Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 169: Good luck!


Senior Brother Yan was indeed right. After the experiment officially started, the particle beam emitted was basically stable below 5GeV. The signals captured by the ATLAS detector are basically concentrated in the energy range of 1-10GeV.

Senior Brother Yan saw through Lu Zhou's thoughts at a glance: "Don't tell me it was what happened last time."

Occasionally, there are one or two exceptions that appear outside the upper limit of the 10GeV energy region, but they do not deviate too far.

Even in the eyes of two experts who specialize in quantum chromodynamics, this phenomenon goes against "common sense" and has no research value. But common sense in physics does not apply to researchers like Lu Zhou who were born in mathematics.

Senior Brother Yan was indeed right. After the experiment officially started, the particle beam emitted was basically stable below 5GeV. The signals captured by the ATLAS detector are basically concentrated in the energy range of 1-10GeV.

Although everyone had expected this, those speculations were far less exciting than when this moment actually happened.

Occasionally, there are one or two exceptions that appear outside the upper limit of the 10GeV energy region, but they do not deviate too far.

In order to better reveal the physical properties of pentaquark particles, the LHCb international cooperation team assigned tasks to researchers from various countries to conduct full spectrum analysis of the newly discovered particles.

But such a result could not convince Lu Zhou, who firmly believed that there must be something in the 750GeV energy zone.

Sitting in the hotel conference room, Lu Zhou was typing up a draft on A4 paper while speaking in a casual tone to Senior Brother Yan, who was also sitting next to him and immersed in his work.

There are too many co-authors, and the value of the paper is infinitely weakened. In addition, everyone is doing their own thing. There is no topic collision, and there is no need to compare with anyone. Naturally, no one is so anxious. Based on the amount of work assigned to each team, one month is more than enough time to get everything done.

CERN's press conference ended with a wave of applause, followed by a large number of media outlets that covered this discovery overwhelmingly.

Lu Zhou thought for a while, shook his head and said, "No, I have something to do with Professor Greer. I have to go to the office on the R2 floor soon."

After all, I have to work on Academician Lu’s projects during the day, so I can only use weekends and evenings.

Just now, he received an email from Greer, saying that the data had been sorted out and asking him to take the USB flash drive to the office.

Under such circumstances, 750GeV data will naturally not be generated.

However, Lu Zhou didn't think so.

CERN's press conference ended with a wave of applause, followed by a large number of media outlets that covered this discovery overwhelmingly.

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "How will you know if you don't try it if it's useless?"

But such a result could not convince Lu Zhou, who firmly believed that there must be something in the 750GeV energy zone.

There are too many co-authors, and the value of the paper is infinitely weakened. In addition, everyone is doing their own thing. There is no topic collision, and there is no need to compare with anyone. Naturally, no one is so anxious. Based on the amount of work assigned to each team, one month is more than enough time to get everything done.

Over the years, major high-energy physics laboratories have been searching for these "strange states" at various colliders.

"Are you curious?" Professor Greer smiled and gave him an encouraging look, "Then I wish you good luck."

The experiment lasted a full day.

"Thousands of signatures... When I think about the paper I am about to complete, there will be more than a thousand names on it, and even more than half of the names will be listed in front of me, my enthusiasm for this job will be reduced more than a little. Half a point.”

If these maverick little guys go undetected, it would prove that there may be a hole in our Standard Model and that quantum chromodynamics may be incorrect.

There is no way, others are like this, it is the same when doing mathematics, and it is the same when doing physics.

When he visited the site last time, Professor Greer promised him that after the experiment was over, he would take time to help him sort out the data collected during the test channel.

Although both Senior Brother Yan and Professor Greer said that the flat protrusion cannot be called a characteristic peak, there is a high probability that it is just a two-photon signal, and even a collision may not occur. Because the energy it carries is so exaggerated, even five times that of the Higgs particle!

Judging from the data fed back by various detectors, the confidence level of the pentaquark particles captured in the eyes has exceeded 5sigma. All evidence shows that the pentaquark particles have been discovered!

"Thousands of signatures... When I think about the paper I am about to complete, there will be more than a thousand names on it, and even more than half of the names will be listed in front of me, my enthusiasm for this job will be reduced more than a little. Half a point.”

Even in the eyes of two experts who specialize in quantum chromodynamics, this phenomenon goes against "common sense" and has no research value. But common sense in physics does not apply to researchers like Lu Zhou who were born in mathematics.

At about twelve o'clock in the morning, cheers erupted in the CERN headquarters dozens of kilometers away.

However, Lu Zhou didn't think so.

