believe in you, classmate Guangming, your future will be bright!"

The school issued a defense notice, Lu Zhou prepared the defense materials, and followed Professor Tang's suggestion to submit the application topic as "Polignac Conjecture" as his scientific research project.

Lu Zhou: "How about I treat you to a meal? Just in time... my three-star student has also been selected."

That is the math expert who was hyped as Wu Yan's "biggest rival" some time ago when he won the championship. When the person who broke the news handed out the scarf, the powerful man was sitting in the waiting room playing with his mobile phone, waiting for the flight back to China.

Lu Zhou's expression was a little subtle and he coughed dryly.

Normally, shouldn't I decline at this time

It’s not just Director Zhang.

"Because of me?"

As for the main person responsible, Director Zhang, although he was not expelled from the system, he was transferred to the printing room of the TV station. People who knew him were surprised to find that this once high-spirited director in the station seemed to have aged ten years overnight. How old are you? There are a few more gray hairs on your temples.

Looking at the Ten Thousand People Plan certificate in his hand, Lu Zhou shook his head and sighed.

However, even so, if he were to be elected again, he would not hesitate to stand up to defend his research results. There is no room for compromise on this point because it is a matter of principle as a scholar.

Logically speaking, as one of the 12 major talent projects identified in the talent development plan, the selection process for top-notch youth in this 10,000-person program would have to go through the second half of the year, even if there is a recommendation letter from an academician.

As for the main person responsible, Director Zhang, although he was not expelled from the system, he was transferred to the printing room of the TV station. People who knew him were surprised to find that this once high-spirited director in the station seemed to have aged ten years overnight. How old are you? There are a few more gray hairs on your temples.

"Because of me?"

"It's nothing," Huang Guangming sighed and put down his shoulder bag with a slightly sad expression. "A young relationship has ended before it even started."

Logically speaking, as one of the 12 major talent projects identified in the talent development plan, the selection process for top-notch youth in this 10,000-person program would have to go through the second half of the year, even if there is a recommendation letter from an academician.

In addition, in addition to scientific research funding, there is also policy support from other aspects.

After all, this kind of program has been completely ruined, and anyone who gets involved in it will be a mess.

Shi Shang, who was originally sitting in his seat tuning the guitar, raised his head and glanced at Huang Guangming. He found that his expression was a little unnatural, and asked after a pause.

If I don't work harder, wouldn't I be sorry for the system's son's cultivation of me

"No," Huang Guangming shook his head, "I just can't accept someone slandering my friend behind his back, and in a way that confuses right and wrong..."

At least, after the defense in February, we still have to wait until the announcement in August.

Maybe it's his imagination

In short, from now on, he can be regarded as a member of the "Four Youths".

Several big-name celebrities who were originally invited by the program to be observers of the finals also terminated their contracts and parted ways with the program team.

Shi Shang, who was originally sitting in his seat tuning the guitar, raised his head and glanced at Huang Guangming. He found that his expression was a little unnatural, and asked after a pause.

Looking at the Ten Thousand People Plan certificate in his hand, Lu Zhou shook his head and sighed.

At this point, he smiled freely: "Let's break up, it's not a big deal. There is nothing between us, we are just ordinary friends who can talk to each other... We really want to be together. We will face each other all day long." The men calling me “husband” are annoying enough.”

After the audience knew that they had been deceived and that the so-called competition was just a carefully planned script, they could no longer look directly at this science reality show that was billed as a competition for the "World's Strongest Academic Master".

Huang Guangming nodded: "Okay."

Of course, Lu Zhou himself is an undergraduate now, and it is impossible to lead graduate students. However, it is still within a reasonable range to give yourself a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan and slightly improve your life. You only need to write a research expenditure report every year and submit it together with the project research progress report.

"It's nothing," Huang Guangming sighed and put down his shoulder bag with a slightly sad expression. "A young relationship has ended before it even started."

He had always felt that Qian Hua and Xiao Jian were a good match.

