Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 165: Mr. Witten's lecture


The battle lasted more than 20 minutes.

"There are rooms upstairs..."

"Do you still need a glacier?" the bartender standing behind the bar asked calmly.

"Help me."


"...How should we deal with this kind of thing?"

Lu Zhou admitted that his opponent was very strong.

MMP, this guy is much more difficult to maintain than Liu Rui.

"There are rooms upstairs..."

After going to the bathroom to take a shower and shaking his aching brain, Lu Zhou put on clean clothes, stood in front of the mirror, took a look, touched his chin, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Help me."

But, he is better.

After sitting next to her and waiting for a while, Lu Zhou finally gave up on the unrealistic idea of continuing to wait when he saw that she didn't look like she was about to wake up.

After sitting next to her and waiting for a while, Lu Zhou finally gave up on the unrealistic idea of continuing to wait when he saw that she didn't look like she was about to wake up.

Of course, that's what he said, but he didn't really take any time off.

"...How should we deal with this kind of thing?"


With that said, he stood up and patted Lu Zhou on the shoulder, giving him an encouraging and suggestive look.

When he was done, he was so tired and sweaty that he sat down on the chair and panted for a while before he finally regained his composure.

"Bartender, one drink... no, two drinks..."

The next morning, a ray of sunlight crossed the window sill. Lu Zhou rubbed his sore eyes and climbed out of bed.

After sitting next to her and waiting for a while, Lu Zhou finally gave up on the unrealistic idea of continuing to wait when he saw that she didn't look like she was about to wake up.

Naturally, Lu Zhou would not miss this opportunity to increase his knowledge. He made a timetable before completing the report meeting, eager to make up for all the lectures he had missed in the past month.

Her cheeks were swollen the color of pig liver, and Kerela reached into her bag to look for money. Her eyes were swollen, her tongue was straight, and she couldn't even speak clearly.

The winner has been decided, and there is no point in drinking anymore except hurting each other.

"Of course this is wine. Are you so drunk that you can't even tell the difference between wine?... Two more glasses of glacier."

After staring at his junior brother for a long time, senior brother Luo sat there and did not move.

Her cheeks were swollen the color of pig liver, and Kerela reached into her bag to look for money. Her eyes were swollen, her tongue was straight, and she couldn't even speak clearly.

"Of course this is wine. Are you so drunk that you can't even tell the difference between wine?... Two more glasses of glacier."

On the one hand, he was a little dizzy from drinking, and on the other hand, he didn't know where this guy lived.

Lu Zhou's condition was slightly better, but he could only rely on his strong willpower to stay awake.

After a while, he suddenly sighed and sighed softly, "... I have nothing left to teach you as a teacher."

Looking at Kerela lying unconscious on the bed, Lu Zhou made up his mind.

Being accustomed to similar situations, the bartender calmly took out two glasses of water with floating ice cubes and handed them to Lu Zhou.

"This is not wine, you are cheating!"

Coincidentally, while making dinner, he happened to bump into Kerela, who had been drinking together yesterday.

The battle lasted more than 20 minutes.

Her cheeks were swollen the color of pig liver, and Kerela reached into her bag to look for money. Her eyes were swollen, her tongue was straight, and she couldn't even speak clearly.

"Two glasses of ice water."

Placing the glass in front of the crazy woman as if nothing had happened, Lu Zhou raised the glass and clinked it, "Cheers."

The winner has been decided, and there is no point in drinking anymore except hurting each other.

"Go away, I can still drink."

Lu Zhou took out two bills and slapped them on the bar. He took the key with the house number from the bartender's hand, and then continued to look at Senior Brother Luo.

After sitting on a chair and resting for a while, Lu Zhou felt a little better.

"Two glasses of glacier." Lu Zhou changed his words, pulled the bartender's shoulder, and added in a low voice, "... Just a glass of ice water."

"There are rooms upstairs..."

Senior Brother Luo looked at Lu Zhou blankly and replied subconsciously.

Her chest was heaving violently. Kerela's eyes widened. Seeing that her opponent had finished drinking, she reached out and grabbed the cup, and took a sip.

As soon as he returned to the hotel yesterday, he lay down on the bed and fell asleep, so that he was still wearing the same clothes as yesterday.

Looking at Kerela lying unconscious on the bed, Lu Zhou made up his mind.

"Of course this is wine. Are you so drunk that you can't even tell the difference between wine?... Two more glasses of glacier."

Lu Zhou looked at her back in confusion, wondering what this woman meant.

Slapping the empty cup on the table, Kerela lay on the table and coughed for a while, then glared at Lu Zhou drunkenly.

The winner has been decided, and there is no point in drinking anymore except hurting each other.

Lu Zhou looked at her back in confusion, wondering what this woman meant.

If you listen to any lecture, you will probably find a Nobel Prize or Fields Medal winner talking eloquently on the stage. When you hear a question that interests you while sitting in a coffee shop, come over and exchange a few words. Maybe the person you are bragging about is a tenured professor from a top university.

"There are rooms upstairs..."

After sitting next to her and waiting for a while, Lu Zhou finally gave up on the unrealistic idea of continuing to wait when he saw that she didn't look like she was about to wake up.

