Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 155: The test of academician


time flies.

The so-called string theory mainly attempts to resolve the seemingly incompatible contradiction between the two major physical theories, namely quantum mechanics and general relativity, and to create a "theory of everything" that describes the entire universe, which is also the legendary " Grand Unified Theory”.

Lu Zhou: "That's almost it... I hope the professor will be merciful."

Venechino, who works at the European Center for Nuclear Research, originally wanted to find a mathematical formula describing the strong force in the nucleus. As a result, he found the 200-year-old Euler's formula in an old mathematics book, and Unexpectedly, he found that this formula could successfully describe the strong force he wanted to solve.

On April 20, Academician Lu returned to Jinda from Shanghai for a meeting. After the meeting, he asked Lu Zhou to go to the office.

Two questions were agreed upon, but three questions were clearly written on the paper.

"How is that possible?" Lu Zhou smiled and looked at the question with a thoughtful expression on his face. "It just looks a bit difficult."

The third question is about "string theory".

However, what is examined is not mathematical group theory, but the application of group theory in quantum mechanics.

As soon as Lu Zhou entered the door, the old man looked over and asked with a smile.

Originally, he planned to mention it when Lu Zhou couldn't think of it, but now it seems that there is no need for it.

Yes, he did not make a mistake.

For him, compared to the first question, which requires a little thought, this is a question that will give you points.

However, what puzzled Lu Zhou was that the third question was not testing the knowledge of string theory, but asking his own views on string theory.

If you can answer two of the three questions, you are qualified. If you can answer three of the three questions, you are considered excellent.

"How are the preparations going?"

The first question examines group theory.

On April 20, Academician Lu returned to Jinda from Shanghai for a meeting. After the meeting, he asked Lu Zhou to go to the office.

time flies.

Including the later Bose string theory, superstring theory, and the famous M theory that "unifies the world" proposed by Edward Witten, they were all developed on this basis.

Lu Zhou: "That's almost it... I hope the professor will be merciful."

Academician Lu smiled and asked, "What, you can't understand?"

It was under such a coincidence that the prototype of string theory was born.

The first question, correct!

[The eigenvalue of the group Casimir operator C=...]

He originally thought that Lu Zhou would have to spend at least twenty minutes thinking about this question, but he didn't expect that he had already started writing.

On April 20, Academician Lu returned to Jinda from Shanghai for a meeting. After the meeting, he asked Lu Zhou to go to the office.

Academician Lu: "Almost? That's okay. I'll just give you two random questions."

Seeing the answer, Academician Lu nodded silently.

time flies.

Academician Lu smiled and asked, "What, you can't understand?"

"The pen is here, take it over and write?"

Two questions were agreed upon, but three questions were clearly written on the paper.

Of course, that's how he thinks about it. He also supports going to a higher platform to gain scientific research nutrients.

Academician Lu smiled and said nothing. He crossed his legs and waited for him to write.

However, what is more embarrassing is that the development of string theory in China is in a very embarrassing situation.

As he spoke, he opened the drawer, took out a piece of A4 paper, and placed it on the table.

[The eigenvalue of the group Casimir operator C=...]

Academician Lu smiled and asked, "What, you can't understand?"


Not easy

"The pen is here, take it over and write?"

He originally thought that Lu Zhou would have to spend at least twenty minutes thinking about this question, but he didn't expect that he had already started writing.

If the school hadn't already formulated a talent training plan for him to lead to a higher platform, he even thought about letting him get a direct Ph.D. here.

Academician Lu smiled and asked, "What, you can't understand?"

Lu Zhou took the pen and paper, glanced at the title above, and his brows twitched fiercely.

Lu Zhou took the pen and paper, glanced at the title above, and his brows twitched fiercely.

Opening his eyes, Lu Zhou took a deep breath, finally picked up the pen and wrote on the paper.

"The pen is here, take it over and write?"

Including the later Bose string theory, superstring theory, and the famous M theory that "unifies the world" proposed by Edward Witten, they were all developed on this basis.

Seeing the answer, Academician Lu nodded silently.

"The pen is here, take it over and write?"

[In the case of Coulomb potential, there is a Runge-Lenz vector in the system, which is recorded as M'=...]

However, what puzzled Lu Zhou was that the third question was not testing the knowledge of string theory, but asking his own views on string theory.

Two questions were agreed upon, but three questions were clearly written on the paper.


Seeing the speed at which Lu Zhou was doing the questions, Academician Lu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Since "group theory" is a branch of mathematics that was independently created by mathematicians long before the emergence of "quantum mechanics", unlike "calculus" which was jointly created by physicists and mathematicians. Therefore, group theory is "imported" to physicists. It is difficult to learn and not easy to use.

