Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 163: Desperately rigorous


On the third day after Syracuse University’s report was rebuffed, Academician Lu’s report meeting was held as scheduled.


To be precise, someone wanted to ask a question, but couldn't find a point where they could raise the issue.

Once the guy is familiar with the entire process and uses his mathematical prowess, they have no chance of winning.

If he had known in advance how noisy this place was, Lu Zhou would never have crossed the door to hell. Because he clearly felt that instead of getting any relief, his fatigue was aggravated.

If it were another project, such as full-spectrum analysis or the collection of resonance state data in the laboratory, he would definitely not take an intern seriously.

The inspector sent by LHCb sat in the first row, quietly waiting for the report meeting to begin.

MMP? !

There was only one person, sitting there motionless.

At the same time, the snow field research team was also on site, sitting on the right side of the corridor on the right side of the venue.

After briefly reporting on the work of the past month, Lu Zhou looked at the audience under the podium.

Heavy metal music hit Lu Zhou's eardrums, and the colorful lights made his eyes hurt.

There was a notebook on the table. Kerela held the paper in her hand and stared at the podium.

To be precise, someone wanted to ask a question, but couldn't find a point where they could raise the issue.

When she saw the man walking up to the podium, a smile suddenly appeared on her lips.

This paper will be included in the archives of the LHCb project as a research result.

This paper will be included in the archives of the LHCb project as a research result.


Heavy metal music hit Lu Zhou's eardrums, and the colorful lights made his eyes hurt.

However, it's not that he can't understand it.

But this examination of the data…

When she saw the man walking up to the podium, a smile suddenly appeared on her lips.

“…I still can’t accept it.”

On the third day after Syracuse University’s report was rebuffed, Academician Lu’s report meeting was held as scheduled.

After waiting in silence for five minutes, no one raised their hand to speak.

“…I still can’t accept it.”

Nelson shook his head, turned and walked away.

Nelson shook his head, turned and walked away.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to find fault with the theory.

very good.

Once the guy is familiar with the entire process and uses his mathematical prowess, they have no chance of winning.

Nelson shook his head, turned and walked away.

But after you come, it’s not good to turn around and walk away.

She thought he was timid.

No one asked questions.

"Because they're going to have one the night the experiment ends."

Not only did she fail to find even a tiny loophole in the paper, but deep down in her heart, she couldn't help but applaud the logical rigor of her opponent's paper...

The question-and-answer session has long since ended.

Although she knew that the matter was a foregone conclusion and that the LHCb had already included the paper, Kerela was still unwilling to accept that all her work in the past month had become a test of the other party's results.

Unlike Lu Zhou, he only came here about half a month ago. However, because the boss often runs here, he has been here many times before, so he is quite familiar with everything here.

Unexpectedly, I still have some courage.

Looking specifically at the direction of the Syracuse University research team, Lu Zhou thought they would stand up and make things difficult for him, but he didn't expect that what he expected didn't happen.


PPT starts showing.

Nelson sighed: "Who do you think that intern is?"

The same thirty-minute speech.

"You've gone crazy."

"This is the basic situation. The data in the B1 partition is confirmed to be normal. The Dalitz diagram is on the PPT. Are there any other problems?"


Not noticing the special gaze, Lu Zhou simply tried the microphone and began to speak.

The inspector sent by LHCb sat in the first row, quietly waiting for the report meeting to begin.

"... CERN is like a university. Everything that a university should have is basically available here, and there are more or less things that are not available here."

Therefore, it is almost impossible to find fault with the theory.


There was only one person, sitting there motionless.

"... CERN is like a university. Everything that a university should have is basically available here, and there are more or less things that are not available here."

Although she knew that the matter was a foregone conclusion and that the LHCb had already included the paper, Kerela was still unwilling to accept that all her work in the past month had become a test of the other party's results.

The same thirty-minute speech.

"Because they're going to have one the night the experiment ends."

"This is impossible… "

“…I still can’t accept it.”

There was a notebook on the table. Kerela held the paper in her hand and stared at the podium.



The last ten to fifteen minutes are for questions and answers.


After all, that was the guy that even the monsters at Princeton gave him a thumbs up.

After expertly placing his order to the bartender behind the bar, Senior Brother Luo continued chatting with Lu Zhou.

After briefly reporting on the work of the past month, Lu Zhou looked at the audience under the podium.

Although she knew that the matter was a foregone conclusion and that the LHCb had already included the paper, Kerela was still unwilling to accept that all her work in the past month had become a test of the other party's results.

