Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 16: Throughout the first and third term, no one can match him!


Ten o'clock in the morning, Laboratory Building, Mathematics Department Office.

"You said that the good talents in our mathematics department are all monopolized by you? It doesn't matter if you are an undergraduate, the same is true for the graduate students you lead." The more Lu Fangping thought about it, the more unwilling he became. Why couldn't he teach him? There are no graduate students of this level.

Lu Fangping was completely confused. He looked at the paper on his laptop and then at his old friend. After a while, he coughed dryly and said in an uncertain tone, "Old Tang, there is no need to tease me like this, right?"

Ten o'clock in the morning, Laboratory Building, Mathematics Department Office.

Professor Tang, who was sitting at his desk and staring at the computer screen meticulously, was revising his paper.

Lu Fangping felt that he had made his words very clear.

Lu Fangping was not in a hurry at all, he was determined to decide on this talent!

"Isn't this the most annoying thing for you? If I come here carrying something, I'm afraid I won't even be able to get through this door." Lu Fangping laughed and said.

In line with the principle of keeping good money from outsiders, Tang Zhiwei also wanted to settle the matter early, so he called Lu Zhou in front of the department chair.

"Haha, I have to shut down my phone after the exam every year for a few days. It's not like you don't know." Looking at Professor Lu Fangping who came back, Tang Zhiwei smiled, leaned on the chair, picked up the thermos cup and took a sip. Tea, the old god said, "Aren't you very busy recently? Why, do you have time to visit today?"

Moreover, based on the experience of previous competitions, the winning scores in the Mathematical Modeling Competition are not completely positively correlated with the mathematics scores of the contestants. On the contrary, students with balanced scores in various subjects are better able to perform well in the competition.

Every time he saw the rigorous calculation and argumentation process, he couldn't help but feel emotional in his heart. Even though he had a critical eye and wanted to find the loopholes in it for the boy to take back and modify, he felt like he couldn't do anything.

Although in principle the school encourages free formation of teams, it does not object to departments taking the lead in establishing regular armies. After all, winning more national awards is a political achievement for the leaders and an honor for the school.

Professor Tang, who was sitting at his desk and staring at the computer screen meticulously, was revising his paper.

In line with the principle of keeping good money from outsiders, Tang Zhiwei also wanted to settle the matter early, so he called Lu Zhou in front of the department chair.

As for whether Lu Zhou would refuse, he was not worried anymore.

The discussion is complete and not a single line of calculation is redundant.

Sitting down on the sofa in the office, Lu Fangping said with a smile: "I have something to ask you for help, so I came here uninvited!"

Suddenly, he remembered, wasn't this name the same student who finished the paper in less than half an hour when he was invigilating the high school math exam yesterday, and was still correct

In line with the principle of keeping good money from outsiders, Tang Zhiwei also wanted to settle the matter early, so he called Lu Zhou in front of the department chair.

Although mathematical modeling and mathematical research both involve mathematics, they are two completely different things. Whether it is innovative thinking ability or the speed of accepting new things, it is difficult for old academicians like Professor Tang to keep up with the ideas of young people like Professor Tang, so there is no need for tutoring.

Lu Fangping patted his thigh and said, "Hey, aren't we going to hold a national mathematical modeling competition this September? The institute wants us to gather as many teams as possible, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder with the software institute next door. Let’s work side by side to win a few more first-class national awards, which can be considered as a way to win more glory for the college and our school!”

All I could do was help him make slight corrections to the wording, sentence construction and some English grammar parts of the paper.

"You said that the good talents in our mathematics department are all monopolized by you? It doesn't matter if you are an undergraduate, the same is true for the graduate students you lead." The more Lu Fangping thought about it, the more unwilling he became. Why couldn't he teach him? There are no graduate students of this level.

As for Lu Zhou, although his mathematical ability is not a problem, his knowledge is still too narrow!

At least in the field of functional analysis, he has reached a height that is impossible for undergraduates.

Moreover, based on the experience of previous competitions, the winning scores in the Mathematical Modeling Competition are not completely positively correlated with the mathematics scores of the contestants. On the contrary, students with balanced scores in various subjects are better able to perform well in the competition.

"What is this kid doing? He doesn't answer the phone. I'll talk to him later."

"Young people are terrible." Professor Tang Zhiwei sighed in his mind and leaned on his chair.

Ten o'clock in the morning, Laboratory Building, Mathematics Department Office.

What if something goes wrong and the entire Dashu College doesn’t even get out of the National Level 1? How embarrassing will it be during meetings

Of course, it doesn't matter if you just register, after all, the important thing is to participate. But what Lu Fangping obviously doesn't want is the kind of student who "emphasizes participation." What he wants is the kind of student who can surely win the first place in the country.

Although mathematical modeling and mathematical research both involve mathematics, they are two completely different things. Whether it is innovative thinking ability or the speed of accepting new things, it is difficult for old academicians like Professor Tang to keep up with the ideas of young people like Professor Tang, so there is no need for tutoring.

Ten o'clock in the morning, Laboratory Building, Mathematics Department Office.

At this moment, the office door opened.

The National Mathematical Modeling Contest for College Students is not a Mathematical Olympiad exam in the traditional sense. It just gives you a paper and lets you do it. The focus is not on the mastery of theoretical knowledge, but on the ability of college students to apply theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems.

"You want... to let me be the instructor?" Tang Zhiwei frowned slightly, "But I am engaged in pure theoretical mathematics research. I'm afraid I can't help in terms of mathematical modeling."

"Don't worry, that kid listens to me. Don't leave in a hurry. I'll call him and explain this matter right now." Tang Zhiwei said with assurance, then he reached out and picked up the desk. Get on the phone.

The visitor neither knocked on the door nor said hello. This rude behavior made Professor Tang frown, but after seeing who the person was, his brows could not help but relax, and a smile appeared on his face.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you just register, after all, the important thing is to participate. But what Lu Fangping obviously doesn't want is the kind of student who "emphasizes participation." What he wants is the kind of student who can surely win the first place in the country.

Professor Tang, who was sitting at his desk and staring at the computer screen meticulously, was revising his paper.

"Oh, that's it. Okay, you came at the right time. I happen to have someone I want to recommend to you. Lu Zhou, who is in the first class, you can just use it, you're welcome." Tang Zhiwei smiled. road.

Lu Fangping, the dean of the Mathematics Department of Jinling University, and he are not only colleagues, but also old friends and classmates.

There is such a talent from the Software Academy. They don't care whether they take it seriously or not. At least they can't cheat their teammates, right? When the time comes, the "regular troops" designated by the courtyard will not even be able to enter the gate of the national competition. How embarrassing it will be!

Pretending to be full of questions, Lu Fangping continued to look down, and the expression behind him became more interesting.

Lu Fangping was not in a hurry at all, he was determined to decide on this talent!

Especially after seeing this paper, all the doubts in his mind about the ability of the student named Lu Zhou were instantly shattered.

As a "regular soldier" in the hospital, participating in such a national competition is a rare opportunity. Apart from anything else, once the award comes back and the department leaders know your name, the scholarship for the next four years will definitely be guaranteed.

"Old Tang, why is the phone turned off? I called you for a long time and couldn't find anyone." When he walked in, Lu Fangping greeted with a smile.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you just register, after all, the important thing is to participate. But what Lu Fangping obviously doesn't want is the kind of student who "emphasizes participation." What he wants is the kind of student who can surely win the first place in the country.

At least in the field of functional analysis, he has reached a height that is impossible for undergraduates.

All I could do was help him make slight corrections to the wording, sentence construction and some English grammar parts of the paper.

"The user you are calling is not in the service area. Please call again later... beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep."

"Haha, I have to shut down my phone after the exam every year for a few days. It's not like you don't know." Looking at Professor Lu Fangping who came back, Tang Zhiwei smiled, leaned on the chair, picked up the thermos cup and took a sip. Tea, the old god said, "Aren't you very busy recently? Why, do you have time to visit today?"

