Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 149: A person's graduation ceremony


The final score for the defense came quickly.

"Classmate Lu Zhou, you have performed well in school and have completed all your credits."

Lu Zhou smiled and explained his purpose: "That's it, Professor Tang, I want to enroll as a graduate student here. I wonder if you have time -"

"May you climb higher peaks on your academic journey and create greater brilliance!"

Hearing this unexpected answer, Lu Zhou was stunned for a moment and didn't understand why.

A hundred without a doubt.


Holding the degree certificate and graduation certificate in his hand, Lu Zhou was about to chat with Old Tang for a while, when he suddenly saw an acquaintance walking towards him.

Lu Zhou went to Old Tang's office with his graduation certificate and degree certificate.

Lu Zhou also smiled and suddenly remembered something and said, "Professor, can I ask you a favor?"

Apart from the professors, Lu Zhou was the only student who participated in the graduation ceremony.

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Yes."

Even the two academicians nodded and praised the graduation defense. What else is there to say

After a moment of silence, he said, "Thank you, teacher, for your teaching... I will seriously consider your suggestion."

"Okay, you can consider going, but let me tell you first. Apart from the coffee table, there are only three tables in my office, and they are already full. Even if you want to come, I won't accept you." Professor Tang laughed. said.

Lu Zhou wanted to say something more, but was interrupted again by Professor Tang.

Lu Zhou smiled and explained his purpose: "That's it, Professor Tang, I want to enroll as a graduate student here. I wonder if you have time -"

Even the two academicians nodded and praised the graduation defense. What else is there to say

In a sense, his defense level already represents the upper limit for undergraduate students.

Apart from the professors, Lu Zhou was the only student who participated in the graduation ceremony.

Lu Zhou smiled politely and said, "Thank you. Come on, too."

"After review and evaluation by our school's academic degree committee, you are specifically approved to graduate early, and you will be awarded a bachelor's degree in science and a diploma in applied mathematics from Jinling University."

Before Old Tang could speak, the thin-looking graduate student sitting near the door stood up silently, went to take down the newly boiled electric kettle from the cabinet next to him, took out a paper cup, poured tea in it, and put it on the coffee table. superior.

As for the "deduction of one point for fear of making you proud" kind of thing, it seems to have no meaning to him, and the school will naturally not do it.

After a pause, Professor Tang continued: "Domestic academic circles are very particular. Academics are about schools, birth is about family status, and there are many things that cannot be explained in a few words. With your current qualifications, you may not feel it. You can’t even touch it, but judging from your growth rate, it’s only a matter of time before you see those things.”

Apart from the professors, Lu Zhou was the only student who participated in the graduation ceremony.

After a moment of silence, he said, "Thank you, teacher, for your teaching... I will seriously consider your suggestion."

Seeing through the confusion on his face at a glance, Professor Tang smiled, paused for a moment, and continued, "With your ability, even if you do the project yourself, there will be no big problem. To be honest, in the field of functional analysis, , I have nothing to teach you. As for number theory, I am not good at it. Besides, this thing requires your own study, not the guidance of others. "

Lu Zhou solemnly accepted the heavy certificate and said, "Thank you to Jinda for cultivating me and all the teachers for their teachings. I will keep it in my heart!"

Lu Zhou solemnly accepted the heavy certificate and said, "Thank you to Jinda for cultivating me and all the teachers for their teachings. I will keep it in my heart!"

"Classmate Lu Zhou, you have performed well in school and have completed all your credits."

Lu Zhou solemnly accepted the heavy certificate and said, "Thank you to Jinda for cultivating me and all the teachers for their teachings. I will keep it in my heart!"

It doesn't matter if this kind of talent is a little proud. After all, he does have something to be proud of.

Lu Zhou solemnly accepted the heavy certificate and said, "Thank you to Jinda for cultivating me and all the teachers for their teachings. I will keep it in my heart!"

Hearing this unexpected answer, Lu Zhou was stunned for a moment and didn't understand why.

However, the number of points is actually secondary. According to the five-level marking standard, after 90 points, the score reflected on the file paper will only be the word "excellent".

"I want to take a graduation photo wearing a bachelor's uniform and show it to my parents." Lu Zhou said with a smile.


However, the number of points is actually secondary. According to the five-level marking standard, after 90 points, the score reflected on the file paper will only be the word "excellent".

Although it was expected, after hearing this score, the stone hanging in Lu Zhou's heart finally fell.

When the degree certificate was issued, his tutor, Professor Tang, and Dean Qin of the School of Mathematics were both here. In addition, Director Lu from the Department of Mathematics and Professor Liu, who also taught him mathematical modeling and functional analysis classes, also came and congratulated him with a smile.

Lin Yuxiang smiled and said, "Senior Lu, will you be free soon?"

After a moment of silence, he said, "Thank you, teacher, for your teaching... I will seriously consider your suggestion."

"That's it, it's easy to talk about." Professor Tang smiled and looked at the graduate student sitting at the door, "That Xiao Wang, take your junior brother to borrow a bachelor's uniform. By the way, don't you have a SLR? By the way I helped your junior brother take the graduation photos."

If he really got a score of 99, his obsessive-compulsive disorder would definitely keep him awake.

After a pause, Professor Tang continued: "Domestic academic circles are very particular. Academics are about schools, birth is about family status, and there are many things that cannot be explained in a few words. With your current qualifications, you may not feel it. You can’t even touch it, but judging from your growth rate, it’s only a matter of time before you see those things.”

