Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 171: Frank Wilczek


Taking a deep breath, Lu Zhou responded to the old man's expectations with a confirming look.

The bet is $1,000.

The assistant was stunned for a moment, and then said: "He did not leave a phone number, but he left an address, which is at a hotel near the CERN building. If you want to see him, I can find him for you."

Einstein's unfinished work has always been a treasure pursued by theoretical physicists. However, it is obviously not only theoretical physicists who covet this treasure, but also countless civilian scientists who do not understand physics at all.

"What do you think that might be?"

Although he frankly admitted that he lost on his personal Twitter and fulfilled the gentleman's agreement of $1,000, it was obvious that he was not as calm in his heart as he showed on social platforms.

As for the pile on the right, most of them end up in the office shredder...

Then they made a bet in front of everyone.

"Mr. Frank, I was asked to bring you something."

A dignified Nobel Prize winner in physics actually lost to the "King of Civil Science".

Mr. Reese, who got the invitation letter from nowhere, stood up and made trouble when he was talking about the Standard Model, insisting that supersymmetric particles do not exist at all because you can't find supersymmetric particles at all, and Mr. Frank naturally firmly defended the theory Physics, and predicts that the Hadron Collider (LHC) will detect supersymmetric particles within 6 years!

Generally speaking, the papers here are all interesting to him, and at least worth his time.

Taking the paper printed on the paper from his assistant, Frank took it over, flipped it over, and asked casually: "There's no name on it? Who brought it?"

The arbiter of the bet was Max Tegmark, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who was the host of the meeting.

In 2005, he made a bet with Jenny Conrad, the "beautiful scientist" at MIT, that he was convinced that the LHC would detect the Higgs particle, while the latter believed that the LHC would not be able to detect it.

“Where is this person’s contact information?”

Lu Zhou knew what the old man was waiting for.

Secondly, the greatest "achievement" of this doctor of philosophy is to use the Lie group E8 structure that has only recently been analyzed by mathematicians to construct the legendary grand unification theorem and predict more than 20 particles...

After handing the paper to Mr. Frank's assistant, Lu Zhou originally thought it would take a few days for the results to come out, but he didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly.

At first, he just glanced at it casually, but as he continued to read along the paper, Frank, who was originally expressionless, gradually showed a hint of interest on his face.

Of course, his good mood was not ruined by the hadron collider, but because of a bet he made six years ago.

In fact, winning or losing doesn't matter. For these scholars, betting is at best a break from work.

It’s so embarrassing!

On the morning of the next day, Mr. Frank Wilzek's assistant came to the hotel to find him and took him to the office on the R1 floor.

Just then, his assistant knocked on the door and walked in.

This is a gimmick, just like soliciting investment.

Assistant: "According to the man's self-introduction, he is an intern."

After a pause, Frank continued.

Six years ago, at a physics conference in the Azores, he made a bet with a gentleman named Garrett Reese.

When he said this, Frank kept staring into Lu Zhou's eyes.

However, for Frank Wilczek, he has not been in a good mood recently.

"That's not very realistic."

To be able to intern at CERN, you must have the ability... at least it's not civil science. In fact, what many people lack is not knowledge, but just an opportunity. If this paper is interesting, he would not mind giving some advice to this intern.

"Go find him for me. This paper is interesting." Frank threw the paper in the upper left corner of the table.

However, Mr. Frank was obviously not that easy to fool, he laughed out loud and shook his head.

"It looks like a paper," the assistant replied.

Lu Zhou was slightly stunned.

In fact, in the world of physics, betting is not a rare thing.

Although both mathematicians and physicists scorned his mathematical theory that incorporated philosophical ideas, it was quite popular in some places and even a book was published.

"I am a little interested in your discovery, but only a little. And whether I am interested or not, it is impossible for CERN to launch the LHC for an undeveloped theory, and you have not succeeded in convincing me."

"Yes sir."

Although he was not in a good mood recently, he still spoke.

Lu Zhou said without hesitation: "Supersymmetric particles!"

"But there is a possibility. Maybe it is something else, but no matter what it is, it is worthy of our study, isn't it?" Lu Zhou continued, "Want to bet? I'll pay a hundred dollars, betting that it will be there. There’s something.”

"What?" Mr. Frank replied casually.

Although the Standard Model was correctly tested again, it was of no use and he still lost the bet.

Frank put down the paper in his hand and looked at his assistant.

Mr. Garret Reese is probably the most educated person in civil science. At least he is higher than those idiots in North America who stubbornly believe that the earth is flat and make their own rockets to send themselves into the stratosphere. went.

When he heard about the bet, the old man's eyebrows twitched violently, he coughed dryly and said, "There's no need to make a bet."

When he saw a certain word in the paper, his expression suddenly paused, and his interested expression gradually turned serious.

Sitting in the office prepared for him at CERN, Mr. Frank drank coffee and browsed the latest papers on pentaquark particles on the arXiv website.

For the gambler Frank Wilczek himself, this is not his first time making a bet.

"Bring it to me and take a look."

But here's the problem, the guy he bet with, Mr. Garret Reese, is not an economical guy.

The discovery of pentaquark particles is exciting news for the entire theoretical physics community.

And this is why he is very popular here.

He had learned in advance that this old gentleman's favorite thing to do was to bet with others, so why did he suddenly change his temper

"However, I can give you a chance. You can make your theory more perfect before the end of the month. Then at the CERN conference at the end of the month, I will recommend you to give a report on stage to present to the physicists participating in the meeting. Scientists report your findings. If you can convince me with your theory then, I can consider helping you convince others."

It's just that he didn't seem so lucky this time, and he unfortunately lost the bet.

It is precisely because of this that it is embarrassing for Wilzek to lose this bet.

In fact, this possibility is very small, and even he himself does not believe that that thing may be a supersymmetric particle, but he must say so.

Recently, many people teased him about this matter whenever they met, and he couldn't help but give himself a slap in the face. Why did he get so mad and make a bet with such a hot chick in the first place

First of all, this Mr. Rees is not a physicist at all, but a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of California, Los Angeles, and is now a bridge construction worker.

"Intern?" Frank frowned slightly, but he did not throw the paper aside because of his status. Instead, he continued reading without changing his expression.

Now, six years have passed. After more than two years of rest, the LHC finally successfully increased its energy to 13 TeV after restarting the experiment on June 3. But even with the discovery of pentaquark particles, there is still no sign of supersymmetric particles.

As for the reason, he overestimated CERN's capabilities and was too optimistic about the performance of the LHC after it was upgraded.

And his answer was only one word.

The bet at that time was the gold coin chocolates served at the Nobel Prize Ceremony. The final result was obvious. Frank won the bet and received 10 gold coin chocolates.

This is not a matter of $1,000, but the guy named Rees is quite shameless and shows off this thing to others online all day long.

And this was the first thing the old gentleman said after seeing him.

It is precisely for this reason that he has been dubbed the "King of Civil Science" by many people...