"Don't worry, that kid listens to me. Don't leave in a hurry. I'll call him and explain this matter right now." Tang Zhiwei said with assurance, then he reached out and picked up the desk. Get on the phone.

Tang Zhiwei smiled: "Okay, let's stop joking here. Don't beat around the bush. If you need my help, just say it."

Sitting down on the sofa in the office, Lu Fangping said with a smile: "I have something to ask you for help, so I came here uninvited!"

Lu Fangping coughed lightly: "I... have nothing to say. I'll leave it to you to convince him to sign up."

"I'm not kidding you," Tang Zhiwei suppressed the smile on his face, looked at his old friend, and said in a serious tone, "He completed the argumentation process of this paper by himself from beginning to end. I am very grateful to him." The guidance was limited to the explanation of a few difficult knowledge points. It was the questions he asked me that convinced me that these papers were written by him. The only thing I helped him revise was the wording and sentence making of the paper. Regarding the core part of the argument and the final conclusion of the thesis, I can't even find fault except with emotion. Although this guy has a more utilitarian personality and is a bit impatient in his work, his flaws are not concealed. He is a rare good prospect. You have to ask me Whoever is recommended to join the regular army of our college, I will definitely recommend him. Whether it is the thesis skills or the mathematical skills, no one in the first or third class of Jinling University can be better than him!"

"Don't worry, that kid listens to me. Don't leave in a hurry. I'll call him and explain this matter right now." Tang Zhiwei said with assurance, then he reached out and picked up the desk. Get on the phone.

As for Lu Zhou, although his mathematical ability is not a problem, his knowledge is still too narrow!

"You old guy is quite thick-skinned. Someone asked me for help carrying two boxes of wine, but you asked me for help and didn't even hand over a cigarette. What help is there? I won't help!" Tang Zhiwei scolded with a smile.

"The user you are calling is not in the service area. Please call again later... beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep."

Lu Fangping was completely confused. He looked at the paper on his laptop and then at his old friend. After a while, he coughed dryly and said in an uncertain tone, "Old Tang, there is no need to tease me like this, right?"

Pretending to be full of questions, Lu Fangping continued to look down, and the expression behind him became more interesting.

Ten o'clock in the morning, Laboratory Building, Mathematics Department Office.

"Haha, I have to shut down my phone after the exam every year for a few days. It's not like you don't know." Looking at Professor Lu Fangping who came back, Tang Zhiwei smiled, leaned on the chair, picked up the thermos cup and took a sip. Tea, the old god said, "Aren't you very busy recently? Why, do you have time to visit today?"

"Isn't this the most annoying thing for you? If I come here carrying something, I'm afraid I won't even be able to get through this door." Lu Fangping laughed and said.

Moreover, due to the wide range of topics in the competition, freshman contestants are limited by their breadth of knowledge and find it difficult to play an effective role in the competition.

As a "regular soldier" in the hospital, participating in such a national competition is a rare opportunity. Apart from anything else, once the award comes back and the department leaders know your name, the scholarship for the next four years will definitely be guaranteed.

Tang Zhiwei smiled: "Okay, let's stop joking here. Don't beat around the bush. If you need my help, just say it."

Although mathematical modeling and mathematical research both involve mathematics, they are two completely different things. Whether it is innovative thinking ability or the speed of accepting new things, it is difficult for old academicians like Professor Tang to keep up with the ideas of young people like Professor Tang, so there is no need for tutoring.

"Young people are terrible." Professor Tang Zhiwei sighed in his mind and leaned on his chair.

The National Mathematical Modeling Contest for College Students is not a Mathematical Olympiad exam in the traditional sense. It just gives you a paper and lets you do it. The focus is not on the mastery of theoretical knowledge, but on the ability of college students to apply theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems.

"That's right." Lu Fangping nodded, "The Software Academy attaches great importance to this cooperation. The contestant they sent is a sophomore computer genius who won two national championships in high school. Computer Software Innovation Award, I won the first prize in the Huaguo College Student Software Cup during my freshman year. I actually have a few candidates here, but I still want to ask what you mean. My bottom line is that I am at least a sophomore... You Do you understand what I mean?"

Pretending to be full of questions, Lu Fangping continued to look down, and the expression behind him became more interesting.

Although in principle the school encourages free formation of teams, it does not object to departments taking the lead in establishing regular armies. After all, winning more national awards is a political achievement for the leaders and an honor for the school.

Lu Fangping patted his thigh and said, "Hey, aren't we going to hold a national mathematical modeling competition this September? The institute wants us to gather as many teams as possible, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder with the software institute next door. Let’s work side by side to win a few more first-class national awards, which can be considered as a way to win more glory for the college and our school!”

"Young people are terrible." Professor Tang Zhiwei sighed in his mind and leaned on his chair.

If Tang Zhiwei hadn't told him, he would have thought that this paper was written by a graduate student, or even at the doctoral level...

The discussion is complete and not a single line of calculation is redundant.

"That's right." Lu Fangping nodded, "The Software Academy attaches great importance to this cooperation. The contestant they sent is a sophomore computer genius who won two national championships in high school. Computer Software Innovation Award, I won the first prize in the Huaguo College Student Software Cup during my freshman year. I actually have a few candidates here, but I still want to ask what you mean. My bottom line is that I am at least a sophomore... You Do you understand what I mean?"

As a "regular soldier" in the hospital, participating in such a national competition is a rare opportunity. Apart from anything else, once the award comes back and the department leaders know your name, the scholarship for the next four years will definitely be guaranteed.

Tang Zhiwei was stunned for a moment, frowned and hung up the phone.

In line with the principle of keeping good money from outsiders, Tang Zhiwei also wanted to settle the matter early, so he called Lu Zhou in front of the department chair.

By the way, it can also be considered as a guide for the year-end teaching and research assessment.

Tang Zhiwei was stunned for a moment, frowned and hung up the phone.

At this moment, the office door opened.

Of course, Director Lu would not say these things.

Tang Zhiwei smiled and did not answer directly. Instead, he looked at the computer on his desk and said, "I happen to have a paper here. Come and take a look."

What if something goes wrong and the entire Dashu College doesn’t even get out of the National Level 1? How embarrassing will it be during meetings

"The user you are calling is not in the service area. Please call again later... beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep."

What if something goes wrong and the entire Dashu College doesn’t even get out of the National Level 1? How embarrassing will it be during meetings

"The optimal inversion theory of linear operators and linear functionals... When did your research direction change to this?" Looking at the title and abstract of the paper, Lu Fangping chuckled and asked with interest.

"Lu Zhou?" Lu Fangping frowned, "I seem to have seen this name somewhere..."

"The optimal inversion theory of linear operators and linear functionals... When did your research direction change to this?" Looking at the title and abstract of the paper, Lu Fangping chuckled and asked with interest.

The discussion is complete and not a single line of calculation is redundant.

"Isn't this the most annoying thing for you? If I come here carrying something, I'm afraid I won't even be able to get through this door." Lu Fangping laughed and said.

"The user you are calling is not in the service area. Please call again later... beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep."

Of course, Director Lu would not say these things.

"Don't worry, I will give you an answer before tomorrow." Tang Zhiwei waved his hand and said.

"Do you think you're too young?" Tang Zhiwei asked with a smile as he could see what his old friend was thinking at a glance.

"What is this kid doing? He doesn't answer the phone. I'll talk to him later."

But any college student would not refuse such a good opportunity.

"Young people are terrible." Professor Tang Zhiwei sighed in his mind and leaned on his chair.

Lu Fangping coughed lightly: "I... have nothing to say. I'll leave it to you to convince him to sign up."

He is a freshman!

"You want... to let me be the instructor?" Tang Zhiwei frowned slightly, "But I am engaged in pure theoretical mathematics research. I'm afraid I can't help in terms of mathematical modeling."

Especially after seeing this paper, all the doubts in his mind about the ability of the student named Lu Zhou were instantly shattered.

Suddenly, he remembered, wasn't this name the same student who finished the paper in less than half an hour when he was invigilating the high school math exam yesterday, and was still correct

Phone off

He is a freshman!

