Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 156: LHCb intern


Seeing that Lu Zhou had not written for a long time, Academician Lu asked with a smile.

LHCb is the abbreviation of bottom quark detector and is an international research organization. Just like the BESllll international cooperation group named above with the abbreviation of Beijing Spectrometer, it is led by one country or organization and involves scientific researchers from many countries to jointly complete a certain scientific research project.

He has almost developed a conditioned reflex for all kinds of sexy moves with his elbow.

Huang Guangming looked unbelieving.

Huang Guangming looked unbelieving.

"What's the business? Tell me." Lu Zhou said generously.

Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly and then asked, "Professor, will you take me to Switzerland?"

Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly and then asked, "Professor, will you take me to Switzerland?"

"I've already solved the first two questions, so why can't I solve the last question that gives me points?"

"Go away! The person who gave you the female ticket... um, take it with you when you come back. I'll convert the money into soft girl coins and give it to you."

After all, this is a moment to witness history. It must be more exciting than the mathematics academic conference at Princeton, right

After all, this is a moment to witness history. It must be more exciting than the mathematics academic conference at Princeton, right

After all, this is a moment to witness history. It must be more exciting than the mathematics academic conference at Princeton, right

"What I asked you to talk about is your own opinion. Do you care whether I have done research or not?" Academician Lu laughed and said, "Just say whatever you want, don't care about my opinion."

After staring at the topic and considering it for a while, Lu Zhou raised his head and asked, "Professor, have you ever studied string theory?"

It would be great if his physics could also be raised to LV3.

Seeing that Lu Zhou had not written for a long time, Academician Lu asked with a smile.

Lu Zhou nodded: "Yes, around the beginning of May, I will go to Switzerland with Academician Lu."

"I've already solved the first two questions, so why can't I solve the last question that gives me points?"

"I've already solved the first two questions, so why can't I solve the last question that gives me points?"

"Thank you Professor!"

"What I asked you to talk about is your own opinion. Do you care whether I have done research or not?" Academician Lu laughed and said, "Just say whatever you want, don't care about my opinion."

"Of course. The first two objective questions are completely correct. It can be seen that you have really put in some effort in the past two months and listened to what I taught you."

Huang Guangming was immediately shocked: "Damn it, are you going to Europe this time to show off? Is it still a mathematics conference?"

It's not easy for him to do such a small thing.

Sometimes, he is quite desperate for himself like this.

Lu Zhou: "What?"

Liu Rui, who was studying the questions, shouted: "666"

Lu Zhou: "What?"

Seeing that his little thoughts were seen through, Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly, coughed lightly and said, "Then I'll tell you directly?"

After thinking about it, Lu Zhou decided to answer this question from two aspects.

However, it is a pity that the Beijing Electron Positron Collider used by the Besllll International Cooperation Group led by our country has an energy range between 1-4.5 GeV, which happens to be stuck at the lower mass threshold of "Pc+".

"When you think about it, just say it. It doesn't matter whether you write it on paper or not." Academician Lu said.

Realizing that he seemed to laugh out loud, Lu Zhou, who was applying for a visa on the computer, coughed to cover it up: "Ahem, it's nothing, I just thought of something interesting."

But it’s rare to go to Europe. Do you want to bring some souvenirs back

Academician Lu smiled and nodded: "Of course, I will prepare the relevant documents for you. You should go and handle the visa issue as soon as possible in the next few days."

Lu Zhou smiled and said in a low-key tone: "It's not mathematics, this time it's physics. And what does it mean to be pretentious? I only work as a handyman, and I mainly listen to the boss's speeches. Even if I have to pretend to be pretentious, it's not my turn. Just pretend."

Academician Lu: "The LHCb Chinese research group is still short of a few interns. Do you want to know more about them?"

After thinking about it, Lu Zhou decided to answer this question from two aspects.

Realizing that he seemed to laugh out loud, Lu Zhou, who was applying for a visa on the computer, coughed to cover it up: "Ahem, it's nothing, I just thought of something interesting."

But it’s rare to go to Europe. Do you want to bring some souvenirs back

Sometimes, he is quite desperate for himself like this.

"The core idea of string theory points out that the basic units of nature are not point particles such as electrons, photons, neutrinos, and quarks, but very small one-dimensional strings. And all basic particles in nature are Produced by the vibration of a string. But so far, our understanding of matter still remains at the level of microscopic particles, and no one has actually seen the existence of that string. What supports these assumptions are just some seemingly beautiful mathematical formulas."

"I don't dare to say too much without being ashamed, so I'll just talk about my personal opinions. If it's about the development of string theory, I agree with Mr. Yang's point of view. Physics is a science based on experiments. A A theory that cannot be verified in experiments has only a mathematical representation, and its value is very limited.”

What is there in Switzerland? Swiss Army Knife? I don’t know if I can take it on the plane...

By good, do you mean passed

"Thank you Professor!"

It's not easy for him to do such a small thing.

Just now he was still thinking about how to ask Academician Lu to let him sneak into the LHCb to fish, but he didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly...

Hearing these words, Lu Zhou was stunned for a moment.

"Of course. The first two objective questions are completely correct. It can be seen that you have really put in some effort in the past two months and listened to what I taught you."

"The core idea of string theory points out that the basic units of nature are not point particles such as electrons, photons, neutrinos, and quarks, but very small one-dimensional strings. And all basic particles in nature are Produced by the vibration of a string. But so far, our understanding of matter still remains at the level of microscopic particles, and no one has actually seen the existence of that string. What supports these assumptions are just some seemingly beautiful mathematical formulas."

Lu Zhou was quite excited that he was about to witness history.

Not noticing the question marks on Lu Zhou's face, Academician Lu paused and continued.