At the same time, the snow field research team was also on site, sitting on the right side of the corridor on the right side of the venue.

Nelson sighed: "Who do you think that intern is?"

His name is Nelson, and he is also a doctoral student under Professor Brunos. His research direction is mathematical physics. This calculation was done by him and Kerela together.

Kerela said nonchalantly: "An Asian, so what?"

While he was talking, two glasses of crystal clear Gibson were placed on the table.

"This is the basic situation. The data in the B1 partition is confirmed to be normal. The Dalitz diagram is on the PPT. Are there any other problems?"

When she saw the man walking up to the podium, a smile suddenly appeared on her lips.

Staring at the paper, Kerela's eyes widened with disbelief.

While he was talking, two glasses of crystal clear Gibson were placed on the table.

He brought it to his lips and took a sip.

The audience was quiet.

Not only did she fail to find even a tiny loophole in the paper, but deep down in her heart, she couldn't help but applaud the logical rigor of her opponent's paper...

MMP? !

When she saw the man walking up to the podium, a smile suddenly appeared on her lips.

When she saw the man walking up to the podium, a smile suddenly appeared on her lips.

The audience was quiet.

No one asked questions.


"Forget it, Kerela, I understand how you feel, but... you want to find fault with him mathematically, which is impossible."

But this examination of the data…

After briefly reporting on the work of the past month, Lu Zhou looked at the audience under the podium.

No problem was found in this way. Lu Zhou really didn't believe that they could still find faults.

Senior Brother Luo grinned: "For example, there are various clubs. There are even two locally famous bands here. However, I have missed their performances several times here. But I won't miss them this time."


"There must be something wrong, but we haven't found it yet..." Gritting her teeth, Kerela stared at the data on the A4 paper, checking it over and over again with the help of a computer, trying to find loopholes.

To be precise, someone wanted to ask a question, but couldn't find a point where they could raise the issue.

The question-and-answer session has long since ended.

Heavy metal music hit Lu Zhou's eardrums, and the colorful lights made his eyes hurt.

Hellfire Bar.

Looking specifically at the direction of the Syracuse University research team, Lu Zhou thought they would stand up and make things difficult for him, but he didn't expect that what he expected didn't happen.

Looking specifically at the direction of the Syracuse University research team, Lu Zhou thought they would stand up and make things difficult for him, but he didn't expect that what he expected didn't happen.


After all, this kind of inspection work does not require any innovative methods, and even the results are known to everyone. There must be no problem with the data in the B1 partition, and the pentaquark state will definitely be discovered...

PPT starts showing.

But this examination of the data…

Not only did she fail to find even a tiny loophole in the paper, but deep down in her heart, she couldn't help but applaud the logical rigor of her opponent's paper...

Although she knew that the matter was a foregone conclusion and that the LHCb had already included the paper, Kerela was still unwilling to accept that all her work in the past month had become a test of the other party's results.


Looking at Kerela who said nothing, Nelson comforted her.

However, it's not that he can't understand it.

Looking specifically at the direction of the Syracuse University research team, Lu Zhou thought they would stand up and make things difficult for him, but he didn't expect that what he expected didn't happen.

The question-and-answer session has long since ended.

Nelson shook his head, turned and walked away.

However, the problem was far more difficult than she imagined.

“…I still can’t accept it.”

But this examination of the data…

Unexpectedly, I still have some courage.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to find fault with the theory.

After all, this kind of inspection work does not require any innovative methods, and even the results are known to everyone. There must be no problem with the data in the B1 partition, and the pentaquark state will definitely be discovered...

Unlike Lu Zhou, he only came here about half a month ago. However, because the boss often runs here, he has been here many times before, so he is quite familiar with everything here.

"Well, it seems that you don't care about the world of mathematics at all," Nelson shrugged and continued, "Just at the beginning of this year, he proved the twin prime conjecture. Many people said that this year's winner of the Cole Number Theory Prize has been eliminated. There is no suspense, this is the one I’m talking about. And not just the 2015 Kohl Prize, but even the 2018 Fields Medal. With his current achievements, he can at least be nominated... So, your opponent is a Candidates for the Fields Medal, do you really think we have a chance of winning?"

"Forget it, Kerela, I understand how you feel, but... you want to find fault with him mathematically, which is impossible."

Yesterday, he spent a whole day checking the work of the past month with Senior Brother Yan from beginning to end, and confirmed that no problems were found.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to find fault with the theory.

PPT starts showing.

"You've gone crazy."