After saying these words, Senior Brother Luo left a slightly lonely figure behind, turned around and blended into the crowded crowd, disappearing.

"Two glasses of glacier." Lu Zhou changed his words, pulled the bartender's shoulder, and added in a low voice, "... Just a glass of ice water."

Just when Lu Zhou was about to go up to say hello to her and ask her if she felt better, the female doctor gave him a cold look and rudely said "Fake Squid" , then took the dinner plate and left without looking back.


On the one hand, he was a little dizzy from drinking, and on the other hand, he didn't know where this guy lived.

"Two glasses of glacier." Lu Zhou changed his words, pulled the bartender's shoulder, and added in a low voice, "... Just a glass of ice water."

Being accustomed to similar situations, the bartender calmly took out two glasses of water with floating ice cubes and handed them to Lu Zhou.

After sitting next to her and waiting for a while, Lu Zhou finally gave up on the unrealistic idea of continuing to wait when he saw that she didn't look like she was about to wake up.

After sitting on a chair and resting for a while, Lu Zhou felt a little better.

"Two glasses of glacier."

After staring at his junior brother for a long time, senior brother Luo sat there and did not move.

Naturally, Lu Zhou would not miss this opportunity to increase his knowledge. He made a timetable before completing the report meeting, eager to make up for all the lectures he had missed in the past month.

As a result, she drank too fast and choked, almost choking her tears.

Holding the crazy woman's arms, Lu Zhou used all his strength to lift her upstairs and throw her into the room.

I feel more energetic.

It's definitely not okay to leave it here. If something happens, he will probably be involved.

After staring at his junior brother for a long time, senior brother Luo sat there and did not move.


After thinking for a long time without coming up with a good idea, Lu Zhou finally remembered that the "well-informed" Senior Brother Luo was still sitting next to him, and immediately turned around to ask for advice.


Coincidentally, while making dinner, he happened to bump into Kerela, who had been drinking together yesterday.

After staring at his junior brother for a long time, senior brother Luo sat there and did not move.

Placing the glass in front of the crazy woman as if nothing had happened, Lu Zhou raised the glass and clinked it, "Cheers."


Holding the crazy woman's arms, Lu Zhou used all his strength to lift her upstairs and throw her into the room.

Lu Zhou admitted that his opponent was very strong.

"Bartender, one drink... no, two drinks..."

After the lecture, Lu Zhou put away his notes. While thinking about string theory, he left the classroom and walked to the cafeteria unknowingly.

After the lecture, Lu Zhou put away his notes. While thinking about string theory, he left the classroom and walked to the cafeteria unknowingly.

After sitting next to her and waiting for a while, Lu Zhou finally gave up on the unrealistic idea of continuing to wait when he saw that she didn't look like she was about to wake up.

Her chest was heaving violently. Kerela's eyes widened. Seeing that her opponent had finished drinking, she reached out and grabbed the cup, and took a sip.

"Of course this is wine. Are you so drunk that you can't even tell the difference between wine?... Two more glasses of glacier."

Therefore, during this period of time, his schedule will be very loose, so that he will have nothing to do when he is free.

After the lecture, Lu Zhou put away his notes. While thinking about string theory, he left the classroom and walked to the cafeteria unknowingly.

MMP, this guy is much more difficult to maintain than Liu Rui.

If you listen to any lecture, you will probably find a Nobel Prize or Fields Medal winner talking eloquently on the stage. When you hear a question that interests you while sitting in a coffee shop, come over and exchange a few words. Maybe the person you are bragging about is a tenured professor from a top university.

Perhaps because the potion previously rewarded by the system had improved his metabolism, the feeling of hangover was not particularly obvious. After running downstairs twice, Lu Zhou went to the cafeteria on the R1 floor, finished his breakfast in a hurry, and then walked to a nearby lecture according to his schedule.

In just this month, big names in theoretical physics and mathematics gathered here from all over the world.

"Two glasses of glacier."

As a result, she drank too fast and choked, almost choking her tears.

Of course, that's what he said, but he didn't really take any time off.

Lu Zhou looked at her back in confusion, wondering what this woman meant.

On the one hand, he was a little dizzy from drinking, and on the other hand, he didn't know where this guy lived.

It’s not just a matter of weight. That kid Liu Rui was drunk and was being carried around. At least he could move his legs forward subconsciously, but this guy was drunk and stiff as a dead person. There is no use of any strength.

As soon as he returned to the hotel yesterday, he lay down on the bed and fell asleep, so that he was still wearing the same clothes as yesterday.

Lu Zhou:? ?

"Two glasses of ice water."

"Two glasses of glacier."

Slapping the empty cup on the table, Kerela lay on the table and coughed for a while, then glared at Lu Zhou drunkenly.

MMP, this guy is much more difficult to maintain than Liu Rui.

After staring at his junior brother for a long time, senior brother Luo sat there and did not move.

I have to say that this old man speaks very well and can explain complex theories clearly in easy-to-understand language. Even a layman with little foundation will not feel bored listening to it.

Slapping the empty cup on the table, Kerela lay on the table and coughed for a while, then glared at Lu Zhou drunkenly.