After solving the second question, Lu Zhou continued to look at the third question.

And I promised to take the test casually, but none of the questions seemed easy...

[The eigenvalue of the group Casimir operator C=...]

"The pen is here, take it over and write?"

The first question, correct!

Academician Lu smiled and said nothing. He crossed his legs and waited for him to write.

"How is that possible?" Lu Zhou smiled and looked at the question with a thoughtful expression on his face. "It just looks a bit difficult."

Academician Lu smiled and asked, "What, you can't understand?"

The tip of the pen rested on the paper for a long time. Lu Zhou, who had passed all the levels and reached the last level, was a little confused for a while.

[Group theory explanation of accidental degeneracy of hydrogen atom energy levels]

These questions were not originally meant for graduate students, but were used to test the professional knowledge level of the interviewees when he recruited doctoral students.

Without stopping, Lu Zhou quickly started writing, using descriptive language to answer various theoretical questions raised in the title.

"How is that possible?" Lu Zhou smiled and looked at the question with a thoughtful expression on his face. "It just looks a bit difficult."

"How is that possible?" Lu Zhou smiled and looked at the question with a thoughtful expression on his face. "It just looks a bit difficult."

"The pen is here, take it over and write?"

However, when he saw the third question, he was stunned.


Academician Lu: "Almost? That's okay. I'll just give you two random questions."

Academician Lu smiled and said nothing. He crossed his legs and waited for him to write.

He originally thought that Lu Zhou would have to spend at least twenty minutes thinking about this question, but he didn't expect that he had already started writing.

Without paying attention to the expression on Academician Lu's face, Lu Zhou continued to cast a focused gaze on the next question.

Of course, that's how he thinks about it. He also supports going to a higher platform to gain scientific research nutrients.

However, when he saw the third question, he was stunned.

This kind of purely theoretical knowledge is not difficult for Lu Zhou. In the state of concentration guided by the drug, he will basically not forget what he has seen.

"How is that possible?" Lu Zhou smiled and looked at the question with a thoughtful expression on his face. "It just looks a bit difficult."

Thoughts on theory? Or your views on theoretical development

Not easy

The third question is about "string theory".

Originally, he planned to mention it when Lu Zhou couldn't think of it, but now it seems that there is no need for it.

Lu Zhou: "That's almost it... I hope the professor will be merciful."

The first question examines group theory.

If this were easy, what would be the point of passing the exam

"How is that possible?" Lu Zhou smiled and looked at the question with a thoughtful expression on his face. "It just looks a bit difficult."

"How are the preparations going?"

If the school hadn't already formulated a talent training plan for him to lead to a higher platform, he even thought about letting him get a direct Ph.D. here.

If this were easy, what would be the point of passing the exam

The so-called string theory mainly attempts to resolve the seemingly incompatible contradiction between the two major physical theories, namely quantum mechanics and general relativity, and to create a "theory of everything" that describes the entire universe, which is also the legendary " Grand Unified Theory”.

Not to mention that condensed matter physics itself stands on the opposite side of theoretical physics, and the theoretical physics community seems reluctant to accept this "mathematical freak".

These questions were not originally meant for graduate students, but were used to test the professional knowledge level of the interviewees when he recruited doctoral students.

Without stopping, Lu Zhou quickly started writing, using descriptive language to answer various theoretical questions raised in the title.

Two questions were agreed upon, but three questions were clearly written on the paper.

"The pen is here, take it over and write?"

After all, he is also an academician. Can the graduate students taught by academicians be the same as those taught by ordinary professors

The phenomenon that the degeneracy of hydrogen atoms is higher than that of ordinary atoms is called "accidental degeneracy". However, traditional quantum mechanics cannot explain the phenomenon of accidental degeneracy. It was not until the introduction of group theory that this phenomenon was theoretically explained.

Lu Zhou took the pen and paper, glanced at the title above, and his brows twitched fiercely.

Without paying attention to the expression on Academician Lu's face, Lu Zhou continued to cast a focused gaze on the next question.

[Group theory explanation of accidental degeneracy of hydrogen atom energy levels]

On April 20, Academician Lu returned to Jinda from Shanghai for a meeting. After the meeting, he asked Lu Zhou to go to the office.

After all, he is also an academician. Can the graduate students taught by academicians be the same as those taught by ordinary professors

For him, compared to the first question, which requires a little thought, this is a question that will give you points.

However, for Lu Zhou, who was born in mathematics and then entered mathematical physics, it was not that difficult to deal with it.