Although she knew that the matter was a foregone conclusion and that the LHCb had already included the paper, Kerela was still unwilling to accept that all her work in the past month had become a test of the other party's results.

As a thank you for what happened last time.

But this examination of the data…

Even if you want to deliberately find fault, you can only find fault with the data.

Nelson shook his head, turned and walked away.

If he had known in advance how noisy this place was, Lu Zhou would never have crossed the door to hell. Because he clearly felt that instead of getting any relief, his fatigue was aggravated.

Nelson shook his head, turned and walked away.

Yesterday, he spent a whole day checking the work of the past month with Senior Brother Yan from beginning to end, and confirmed that no problems were found.

After all, this kind of inspection work does not require any innovative methods, and even the results are known to everyone. There must be no problem with the data in the B1 partition, and the pentaquark state will definitely be discovered...

“…I still can’t accept it.”

When she saw the man walking up to the podium, a smile suddenly appeared on her lips.

“…I still can’t accept it.”

Yesterday, he spent a whole day checking the work of the past month with Senior Brother Yan from beginning to end, and confirmed that no problems were found.


No problem was found in this way. Lu Zhou really didn't believe that they could still find faults.

After briefly reporting on the work of the past month, Lu Zhou looked at the audience under the podium.

Senior Brother Luo grinned: "For example, there are various clubs. There are even two locally famous bands here. However, I have missed their performances several times here. But I won't miss them this time."

Coughing violently, Lu Zhou put the cup on the table.

LHCb has announced that it has passed the acceptance test, and the facts cannot be changed.

At the same time, the snow field research team was also on site, sitting on the right side of the corridor on the right side of the venue.

Even if you want to deliberately find fault, you can only find fault with the data.

No one asked questions.

LHCb has announced that it has passed the acceptance test, and the facts cannot be changed.

"Forget it, Kerela, I understand how you feel, but... you want to find fault with him mathematically, which is impossible."

Staring at the paper, Kerela's eyes widened with disbelief.

No one asked questions.

Looking at the bartender who was shaking the dice behind the bar, Lu Zhou asked casually: "For example?"

However, it's not that he can't understand it.

On the third day after Syracuse University’s report was rebuffed, Academician Lu’s report meeting was held as scheduled.

After waiting in silence for five minutes, no one raised their hand to speak.

However, it's not that he can't understand it.

But after you come, it’s not good to turn around and walk away.

After all, that was the guy that even the monsters at Princeton gave him a thumbs up.

While she was still sitting there, scratching her head, a doctor from the same research team came over.

"This is the basic situation. The data in the B1 partition is confirmed to be normal. The Dalitz diagram is on the PPT. Are there any other problems?"

The LHCb acceptor came to the podium, briefly summarized the report meeting, routinely thanked the researchers who participated in the project, and announced that the acceptance had been passed.

After all, he promised to buy Senior Brother Luo a drink.

Because the other party's paper was indeed so rigorous that she couldn't find anything wrong with it.

This paper will be included in the archives of the LHCb project as a research result.

The audience was quiet.

The last ten to fifteen minutes are for questions and answers.

After all, this kind of inspection work does not require any innovative methods, and even the results are known to everyone. There must be no problem with the data in the B1 partition, and the pentaquark state will definitely be discovered...

Even if you want to deliberately find fault, you can only find fault with the data.

Unlike Lu Zhou, he only came here about half a month ago. However, because the boss often runs here, he has been here many times before, so he is quite familiar with everything here.

Not only did she fail to find even a tiny loophole in the paper, but deep down in her heart, she couldn't help but applaud the logical rigor of her opponent's paper...

Yesterday, he spent a whole day checking the work of the past month with Senior Brother Yan from beginning to end, and confirmed that no problems were found.

As the lecture ended, people in the venue began to leave one after another.



There was only one person, sitting there motionless.

“…I still can’t accept it.”

Therefore, it is almost impossible to find fault with the theory.

There was only one person, sitting there motionless.

The audience was quiet.

"This is impossible… "

Therefore, it is almost impossible to find fault with the theory.


Staring at the paper, Kerela's eyes widened with disbelief.

Continuing to flip through the paper, she asked without raising her head: "Why?"

Nelson shook his head, turned and walked away.

very good.

Not noticing the special gaze, Lu Zhou simply tried the microphone and began to speak.

After waiting in silence for five minutes, no one raised their hand to speak.

Looking at the bartender who was shaking the dice behind the bar, Lu Zhou asked casually: "For example?"

The question-and-answer session has long since ended.