"This is not wine, you are cheating!"

Looking at Kerela lying on the bar, Lu Zhou had a headache.

Of course, that's what he said, but he didn't really take any time off.

"Of course this is wine. Are you so drunk that you can't even tell the difference between wine?... Two more glasses of glacier."

The old gentleman spoke passionately on the stage, but by this part, the people still sitting in the classroom listening to the lecture were obviously not as enthusiastic as before...

Lu Zhou:? ?

The report has been accepted and accepted, and Academician Lu’s research team will not have any new tasks until the collider experiment is restarted at the end of the month.

It’s not just a matter of weight. That kid Liu Rui was drunk and was being carried around. At least he could move his legs forward subconsciously, but this guy was drunk and stiff as a dead person. There is no use of any strength.

The battle lasted more than 20 minutes.

Lu Zhou took out two bills and slapped them on the bar. He took the key with the house number from the bartender's hand, and then continued to look at Senior Brother Luo.

At the end of the lecture, the old man relentlessly promoted his M theory and made bold predictions about the future of theoretical physics, which has almost become part of his lecture style.

Just as Lu Zhou was mid-sentence, there was a "boom" sound from the side, and Kerela's forehead hit the bar, and she became completely motionless.

I feel more energetic.


If his shoulders weren't still heaving, he would have called an ambulance.

"This is not wine, you are cheating!"

The winner has been decided, and there is no point in drinking anymore except hurting each other.

"Help me."

"Do you still need a glacier?" the bartender standing behind the bar asked calmly.

In just this month, big names in theoretical physics and mathematics gathered here from all over the world.

Slapping the empty cup on the table, Kerela lay on the table and coughed for a while, then glared at Lu Zhou drunkenly.

Her cheeks were swollen the color of pig liver, and Kerela reached into her bag to look for money. Her eyes were swollen, her tongue was straight, and she couldn't even speak clearly.

After going to the bathroom to take a shower and shaking his aching brain, Lu Zhou put on clean clothes, stood in front of the mirror, took a look, touched his chin, and nodded with satisfaction.

If I had known, I shouldn't have cared about her yesterday.

"Do you still need a glacier?" the bartender standing behind the bar asked calmly.

"No… "

"come on!"

Lu Zhou's condition was slightly better, but he could only rely on his strong willpower to stay awake.

Placing the glass in front of the crazy woman as if nothing had happened, Lu Zhou raised the glass and clinked it, "Cheers."

Then, Lu Zhou threw the key on the cabinet in the entrance hall, opened the door and walked away.

When he was done, he was so tired and sweaty that he sat down on the chair and panted for a while before he finally regained his composure.

If his shoulders weren't still heaving, he would have called an ambulance.

If you listen to any lecture, you will probably find a Nobel Prize or Fields Medal winner talking eloquently on the stage. When you hear a question that interests you while sitting in a coffee shop, come over and exchange a few words. Maybe the person you are bragging about is a tenured professor from a top university.

Looking at Kerela lying on the bar, Lu Zhou had a headache.

After thinking for a long time without coming up with a good idea, Lu Zhou finally remembered that the "well-informed" Senior Brother Luo was still sitting next to him, and immediately turned around to ask for advice.

For someone with such a bad taste in wine, you must not drink with her next time.

At the end of the lecture, the old man relentlessly promoted his M theory and made bold predictions about the future of theoretical physics, which has almost become part of his lecture style.

On the one hand, he was a little dizzy from drinking, and on the other hand, he didn't know where this guy lived.

If I had known, I shouldn't have cared about her yesterday.

Her cheeks were swollen the color of pig liver, and Kerela reached into her bag to look for money. Her eyes were swollen, her tongue was straight, and she couldn't even speak clearly.

It's definitely not okay to leave it here. If something happens, he will probably be involved.

"Bartender, one drink... no, two drinks..."

Lu Zhou took out two bills and slapped them on the bar. He took the key with the house number from the bartender's hand, and then continued to look at Senior Brother Luo.



I have to say that this old man speaks very well and can explain complex theories clearly in easy-to-understand language. Even a layman with little foundation will not feel bored listening to it.

Her cheeks were swollen the color of pig liver, and Kerela reached into her bag to look for money. Her eyes were swollen, her tongue was straight, and she couldn't even speak clearly.

After thinking for a long time without coming up with a good idea, Lu Zhou finally remembered that the "well-informed" Senior Brother Luo was still sitting next to him, and immediately turned around to ask for advice.

"Help me."

But, he is better.

"No… "

"Do you still need a glacier?" the bartender standing behind the bar asked calmly.

Placing the glass in front of the crazy woman as if nothing had happened, Lu Zhou raised the glass and clinked it, "Cheers."

"...How should we deal with this kind of thing?"

The report has been accepted and accepted, and Academician Lu’s research team will not have any new tasks until the collider experiment is restarted at the end of the month.

"This is not wine, you are cheating!"

The next morning, a ray of sunlight crossed the window sill. Lu Zhou rubbed his sore eyes and climbed out of bed.

"There are rooms upstairs..."

Lu Zhou admitted that his opponent was very strong.