After a pause, Lu Zhou smiled and continued.

Lu Zhou: "What?"

Lu Zhou:? ?

Academician Lu smiled and asked: "So you also think that developing string theory is useless?"

Academician Lu raised his eyebrows with interest: "Oh?"

Lu Zhou:? ?

Lu Zhou thought about it for a long time, but he didn't expect anything good to buy.

It would be great if his physics could also be raised to LV3.

After thinking about it, Lu Zhou decided to answer this question from two aspects.

Shi Shang smiled sheepishly: "Can you help me bring something back from Switzerland?"

"Go away! The person who gave you the female ticket... um, take it with you when you come back. I'll convert the money into soft girl coins and give it to you."

After thinking about it, Lu Zhou decided to answer this question from two aspects.

"Of course not," Lu Zhou shook his head and replied, "String theory is like a castle in the air, but that doesn't mean that the castle in the air is useless."

Not noticing the question marks on Lu Zhou's face, Academician Lu paused and continued.

But it’s rare to go to Europe. Do you want to bring some souvenirs back

Seeing that his little thoughts were seen through, Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly, coughed lightly and said, "Then I'll tell you directly?"

He has almost developed a conditioned reflex for all kinds of sexy moves with his elbow.

"The core idea of string theory points out that the basic units of nature are not point particles such as electrons, photons, neutrinos, and quarks, but very small one-dimensional strings. And all basic particles in nature are Produced by the vibration of a string. But so far, our understanding of matter still remains at the level of microscopic particles, and no one has actually seen the existence of that string. What supports these assumptions are just some seemingly beautiful mathematical formulas."

"Just like the establishment of the Standard Model, many theories are also based on conjectures. With the advancement of technology, these theories will one day be tested. String theory may just need to wait a little longer."

"The core idea of string theory points out that the basic units of nature are not point particles such as electrons, photons, neutrinos, and quarks, but very small one-dimensional strings. And all basic particles in nature are Produced by the vibration of a string. But so far, our understanding of matter still remains at the level of microscopic particles, and no one has actually seen the existence of that string. What supports these assumptions are just some seemingly beautiful mathematical formulas."

Academician Lu raised his eyebrows with interest: "Oh?"

Lu Zhou asked: "What's the matter?"

Shi Shang thought for a moment and said, "Farman's cosmetics... seems to be called this brand."

"Just like the establishment of the Standard Model, many theories are also based on conjectures. With the advancement of technology, these theories will one day be tested. String theory may just need to wait a little longer."

According to a large number of experiments and calculation analysis, although it is not certain what this particle is, it can be known through the constant mass spectrum analysis of J/ψp that the mass of this particle is around 4.5 GeV.

His index finger tapped lightly on the table. After a while, Academician Lu nodded slowly.

Shi Shang thought for a moment and said, "Farman's cosmetics... seems to be called this brand."

What is there in Switzerland? Swiss Army Knife? I don’t know if I can take it on the plane...

"Just like the establishment of the Standard Model, many theories are also based on conjectures. With the advancement of technology, these theories will one day be tested. String theory may just need to wait a little longer."

"As for the last question, as I said, it is a question for points. When discussing academic issues, you should speak your mind freely, rather than follow what others say. No matter how you answer, as long as your words are reasonable, I will give you a pass."

Walking over and looking at the computer screen, Huang Guangming said in surprise: "Passport? Are you going abroad again?"

It's not easy for him to do such a small thing.

After a pause, Lu Zhou smiled and continued.

"When you think about it, just say it. It doesn't matter whether you write it on paper or not." Academician Lu said.

After thinking about it, Lu Zhou decided to answer this question from two aspects.

Huang Guangming looked unbelieving.

To produce "Pc+", at least 6GeV of energy is required.

Academician Lu raised his eyebrows with interest: "Oh?"

Walking over and looking at the computer screen, Huang Guangming said in surprise: "Passport? Are you going abroad again?"

Academician Lu smiled and asked: "So you also think that developing string theory is useless?"

But it’s rare to go to Europe. Do you want to bring some souvenirs back

"What's more, human beings should not only live in the present, but also have poetry and distance. Aren't the studies on quantum chromodynamics and even the Large Hadron Collider in Europe all built to test the Standard Model? Even this One day we may not be able to see it, but one day, someone will see that string for us.”

By good, do you mean passed

"You're welcome, this is what I promised you," Professor Lu smiled, paused for a moment, and then continued, "By the way, let me ask you something."

"Okay, I'll help you take it when I see it." Lu Zhou nodded.

What is there in Switzerland? Swiss Army Knife? I don’t know if I can take it on the plane...

"I don't dare to say too much without being ashamed, so I'll just talk about my personal opinions. If it's about the development of string theory, I agree with Mr. Yang's point of view. Physics is a science based on experiments. A A theory that cannot be verified in experiments has only a mathematical representation, and its value is very limited.”

At present, the focus of LHCb research is to find the pentaquark particle "Pc+".

"As for the last question, as I said, it is a question for points. When discussing academic issues, you should speak your mind freely, rather than follow what others say. No matter how you answer, as long as your words are reasonable, I will give you a pass."

There was silence for a while.

His index finger tapped lightly on the table. After a while, Academician Lu nodded slowly.

fifty thousand

Lu Zhou thought about it for a long time, but he didn't expect anything good to buy.

His index finger tapped lightly on the table. After a while, Academician Lu nodded slowly.

At this moment, Shi Shang suddenly said in an embarrassed tone: "Brother Lu, can I ask you for a favor?"

After thinking about it, I decided to bring some milk powder to my family. Xiaotong will be in her senior year of high school soon. She needs to replenish her body to prepare for the college entrance examination.