These questions were not originally meant for graduate students, but were used to test the professional knowledge level of the interviewees when he recruited doctoral students.

It was under such a coincidence that the prototype of string theory was born.

While Academician Lu was waiting for Lu Zhou to start writing, Lu Zhou had already quickly passed all three questions, and then looked at the first question, which was also the easiest question for him.

If you can answer two of the three questions, you are qualified. If you can answer three of the three questions, you are considered excellent.

Without stopping, Lu Zhou quickly started writing, using descriptive language to answer various theoretical questions raised in the title.

[Group theory explanation of accidental degeneracy of hydrogen atom energy levels]

[Group theory explanation of accidental degeneracy of hydrogen atom energy levels]

The four doctoral students he teaches are all capable of solving three questions. Although the test questions are different, the levels are similar.

The second question is about some issues about Dirac hole theory in quantum field theory. It tests the understanding of Dirac equation and some theoretical knowledge about field theory.

"How is that possible?" Lu Zhou smiled and looked at the question with a thoughtful expression on his face. "It just looks a bit difficult."

While Academician Lu was waiting for Lu Zhou to start writing, Lu Zhou had already quickly passed all three questions, and then looked at the first question, which was also the easiest question for him.

Yes, he did not make a mistake.

"How is that possible?" Lu Zhou smiled and looked at the question with a thoughtful expression on his face. "It just looks a bit difficult."

The first question examines group theory.

If the school hadn't already formulated a talent training plan for him to lead to a higher platform, he even thought about letting him get a direct Ph.D. here.

On April 20, Academician Lu returned to Jinda from Shanghai for a meeting. After the meeting, he asked Lu Zhou to go to the office.

This sounds very much like the plot in a martial arts novel, but the fact is that it is such a coincidence.

However, what puzzled Lu Zhou was that the third question was not testing the knowledge of string theory, but asking his own views on string theory.


"The pen is here, take it over and write?"

The so-called string theory mainly attempts to resolve the seemingly incompatible contradiction between the two major physical theories, namely quantum mechanics and general relativity, and to create a "theory of everything" that describes the entire universe, which is also the legendary " Grand Unified Theory”.

Seeing the speed at which Lu Zhou was doing the questions, Academician Lu raised his eyebrows slightly.

However, what is examined is not mathematical group theory, but the application of group theory in quantum mechanics.

This kid is a good prospect for studying theoretical physics. With the talent he has shown now, he is more likely to inherit his legacy than the four doctoral students he has taught.

Establishing a "grand unified formula" to describe everything in the universe is almost the ultimate goal of theoretical physics.

Since "group theory" is a branch of mathematics that was independently created by mathematicians long before the emergence of "quantum mechanics", unlike "calculus" which was jointly created by physicists and mathematicians. Therefore, group theory is "imported" to physicists. It is difficult to learn and not easy to use.

Of course, that's how he thinks about it. He also supports going to a higher platform to gain scientific research nutrients.

For him, compared to the first question, which requires a little thought, this is a question that will give you points.

The four doctoral students he teaches are all capable of solving three questions. Although the test questions are different, the levels are similar.

Originally, he planned to mention it when Lu Zhou couldn't think of it, but now it seems that there is no need for it.

However, for Lu Zhou, who was born in mathematics and then entered mathematical physics, it was not that difficult to deal with it.

[For the energy level E (n+1) and the quantum number (n, 1), the degeneracy is Σ2 (l+1) = n squared... ]

And I promised to take the test casually, but none of the questions seemed easy...

After all, he is also an academician. Can the graduate students taught by academicians be the same as those taught by ordinary professors

"How are the preparations going?"

Two questions were agreed upon, but three questions were clearly written on the paper.

[Group theory explanation of accidental degeneracy of hydrogen atom energy levels]

The so-called string theory mainly attempts to resolve the seemingly incompatible contradiction between the two major physical theories, namely quantum mechanics and general relativity, and to create a "theory of everything" that describes the entire universe, which is also the legendary " Grand Unified Theory”.

Not easy

The first question examines group theory.

It was under such a coincidence that the prototype of string theory was born.

The questions are short but contain a lot of information.

Opening his eyes, Lu Zhou took a deep breath, finally picked up the pen and wrote on the paper.

"The pen is here, take it over and write?"

Two questions were agreed upon, but three questions were clearly written on the paper.

Academician Lu: "Almost? That's okay. I'll just give you two random questions."

The phenomenon that the degeneracy of hydrogen atoms is higher than that of ordinary atoms is called "accidental degeneracy". However, traditional quantum mechanics cannot explain the phenomenon of accidental degeneracy. It was not until the introduction of group theory that this phenomenon was theoretically explained.