Judging from the title of this lecture, the content to be discussed is not a problem in physics, but a discussion of Morse's theory, a major branch of differential topology in pure numbers.

On the one hand, he was a little dizzy from drinking, and on the other hand, he didn't know where this guy lived.

Senior Brother Luo looked at Lu Zhou blankly and replied subconsciously.

The winner has been decided, and there is no point in drinking anymore except hurting each other.

I feel more energetic.

If we continue to wait, I'm afraid we will have to wait until tomorrow.

Naturally, Lu Zhou would not miss this opportunity to increase his knowledge. He made a timetable before completing the report meeting, eager to make up for all the lectures he had missed in the past month.

After sitting on a chair and resting for a while, Lu Zhou felt a little better.

"There are rooms upstairs..."

Looking at Kerela lying unconscious on the bed, Lu Zhou made up his mind.

"There are rooms upstairs..."

The battle lasted more than 20 minutes.

Lu Zhou:? ?

Coincidentally, while making dinner, he happened to bump into Kerela, who had been drinking together yesterday.

Therefore, during this period of time, his schedule will be very loose, so that he will have nothing to do when he is free.

As a result, she drank too fast and choked, almost choking her tears.

"Go away, I can still drink."

After the lecture, Lu Zhou put away his notes. While thinking about string theory, he left the classroom and walked to the cafeteria unknowingly.

Perhaps because the potion previously rewarded by the system had improved his metabolism, the feeling of hangover was not particularly obvious. After running downstairs twice, Lu Zhou went to the cafeteria on the R1 floor, finished his breakfast in a hurry, and then walked to a nearby lecture according to his schedule.

Lu Zhou took out two bills and slapped them on the bar. He took the key with the house number from the bartender's hand, and then continued to look at Senior Brother Luo.

Glancing at the deep night outside the window, he saw that it was getting late, so he stood up and walked to the window, closing the curtains.

"Two glasses of glacier."

"Two glasses of glacier." Lu Zhou changed his words, pulled the bartender's shoulder, and added in a low voice, "... Just a glass of ice water."

After thinking for a long time without coming up with a good idea, Lu Zhou finally remembered that the "well-informed" Senior Brother Luo was still sitting next to him, and immediately turned around to ask for advice.

At the end of the lecture, the old man relentlessly promoted his M theory and made bold predictions about the future of theoretical physics, which has almost become part of his lecture style.

For someone with such a bad taste in wine, you must not drink with her next time.

Perhaps because the potion previously rewarded by the system had improved his metabolism, the feeling of hangover was not particularly obvious. After running downstairs twice, Lu Zhou went to the cafeteria on the R1 floor, finished his breakfast in a hurry, and then walked to a nearby lecture according to his schedule.

For someone with such a bad taste in wine, you must not drink with her next time.

"Help me."

After saying these words, Senior Brother Luo left a slightly lonely figure behind, turned around and blended into the crowded crowd, disappearing.

Lu Zhou's condition was slightly better, but he could only rely on his strong willpower to stay awake.

After staring at his junior brother for a long time, senior brother Luo sat there and did not move.

"Help me."

"Two glasses of glacier."

Lu Zhou looked at her back in confusion, wondering what this woman meant.

After thinking for a long time without coming up with a good idea, Lu Zhou finally remembered that the "well-informed" Senior Brother Luo was still sitting next to him, and immediately turned around to ask for advice.

The old gentleman spoke passionately on the stage, but by this part, the people still sitting in the classroom listening to the lecture were obviously not as enthusiastic as before...

"Do you still need a glacier?" the bartender standing behind the bar asked calmly.

"Help me."

Slapping the empty cup on the table, Kerela lay on the table and coughed for a while, then glared at Lu Zhou drunkenly.

After a while, he suddenly sighed and sighed softly, "... I have nothing left to teach you as a teacher."

It’s not just a matter of weight. That kid Liu Rui was drunk and was being carried around. At least he could move his legs forward subconsciously, but this guy was drunk and stiff as a dead person. There is no use of any strength.

Just as Lu Zhou was mid-sentence, there was a "boom" sound from the side, and Kerela's forehead hit the bar, and she became completely motionless.

"Help me."

"Of course this is wine. Are you so drunk that you can't even tell the difference between wine?... Two more glasses of glacier."

Slapping the empty cup on the table, Kerela lay on the table and coughed for a while, then glared at Lu Zhou drunkenly.

With that said, he stood up and patted Lu Zhou on the shoulder, giving him an encouraging and suggestive look.

"Two glasses of ice water."

"come on!"

MMP, this guy is much more difficult to maintain than Liu Rui.

After the lecture, Lu Zhou put away his notes. While thinking about string theory, he left the classroom and walked to the cafeteria unknowingly.

"There are rooms upstairs..."

"come on!"

Lu Zhou:? ?

I was sweating all over when I went upstairs, and I woke up a lot even from the wine.

I have to say that this old man speaks very well and can explain complex theories clearly in easy-to-understand language. Even a layman with little foundation will not feel bored listening to it.

"Do you still need a glacier?" the bartender standing behind the bar asked calmly.

After saying these words, Senior Brother Luo left a slightly lonely figure behind, turned around and blended into the crowded crowd, disappearing.