"What's more, human beings should not only live in the present, but also have poetry and distance. Aren't the studies on quantum chromodynamics and even the Large Hadron Collider in Europe all built to test the Standard Model? Even this One day we may not be able to see it, but one day, someone will see that string for us.”

LHCb is the abbreviation of bottom quark detector and is an international research organization. Just like the BESllll international cooperation group named above with the abbreviation of Beijing Spectrometer, it is led by one country or organization and involves scientific researchers from many countries to jointly complete a certain scientific research project.

Academician Lu raised his eyebrows with interest: "Oh?"

At this moment, Shi Shang suddenly said in an embarrassed tone: "Brother Lu, can I ask you for a favor?"

Academician Lu smiled and commented.

Shi Shang thought for a moment and said, "Farman's cosmetics... seems to be called this brand."


Academician Lu raised his eyebrows with interest: "Oh?"

"I don't dare to say too much without being ashamed, so I'll just talk about my personal opinions. If it's about the development of string theory, I agree with Mr. Yang's point of view. Physics is a science based on experiments. A A theory that cannot be verified in experiments has only a mathematical representation, and its value is very limited.”

By good, do you mean passed

"Just like the establishment of the Standard Model, many theories are also based on conjectures. With the advancement of technology, these theories will one day be tested. String theory may just need to wait a little longer."

Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly and then asked, "Professor, will you take me to Switzerland?"

Not noticing the question marks on Lu Zhou's face, Academician Lu paused and continued.

Huang Guangming looked unbelieving.

After thinking about it, I decided to bring some milk powder to my family. Xiaotong will be in her senior year of high school soon. She needs to replenish her body to prepare for the college entrance examination.

Academician Lu smiled and nodded: "Of course, I will prepare the relevant documents for you. You should go and handle the visa issue as soon as possible in the next few days."

After a pause, Lu Zhou smiled and continued.

Just in case, Lu Zhou still asked.

"Elbow, what are you laughing at?"

However, it is a pity that the Beijing Electron Positron Collider used by the Besllll International Cooperation Group led by our country has an energy range between 1-4.5 GeV, which happens to be stuck at the lower mass threshold of "Pc+".

Academician Lu smiled and asked: "So you also think that developing string theory is useless?"

"Go away! The person who gave you the female ticket... um, take it with you when you come back. I'll convert the money into soft girl coins and give it to you."

"What's more, human beings should not only live in the present, but also have poetry and distance. Aren't the studies on quantum chromodynamics and even the Large Hadron Collider in Europe all built to test the Standard Model? Even this One day we may not be able to see it, but one day, someone will see that string for us.”

fifty thousand

"What's the business? Tell me." Lu Zhou said generously.

"Professor, have I passed these three questions?"

According to a large number of experiments and calculation analysis, although it is not certain what this particle is, it can be known through the constant mass spectrum analysis of J/ψp that the mass of this particle is around 4.5 GeV.

Academician Lu: "The LHCb Chinese research group is still short of a few interns. Do you want to know more about them?"

Sometimes, he is quite desperate for himself like this.

The Chinese cooperation group is mainly headed by Professor Gao from Shuimu University, and major domestic universities are also involved. Academician Lu is also one of the leaders of the Chinese cooperation group. His main work is to analyze the measured bottom baryon cross section.

Lu Zhou: "What?"

Liu Rui, who was studying the questions, shouted: "666"

Realizing that he seemed to laugh out loud, Lu Zhou, who was applying for a visa on the computer, coughed to cover it up: "Ahem, it's nothing, I just thought of something interesting."

Lu Zhou was quite excited that he was about to witness history.

Academician Lu smiled and commented.

Walking over and looking at the computer screen, Huang Guangming said in surprise: "Passport? Are you going abroad again?"

"Thank you Professor!"

What is there in Switzerland? Swiss Army Knife? I don’t know if I can take it on the plane...

But it’s rare to go to Europe. Do you want to bring some souvenirs back

"Of course. The first two objective questions are completely correct. It can be seen that you have really put in some effort in the past two months and listened to what I taught you."

Lu Zhou nodded: "Yes, around the beginning of May, I will go to Switzerland with Academician Lu."

"Thank you Professor!"

"Just like the establishment of the Standard Model, many theories are also based on conjectures. With the advancement of technology, these theories will one day be tested. String theory may just need to wait a little longer."

Lu Zhou:? ?

To produce "Pc+", at least 6GeV of energy is required.

Lu Zhou:? ?

"The core idea of string theory points out that the basic units of nature are not point particles such as electrons, photons, neutrinos, and quarks, but very small one-dimensional strings. And all basic particles in nature are Produced by the vibration of a string. But so far, our understanding of matter still remains at the level of microscopic particles, and no one has actually seen the existence of that string. What supports these assumptions are just some seemingly beautiful mathematical formulas."

fifty thousand

Academician Lu smiled and commented.

Academician Lu raised his eyebrows with interest: "Oh?"

Wait, have you taught me these past two months

It's not easy for him to do such a small thing.

Academician Lu smiled and asked: "So you also think that developing string theory is useless?"

Seeing that Lu Zhou had not written for a long time, Academician Lu asked with a smile.

Not noticing the question marks on Lu Zhou's face, Academician Lu paused and continued.

Seeing that his little thoughts were seen through, Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly, coughed lightly and said, "Then I'll tell you directly?"

Academician Lu smiled and nodded: "Of course, I will prepare the relevant documents for you. You should go and handle the visa issue as soon as possible in the next few days."

Academician Lu raised his eyebrows with interest: "Oh?"

"As for the last question, as I said, it is a question for points. When discussing academic issues, you should speak your mind freely, rather than follow what others say. No matter how you answer, as long as your words are reasonable, I will give you a pass."