"The data you want are all in this USB flash drive, including the data collected on the CMS detector. I also asked for a copy for you. But to be honest, this data is of no use at all. We only do collisions in the 1TeV energy region. In less than an hour, apart from testing the sensitivity of each detector, this thing could not produce any useful experimental results at all."

"Are you curious?" Professor Greer smiled and gave him an encouraging look, "Then I wish you good luck."

If nothing else, the discovery of pentaquark particles will become the most significant research result in physics this year, overshadowing all other research results.

Although everyone had expected this, those speculations were far less exciting than when this moment actually happened.

"Thousands of signatures... When I think about the paper I am about to complete, there will be more than a thousand names on it, and even more than half of the names will be listed in front of me, my enthusiasm for this job will be reduced more than a little. Half a point.”

Senior Brother Yan looked defeated, sighed and said, "Okay, I admire your persistence... although what I want to say is that you are doing useless work."

Judging from the data fed back by various detectors, the confidence level of the pentaquark particles captured in the eyes has exceeded 5sigma. All evidence shows that the pentaquark particles have been discovered!

Delving into the cutting-edge fields of any discipline requires imagination, and in Lu Zhou's view, this suspected characteristic peak already has room for imagination.

But such a result could not convince Lu Zhou, who firmly believed that there must be something in the 750GeV energy zone.

After the task was assigned, Academician Lu's research team also devoted themselves to this work.

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "How will you know if you don't try it if it's useless?"

Although it would not take long to copy the data, Lu Zhou planned to use his leisure time in the evening to study this data carefully.

Although everyone had expected this, those speculations were far less exciting than when this moment actually happened.

The number 750GeV may indeed seem a bit "heavy", but this does not mean that there is no possibility.

Although everyone had expected this, those speculations were far less exciting than when this moment actually happened.

Senior Brother Yan looked defeated, sighed and said, "Okay, I admire your persistence... although what I want to say is that you are doing useless work."

Generally speaking, the quarks that are fragmented in the collider either form "quark-antiquark" pairs similar to K mesons and pi mesons, or they form "triquark states" such as protons and neutrons. As for the single quark state, since quarks are bound by the strong force of color charges, single quark particles are not allowed to exist.

Lu Zhou: "Thank you... I just want to satisfy my curiosity. Regardless of whether it is useful or not, I want to try to study it."

The number 750GeV may indeed seem a bit "heavy", but this does not mean that there is no possibility.

It doesn't matter if I'm wrong, it should be an attempt without the cost of failure.

However, quantum chromodynamics does not prohibit the existence of exotic states such as "four-quark states" and "penta-quark states".

After the task was assigned, Academician Lu's research team also devoted themselves to this work.

According to CERN's usual behavior, almost the day after the experiment ended, it could not wait to send invitations to reporters waiting in Geneva and convene a high-standard press conference.

Later, Lu Zhou asked Senior Brother Yan and found out that this thing was different from the previous paper. Every paper doing "full spectrum analysis" this time would be signed by all scientific researchers.

There are too many co-authors, and the value of the paper is infinitely weakened. In addition, everyone is doing their own thing. There is no topic collision, and there is no need to compare with anyone. Naturally, no one is so anxious. Based on the amount of work assigned to each team, one month is more than enough time to get everything done.

Over the years, major high-energy physics laboratories have been searching for these "strange states" at various colliders.

Later, Lu Zhou asked Senior Brother Yan and found out that this thing was different from the previous paper. Every paper doing "full spectrum analysis" this time would be signed by all scientific researchers.

But such a result could not convince Lu Zhou, who firmly believed that there must be something in the 750GeV energy zone.

If these maverick little guys go undetected, it would prove that there may be a hole in our Standard Model and that quantum chromodynamics may be incorrect.

Even in the eyes of two experts who specialize in quantum chromodynamics, this phenomenon goes against "common sense" and has no research value. But common sense in physics does not apply to researchers like Lu Zhou who were born in mathematics.

Although everyone had expected this, those speculations were far less exciting than when this moment actually happened.

"Working for CERN is like this. This is a place where one person's achievements will be lost forever, so I don't recommend you to come here. Although our work is equally great, the Nobel Prize cannot be awarded to everyone who witnesses history. People..." Senior Brother Yan yawned, put down his pen and stretched, "Would you like to play billiards tonight?"

Generally speaking, the quarks that are fragmented in the collider either form "quark-antiquark" pairs similar to K mesons and pi mesons, or they form "triquark states" such as protons and neutrons. As for the single quark state, since quarks are bound by the strong force of color charges, single quark particles are not allowed to exist.

The experiment lasted a full day.

"The data you want are all in this USB flash drive, including the data collected on the CMS detector. I also asked for a copy for you. But to be honest, this data is of no use at all. We only do collisions in the 1TeV energy region. In less than an hour, apart from testing the sensitivity of each detector, this thing could not produce any useful experimental results at all."