Lu Fangping felt that he had made his words very clear.

Although mathematical modeling and mathematical research both involve mathematics, they are two completely different things. Whether it is innovative thinking ability or the speed of accepting new things, it is difficult for old academicians like Professor Tang to keep up with the ideas of young people like Professor Tang, so there is no need for tutoring.

Pretending to be full of questions, Lu Fangping continued to look down, and the expression behind him became more interesting.

There is such a talent from the Software Academy. They don't care whether they take it seriously or not. At least they can't cheat their teammates, right? When the time comes, the "regular troops" designated by the courtyard will not even be able to enter the gate of the national competition. How embarrassing it will be!

"No, the teaching team has been arranged. No need to trouble you. I just want to ask you to borrow two people. Among the majors you teach, are there any who have outstanding talents in mathematics and flexible thinking?" Lu Fang Ping said with a smile.

Pretending to be full of questions, Lu Fangping continued to look down, and the expression behind him became more interesting.

"The user you are calling is not in the service area. Please call again later... beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep."

Hearing these words, Tang Zhiwei laughed loudly, but Lu Fangping was confused. He didn't know what his old friend was laughing about.

If Tang Zhiwei hadn't told him, he would have thought that this paper was written by a graduate student, or even at the doctoral level...

At least in the field of functional analysis, he has reached a height that is impossible for undergraduates.

"Oh, that's it. Okay, you came at the right time. I happen to have someone I want to recommend to you. Lu Zhou, who is in the first class, you can just use it, you're welcome." Tang Zhiwei smiled. road.

Moreover, based on the experience of previous competitions, the winning scores in the Mathematical Modeling Competition are not completely positively correlated with the mathematics scores of the contestants. On the contrary, students with balanced scores in various subjects are better able to perform well in the competition.

Tang Zhiwei smiled and did not answer directly. Instead, he looked at the computer on his desk and said, "I happen to have a paper here. Come and take a look."

"Haha, I have to shut down my phone after the exam every year for a few days. It's not like you don't know." Looking at Professor Lu Fangping who came back, Tang Zhiwei smiled, leaned on the chair, picked up the thermos cup and took a sip. Tea, the old god said, "Aren't you very busy recently? Why, do you have time to visit today?"

"Lu Zhou?" Lu Fangping frowned, "I seem to have seen this name somewhere..."

Lu Fangping was completely confused. He looked at the paper on his laptop and then at his old friend. After a while, he coughed dryly and said in an uncertain tone, "Old Tang, there is no need to tease me like this, right?"

What a great one no one can beat!

Lu Fangping was completely confused. He looked at the paper on his laptop and then at his old friend. After a while, he coughed dryly and said in an uncertain tone, "Old Tang, there is no need to tease me like this, right?"

Lu Fangping felt that he had made his words very clear.

Lu Fangping, the dean of the Mathematics Department of Jinling University, and he are not only colleagues, but also old friends and classmates.

All I could do was help him make slight corrections to the wording, sentence construction and some English grammar parts of the paper.

How many students are there in the first and third classes of Jinling University? Even me, the head of the department, doesn’t know!

"What is this kid doing? He doesn't answer the phone. I'll talk to him later."

Suddenly, he remembered, wasn't this name the same student who finished the paper in less than half an hour when he was invigilating the high school math exam yesterday, and was still correct

There is such a talent from the Software Academy. They don't care whether they take it seriously or not. At least they can't cheat their teammates, right? When the time comes, the "regular troops" designated by the courtyard will not even be able to enter the gate of the national competition. How embarrassing it will be!

Lu Fangping, the dean of the Mathematics Department of Jinling University, and he are not only colleagues, but also old friends and classmates.

"No, the teaching team has been arranged. No need to trouble you. I just want to ask you to borrow two people. Among the majors you teach, are there any who have outstanding talents in mathematics and flexible thinking?" Lu Fang Ping said with a smile.

At least in the field of functional analysis, he has reached a height that is impossible for undergraduates.

"What is this kid doing? He doesn't answer the phone. I'll talk to him later."

Every time he saw the rigorous calculation and argumentation process, he couldn't help but feel emotional in his heart. Even though he had a critical eye and wanted to find the loopholes in it for the boy to take back and modify, he felt like he couldn't do anything.

If Tang Zhiwei hadn't told him, he would have thought that this paper was written by a graduate student, or even at the doctoral level...


"Haha, I have to shut down my phone after the exam every year for a few days. It's not like you don't know." Looking at Professor Lu Fangping who came back, Tang Zhiwei smiled, leaned on the chair, picked up the thermos cup and took a sip. Tea, the old god said, "Aren't you very busy recently? Why, do you have time to visit today?"

All I could do was help him make slight corrections to the wording, sentence construction and some English grammar parts of the paper.

Every time he saw the rigorous calculation and argumentation process, he couldn't help but feel emotional in his heart. Even though he had a critical eye and wanted to find the loopholes in it for the boy to take back and modify, he felt like he couldn't do anything.

He is a freshman!

By the way, it can also be considered as a guide for the year-end teaching and research assessment.

There is such a talent from the Software Academy. They don't care whether they take it seriously or not. At least they can't cheat their teammates, right? When the time comes, the "regular troops" designated by the courtyard will not even be able to enter the gate of the national competition. How embarrassing it will be!

Lu Fangping coughed lightly: "I... have nothing to say. I'll leave it to you to convince him to sign up."

Lu Fangping was stunned for a moment, not knowing what his old classmate meant, but he still got up and walked over with hesitation.

Professor Tang, who was sitting at his desk and staring at the computer screen meticulously, was revising his paper.

Lu Fangping was completely confused. He looked at the paper on his laptop and then at his old friend. After a while, he coughed dryly and said in an uncertain tone, "Old Tang, there is no need to tease me like this, right?"

Pretending to be full of questions, Lu Fangping continued to look down, and the expression behind him became more interesting.

The National Mathematical Modeling Contest for College Students is not a Mathematical Olympiad exam in the traditional sense. It just gives you a paper and lets you do it. The focus is not on the mastery of theoretical knowledge, but on the ability of college students to apply theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems.

How many students are there in the first and third classes of Jinling University? Even me, the head of the department, doesn’t know!

Of course, Director Lu would not say these things.

Moreover, based on the experience of previous competitions, the winning scores in the Mathematical Modeling Competition are not completely positively correlated with the mathematics scores of the contestants. On the contrary, students with balanced scores in various subjects are better able to perform well in the competition.

Lu Fangping felt that he had made his words very clear.

At this moment, the office door opened.

"The optimal inversion theory of linear operators and linear functionals... When did your research direction change to this?" Looking at the title and abstract of the paper, Lu Fangping chuckled and asked with interest.

Every time he saw the rigorous calculation and argumentation process, he couldn't help but feel emotional in his heart. Even though he had a critical eye and wanted to find the loopholes in it for the boy to take back and modify, he felt like he couldn't do anything.

Moreover, due to the wide range of topics in the competition, freshman contestants are limited by their breadth of knowledge and find it difficult to play an effective role in the competition.

Tang Zhiwei did not answer, but urged: "Don't ask so many questions, read the paper and give an evaluation."

Lu Fangping was stunned for a moment, not knowing what his old classmate meant, but he still got up and walked over with hesitation.

However, Lu Fangping could not refute.

Tang Zhiwei was stunned for a moment, frowned and hung up the phone.

Lu Fangping, the dean of the Mathematics Department of Jinling University, and he are not only colleagues, but also old friends and classmates.

Suddenly, he remembered, wasn't this name the same student who finished the paper in less than half an hour when he was invigilating the high school math exam yesterday, and was still correct

Of course, it doesn't matter if you just register, after all, the important thing is to participate. But what Lu Fangping obviously doesn't want is the kind of student who "emphasizes participation." What he wants is the kind of student who can surely win the first place in the country.

But any college student would not refuse such a good opportunity.

Professor Tang, who was sitting at his desk and staring at the computer screen meticulously, was revising his paper.