At the same time, the snow field research team was also on site, sitting on the right side of the corridor on the right side of the venue.

There was only one person, sitting there motionless.

LHCb has announced that it has passed the acceptance test, and the facts cannot be changed.

Looking specifically at the direction of the Syracuse University research team, Lu Zhou thought they would stand up and make things difficult for him, but he didn't expect that what he expected didn't happen.

After all, that was the guy that even the monsters at Princeton gave him a thumbs up.

"Because they're going to have one the night the experiment ends."

But she couldn't believe it, not even a single mistake could be found.

Once the guy is familiar with the entire process and uses his mathematical prowess, they have no chance of winning.

very good.

Even if you want to deliberately find fault, you can only find fault with the data.

"There must be something wrong, but we haven't found it yet..." Gritting her teeth, Kerela stared at the data on the A4 paper, checking it over and over again with the help of a computer, trying to find loopholes.

However, it's not that he can't understand it.

"There must be something wrong, but we haven't found it yet..." Gritting her teeth, Kerela stared at the data on the A4 paper, checking it over and over again with the help of a computer, trying to find loopholes.

However, the problem was far more difficult than she imagined.

This was purely a knee-jerk reaction from one researcher.


Not only did she fail to find even a tiny loophole in the paper, but deep down in her heart, she couldn't help but applaud the logical rigor of her opponent's paper...

Nelson shook his head, turned and walked away.

There was only one person, sitting there motionless.

Not only did she fail to find even a tiny loophole in the paper, but deep down in her heart, she couldn't help but applaud the logical rigor of her opponent's paper...

After expertly placing his order to the bartender behind the bar, Senior Brother Luo continued chatting with Lu Zhou.

While he was talking, two glasses of crystal clear Gibson were placed on the table.

While she was still sitting there, scratching her head, a doctor from the same research team came over.


“…I still can’t accept it.”

This was purely a knee-jerk reaction from one researcher.

He brought it to his lips and took a sip.

After all, this kind of inspection work does not require any innovative methods, and even the results are known to everyone. There must be no problem with the data in the B1 partition, and the pentaquark state will definitely be discovered...

There was only one person, sitting there motionless.


Because the other party's paper was indeed so rigorous that she couldn't find anything wrong with it.

Looking at Kerela who said nothing, Nelson comforted her.

Although she knew that the matter was a foregone conclusion and that the LHCb had already included the paper, Kerela was still unwilling to accept that all her work in the past month had become a test of the other party's results.

Staring at the paper, Kerela's eyes widened with disbelief.

Unexpectedly, I still have some courage.

"Well, it seems that you don't care about the world of mathematics at all," Nelson shrugged and continued, "Just at the beginning of this year, he proved the twin prime conjecture. Many people said that this year's winner of the Cole Number Theory Prize has been eliminated. There is no suspense, this is the one I’m talking about. And not just the 2015 Kohl Prize, but even the 2018 Fields Medal. With his current achievements, he can at least be nominated... So, your opponent is a Candidates for the Fields Medal, do you really think we have a chance of winning?"

While she was still sitting there, scratching her head, a doctor from the same research team came over.

Coughing violently, Lu Zhou put the cup on the table.

The inspector sent by LHCb sat in the first row, quietly waiting for the report meeting to begin.

There was a notebook on the table. Kerela held the paper in her hand and stared at the podium.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to find fault with the theory.

"Forget it, Kerela, I understand how you feel, but... you want to find fault with him mathematically, which is impossible."

While she was still sitting there, scratching her head, a doctor from the same research team came over.

"This is impossible… "

His name is Nelson, and he is also a doctoral student under Professor Brunos. His research direction is mathematical physics. This calculation was done by him and Kerela together.

Nelson shook his head, turned and walked away.

Hellfire Bar.

Unlike Lu Zhou, he only came here about half a month ago. However, because the boss often runs here, he has been here many times before, so he is quite familiar with everything here.

very good.

Looking specifically at the direction of the Syracuse University research team, Lu Zhou thought they would stand up and make things difficult for him, but he didn't expect that what he expected didn't happen.

Although she knew that the matter was a foregone conclusion and that the LHCb had already included the paper, Kerela was still unwilling to accept that all her work in the past month had become a test of the other party's results.

"Because they're going to have one the night the experiment ends."

Not only did she fail to find even a tiny loophole in the paper, but deep down in her heart, she couldn't help but applaud the logical rigor of her opponent's paper...

Not only did she fail to find even a tiny loophole in the paper, but deep down in her heart, she couldn't help but applaud the logical rigor of her opponent's paper...

