Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 174: Became a regular employee


Reporting will continue.

Frank stretched out his hand to stop his old friend: "Wait a minute."

Lu Zhou, on the other hand, wanted to stay and witness whether his conclusion was correct.

Just two weeks ago, the European Nuclear Research Summit ended, and scientific researchers from the LHCb Chinese cooperation group returned to China one after another.

Reporting will continue.

However, compared to the previous exciting discovery, for everyone here, there is nothing to look forward to in the following content.

Academician Gao thought for a while and gave a vague answer: "Just maybe."

As for now, it is obvious that he no longer needs to think about these superficial issues.

No way, this discovery is really amazing.

Just after the report meeting, Lynn Evans found him with a brand new personnel contract and extended an invitation to him.

Originally, he was on a plane with Academician Lu and Senior Brother Yan, but Academician Lu left him here and asked him to take the plane back by himself.

Many people think of the neutrino oscillation experiments of the past few years, which proved that neutrinos, which should have no mass in the predictions of the Standard Model, actually have mass! Because of this astonishing discovery, the edifice of the Standard Model was almost torn down.

Just two weeks ago, the European Nuclear Research Summit ended, and scientific researchers from the LHCb Chinese cooperation group returned to China one after another.

Another main reason is that the system has not yet determined that the task is over, so it is obviously related to this part.

"I never said that," Academician Lu retorted with a serious face, "I just said that this possibility exists, and it is very likely."

If there really is a particle at 750 GeV that is missing from the Standard Model...

If his life trajectory does not deviate from the course, he will be a junior in college in two months and will have to start thinking about the serious question of whether to go to graduate school or find a job...

Any physical conclusion is imperfect and depends on the progress of human observation methods.

Yan Xinjue continued to ask: "But if there is really a characteristic peak at 750GeV, how can this phenomenon be explained from the perspective of quantum chromodynamics?"

After all, if this discovery is confirmed, no matter whether new particles enter people's field of vision, he will help the LHCb Chinese research team, which originally had no sense of existence, to breathe a sigh of relief.

For such an international research institution, the mobility of researchers is very high. For example, at the famous Argonne National Laboratory in the United States, the ratio of floating staff to permanent staff is even close to 1:1. It is not uncommon for academics to be named in a research institution.

Another main reason is that the system has not yet determined that the task is over, so it is obviously related to this part.

In a sense, this clue really has this subversive potential.

Apart from being a convenient point for visa processing, there doesn’t seem to be any special use for entering or exiting various research institutions that are not open to tourists.

Academician Lu shook his head: "It can't be explained. This phenomenon has gone beyond the standard model."

Holding his breath, Yan Xinjue asked with a trembling tone of excitement: "In other words, Lu Zhou's discovery means new physics?"

Many people were looking at their watches, and some people had even quietly left the venue early, rushing to their laboratories impatiently, ready to start writing papers to "explain" this new particle and new physical phenomenon, and then discover Go to the arxiv website to take advantage of the situation.

Lu Zhou's identity changed from a CERN intern to a CERN researcher.

Any physical conclusion is imperfect and depends on the progress of human observation methods.

There is always no harm in having one more identity. As for whether you will be bound here by this identity, there is no need to worry at all.

It is foreseeable that if the probability of the occurrence of this characteristic peak is really so high, CERN will definitely start the hadron collider to conduct experiments to verify this clue.

As for now, it is obvious that he no longer needs to think about these superficial issues.

The same goes for the standard model.

There is always no harm in having one more identity. As for whether you will be bound here by this identity, there is no need to worry at all.

After all, for academician-level scientific researchers, time is very precious, and it is impossible to accompany him here to wait for the results to come out.

Frank smiled and said, "I think it's worth giving it a try. Regardless of whether it's correct or not, this is indeed an important clue."

Yes, just maybe.

In addition to member countries, there are also observer countries and cooperating countries. CERN has different personnel contracts for researchers sent by different countries and experimental institutions...