In a sense, his defense level already represents the upper limit for undergraduate students.

"We're all on our own, why are you so polite? It's just a matter of taking a photo. I'm good at this." Senior Brother Wang smiled heartily. Seeing that Lu Zhou still wanted to be polite, he pulled him and walked out the door. Go.

Once some things are missed, no matter how great achievements are made in the future, they cannot be made up for.

Lin Yuxiang smiled and said, "Senior Lu, will you be free soon?"

If he really got a score of 99, his obsessive-compulsive disorder would definitely keep him awake.

When the degree certificate was issued, his tutor, Professor Tang, and Dean Qin of the School of Mathematics were both here. In addition, Director Lu from the Department of Mathematics and Professor Liu, who also taught him mathematical modeling and functional analysis classes, also came and congratulated him with a smile.

However, the number of points is actually secondary. According to the five-level marking standard, after 90 points, the score reflected on the file paper will only be the word "excellent".

After the degree certificate awarding ceremony, people from the student union came in to clean up the auditorium.

With her fingers hooked behind her back, Lin Yuxiang, who was wearing a white dress, looked at him with a smile, blinked and said, "Congratulations, you successfully obtained your diploma. It seems I will call you Senior Lu from now on~"

"I have been a scholar for so many years and have been on the bench for so many years. I really have nothing to help you with anything other than academia. On the contrary, it may delay you. If you plan to develop in China in the future, Academician Lu is a good choice. Choice. Just in time, don’t you plan to develop in the direction of mathematical physics? Let Academician Lu lead you, which will definitely be of great benefit to your future development. You are also an adult, and I believe there are some things that I don’t need to say more about. Take good control of the future."

After a moment of silence, he said, "Thank you, teacher, for your teaching... I will seriously consider your suggestion."

Holding the degree certificate and graduation certificate in his hand, Lu Zhou was about to chat with Old Tang for a while, when he suddenly saw an acquaintance walking towards him.

Lu Zhou thought for a while and replied: "I don't think I have time. I have something to do later."

Apart from the professors, Lu Zhou was the only student who participated in the graduation ceremony.

Lu Zhou also smiled and suddenly remembered something and said, "Professor, can I ask you a favor?"

After the degree certificate awarding ceremony, people from the student union came in to clean up the auditorium.

Standing in the auditorium where the Person of the Year is awarded.

When I come to the university and go through this experience, if I don’t put on the black robe and the boxy bachelor’s hat, I always feel that something is missing in my life

"Don't go to such trouble, just give me your bachelor's uniform."

Dean Qin of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences solemnly handed over the graduation certificate and degree certificate to Lu Zhou's hands.

After the degree certificate awarding ceremony, people from the student union came in to clean up the auditorium.

"That's it, it's easy to talk about." Professor Tang smiled and looked at the graduate student sitting at the door, "That Xiao Wang, take your junior brother to borrow a bachelor's uniform. By the way, don't you have a SLR? By the way I helped your junior brother take the graduation photos."

"Classmate Lu Zhou, you have performed well in school and have completed all your credits."

"You're welcome, you're welcome. I hope you'll take care of me in the future." The graduate student grinned, turned back to his seat, sat down, and continued working on the project at hand.

Seeing through the confusion on his face at a glance, Professor Tang smiled, paused for a moment, and continued, "With your ability, even if you do the project yourself, there will be no big problem. To be honest, in the field of functional analysis, , I have nothing to teach you. As for number theory, I am not good at it. Besides, this thing requires your own study, not the guidance of others. "

"Pass tea to the boss."

"I want to take a graduation photo wearing a bachelor's uniform and show it to my parents." Lu Zhou said with a smile.

"If you don't go celebrate with your friend, why are you here here?" Looking at Lu Zhou walking into the office, Old Tang also put down the thermos cup in his hand and said with a smile.

Apart from the professors, Lu Zhou was the only student who participated in the graduation ceremony.

"After review and evaluation by our school's academic degree committee, you are specifically approved to graduate early, and you will be awarded a bachelor's degree in science and a diploma in applied mathematics from Jinling University."

Hearing this unexpected answer, Lu Zhou was stunned for a moment and didn't understand why.

However, the number of points is actually secondary. According to the five-level marking standard, after 90 points, the score reflected on the file paper will only be the word "excellent".

Lu Zhou remained silent and did not speak.

Lin Yuxiang: "...?"

"May you climb higher peaks on your academic journey and create greater brilliance!"

"You're welcome, you're welcome. I hope you'll take care of me in the future." The graduate student grinned, turned back to his seat, sat down, and continued working on the project at hand.

Seeing through the confusion on his face at a glance, Professor Tang smiled, paused for a moment, and continued, "With your ability, even if you do the project yourself, there will be no big problem. To be honest, in the field of functional analysis, , I have nothing to teach you. As for number theory, I am not good at it. Besides, this thing requires your own study, not the guidance of others. "

"That's it, it's easy to talk about." Professor Tang smiled and looked at the graduate student sitting at the door, "That Xiao Wang, take your junior brother to borrow a bachelor's uniform. By the way, don't you have a SLR? By the way I helped your junior brother take the graduation photos."

"Classmate Lu Zhou, you have performed well in school and have completed all your credits."

The final score for the defense came quickly.

Lu Zhou solemnly accepted the heavy certificate and said, "Thank you to Jinda for cultivating me and all the teachers for their teachings. I will keep it in my heart!"

After a moment of silence, he said, "Thank you, teacher, for your teaching... I will seriously consider your suggestion."