Lu Zhou:? ?

LHCb is the abbreviation of bottom quark detector and is an international research organization. Just like the BESllll international cooperation group named above with the abbreviation of Beijing Spectrometer, it is led by one country or organization and involves scientific researchers from many countries to jointly complete a certain scientific research project.

Walking over and looking at the computer screen, Huang Guangming said in surprise: "Passport? Are you going abroad again?"

Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly and then asked, "Professor, will you take me to Switzerland?"

Lu Zhou thought about it for a long time, but he didn't expect anything good to buy.

At this moment, Shi Shang's voice interrupted his delusion.

Therefore, it is a pity that Chinese scientific researchers can only participate in the work of the LHCb cooperation group as collaborators this time to search for those exciting mysterious particles.

Academician Lu smiled and nodded: "Of course, I will prepare the relevant documents for you. You should go and handle the visa issue as soon as possible in the next few days."

"Elbow, what are you laughing at?"

"Of course. The first two objective questions are completely correct. It can be seen that you have really put in some effort in the past two months and listened to what I taught you."

"Elbow, what are you laughing at?"

"Thank you Professor!"

But it’s rare to go to Europe. Do you want to bring some souvenirs back

Huang Guangming looked unbelieving.

There was silence for a while.

There was silence for a while.

"You're welcome, this is what I promised you," Professor Lu smiled, paused for a moment, and then continued, "By the way, let me ask you something."

According to a large number of experiments and calculation analysis, although it is not certain what this particle is, it can be known through the constant mass spectrum analysis of J/ψp that the mass of this particle is around 4.5 GeV.

Shi Shang thought for a moment and said, "Farman's cosmetics... seems to be called this brand."

Lu Zhou:? ?

At present, the focus of LHCb research is to find the pentaquark particle "Pc+".

The Chinese cooperation group is mainly headed by Professor Gao from Shuimu University, and major domestic universities are also involved. Academician Lu is also one of the leaders of the Chinese cooperation group. His main work is to analyze the measured bottom baryon cross section.

Lu Zhou asked: "What's the matter?"

The Chinese cooperation group is mainly headed by Professor Gao from Shuimu University, and major domestic universities are also involved. Academician Lu is also one of the leaders of the Chinese cooperation group. His main work is to analyze the measured bottom baryon cross section.

"Elbow, what are you laughing at?"

"Thank you Professor!"

"Professor, have I passed these three questions?"

Academician Lu: "The LHCb Chinese research group is still short of a few interns. Do you want to know more about them?"

"The core idea of string theory points out that the basic units of nature are not point particles such as electrons, photons, neutrinos, and quarks, but very small one-dimensional strings. And all basic particles in nature are Produced by the vibration of a string. But so far, our understanding of matter still remains at the level of microscopic particles, and no one has actually seen the existence of that string. What supports these assumptions are just some seemingly beautiful mathematical formulas."

"Thank you Professor!"

"What's more, human beings should not only live in the present, but also have poetry and distance. Aren't the studies on quantum chromodynamics and even the Large Hadron Collider in Europe all built to test the Standard Model? Even this One day we may not be able to see it, but one day, someone will see that string for us.”

After all, this is a moment to witness history. It must be more exciting than the mathematics academic conference at Princeton, right

There was silence for a while.

Academician Lu: "The LHCb Chinese research group is still short of a few interns. Do you want to know more about them?"

Hearing these words, Lu Zhou was stunned for a moment.

After all, this is a moment to witness history. It must be more exciting than the mathematics academic conference at Princeton, right

To produce "Pc+", at least 6GeV of energy is required.

Wait, have you taught me these past two months

"Professor, have I passed these three questions?"

After staring at the topic and considering it for a while, Lu Zhou raised his head and asked, "Professor, have you ever studied string theory?"

Shi Shang smiled sheepishly: "Can you help me bring something back from Switzerland?"

Just now he was still thinking about how to ask Academician Lu to let him sneak into the LHCb to fish, but he didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly...

Lu Zhou was quite excited that he was about to witness history.

"Of course not," Lu Zhou shook his head and replied, "String theory is like a castle in the air, but that doesn't mean that the castle in the air is useless."

Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly and then asked, "Professor, will you take me to Switzerland?"

It would be great if his physics could also be raised to LV3.

Of course, what makes him even more excited is not knowing how much physics experience this experiment can bring him.

It's not easy for him to do such a small thing.

LHCb is the abbreviation of bottom quark detector and is an international research organization. Just like the BESllll international cooperation group named above with the abbreviation of Beijing Spectrometer, it is led by one country or organization and involves scientific researchers from many countries to jointly complete a certain scientific research project.

Just now he was still thinking about how to ask Academician Lu to let him sneak into the LHCb to fish, but he didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly...


Lu Zhou:? ?

Lu Zhou smiled and said in a low-key tone: "It's not mathematics, this time it's physics. And what does it mean to be pretentious? I only work as a handyman, and I mainly listen to the boss's speeches. Even if I have to pretend to be pretentious, it's not my turn. Just pretend."

Just in case, Lu Zhou still asked.

But it’s rare to go to Europe. Do you want to bring some souvenirs back

LHCb is the abbreviation of bottom quark detector and is an international research organization. Just like the BESllll international cooperation group named above with the abbreviation of Beijing Spectrometer, it is led by one country or organization and involves scientific researchers from many countries to jointly complete a certain scientific research project.

"Of course not," Lu Zhou shook his head and replied, "String theory is like a castle in the air, but that doesn't mean that the castle in the air is useless."

After thinking about it, Lu Zhou decided to answer this question from two aspects.

Lu Zhou was quite excited that he was about to witness history.

It would be great if his physics could also be raised to LV3.