After waiting in silence for five minutes, no one raised their hand to speak.

Continuing to flip through the paper, she asked without raising her head: "Why?"

"Because they're going to have one the night the experiment ends."

While she was still sitting there, scratching her head, a doctor from the same research team came over.

After waiting in silence for five minutes, no one raised their hand to speak.

"Because they're going to have one the night the experiment ends."

Nelson shook his head: "No, I didn't mean that he is Asian... Lu Zhou, don't you think this name sounds familiar to you?"

After expertly placing his order to the bartender behind the bar, Senior Brother Luo continued chatting with Lu Zhou.

Nelson sighed: "Who do you think that intern is?"

Looking at Kerela who said nothing, Nelson comforted her.

However, it's not that he can't understand it.

But after you come, it’s not good to turn around and walk away.

Hellfire Bar.

Kerela said nonchalantly: "An Asian, so what?"

He brought it to his lips and took a sip.

Nelson shook his head: "No, I didn't mean that he is Asian... Lu Zhou, don't you think this name sounds familiar to you?"

MMP? !

"Because they're going to have one the night the experiment ends."

As the lecture ended, people in the venue began to leave one after another.

Even if you want to deliberately find fault, you can only find fault with the data.

Heavy metal music hit Lu Zhou's eardrums, and the colorful lights made his eyes hurt.

Nelson shook his head: "No, I didn't mean that he is Asian... Lu Zhou, don't you think this name sounds familiar to you?"

However, it's not that he can't understand it.


"Forget it, Kerela, I understand how you feel, but... you want to find fault with him mathematically, which is impossible."

"This is the basic situation. The data in the B1 partition is confirmed to be normal. The Dalitz diagram is on the PPT. Are there any other problems?"

"Sound familiar?" Kerela frowned as the pen she was calculating on the A4 paper paused.

"A glass of Gibson, give him a glass too, thank you."

But she couldn't believe it, not even a single mistake could be found.

"Well, it seems that you don't care about the world of mathematics at all," Nelson shrugged and continued, "Just at the beginning of this year, he proved the twin prime conjecture. Many people said that this year's winner of the Cole Number Theory Prize has been eliminated. There is no suspense, this is the one I’m talking about. And not just the 2015 Kohl Prize, but even the 2018 Fields Medal. With his current achievements, he can at least be nominated... So, your opponent is a Candidates for the Fields Medal, do you really think we have a chance of winning?"

Nelson sighed: "Who do you think that intern is?"

The LHCb acceptor came to the podium, briefly summarized the report meeting, routinely thanked the researchers who participated in the project, and announced that the acceptance had been passed.

However, the problem was far more difficult than she imagined.

"You've gone crazy."

Staring at the paper, Kerela's eyes widened with disbelief.

But this examination of the data…

Looking at the colorless, transparent wine with small bubbles, Lu Zhou reached out to pick up the wine glass and looked at it doubtfully.


If it were another project, such as full-spectrum analysis or the collection of resonance state data in the laboratory, he would definitely not take an intern seriously.

"Forget it, Kerela, I understand how you feel, but... you want to find fault with him mathematically, which is impossible."

Hellfire Bar.

As the lecture ended, people in the venue began to leave one after another.

The LHCb acceptor came to the podium, briefly summarized the report meeting, routinely thanked the researchers who participated in the project, and announced that the acceptance had been passed.

The audience was quiet.

But this examination of the data…

"Forget it, Kerela, I understand how you feel, but... you want to find fault with him mathematically, which is impossible."

"Look around, winning or losing is actually not that important. If you work in this business for a long time, you will find that there are really many geniuses in this world. Do you want to have a drink together?"


Once the guy is familiar with the entire process and uses his mathematical prowess, they have no chance of winning.

"Sound familiar?" Kerela frowned as the pen she was calculating on the A4 paper paused.

Kerela said nonchalantly: "An Asian, so what?"

Once the guy is familiar with the entire process and uses his mathematical prowess, they have no chance of winning.

PPT starts showing.

"Because they're going to have one the night the experiment ends."


His name is Nelson, and he is also a doctoral student under Professor Brunos. His research direction is mathematical physics. This calculation was done by him and Kerela together.

Looking specifically at the direction of the Syracuse University research team, Lu Zhou thought they would stand up and make things difficult for him, but he didn't expect that what he expected didn't happen.

The last ten to fifteen minutes are for questions and answers.

After all, that was the guy that even the monsters at Princeton gave him a thumbs up.