[Let the Hamiltonian operator of the hydrogen atom be H=P squared/2μ-Ze squared/r...]

Even the leading figure in domestic theoretical physics, Mr. Yang, one of the most influential physicists in the world today, has expressed his disapproval of string theory. On the contrary, the domestic mathematics community is accepting and open to string theory. For example, Mr. Qiu has crossed the border and "liked" string theory.

This kid is a good prospect for studying theoretical physics. With the talent he has shown now, he is more likely to inherit his legacy than the four doctoral students he has taught.

After all, he is also an academician. Can the graduate students taught by academicians be the same as those taught by ordinary professors

He originally thought that Lu Zhou would have to spend at least twenty minutes thinking about this question, but he didn't expect that he had already started writing.

The so-called string theory mainly attempts to resolve the seemingly incompatible contradiction between the two major physical theories, namely quantum mechanics and general relativity, and to create a "theory of everything" that describes the entire universe, which is also the legendary " Grand Unified Theory”.

Closing his eyes, Lu Zhou recalled in his mind the knowledge of quantum mechanics he had learned before and everything about hydrogen atoms.

Opening his eyes, Lu Zhou took a deep breath, finally picked up the pen and wrote on the paper.

Venechino, who works at the European Center for Nuclear Research, originally wanted to find a mathematical formula describing the strong force in the nucleus. As a result, he found the 200-year-old Euler's formula in an old mathematics book, and Unexpectedly, he found that this formula could successfully describe the strong force he wanted to solve.

Not easy

As soon as Lu Zhou entered the door, the old man looked over and asked with a smile.

This kid is a good prospect for studying theoretical physics. With the talent he has shown now, he is more likely to inherit his legacy than the four doctoral students he has taught.

While Academician Lu was waiting for Lu Zhou to start writing, Lu Zhou had already quickly passed all three questions, and then looked at the first question, which was also the easiest question for him.

Speaking of which, the discovery of this theory has a lot to do with mathematics.

[The eigenvalue of the group Casimir operator C=...]

Then, use mathematical methods to build the model...

"How are the preparations going?"

Closing his eyes, Lu Zhou recalled in his mind the knowledge of quantum mechanics he had learned before and everything about hydrogen atoms.

The so-called string theory mainly attempts to resolve the seemingly incompatible contradiction between the two major physical theories, namely quantum mechanics and general relativity, and to create a "theory of everything" that describes the entire universe, which is also the legendary " Grand Unified Theory”.

Yes, he did not make a mistake.

"How are the preparations going?"

Is this a subjective question

Opening his eyes, Lu Zhou took a deep breath, finally picked up the pen and wrote on the paper.

After solving the second question, Lu Zhou continued to look at the third question.

Even the leading figure in domestic theoretical physics, Mr. Yang, one of the most influential physicists in the world today, has expressed his disapproval of string theory. On the contrary, the domestic mathematics community is accepting and open to string theory. For example, Mr. Qiu has crossed the border and "liked" string theory.

As soon as Lu Zhou entered the door, the old man looked over and asked with a smile.

[Let the Hamiltonian operator of the hydrogen atom be H=P squared/2μ-Ze squared/r...]

If the school hadn't already formulated a talent training plan for him to lead to a higher platform, he even thought about letting him get a direct Ph.D. here.

[Let the Hamiltonian operator of the hydrogen atom be H=P squared/2μ-Ze squared/r...]

And I promised to take the test casually, but none of the questions seemed easy...

Is this a subjective question

Without paying attention to the expression on Academician Lu's face, Lu Zhou continued to cast a focused gaze on the next question.

The so-called string theory mainly attempts to resolve the seemingly incompatible contradiction between the two major physical theories, namely quantum mechanics and general relativity, and to create a "theory of everything" that describes the entire universe, which is also the legendary " Grand Unified Theory”.

If you can answer two of the three questions, you are qualified. If you can answer three of the three questions, you are considered excellent.

For him, compared to the first question, which requires a little thought, this is a question that will give you points.

[In the case of Coulomb potential, there is a Runge-Lenz vector in the system, which is recorded as M'=...]

The third question is about "string theory".

Seeing the answer, Academician Lu nodded silently.

If this were easy, what would be the point of passing the exam

However, when he saw the third question, he was stunned.

Is this a subjective question

However, when he saw the third question, he was stunned.

Is this a subjective question

Without stopping, Lu Zhou quickly started writing, using descriptive language to answer various theoretical questions raised in the title.

[The eigenvalue of the group Casimir operator C=...]

Seeing Lu Zhou ask this question, a smile of relief appeared on Academician Lu's face.