He has almost developed a conditioned reflex for all kinds of sexy moves with his elbow.

"When you think about it, just say it. It doesn't matter whether you write it on paper or not." Academician Lu said.

After staring at the topic and considering it for a while, Lu Zhou raised his head and asked, "Professor, have you ever studied string theory?"

After all, this is a moment to witness history. It must be more exciting than the mathematics academic conference at Princeton, right

At present, the focus of LHCb research is to find the pentaquark particle "Pc+".

Of course, what makes him even more excited is not knowing how much physics experience this experiment can bring him.

At present, the focus of LHCb research is to find the pentaquark particle "Pc+".

According to a large number of experiments and calculation analysis, although it is not certain what this particle is, it can be known through the constant mass spectrum analysis of J/ψp that the mass of this particle is around 4.5 GeV.

"Professor, have I passed these three questions?"


"Just like the establishment of the Standard Model, many theories are also based on conjectures. With the advancement of technology, these theories will one day be tested. String theory may just need to wait a little longer."

Lu Zhou joined the Chinese research group as an intern. No matter what role he played, he was at least participating in this historic work.

Academician Lu smiled and nodded: "Of course, I will prepare the relevant documents for you. You should go and handle the visa issue as soon as possible in the next few days."

However, it is a pity that the Beijing Electron Positron Collider used by the Besllll International Cooperation Group led by our country has an energy range between 1-4.5 GeV, which happens to be stuck at the lower mass threshold of "Pc+".

What is there in Switzerland? Swiss Army Knife? I don’t know if I can take it on the plane...

However, it is a pity that the Beijing Electron Positron Collider used by the Besllll International Cooperation Group led by our country has an energy range between 1-4.5 GeV, which happens to be stuck at the lower mass threshold of "Pc+".

"The core idea of string theory points out that the basic units of nature are not point particles such as electrons, photons, neutrinos, and quarks, but very small one-dimensional strings. And all basic particles in nature are Produced by the vibration of a string. But so far, our understanding of matter still remains at the level of microscopic particles, and no one has actually seen the existence of that string. What supports these assumptions are just some seemingly beautiful mathematical formulas."

Just now he was still thinking about how to ask Academician Lu to let him sneak into the LHCb to fish, but he didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly...

Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly and then asked, "Professor, will you take me to Switzerland?"

Lu Zhou was quite excited that he was about to witness history.

But it’s rare to go to Europe. Do you want to bring some souvenirs back

To produce "Pc+", at least 6GeV of energy is required.

"Elbow, what are you laughing at?"

Lu Zhou smiled and said in a low-key tone: "It's not mathematics, this time it's physics. And what does it mean to be pretentious? I only work as a handyman, and I mainly listen to the boss's speeches. Even if I have to pretend to be pretentious, it's not my turn. Just pretend."

Therefore, it is a pity that Chinese scientific researchers can only participate in the work of the LHCb cooperation group as collaborators this time to search for those exciting mysterious particles.

Sometimes, he is quite desperate for himself like this.

But it’s rare to go to Europe. Do you want to bring some souvenirs back

At present, the focus of LHCb research is to find the pentaquark particle "Pc+".

Seeing that his little thoughts were seen through, Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly, coughed lightly and said, "Then I'll tell you directly?"

Seeing that his little thoughts were seen through, Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly, coughed lightly and said, "Then I'll tell you directly?"

Wait, have you taught me these past two months

After all, this is a moment to witness history. It must be more exciting than the mathematics academic conference at Princeton, right

"As for the last question, as I said, it is a question for points. When discussing academic issues, you should speak your mind freely, rather than follow what others say. No matter how you answer, as long as your words are reasonable, I will give you a pass."

The Chinese cooperation group is mainly headed by Professor Gao from Shuimu University, and major domestic universities are also involved. Academician Lu is also one of the leaders of the Chinese cooperation group. His main work is to analyze the measured bottom baryon cross section.

Shi Shang smiled sheepishly: "Can you help me bring something back from Switzerland?"

Walking over and looking at the computer screen, Huang Guangming said in surprise: "Passport? Are you going abroad again?"

At this moment, Shi Shang's voice interrupted his delusion.

Lu Zhou joined the Chinese research group as an intern. No matter what role he played, he was at least participating in this historic work.

At this moment, Shi Shang's voice interrupted his delusion.

Shi Shang smiled sheepishly: "Can you help me bring something back from Switzerland?"

At this moment, Shi Shang suddenly said in an embarrassed tone: "Brother Lu, can I ask you for a favor?"

Lu Zhou was quite excited that he was about to witness history.

Lu Zhou nodded: "Yes, around the beginning of May, I will go to Switzerland with Academician Lu."

Lu Zhou thought about it for a long time, but he didn't expect anything good to buy.

After staring at the topic and considering it for a while, Lu Zhou raised his head and asked, "Professor, have you ever studied string theory?"

His index finger tapped lightly on the table. After a while, Academician Lu nodded slowly.

Academician Lu raised his eyebrows with interest: "Oh?"

Lu Zhou was quite excited that he was about to witness history.

Not noticing the question marks on Lu Zhou's face, Academician Lu paused and continued.

Huang Guangming looked unbelieving.

Of course, what makes him even more excited is not knowing how much physics experience this experiment can bring him.

"Of course not," Lu Zhou shook his head and replied, "String theory is like a castle in the air, but that doesn't mean that the castle in the air is useless."

Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly and then asked, "Professor, will you take me to Switzerland?"

Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly and then asked, "Professor, will you take me to Switzerland?"

However, it is a pity that the Beijing Electron Positron Collider used by the Besllll International Cooperation Group led by our country has an energy range between 1-4.5 GeV, which happens to be stuck at the lower mass threshold of "Pc+".