After all, if this discovery is confirmed, no matter whether new particles enter people's field of vision, he will help the LHCb Chinese research team, which originally had no sense of existence, to breathe a sigh of relief.

If the data collected at the Hadron Collider finally proves that there is indeed a characteristic peak at the position of 750 GeV, and this characteristic peak is finally proven to be a new particle, this will not only mean "new physics", but also Means a Nobel Prize!

There is no doubt that this clue already has betting value.

Of course, this is only one of the reasons.

However, it seems that the issues that need to be considered have not become less, but have become more.

Peter: "Is there anything else?"

For such an international research institution, the mobility of researchers is very high. For example, at the famous Argonne National Laboratory in the United States, the ratio of floating staff to permanent staff is even close to 1:1. It is not uncommon for academics to be named in a research institution.

"You're right, I think so too," Peter nodded and slowly stood up from his seat, "I happen to have some new ideas about this clue... I'll go back first."

Even now, he thinks so.

There is no doubt that this clue already has betting value.

Peter: "Is there anything else?"

Similarly, if one day in the future, when people set foot on more distant galaxies and find that the theory of relativity no longer applies in a certain corner of the universe, there will definitely not be any physicist who will say that the theory of relativity is wrong, but that it is still wrong. To be improved.

Frank stretched out his hand to stop his old friend: "Wait a minute."

Yes, just maybe.

Looking at it now, the gambler obviously won.

Looking at the calendar hanging on the bedside table, Lu Zhou couldn't help but sigh.

Peter Higgs slowly put down his clapping hands and said in an exclamation tone.

With a smile, Frank rubbed his thumbs: "You forgot to pay."

Peter: "Is there anything else?"

Academician Gao thought for a while and gave a vague answer: "Just maybe."

The same goes for the standard model.

Frank smiled and said, "I think it's worth giving it a try. Regardless of whether it's correct or not, this is indeed an important clue."

In addition, if you want to make some extra money, you can also rely on this identity certificate to sign a more specific long-term or short-term work or internship contract with the laboratory here.

Of course, Lu Zhou stayed not because of a "summer short-term job", but because CERN revised the original experimental arrangements and began to verify the clue he discovered.

"... It's unbelievable. Is this the amazing discovery you told me?"

"I never said that," Academician Lu retorted with a serious face, "I just said that this possibility exists, and it is very likely."

Sitting next to him, Yan Xinjue couldn't help but ask: "But professor, didn't you say that it was a quantum fluctuation?"

This is indeed an important clue, but whether this clue really means a major discovery remains to be tested experimentally.

Many people were looking at their watches, and some people had even quietly left the venue early, rushing to their laboratories impatiently, ready to start writing papers to "explain" this new particle and new physical phenomenon, and then discover Go to the arxiv website to take advantage of the situation.

"Yes," Frank Wilzek, who was sitting next to him, smiled and said, "I read his paper two weeks ago. Although the paper was not completed at that time, I had a vague idea at that time. This hunch, this must be an amazing clue.”

Frank stretched out his hand to stop his old friend: "Wait a minute."

In addition to member countries, there are also observer countries and cooperating countries. CERN has different personnel contracts for researchers sent by different countries and experimental institutions...

"Yes," Frank Wilzek, who was sitting next to him, smiled and said, "I read his paper two weeks ago. Although the paper was not completed at that time, I had a vague idea at that time. This hunch, this must be an amazing clue.”

Lu Zhou, on the other hand, wanted to stay and witness whether his conclusion was correct.

"Then why-"

After thinking for a while, Peter Higgs said: "From a mathematical point of view, it is proved that there is a characteristic peak at 750GeV. Do you think this possibility exists?"

Academician Lu shook his head: "It can't be explained. This phenomenon has gone beyond the standard model."

"Yes," Frank Wilzek, who was sitting next to him, smiled and said, "I read his paper two weeks ago. Although the paper was not completed at that time, I had a vague idea at that time. This hunch, this must be an amazing clue.”