Without stopping, Lu Zhou quickly started writing, using descriptive language to answer various theoretical questions raised in the title.

Two questions were agreed upon, but three questions were clearly written on the paper.

Seeing the speed at which Lu Zhou was doing the questions, Academician Lu raised his eyebrows slightly.

The phenomenon that the degeneracy of hydrogen atoms is higher than that of ordinary atoms is called "accidental degeneracy". However, traditional quantum mechanics cannot explain the phenomenon of accidental degeneracy. It was not until the introduction of group theory that this phenomenon was theoretically explained.

However, for Lu Zhou, who was born in mathematics and then entered mathematical physics, it was not that difficult to deal with it.

He originally thought that Lu Zhou would have to spend at least twenty minutes thinking about this question, but he didn't expect that he had already started writing.

However, what is examined is not mathematical group theory, but the application of group theory in quantum mechanics.

[For the energy level E (n+1) and the quantum number (n, 1), the degeneracy is Σ2 (l+1) = n squared... ]

The questions are short but contain a lot of information.

Moreover, the idea is completely correct.

However, what is examined is not mathematical group theory, but the application of group theory in quantum mechanics.


Then, use mathematical methods to build the model...

"How are the preparations going?"

Originally, he planned to mention it when Lu Zhou couldn't think of it, but now it seems that there is no need for it.

Without paying attention to the expression on Academician Lu's face, Lu Zhou continued to cast a focused gaze on the next question.


However, what is more embarrassing is that the development of string theory in China is in a very embarrassing situation.

The phenomenon that the degeneracy of hydrogen atoms is higher than that of ordinary atoms is called "accidental degeneracy". However, traditional quantum mechanics cannot explain the phenomenon of accidental degeneracy. It was not until the introduction of group theory that this phenomenon was theoretically explained.

He originally thought that Lu Zhou would have to spend at least twenty minutes thinking about this question, but he didn't expect that he had already started writing.

However, what is more embarrassing is that the development of string theory in China is in a very embarrassing situation.

Venechino, who works at the European Center for Nuclear Research, originally wanted to find a mathematical formula describing the strong force in the nucleus. As a result, he found the 200-year-old Euler's formula in an old mathematics book, and Unexpectedly, he found that this formula could successfully describe the strong force he wanted to solve.

[For the energy level E (n+1) and the quantum number (n, 1), the degeneracy is Σ2 (l+1) = n squared... ]

Seeing the speed at which Lu Zhou was doing the questions, Academician Lu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Not to mention that condensed matter physics itself stands on the opposite side of theoretical physics, and the theoretical physics community seems reluctant to accept this "mathematical freak".

Seeing the answer, Academician Lu nodded silently.

He originally thought that Lu Zhou would have to spend at least twenty minutes thinking about this question, but he didn't expect that he had already started writing.

Lu Zhou took the pen and paper, glanced at the title above, and his brows twitched fiercely.

For him, compared to the first question, which requires a little thought, this is a question that will give you points.

However, what puzzled Lu Zhou was that the third question was not testing the knowledge of string theory, but asking his own views on string theory.

Even the leading figure in domestic theoretical physics, Mr. Yang, one of the most influential physicists in the world today, has expressed his disapproval of string theory. On the contrary, the domestic mathematics community is accepting and open to string theory. For example, Mr. Qiu has crossed the border and "liked" string theory.


Of course, that's how he thinks about it. He also supports going to a higher platform to gain scientific research nutrients.

The first question, correct!

As soon as Lu Zhou entered the door, the old man looked over and asked with a smile.

Venechino, who works at the European Center for Nuclear Research, originally wanted to find a mathematical formula describing the strong force in the nucleus. As a result, he found the 200-year-old Euler's formula in an old mathematics book, and Unexpectedly, he found that this formula could successfully describe the strong force he wanted to solve.

While Academician Lu was waiting for Lu Zhou to start writing, Lu Zhou had already quickly passed all three questions, and then looked at the first question, which was also the easiest question for him.

Academician Lu smiled and asked, "What, you can't understand?"

Without paying attention to the expression on Academician Lu's face, Lu Zhou continued to cast a focused gaze on the next question.

"How is that possible?" Lu Zhou smiled and looked at the question with a thoughtful expression on his face. "It just looks a bit difficult."

Without paying attention to the expression on Academician Lu's face, Lu Zhou continued to cast a focused gaze on the next question.

This kid is a good prospect for studying theoretical physics. With the talent he has shown now, he is more likely to inherit his legacy than the four doctoral students he has taught.