"What is this kid doing? He doesn't answer the phone. I'll talk to him later."

"Lu Zhou?" Lu Fangping frowned, "I seem to have seen this name somewhere..."

Every time he saw the rigorous calculation and argumentation process, he couldn't help but feel emotional in his heart. Even though he had a critical eye and wanted to find the loopholes in it for the boy to take back and modify, he felt like he couldn't do anything.

"What is this kid doing? He doesn't answer the phone. I'll talk to him later."

There is such a talent from the Software Academy. They don't care whether they take it seriously or not. At least they can't cheat their teammates, right? When the time comes, the "regular troops" designated by the courtyard will not even be able to enter the gate of the national competition. How embarrassing it will be!

As for Lu Zhou, although his mathematical ability is not a problem, his knowledge is still too narrow!

Lu Fangping felt that he had made his words very clear.

How many students are there in the first and third classes of Jinling University? Even me, the head of the department, doesn’t know!

"I'm not kidding you," Tang Zhiwei suppressed the smile on his face, looked at his old friend, and said in a serious tone, "He completed the argumentation process of this paper by himself from beginning to end. I am very grateful to him." The guidance was limited to the explanation of a few difficult knowledge points. It was the questions he asked me that convinced me that these papers were written by him. The only thing I helped him revise was the wording and sentence making of the paper. Regarding the core part of the argument and the final conclusion of the thesis, I can't even find fault except with emotion. Although this guy has a more utilitarian personality and is a bit impatient in his work, his flaws are not concealed. He is a rare good prospect. You have to ask me Whoever is recommended to join the regular army of our college, I will definitely recommend him. Whether it is the thesis skills or the mathematical skills, no one in the first or third class of Jinling University can be better than him!"

"Don't worry, I will give you an answer before tomorrow." Tang Zhiwei waved his hand and said.

"Lu Zhou?" Lu Fangping frowned, "I seem to have seen this name somewhere..."

Lu Fangping felt that he had made his words very clear.

Lu Fangping felt that he had made his words very clear.

"Do you think you're too young?" Tang Zhiwei asked with a smile as he could see what his old friend was thinking at a glance.

At least in the field of functional analysis, he has reached a height that is impossible for undergraduates.

But any college student would not refuse such a good opportunity.

Every time he saw the rigorous calculation and argumentation process, he couldn't help but feel emotional in his heart. Even though he had a critical eye and wanted to find the loopholes in it for the boy to take back and modify, he felt like he couldn't do anything.

After reading the last line of argument, he stopped and thought for a while, then sighed softly and said enviously: "Old Tang, to be honest, I envy you."

"Don't worry, I will give you an answer before tomorrow." Tang Zhiwei waved his hand and said.

The National Mathematical Modeling Contest for College Students is not a Mathematical Olympiad exam in the traditional sense. It just gives you a paper and lets you do it. The focus is not on the mastery of theoretical knowledge, but on the ability of college students to apply theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems.

Thinking of this, Lu Fangping smiled and said, "Okay, I'll leave this to you. I have something to do, so I won't bother you here."

However, Lu Fangping could not refute.

"That's right." Lu Fangping nodded, "The Software Academy attaches great importance to this cooperation. The contestant they sent is a sophomore computer genius who won two national championships in high school. Computer Software Innovation Award, I won the first prize in the Huaguo College Student Software Cup during my freshman year. I actually have a few candidates here, but I still want to ask what you mean. My bottom line is that I am at least a sophomore... You Do you understand what I mean?"

"No, the teaching team has been arranged. No need to trouble you. I just want to ask you to borrow two people. Among the majors you teach, are there any who have outstanding talents in mathematics and flexible thinking?" Lu Fang Ping said with a smile.

Not to mention the amount of knowledge, the foundation of this paper alone is enough to qualify for the competition. The standard configuration of a three-person mathematical modeling team is programming + modeling + paper writing. He can do both paper writing and mathematical modeling by himself, so this competition is stable!

Lu Fangping was not in a hurry at all, he was determined to decide on this talent!

Tang Zhiwei was stunned for a moment, frowned and hung up the phone.

Hearing these words, Tang Zhiwei laughed loudly, but Lu Fangping was confused. He didn't know what his old friend was laughing about.

Lu Fangping felt that he had made his words very clear.

"Oh, that's it. Okay, you came at the right time. I happen to have someone I want to recommend to you. Lu Zhou, who is in the first class, you can just use it, you're welcome." Tang Zhiwei smiled. road.

At least in the field of functional analysis, he has reached a height that is impossible for undergraduates.

"Oh, that's it. Okay, you came at the right time. I happen to have someone I want to recommend to you. Lu Zhou, who is in the first class, you can just use it, you're welcome." Tang Zhiwei smiled. road.

Tang Zhiwei smiled: "Okay, let's stop joking here. Don't beat around the bush. If you need my help, just say it."

Tang Zhiwei was stunned for a moment, frowned and hung up the phone.

"Oh, that's it. Okay, you came at the right time. I happen to have someone I want to recommend to you. Lu Zhou, who is in the first class, you can just use it, you're welcome." Tang Zhiwei smiled. road.

Although in principle the school encourages free formation of teams, it does not object to departments taking the lead in establishing regular armies. After all, winning more national awards is a political achievement for the leaders and an honor for the school.


He is a freshman!

What if something goes wrong and the entire Dashu College doesn’t even get out of the National Level 1? How embarrassing will it be during meetings

Tang Zhiwei smiled: "Okay, let's stop joking here. Don't beat around the bush. If you need my help, just say it."

There is such a talent from the Software Academy. They don't care whether they take it seriously or not. At least they can't cheat their teammates, right? When the time comes, the "regular troops" designated by the courtyard will not even be able to enter the gate of the national competition. How embarrassing it will be!

Every time he saw the rigorous calculation and argumentation process, he couldn't help but feel emotional in his heart. Even though he had a critical eye and wanted to find the loopholes in it for the boy to take back and modify, he felt like he couldn't do anything.

Lu Fangping was not in a hurry at all, he was determined to decide on this talent!

In line with the principle of keeping good money from outsiders, Tang Zhiwei also wanted to settle the matter early, so he called Lu Zhou in front of the department chair.

The discussion is complete and not a single line of calculation is redundant.

After reading the last line of argument, he stopped and thought for a while, then sighed softly and said enviously: "Old Tang, to be honest, I envy you."

The visitor neither knocked on the door nor said hello. This rude behavior made Professor Tang frown, but after seeing who the person was, his brows could not help but relax, and a smile appeared on his face.

Especially after seeing this paper, all the doubts in his mind about the ability of the student named Lu Zhou were instantly shattered.

Tang Zhiwei smiled and did not answer directly. Instead, he looked at the computer on his desk and said, "I happen to have a paper here. Come and take a look."

Lu Fangping was stunned for a moment, not knowing what his old classmate meant, but he still got up and walked over with hesitation.

"You want... to let me be the instructor?" Tang Zhiwei frowned slightly, "But I am engaged in pure theoretical mathematics research. I'm afraid I can't help in terms of mathematical modeling."

Lu Fangping was stunned for a moment, not knowing what his old classmate meant, but he still got up and walked over with hesitation.

"The optimal inversion theory of linear operators and linear functionals... When did your research direction change to this?" Looking at the title and abstract of the paper, Lu Fangping chuckled and asked with interest.

What a great one no one can beat!

Especially after seeing this paper, all the doubts in his mind about the ability of the student named Lu Zhou were instantly shattered.

"I'm not kidding you," Tang Zhiwei suppressed the smile on his face, looked at his old friend, and said in a serious tone, "He completed the argumentation process of this paper by himself from beginning to end. I am very grateful to him." The guidance was limited to the explanation of a few difficult knowledge points. It was the questions he asked me that convinced me that these papers were written by him. The only thing I helped him revise was the wording and sentence making of the paper. Regarding the core part of the argument and the final conclusion of the thesis, I can't even find fault except with emotion. Although this guy has a more utilitarian personality and is a bit impatient in his work, his flaws are not concealed. He is a rare good prospect. You have to ask me Whoever is recommended to join the regular army of our college, I will definitely recommend him. Whether it is the thesis skills or the mathematical skills, no one in the first or third class of Jinling University can be better than him!"