Just after the report meeting, Lynn Evans found him with a brand new personnel contract and extended an invitation to him.

Similarly, if one day in the future, when people set foot on more distant galaxies and find that the theory of relativity no longer applies in a certain corner of the universe, there will definitely not be any physicist who will say that the theory of relativity is wrong, but that it is still wrong. To be improved.

These contracts do not stipulate salary, so they are not considered employment agreements, but more like a form of identification.

Frank smiled and said, "I think it's worth giving it a try. Regardless of whether it's correct or not, this is indeed an important clue."

If his life trajectory does not deviate from the course, he will be a junior in college in two months and will have to start thinking about the serious question of whether to go to graduate school or find a job...

With a smile, Frank rubbed his thumbs: "You forgot to pay."

There is always no harm in having one more identity. As for whether you will be bound here by this identity, there is no need to worry at all.

Frank smiled and said, "I think it's worth giving it a try. Regardless of whether it's correct or not, this is indeed an important clue."

"You're right, I think so too," Peter nodded and slowly stood up from his seat, "I happen to have some new ideas about this clue... I'll go back first."

Just after the report meeting, Lynn Evans found him with a brand new personnel contract and extended an invitation to him.

As for now, it is obvious that he no longer needs to think about these superficial issues.

Originally, he was on a plane with Academician Lu and Senior Brother Yan, but Academician Lu left him here and asked him to take the plane back by himself.

If he remembered the academic calendar correctly, the friends of 201 should have finished the last subject at this time, and only the postgraduate entrance examination army was stationed in the entire Jinling University.

For example, Academician Lu and Senior Brother Yan also have similar identities.

In addition to member countries, there are also observer countries and cooperating countries. CERN has different personnel contracts for researchers sent by different countries and experimental institutions...

In a sense, this clue really has this subversive potential.

Frank stretched out his hand to stop his old friend: "Wait a minute."

The two had made a bet before, and Frank bet that this new clue would arouse his interest.

Yes, just maybe.

CERN is probably one of the institutions with the highest staff turnover among all scientific research institutions.

"There is no reason." Academician Gao interrupted the doctoral student and smiled and continued, "The meaning of physics is not to make everything we see be as we want. On the contrary, it exists The meaning is precisely to find things that are beyond our expectations, and then we will get new puzzle pieces to improve our theories."

There is no doubt that this clue already has betting value.

With a smile, Frank rubbed his thumbs: "You forgot to pay."

Reporting will continue.

There is always no harm in having one more identity. As for whether you will be bound here by this identity, there is no need to worry at all.

Peter: "Is there anything else?"

Yan Xinjue continued to ask: "But if there is really a characteristic peak at 750GeV, how can this phenomenon be explained from the perspective of quantum chromodynamics?"

However, Academician Lu did not ignore him completely. He left him 3,000 euros for living expenses before leaving, and helped him book the room until the end of July. If the money is not used up, there is no need to pay it back. Quan should treat it as a reward for him.

On the other side of the venue, looking at Lu Zhou walking behind the scenes, Academician Lu laughed and said, "This guy is quite interesting. He deserves to be my apprentice."

Frank smiled and said, "I think it's worth giving it a try. Regardless of whether it's correct or not, this is indeed an important clue."

Lu Zhou's identity changed from a CERN intern to a CERN researcher.

If he remembered the academic calendar correctly, the friends of 201 should have finished the last subject at this time, and only the postgraduate entrance examination army was stationed in the entire Jinling University.

Apart from being a convenient point for visa processing, there doesn’t seem to be any special use for entering or exiting various research institutions that are not open to tourists.

With a smile, Frank rubbed his thumbs: "You forgot to pay."

Frank smiled and said, "I think it's worth giving it a try. Regardless of whether it's correct or not, this is indeed an important clue."