But for the physicists gathered here, the real work has just begun.

However, once these strange states are discovered, it will be a huge boost to the confidence of the entire theoretical physics community!

Senior Brother Yan looked defeated, sighed and said, "Okay, I admire your persistence... although what I want to say is that you are doing useless work."

Isn’t it just about subverting “common sense”

Lu Zhou: "Thank you... I just want to satisfy my curiosity. Regardless of whether it is useful or not, I want to try to study it."

In order to better reveal the physical properties of pentaquark particles, the LHCb international cooperation team assigned tasks to researchers from various countries to conduct full spectrum analysis of the newly discovered particles.

Lu Zhou thought for a while, shook his head and said, "No, I have something to do with Professor Greer. I have to go to the office on the R2 floor soon."

According to CERN's usual behavior, almost the day after the experiment ended, it could not wait to send invitations to reporters waiting in Geneva and convene a high-standard press conference.

In order to better reveal the physical properties of pentaquark particles, the LHCb international cooperation team assigned tasks to researchers from various countries to conduct full spectrum analysis of the newly discovered particles.

Generally speaking, the quarks that are fragmented in the collider either form "quark-antiquark" pairs similar to K mesons and pi mesons, or they form "triquark states" such as protons and neutrons. As for the single quark state, since quarks are bound by the strong force of color charges, single quark particles are not allowed to exist.

CERN's press conference ended with a wave of applause, followed by a large number of media outlets that covered this discovery overwhelmingly.

"... We successfully discovered the pentaquark particle. This is another great victory for the Standard Model! We are once again convinced that the path we have chosen is the right one!"

Standing in front of media reporters, CERN's spokesperson announced the news in an excited tone.

Senior Brother Yan saw through Lu Zhou's thoughts at a glance: "Don't tell me it was what happened last time."

"Working for CERN is like this. This is a place where one person's achievements will be lost forever, so I don't recommend you to come here. Although our work is equally great, the Nobel Prize cannot be awarded to everyone who witnesses history. People..." Senior Brother Yan yawned, put down his pen and stretched, "Would you like to play billiards tonight?"

He is still interested in the characteristic peak that appears at 750 GeV.

"... We successfully discovered the pentaquark particle. This is another great victory for the Standard Model! We are once again convinced that the path we have chosen is the right one!"

Just now, he received an email from Greer, saying that the data had been sorted out and asking him to take the USB flash drive to the office.

However, once these strange states are discovered, it will be a huge boost to the confidence of the entire theoretical physics community!

Over the years, major high-energy physics laboratories have been searching for these "strange states" at various colliders.

He is still interested in the characteristic peak that appears at 750 GeV.

Lu Zhou thought for a while, shook his head and said, "No, I have something to do with Professor Greer. I have to go to the office on the R2 floor soon."

"... We successfully discovered the pentaquark particle. This is another great victory for the Standard Model! We are once again convinced that the path we have chosen is the right one!"

Standing in front of media reporters, CERN's spokesperson announced the news in an excited tone.

If nothing else, the discovery of pentaquark particles will become the most significant research result in physics this year, overshadowing all other research results.

But such a result could not convince Lu Zhou, who firmly believed that there must be something in the 750GeV energy zone.

However, Lu Zhou didn't think so.

Senior Brother Yan saw through Lu Zhou's thoughts at a glance: "Don't tell me it was what happened last time."

Lu Zhou thought for a while, shook his head and said, "No, I have something to do with Professor Greer. I have to go to the office on the R2 floor soon."

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "How will you know if you don't try it if it's useless?"

But for the physicists gathered here, the real work has just begun.

CERN's press conference ended with a wave of applause, followed by a large number of media outlets that covered this discovery overwhelmingly.

But for the physicists gathered here, the real work has just begun.

"Thousands of signatures... When I think about the paper I am about to complete, there will be more than a thousand names on it, and even more than half of the names will be listed in front of me, my enthusiasm for this job will be reduced more than a little. Half a point.”

The experiment lasted a full day.

After the task was assigned, Academician Lu's research team also devoted themselves to this work.

Delving into the cutting-edge fields of any discipline requires imagination, and in Lu Zhou's view, this suspected characteristic peak already has room for imagination.

At about twelve o'clock in the morning, cheers erupted in the CERN headquarters dozens of kilometers away.

But for the physicists gathered here, the real work has just begun.

Delving into the cutting-edge fields of any discipline requires imagination, and in Lu Zhou's view, this suspected characteristic peak already has room for imagination.

If these maverick little guys go undetected, it would prove that there may be a hole in our Standard Model and that quantum chromodynamics may be incorrect.