Looking specifically at the direction of the Syracuse University research team, Lu Zhou thought they would stand up and make things difficult for him, but he didn't expect that what he expected didn't happen.

This was purely a knee-jerk reaction from one researcher.

“…I still can’t accept it.”

Looking at Kerela who said nothing, Nelson comforted her.

Looking at Kerela who said nothing, Nelson comforted her.

Although she knew that the matter was a foregone conclusion and that the LHCb had already included the paper, Kerela was still unwilling to accept that all her work in the past month had become a test of the other party's results.

"... CERN is like a university. Everything that a university should have is basically available here, and there are more or less things that are not available here."

The question-and-answer session has long since ended.

While he was talking, two glasses of crystal clear Gibson were placed on the table.

"Well, it seems that you don't care about the world of mathematics at all," Nelson shrugged and continued, "Just at the beginning of this year, he proved the twin prime conjecture. Many people said that this year's winner of the Cole Number Theory Prize has been eliminated. There is no suspense, this is the one I’m talking about. And not just the 2015 Kohl Prize, but even the 2018 Fields Medal. With his current achievements, he can at least be nominated... So, your opponent is a Candidates for the Fields Medal, do you really think we have a chance of winning?"

After all, this kind of inspection work does not require any innovative methods, and even the results are known to everyone. There must be no problem with the data in the B1 partition, and the pentaquark state will definitely be discovered...

The question-and-answer session has long since ended.

"Look around, winning or losing is actually not that important. If you work in this business for a long time, you will find that there are really many geniuses in this world. Do you want to have a drink together?"

To be precise, someone wanted to ask a question, but couldn't find a point where they could raise the issue.

"This is the basic situation. The data in the B1 partition is confirmed to be normal. The Dalitz diagram is on the PPT. Are there any other problems?"

Nelson shook his head, turned and walked away.

At the same time, the snow field research team was also on site, sitting on the right side of the corridor on the right side of the venue.

“…I still can’t accept it.”

Looking at the bartender who was shaking the dice behind the bar, Lu Zhou asked casually: "For example?"

While he was talking, two glasses of crystal clear Gibson were placed on the table.

After all, this kind of inspection work does not require any innovative methods, and even the results are known to everyone. There must be no problem with the data in the B1 partition, and the pentaquark state will definitely be discovered...

"You've gone crazy."

Nelson shook his head, turned and walked away.

"This is impossible… "

Nelson shook his head, turned and walked away.

"Well, it seems that you don't care about the world of mathematics at all," Nelson shrugged and continued, "Just at the beginning of this year, he proved the twin prime conjecture. Many people said that this year's winner of the Cole Number Theory Prize has been eliminated. There is no suspense, this is the one I’m talking about. And not just the 2015 Kohl Prize, but even the 2018 Fields Medal. With his current achievements, he can at least be nominated... So, your opponent is a Candidates for the Fields Medal, do you really think we have a chance of winning?"

This paper will be included in the archives of the LHCb project as a research result.

The inspector sent by LHCb sat in the first row, quietly waiting for the report meeting to begin.

After waiting in silence for five minutes, no one raised their hand to speak.

"This is the basic situation. The data in the B1 partition is confirmed to be normal. The Dalitz diagram is on the PPT. Are there any other problems?"

Once the guy is familiar with the entire process and uses his mathematical prowess, they have no chance of winning.

Hellfire Bar.

Even if you want to deliberately find fault, you can only find fault with the data.

"Because they're going to have one the night the experiment ends."

Heavy metal music hit Lu Zhou's eardrums, and the colorful lights made his eyes hurt.

"This is the basic situation. The data in the B1 partition is confirmed to be normal. The Dalitz diagram is on the PPT. Are there any other problems?"

But this examination of the data…


What the hell is this

If he had known in advance how noisy this place was, Lu Zhou would never have crossed the door to hell. Because he clearly felt that instead of getting any relief, his fatigue was aggravated.

Not only did she fail to find even a tiny loophole in the paper, but deep down in her heart, she couldn't help but applaud the logical rigor of her opponent's paper...

If he had known in advance how noisy this place was, Lu Zhou would never have crossed the door to hell. Because he clearly felt that instead of getting any relief, his fatigue was aggravated.

The audience was quiet.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to find fault with the theory.

Even if you want to deliberately find fault, you can only find fault with the data.

After all, this kind of inspection work does not require any innovative methods, and even the results are known to everyone. There must be no problem with the data in the B1 partition, and the pentaquark state will definitely be discovered...

