Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 145: There is no way to take this class


The popularity of the twin prime conjecture gradually faded, and the old hot spots were quickly replaced by new ones.


"Hold the grass and watch the boss at close range!"

Chang Qing: [I don’t know if the boss will compete with digital analog this year? Can you take me with you? I really want to touch the Higher Education Society Cup up close.]


Before Lu Zhou could react, his hand was held by him.

A senior who looked like a junior came over excitedly, "Lu Shen, can you shake my hand?"

Seeing that the hot search item had disappeared from the hot search list, Lu Zhou breathed a sigh of relief.

Forget about hanging a photo of himself. I don’t know where the ID photo was taken from. It doesn’t reflect his true appearance at all!

He has already asked Director Lu. After the interview on the TV station is over, the award will be presented to him personally by Principal Xu.

Seeing that the hot search item had disappeared from the hot search list, Lu Zhou breathed a sigh of relief.

This is not the point.

"Xueba Xueba, do you have a WeChat ID? Can you add me?"

Finally, he could go to the library normally.

Presented by: Zhou Haizhong.

Chang Qing: [I don’t know if the boss will compete with digital analog this year? Can you take me with you? I really want to touch the Higher Education Society Cup up close.]

However, just as he was looking at the blackboard curiously, the PPT turned to the next page.

His thesis is in its final stages and all that remains is some revision work. If everything goes well, I can start my defense in mid-March, get my undergraduate degree by the end of the month at the latest, and then start challenging for my master's degree.

At this time, Xiao Ai suddenly threw a pop-up window at him.

As expected, the library still doesn't work.


If you just take a look, it's okay. Lu Zhou is very easy to talk to.

When he said this, the doctoral student seemed to be afraid that the students would not find out, and smiled at Lu Zhou.

After getting up early, Lu Zhou went to the library at the opening time as usual. However, before the library door opened, he was recognized by a sharp-eyed young lady with a master's degree at the door.

Finally, he could go to the library normally.

However, the second page is related to Lu Zhou.

"Wow, are you Lu Zhou? Master!!! I am also from the mathematics department! Can you help me? I always fail in my papers. Can you help me find out where the problem is?"

Looking at the chat among these funny people, Lu Zhou smiled knowingly and wanted to give a like silently, but found that it was not a circle of friends and there was no like button.

Lu Zhou couldn't help but cover his face.

"Are you here? Why don't you send me your email and I'll have time..."

Lu Zhou couldn't help but cover his face.

As expected, the library still doesn't work.

If you just take a look, it's okay. Lu Zhou is very easy to talk to.

Finally, he could go to the library normally.

Xiao Ai: [It’s 2.9 million.]

"Xueba Xueba, do you have a WeChat ID? Can you add me?"

"Are you here? Why don't you send me your email and I'll have time..."

However, before he could finish speaking, the people nearby who heard the sound quickly gathered around him.

Xianzong: [Hey, it’s a pity that the great god is too aloof. After Chuchu brought the great god in, the great god didn’t say a word.]

"One thousand counts as an egg, I'll pay... I'll pay one thousand and five!"

This is simply a lifelong stain!

However, before he could finish speaking, the people nearby who heard the sound quickly gathered around him.

Lu Zhou found a seat and sat down. He breathed a sigh of relief, took out his computer from his bag, opened it and prepared to edit the paper.

Inside the pop-up window are the chat records of the mathematical modeling community group.

"It's Lu Zhou... he's awesome. He's really as young as he says on the Internet."

Looking at the chat among these funny people, Lu Zhou smiled knowingly and wanted to give a like silently, but found that it was not a circle of friends and there was no like button.

Taking advantage of these five short minutes, Lu Zhou decisively packed up his things and ran away.

However, this is also where the magic of number theory lies.

There is no way to take this class.

The Polignac conjecture proposes that for all natural numbers k, there are infinite pairs of prime numbers (P, P+2K). The case of k=1 is the twin prime conjecture.

After proving the twin prime number conjecture, the school planned to award him another one million.

The doctoral student standing on the podium was also embarrassed.

"It's Lu Zhou... he's awesome. He's really as young as he says on the Internet."

"Hold the grass and watch the boss at close range!"

"Wow, are you Lu Zhou? Master!!! I am also from the mathematics department! Can you help me? I always fail in my papers. Can you help me find out where the problem is?"

"Boss! Do you still use your advanced generation and fraction textbooks? If not, can you sell them to me? I'll pay you one thousand!"

Xiao Ai: [It’s 2.9 million.]


Proven by: Lu Zhou.

Lu Zhou:

The popularity on the Internet has faded, and schools may have to wait for a while.

"Do you want to prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination too? Come to the library so early."

"Possessed by the God of Study, don't wash your hands before taking the postgraduate entrance examination!" Shen Shen muttered a few words, and the senior let go of his hand, leaving the confused Lu Zhou behind, and hurried away.

Tired of writing the paper, Lu Zhou closed his laptop and planned to see what he had to say.

Quickly turn PPT pages.

After getting up early, Lu Zhou went to the library at the opening time as usual. However, before the library door opened, he was recognized by a sharp-eyed young lady with a master's degree at the door.

Lu Zhou couldn't help but cover his face.

Before Lu Zhou could react, his hand was held by him.

Turn to the first page of the PPT, the introduction.

When he said this, the doctoral student seemed to be afraid that the students would not find out, and smiled at Lu Zhou.

A senior who looked like a junior came over excitedly, "Lu Shen, can you shake my hand?"


Are there classes here

Forget about hanging a photo of himself. I don’t know where the ID photo was taken from. It doesn’t reflect his true appearance at all!

Before Lu Zhou could react, his hand was held by him.

Presented by: Zhou Haizhong.

Proven by: Lu Zhou.

However, before he could finish speaking, the people nearby who heard the sound quickly gathered around him.

Xiao Ai: [It’s 2.9 million.]

"Today we are talking about basic number theory... Let me introduce myself in the first class. My name is Wang Shijie. I am still studying for a Ph.D., and my direction is number theory research. By the way, let me advertise to my boss. Since the students have chosen such a specialized course, it must be logarithm theory. I have a certain interest. If you have plans to develop in this direction in the future, you can consider Professor Li Zhongshu of our school."

The proof idea was proposed by Chinese scholar Zhang Yitang, and the current best result is 246.

The contribution of Chinese mathematicians to the study of prime numbers.

"Possessed by the God of Study, don't wash your hands before taking the postgraduate entrance examination!" Shen Shen muttered a few words, and the senior let go of his hand, leaving the confused Lu Zhou behind, and hurried away.

I originally wanted to liven up the atmosphere with this ID photo, but who would have thought that the victim would actually come to attend my class!

"Xueba Xueba, do you have a WeChat ID? Can you add me?"


Proven by: Lu Zhou.

"One thousand counts as an egg, I'll pay... I'll pay one thousand and five!"

Lu Zhou:

Zhou's theorem: When 2^(2^n)