After all, I have to work on Academician Lu’s projects during the day, so I can only use weekends and evenings.

Although everyone had expected this, those speculations were far less exciting than when this moment actually happened.

Sitting in the hotel conference room, Lu Zhou was typing up a draft on A4 paper while speaking in a casual tone to Senior Brother Yan, who was also sitting next to him and immersed in his work.

Generally speaking, the quarks that are fragmented in the collider either form "quark-antiquark" pairs similar to K mesons and pi mesons, or they form "triquark states" such as protons and neutrons. As for the single quark state, since quarks are bound by the strong force of color charges, single quark particles are not allowed to exist.

In order to better reveal the physical properties of pentaquark particles, the LHCb international cooperation team assigned tasks to researchers from various countries to conduct full spectrum analysis of the newly discovered particles.

However, once these strange states are discovered, it will be a huge boost to the confidence of the entire theoretical physics community!

In order to better reveal the physical properties of pentaquark particles, the LHCb international cooperation team assigned tasks to researchers from various countries to conduct full spectrum analysis of the newly discovered particles.

If these maverick little guys go undetected, it would prove that there may be a hole in our Standard Model and that quantum chromodynamics may be incorrect.

Sitting in the hotel conference room, Lu Zhou was typing up a draft on A4 paper while speaking in a casual tone to Senior Brother Yan, who was also sitting next to him and immersed in his work.

"Thousands of signatures... When I think about the paper I am about to complete, there will be more than a thousand names on it, and even more than half of the names will be listed in front of me, my enthusiasm for this job will be reduced more than a little. Half a point.”

Although both Senior Brother Yan and Professor Greer said that the flat protrusion cannot be called a characteristic peak, there is a high probability that it is just a two-photon signal, and even a collision may not occur. Because the energy it carries is so exaggerated, even five times that of the Higgs particle!

The experiment lasted a full day.

After dinner, Lu Zhou dropped by the R2 floor. Professor Greer happened to be waiting for him in the office.

Over the years, major high-energy physics laboratories have been searching for these "strange states" at various colliders.

"Working for CERN is like this. This is a place where one person's achievements will be lost forever, so I don't recommend you to come here. Although our work is equally great, the Nobel Prize cannot be awarded to everyone who witnesses history. People..." Senior Brother Yan yawned, put down his pen and stretched, "Would you like to play billiards tonight?"

After the task was assigned, Academician Lu's research team also devoted themselves to this work.

Sitting in the hotel conference room, Lu Zhou was typing up a draft on A4 paper while speaking in a casual tone to Senior Brother Yan, who was also sitting next to him and immersed in his work.

The number 750GeV may indeed seem a bit "heavy", but this does not mean that there is no possibility.

The number 750GeV may indeed seem a bit "heavy", but this does not mean that there is no possibility.

Delving into the cutting-edge fields of any discipline requires imagination, and in Lu Zhou's view, this suspected characteristic peak already has room for imagination.

But for the physicists gathered here, the real work has just begun.

However, compared to the last "joint inspection" of data from the B1 division with Syracuse University, the time schedule for this time's task is not that tight, and can even be said to be quite relaxed.

The experiment lasted a full day.

"Thousands of signatures... When I think about the paper I am about to complete, there will be more than a thousand names on it, and even more than half of the names will be listed in front of me, my enthusiasm for this job will be reduced more than a little. Half a point.”

The experiment lasted a full day.

Even in the eyes of two experts who specialize in quantum chromodynamics, this phenomenon goes against "common sense" and has no research value. But common sense in physics does not apply to researchers like Lu Zhou who were born in mathematics.

Later, Lu Zhou asked Senior Brother Yan and found out that this thing was different from the previous paper. Every paper doing "full spectrum analysis" this time would be signed by all scientific researchers.

In order to better reveal the physical properties of pentaquark particles, the LHCb international cooperation team assigned tasks to researchers from various countries to conduct full spectrum analysis of the newly discovered particles.

In order to better reveal the physical properties of pentaquark particles, the LHCb international cooperation team assigned tasks to researchers from various countries to conduct full spectrum analysis of the newly discovered particles.

There are too many co-authors, and the value of the paper is infinitely weakened. In addition, everyone is doing their own thing. There is no topic collision, and there is no need to compare with anyone. Naturally, no one is so anxious. Based on the amount of work assigned to each team, one month is more than enough time to get everything done.

At about twelve o'clock in the morning, cheers erupted in the CERN headquarters dozens of kilometers away.

After the task was assigned, Academician Lu's research team also devoted themselves to this work.

Sitting in the hotel conference room, Lu Zhou was typing up a draft on A4 paper while speaking in a casual tone to Senior Brother Yan, who was also sitting next to him and immersed in his work.