If the school hadn't already formulated a talent training plan for him to lead to a higher platform, he even thought about letting him get a direct Ph.D. here.

Without stopping, Lu Zhou quickly started writing, using descriptive language to answer various theoretical questions raised in the title.

As he spoke, he opened the drawer, took out a piece of A4 paper, and placed it on the table.

It was under such a coincidence that the prototype of string theory was born.

The second question is about some issues about Dirac hole theory in quantum field theory. It tests the understanding of Dirac equation and some theoretical knowledge about field theory.

"How is that possible?" Lu Zhou smiled and looked at the question with a thoughtful expression on his face. "It just looks a bit difficult."

Not easy

This kind of purely theoretical knowledge is not difficult for Lu Zhou. In the state of concentration guided by the drug, he will basically not forget what he has seen.

However, for Lu Zhou, who was born in mathematics and then entered mathematical physics, it was not that difficult to deal with it.

This kind of purely theoretical knowledge is not difficult for Lu Zhou. In the state of concentration guided by the drug, he will basically not forget what he has seen.

Lu Zhou: "That's almost it... I hope the professor will be merciful."

However, when he saw the third question, he was stunned.

[Let the Hamiltonian operator of the hydrogen atom be H=P squared/2μ-Ze squared/r...]

The phenomenon that the degeneracy of hydrogen atoms is higher than that of ordinary atoms is called "accidental degeneracy". However, traditional quantum mechanics cannot explain the phenomenon of accidental degeneracy. It was not until the introduction of group theory that this phenomenon was theoretically explained.

For him, compared to the first question, which requires a little thought, this is a question that will give you points.

Seeing the speed at which Lu Zhou was doing the questions, Academician Lu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Not to mention that condensed matter physics itself stands on the opposite side of theoretical physics, and the theoretical physics community seems reluctant to accept this "mathematical freak".


If the school hadn't already formulated a talent training plan for him to lead to a higher platform, he even thought about letting him get a direct Ph.D. here.

The tip of the pen rested on the paper for a long time. Lu Zhou, who had passed all the levels and reached the last level, was a little confused for a while.

Without stopping, Lu Zhou quickly started writing, using descriptive language to answer various theoretical questions raised in the title.

The third question is about "string theory".

The phenomenon that the degeneracy of hydrogen atoms is higher than that of ordinary atoms is called "accidental degeneracy". However, traditional quantum mechanics cannot explain the phenomenon of accidental degeneracy. It was not until the introduction of group theory that this phenomenon was theoretically explained.

However, what puzzled Lu Zhou was that the third question was not testing the knowledge of string theory, but asking his own views on string theory.

The first question examines group theory.

This kid is a good prospect for studying theoretical physics. With the talent he has shown now, he is more likely to inherit his legacy than the four doctoral students he has taught.

Since "group theory" is a branch of mathematics that was independently created by mathematicians long before the emergence of "quantum mechanics", unlike "calculus" which was jointly created by physicists and mathematicians. Therefore, group theory is "imported" to physicists. It is difficult to learn and not easy to use.

This kid is a good prospect for studying theoretical physics. With the talent he has shown now, he is more likely to inherit his legacy than the four doctoral students he has taught.

Seeing Lu Zhou ask this question, a smile of relief appeared on Academician Lu's face.

Yes, he did not make a mistake.

However, what is more embarrassing is that the development of string theory in China is in a very embarrassing situation.

Yes, he did not make a mistake.

After all, he is also an academician. Can the graduate students taught by academicians be the same as those taught by ordinary professors

However, what is more embarrassing is that the development of string theory in China is in a very embarrassing situation.

This kid is a good prospect for studying theoretical physics. With the talent he has shown now, he is more likely to inherit his legacy than the four doctoral students he has taught.

As soon as Lu Zhou entered the door, the old man looked over and asked with a smile.

Establishing a "grand unified formula" to describe everything in the universe is almost the ultimate goal of theoretical physics.


However, what puzzled Lu Zhou was that the third question was not testing the knowledge of string theory, but asking his own views on string theory.

Then, use mathematical methods to build the model...

On April 20, Academician Lu returned to Jinda from Shanghai for a meeting. After the meeting, he asked Lu Zhou to go to the office.

Seeing the answer, Academician Lu nodded silently.

If the school hadn't already formulated a talent training plan for him to lead to a higher platform, he even thought about letting him get a direct Ph.D. here.

[Group theory explanation of accidental degeneracy of hydrogen atom energy levels]

Two questions were agreed upon, but three questions were clearly written on the paper.

The second question is about some issues about Dirac hole theory in quantum field theory. It tests the understanding of Dirac equation and some theoretical knowledge about field theory.