"Of course this is wine. Are you so drunk that you can't even tell the difference between wine?... Two more glasses of glacier."

Lu Zhou admitted that his opponent was very strong.

Lu Zhou:? ?

"Two glasses of ice water."

But, he is better.

MMP, this guy is much more difficult to maintain than Liu Rui.

I was sweating all over when I went upstairs, and I woke up a lot even from the wine.

"Two glasses of glacier." Lu Zhou changed his words, pulled the bartender's shoulder, and added in a low voice, "... Just a glass of ice water."

After thinking for a long time without coming up with a good idea, Lu Zhou finally remembered that the "well-informed" Senior Brother Luo was still sitting next to him, and immediately turned around to ask for advice.

"Bartender, one drink... no, two drinks..."

Lu Zhou:? ?

"No… "

The next morning, a ray of sunlight crossed the window sill. Lu Zhou rubbed his sore eyes and climbed out of bed.

Naturally, Lu Zhou would not miss this opportunity to increase his knowledge. He made a timetable before completing the report meeting, eager to make up for all the lectures he had missed in the past month.

"Do you still need a glacier?" the bartender standing behind the bar asked calmly.

Therefore, during this period of time, his schedule will be very loose, so that he will have nothing to do when he is free.

Lu Zhou's condition was slightly better, but he could only rely on his strong willpower to stay awake.

Coincidentally, while making dinner, he happened to bump into Kerela, who had been drinking together yesterday.

"Two glasses of glacier."

After sitting next to her and waiting for a while, Lu Zhou finally gave up on the unrealistic idea of continuing to wait when he saw that she didn't look like she was about to wake up.

It's definitely not okay to leave it here. If something happens, he will probably be involved.

"Go away, I can still drink."

"There are rooms upstairs..."

After thinking for a long time without coming up with a good idea, Lu Zhou finally remembered that the "well-informed" Senior Brother Luo was still sitting next to him, and immediately turned around to ask for advice.

For someone with such a bad taste in wine, you must not drink with her next time.

After thinking for a long time without coming up with a good idea, Lu Zhou finally remembered that the "well-informed" Senior Brother Luo was still sitting next to him, and immediately turned around to ask for advice.

Lu Zhou looked at her back in confusion, wondering what this woman meant.

On the one hand, he was a little dizzy from drinking, and on the other hand, he didn't know where this guy lived.

If we continue to wait, I'm afraid we will have to wait until tomorrow.

At the end of the lecture, the old man relentlessly promoted his M theory and made bold predictions about the future of theoretical physics, which has almost become part of his lecture style.

After thinking for a long time without coming up with a good idea, Lu Zhou finally remembered that the "well-informed" Senior Brother Luo was still sitting next to him, and immediately turned around to ask for advice.

After saying these words, Senior Brother Luo left a slightly lonely figure behind, turned around and blended into the crowded crowd, disappearing.

Holding the crazy woman's arms, Lu Zhou used all his strength to lift her upstairs and throw her into the room.

Slapping the empty cup on the table, Kerela lay on the table and coughed for a while, then glared at Lu Zhou drunkenly.

I feel more energetic.

For someone with such a bad taste in wine, you must not drink with her next time.

When he was done, he was so tired and sweaty that he sat down on the chair and panted for a while before he finally regained his composure.

On the one hand, he was a little dizzy from drinking, and on the other hand, he didn't know where this guy lived.


"Help me."

"Do you still need a glacier?" the bartender standing behind the bar asked calmly.

Of course, that's what he said, but he didn't really take any time off.

MMP, this guy is much more difficult to maintain than Liu Rui.

MMP, this guy is much more difficult to maintain than Liu Rui.

Lu Zhou admitted that his opponent was very strong.

"Do you still need a glacier?" the bartender standing behind the bar asked calmly.

After staring at his junior brother for a long time, senior brother Luo sat there and did not move.

Lu Zhou's condition was slightly better, but he could only rely on his strong willpower to stay awake.

It’s not just a matter of weight. That kid Liu Rui was drunk and was being carried around. At least he could move his legs forward subconsciously, but this guy was drunk and stiff as a dead person. There is no use of any strength.

Lu Zhou:? ?

"Help me."

If we continue to wait, I'm afraid we will have to wait until tomorrow.

At the end of the lecture, the old man relentlessly promoted his M theory and made bold predictions about the future of theoretical physics, which has almost become part of his lecture style.

"Bartender, one drink... no, two drinks..."

If we continue to wait, I'm afraid we will have to wait until tomorrow.

Looking at Kerela lying unconscious on the bed, Lu Zhou made up his mind.

But, he is better.

Lu Zhou:? ?

After staring at his junior brother for a long time, senior brother Luo sat there and did not move.


For someone with such a bad taste in wine, you must not drink with her next time.

"This is not wine, you are cheating!"

For someone with such a bad taste in wine, you must not drink with her next time.

Naturally, Lu Zhou would not miss this opportunity to increase his knowledge. He made a timetable before completing the report meeting, eager to make up for all the lectures he had missed in the past month.

After sitting on a chair and resting for a while, Lu Zhou felt a little better.

After sitting on a chair and resting for a while, Lu Zhou felt a little better.