Just now, he received an email from Greer, saying that the data had been sorted out and asking him to take the USB flash drive to the office.

After dinner, Lu Zhou dropped by the R2 floor. Professor Greer happened to be waiting for him in the office.

CERN's press conference ended with a wave of applause, followed by a large number of media outlets that covered this discovery overwhelmingly.

Generally speaking, the quarks that are fragmented in the collider either form "quark-antiquark" pairs similar to K mesons and pi mesons, or they form "triquark states" such as protons and neutrons. As for the single quark state, since quarks are bound by the strong force of color charges, single quark particles are not allowed to exist.

Generally speaking, the quarks that are fragmented in the collider either form "quark-antiquark" pairs similar to K mesons and pi mesons, or they form "triquark states" such as protons and neutrons. As for the single quark state, since quarks are bound by the strong force of color charges, single quark particles are not allowed to exist.

Even in the eyes of two experts who specialize in quantum chromodynamics, this phenomenon goes against "common sense" and has no research value. But common sense in physics does not apply to researchers like Lu Zhou who were born in mathematics.

However, Lu Zhou didn't think so.

"Are you curious?" Professor Greer smiled and gave him an encouraging look, "Then I wish you good luck."

"Thousands of signatures... When I think about the paper I am about to complete, there will be more than a thousand names on it, and even more than half of the names will be listed in front of me, my enthusiasm for this job will be reduced more than a little. Half a point.”

However, quantum chromodynamics does not prohibit the existence of exotic states such as "four-quark states" and "penta-quark states".

Senior Brother Yan saw through Lu Zhou's thoughts at a glance: "Don't tell me it was what happened last time."

However, quantum chromodynamics does not prohibit the existence of exotic states such as "four-quark states" and "penta-quark states".

Sitting in the hotel conference room, Lu Zhou was typing up a draft on A4 paper while speaking in a casual tone to Senior Brother Yan, who was also sitting next to him and immersed in his work.

Under such circumstances, 750GeV data will naturally not be generated.

Generally speaking, the quarks that are fragmented in the collider either form "quark-antiquark" pairs similar to K mesons and pi mesons, or they form "triquark states" such as protons and neutrons. As for the single quark state, since quarks are bound by the strong force of color charges, single quark particles are not allowed to exist.

Isn’t it just about subverting “common sense”

Judging from the data fed back by various detectors, the confidence level of the pentaquark particles captured in the eyes has exceeded 5sigma. All evidence shows that the pentaquark particles have been discovered!

"Working for CERN is like this. This is a place where one person's achievements will be lost forever, so I don't recommend you to come here. Although our work is equally great, the Nobel Prize cannot be awarded to everyone who witnesses history. People..." Senior Brother Yan yawned, put down his pen and stretched, "Would you like to play billiards tonight?"

Sitting in the hotel conference room, Lu Zhou was typing up a draft on A4 paper while speaking in a casual tone to Senior Brother Yan, who was also sitting next to him and immersed in his work.

If nothing else, the discovery of pentaquark particles will become the most significant research result in physics this year, overshadowing all other research results.

Lu Zhou thought for a while, shook his head and said, "No, I have something to do with Professor Greer. I have to go to the office on the R2 floor soon."

Even in the eyes of two experts who specialize in quantum chromodynamics, this phenomenon goes against "common sense" and has no research value. But common sense in physics does not apply to researchers like Lu Zhou who were born in mathematics.

There are too many co-authors, and the value of the paper is infinitely weakened. In addition, everyone is doing their own thing. There is no topic collision, and there is no need to compare with anyone. Naturally, no one is so anxious. Based on the amount of work assigned to each team, one month is more than enough time to get everything done.

"... We successfully discovered the pentaquark particle. This is another great victory for the Standard Model! We are once again convinced that the path we have chosen is the right one!"

He is still interested in the characteristic peak that appears at 750 GeV.

It doesn't matter if I'm wrong, it should be an attempt without the cost of failure.

According to CERN's usual behavior, almost the day after the experiment ended, it could not wait to send invitations to reporters waiting in Geneva and convene a high-standard press conference.

After the task was assigned, Academician Lu's research team also devoted themselves to this work.

Senior Brother Yan looked defeated, sighed and said, "Okay, I admire your persistence... although what I want to say is that you are doing useless work."

When he visited the site last time, Professor Greer promised him that after the experiment was over, he would take time to help him sort out the data collected during the test channel.

Senior Brother Yan looked defeated, sighed and said, "Okay, I admire your persistence... although what I want to say is that you are doing useless work."

He is still interested in the characteristic peak that appears at 750 GeV.

Isn’t it just about subverting “common sense”

Just now, he received an email from Greer, saying that the data had been sorted out and asking him to take the USB flash drive to the office.