When she saw the man walking up to the podium, a smile suddenly appeared on her lips.

If it were another project, such as full-spectrum analysis or the collection of resonance state data in the laboratory, he would definitely not take an intern seriously.

After waiting in silence for five minutes, no one raised their hand to speak.

But after you come, it’s not good to turn around and walk away.

"Well, it seems that you don't care about the world of mathematics at all," Nelson shrugged and continued, "Just at the beginning of this year, he proved the twin prime conjecture. Many people said that this year's winner of the Cole Number Theory Prize has been eliminated. There is no suspense, this is the one I’m talking about. And not just the 2015 Kohl Prize, but even the 2018 Fields Medal. With his current achievements, he can at least be nominated... So, your opponent is a Candidates for the Fields Medal, do you really think we have a chance of winning?"

To be precise, someone wanted to ask a question, but couldn't find a point where they could raise the issue.

After all, he promised to buy Senior Brother Luo a drink.

However, the problem was far more difficult than she imagined.

If he had known in advance how noisy this place was, Lu Zhou would never have crossed the door to hell. Because he clearly felt that instead of getting any relief, his fatigue was aggravated.

"Look around, winning or losing is actually not that important. If you work in this business for a long time, you will find that there are really many geniuses in this world. Do you want to have a drink together?"

Looking at Kerela who said nothing, Nelson comforted her.

As a thank you for what happened last time.

As a thank you for what happened last time.

"... CERN is like a university. Everything that a university should have is basically available here, and there are more or less things that are not available here."

Nelson shook his head, turned and walked away.

As a thank you for what happened last time.

"You've gone crazy."

"A glass of Gibson, give him a glass too, thank you."

The audience was quiet.

His name is Nelson, and he is also a doctoral student under Professor Brunos. His research direction is mathematical physics. This calculation was done by him and Kerela together.

Nelson shook his head: "No, I didn't mean that he is Asian... Lu Zhou, don't you think this name sounds familiar to you?"

Looking at the bartender who was shaking the dice behind the bar, Lu Zhou asked casually: "For example?"

The question-and-answer session has long since ended.

At the same time, the snow field research team was also on site, sitting on the right side of the corridor on the right side of the venue.

"This is impossible… "

However, it's not that he can't understand it.

After expertly placing his order to the bartender behind the bar, Senior Brother Luo continued chatting with Lu Zhou.

Unexpectedly, I still have some courage.

This paper will be included in the archives of the LHCb project as a research result.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to find fault with the theory.

Nelson shook his head: "No, I didn't mean that he is Asian... Lu Zhou, don't you think this name sounds familiar to you?"

Unlike Lu Zhou, he only came here about half a month ago. However, because the boss often runs here, he has been here many times before, so he is quite familiar with everything here.

He almost choked to death.

"Sound familiar?" Kerela frowned as the pen she was calculating on the A4 paper paused.

"... CERN is like a university. Everything that a university should have is basically available here, and there are more or less things that are not available here."

This was purely a knee-jerk reaction from one researcher.

While he was talking, two glasses of crystal clear Gibson were placed on the table.

However, the problem was far more difficult than she imagined.

After all, this kind of inspection work does not require any innovative methods, and even the results are known to everyone. There must be no problem with the data in the B1 partition, and the pentaquark state will definitely be discovered...

Looking at the bartender who was shaking the dice behind the bar, Lu Zhou asked casually: "For example?"

Looking at the bartender who was shaking the dice behind the bar, Lu Zhou asked casually: "For example?"

Although she knew that the matter was a foregone conclusion and that the LHCb had already included the paper, Kerela was still unwilling to accept that all her work in the past month had become a test of the other party's results.

To be precise, someone wanted to ask a question, but couldn't find a point where they could raise the issue.

MMP? !

The audience was quiet.

Senior Brother Luo grinned: "For example, there are various clubs. There are even two locally famous bands here. However, I have missed their performances several times here. But I won't miss them this time."

After all, this kind of inspection work does not require any innovative methods, and even the results are known to everyone. There must be no problem with the data in the B1 partition, and the pentaquark state will definitely be discovered...

Heavy metal music hit Lu Zhou's eardrums, and the colorful lights made his eyes hurt.

She thought he was timid.

As the lecture ended, people in the venue began to leave one after another.



Nelson shook his head, turned and walked away.

This was purely a knee-jerk reaction from one researcher.

However, the problem was far more difficult than she imagined.

His name is Nelson, and he is also a doctoral student under Professor Brunos. His research direction is mathematical physics. This calculation was done by him and Kerela together.