Of course, it doesn't matter if you just register, after all, the important thing is to participate. But what Lu Fangping obviously doesn't want is the kind of student who "emphasizes participation." What he wants is the kind of student who can surely win the first place in the country.

As for whether Lu Zhou would refuse, he was not worried anymore.

Although in principle the school encourages free formation of teams, it does not object to departments taking the lead in establishing regular armies. After all, winning more national awards is a political achievement for the leaders and an honor for the school.

"The optimal inversion theory of linear operators and linear functionals... When did your research direction change to this?" Looking at the title and abstract of the paper, Lu Fangping chuckled and asked with interest.

Tang Zhiwei did not answer, but urged: "Don't ask so many questions, read the paper and give an evaluation."

In line with the principle of keeping good money from outsiders, Tang Zhiwei also wanted to settle the matter early, so he called Lu Zhou in front of the department chair.

As for Lu Zhou, although his mathematical ability is not a problem, his knowledge is still too narrow!

Suddenly, he remembered, wasn't this name the same student who finished the paper in less than half an hour when he was invigilating the high school math exam yesterday, and was still correct

Lu Fangping felt that he had made his words very clear.

Professor Tang, who was sitting at his desk and staring at the computer screen meticulously, was revising his paper.

Tang Zhiwei did not answer, but urged: "Don't ask so many questions, read the paper and give an evaluation."

Ten o'clock in the morning, Laboratory Building, Mathematics Department Office.

Professor Tang, who was sitting at his desk and staring at the computer screen meticulously, was revising his paper.

Pretending to be full of questions, Lu Fangping continued to look down, and the expression behind him became more interesting.

At least in the field of functional analysis, he has reached a height that is impossible for undergraduates.

The National Mathematical Modeling Contest for College Students is not a Mathematical Olympiad exam in the traditional sense. It just gives you a paper and lets you do it. The focus is not on the mastery of theoretical knowledge, but on the ability of college students to apply theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems.

However, Lu Fangping could not refute.

"I'm not kidding you," Tang Zhiwei suppressed the smile on his face, looked at his old friend, and said in a serious tone, "He completed the argumentation process of this paper by himself from beginning to end. I am very grateful to him." The guidance was limited to the explanation of a few difficult knowledge points. It was the questions he asked me that convinced me that these papers were written by him. The only thing I helped him revise was the wording and sentence making of the paper. Regarding the core part of the argument and the final conclusion of the thesis, I can't even find fault except with emotion. Although this guy has a more utilitarian personality and is a bit impatient in his work, his flaws are not concealed. He is a rare good prospect. You have to ask me Whoever is recommended to join the regular army of our college, I will definitely recommend him. Whether it is the thesis skills or the mathematical skills, no one in the first or third class of Jinling University can be better than him!"

Hearing these words, Tang Zhiwei laughed loudly, but Lu Fangping was confused. He didn't know what his old friend was laughing about.

Suddenly, he remembered, wasn't this name the same student who finished the paper in less than half an hour when he was invigilating the high school math exam yesterday, and was still correct

After reading the last line of argument, he stopped and thought for a while, then sighed softly and said enviously: "Old Tang, to be honest, I envy you."

Lu Fangping, the dean of the Mathematics Department of Jinling University, and he are not only colleagues, but also old friends and classmates.

What a great one no one can beat!

Hearing these words, Tang Zhiwei laughed loudly, but Lu Fangping was confused. He didn't know what his old friend was laughing about.

"I asked you to give your thoughts on this paper. Why do you envy me?" Tang Zhiwei said with a smile.

"Isn't this the most annoying thing for you? If I come here carrying something, I'm afraid I won't even be able to get through this door." Lu Fangping laughed and said.

He is a freshman!

However, Lu Fangping could not refute.

Lu Fangping was not in a hurry at all, he was determined to decide on this talent!

"I'm not kidding you," Tang Zhiwei suppressed the smile on his face, looked at his old friend, and said in a serious tone, "He completed the argumentation process of this paper by himself from beginning to end. I am very grateful to him." The guidance was limited to the explanation of a few difficult knowledge points. It was the questions he asked me that convinced me that these papers were written by him. The only thing I helped him revise was the wording and sentence making of the paper. Regarding the core part of the argument and the final conclusion of the thesis, I can't even find fault except with emotion. Although this guy has a more utilitarian personality and is a bit impatient in his work, his flaws are not concealed. He is a rare good prospect. You have to ask me Whoever is recommended to join the regular army of our college, I will definitely recommend him. Whether it is the thesis skills or the mathematical skills, no one in the first or third class of Jinling University can be better than him!"

Thinking of this, Lu Fangping smiled and said, "Okay, I'll leave this to you. I have something to do, so I won't bother you here."

"You said that the good talents in our mathematics department are all monopolized by you? It doesn't matter if you are an undergraduate, the same is true for the graduate students you lead." The more Lu Fangping thought about it, the more unwilling he became. Why couldn't he teach him? There are no graduate students of this level.

"You said that the good talents in our mathematics department are all monopolized by you? It doesn't matter if you are an undergraduate, the same is true for the graduate students you lead." The more Lu Fangping thought about it, the more unwilling he became. Why couldn't he teach him? There are no graduate students of this level.

Tang Zhiwei smiled and did not answer directly. Instead, he looked at the computer on his desk and said, "I happen to have a paper here. Come and take a look."

"The user you are calling is not in the service area. Please call again later... beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep."

"The user you are calling is not in the service area. Please call again later... beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep."

"I'm not kidding you," Tang Zhiwei suppressed the smile on his face, looked at his old friend, and said in a serious tone, "He completed the argumentation process of this paper by himself from beginning to end. I am very grateful to him." The guidance was limited to the explanation of a few difficult knowledge points. It was the questions he asked me that convinced me that these papers were written by him. The only thing I helped him revise was the wording and sentence making of the paper. Regarding the core part of the argument and the final conclusion of the thesis, I can't even find fault except with emotion. Although this guy has a more utilitarian personality and is a bit impatient in his work, his flaws are not concealed. He is a rare good prospect. You have to ask me Whoever is recommended to join the regular army of our college, I will definitely recommend him. Whether it is the thesis skills or the mathematical skills, no one in the first or third class of Jinling University can be better than him!"

Tang Zhiwei did not answer, but urged: "Don't ask so many questions, read the paper and give an evaluation."

Every time he saw the rigorous calculation and argumentation process, he couldn't help but feel emotional in his heart. Even though he had a critical eye and wanted to find the loopholes in it for the boy to take back and modify, he felt like he couldn't do anything.

Hearing these words, Tang Zhiwei laughed loudly, but Lu Fangping was confused. He didn't know what his old friend was laughing about.

"The user you are calling is not in the service area. Please call again later... beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep."

However, Lu Fangping could not refute.

"Oh, that's it. Okay, you came at the right time. I happen to have someone I want to recommend to you. Lu Zhou, who is in the first class, you can just use it, you're welcome." Tang Zhiwei smiled. road.

Tang Zhiwei did not answer, but urged: "Don't ask so many questions, read the paper and give an evaluation."

Tang Zhiwei smiled: "Okay, let's stop joking here. Don't beat around the bush. If you need my help, just say it."

"Graduate student? Hahaha! This paper was written by that guy Lu Zhou! Guess what happened yesterday? I asked him where he planned to submit the paper to? He actually told me that he would submit it to AMC! Fortunately, I gave it to him If you stop me, if I don’t wait until this kid gets his Ph.D., and then come back to read this paper, I’m afraid I’ll hit the wall with regrets.” Tang Zhiwei said with a laugh.

What a great one no one can beat!

Not to mention the amount of knowledge, the foundation of this paper alone is enough to qualify for the competition. The standard configuration of a three-person mathematical modeling team is programming + modeling + paper writing. He can do both paper writing and mathematical modeling by himself, so this competition is stable!