Of course, Lu Zhou himself is an undergraduate now, and it is impossible to lead graduate students. However, it is still within a reasonable range to give yourself a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan and slightly improve your life. You only need to write a research expenditure report every year and submit it together with the project research progress report.

The document that approved the selection of the Ten Thousand People Plan was inexplicably released ahead of schedule.


Shi Shang sighed and swept his index finger across the tuned guitar, "Hey, there is no grass anywhere in the world. I believe in you, classmate Guangming, your future will be bright!"

Regarding the selection of the Ten Thousand People Plan.

Normally, shouldn't I decline at this time

As it turned out, there was no waiting until August.

Of course, Lu Zhou himself is an undergraduate now, and it is impossible to lead graduate students. However, it is still within a reasonable range to give yourself a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan and slightly improve your life. You only need to write a research expenditure report every year and submit it together with the project research progress report.

After the audience knew that they had been deceived and that the so-called competition was just a carefully planned script, they could no longer look directly at this science reality show that was billed as a competition for the "World's Strongest Academic Master".

Looking at the Ten Thousand People Plan certificate in his hand, Lu Zhou shook his head and sighed.

Lu Zhou's expression was a little subtle and he coughed dryly.

At this point, those who are waiting for the final episode can leave now.

Huang Guangming was in a better mood, but his old habit of asking for beatings couldn't help but come back: "Thank you, Brother Fei, it seems that you can also speak human words occasionally."

Such a result was not beyond Lu Zhou's expectation.

"It's nothing," Huang Guangming sighed and put down his shoulder bag with a slightly sad expression. "A young relationship has ended before it even started."

Maybe it's his imagination

It's not okay to go on like this.

"Do you want me to give you a song called Maple Leaves Falling Slowly?"

After the audience knew that they had been deceived and that the so-called competition was just a carefully planned script, they could no longer look directly at this science reality show that was billed as a competition for the "World's Strongest Academic Master".

Huang Guangming nodded: "Okay."

"No, no, no, that's not necessary." Huang Guangming waved his hand quickly.

As for the main person responsible, Director Zhang, although he was not expelled from the system, he was transferred to the printing room of the TV station. People who knew him were surprised to find that this once high-spirited director in the station seemed to have aged ten years overnight. How old are you? There are a few more gray hairs on your temples.

Huang Guangming nodded: "Okay."

The worst thing may be Wu Yan. Although he fled to New Zealand and escaped criminal prosecution, his personality has collapsed and his degree has been revoked. He will spend the rest of his life in the shadows.

And I'm afraid he's still the youngest one.

Lu Zhou suddenly felt like he was being tricked again...

"Bitch, what's wrong with you?"


The fraud in other links was also uncovered.

Seeing the optimistic Xiao Jian, Lu Zhou still felt very sad.

In short, from now on, he can be regarded as a member of the "Four Youths".

Well, actually even without these things, after the roll call of Renren Daily, the audience had almost dispersed.

He had always felt that Qian Hua and Xiao Jian were a good match.

Logically speaking, as one of the 12 major talent projects identified in the talent development plan, the selection process for top-notch youth in this 10,000-person program would have to go through the second half of the year, even if there is a recommendation letter from an academician.

However, even so, if he were to be elected again, he would not hesitate to stand up to defend his research results. There is no room for compromise on this point because it is a matter of principle as a scholar.

In short, from now on, he can be regarded as a member of the "Four Youths".

It’s not just Director Zhang.

Huang Guangming nodded: "Okay."

Liu Rui looked gloating, but still asked with concern: "Qian Hua?"

It can even be said that the policy support is the key point, and the small amount of funds provided is secondary.

At this point, those who are waiting for the final episode can leave now.

Both of them are optimistic types. Although they both have their own shortcomings, everyone has shortcomings.

"Yes." Huang Guangming nodded with a heavy expression and sighed, "We were studying together, but it turned out to be unpleasant, so I came back first."