The final score for the defense came quickly.

"Okay, you can consider going, but let me tell you first. Apart from the coffee table, there are only three tables in my office, and they are already full. Even if you want to come, I won't accept you." Professor Tang laughed. said.

"Okay, you can consider going, but let me tell you first. Apart from the coffee table, there are only three tables in my office, and they are already full. Even if you want to come, I won't accept you." Professor Tang laughed. said.

"You're welcome, you're welcome. I hope you'll take care of me in the future." The graduate student grinned, turned back to his seat, sat down, and continued working on the project at hand.

Dean Qin smiled happily, nodded and said: "Congratulations on your graduation. Well, I won't say much else. You can rest for the past few days and complete your student status registration in two days, and then, Think carefully about which direction you want to study and which teacher you want to study under."

"If you don't go celebrate with your friend, why are you here here?" Looking at Lu Zhou walking into the office, Old Tang also put down the thermos cup in his hand and said with a smile.

However, the number of points is actually secondary. According to the five-level marking standard, after 90 points, the score reflected on the file paper will only be the word "excellent".

Hearing this unexpected answer, Lu Zhou was stunned for a moment and didn't understand why.

Lu Zhou remained silent and did not speak.

Lu Zhou also smiled and suddenly remembered something and said, "Professor, can I ask you a favor?"

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Yes."

Seeing this senior brother's respectful expression made Lu Zhou feel embarrassed.

Lin Yuxiang: "...?"

"I want to take a graduation photo wearing a bachelor's uniform and show it to my parents." Lu Zhou said with a smile.

Lin Yuxiang smiled and said, "Senior Lu, will you be free soon?"


Lu Zhou thought for a while and replied: "I don't think I have time. I have something to do later."

After the degree certificate awarding ceremony, people from the student union came in to clean up the auditorium.

"If you don't go celebrate with your friend, why are you here here?" Looking at Lu Zhou walking into the office, Old Tang also put down the thermos cup in his hand and said with a smile.

"We're all on our own, why are you so polite? It's just a matter of taking a photo. I'm good at this." Senior Brother Wang smiled heartily. Seeing that Lu Zhou still wanted to be polite, he pulled him and walked out the door. Go.

Holding the degree certificate and graduation certificate in his hand, Lu Zhou was about to chat with Old Tang for a while, when he suddenly saw an acquaintance walking towards him.

Lu Zhou also smiled and suddenly remembered something and said, "Professor, can I ask you a favor?"

Holding the degree certificate and graduation certificate in his hand, Lu Zhou was about to chat with Old Tang for a while, when he suddenly saw an acquaintance walking towards him.

Dean Qin of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences solemnly handed over the graduation certificate and degree certificate to Lu Zhou's hands.

Holding the degree certificate and graduation certificate in his hand, Lu Zhou was about to chat with Old Tang for a while, when he suddenly saw an acquaintance walking towards him.

With her fingers hooked behind her back, Lin Yuxiang, who was wearing a white dress, looked at him with a smile, blinked and said, "Congratulations, you successfully obtained your diploma. It seems I will call you Senior Lu from now on~"

Lu Zhou smiled politely and said, "Thank you. Come on, too."

"May you climb higher peaks on your academic journey and create greater brilliance!"

"I want to take a graduation photo wearing a bachelor's uniform and show it to my parents." Lu Zhou said with a smile.

"Don't come to my graduate school, I won't accept you."

Seeing through the confusion on his face at a glance, Professor Tang smiled, paused for a moment, and continued, "With your ability, even if you do the project yourself, there will be no big problem. To be honest, in the field of functional analysis, , I have nothing to teach you. As for number theory, I am not good at it. Besides, this thing requires your own study, not the guidance of others. "

Lu Zhou smiled politely and said, "Thank you. Come on, too."

Apart from the professors, Lu Zhou was the only student who participated in the graduation ceremony.

Lu Zhou smiled politely and said, "Thank you. Come on, too."

"Okay, Professor." The graduate student who had previously served Lu Zhou tea stood up, pushed up his glasses, and said with a smile, "Junior Brother Lu, let's go."

When the degree certificate was issued, his tutor, Professor Tang, and Dean Qin of the School of Mathematics were both here. In addition, Director Lu from the Department of Mathematics and Professor Liu, who also taught him mathematical modeling and functional analysis classes, also came and congratulated him with a smile.

"We're all on our own, why are you so polite? It's just a matter of taking a photo. I'm good at this." Senior Brother Wang smiled heartily. Seeing that Lu Zhou still wanted to be polite, he pulled him and walked out the door. Go.

Even the two academicians nodded and praised the graduation defense. What else is there to say

Lu Zhou thought for a while and replied: "I don't think I have time. I have something to do later."

"Don't come to my graduate school, I won't accept you."

Lin Yuxiang smiled and said, "Senior Lu, will you be free soon?"

Before Old Tang could speak, the thin-looking graduate student sitting near the door stood up silently, went to take down the newly boiled electric kettle from the cabinet next to him, took out a paper cup, poured tea in it, and put it on the coffee table. superior.

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Yes."

Apart from the professors, Lu Zhou was the only student who participated in the graduation ceremony.

"But… "

"I have been a scholar for so many years and have been on the bench for so many years. I really have nothing to help you with anything other than academia. On the contrary, it may delay you. If you plan to develop in China in the future, Academician Lu is a good choice. Choice. Just in time, don’t you plan to develop in the direction of mathematical physics? Let Academician Lu lead you, which will definitely be of great benefit to your future development. You are also an adult, and I believe there are some things that I don’t need to say more about. Take good control of the future."