Therefore, even if Einstein proved the theory of relativity, no physicist would jump out and say that he was "anti-Newton" or that Newton's theorem of motion was wrong.

If the data collected at the Hadron Collider finally proves that there is indeed a characteristic peak at the position of 750 GeV, and this characteristic peak is finally proven to be a new particle, this will not only mean "new physics", but also Means a Nobel Prize!

Looking at it now, the gambler obviously won.

However, it seems that the issues that need to be considered have not become less, but have become more.

So, Academician Lu left Lu Zhou here alone.

Sitting next to him, Yan Xinjue couldn't help but ask: "But professor, didn't you say that it was a quantum fluctuation?"

The two had made a bet before, and Frank bet that this new clue would arouse his interest.

Peter: "Is there anything else?"

Frank smiled and said, "I think it's worth giving it a try. Regardless of whether it's correct or not, this is indeed an important clue."

In short, no matter what the reason for staying, experiments of this level are not like double-slit interference or small ball pendulum that can quickly produce experimental results. It can take as little as a month or as long as half a year. This is possible.

With a smile, Frank rubbed his thumbs: "You forgot to pay."

Academician Lu shook his head: "It can't be explained. This phenomenon has gone beyond the standard model."

"Yes," Frank Wilzek, who was sitting next to him, smiled and said, "I read his paper two weeks ago. Although the paper was not completed at that time, I had a vague idea at that time. This hunch, this must be an amazing clue.”

Looking at it now, the gambler obviously won.

"You're right, I think so too," Peter nodded and slowly stood up from his seat, "I happen to have some new ideas about this clue... I'll go back first."

Similarly, if one day in the future, when people set foot on more distant galaxies and find that the theory of relativity no longer applies in a certain corner of the universe, there will definitely not be any physicist who will say that the theory of relativity is wrong, but that it is still wrong. To be improved.

Frank smiled and said, "I think it's worth giving it a try. Regardless of whether it's correct or not, this is indeed an important clue."

For example, Academician Lu and Senior Brother Yan also have similar identities.

After being stunned for a moment, Peter laughed and cursed, threw the crumpled Franklin on the chair, turned around and hurried away.

Sitting next to him, Yan Xinjue couldn't help but ask: "But professor, didn't you say that it was a quantum fluctuation?"

In addition to member countries, there are also observer countries and cooperating countries. CERN has different personnel contracts for researchers sent by different countries and experimental institutions...

Lu Zhou, on the other hand, wanted to stay and witness whether his conclusion was correct.

In addition to member countries, there are also observer countries and cooperating countries. CERN has different personnel contracts for researchers sent by different countries and experimental institutions...

CERN is probably one of the institutions with the highest staff turnover among all scientific research institutions.

It is foreseeable that if the probability of the occurrence of this characteristic peak is really so high, CERN will definitely start the hadron collider to conduct experiments to verify this clue.

Frank stretched out his hand to stop his old friend: "Wait a minute."

On the other side of the venue, looking at Lu Zhou walking behind the scenes, Academician Lu laughed and said, "This guy is quite interesting. He deserves to be my apprentice."

These contracts do not stipulate salary, so they are not considered employment agreements, but more like a form of identification.

Apart from being a convenient point for visa processing, there doesn’t seem to be any special use for entering or exiting various research institutions that are not open to tourists.

These contracts do not stipulate salary, so they are not considered employment agreements, but more like a form of identification.

Therefore, even if Einstein proved the theory of relativity, no physicist would jump out and say that he was "anti-Newton" or that Newton's theorem of motion was wrong.

Academician Lu shook his head: "It can't be explained. This phenomenon has gone beyond the standard model."

Similarly, if one day in the future, when people set foot on more distant galaxies and find that the theory of relativity no longer applies in a certain corner of the universe, there will definitely not be any physicist who will say that the theory of relativity is wrong, but that it is still wrong. To be improved.

After being stunned for a moment, Peter laughed and cursed, threw the crumpled Franklin on the chair, turned around and hurried away.

