Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 144: Paper published


The reason why he was able to pass the 985 exam was not because of how talented he was, it was just because of his solid basic skills and the pile of questions...

He will be able to get his master's degree by this time next year at the latest. And when he gets his master's degree, there may not be anything that can be taught to him at JJTU.

In fact, now, he is no longer working part-time just for the money, but wants to think about ordinary problems purely from the perspective of an ordinary person. This is also a special way of relaxing for him.

Just when Lu Zhou thought that he would soon return to normal campus life, the paper proving the twin prime conjecture finally came belatedly and appeared in the latest issue of "Annals of Mathematics".

"I've gone through all the content in the mathematics, physics and chemistry textbooks for you, and I've also pointed out a few areas that need to be focused on training. I don't have anything new to teach you anymore, it's just repeated practice. You will be able to graduate from me in about June.”

Today, Ms. Yang hasn't come back from working overtime, so it's just the two of them eating.

"I am sure!"

While reporting on this research result, Huaguo Youth Daily also quoted the reviewer's evaluation of his research results.

The person who reported this incident was the Huaguo Youth Daily.

No matter how the media evaluates Lu Zhou, Lu Zhou's evaluation of himself has always been that of a hard-working player rather than a completely talented player.

[A popular candidate for the Fields Medal in 2018. This kind of great master is kept as a treasure wherever he goes. If you don't envy him, just do applied mathematics to finance. Again, pure mathematics is a dead end.]

Of course, if Ms. Yang offered to give him a salary increase, he would not refuse.

"you sure?"

There were overwhelming reports on the Internet. After Lu Zhou secretly enjoyed it, he "cooperated" with the China Youth Daily in a tacit understanding. He did not go to the library for three days and just worked on his graduation thesis in his dormitory.

Not only on scarves, but also on the forums of major universities.

[It is precisely because you are a genius that you need to learn more. But their studies are definitely different from yours. I heard that Jinda has specially set up a special talent training plan for him, which directly awards undergraduate degrees and admits graduate students. He can get dual doctorates at home and abroad in four or even three years at the fastest. During this period, he can produce any results at will, and then he can finish the work. The report is the treatment of a full professor...if he is still willing to come back by then.]

[Shock! The prover of the twin prime conjecture turned out to be him!]

However, he didn't stay in the dormitory completely during the past three days. For example, on Sunday, he went to Ms. Yang's house and tutored Han Mengqi on math problems.

[Hold the grass, the twenty-year-old "Four Youths"! Isn’t the minimum threshold for selection for the Ten Thousand Talents Program a doctorate?]

Lu Zhou nodded: "Probably next year, the school will plan to send me to Princeton to study for a Ph.D., so that I can learn scientific research nutrients on a higher platform."

There is only one title, but it is full of information.

Yenching University, unnamed BBS.


[Twisted with envy.]

[A strong scholar is so terrifying!]

For a child from a wealthy family like this, it doesn’t seem to matter what he studies, right

[I have been evaluated for four times and have been cannon fodder for four times. Every year when I see the huge crowds during the selection and defense, I feel a sense of despair. Now I suddenly feel relieved. It turns out that it’s not that there are too many monks but that I’m not strong enough...]

"Of course," Lu Zhou joked, "and maybe he will be the professor when I come back."

Lu Zhou has always believed that girls have a natural disadvantage in learning science subjects that emphasize logical thinking, but now it seems that this truth is not completely correct.

Of course, the main thing is that the little girl Han Mengqi strives for her own success, and her talent in science is surprisingly good, and she can understand many things once taught. If it were someone else's head, I would probably be so angry that I wouldn't want to come.

I'm afraid the editor who wrote the article also had a headache for a while, how to combine such dense and explosive news into a one-sentence title.

[Upstairs, how many Ph.D.s are there who can commit such fraud? I'm afraid not all doctoral supervisors are so cheating.]


[In the number theory class just now, Old Man Wang also told us about this guy. He said that he could tell at a glance that this guy was not simple. Unexpectedly, when I looked back, I solved a mathematical conjecture. Hey, it's a pity that I wasn't there. It would be nice to give the master a round of applause.]