Lu Zhou wanted to say something more, but was interrupted again by Professor Tang.

Lu Zhou thought for a while and replied: "I don't think I have time. I have something to do later."

Once some things are missed, no matter how great achievements are made in the future, they cannot be made up for.

Lin Yuxiang smiled and said, "Senior Lu, will you be free soon?"

Lu Zhou thought for a while and replied: "I don't think I have time. I have something to do later."

Before Lu Zhou could finish his words, Professor Tang raised his hand and interrupted him.

"May you climb higher peaks on your academic journey and create greater brilliance!"

"Classmate Lu Zhou, you have performed well in school and have completed all your credits."

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Yes."

Lin Yuxiang: "...?"

After a moment of silence, he said, "Thank you, teacher, for your teaching... I will seriously consider your suggestion."

Professor Tang smiled and asked: "Is there anything else?"

Lu Zhou also smiled and suddenly remembered something and said, "Professor, can I ask you a favor?"

Lin Yuxiang: "...?"

As for the "deduction of one point for fear of making you proud" kind of thing, it seems to have no meaning to him, and the school will naturally not do it.

Apart from the professors, Lu Zhou was the only student who participated in the graduation ceremony.

"I want to take a graduation photo wearing a bachelor's uniform and show it to my parents." Lu Zhou said with a smile.

"I want to take a graduation photo wearing a bachelor's uniform and show it to my parents." Lu Zhou said with a smile.

Apart from the professors, Lu Zhou was the only student who participated in the graduation ceremony.

"I want to take a graduation photo wearing a bachelor's uniform and show it to my parents." Lu Zhou said with a smile.

After listening to Professor Tang's words, Lu Zhou didn't speak for a long time because he didn't know what to say.

Lu Zhou smiled politely and said, "Thank you. Come on, too."

"But… "

Lu Zhou smiled and explained his purpose: "That's it, Professor Tang, I want to enroll as a graduate student here. I wonder if you have time -"

A hundred without a doubt.

"I want to take a graduation photo wearing a bachelor's uniform and show it to my parents." Lu Zhou said with a smile.

Lu Zhou went to Old Tang's office with his graduation certificate and degree certificate.

"That's it, it's easy to talk about." Professor Tang smiled and looked at the graduate student sitting at the door, "That Xiao Wang, take your junior brother to borrow a bachelor's uniform. By the way, don't you have a SLR? By the way I helped your junior brother take the graduation photos."

Once some things are missed, no matter how great achievements are made in the future, they cannot be made up for.

Before Old Tang could speak, the thin-looking graduate student sitting near the door stood up silently, went to take down the newly boiled electric kettle from the cabinet next to him, took out a paper cup, poured tea in it, and put it on the coffee table. superior.

"I want to take a graduation photo wearing a bachelor's uniform and show it to my parents." Lu Zhou said with a smile.

"If you don't go celebrate with your friend, why are you here here?" Looking at Lu Zhou walking into the office, Old Tang also put down the thermos cup in his hand and said with a smile.

Sighing, Professor Tang continued: "It's a shame to say that, as the once most powerful university in Asia, JJTU is indeed in a lot of decline now. There are not even a single academician in a number of colleges in such a big university. If there are any, I can help. Please recommend it. But unfortunately, in the area of mathematics, Jinda cannot give you more help. We can only hope that you will go to a higher platform to absorb the nutrients of scientific research."

Before Old Tang could speak, the thin-looking graduate student sitting near the door stood up silently, went to take down the newly boiled electric kettle from the cabinet next to him, took out a paper cup, poured tea in it, and put it on the coffee table. superior.

Lu Zhou wanted to say something more, but was interrupted again by Professor Tang.

"After review and evaluation by our school's academic degree committee, you are specifically approved to graduate early, and you will be awarded a bachelor's degree in science and a diploma in applied mathematics from Jinling University."

"Pass tea to the boss."

Lu Zhou wanted to say something more, but was interrupted again by Professor Tang.

After the degree certificate awarding ceremony, people from the student union came in to clean up the auditorium.

Seeing this senior brother's respectful expression made Lu Zhou feel embarrassed.

Although it was expected, after hearing this score, the stone hanging in Lu Zhou's heart finally fell.

As for the "deduction of one point for fear of making you proud" kind of thing, it seems to have no meaning to him, and the school will naturally not do it.

"Don't go to such trouble, just give me your bachelor's uniform."

"Classmate Lu Zhou, you have performed well in school and have completed all your credits."

Standing in the auditorium where the Person of the Year is awarded.

When the degree certificate was issued, his tutor, Professor Tang, and Dean Qin of the School of Mathematics were both here. In addition, Director Lu from the Department of Mathematics and Professor Liu, who also taught him mathematical modeling and functional analysis classes, also came and congratulated him with a smile.

After the degree certificate awarding ceremony, people from the student union came in to clean up the auditorium.


Holding the degree certificate and graduation certificate in his hand, Lu Zhou was about to chat with Old Tang for a while, when he suddenly saw an acquaintance walking towards him.

Lu Zhou smiled and explained his purpose: "That's it, Professor Tang, I want to enroll as a graduate student here. I wonder if you have time -"

Lu Zhou also smiled and suddenly remembered something and said, "Professor, can I ask you a favor?"

"Pass tea to the boss."