On the other side of the venue, looking at Lu Zhou walking behind the scenes, Academician Lu laughed and said, "This guy is quite interesting. He deserves to be my apprentice."

Looking at it now, the gambler obviously won.

In addition, if you want to make some extra money, you can also rely on this identity certificate to sign a more specific long-term or short-term work or internship contract with the laboratory here.

Unconsciously, two and a half months have passed since I set foot on Europe in early May.

Sitting next to him, Yan Xinjue couldn't help but ask: "But professor, didn't you say that it was a quantum fluctuation?"

"There is no reason." Academician Gao interrupted the doctoral student and smiled and continued, "The meaning of physics is not to make everything we see be as we want. On the contrary, it exists The meaning is precisely to find things that are beyond our expectations, and then we will get new puzzle pieces to improve our theories."

After all, if this discovery is confirmed, no matter whether new particles enter people's field of vision, he will help the LHCb Chinese research team, which originally had no sense of existence, to breathe a sigh of relief.

In addition to member countries, there are also observer countries and cooperating countries. CERN has different personnel contracts for researchers sent by different countries and experimental institutions...

"I never said that," Academician Lu retorted with a serious face, "I just said that this possibility exists, and it is very likely."

"Yes," Frank Wilzek, who was sitting next to him, smiled and said, "I read his paper two weeks ago. Although the paper was not completed at that time, I had a vague idea at that time. This hunch, this must be an amazing clue.”

Even now, he thinks so.

Even now, he thinks so.

Reporting will continue.

After all, if this discovery is confirmed, no matter whether new particles enter people's field of vision, he will help the LHCb Chinese research team, which originally had no sense of existence, to breathe a sigh of relief.

Looking at the calendar hanging on the bedside table, Lu Zhou couldn't help but sigh.

Similarly, if one day in the future, when people set foot on more distant galaxies and find that the theory of relativity no longer applies in a certain corner of the universe, there will definitely not be any physicist who will say that the theory of relativity is wrong, but that it is still wrong. To be improved.

In short, no matter what the reason for staying, experiments of this level are not like double-slit interference or small ball pendulum that can quickly produce experimental results. It can take as little as a month or as long as half a year. This is possible.

With a smile, Frank rubbed his thumbs: "You forgot to pay."

If his life trajectory does not deviate from the course, he will be a junior in college in two months and will have to start thinking about the serious question of whether to go to graduate school or find a job...

This is indeed an important clue, but whether this clue really means a major discovery remains to be tested experimentally.

Frank stretched out his hand to stop his old friend: "Wait a minute."

No way, this discovery is really amazing.

No way, this discovery is really amazing.

Of course, Lu Zhou stayed not because of a "summer short-term job", but because CERN revised the original experimental arrangements and began to verify the clue he discovered.

If he remembered the academic calendar correctly, the friends of 201 should have finished the last subject at this time, and only the postgraduate entrance examination army was stationed in the entire Jinling University.

In addition, if you want to make some extra money, you can also rely on this identity certificate to sign a more specific long-term or short-term work or internship contract with the laboratory here.

Yan Xinjue continued to ask: "But if there is really a characteristic peak at 750GeV, how can this phenomenon be explained from the perspective of quantum chromodynamics?"

Yan Xinjue continued to ask: "But if there is really a characteristic peak at 750GeV, how can this phenomenon be explained from the perspective of quantum chromodynamics?"

For such an international research institution, the mobility of researchers is very high. For example, at the famous Argonne National Laboratory in the United States, the ratio of floating staff to permanent staff is even close to 1:1. It is not uncommon for academics to be named in a research institution.

"Yes," Frank Wilzek, who was sitting next to him, smiled and said, "I read his paper two weeks ago. Although the paper was not completed at that time, I had a vague idea at that time. This hunch, this must be an amazing clue.”

