Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 157: Arriving in Switzerland!


The Algebra Prize of the Kohl Prize has also been decided with the publication of this paper.

Lu Zhou really felt stressed. A guy named Schulz from Germany was more cheating than him. Although he only published a dozen papers in total, almost every two papers won a mathematics award.

After leaving the airport, Lu Zhou finally saw this senior brother, whom he only heard his name but never met, next to a black Volkswagen.

"CERN?" For some reason, Han Mengqi's eyes suddenly lit up. "Is the abbreviation SERN?"

Lu Zhou asked casually: "Aren't you interested in cosmetics and skin care products?"

In order to avoid the peak tourist period, Academician Lu took Lu Zhou and set off for Geneva on the Friday after Labor Day.

"It's also to publish more papers, to produce more results, and to ask for funds from member states," Senior Brother Yan said casually, "Anyway, there is so much free labor, why not use it? Of course, it is indeed useful to do a calculation before the experiment That’s necessary, after all, there are only a few apartments in one turn.”

"My mother's company specializes in fashion and luxury goods. She basically goes to Europe every two months. Didn't she say that?" Han Mengqi said nonchalantly, swinging her calves.

Algebraic K-theory is not his area of expertise, and he only understands things in this direction.

Han Mengqi tilted her head and asked, "LHCb?"

After coughing slightly, Lu Zhou forcibly changed the subject and asked, "Do you need me to buy something for you? Anyway, I'm on my way."

Lu Zhou suddenly realized that there seemed to be no need to ask this question.

"It stresses me out a lot."

After looking at the car keys, Academician Lu asked casually.

Brother Yan replied while driving: "The European person in charge of LHCb requested a Dalitz diagram analysis of the resonance state when baryons decay to charmons."

There is no suspense about the number theory prize of the Kohl Prize. The twin prime conjecture will undoubtedly dominate the number theory world in the next 15 years.

Han Mengqi asked curiously: "Going to Europe? What are you going to Europe for?"

As for that paper, if you want to understand it, you must first study Schulz's "PS Theory". He is currently too busy to spare any time.

Lu Zhou was stunned for a moment: "SERN? You spelled it wrong, it's CERN."

"Participated in the LHCb project."

Senior Brother Yan smiled and said, "I borrowed it from Professor Greer."

After joining the LHCb organization as an intern, although the organization did not arrange specific scientific research tasks for him, Lu Zhou, who felt that his knowledge level was not enough, consciously began to supplement the knowledge of quantum chromodynamics.

However, Senior Brother Yan didn't take it seriously and patted Lu Zhou on the shoulder with a smile.

"Hello, hello, I've heard of you for a long time." As soon as we met, Senior Brother Yan smiled and took Lu Zhou's hand and shook it, "My name is Yan Xinjue, you can just call me Senior Brother Yan."


In fact, there is another researcher at Jinda, a doctoral student led by Academician Lu, but he arrived in Switzerland last month and has been there for more than half a month. So there were only two people on Lu Zhou's side: him and Academician Lu.

At present, it seems that in less than a year, he has fulfilled the domineering declaration he made at the Mathematicians Conference - "Using his own theory to solve an important conjecture of Deligne."

"I'm going to Europe in a few days. I don't know how long I will stay there. I have given you everything I need to teach you, and you are on your own during this period."

Han Mengqi suddenly looked serious: "Master, be careful, this may be a conspiracy of the agency."

Senior Brother Yan shrugged and said in a teasing tone: "Because the discovery of the pentaquark state is a foregone conclusion, we have been doing theoretical analysis since last year. The Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Laboratory in the United States and the Moscow Experimental Physics Institute in Russia We have found indirect evidence of the existence of this thing. If we still can’t find this thing, I will eat this car.”

Moreover, he used the "PS theory" he created to solve this conjecture in the field of algebraic K-theory.

"There's something wrong." Academician Lu shook his head.

When the car got on the road, Lu Zhou sat in the back seat and Academician Lu sat in the passenger seat.

"You kid," Academician Lu shook his head, "Where is the project now?"

Finally, it’s May.

And his first medal may have to wait until the end of the year.

After more than ten hours of flight, the plane landed on the airport runway in the dark.

Lu Zhou: "Then why bother?"

During this period, a big event happened in the world of mathematics.

Is this another new trick that he doesn't understand

"Purchasing agent?" Han Mengqi was stunned for a moment, shook her head and said, "No need."

Although he won't set off next week, Lu Zhou still has a lot of preparation work to do before departure, and he will definitely not be able to spare time to give her extra lessons during this time.

Lu Zhou asked: "Why do you say there is something wrong?"

"Don't be so modest. You are the next Fields Medal winner, and our alumni circle is unanimously optimistic about you!" Senior Brother Yan said with a smile.

This achievement not only solved a world-class mathematical problem, but also provided a classic example for his "PS theory" that can prove its application value.

Lu Zhou explained casually: "A project about the Large Hadron Collider, on the border of Switzerland and France, near the European Organization for Nuclear Research."

On Sunday, Lu Zhou went to Ms. Yang's house to give tutoring lessons to his young apprentice as usual.

Lu Zhou replied humbly: "Lu Zhou, you have achieved a small amount, but it's not worth mentioning."

Schulz, the German god of science, successfully solved the special case of the Weight-monodromy conjecture and published it in the latest issue of "Annals of Mathematics".

With that said, he took the suitcase from Academician Lu and put it in the trunk, then returned to the driver's seat and started the car.

"Only when you are under pressure can you be motivated. Only when you are young and hardworking can you win. I am optimistic about you! I have already made arrangements for the hotel. Come on, get in the car."

Lu Zhou:…

To be more specific, it’s writing papers.

In a foreign mathematics forum, many good people have begun to discuss the ownership of the 2018 Fields Medal. There is no doubt that these two will be the strongest contenders for this award.

There are no direct flights from Jinling to Switzerland, and there are no direct flights from China to Geneva. The group first took a plane to Shanghai, then transferred and boarded a plane to Zurich, the largest city in Switzerland.

However, Lu Zhou only had a brief understanding of this matter, but did not pay in-depth attention.

During dinner, he said casually as he thought that he would leave for Switzerland early next month.

Speaking of which, he seemed to rarely see this little guy playing with cosmetics and other things, but there were a bunch of pillows and figurines scattered around her room.

"Your car is okay. Where did you get it?"