Therefore, during this period of time, his schedule will be very loose, so that he will have nothing to do when he is free.

After sitting on a chair and resting for a while, Lu Zhou felt a little better.

Her cheeks were swollen the color of pig liver, and Kerela reached into her bag to look for money. Her eyes were swollen, her tongue was straight, and she couldn't even speak clearly.

After the lecture, Lu Zhou put away his notes. While thinking about string theory, he left the classroom and walked to the cafeteria unknowingly.

As soon as he returned to the hotel yesterday, he lay down on the bed and fell asleep, so that he was still wearing the same clothes as yesterday.

"Two glasses of glacier."

I was sweating all over when I went upstairs, and I woke up a lot even from the wine.

Lu Zhou's condition was slightly better, but he could only rely on his strong willpower to stay awake.

Glancing at the deep night outside the window, he saw that it was getting late, so he stood up and walked to the window, closing the curtains.

Therefore, during this period of time, his schedule will be very loose, so that he will have nothing to do when he is free.

Coincidentally, while making dinner, he happened to bump into Kerela, who had been drinking together yesterday.

Lu Zhou:? ?

Just when Lu Zhou was about to go up to say hello to her and ask her if she felt better, the female doctor gave him a cold look and rudely said "Fake Squid" , then took the dinner plate and left without looking back.

"come on!"

Holding the crazy woman's arms, Lu Zhou used all his strength to lift her upstairs and throw her into the room.

Then, Lu Zhou threw the key on the cabinet in the entrance hall, opened the door and walked away.

"Help me."

Of course, that's what he said, but he didn't really take any time off.

As a result, she drank too fast and choked, almost choking her tears.

Just as Lu Zhou was mid-sentence, there was a "boom" sound from the side, and Kerela's forehead hit the bar, and she became completely motionless.

When he was done, he was so tired and sweaty that he sat down on the chair and panted for a while before he finally regained his composure.

Just when Lu Zhou was about to go up to say hello to her and ask her if she felt better, the female doctor gave him a cold look and rudely said "Fake Squid" , then took the dinner plate and left without looking back.

Lu Zhou looked at her back in confusion, wondering what this woman meant.

Just as Lu Zhou was mid-sentence, there was a "boom" sound from the side, and Kerela's forehead hit the bar, and she became completely motionless.

The next morning, a ray of sunlight crossed the window sill. Lu Zhou rubbed his sore eyes and climbed out of bed.

"...How should we deal with this kind of thing?"

Glancing at the deep night outside the window, he saw that it was getting late, so he stood up and walked to the window, closing the curtains.

Then, Lu Zhou threw the key on the cabinet in the entrance hall, opened the door and walked away.

After a while, he suddenly sighed and sighed softly, "... I have nothing left to teach you as a teacher."

The next morning, a ray of sunlight crossed the window sill. Lu Zhou rubbed his sore eyes and climbed out of bed.

Senior Brother Luo looked at Lu Zhou blankly and replied subconsciously.

The first event on his schedule was the lecture given by Senior Brother Luo's boss, Mr. Edward Witten.

Judging from the title of this lecture, the content to be discussed is not a problem in physics, but a discussion of Morse's theory, a major branch of differential topology in pure numbers.

As soon as he returned to the hotel yesterday, he lay down on the bed and fell asleep, so that he was still wearing the same clothes as yesterday.

"There are rooms upstairs..."

Lu Zhou admitted that his opponent was very strong.

Just when Lu Zhou was about to go up to say hello to her and ask her if she felt better, the female doctor gave him a cold look and rudely said "Fake Squid" , then took the dinner plate and left without looking back.

After going to the bathroom to take a shower and shaking his aching brain, Lu Zhou put on clean clothes, stood in front of the mirror, took a look, touched his chin, and nodded with satisfaction.

Placing the glass in front of the crazy woman as if nothing had happened, Lu Zhou raised the glass and clinked it, "Cheers."

Lu Zhou took out two bills and slapped them on the bar. He took the key with the house number from the bartender's hand, and then continued to look at Senior Brother Luo.

"No… "

Coincidentally, while making dinner, he happened to bump into Kerela, who had been drinking together yesterday.

Just as Lu Zhou was mid-sentence, there was a "boom" sound from the side, and Kerela's forehead hit the bar, and she became completely motionless.

I feel more energetic.

Senior Brother Luo looked at Lu Zhou blankly and replied subconsciously.

"Do you still need a glacier?" the bartender standing behind the bar asked calmly.


For someone with such a bad taste in wine, you must not drink with her next time.

When he was done, he was so tired and sweaty that he sat down on the chair and panted for a while before he finally regained his composure.

After saying these words, Senior Brother Luo left a slightly lonely figure behind, turned around and blended into the crowded crowd, disappearing.

"...How should we deal with this kind of thing?"

I feel more energetic.

After sitting on a chair and resting for a while, Lu Zhou felt a little better.

But, he is better.

After sitting next to her and waiting for a while, Lu Zhou finally gave up on the unrealistic idea of continuing to wait when he saw that she didn't look like she was about to wake up.

"Help me."