Although everyone had expected this, those speculations were far less exciting than when this moment actually happened.

There are too many co-authors, and the value of the paper is infinitely weakened. In addition, everyone is doing their own thing. There is no topic collision, and there is no need to compare with anyone. Naturally, no one is so anxious. Based on the amount of work assigned to each team, one month is more than enough time to get everything done.

After all, I have to work on Academician Lu’s projects during the day, so I can only use weekends and evenings.

Under such circumstances, 750GeV data will naturally not be generated.

After the task was assigned, Academician Lu's research team also devoted themselves to this work.

The number 750GeV may indeed seem a bit "heavy", but this does not mean that there is no possibility.

However, compared to the last "joint inspection" of data from the B1 division with Syracuse University, the time schedule for this time's task is not that tight, and can even be said to be quite relaxed.

However, compared to the last "joint inspection" of data from the B1 division with Syracuse University, the time schedule for this time's task is not that tight, and can even be said to be quite relaxed.

Although it would not take long to copy the data, Lu Zhou planned to use his leisure time in the evening to study this data carefully.

"... We successfully discovered the pentaquark particle. This is another great victory for the Standard Model! We are once again convinced that the path we have chosen is the right one!"

Just now, he received an email from Greer, saying that the data had been sorted out and asking him to take the USB flash drive to the office.

After all, I have to work on Academician Lu’s projects during the day, so I can only use weekends and evenings.

The experiment lasted a full day.

After the task was assigned, Academician Lu's research team also devoted themselves to this work.

After all, I have to work on Academician Lu’s projects during the day, so I can only use weekends and evenings.

Senior Brother Yan saw through Lu Zhou's thoughts at a glance: "Don't tell me it was what happened last time."

Lu Zhou: "You guessed it right."

"... We successfully discovered the pentaquark particle. This is another great victory for the Standard Model! We are once again convinced that the path we have chosen is the right one!"

It doesn't matter if I'm wrong, it should be an attempt without the cost of failure.

Later, Lu Zhou asked Senior Brother Yan and found out that this thing was different from the previous paper. Every paper doing "full spectrum analysis" this time would be signed by all scientific researchers.

However, compared to the last "joint inspection" of data from the B1 division with Syracuse University, the time schedule for this time's task is not that tight, and can even be said to be quite relaxed.

Senior Brother Yan saw through Lu Zhou's thoughts at a glance: "Don't tell me it was what happened last time."

"Thousands of signatures... When I think about the paper I am about to complete, there will be more than a thousand names on it, and even more than half of the names will be listed in front of me, my enthusiasm for this job will be reduced more than a little. Half a point.”

Although both Senior Brother Yan and Professor Greer said that the flat protrusion cannot be called a characteristic peak, there is a high probability that it is just a two-photon signal, and even a collision may not occur. Because the energy it carries is so exaggerated, even five times that of the Higgs particle!

The experiment lasted a full day.

"Are you curious?" Professor Greer smiled and gave him an encouraging look, "Then I wish you good luck."

Lu Zhou: "You guessed it right."

Although everyone had expected this, those speculations were far less exciting than when this moment actually happened.

CERN's press conference ended with a wave of applause, followed by a large number of media outlets that covered this discovery overwhelmingly.

Isn’t it just about subverting “common sense”

However, quantum chromodynamics does not prohibit the existence of exotic states such as "four-quark states" and "penta-quark states".

"Working for CERN is like this. This is a place where one person's achievements will be lost forever, so I don't recommend you to come here. Although our work is equally great, the Nobel Prize cannot be awarded to everyone who witnesses history. People..." Senior Brother Yan yawned, put down his pen and stretched, "Would you like to play billiards tonight?"

However, quantum chromodynamics does not prohibit the existence of exotic states such as "four-quark states" and "penta-quark states".

But such a result could not convince Lu Zhou, who firmly believed that there must be something in the 750GeV energy zone.

Over the years, major high-energy physics laboratories have been searching for these "strange states" at various colliders.

Senior Brother Yan looked defeated, sighed and said, "Okay, I admire your persistence... although what I want to say is that you are doing useless work."

CERN's press conference ended with a wave of applause, followed by a large number of media outlets that covered this discovery overwhelmingly.

Delving into the cutting-edge fields of any discipline requires imagination, and in Lu Zhou's view, this suspected characteristic peak already has room for imagination.

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "How will you know if you don't try it if it's useless?"

Later, Lu Zhou asked Senior Brother Yan and found out that this thing was different from the previous paper. Every paper doing "full spectrum analysis" this time would be signed by all scientific researchers.