The third question is about "string theory".

Of course, that's how he thinks about it. He also supports going to a higher platform to gain scientific research nutrients.

It was under such a coincidence that the prototype of string theory was born.

This kind of purely theoretical knowledge is not difficult for Lu Zhou. In the state of concentration guided by the drug, he will basically not forget what he has seen.

The questions are short but contain a lot of information.

Speaking of which, the discovery of this theory has a lot to do with mathematics.

After solving the second question, Lu Zhou continued to look at the third question.

Seeing the speed at which Lu Zhou was doing the questions, Academician Lu raised his eyebrows slightly.


Closing his eyes, Lu Zhou recalled in his mind the knowledge of quantum mechanics he had learned before and everything about hydrogen atoms.

However, when he saw the third question, he was stunned.

The questions are short but contain a lot of information.

Academician Lu smiled and asked, "What, you can't understand?"

It was under such a coincidence that the prototype of string theory was born.

The phenomenon that the degeneracy of hydrogen atoms is higher than that of ordinary atoms is called "accidental degeneracy". However, traditional quantum mechanics cannot explain the phenomenon of accidental degeneracy. It was not until the introduction of group theory that this phenomenon was theoretically explained.

The third question is about "string theory".

However, what is more embarrassing is that the development of string theory in China is in a very embarrassing situation.

Including the later Bose string theory, superstring theory, and the famous M theory that "unifies the world" proposed by Edward Witten, they were all developed on this basis.

"How is that possible?" Lu Zhou smiled and looked at the question with a thoughtful expression on his face. "It just looks a bit difficult."

Establishing a "grand unified formula" to describe everything in the universe is almost the ultimate goal of theoretical physics.

After solving the second question, Lu Zhou continued to look at the third question.

The so-called string theory mainly attempts to resolve the seemingly incompatible contradiction between the two major physical theories, namely quantum mechanics and general relativity, and to create a "theory of everything" that describes the entire universe, which is also the legendary " Grand Unified Theory”.

Lu Zhou took the pen and paper, glanced at the title above, and his brows twitched fiercely.

Establishing a "grand unified formula" to describe everything in the universe is almost the ultimate goal of theoretical physics.

Speaking of which, the discovery of this theory has a lot to do with mathematics.

Seeing Lu Zhou ask this question, a smile of relief appeared on Academician Lu's face.

The four doctoral students he teaches are all capable of solving three questions. Although the test questions are different, the levels are similar.

Academician Lu smiled and asked, "What, you can't understand?"

This sounds very much like the plot in a martial arts novel, but the fact is that it is such a coincidence.

If this were easy, what would be the point of passing the exam

Venechino, who works at the European Center for Nuclear Research, originally wanted to find a mathematical formula describing the strong force in the nucleus. As a result, he found the 200-year-old Euler's formula in an old mathematics book, and Unexpectedly, he found that this formula could successfully describe the strong force he wanted to solve.


[The eigenvalue of the group Casimir operator C=...]

Including the later Bose string theory, superstring theory, and the famous M theory that "unifies the world" proposed by Edward Witten, they were all developed on this basis.

On April 20, Academician Lu returned to Jinda from Shanghai for a meeting. After the meeting, he asked Lu Zhou to go to the office.

"The pen is here, take it over and write?"

This sounds very much like the plot in a martial arts novel, but the fact is that it is such a coincidence.

Thoughts on theory? Or your views on theoretical development

time flies.

The questions are short but contain a lot of information.

The first question examines group theory.

It was under such a coincidence that the prototype of string theory was born.

The four doctoral students he teaches are all capable of solving three questions. Although the test questions are different, the levels are similar.

"How are the preparations going?"

Then, use mathematical methods to build the model...

The tip of the pen rested on the paper for a long time. Lu Zhou, who had passed all the levels and reached the last level, was a little confused for a while.

Without paying attention to the expression on Academician Lu's face, Lu Zhou continued to cast a focused gaze on the next question.

time flies.

As soon as Lu Zhou entered the door, the old man looked over and asked with a smile.

If you can answer two of the three questions, you are qualified. If you can answer three of the three questions, you are considered excellent.

Including the later Bose string theory, superstring theory, and the famous M theory that "unifies the world" proposed by Edward Witten, they were all developed on this basis.

After solving the second question, Lu Zhou continued to look at the third question.

"How are the preparations going?"

The first question, correct!


Speaking of which, the discovery of this theory has a lot to do with mathematics.

The four doctoral students he teaches are all capable of solving three questions. Although the test questions are different, the levels are similar.

However, when he saw the third question, he was stunned.