Lu Zhou joined the Chinese research group as an intern. No matter what role he played, he was at least participating in this historic work.

After all, this is a moment to witness history. It must be more exciting than the mathematics academic conference at Princeton, right

He has almost developed a conditioned reflex for all kinds of sexy moves with his elbow.

"I've already solved the first two questions, so why can't I solve the last question that gives me points?"

"Thank you Professor!"

fifty thousand

Seeing that Lu Zhou had not written for a long time, Academician Lu asked with a smile.

"Just like the establishment of the Standard Model, many theories are also based on conjectures. With the advancement of technology, these theories will one day be tested. String theory may just need to wait a little longer."

"I don't dare to say too much without being ashamed, so I'll just talk about my personal opinions. If it's about the development of string theory, I agree with Mr. Yang's point of view. Physics is a science based on experiments. A A theory that cannot be verified in experiments has only a mathematical representation, and its value is very limited.”

As an elder brother, he couldn't help her with anything else, so he could only help her with this.

Academician Lu smiled and commented.

Shi Shang smiled sheepishly: "Can you help me bring something back from Switzerland?"

"As for the last question, as I said, it is a question for points. When discussing academic issues, you should speak your mind freely, rather than follow what others say. No matter how you answer, as long as your words are reasonable, I will give you a pass."

However, it is a pity that the Beijing Electron Positron Collider used by the Besllll International Cooperation Group led by our country has an energy range between 1-4.5 GeV, which happens to be stuck at the lower mass threshold of "Pc+".

One hundred thousand

However, it is a pity that the Beijing Electron Positron Collider used by the Besllll International Cooperation Group led by our country has an energy range between 1-4.5 GeV, which happens to be stuck at the lower mass threshold of "Pc+".

"Professor, have I passed these three questions?"

Wait, have you taught me these past two months

"The core idea of string theory points out that the basic units of nature are not point particles such as electrons, photons, neutrinos, and quarks, but very small one-dimensional strings. And all basic particles in nature are Produced by the vibration of a string. But so far, our understanding of matter still remains at the level of microscopic particles, and no one has actually seen the existence of that string. What supports these assumptions are just some seemingly beautiful mathematical formulas."

It would be great if his physics could also be raised to LV3.

After all, this is a moment to witness history. It must be more exciting than the mathematics academic conference at Princeton, right

Seeing that his little thoughts were seen through, Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly, coughed lightly and said, "Then I'll tell you directly?"

Lu Zhou asked: "What's the matter?"

Wait, have you taught me these past two months

At this moment, Shi Shang's voice interrupted his delusion.

Academician Lu raised his eyebrows with interest: "Oh?"


"Just like the establishment of the Standard Model, many theories are also based on conjectures. With the advancement of technology, these theories will one day be tested. String theory may just need to wait a little longer."

Shi Shang thought for a moment and said, "Farman's cosmetics... seems to be called this brand."

Seeing that Lu Zhou had not written for a long time, Academician Lu asked with a smile.

As an elder brother, he couldn't help her with anything else, so he could only help her with this.

He has almost developed a conditioned reflex for all kinds of sexy moves with his elbow.

"Elbow, what are you laughing at?"

Liu Rui, who was studying the questions, shouted: "666"

But it’s rare to go to Europe. Do you want to bring some souvenirs back

One hundred thousand

Lu Zhou nodded: "Yes, around the beginning of May, I will go to Switzerland with Academician Lu."

Wait, have you taught me these past two months

Lu Zhou smiled and said in a low-key tone: "It's not mathematics, this time it's physics. And what does it mean to be pretentious? I only work as a handyman, and I mainly listen to the boss's speeches. Even if I have to pretend to be pretentious, it's not my turn. Just pretend."

"Professor, have I passed these three questions?"

Sometimes, he is quite desperate for himself like this.

Realizing that he seemed to laugh out loud, Lu Zhou, who was applying for a visa on the computer, coughed to cover it up: "Ahem, it's nothing, I just thought of something interesting."

Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly and then asked, "Professor, will you take me to Switzerland?"

Lu Zhou was quite excited that he was about to witness history.

At this moment, Shi Shang's voice interrupted his delusion.

Therefore, it is a pity that Chinese scientific researchers can only participate in the work of the LHCb cooperation group as collaborators this time to search for those exciting mysterious particles.

Not noticing the question marks on Lu Zhou's face, Academician Lu paused and continued.

Academician Lu: "The LHCb Chinese research group is still short of a few interns. Do you want to know more about them?"

Walking over and looking at the computer screen, Huang Guangming said in surprise: "Passport? Are you going abroad again?"

It's not easy for him to do such a small thing.

"Professor, have I passed these three questions?"

But it’s rare to go to Europe. Do you want to bring some souvenirs back

It would be great if his physics could also be raised to LV3.

Lu Zhou nodded: "Yes, around the beginning of May, I will go to Switzerland with Academician Lu."

The Chinese cooperation group is mainly headed by Professor Gao from Shuimu University, and major domestic universities are also involved. Academician Lu is also one of the leaders of the Chinese cooperation group. His main work is to analyze the measured bottom baryon cross section.

"I've already solved the first two questions, so why can't I solve the last question that gives me points?"

His index finger tapped lightly on the table. After a while, Academician Lu nodded slowly.

Lu Zhou was quite excited that he was about to witness history.

Lu Zhou nodded: "Yes, around the beginning of May, I will go to Switzerland with Academician Lu."

His index finger tapped lightly on the table. After a while, Academician Lu nodded slowly.

Walking over and looking at the computer screen, Huang Guangming said in surprise: "Passport? Are you going abroad again?"