"Working for CERN is like this. This is a place where one person's achievements will be lost forever, so I don't recommend you to come here. Although our work is equally great, the Nobel Prize cannot be awarded to everyone who witnesses history. People..." Senior Brother Yan yawned, put down his pen and stretched, "Would you like to play billiards tonight?"

Occasionally, there are one or two exceptions that appear outside the upper limit of the 10GeV energy region, but they do not deviate too far.

"Are you curious?" Professor Greer smiled and gave him an encouraging look, "Then I wish you good luck."

There is no way, others are like this, it is the same when doing mathematics, and it is the same when doing physics.

Under such circumstances, 750GeV data will naturally not be generated.

"The data you want are all in this USB flash drive, including the data collected on the CMS detector. I also asked for a copy for you. But to be honest, this data is of no use at all. We only do collisions in the 1TeV energy region. In less than an hour, apart from testing the sensitivity of each detector, this thing could not produce any useful experimental results at all."

He is still interested in the characteristic peak that appears at 750 GeV.

There is no way, others are like this, it is the same when doing mathematics, and it is the same when doing physics.

But for the physicists gathered here, the real work has just begun.

Although both Senior Brother Yan and Professor Greer said that the flat protrusion cannot be called a characteristic peak, there is a high probability that it is just a two-photon signal, and even a collision may not occur. Because the energy it carries is so exaggerated, even five times that of the Higgs particle!

Isn’t it just about subverting “common sense”

Just now, he received an email from Greer, saying that the data had been sorted out and asking him to take the USB flash drive to the office.

"Are you curious?" Professor Greer smiled and gave him an encouraging look, "Then I wish you good luck."

However, Lu Zhou didn't think so.

Under such circumstances, 750GeV data will naturally not be generated.

"Are you curious?" Professor Greer smiled and gave him an encouraging look, "Then I wish you good luck."

"The data you want are all in this USB flash drive, including the data collected on the CMS detector. I also asked for a copy for you. But to be honest, this data is of no use at all. We only do collisions in the 1TeV energy region. In less than an hour, apart from testing the sensitivity of each detector, this thing could not produce any useful experimental results at all."

The number 750GeV may indeed seem a bit "heavy", but this does not mean that there is no possibility.

"Working for CERN is like this. This is a place where one person's achievements will be lost forever, so I don't recommend you to come here. Although our work is equally great, the Nobel Prize cannot be awarded to everyone who witnesses history. People..." Senior Brother Yan yawned, put down his pen and stretched, "Would you like to play billiards tonight?"

Lu Zhou thought for a while, shook his head and said, "No, I have something to do with Professor Greer. I have to go to the office on the R2 floor soon."

"Working for CERN is like this. This is a place where one person's achievements will be lost forever, so I don't recommend you to come here. Although our work is equally great, the Nobel Prize cannot be awarded to everyone who witnesses history. People..." Senior Brother Yan yawned, put down his pen and stretched, "Would you like to play billiards tonight?"

"The data you want are all in this USB flash drive, including the data collected on the CMS detector. I also asked for a copy for you. But to be honest, this data is of no use at all. We only do collisions in the 1TeV energy region. In less than an hour, apart from testing the sensitivity of each detector, this thing could not produce any useful experimental results at all."

Delving into the cutting-edge fields of any discipline requires imagination, and in Lu Zhou's view, this suspected characteristic peak already has room for imagination.

Delving into the cutting-edge fields of any discipline requires imagination, and in Lu Zhou's view, this suspected characteristic peak already has room for imagination.

Just now, he received an email from Greer, saying that the data had been sorted out and asking him to take the USB flash drive to the office.

Senior Brother Yan was indeed right. After the experiment officially started, the particle beam emitted was basically stable below 5GeV. The signals captured by the ATLAS detector are basically concentrated in the energy range of 1-10GeV.

However, once these strange states are discovered, it will be a huge boost to the confidence of the entire theoretical physics community!

Even in the eyes of two experts who specialize in quantum chromodynamics, this phenomenon goes against "common sense" and has no research value. But common sense in physics does not apply to researchers like Lu Zhou who were born in mathematics.

Judging from the data fed back by various detectors, the confidence level of the pentaquark particles captured in the eyes has exceeded 5sigma. All evidence shows that the pentaquark particles have been discovered!

But for the physicists gathered here, the real work has just begun.

Occasionally, there are one or two exceptions that appear outside the upper limit of the 10GeV energy region, but they do not deviate too far.

Isn’t it just about subverting “common sense”

Although everyone had expected this, those speculations were far less exciting than when this moment actually happened.

If these maverick little guys go undetected, it would prove that there may be a hole in our Standard Model and that quantum chromodynamics may be incorrect.

