Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 159: A good news and a bad news


Just when Lu Zhou wanted to ask what happened, Senior Brother Yan walked over to his desk and sat down, speaking seriously.

The conference room next to it was the office of the Shuimu University research group. He could even hear the fierce debate through the not-so-thick wall.

When those black technologies that are so awesome are unlocked one by one by him, what does Wall Street mean? Sooner or later you will have to kneel at his feet and sing conquest.

Senior Brother Yan: "The bad news is that they finished it before us."

Lu Zhou: "What's the good news?"

Senior Brother Yan was stunned for a moment, looked at the draft paper on the table, and then looked at the blackboard: "How did you get it?"

With the words "Keep it up, I'm optimistic about you", Lu Zhou deeply realized how difficult this job was, and finally understood why the Internet was born here.


At this moment, there is still one week left before the reporting date set by the person in charge of the LHCb organization. The biggest difficulty was overcome, and he had enough time to complete the last step of image analysis and check the correctness of the data.

Densely packed letters and numbers were mixed together, like a tangled ball of yarn.


Looking at the reciprocating images, he suddenly spoke.

Each line in the picture represents a lock of hair belonging to a physicist...



However, Tim Berners-Lee, who may have invented the Internet, did not expect that the communication tool he designed for CERN would not be carried forward in the academic exchanges of physicists, but would be used by people. Bragging...

You still have to have some dreams in life.

In the conference room on the sixth floor of the hotel, Lu Zhou looked like an old monk in meditation, staring blankly at a whiteboard.

For a poor student, these processes may be no different from waste paper, and only one result is enough. But for someone who knew something about quantum chromodynamics, he could easily digest this knowledge and make it his own.

This kind of theoretical physics problem is different from number theory problem. The former feeds on calculation and abstract thinking, while the latter feeds on inspiration.

The researchers at Jinda consist of three generals, two theoretical physics experts, Academician Lu and Senior Brother Yan, plus Lu Zhou, an intern. The lineup is quite strong. However, even with such a lineup, the data responsible for it is only the data of the B1 division.

Lu Zhou:…

It wasn’t a sudden inspiration or a real epiphany.

"A good news and a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

So where is the good news

"No, if you can completely understand this thing, you won't be far away from the Nobel Prize."

After closing the notebook, Lu Zhou stretched out and thought about what to eat later. Senior Brother Yan, who had just returned from dinner outside, had a solemn expression on his face.

Although Lu Zhou already has considerable attainments in the fields of functional analysis and group theory, he is still new to specific work in theoretical physics.

"I suddenly understood why most Princeton graduates end up meeting on Wall Street."

"Don't you think this thing is like the K-line of a stock?"

Lu Zhou is responsible for the calculation part, or to put it more accurately, it is the processing of the data given to him by Academician Lu.

Fortunately, Youshen's teammate Senior Brother Yan provided an assist and made up for his lack of theoretical knowledge. Relying on Senior Brother Yan's work experience in the BESllll cooperative organization, this work can be carried out reluctantly.

After the system instilled this knowledge into his mind, it not only gave him an answer, but the process of processing the data was also written into his memory.

"Line 27, add the fermion field to the Lagrange's quantity and import the yukawa potential energy function..." Lu Zhou replied as if he was mumbling to himself while staring at the blackboard.

Senior Brother Yan sighed with emotion: "It's incredible, you should go get a gold medal and come back."

Lu Zhou sighed: "I feel like once I understand this thing, it will be no problem at all to report to an investment bank on Wall Street."

However, using these points is not without side effects. The load generated by writing a huge amount of knowledge into the brain is no less than running a 3A-level stand-alone game masterpiece on an A-card. The constant influx of information makes Lu Zhou feel as if a thousand ants have crawled on his scalp. .

[From =IP^μ·FπΨ^(ab)e^(-ipx), the resonance energy of Λ* can be calculated as... ]

If five minutes ago he had no clue when faced with these numbers and letters, now he already knows how to start and how to use his mathematical knowledge to solve these problems...

Lu Zhou shook his head: "No, I am from Jinda University who passed the college entrance examination..."

Although theoretical physics cannot give him a Wall Street salary, it can give him what Wall Street cannot give him.

With this tacit division of labor and cooperation, the time changed from early May to late May, and Lu Zhou finally finished processing the massive amount of data.

Seeing that Lu Zhou had found an idea and was getting into the mood, Senior Brother Yan stopped caring about him and started to deal with the work at hand with peace of mind.

He tried to ignore the physics and treat it as a purely mathematical problem.

Academician Lu was very efficient in holding meetings. After the ten-minute meeting, work was quickly assigned to everyone's hands.

Staring at the computer screen, Lu Zhou was counting on the scratch paper with a pen and typing on the keyboard from time to time.

[M square π=(Mμ+Md)/2Fπ1