Liu Rui, who was studying the questions, shouted: "666"

Liu Rui, who was studying the questions, shouted: "666"


"What I asked you to talk about is your own opinion. Do you care whether I have done research or not?" Academician Lu laughed and said, "Just say whatever you want, don't care about my opinion."

Lu Zhou smiled and said in a low-key tone: "It's not mathematics, this time it's physics. And what does it mean to be pretentious? I only work as a handyman, and I mainly listen to the boss's speeches. Even if I have to pretend to be pretentious, it's not my turn. Just pretend."

Lu Zhou was quite excited that he was about to witness history.

"The core idea of string theory points out that the basic units of nature are not point particles such as electrons, photons, neutrinos, and quarks, but very small one-dimensional strings. And all basic particles in nature are Produced by the vibration of a string. But so far, our understanding of matter still remains at the level of microscopic particles, and no one has actually seen the existence of that string. What supports these assumptions are just some seemingly beautiful mathematical formulas."

Lu Zhou joined the Chinese research group as an intern. No matter what role he played, he was at least participating in this historic work.

He has almost developed a conditioned reflex for all kinds of sexy moves with his elbow.

Academician Lu raised his eyebrows with interest: "Oh?"

What is there in Switzerland? Swiss Army Knife? I don’t know if I can take it on the plane...

"Elbow, what are you laughing at?"

Huang Guangming was shocked again: "Damn it, Brother Fei, are you still using cosmetics?"

However, it is a pity that the Beijing Electron Positron Collider used by the Besllll International Cooperation Group led by our country has an energy range between 1-4.5 GeV, which happens to be stuck at the lower mass threshold of "Pc+".

Sometimes, he is quite desperate for himself like this.

Lu Zhou smiled and said in a low-key tone: "It's not mathematics, this time it's physics. And what does it mean to be pretentious? I only work as a handyman, and I mainly listen to the boss's speeches. Even if I have to pretend to be pretentious, it's not my turn. Just pretend."

Lu Zhou thought about it for a long time, but he didn't expect anything good to buy.

It would be great if his physics could also be raised to LV3.

Academician Lu: "The LHCb Chinese research group is still short of a few interns. Do you want to know more about them?"

Huang Guangming was immediately shocked: "Damn it, are you going to Europe this time to show off? Is it still a mathematics conference?"

After a pause, Lu Zhou smiled and continued.

Huang Guangming was shocked again: "Damn it, Brother Fei, are you still using cosmetics?"

What is there in Switzerland? Swiss Army Knife? I don’t know if I can take it on the plane...

After thinking about it, I decided to bring some milk powder to my family. Xiaotong will be in her senior year of high school soon. She needs to replenish her body to prepare for the college entrance examination.

Therefore, it is a pity that Chinese scientific researchers can only participate in the work of the LHCb cooperation group as collaborators this time to search for those exciting mysterious particles.

After all, this is a moment to witness history. It must be more exciting than the mathematics academic conference at Princeton, right

LHCb is the abbreviation of bottom quark detector and is an international research organization. Just like the BESllll international cooperation group named above with the abbreviation of Beijing Spectrometer, it is led by one country or organization and involves scientific researchers from many countries to jointly complete a certain scientific research project.

To produce "Pc+", at least 6GeV of energy is required.

Lu Zhou smiled and said in a low-key tone: "It's not mathematics, this time it's physics. And what does it mean to be pretentious? I only work as a handyman, and I mainly listen to the boss's speeches. Even if I have to pretend to be pretentious, it's not my turn. Just pretend."

"Okay, I'll help you take it when I see it." Lu Zhou nodded.

According to a large number of experiments and calculation analysis, although it is not certain what this particle is, it can be known through the constant mass spectrum analysis of J/ψp that the mass of this particle is around 4.5 GeV.

Huang Guangming looked unbelieving.

After thinking about it, Lu Zhou decided to answer this question from two aspects.

Huang Guangming looked unbelieving.

Lu Zhou:? ?

It would be great if his physics could also be raised to LV3.

As an elder brother, he couldn't help her with anything else, so he could only help her with this.

"I don't dare to say too much without being ashamed, so I'll just talk about my personal opinions. If it's about the development of string theory, I agree with Mr. Yang's point of view. Physics is a science based on experiments. A A theory that cannot be verified in experiments has only a mathematical representation, and its value is very limited.”

As an elder brother, he couldn't help her with anything else, so he could only help her with this.

Seeing that Lu Zhou had not written for a long time, Academician Lu asked with a smile.

At this moment, Shi Shang suddenly said in an embarrassed tone: "Brother Lu, can I ask you for a favor?"

To produce "Pc+", at least 6GeV of energy is required.

Academician Lu: "The LHCb Chinese research group is still short of a few interns. Do you want to know more about them?"

Just now he was still thinking about how to ask Academician Lu to let him sneak into the LHCb to fish, but he didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly...

"What's the business? Tell me." Lu Zhou said generously.

One hundred thousand

"Professor, have I passed these three questions?"

Shi Shang smiled sheepishly: "Can you help me bring something back from Switzerland?"

However, it is a pity that the Beijing Electron Positron Collider used by the Besllll International Cooperation Group led by our country has an energy range between 1-4.5 GeV, which happens to be stuck at the lower mass threshold of "Pc+".

According to a large number of experiments and calculation analysis, although it is not certain what this particle is, it can be known through the constant mass spectrum analysis of J/ψp that the mass of this particle is around 4.5 GeV.

According to a large number of experiments and calculation analysis, although it is not certain what this particle is, it can be known through the constant mass spectrum analysis of J/ψp that the mass of this particle is around 4.5 GeV.

Lu Zhou asked: "What's the matter?"

Lu Zhou thought about it for a long time, but he didn't expect anything good to buy.