"... We successfully discovered the pentaquark particle. This is another great victory for the Standard Model! We are once again convinced that the path we have chosen is the right one!"

How did quantum chromodynamics develop

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "How will you know if you don't try it if it's useless?"

In order to better reveal the physical properties of pentaquark particles, the LHCb international cooperation team assigned tasks to researchers from various countries to conduct full spectrum analysis of the newly discovered particles.

Isn’t it just about subverting “common sense”

But such a result could not convince Lu Zhou, who firmly believed that there must be something in the 750GeV energy zone.

Under such circumstances, 750GeV data will naturally not be generated.

According to CERN's usual behavior, almost the day after the experiment ended, it could not wait to send invitations to reporters waiting in Geneva and convene a high-standard press conference.

It doesn't matter if I'm wrong, it should be an attempt without the cost of failure.

Senior Brother Yan saw through Lu Zhou's thoughts at a glance: "Don't tell me it was what happened last time."

However, once these strange states are discovered, it will be a huge boost to the confidence of the entire theoretical physics community!

After dinner, Lu Zhou dropped by the R2 floor. Professor Greer happened to be waiting for him in the office.

Lu Zhou: "You guessed it right."

After the task was assigned, Academician Lu's research team also devoted themselves to this work.

Senior Brother Yan was indeed right. After the experiment officially started, the particle beam emitted was basically stable below 5GeV. The signals captured by the ATLAS detector are basically concentrated in the energy range of 1-10GeV.

In order to better reveal the physical properties of pentaquark particles, the LHCb international cooperation team assigned tasks to researchers from various countries to conduct full spectrum analysis of the newly discovered particles.

Although everyone had expected this, those speculations were far less exciting than when this moment actually happened.

However, Lu Zhou didn't think so.

The experiment lasted a full day.

"The data you want are all in this USB flash drive, including the data collected on the CMS detector. I also asked for a copy for you. But to be honest, this data is of no use at all. We only do collisions in the 1TeV energy region. In less than an hour, apart from testing the sensitivity of each detector, this thing could not produce any useful experimental results at all."

How did quantum chromodynamics develop

After the task was assigned, Academician Lu's research team also devoted themselves to this work.

"Thousands of signatures... When I think about the paper I am about to complete, there will be more than a thousand names on it, and even more than half of the names will be listed in front of me, my enthusiasm for this job will be reduced more than a little. Half a point.”

If these maverick little guys go undetected, it would prove that there may be a hole in our Standard Model and that quantum chromodynamics may be incorrect.

Senior Brother Yan was indeed right. After the experiment officially started, the particle beam emitted was basically stable below 5GeV. The signals captured by the ATLAS detector are basically concentrated in the energy range of 1-10GeV.

It doesn't matter if I'm wrong, it should be an attempt without the cost of failure.

Generally speaking, the quarks that are fragmented in the collider either form "quark-antiquark" pairs similar to K mesons and pi mesons, or they form "triquark states" such as protons and neutrons. As for the single quark state, since quarks are bound by the strong force of color charges, single quark particles are not allowed to exist.

Lu Zhou: "Thank you... I just want to satisfy my curiosity. Regardless of whether it is useful or not, I want to try to study it."

Lu Zhou: "Thank you... I just want to satisfy my curiosity. Regardless of whether it is useful or not, I want to try to study it."

Although it would not take long to copy the data, Lu Zhou planned to use his leisure time in the evening to study this data carefully.

"... We successfully discovered the pentaquark particle. This is another great victory for the Standard Model! We are once again convinced that the path we have chosen is the right one!"

CERN's press conference ended with a wave of applause, followed by a large number of media outlets that covered this discovery overwhelmingly.

However, compared to the last "joint inspection" of data from the B1 division with Syracuse University, the time schedule for this time's task is not that tight, and can even be said to be quite relaxed.

"Are you curious?" Professor Greer smiled and gave him an encouraging look, "Then I wish you good luck."

The number 750GeV may indeed seem a bit "heavy", but this does not mean that there is no possibility.

However, compared to the last "joint inspection" of data from the B1 division with Syracuse University, the time schedule for this time's task is not that tight, and can even be said to be quite relaxed.

Just now, he received an email from Greer, saying that the data had been sorted out and asking him to take the USB flash drive to the office.

Generally speaking, the quarks that are fragmented in the collider either form "quark-antiquark" pairs similar to K mesons and pi mesons, or they form "triquark states" such as protons and neutrons. As for the single quark state, since quarks are bound by the strong force of color charges, single quark particles are not allowed to exist.

Standing in front of media reporters, CERN's spokesperson announced the news in an excited tone.

The number 750GeV may indeed seem a bit "heavy", but this does not mean that there is no possibility.

The experiment lasted a full day.