Han Mengqi asked in a low voice: "Will you study abroad like my elder sister?"

In addition to official reports, self-media reports are still eye-catching. Lu Zhou can guess it even without looking at his mobile phone.

Because he had a hunch that if he went to the library, the people next to him would definitely not be able to study.

[With these qualifications, any doctoral student can graduate directly.]

At that time, it is inevitable to go to a higher platform for further study.

Pure numbers are not a good choice, especially for girls.

At the dinner table, Lu Zhou chatted with her about study matters and said casually.

"Okay, but I have to tell you," Lu Zhou put down his chopsticks and took out a napkin to wipe his mouth, "It's not that easy to be my apprentice. At least give me a 985 test first."

Let’s think about it for the sake of the seniors taking the postgraduate entrance exams.

[Yes, two core SCI articles and one work, not to mention this kind of research results, are enough for graduation in any domestic university. But unfortunately, he is still too young, and a doctorate degree cannot be awarded casually.]

[Zhou Cao, is there anyone who can teach such a genius?]

[Please do not consume dead celebrities...]

"Young scholar Lu Zhou won the Best Young Speaker Award at the Princeton Academic Conference, and the world-class problem of twin prime numbers was solved"

After experiencing a few short days of silence, he soon realized again what it means to be "the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop."

Then there will be a lot of question-based training to further consolidate the knowledge learned. If she can persevere, she will be able to achieve positive results. If you can't persevere, it will be just an ordinary book at most. It all depends on the individual's luck.

At least, it was quite difficult to make up for all the missed courses in just one semester, follow the teacher's footsteps, and push the math score from below the passing line to the high level of 135.

After all, it’s not easy for everyone, so it’s not too late to go to the library after the heat has passed. Anyway, he has been busy with thesis these days and has no time to pay attention to system tasks.

[After sacrificing a "strongest academic master", Brother Lu was crowned and ascended the throne!]

After the routine tutoring, Lu Zhou put on his apron and went to cook two side dishes. One dish is stir-fried pork with green peppers, and the other is the little girl’s favorite mapo tofu, which is a reward for her monthly test score reaching a new high this month.

"Yeah!" Han Mengqi nodded enthusiastically, "I really like mathematics!"

[This is an outstanding result, both in terms of the final conclusion reached by the author and the groundbreaking method used in proving this conjecture. Now we can say with certainty that the twin primes are infinite - Pierre Deligne]

Combined with the copyright controversy some time ago, this news immediately caused a sensation on the Internet as soon as it was reported.

[I originally went on stage to give a report, but I didn’t expect a sudden inspiration to prove a major conjecture and shock the world!]

Han Mengqi waved her fist and said with full fighting spirit: "I will work hard!"

"That's it." Han Mengqi looked a little disappointed, "Then, will you come back then?"

At the same time, the fact that Lu Zhou was selected into the Ten Thousand Talents Program and became the youngest "outstanding" scholar was also mentioned in the report.

As for another reason besides relaxing the brain, it may be the sense of accomplishment.

Han Mengqi raised her head and said happily, "Really? After I graduate as an undergraduate, can I apply for your graduate degree?"

It was a Chinese scholar who made outstanding achievements in this field, and it was a Chinese who pushed this conjecture to the end. With the publication of this paper, all these efforts finally came to a close. period.

A fair assessment, if it hadn't been for the systematic improvement of my thinking ability in a certain subject, my talent in science might not necessarily be comparable to this little girl.

"Sign up as my graduate student?" Lu Zhou raised his eyebrows, "You want to do pure mathematics?"

It has to be said that it is quite a sense of accomplishment to watch a young apprentice transform from a scumbag in elementary school to a tyrant in elementary school. It's like the sapling that I watered so hard finally bloomed.

[Mathematics is indeed a field for geniuses. I won’t say anything else. I am a scumbag and will quietly switch to coding next semester to make money... ]