In addition, if you want to make some extra money, you can also rely on this identity certificate to sign a more specific long-term or short-term work or internship contract with the laboratory here.

However, Academician Lu did not ignore him completely. He left him 3,000 euros for living expenses before leaving, and helped him book the room until the end of July. If the money is not used up, there is no need to pay it back. Quan should treat it as a reward for him.

For such an international research institution, the mobility of researchers is very high. For example, at the famous Argonne National Laboratory in the United States, the ratio of floating staff to permanent staff is even close to 1:1. It is not uncommon for academics to be named in a research institution.

It is foreseeable that if the probability of the occurrence of this characteristic peak is really so high, CERN will definitely start the hadron collider to conduct experiments to verify this clue.

These contracts do not stipulate salary, so they are not considered employment agreements, but more like a form of identification.

Academician Lu shook his head: "It can't be explained. This phenomenon has gone beyond the standard model."

"I never said that," Academician Lu retorted with a serious face, "I just said that this possibility exists, and it is very likely."

"I never said that," Academician Lu retorted with a serious face, "I just said that this possibility exists, and it is very likely."

If there really is a particle at 750 GeV that is missing from the Standard Model...

For such an international research institution, the mobility of researchers is very high. For example, at the famous Argonne National Laboratory in the United States, the ratio of floating staff to permanent staff is even close to 1:1. It is not uncommon for academics to be named in a research institution.

As for what it’s used for…

"Then why-"

Similarly, if one day in the future, when people set foot on more distant galaxies and find that the theory of relativity no longer applies in a certain corner of the universe, there will definitely not be any physicist who will say that the theory of relativity is wrong, but that it is still wrong. To be improved.

Just two weeks ago, the European Nuclear Research Summit ended, and scientific researchers from the LHCb Chinese cooperation group returned to China one after another.

Frank smiled and said, "I think it's worth giving it a try. Regardless of whether it's correct or not, this is indeed an important clue."

Yan Xinjue continued to ask: "But if there is really a characteristic peak at 750GeV, how can this phenomenon be explained from the perspective of quantum chromodynamics?"

Frank stretched out his hand to stop his old friend: "Wait a minute."

Of course, this is only one of the reasons.

"There is no reason." Academician Gao interrupted the doctoral student and smiled and continued, "The meaning of physics is not to make everything we see be as we want. On the contrary, it exists The meaning is precisely to find things that are beyond our expectations, and then we will get new puzzle pieces to improve our theories."

Reporting will continue.

Looking at the calendar hanging on the bedside table, Lu Zhou couldn't help but sigh.

However, Academician Lu did not ignore him completely. He left him 3,000 euros for living expenses before leaving, and helped him book the room until the end of July. If the money is not used up, there is no need to pay it back. Quan should treat it as a reward for him.

In addition, if you want to make some extra money, you can also rely on this identity certificate to sign a more specific long-term or short-term work or internship contract with the laboratory here.

As for what it’s used for…

For example, Academician Lu and Senior Brother Yan also have similar identities.

Unconsciously, two and a half months have passed since I set foot on Europe in early May.

Any physical conclusion is imperfect and depends on the progress of human observation methods.

Reporting will continue.

After all, if this discovery is confirmed, no matter whether new particles enter people's field of vision, he will help the LHCb Chinese research team, which originally had no sense of existence, to breathe a sigh of relief.

Unconsciously, two and a half months have passed since I set foot on Europe in early May.

Frank stretched out his hand to stop his old friend: "Wait a minute."

For example, Academician Lu and Senior Brother Yan also have similar identities.

With a smile, Frank rubbed his thumbs: "You forgot to pay."

He didn't dare to go too far away from here because he was worried that the mission would be interrupted.

Therefore, even if Einstein proved the theory of relativity, no physicist would jump out and say that he was "anti-Newton" or that Newton's theorem of motion was wrong.

On the other side of the venue, looking at Lu Zhou walking behind the scenes, Academician Lu laughed and said, "This guy is quite interesting. He deserves to be my apprentice."