Then, Lu Zhou threw the key on the cabinet in the entrance hall, opened the door and walked away.

Then, Lu Zhou threw the key on the cabinet in the entrance hall, opened the door and walked away.

I have to say that this old man speaks very well and can explain complex theories clearly in easy-to-understand language. Even a layman with little foundation will not feel bored listening to it.

Perhaps because the potion previously rewarded by the system had improved his metabolism, the feeling of hangover was not particularly obvious. After running downstairs twice, Lu Zhou went to the cafeteria on the R1 floor, finished his breakfast in a hurry, and then walked to a nearby lecture according to his schedule.

Just when Lu Zhou was about to go up to say hello to her and ask her if she felt better, the female doctor gave him a cold look and rudely said "Fake Squid" , then took the dinner plate and left without looking back.

Senior Brother Luo looked at Lu Zhou blankly and replied subconsciously.

The report has been accepted and accepted, and Academician Lu’s research team will not have any new tasks until the collider experiment is restarted at the end of the month.

"Go away, I can still drink."

The old gentleman spoke passionately on the stage, but by this part, the people still sitting in the classroom listening to the lecture were obviously not as enthusiastic as before...

"Do you still need a glacier?" the bartender standing behind the bar asked calmly.

Lu Zhou looked at her back in confusion, wondering what this woman meant.

Therefore, during this period of time, his schedule will be very loose, so that he will have nothing to do when he is free.

If we continue to wait, I'm afraid we will have to wait until tomorrow.

After thinking for a long time without coming up with a good idea, Lu Zhou finally remembered that the "well-informed" Senior Brother Luo was still sitting next to him, and immediately turned around to ask for advice.

"No… "

Of course, that's what he said, but he didn't really take any time off.

Perhaps because the potion previously rewarded by the system had improved his metabolism, the feeling of hangover was not particularly obvious. After running downstairs twice, Lu Zhou went to the cafeteria on the R1 floor, finished his breakfast in a hurry, and then walked to a nearby lecture according to his schedule.

It’s not just a matter of weight. That kid Liu Rui was drunk and was being carried around. At least he could move his legs forward subconsciously, but this guy was drunk and stiff as a dead person. There is no use of any strength.

In just this month, big names in theoretical physics and mathematics gathered here from all over the world.

The next morning, a ray of sunlight crossed the window sill. Lu Zhou rubbed his sore eyes and climbed out of bed.

I feel more energetic.

The first event on his schedule was the lecture given by Senior Brother Luo's boss, Mr. Edward Witten.

When he was done, he was so tired and sweaty that he sat down on the chair and panted for a while before he finally regained his composure.

Holding the crazy woman's arms, Lu Zhou used all his strength to lift her upstairs and throw her into the room.

The first event on his schedule was the lecture given by Senior Brother Luo's boss, Mr. Edward Witten.

Just as Lu Zhou was mid-sentence, there was a "boom" sound from the side, and Kerela's forehead hit the bar, and she became completely motionless.

If you listen to any lecture, you will probably find a Nobel Prize or Fields Medal winner talking eloquently on the stage. When you hear a question that interests you while sitting in a coffee shop, come over and exchange a few words. Maybe the person you are bragging about is a tenured professor from a top university.

Lu Zhou admitted that his opponent was very strong.

Lu Zhou:? ?

"...How should we deal with this kind of thing?"

Naturally, Lu Zhou would not miss this opportunity to increase his knowledge. He made a timetable before completing the report meeting, eager to make up for all the lectures he had missed in the past month.

Then, Lu Zhou threw the key on the cabinet in the entrance hall, opened the door and walked away.

Therefore, during this period of time, his schedule will be very loose, so that he will have nothing to do when he is free.

Just when Lu Zhou was about to go up to say hello to her and ask her if she felt better, the female doctor gave him a cold look and rudely said "Fake Squid" , then took the dinner plate and left without looking back.

"Two glasses of ice water."

The first event on his schedule was the lecture given by Senior Brother Luo's boss, Mr. Edward Witten.

Lu Zhou looked at her back in confusion, wondering what this woman meant.

Holding the crazy woman's arms, Lu Zhou used all his strength to lift her upstairs and throw her into the room.

I feel more energetic.

The first event on his schedule was the lecture given by Senior Brother Luo's boss, Mr. Edward Witten.

"Do you still need a glacier?" the bartender standing behind the bar asked calmly.

Glancing at the deep night outside the window, he saw that it was getting late, so he stood up and walked to the window, closing the curtains.

When he was done, he was so tired and sweaty that he sat down on the chair and panted for a while before he finally regained his composure.

Perhaps because the potion previously rewarded by the system had improved his metabolism, the feeling of hangover was not particularly obvious. After running downstairs twice, Lu Zhou went to the cafeteria on the R1 floor, finished his breakfast in a hurry, and then walked to a nearby lecture according to his schedule.

Slapping the empty cup on the table, Kerela lay on the table and coughed for a while, then glared at Lu Zhou drunkenly.

"This is not wine, you are cheating!"

After staring at his junior brother for a long time, senior brother Luo sat there and did not move.

I was sweating all over when I went upstairs, and I woke up a lot even from the wine.