Lu Fangping, the dean of the Mathematics Department of Jinling University, and he are not only colleagues, but also old friends and classmates.

Tang Zhiwei was stunned for a moment, frowned and hung up the phone.

"What is this kid doing? He doesn't answer the phone. I'll talk to him later."

Lu Fangping was completely confused. He looked at the paper on his laptop and then at his old friend. After a while, he coughed dryly and said in an uncertain tone, "Old Tang, there is no need to tease me like this, right?"

The discussion is complete and not a single line of calculation is redundant.

"You old guy is quite thick-skinned. Someone asked me for help carrying two boxes of wine, but you asked me for help and didn't even hand over a cigarette. What help is there? I won't help!" Tang Zhiwei scolded with a smile.

"I'm not kidding you," Tang Zhiwei suppressed the smile on his face, looked at his old friend, and said in a serious tone, "He completed the argumentation process of this paper by himself from beginning to end. I am very grateful to him." The guidance was limited to the explanation of a few difficult knowledge points. It was the questions he asked me that convinced me that these papers were written by him. The only thing I helped him revise was the wording and sentence making of the paper. Regarding the core part of the argument and the final conclusion of the thesis, I can't even find fault except with emotion. Although this guy has a more utilitarian personality and is a bit impatient in his work, his flaws are not concealed. He is a rare good prospect. You have to ask me Whoever is recommended to join the regular army of our college, I will definitely recommend him. Whether it is the thesis skills or the mathematical skills, no one in the first or third class of Jinling University can be better than him!"

In line with the principle of keeping good money from outsiders, Tang Zhiwei also wanted to settle the matter early, so he called Lu Zhou in front of the department chair.

"You want... to let me be the instructor?" Tang Zhiwei frowned slightly, "But I am engaged in pure theoretical mathematics research. I'm afraid I can't help in terms of mathematical modeling."

"The optimal inversion theory of linear operators and linear functionals... When did your research direction change to this?" Looking at the title and abstract of the paper, Lu Fangping chuckled and asked with interest.

"The optimal inversion theory of linear operators and linear functionals... When did your research direction change to this?" Looking at the title and abstract of the paper, Lu Fangping chuckled and asked with interest.

Moreover, based on the experience of previous competitions, the winning scores in the Mathematical Modeling Competition are not completely positively correlated with the mathematics scores of the contestants. On the contrary, students with balanced scores in various subjects are better able to perform well in the competition.

Of course, Director Lu would not say these things.

What if something goes wrong and the entire Dashu College doesn’t even get out of the National Level 1? How embarrassing will it be during meetings

Lu Fangping coughed lightly: "I... have nothing to say. I'll leave it to you to convince him to sign up."

What a great one no one can beat!

The visitor neither knocked on the door nor said hello. This rude behavior made Professor Tang frown, but after seeing who the person was, his brows could not help but relax, and a smile appeared on his face.

If Tang Zhiwei hadn't told him, he would have thought that this paper was written by a graduate student, or even at the doctoral level...

"That's right." Lu Fangping nodded, "The Software Academy attaches great importance to this cooperation. The contestant they sent is a sophomore computer genius who won two national championships in high school. Computer Software Innovation Award, I won the first prize in the Huaguo College Student Software Cup during my freshman year. I actually have a few candidates here, but I still want to ask what you mean. My bottom line is that I am at least a sophomore... You Do you understand what I mean?"

Of course, Director Lu would not say these things.

But any college student would not refuse such a good opportunity.

What if something goes wrong and the entire Dashu College doesn’t even get out of the National Level 1? How embarrassing will it be during meetings

"Don't worry, that kid listens to me. Don't leave in a hurry. I'll call him and explain this matter right now." Tang Zhiwei said with assurance, then he reached out and picked up the desk. Get on the phone.

At least in the field of functional analysis, he has reached a height that is impossible for undergraduates.

How many students are there in the first and third classes of Jinling University? Even me, the head of the department, doesn’t know!

"I'm not kidding you," Tang Zhiwei suppressed the smile on his face, looked at his old friend, and said in a serious tone, "He completed the argumentation process of this paper by himself from beginning to end. I am very grateful to him." The guidance was limited to the explanation of a few difficult knowledge points. It was the questions he asked me that convinced me that these papers were written by him. The only thing I helped him revise was the wording and sentence making of the paper. Regarding the core part of the argument and the final conclusion of the thesis, I can't even find fault except with emotion. Although this guy has a more utilitarian personality and is a bit impatient in his work, his flaws are not concealed. He is a rare good prospect. You have to ask me Whoever is recommended to join the regular army of our college, I will definitely recommend him. Whether it is the thesis skills or the mathematical skills, no one in the first or third class of Jinling University can be better than him!"

"Isn't this the most annoying thing for you? If I come here carrying something, I'm afraid I won't even be able to get through this door." Lu Fangping laughed and said.

Lu Fangping, the dean of the Mathematics Department of Jinling University, and he are not only colleagues, but also old friends and classmates.

The National Mathematical Modeling Contest for College Students is not a Mathematical Olympiad exam in the traditional sense. It just gives you a paper and lets you do it. The focus is not on the mastery of theoretical knowledge, but on the ability of college students to apply theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems.

"Isn't this the most annoying thing for you? If I come here carrying something, I'm afraid I won't even be able to get through this door." Lu Fangping laughed and said.

If Tang Zhiwei hadn't told him, he would have thought that this paper was written by a graduate student, or even at the doctoral level...

Sitting down on the sofa in the office, Lu Fangping said with a smile: "I have something to ask you for help, so I came here uninvited!"

However, Lu Fangping could not refute.

Sitting down on the sofa in the office, Lu Fangping said with a smile: "I have something to ask you for help, so I came here uninvited!"

As a "regular soldier" in the hospital, participating in such a national competition is a rare opportunity. Apart from anything else, once the award comes back and the department leaders know your name, the scholarship for the next four years will definitely be guaranteed.

"Isn't this the most annoying thing for you? If I come here carrying something, I'm afraid I won't even be able to get through this door." Lu Fangping laughed and said.

Although in principle the school encourages free formation of teams, it does not object to departments taking the lead in establishing regular armies. After all, winning more national awards is a political achievement for the leaders and an honor for the school.

Especially after seeing this paper, all the doubts in his mind about the ability of the student named Lu Zhou were instantly shattered.

Suddenly, he remembered, wasn't this name the same student who finished the paper in less than half an hour when he was invigilating the high school math exam yesterday, and was still correct

Professor Tang, who was sitting at his desk and staring at the computer screen meticulously, was revising his paper.

Ten o'clock in the morning, Laboratory Building, Mathematics Department Office.

If Tang Zhiwei hadn't told him, he would have thought that this paper was written by a graduate student, or even at the doctoral level...

The National Mathematical Modeling Contest for College Students is not a Mathematical Olympiad exam in the traditional sense. It just gives you a paper and lets you do it. The focus is not on the mastery of theoretical knowledge, but on the ability of college students to apply theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems.

Tang Zhiwei was stunned for a moment, frowned and hung up the phone.

"Don't worry, that kid listens to me. Don't leave in a hurry. I'll call him and explain this matter right now." Tang Zhiwei said with assurance, then he reached out and picked up the desk. Get on the phone.

Every time he saw the rigorous calculation and argumentation process, he couldn't help but feel emotional in his heart. Even though he had a critical eye and wanted to find the loopholes in it for the boy to take back and modify, he felt like he couldn't do anything.

If Tang Zhiwei hadn't told him, he would have thought that this paper was written by a graduate student, or even at the doctoral level...

All I could do was help him make slight corrections to the wording, sentence construction and some English grammar parts of the paper.

The visitor neither knocked on the door nor said hello. This rude behavior made Professor Tang frown, but after seeing who the person was, his brows could not help but relax, and a smile appeared on his face.

The discussion is complete and not a single line of calculation is redundant.