Once the guy is familiar with the entire process and uses his mathematical prowess, they have no chance of winning.

Unlike Lu Zhou, he only came here about half a month ago. However, because the boss often runs here, he has been here many times before, so he is quite familiar with everything here.

"Because they're going to have one the night the experiment ends."

"Forget it, Kerela, I understand how you feel, but... you want to find fault with him mathematically, which is impossible."

Not only did she fail to find even a tiny loophole in the paper, but deep down in her heart, she couldn't help but applaud the logical rigor of her opponent's paper...

After briefly reporting on the work of the past month, Lu Zhou looked at the audience under the podium.

PPT starts showing.

"This is impossible… "

Hellfire Bar.

While he was talking, two glasses of crystal clear Gibson were placed on the table.

After all, he promised to buy Senior Brother Luo a drink.

On the third day after Syracuse University’s report was rebuffed, Academician Lu’s report meeting was held as scheduled.

"You've gone crazy."

After briefly reporting on the work of the past month, Lu Zhou looked at the audience under the podium.

Yesterday, he spent a whole day checking the work of the past month with Senior Brother Yan from beginning to end, and confirmed that no problems were found.


After expertly placing his order to the bartender behind the bar, Senior Brother Luo continued chatting with Lu Zhou.

Looking at the colorless, transparent wine with small bubbles, Lu Zhou reached out to pick up the wine glass and looked at it doubtfully.

There was only one person, sitting there motionless.

His name is Nelson, and he is also a doctoral student under Professor Brunos. His research direction is mathematical physics. This calculation was done by him and Kerela together.

There was only one person, sitting there motionless.

very good.


Nelson sighed: "Who do you think that intern is?"

Nelson shook his head: "No, I didn't mean that he is Asian... Lu Zhou, don't you think this name sounds familiar to you?"

"You've gone crazy."

To be precise, someone wanted to ask a question, but couldn't find a point where they could raise the issue.

He brought it to his lips and took a sip.

But after you come, it’s not good to turn around and walk away.

"A glass of Gibson, give him a glass too, thank you."

"There must be something wrong, but we haven't found it yet..." Gritting her teeth, Kerela stared at the data on the A4 paper, checking it over and over again with the help of a computer, trying to find loopholes.


"Because they're going to have one the night the experiment ends."

Unexpectedly, I still have some courage.

Once the guy is familiar with the entire process and uses his mathematical prowess, they have no chance of winning.


"... CERN is like a university. Everything that a university should have is basically available here, and there are more or less things that are not available here."

After briefly reporting on the work of the past month, Lu Zhou looked at the audience under the podium.

"This is impossible… "

This was purely a knee-jerk reaction from one researcher.

After all, he promised to buy Senior Brother Luo a drink.

He almost choked to death.

"Sound familiar?" Kerela frowned as the pen she was calculating on the A4 paper paused.

What the hell is this

But after you come, it’s not good to turn around and walk away.

While she was still sitting there, scratching her head, a doctor from the same research team came over.

No one asked questions.

However, the problem was far more difficult than she imagined.

"Forget it, Kerela, I understand how you feel, but... you want to find fault with him mathematically, which is impossible."


No problem was found in this way. Lu Zhou really didn't believe that they could still find faults.

This paper will be included in the archives of the LHCb project as a research result.

However, the problem was far more difficult than she imagined.



While she was still sitting there, scratching her head, a doctor from the same research team came over.

Coughing violently, Lu Zhou put the cup on the table.

Looking specifically at the direction of the Syracuse University research team, Lu Zhou thought they would stand up and make things difficult for him, but he didn't expect that what he expected didn't happen.

Not noticing the special gaze, Lu Zhou simply tried the microphone and began to speak.

The last ten to fifteen minutes are for questions and answers.


"Sound familiar?" Kerela frowned as the pen she was calculating on the A4 paper paused.

MMP? !

"There must be something wrong, but we haven't found it yet..." Gritting her teeth, Kerela stared at the data on the A4 paper, checking it over and over again with the help of a computer, trying to find loopholes.

"... CERN is like a university. Everything that a university should have is basically available here, and there are more or less things that are not available here."

What the hell is this

No one asked questions.

"... CERN is like a university. Everything that a university should have is basically available here, and there are more or less things that are not available here."

The inspector sent by LHCb sat in the first row, quietly waiting for the report meeting to begin.

No one asked questions.

He brought it to his lips and took a sip.

Looking at Kerela who said nothing, Nelson comforted her.

The same thirty-minute speech.