Seeing this senior brother's respectful expression made Lu Zhou feel embarrassed.

Lu Zhou remained silent and did not speak.

Hearing this unexpected answer, Lu Zhou was stunned for a moment and didn't understand why.

"You're welcome, you're welcome. I hope you'll take care of me in the future." The graduate student grinned, turned back to his seat, sat down, and continued working on the project at hand.

Before Old Tang could speak, the thin-looking graduate student sitting near the door stood up silently, went to take down the newly boiled electric kettle from the cabinet next to him, took out a paper cup, poured tea in it, and put it on the coffee table. superior.

Dean Qin smiled happily, nodded and said: "Congratulations on your graduation. Well, I won't say much else. You can rest for the past few days and complete your student status registration in two days, and then, Think carefully about which direction you want to study and which teacher you want to study under."

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Yes."

"If you don't go celebrate with your friend, why are you here here?" Looking at Lu Zhou walking into the office, Old Tang also put down the thermos cup in his hand and said with a smile.

"If you don't go celebrate with your friend, why are you here here?" Looking at Lu Zhou walking into the office, Old Tang also put down the thermos cup in his hand and said with a smile.

Although it was expected, after hearing this score, the stone hanging in Lu Zhou's heart finally fell.

"Classmate Lu Zhou, you have performed well in school and have completed all your credits."

Lu Zhou remained silent and did not speak.

"Don't go to such trouble, just give me your bachelor's uniform."

"Okay, you can consider going, but let me tell you first. Apart from the coffee table, there are only three tables in my office, and they are already full. Even if you want to come, I won't accept you." Professor Tang laughed. said.

"That's it, it's easy to talk about." Professor Tang smiled and looked at the graduate student sitting at the door, "That Xiao Wang, take your junior brother to borrow a bachelor's uniform. By the way, don't you have a SLR? By the way I helped your junior brother take the graduation photos."

"I have been a scholar for so many years and have been on the bench for so many years. I really have nothing to help you with anything other than academia. On the contrary, it may delay you. If you plan to develop in China in the future, Academician Lu is a good choice. Choice. Just in time, don’t you plan to develop in the direction of mathematical physics? Let Academician Lu lead you, which will definitely be of great benefit to your future development. You are also an adult, and I believe there are some things that I don’t need to say more about. Take good control of the future."

Lu Zhou smiled and explained his purpose: "That's it, Professor Tang, I want to enroll as a graduate student here. I wonder if you have time -"

Dean Qin of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences solemnly handed over the graduation certificate and degree certificate to Lu Zhou's hands.

Sighing, Professor Tang continued: "It's a shame to say that, as the once most powerful university in Asia, JJTU is indeed in a lot of decline now. There are not even a single academician in a number of colleges in such a big university. If there are any, I can help. Please recommend it. But unfortunately, in the area of mathematics, Jinda cannot give you more help. We can only hope that you will go to a higher platform to absorb the nutrients of scientific research."

Seeing through the confusion on his face at a glance, Professor Tang smiled, paused for a moment, and continued, "With your ability, even if you do the project yourself, there will be no big problem. To be honest, in the field of functional analysis, , I have nothing to teach you. As for number theory, I am not good at it. Besides, this thing requires your own study, not the guidance of others. "

After a pause, Professor Tang continued: "Domestic academic circles are very particular. Academics are about schools, birth is about family status, and there are many things that cannot be explained in a few words. With your current qualifications, you may not feel it. You can’t even touch it, but judging from your growth rate, it’s only a matter of time before you see those things.”

"Classmate Lu Zhou, you have performed well in school and have completed all your credits."

When I come to the university and go through this experience, if I don’t put on the black robe and the boxy bachelor’s hat, I always feel that something is missing in my life

Before Lu Zhou could finish his words, Professor Tang raised his hand and interrupted him.

Lu Zhou remained silent and did not speak.

"That's it, it's easy to talk about." Professor Tang smiled and looked at the graduate student sitting at the door, "That Xiao Wang, take your junior brother to borrow a bachelor's uniform. By the way, don't you have a SLR? By the way I helped your junior brother take the graduation photos."

When I come to the university and go through this experience, if I don’t put on the black robe and the boxy bachelor’s hat, I always feel that something is missing in my life

Once some things are missed, no matter how great achievements are made in the future, they cannot be made up for.

"Don't come to my graduate school, I won't accept you."

Before Lu Zhou could finish his words, Professor Tang raised his hand and interrupted him.

"Okay, Professor." The graduate student who had previously served Lu Zhou tea stood up, pushed up his glasses, and said with a smile, "Junior Brother Lu, let's go."

Before Old Tang could speak, the thin-looking graduate student sitting near the door stood up silently, went to take down the newly boiled electric kettle from the cabinet next to him, took out a paper cup, poured tea in it, and put it on the coffee table. superior.

When I come to the university and go through this experience, if I don’t put on the black robe and the boxy bachelor’s hat, I always feel that something is missing in my life

Hearing this unexpected answer, Lu Zhou was stunned for a moment and didn't understand why.

After a moment of silence, he said, "Thank you, teacher, for your teaching... I will seriously consider your suggestion."

Standing in the auditorium where the Person of the Year is awarded.

Lu Zhou smiled politely and said, "Thank you. Come on, too."

Lu Zhou also smiled and suddenly remembered something and said, "Professor, can I ask you a favor?"

Lu Zhou wanted to say something more, but was interrupted again by Professor Tang.