Judging from the title of this lecture, the content to be discussed is not a problem in physics, but a discussion of Morse's theory, a major branch of differential topology in pure numbers.

"There are rooms upstairs..."

Lu Zhou took out two bills and slapped them on the bar. He took the key with the house number from the bartender's hand, and then continued to look at Senior Brother Luo.

Judging from the title of this lecture, the content to be discussed is not a problem in physics, but a discussion of Morse's theory, a major branch of differential topology in pure numbers.

"Bartender, one drink... no, two drinks..."

For someone with such a bad taste in wine, you must not drink with her next time.

I have to say that this old man speaks very well and can explain complex theories clearly in easy-to-understand language. Even a layman with little foundation will not feel bored listening to it.

Glancing at the deep night outside the window, he saw that it was getting late, so he stood up and walked to the window, closing the curtains.

I feel more energetic.

The battle lasted more than 20 minutes.

"Two glasses of glacier."

"Two glasses of glacier."

Therefore, during this period of time, his schedule will be very loose, so that he will have nothing to do when he is free.

At the end of the lecture, the old man relentlessly promoted his M theory and made bold predictions about the future of theoretical physics, which has almost become part of his lecture style.

Placing the glass in front of the crazy woman as if nothing had happened, Lu Zhou raised the glass and clinked it, "Cheers."

"Of course this is wine. Are you so drunk that you can't even tell the difference between wine?... Two more glasses of glacier."

Being accustomed to similar situations, the bartender calmly took out two glasses of water with floating ice cubes and handed them to Lu Zhou.

Placing the glass in front of the crazy woman as if nothing had happened, Lu Zhou raised the glass and clinked it, "Cheers."

When he was done, he was so tired and sweaty that he sat down on the chair and panted for a while before he finally regained his composure.

The old gentleman spoke passionately on the stage, but by this part, the people still sitting in the classroom listening to the lecture were obviously not as enthusiastic as before...

"Two glasses of glacier." Lu Zhou changed his words, pulled the bartender's shoulder, and added in a low voice, "... Just a glass of ice water."

Lu Zhou admitted that his opponent was very strong.

Her cheeks were swollen the color of pig liver, and Kerela reached into her bag to look for money. Her eyes were swollen, her tongue was straight, and she couldn't even speak clearly.

After the lecture, Lu Zhou put away his notes. While thinking about string theory, he left the classroom and walked to the cafeteria unknowingly.

After the lecture, Lu Zhou put away his notes. While thinking about string theory, he left the classroom and walked to the cafeteria unknowingly.

In just this month, big names in theoretical physics and mathematics gathered here from all over the world.

The battle lasted more than 20 minutes.

Placing the glass in front of the crazy woman as if nothing had happened, Lu Zhou raised the glass and clinked it, "Cheers."

Lu Zhou:? ?

If you listen to any lecture, you will probably find a Nobel Prize or Fields Medal winner talking eloquently on the stage. When you hear a question that interests you while sitting in a coffee shop, come over and exchange a few words. Maybe the person you are bragging about is a tenured professor from a top university.

"Help me."

Coincidentally, while making dinner, he happened to bump into Kerela, who had been drinking together yesterday.

Lu Zhou's condition was slightly better, but he could only rely on his strong willpower to stay awake.

Of course, that's what he said, but he didn't really take any time off.

After a while, he suddenly sighed and sighed softly, "... I have nothing left to teach you as a teacher."

Just when Lu Zhou was about to go up to say hello to her and ask her if she felt better, the female doctor gave him a cold look and rudely said "Fake Squid" , then took the dinner plate and left without looking back.

MMP, this guy is much more difficult to maintain than Liu Rui.

At the end of the lecture, the old man relentlessly promoted his M theory and made bold predictions about the future of theoretical physics, which has almost become part of his lecture style.

After staring at his junior brother for a long time, senior brother Luo sat there and did not move.

Placing the glass in front of the crazy woman as if nothing had happened, Lu Zhou raised the glass and clinked it, "Cheers."

If I had known, I shouldn't have cared about her yesterday.

The first event on his schedule was the lecture given by Senior Brother Luo's boss, Mr. Edward Witten.

Placing the glass in front of the crazy woman as if nothing had happened, Lu Zhou raised the glass and clinked it, "Cheers."

After staring at his junior brother for a long time, senior brother Luo sat there and did not move.

Lu Zhou looked at her back in confusion, wondering what this woman meant.

Glancing at the deep night outside the window, he saw that it was getting late, so he stood up and walked to the window, closing the curtains.

"...How should we deal with this kind of thing?"


"There are rooms upstairs..."

I feel more energetic.

Glancing at the deep night outside the window, he saw that it was getting late, so he stood up and walked to the window, closing the curtains.

If I had known, I shouldn't have cared about her yesterday.

"There are rooms upstairs..."

After saying these words, Senior Brother Luo left a slightly lonely figure behind, turned around and blended into the crowded crowd, disappearing.

If his shoulders weren't still heaving, he would have called an ambulance.

"Of course this is wine. Are you so drunk that you can't even tell the difference between wine?... Two more glasses of glacier."

Senior Brother Luo looked at Lu Zhou blankly and replied subconsciously.