Lu Fangping patted his thigh and said, "Hey, aren't we going to hold a national mathematical modeling competition this September? The institute wants us to gather as many teams as possible, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder with the software institute next door. Let’s work side by side to win a few more first-class national awards, which can be considered as a way to win more glory for the college and our school!”

Hearing these words, Tang Zhiwei laughed loudly, but Lu Fangping was confused. He didn't know what his old friend was laughing about.

"Lu Zhou?" Lu Fangping frowned, "I seem to have seen this name somewhere..."

"You said that the good talents in our mathematics department are all monopolized by you? It doesn't matter if you are an undergraduate, the same is true for the graduate students you lead." The more Lu Fangping thought about it, the more unwilling he became. Why couldn't he teach him? There are no graduate students of this level.

At least in the field of functional analysis, he has reached a height that is impossible for undergraduates.

All I could do was help him make slight corrections to the wording, sentence construction and some English grammar parts of the paper.

Pretending to be full of questions, Lu Fangping continued to look down, and the expression behind him became more interesting.

All I could do was help him make slight corrections to the wording, sentence construction and some English grammar parts of the paper.

Especially after seeing this paper, all the doubts in his mind about the ability of the student named Lu Zhou were instantly shattered.

Lu Fangping coughed lightly: "I... have nothing to say. I'll leave it to you to convince him to sign up."

Tang Zhiwei smiled and did not answer directly. Instead, he looked at the computer on his desk and said, "I happen to have a paper here. Come and take a look."

"You want... to let me be the instructor?" Tang Zhiwei frowned slightly, "But I am engaged in pure theoretical mathematics research. I'm afraid I can't help in terms of mathematical modeling."

"The optimal inversion theory of linear operators and linear functionals... When did your research direction change to this?" Looking at the title and abstract of the paper, Lu Fangping chuckled and asked with interest.

However, Lu Fangping could not refute.

After reading the last line of argument, he stopped and thought for a while, then sighed softly and said enviously: "Old Tang, to be honest, I envy you."

What a great one no one can beat!

But any college student would not refuse such a good opportunity.

"Haha, I have to shut down my phone after the exam every year for a few days. It's not like you don't know." Looking at Professor Lu Fangping who came back, Tang Zhiwei smiled, leaned on the chair, picked up the thermos cup and took a sip. Tea, the old god said, "Aren't you very busy recently? Why, do you have time to visit today?"

"Don't worry, that kid listens to me. Don't leave in a hurry. I'll call him and explain this matter right now." Tang Zhiwei said with assurance, then he reached out and picked up the desk. Get on the phone.

"You want... to let me be the instructor?" Tang Zhiwei frowned slightly, "But I am engaged in pure theoretical mathematics research. I'm afraid I can't help in terms of mathematical modeling."

"I'm not kidding you," Tang Zhiwei suppressed the smile on his face, looked at his old friend, and said in a serious tone, "He completed the argumentation process of this paper by himself from beginning to end. I am very grateful to him." The guidance was limited to the explanation of a few difficult knowledge points. It was the questions he asked me that convinced me that these papers were written by him. The only thing I helped him revise was the wording and sentence making of the paper. Regarding the core part of the argument and the final conclusion of the thesis, I can't even find fault except with emotion. Although this guy has a more utilitarian personality and is a bit impatient in his work, his flaws are not concealed. He is a rare good prospect. You have to ask me Whoever is recommended to join the regular army of our college, I will definitely recommend him. Whether it is the thesis skills or the mathematical skills, no one in the first or third class of Jinling University can be better than him!"

As a "regular soldier" in the hospital, participating in such a national competition is a rare opportunity. Apart from anything else, once the award comes back and the department leaders know your name, the scholarship for the next four years will definitely be guaranteed.

Tang Zhiwei did not answer, but urged: "Don't ask so many questions, read the paper and give an evaluation."

"The user you are calling is not in the service area. Please call again later... beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep."

As a "regular soldier" in the hospital, participating in such a national competition is a rare opportunity. Apart from anything else, once the award comes back and the department leaders know your name, the scholarship for the next four years will definitely be guaranteed.

Moreover, based on the experience of previous competitions, the winning scores in the Mathematical Modeling Competition are not completely positively correlated with the mathematics scores of the contestants. On the contrary, students with balanced scores in various subjects are better able to perform well in the competition.

"Lu Zhou?" Lu Fangping frowned, "I seem to have seen this name somewhere..."

Tang Zhiwei was stunned for a moment, frowned and hung up the phone.

Phone off

"Lu Zhou?" Lu Fangping frowned, "I seem to have seen this name somewhere..."

Lu Fangping was not in a hurry at all, he was determined to decide on this talent!

In line with the principle of keeping good money from outsiders, Tang Zhiwei also wanted to settle the matter early, so he called Lu Zhou in front of the department chair.

Every time he saw the rigorous calculation and argumentation process, he couldn't help but feel emotional in his heart. Even though he had a critical eye and wanted to find the loopholes in it for the boy to take back and modify, he felt like he couldn't do anything.

After reading the last line of argument, he stopped and thought for a while, then sighed softly and said enviously: "Old Tang, to be honest, I envy you."

Phone off

Lu Fangping was completely confused. He looked at the paper on his laptop and then at his old friend. After a while, he coughed dryly and said in an uncertain tone, "Old Tang, there is no need to tease me like this, right?"

The visitor neither knocked on the door nor said hello. This rude behavior made Professor Tang frown, but after seeing who the person was, his brows could not help but relax, and a smile appeared on his face.

He is a freshman!

Although in principle the school encourages free formation of teams, it does not object to departments taking the lead in establishing regular armies. After all, winning more national awards is a political achievement for the leaders and an honor for the school.

"The user you are calling is not in the service area. Please call again later... beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep."

Phone off

"I'm not kidding you," Tang Zhiwei suppressed the smile on his face, looked at his old friend, and said in a serious tone, "He completed the argumentation process of this paper by himself from beginning to end. I am very grateful to him." The guidance was limited to the explanation of a few difficult knowledge points. It was the questions he asked me that convinced me that these papers were written by him. The only thing I helped him revise was the wording and sentence making of the paper. Regarding the core part of the argument and the final conclusion of the thesis, I can't even find fault except with emotion. Although this guy has a more utilitarian personality and is a bit impatient in his work, his flaws are not concealed. He is a rare good prospect. You have to ask me Whoever is recommended to join the regular army of our college, I will definitely recommend him. Whether it is the thesis skills or the mathematical skills, no one in the first or third class of Jinling University can be better than him!"

All I could do was help him make slight corrections to the wording, sentence construction and some English grammar parts of the paper.

Lu Fangping felt that he had made his words very clear.

As a "regular soldier" in the hospital, participating in such a national competition is a rare opportunity. Apart from anything else, once the award comes back and the department leaders know your name, the scholarship for the next four years will definitely be guaranteed.

Phone off

"Don't worry, that kid listens to me. Don't leave in a hurry. I'll call him and explain this matter right now." Tang Zhiwei said with assurance, then he reached out and picked up the desk. Get on the phone.

Thinking of this, Lu Fangping smiled and said, "Okay, I'll leave this to you. I have something to do, so I won't bother you here."

Hearing these words, Tang Zhiwei laughed loudly, but Lu Fangping was confused. He didn't know what his old friend was laughing about.

What if something goes wrong and the entire Dashu College doesn’t even get out of the National Level 1? How embarrassing will it be during meetings

"You said that the good talents in our mathematics department are all monopolized by you? It doesn't matter if you are an undergraduate, the same is true for the graduate students you lead." The more Lu Fangping thought about it, the more unwilling he became. Why couldn't he teach him? There are no graduate students of this level.

However, Lu Fangping could not refute.

Tang Zhiwei was stunned for a moment, frowned and hung up the phone.

As for whether Lu Zhou would refuse, he was not worried anymore.

"You want... to let me be the instructor?" Tang Zhiwei frowned slightly, "But I am engaged in pure theoretical mathematics research. I'm afraid I can't help in terms of mathematical modeling."