"Thank you Professor!"

However, it is a pity that the Beijing Electron Positron Collider used by the Besllll International Cooperation Group led by our country has an energy range between 1-4.5 GeV, which happens to be stuck at the lower mass threshold of "Pc+".

Lu Zhou: "What?"

Academician Lu raised his eyebrows with interest: "Oh?"

"What I asked you to talk about is your own opinion. Do you care whether I have done research or not?" Academician Lu laughed and said, "Just say whatever you want, don't care about my opinion."

Lu Zhou: "What?"

Of course, what makes him even more excited is not knowing how much physics experience this experiment can bring him.

LHCb is the abbreviation of bottom quark detector and is an international research organization. Just like the BESllll international cooperation group named above with the abbreviation of Beijing Spectrometer, it is led by one country or organization and involves scientific researchers from many countries to jointly complete a certain scientific research project.

"Elbow, what are you laughing at?"

Liu Rui, who was studying the questions, shouted: "666"

Liu Rui, who was studying the questions, shouted: "666"

Shi Shang thought for a moment and said, "Farman's cosmetics... seems to be called this brand."

Realizing that he seemed to laugh out loud, Lu Zhou, who was applying for a visa on the computer, coughed to cover it up: "Ahem, it's nothing, I just thought of something interesting."

Therefore, it is a pity that Chinese scientific researchers can only participate in the work of the LHCb cooperation group as collaborators this time to search for those exciting mysterious particles.

Huang Guangming was shocked again: "Damn it, Brother Fei, are you still using cosmetics?"

Hearing these words, Lu Zhou was stunned for a moment.

Lu Zhou joined the Chinese research group as an intern. No matter what role he played, he was at least participating in this historic work.

"Go away! The person who gave you the female ticket... um, take it with you when you come back. I'll convert the money into soft girl coins and give it to you."

Lu Zhou thought about it for a long time, but he didn't expect anything good to buy.

"What's more, human beings should not only live in the present, but also have poetry and distance. Aren't the studies on quantum chromodynamics and even the Large Hadron Collider in Europe all built to test the Standard Model? Even this One day we may not be able to see it, but one day, someone will see that string for us.”

But it’s rare to go to Europe. Do you want to bring some souvenirs back

LHCb is the abbreviation of bottom quark detector and is an international research organization. Just like the BESllll international cooperation group named above with the abbreviation of Beijing Spectrometer, it is led by one country or organization and involves scientific researchers from many countries to jointly complete a certain scientific research project.

"As for the last question, as I said, it is a question for points. When discussing academic issues, you should speak your mind freely, rather than follow what others say. No matter how you answer, as long as your words are reasonable, I will give you a pass."

There was silence for a while.

"Okay, I'll help you take it when I see it." Lu Zhou nodded.

Lu Zhou joined the Chinese research group as an intern. No matter what role he played, he was at least participating in this historic work.

"Of course. The first two objective questions are completely correct. It can be seen that you have really put in some effort in the past two months and listened to what I taught you."

After thinking about it, I decided to bring some milk powder to my family. Xiaotong will be in her senior year of high school soon. She needs to replenish her body to prepare for the college entrance examination.

It's not easy for him to do such a small thing.

After thinking about it, I decided to bring some milk powder to my family. Xiaotong will be in her senior year of high school soon. She needs to replenish her body to prepare for the college entrance examination.

Of course, what makes him even more excited is not knowing how much physics experience this experiment can bring him.

But it’s rare to go to Europe. Do you want to bring some souvenirs back

Liu Rui, who was studying the questions, shouted: "666"

"Okay, I'll help you take it when I see it." Lu Zhou nodded.

"Okay, I'll help you take it when I see it." Lu Zhou nodded.

What is there in Switzerland? Swiss Army Knife? I don’t know if I can take it on the plane...


Huang Guangming was immediately shocked: "Damn it, are you going to Europe this time to show off? Is it still a mathematics conference?"

His index finger tapped lightly on the table. After a while, Academician Lu nodded slowly.

Just in case, Lu Zhou still asked.

Shi Shang smiled sheepishly: "Can you help me bring something back from Switzerland?"

"Go away! The person who gave you the female ticket... um, take it with you when you come back. I'll convert the money into soft girl coins and give it to you."

"You're welcome, this is what I promised you," Professor Lu smiled, paused for a moment, and then continued, "By the way, let me ask you something."

Lu Zhou thought about it for a long time, but he didn't expect anything good to buy.

Lu Zhou asked: "What's the matter?"

"Professor, have I passed these three questions?"

It would be great if his physics could also be raised to LV3.

"Okay, I'll help you take it when I see it." Lu Zhou nodded.

After thinking about it, I decided to bring some milk powder to my family. Xiaotong will be in her senior year of high school soon. She needs to replenish her body to prepare for the college entrance examination.

After a pause, Lu Zhou smiled and continued.

Huang Guangming looked unbelieving.

After staring at the topic and considering it for a while, Lu Zhou raised his head and asked, "Professor, have you ever studied string theory?"

There was silence for a while.

"Professor, have I passed these three questions?"

Shi Shang thought for a moment and said, "Farman's cosmetics... seems to be called this brand."

"Okay, I'll help you take it when I see it." Lu Zhou nodded.

As an elder brother, he couldn't help her with anything else, so he could only help her with this.

"Go away! The person who gave you the female ticket... um, take it with you when you come back. I'll convert the money into soft girl coins and give it to you."

After staring at the topic and considering it for a while, Lu Zhou raised his head and asked, "Professor, have you ever studied string theory?"

Hearing these words, Lu Zhou was stunned for a moment.

"Professor, have I passed these three questions?"

To produce "Pc+", at least 6GeV of energy is required.