When the degree certificate was issued, his tutor, Professor Tang, and Dean Qin of the School of Mathematics were both here. In addition, Director Lu from the Department of Mathematics and Professor Liu, who also taught him mathematical modeling and functional analysis classes, also came and congratulated him with a smile.

Seeing through the confusion on his face at a glance, Professor Tang smiled, paused for a moment, and continued, "With your ability, even if you do the project yourself, there will be no big problem. To be honest, in the field of functional analysis, , I have nothing to teach you. As for number theory, I am not good at it. Besides, this thing requires your own study, not the guidance of others. "

Hearing this unexpected answer, Lu Zhou was stunned for a moment and didn't understand why.

With her fingers hooked behind her back, Lin Yuxiang, who was wearing a white dress, looked at him with a smile, blinked and said, "Congratulations, you successfully obtained your diploma. It seems I will call you Senior Lu from now on~"

After the degree certificate awarding ceremony, people from the student union came in to clean up the auditorium.

"If you don't go celebrate with your friend, why are you here here?" Looking at Lu Zhou walking into the office, Old Tang also put down the thermos cup in his hand and said with a smile.

The final score for the defense came quickly.

Once some things are missed, no matter how great achievements are made in the future, they cannot be made up for.

Professor Tang smiled and asked: "Is there anything else?"

Lu Zhou wanted to say something more, but was interrupted again by Professor Tang.

"But… "

Seeing this senior brother's respectful expression made Lu Zhou feel embarrassed.

Professor Tang smiled and asked: "Is there anything else?"

Before Old Tang could speak, the thin-looking graduate student sitting near the door stood up silently, went to take down the newly boiled electric kettle from the cabinet next to him, took out a paper cup, poured tea in it, and put it on the coffee table. superior.

Lu Zhou wanted to say something more, but was interrupted again by Professor Tang.

Hearing this unexpected answer, Lu Zhou was stunned for a moment and didn't understand why.

With her fingers hooked behind her back, Lin Yuxiang, who was wearing a white dress, looked at him with a smile, blinked and said, "Congratulations, you successfully obtained your diploma. It seems I will call you Senior Lu from now on~"

When I come to the university and go through this experience, if I don’t put on the black robe and the boxy bachelor’s hat, I always feel that something is missing in my life

"After review and evaluation by our school's academic degree committee, you are specifically approved to graduate early, and you will be awarded a bachelor's degree in science and a diploma in applied mathematics from Jinling University."

"I want to take a graduation photo wearing a bachelor's uniform and show it to my parents." Lu Zhou said with a smile.

Lu Zhou went to Old Tang's office with his graduation certificate and degree certificate.

Holding the degree certificate and graduation certificate in his hand, Lu Zhou was about to chat with Old Tang for a while, when he suddenly saw an acquaintance walking towards him.

Sighing, Professor Tang continued: "It's a shame to say that, as the once most powerful university in Asia, JJTU is indeed in a lot of decline now. There are not even a single academician in a number of colleges in such a big university. If there are any, I can help. Please recommend it. But unfortunately, in the area of mathematics, Jinda cannot give you more help. We can only hope that you will go to a higher platform to absorb the nutrients of scientific research."

In a sense, his defense level already represents the upper limit for undergraduate students.

Dean Qin smiled happily, nodded and said: "Congratulations on your graduation. Well, I won't say much else. You can rest for the past few days and complete your student status registration in two days, and then, Think carefully about which direction you want to study and which teacher you want to study under."

When the degree certificate was issued, his tutor, Professor Tang, and Dean Qin of the School of Mathematics were both here. In addition, Director Lu from the Department of Mathematics and Professor Liu, who also taught him mathematical modeling and functional analysis classes, also came and congratulated him with a smile.

Lu Zhou remained silent and did not speak.

"Don't go to such trouble, just give me your bachelor's uniform."

Lu Zhou thought for a while and replied: "I don't think I have time. I have something to do later."

Although it was expected, after hearing this score, the stone hanging in Lu Zhou's heart finally fell.

After a pause, Professor Tang continued: "Domestic academic circles are very particular. Academics are about schools, birth is about family status, and there are many things that cannot be explained in a few words. With your current qualifications, you may not feel it. You can’t even touch it, but judging from your growth rate, it’s only a matter of time before you see those things.”

Hearing this unexpected answer, Lu Zhou was stunned for a moment and didn't understand why.

When the degree certificate was issued, his tutor, Professor Tang, and Dean Qin of the School of Mathematics were both here. In addition, Director Lu from the Department of Mathematics and Professor Liu, who also taught him mathematical modeling and functional analysis classes, also came and congratulated him with a smile.

Lin Yuxiang: "...?"

Although it was expected, after hearing this score, the stone hanging in Lu Zhou's heart finally fell.

"I have been a scholar for so many years and have been on the bench for so many years. I really have nothing to help you with anything other than academia. On the contrary, it may delay you. If you plan to develop in China in the future, Academician Lu is a good choice. Choice. Just in time, don’t you plan to develop in the direction of mathematical physics? Let Academician Lu lead you, which will definitely be of great benefit to your future development. You are also an adult, and I believe there are some things that I don’t need to say more about. Take good control of the future."

"If you don't go celebrate with your friend, why are you here here?" Looking at Lu Zhou walking into the office, Old Tang also put down the thermos cup in his hand and said with a smile.