The boy agreed so quickly that Lu Zhou almost didn't react.

Such a result was not beyond Lu Zhou's expectation.

However, even so, if he were to be elected again, he would not hesitate to stand up to defend his research results. There is no room for compromise on this point because it is a matter of principle as a scholar.

If you go to the library at this time, you won't be able to sit for long before it closes. Lu Zhou simply took out the draft paper from his computer bag, then turned on the desk lamp, and continued the work he had done a week ago to complete the rest of his thesis. Lower part.

Lu Zhou: "How about I treat you to a meal? Just in time... my three-star student has also been selected."

Of course, Lu Zhou himself is an undergraduate now, and it is impossible to lead graduate students. However, it is still within a reasonable range to give yourself a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan and slightly improve your life. You only need to write a research expenditure report every year and submit it together with the project research progress report.

If you go to the library at this time, you won't be able to sit for long before it closes. Lu Zhou simply took out the draft paper from his computer bag, then turned on the desk lamp, and continued the work he had done a week ago to complete the rest of his thesis. Lower part.


"Do you want me to give you a song called Maple Leaves Falling Slowly?"

After all, this kind of program has been completely ruined, and anyone who gets involved in it will be a mess.

Lu Zhou: "How about I treat you to a meal? Just in time... my three-star student has also been selected."

If I don't work harder, wouldn't I be sorry for the system's son's cultivation of me

After the station director was scolded, everyone knew that this guy was finished.

It’s not just academic fraud in the semi-finals.

In short, from now on, he can be regarded as a member of the "Four Youths".

"It's nothing," Huang Guangming sighed and put down his shoulder bag with a slightly sad expression. "A young relationship has ended before it even started."

Both of them are optimistic types. Although they both have their own shortcomings, everyone has shortcomings.

Next, let’s finish the paper first.

Huang Guangming nodded: "Okay."

It's not okay to go on like this.

At this point, those who are waiting for the final episode can leave now.

After all, very few people apply for this title simply because they don't have enough money.

Looking at the Ten Thousand People Plan certificate in his hand, Lu Zhou shook his head and sighed.

Regarding the selection of the Ten Thousand People Plan.

The fraud in other links was also uncovered.

"No, no, no, that's not necessary." Huang Guangming waved his hand quickly.

Lu Zhou suddenly felt like he was being tricked again...

The boy agreed so quickly that Lu Zhou almost didn't react.

Reverse Rubik's Cube, blind filling in Sudoku, memorizing questions in front of the audience, rehearsing scripts...

After the station director was scolded, everyone knew that this guy was finished.

"It's nothing," Huang Guangming sighed and put down his shoulder bag with a slightly sad expression. "A young relationship has ended before it even started."

Maybe it's his imagination

Normally, shouldn't I decline at this time

After returning from school, Lu Zhou was very busy these days applying for this ten-person program. The writing of his graduation thesis has almost stopped, and the system's reward tasks have just passed the (1/15) threshold. As for the fifty documents and a set of experiments, he has not touched them at all.

"No," Huang Guangming shook his head, "I just can't accept someone slandering my friend behind his back, and in a way that confuses right and wrong..."

It's not okay to go on like this.

What surprised him was another thing -

As it turned out, there was no waiting until August.

It's not okay to go on like this.

Although these scientific research funds cannot be directly put into bank cards, they can be used to purchase air tickets, travel expenses for academic exchanges abroad, and pay salaries to graduate students...

Well, actually even without these things, after the roll call of Renren Daily, the audience had almost dispersed.

Lu Zhou suddenly felt like he was being tricked again...

Normally, shouldn't I decline at this time

At this point, he smiled freely: "Let's break up, it's not a big deal. There is nothing between us, we are just ordinary friends who can talk to each other... We really want to be together. We will face each other all day long." The men calling me “husband” are annoying enough.”

After all, very few people apply for this title simply because they don't have enough money.