Establishing a "grand unified formula" to describe everything in the universe is almost the ultimate goal of theoretical physics.

If the school hadn't already formulated a talent training plan for him to lead to a higher platform, he even thought about letting him get a direct Ph.D. here.

Seeing the speed at which Lu Zhou was doing the questions, Academician Lu raised his eyebrows slightly.

"How are the preparations going?"

[Let the Hamiltonian operator of the hydrogen atom be H=P squared/2μ-Ze squared/r...]

Since "group theory" is a branch of mathematics that was independently created by mathematicians long before the emergence of "quantum mechanics", unlike "calculus" which was jointly created by physicists and mathematicians. Therefore, group theory is "imported" to physicists. It is difficult to learn and not easy to use.

Yes, he did not make a mistake.

However, what is more embarrassing is that the development of string theory in China is in a very embarrassing situation.

Of course, that's how he thinks about it. He also supports going to a higher platform to gain scientific research nutrients.

He originally thought that Lu Zhou would have to spend at least twenty minutes thinking about this question, but he didn't expect that he had already started writing.

Academician Lu smiled and said nothing. He crossed his legs and waited for him to write.

Without stopping, Lu Zhou quickly started writing, using descriptive language to answer various theoretical questions raised in the title.

Not to mention that condensed matter physics itself stands on the opposite side of theoretical physics, and the theoretical physics community seems reluctant to accept this "mathematical freak".

Without stopping, Lu Zhou quickly started writing, using descriptive language to answer various theoretical questions raised in the title.

Without stopping, Lu Zhou quickly started writing, using descriptive language to answer various theoretical questions raised in the title.


"How is that possible?" Lu Zhou smiled and looked at the question with a thoughtful expression on his face. "It just looks a bit difficult."

After all, he is also an academician. Can the graduate students taught by academicians be the same as those taught by ordinary professors

If this were easy, what would be the point of passing the exam

Even the leading figure in domestic theoretical physics, Mr. Yang, one of the most influential physicists in the world today, has expressed his disapproval of string theory. On the contrary, the domestic mathematics community is accepting and open to string theory. For example, Mr. Qiu has crossed the border and "liked" string theory.

Seeing the answer, Academician Lu nodded silently.

However, for Lu Zhou, who was born in mathematics and then entered mathematical physics, it was not that difficult to deal with it.

[Group theory explanation of accidental degeneracy of hydrogen atom energy levels]

However, what puzzled Lu Zhou was that the third question was not testing the knowledge of string theory, but asking his own views on string theory.

If you can answer two of the three questions, you are qualified. If you can answer three of the three questions, you are considered excellent.

After solving the second question, Lu Zhou continued to look at the third question.

However, when he saw the third question, he was stunned.

Closing his eyes, Lu Zhou recalled in his mind the knowledge of quantum mechanics he had learned before and everything about hydrogen atoms.


[In the case of Coulomb potential, there is a Runge-Lenz vector in the system, which is recorded as M'=...]

However, what is examined is not mathematical group theory, but the application of group theory in quantum mechanics.

Then, use mathematical methods to build the model...

If this were easy, what would be the point of passing the exam

Closing his eyes, Lu Zhou recalled in his mind the knowledge of quantum mechanics he had learned before and everything about hydrogen atoms.

Establishing a "grand unified formula" to describe everything in the universe is almost the ultimate goal of theoretical physics.

Moreover, the idea is completely correct.

Thoughts on theory? Or your views on theoretical development

As he spoke, he opened the drawer, took out a piece of A4 paper, and placed it on the table.

Lu Zhou took the pen and paper, glanced at the title above, and his brows twitched fiercely.

If you can answer two of the three questions, you are qualified. If you can answer three of the three questions, you are considered excellent.

Academician Lu smiled and said nothing. He crossed his legs and waited for him to write.

This sounds very much like the plot in a martial arts novel, but the fact is that it is such a coincidence.

Is this a subjective question

While Academician Lu was waiting for Lu Zhou to start writing, Lu Zhou had already quickly passed all three questions, and then looked at the first question, which was also the easiest question for him.

If you can answer two of the three questions, you are qualified. If you can answer three of the three questions, you are considered excellent.

"How are the preparations going?"

Establishing a "grand unified formula" to describe everything in the universe is almost the ultimate goal of theoretical physics.

The tip of the pen rested on the paper for a long time. Lu Zhou, who had passed all the levels and reached the last level, was a little confused for a while.

On April 20, Academician Lu returned to Jinda from Shanghai for a meeting. After the meeting, he asked Lu Zhou to go to the office.

The questions are short but contain a lot of information.

The questions are short but contain a lot of information.