Sighing, Professor Tang continued: "It's a shame to say that, as the once most powerful university in Asia, JJTU is indeed in a lot of decline now. There are not even a single academician in a number of colleges in such a big university. If there are any, I can help. Please recommend it. But unfortunately, in the area of mathematics, Jinda cannot give you more help. We can only hope that you will go to a higher platform to absorb the nutrients of scientific research."

"You're welcome, you're welcome. I hope you'll take care of me in the future." The graduate student grinned, turned back to his seat, sat down, and continued working on the project at hand.

Sighing, Professor Tang continued: "It's a shame to say that, as the once most powerful university in Asia, JJTU is indeed in a lot of decline now. There are not even a single academician in a number of colleges in such a big university. If there are any, I can help. Please recommend it. But unfortunately, in the area of mathematics, Jinda cannot give you more help. We can only hope that you will go to a higher platform to absorb the nutrients of scientific research."

Dean Qin of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences solemnly handed over the graduation certificate and degree certificate to Lu Zhou's hands.

After listening to Professor Tang's words, Lu Zhou didn't speak for a long time because he didn't know what to say.

"If you don't go celebrate with your friend, why are you here here?" Looking at Lu Zhou walking into the office, Old Tang also put down the thermos cup in his hand and said with a smile.

"We're all on our own, why are you so polite? It's just a matter of taking a photo. I'm good at this." Senior Brother Wang smiled heartily. Seeing that Lu Zhou still wanted to be polite, he pulled him and walked out the door. Go.

However, the number of points is actually secondary. According to the five-level marking standard, after 90 points, the score reflected on the file paper will only be the word "excellent".

Lu Zhou smiled and explained his purpose: "That's it, Professor Tang, I want to enroll as a graduate student here. I wonder if you have time -"

"But… "

"Don't go to such trouble, just give me your bachelor's uniform."

After a moment of silence, he said, "Thank you, teacher, for your teaching... I will seriously consider your suggestion."

"That's it, it's easy to talk about." Professor Tang smiled and looked at the graduate student sitting at the door, "That Xiao Wang, take your junior brother to borrow a bachelor's uniform. By the way, don't you have a SLR? By the way I helped your junior brother take the graduation photos."

Holding the degree certificate and graduation certificate in his hand, Lu Zhou was about to chat with Old Tang for a while, when he suddenly saw an acquaintance walking towards him.

Sighing, Professor Tang continued: "It's a shame to say that, as the once most powerful university in Asia, JJTU is indeed in a lot of decline now. There are not even a single academician in a number of colleges in such a big university. If there are any, I can help. Please recommend it. But unfortunately, in the area of mathematics, Jinda cannot give you more help. We can only hope that you will go to a higher platform to absorb the nutrients of scientific research."

Even the two academicians nodded and praised the graduation defense. What else is there to say

Standing in the auditorium where the Person of the Year is awarded.

"If you don't go celebrate with your friend, why are you here here?" Looking at Lu Zhou walking into the office, Old Tang also put down the thermos cup in his hand and said with a smile.

"Okay, Professor." The graduate student who had previously served Lu Zhou tea stood up, pushed up his glasses, and said with a smile, "Junior Brother Lu, let's go."

"Okay, you can consider going, but let me tell you first. Apart from the coffee table, there are only three tables in my office, and they are already full. Even if you want to come, I won't accept you." Professor Tang laughed. said.

"I have been a scholar for so many years and have been on the bench for so many years. I really have nothing to help you with anything other than academia. On the contrary, it may delay you. If you plan to develop in China in the future, Academician Lu is a good choice. Choice. Just in time, don’t you plan to develop in the direction of mathematical physics? Let Academician Lu lead you, which will definitely be of great benefit to your future development. You are also an adult, and I believe there are some things that I don’t need to say more about. Take good control of the future."

"But… "

Lu Zhou solemnly accepted the heavy certificate and said, "Thank you to Jinda for cultivating me and all the teachers for their teachings. I will keep it in my heart!"


Seeing through the confusion on his face at a glance, Professor Tang smiled, paused for a moment, and continued, "With your ability, even if you do the project yourself, there will be no big problem. To be honest, in the field of functional analysis, , I have nothing to teach you. As for number theory, I am not good at it. Besides, this thing requires your own study, not the guidance of others. "

Seeing through the confusion on his face at a glance, Professor Tang smiled, paused for a moment, and continued, "With your ability, even if you do the project yourself, there will be no big problem. To be honest, in the field of functional analysis, , I have nothing to teach you. As for number theory, I am not good at it. Besides, this thing requires your own study, not the guidance of others. "

Professor Tang smiled and asked: "Is there anything else?"

Lu Zhou also smiled and suddenly remembered something and said, "Professor, can I ask you a favor?"

Holding the degree certificate and graduation certificate in his hand, Lu Zhou was about to chat with Old Tang for a while, when he suddenly saw an acquaintance walking towards him.

Seeing through the confusion on his face at a glance, Professor Tang smiled, paused for a moment, and continued, "With your ability, even if you do the project yourself, there will be no big problem. To be honest, in the field of functional analysis, , I have nothing to teach you. As for number theory, I am not good at it. Besides, this thing requires your own study, not the guidance of others. "

In a sense, his defense level already represents the upper limit for undergraduate students.

"Okay, you can consider going, but let me tell you first. Apart from the coffee table, there are only three tables in my office, and they are already full. Even if you want to come, I won't accept you." Professor Tang laughed. said.

"Don't come to my graduate school, I won't accept you."

Lu Zhou solemnly accepted the heavy certificate and said, "Thank you to Jinda for cultivating me and all the teachers for their teachings. I will keep it in my heart!"