This is indeed an important clue, but whether this clue really means a major discovery remains to be tested experimentally.

As for now, it is obvious that he no longer needs to think about these superficial issues.

Similarly, if one day in the future, when people set foot on more distant galaxies and find that the theory of relativity no longer applies in a certain corner of the universe, there will definitely not be any physicist who will say that the theory of relativity is wrong, but that it is still wrong. To be improved.

"... It's unbelievable. Is this the amazing discovery you told me?"

Frank smiled and said, "I think it's worth giving it a try. Regardless of whether it's correct or not, this is indeed an important clue."

The same goes for the standard model.

Just two weeks ago, the European Nuclear Research Summit ended, and scientific researchers from the LHCb Chinese cooperation group returned to China one after another.

Even now, he thinks so.

After thinking for a while, Peter Higgs said: "From a mathematical point of view, it is proved that there is a characteristic peak at 750GeV. Do you think this possibility exists?"

So, Academician Lu left Lu Zhou here alone.

Holding his breath, Yan Xinjue asked with a trembling tone of excitement: "In other words, Lu Zhou's discovery means new physics?"

In short, no matter what the reason for staying, experiments of this level are not like double-slit interference or small ball pendulum that can quickly produce experimental results. It can take as little as a month or as long as half a year. This is possible.

If he remembered the academic calendar correctly, the friends of 201 should have finished the last subject at this time, and only the postgraduate entrance examination army was stationed in the entire Jinling University.

"I never said that," Academician Lu retorted with a serious face, "I just said that this possibility exists, and it is very likely."

Academician Gao thought for a while and gave a vague answer: "Just maybe."

"You're right, I think so too," Peter nodded and slowly stood up from his seat, "I happen to have some new ideas about this clue... I'll go back first."

Yes, just maybe.

Frank stretched out his hand to stop his old friend: "Wait a minute."

Apart from being a convenient point for visa processing, there doesn’t seem to be any special use for entering or exiting various research institutions that are not open to tourists.

There is always no harm in having one more identity. As for whether you will be bound here by this identity, there is no need to worry at all.

But even if it is only possible, it is not easy for a master's student.

As for why, that’s a long story.

Similarly, if one day in the future, when people set foot on more distant galaxies and find that the theory of relativity no longer applies in a certain corner of the universe, there will definitely not be any physicist who will say that the theory of relativity is wrong, but that it is still wrong. To be improved.

Academician Lu shook his head: "It can't be explained. This phenomenon has gone beyond the standard model."

The two had made a bet before, and Frank bet that this new clue would arouse his interest.

Originally, he was on a plane with Academician Lu and Senior Brother Yan, but Academician Lu left him here and asked him to take the plane back by himself.

Peter: "Is there anything else?"

"Yes," Frank Wilzek, who was sitting next to him, smiled and said, "I read his paper two weeks ago. Although the paper was not completed at that time, I had a vague idea at that time. This hunch, this must be an amazing clue.”

Lu Zhou, on the other hand, wanted to stay and witness whether his conclusion was correct.

In a sense, this clue really has this subversive potential.

Lu Zhou, on the other hand, wanted to stay and witness whether his conclusion was correct.

Holding his breath, Yan Xinjue asked with a trembling tone of excitement: "In other words, Lu Zhou's discovery means new physics?"

However, Academician Lu did not ignore him completely. He left him 3,000 euros for living expenses before leaving, and helped him book the room until the end of July. If the money is not used up, there is no need to pay it back. Quan should treat it as a reward for him.

Yes, just maybe.

However, compared to the previous exciting discovery, for everyone here, there is nothing to look forward to in the following content.

Unconsciously, two and a half months have passed since I set foot on Europe in early May.

Of course, Lu Zhou stayed not because of a "summer short-term job", but because CERN revised the original experimental arrangements and began to verify the clue he discovered.