Ten o'clock in the morning, Laboratory Building, Mathematics Department Office.

"What is this kid doing? He doesn't answer the phone. I'll talk to him later."

Professor Tang, who was sitting at his desk and staring at the computer screen meticulously, was revising his paper.

"No, the teaching team has been arranged. No need to trouble you. I just want to ask you to borrow two people. Among the majors you teach, are there any who have outstanding talents in mathematics and flexible thinking?" Lu Fang Ping said with a smile.

"Old Tang, why is the phone turned off? I called you for a long time and couldn't find anyone." When he walked in, Lu Fangping greeted with a smile.

"Oh, that's it. Okay, you came at the right time. I happen to have someone I want to recommend to you. Lu Zhou, who is in the first class, you can just use it, you're welcome." Tang Zhiwei smiled. road.

He is a freshman!

He is a freshman!

"Oh, that's it. Okay, you came at the right time. I happen to have someone I want to recommend to you. Lu Zhou, who is in the first class, you can just use it, you're welcome." Tang Zhiwei smiled. road.

Lu Fangping was not in a hurry at all, he was determined to decide on this talent!

Professor Tang, who was sitting at his desk and staring at the computer screen meticulously, was revising his paper.

Moreover, due to the wide range of topics in the competition, freshman contestants are limited by their breadth of knowledge and find it difficult to play an effective role in the competition.

As a "regular soldier" in the hospital, participating in such a national competition is a rare opportunity. Apart from anything else, once the award comes back and the department leaders know your name, the scholarship for the next four years will definitely be guaranteed.

Although mathematical modeling and mathematical research both involve mathematics, they are two completely different things. Whether it is innovative thinking ability or the speed of accepting new things, it is difficult for old academicians like Professor Tang to keep up with the ideas of young people like Professor Tang, so there is no need for tutoring.

"You old guy is quite thick-skinned. Someone asked me for help carrying two boxes of wine, but you asked me for help and didn't even hand over a cigarette. What help is there? I won't help!" Tang Zhiwei scolded with a smile.

"Old Tang, why is the phone turned off? I called you for a long time and couldn't find anyone." When he walked in, Lu Fangping greeted with a smile.

"You old guy is quite thick-skinned. Someone asked me for help carrying two boxes of wine, but you asked me for help and didn't even hand over a cigarette. What help is there? I won't help!" Tang Zhiwei scolded with a smile.

Not to mention the amount of knowledge, the foundation of this paper alone is enough to qualify for the competition. The standard configuration of a three-person mathematical modeling team is programming + modeling + paper writing. He can do both paper writing and mathematical modeling by himself, so this competition is stable!

"Isn't this the most annoying thing for you? If I come here carrying something, I'm afraid I won't even be able to get through this door." Lu Fangping laughed and said.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you just register, after all, the important thing is to participate. But what Lu Fangping obviously doesn't want is the kind of student who "emphasizes participation." What he wants is the kind of student who can surely win the first place in the country.

Tang Zhiwei smiled and did not answer directly. Instead, he looked at the computer on his desk and said, "I happen to have a paper here. Come and take a look."

Tang Zhiwei was stunned for a moment, frowned and hung up the phone.

However, Lu Fangping could not refute.

As for whether Lu Zhou would refuse, he was not worried anymore.

What if something goes wrong and the entire Dashu College doesn’t even get out of the National Level 1? How embarrassing will it be during meetings

"Graduate student? Hahaha! This paper was written by that guy Lu Zhou! Guess what happened yesterday? I asked him where he planned to submit the paper to? He actually told me that he would submit it to AMC! Fortunately, I gave it to him If you stop me, if I don’t wait until this kid gets his Ph.D., and then come back to read this paper, I’m afraid I’ll hit the wall with regrets.” Tang Zhiwei said with a laugh.

Tang Zhiwei did not answer, but urged: "Don't ask so many questions, read the paper and give an evaluation."

As a "regular soldier" in the hospital, participating in such a national competition is a rare opportunity. Apart from anything else, once the award comes back and the department leaders know your name, the scholarship for the next four years will definitely be guaranteed.

Thinking of this, Lu Fangping smiled and said, "Okay, I'll leave this to you. I have something to do, so I won't bother you here."

"Haha, I have to shut down my phone after the exam every year for a few days. It's not like you don't know." Looking at Professor Lu Fangping who came back, Tang Zhiwei smiled, leaned on the chair, picked up the thermos cup and took a sip. Tea, the old god said, "Aren't you very busy recently? Why, do you have time to visit today?"

The visitor neither knocked on the door nor said hello. This rude behavior made Professor Tang frown, but after seeing who the person was, his brows could not help but relax, and a smile appeared on his face.

Moreover, based on the experience of previous competitions, the winning scores in the Mathematical Modeling Competition are not completely positively correlated with the mathematics scores of the contestants. On the contrary, students with balanced scores in various subjects are better able to perform well in the competition.

But any college student would not refuse such a good opportunity.

"Young people are terrible." Professor Tang Zhiwei sighed in his mind and leaned on his chair.

At least in the field of functional analysis, he has reached a height that is impossible for undergraduates.

Tang Zhiwei smiled and did not answer directly. Instead, he looked at the computer on his desk and said, "I happen to have a paper here. Come and take a look."

Lu Fangping patted his thigh and said, "Hey, aren't we going to hold a national mathematical modeling competition this September? The institute wants us to gather as many teams as possible, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder with the software institute next door. Let’s work side by side to win a few more first-class national awards, which can be considered as a way to win more glory for the college and our school!”

By the way, it can also be considered as a guide for the year-end teaching and research assessment.

Thinking of this, Lu Fangping smiled and said, "Okay, I'll leave this to you. I have something to do, so I won't bother you here."

"I asked you to give your thoughts on this paper. Why do you envy me?" Tang Zhiwei said with a smile.

Lu Fangping patted his thigh and said, "Hey, aren't we going to hold a national mathematical modeling competition this September? The institute wants us to gather as many teams as possible, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder with the software institute next door. Let’s work side by side to win a few more first-class national awards, which can be considered as a way to win more glory for the college and our school!”

"What is this kid doing? He doesn't answer the phone. I'll talk to him later."

By the way, it can also be considered as a guide for the year-end teaching and research assessment.

"Don't worry, that kid listens to me. Don't leave in a hurry. I'll call him and explain this matter right now." Tang Zhiwei said with assurance, then he reached out and picked up the desk. Get on the phone.

The National Mathematical Modeling Contest for College Students is not a Mathematical Olympiad exam in the traditional sense. It just gives you a paper and lets you do it. The focus is not on the mastery of theoretical knowledge, but on the ability of college students to apply theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems.

But any college student would not refuse such a good opportunity.

"Don't worry, I will give you an answer before tomorrow." Tang Zhiwei waved his hand and said.

There is such a talent from the Software Academy. They don't care whether they take it seriously or not. At least they can't cheat their teammates, right? When the time comes, the "regular troops" designated by the courtyard will not even be able to enter the gate of the national competition. How embarrassing it will be!

"Lu Zhou?" Lu Fangping frowned, "I seem to have seen this name somewhere..."

"That's right." Lu Fangping nodded, "The Software Academy attaches great importance to this cooperation. The contestant they sent is a sophomore computer genius who won two national championships in high school. Computer Software Innovation Award, I won the first prize in the Huaguo College Student Software Cup during my freshman year. I actually have a few candidates here, but I still want to ask what you mean. My bottom line is that I am at least a sophomore... You Do you understand what I mean?"

There is such a talent from the Software Academy. They don't care whether they take it seriously or not. At least they can't cheat their teammates, right? When the time comes, the "regular troops" designated by the courtyard will not even be able to enter the gate of the national competition. How embarrassing it will be!

Pretending to be full of questions, Lu Fangping continued to look down, and the expression behind him became more interesting.

Lu Fangping was not in a hurry at all, he was determined to decide on this talent!

Tang Zhiwei did not answer, but urged: "Don't ask so many questions, read the paper and give an evaluation."