Lin Yuxiang: "...?"

Professor Tang smiled and asked: "Is there anything else?"

"Pass tea to the boss."

"Pass tea to the boss."

"I want to take a graduation photo wearing a bachelor's uniform and show it to my parents." Lu Zhou said with a smile.

"Okay, Professor." The graduate student who had previously served Lu Zhou tea stood up, pushed up his glasses, and said with a smile, "Junior Brother Lu, let's go."

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Yes."

"I want to take a graduation photo wearing a bachelor's uniform and show it to my parents." Lu Zhou said with a smile.

It doesn't matter if this kind of talent is a little proud. After all, he does have something to be proud of.

"Okay, Professor." The graduate student who had previously served Lu Zhou tea stood up, pushed up his glasses, and said with a smile, "Junior Brother Lu, let's go."

Dean Qin of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences solemnly handed over the graduation certificate and degree certificate to Lu Zhou's hands.

Hearing this unexpected answer, Lu Zhou was stunned for a moment and didn't understand why.

When I come to the university and go through this experience, if I don’t put on the black robe and the boxy bachelor’s hat, I always feel that something is missing in my life

Holding the degree certificate and graduation certificate in his hand, Lu Zhou was about to chat with Old Tang for a while, when he suddenly saw an acquaintance walking towards him.

Before Lu Zhou could finish his words, Professor Tang raised his hand and interrupted him.

Lu Zhou smiled and explained his purpose: "That's it, Professor Tang, I want to enroll as a graduate student here. I wonder if you have time -"

The final score for the defense came quickly.

However, the number of points is actually secondary. According to the five-level marking standard, after 90 points, the score reflected on the file paper will only be the word "excellent".

Once some things are missed, no matter how great achievements are made in the future, they cannot be made up for.

"May you climb higher peaks on your academic journey and create greater brilliance!"

Seeing through the confusion on his face at a glance, Professor Tang smiled, paused for a moment, and continued, "With your ability, even if you do the project yourself, there will be no big problem. To be honest, in the field of functional analysis, , I have nothing to teach you. As for number theory, I am not good at it. Besides, this thing requires your own study, not the guidance of others. "

Lu Zhou went to Old Tang's office with his graduation certificate and degree certificate.

Lu Zhou thought for a while and replied: "I don't think I have time. I have something to do later."

"That's it, it's easy to talk about." Professor Tang smiled and looked at the graduate student sitting at the door, "That Xiao Wang, take your junior brother to borrow a bachelor's uniform. By the way, don't you have a SLR? By the way I helped your junior brother take the graduation photos."

Lu Zhou thought for a while and replied: "I don't think I have time. I have something to do later."

Even the two academicians nodded and praised the graduation defense. What else is there to say

With her fingers hooked behind her back, Lin Yuxiang, who was wearing a white dress, looked at him with a smile, blinked and said, "Congratulations, you successfully obtained your diploma. It seems I will call you Senior Lu from now on~"

"Okay, Professor." The graduate student who had previously served Lu Zhou tea stood up, pushed up his glasses, and said with a smile, "Junior Brother Lu, let's go."

The final score for the defense came quickly.

"Don't go to such trouble, just give me your bachelor's uniform."

Lu Zhou solemnly accepted the heavy certificate and said, "Thank you to Jinda for cultivating me and all the teachers for their teachings. I will keep it in my heart!"

"We're all on our own, why are you so polite? It's just a matter of taking a photo. I'm good at this." Senior Brother Wang smiled heartily. Seeing that Lu Zhou still wanted to be polite, he pulled him and walked out the door. Go.

"Don't go to such trouble, just give me your bachelor's uniform."

"May you climb higher peaks on your academic journey and create greater brilliance!"

Sighing, Professor Tang continued: "It's a shame to say that, as the once most powerful university in Asia, JJTU is indeed in a lot of decline now. There are not even a single academician in a number of colleges in such a big university. If there are any, I can help. Please recommend it. But unfortunately, in the area of mathematics, Jinda cannot give you more help. We can only hope that you will go to a higher platform to absorb the nutrients of scientific research."

After a pause, Professor Tang continued: "Domestic academic circles are very particular. Academics are about schools, birth is about family status, and there are many things that cannot be explained in a few words. With your current qualifications, you may not feel it. You can’t even touch it, but judging from your growth rate, it’s only a matter of time before you see those things.”

"May you climb higher peaks on your academic journey and create greater brilliance!"

If he really got a score of 99, his obsessive-compulsive disorder would definitely keep him awake.

The final score for the defense came quickly.

"We're all on our own, why are you so polite? It's just a matter of taking a photo. I'm good at this." Senior Brother Wang smiled heartily. Seeing that Lu Zhou still wanted to be polite, he pulled him and walked out the door. Go.

"Okay, you can consider going, but let me tell you first. Apart from the coffee table, there are only three tables in my office, and they are already full. Even if you want to come, I won't accept you." Professor Tang laughed. said.

"Okay, Professor." The graduate student who had previously served Lu Zhou tea stood up, pushed up his glasses, and said with a smile, "Junior Brother Lu, let's go."

After a pause, Professor Tang continued: "Domestic academic circles are very particular. Academics are about schools, birth is about family status, and there are many things that cannot be explained in a few words. With your current qualifications, you may not feel it. You can’t even touch it, but judging from your growth rate, it’s only a matter of time before you see those things.”

Lu Zhou smiled politely and said, "Thank you. Come on, too."