Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 146: Then go on stage and speak


Liu Rui was stunned for a moment.

"Remember, there is a test at the end of the semester."

Not much is known about Professor Lu Zhou of Huanan, except that he is the vice director of the Mathematics Society. Lu Zhou had only read one of his papers, which seemed to prove Lusztig's conjecture about the base ring for the affine A-type Weyl group. In short, this man is also a big shot in the fields of algebraic groups and functional analysis.

[Equilibrium problem in Hilbert space and viscous approximation method of finite non-stretch mapping]

After that complex change lesson, Lu Zhou never went to a math class again.

In order to introduce Hilbert space into quantum mechanics and use mathematical problems to study the motion laws of microscopic particles, he wrote a lot of papers and took several advanced quantum mechanics courses for graduate students.

When writing a thesis, it was actually a learning process for Lu Zhou.

The Chinese translation of this journal is "Progress in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics", which focuses on all areas of the interaction between theoretical physics and mathematics, with an impact factor of 2.3. Although this IF value is not very high, this journal is quite prestigious in the field and is a core journal in the first area.

As for the paper, he plans to translate it and submit it to Advances-in-Theoretical-and-Mathematical-Physics.

Just from the completion of this task, it is not difficult to see how much effort he has put in during this period.

Lu Zhou asked cautiously: "Can I ask who it is?"

They don't want to say anything except a sentence of MMP.

And those who were able to keep up with the rhythm gradually began to find it difficult.

Lu Zhou thought dumbfounded.

"No," Huang Guangming shook his head vigorously, "Brother Lu said that giving away points must mean giving away lives. Brother Lu said simple things, but if you don't understand, isn't it a basic operation?"

Passion is something that can only be vented once.

Huang Xiaojian, who was sitting next to him, glanced at the blackboard and blinked.

"I hope the teacher will be kind to you." Lu Zhou smiled and said modestly.

In the last step, Lu Zhou wrote an abstract for the paper, which was a summary of his work during this period.

Lu Zhou on the stage had finished writing on the blackboard and stood aside to let the students in the classroom take notes.

After explicitly declining several invitations to collaborate on papers, fewer people bothered him.

Liu Rui's eyes widened, he simply stopped writing in his hand and complained softly.

This time, the classmates who had barely kept up with the pace now joined the army of bewildered faces.

"...the transformation function between ζ-coordinates and ξ-coordinates can be obtained by compounding one of the mappings and the inverse of the other. After a not very complicated transformation, it can be obtained that the unit sphere and the Riemann sphere are diffeomorphisms."

The old professor who had been fishing next to him put down his thermos cup with a smile, walked to the podium, and tapped something on the blackboard.

The students in the first row came to their senses first and took out their mobile phones to take pictures. The students in the back row were still silent at this moment.

These two tasks can be carried out simultaneously and do not conflict with each other.


After the number theory class, Lu Zhou also listened to a lesson on complex variables with Classes 1 and 2 of Number Theory. After all, this lesson was on his schedule. His roommate went to listen, so he followed.

Liu Rui ignored him.

Looking at the completed paper, Lu Zhou let out a sigh of relief and entered the system space to confirm the progress of the task.

Huang Guangming poked Liu Rui, who was about to go crazy, and said happily: "It's okay. Brother Lu is in our dormitory anyway. I'll figure it out in the evening."

As for Academician Lu's famous name, it is like thunder.

However, when he lectured, he obviously ignored the receptive ability of others.

Except for the first time I went to the library, things got much better afterwards.

All that's left is to change a copy of the thesis according to the graduation thesis format and hand it over to Professor Tang.

In the office.

Therefore, when writing this paper, he still used mathematical thinking to think.

I just want to get a diploma, what the hell...

He is a member of international cooperation groups such as BESIII and LHCb. In 2013, he discovered the four-quark state Zc (3900) in the Beijing Electron Positron Collider experiment. This discovery was rated as one of the top ten physics advances in the world that year. The first! Let the Chinese physics community feel proud and proud internationally!

For example, Luo Rundong stared at the blackboard and frowned, thinking for a long time before writing a few strokes on the scratch paper.

He was going crazy, not entirely because his head was about to explode.

As for the things about quantum mechanics, they were only touched upon briefly during the discussion.

[Abstract: In the real Hilbert space, a new iterative format is introduced, using the viscous approximation method to approximate the common elements of the solution set of the equilibrium problem and the fixed point solution set of the finite non-extension map, and obtain A strong convergence theorem is obtained.]

What he said was not very complicated, but Lu Zhou, who had his back to the classroom, never stopped writing chalk in his hand.

As a result, during class, when the teacher saw him sitting there, he smiled and pulled him up to speak for him.

Lu Zhou spoke seriously on the stage, and the students in the audience looked confused.

I devoted myself wholeheartedly to the writing of the paper.

He wasn't confused because he didn't listen the whole time.

Of course, it may also be because Lu Zhou always sits quietly in the corner of the library and never comes on time for the opening of the library.

Is the gap already so big

"Bitch, do you understand?"

"The ideas you proposed in your paper are very novel, and there are many overlaps between the research on real Hilbert spaces and my own research fields. However, I will not ask you specific questions here until the defense. Say hello again."

"It's okay to tell you," Professor Tang paused and continued, "One is Academician Lu Shenjian of our school, and the other is Academician Xiang Huanan of the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

Of course, although the problems of quantum mechanics are fascinating, mathematics is his basic foundation.

After briefly reading Lu Zhou's graduation thesis, Professor Tang spoke.

It has to be said that Jinda is quite advanced in the field of theoretical physics. What the old professor taught in class inspired Lu Zhou a lot.

It was impossible to attend class, at least not math class.

Hold the grass

"Hell, what is this written???"

Bonus task: Literature reading (13/50).

Looking at the almost full blackboard, several students holding up their mobile phones to take pictures had smiles on their faces, but despair in their hearts.

Although it was a great honor for these two big guys to take time out of their busy schedules to give a graduation defense for an undergraduate student like himself, at this moment, Lu Zhou only had one thought in his heart.

"No, no, I'm just asking a few questions." Professor Tang waved his hand and said with a smile, "Dean Qin and I will definitely not embarrass you, but there are two old guys who looked at the topic you chose. , If you insist on running over to be your defense teacher, I can’t stop you."

But because he desperately discovered...

After completing his graduation thesis, Lu Zhou went to Old Tang's office and handed in his research results over the past month. This was regarded as a final answer sheet for his undergraduate career of less than two years.

For him, too, the classes in this major are no longer interesting, and occasionally going to the physics academy to take classes has become his new pastime. As for normal times, he mostly goes in and out of the library.

But fortunately, all the work is over.

Professor Tang said with a smile: "Heh, are you still afraid of me finding fault? You can start preparing for your defense PPT, and remember to put some effort into it. There are many people who want to be a judge for your defense. You will be lucky when the time comes."

From the expansion of the complex plane to the Riemann sphere, Lu Zhou was not very proficient at the beginning, but later he became much more fluent.

Lu Zhou coughed and said, "Professor, you shouldn't embarrass an undergraduate student."

After all, everyone has their own things to be busy with.

Only a few people can keep up with his pace, such as Luo Rundong, the second top student in Class 1. There are still a few people who can barely keep up with his rhythm, such as Liu Rui, who is in the same dormitory...

It made sense, and he couldn't refute it for a while.

There was a cry in the classroom.

Then he can start making PPT and prepare for his graduation defense.