There is always no harm in having one more identity. As for whether you will be bound here by this identity, there is no need to worry at all.

However, Academician Lu did not ignore him completely. He left him 3,000 euros for living expenses before leaving, and helped him book the room until the end of July. If the money is not used up, there is no need to pay it back. Quan should treat it as a reward for him.

Another main reason is that the system has not yet determined that the task is over, so it is obviously related to this part.

Looking at the calendar hanging on the bedside table, Lu Zhou couldn't help but sigh.

Looking at the calendar hanging on the bedside table, Lu Zhou couldn't help but sigh.

"I never said that," Academician Lu retorted with a serious face, "I just said that this possibility exists, and it is very likely."

Yes, just maybe.

Yes, just maybe.

The significance behind this cannot be measured by the number of papers.

Unconsciously, two and a half months have passed since I set foot on Europe in early May.

As for why, that’s a long story.

If he remembered the academic calendar correctly, the friends of 201 should have finished the last subject at this time, and only the postgraduate entrance examination army was stationed in the entire Jinling University.

Yan Xinjue continued to ask: "But if there is really a characteristic peak at 750GeV, how can this phenomenon be explained from the perspective of quantum chromodynamics?"

In a sense, this clue really has this subversive potential.

The two had made a bet before, and Frank bet that this new clue would arouse his interest.

This is indeed an important clue, but whether this clue really means a major discovery remains to be tested experimentally.

The same goes for the standard model.

Frank stretched out his hand to stop his old friend: "Wait a minute."

If his life trajectory does not deviate from the course, he will be a junior in college in two months and will have to start thinking about the serious question of whether to go to graduate school or find a job...

With a smile, Frank rubbed his thumbs: "You forgot to pay."

There is no doubt that this clue already has betting value.

He didn't dare to go too far away from here because he was worried that the mission would be interrupted.

After all, for academician-level scientific researchers, time is very precious, and it is impossible to accompany him here to wait for the results to come out.

In a sense, this clue really has this subversive potential.

As for now, it is obvious that he no longer needs to think about these superficial issues.

"Then why-"

For such an international research institution, the mobility of researchers is very high. For example, at the famous Argonne National Laboratory in the United States, the ratio of floating staff to permanent staff is even close to 1:1. It is not uncommon for academics to be named in a research institution.

Academician Lu shook his head: "It can't be explained. This phenomenon has gone beyond the standard model."

"Then why-"

Of course, Lu Zhou stayed not because of a "summer short-term job", but because CERN revised the original experimental arrangements and began to verify the clue he discovered.

However, it seems that the issues that need to be considered have not become less, but have become more.

In addition to member countries, there are also observer countries and cooperating countries. CERN has different personnel contracts for researchers sent by different countries and experimental institutions...

There is always no harm in having one more identity. As for whether you will be bound here by this identity, there is no need to worry at all.

Just two weeks ago, the European Nuclear Research Summit ended, and scientific researchers from the LHCb Chinese cooperation group returned to China one after another.

Originally, he was on a plane with Academician Lu and Senior Brother Yan, but Academician Lu left him here and asked him to take the plane back by himself.

If he remembered the academic calendar correctly, the friends of 201 should have finished the last subject at this time, and only the postgraduate entrance examination army was stationed in the entire Jinling University.

After being stunned for a moment, Peter laughed and cursed, threw the crumpled Franklin on the chair, turned around and hurried away.

Originally, he was on a plane with Academician Lu and Senior Brother Yan, but Academician Lu left him here and asked him to take the plane back by himself.

Frank smiled and said, "I think it's worth giving it a try. Regardless of whether it's correct or not, this is indeed an important clue."

But even if it is only possible, it is not easy for a master's student.

"There is no reason." Academician Gao interrupted the doctoral student and smiled and continued, "The meaning of physics is not to make everything we see be as we want. On the contrary, it exists The meaning is precisely to find things that are beyond our expectations, and then we will get new puzzle pieces to improve our theories."

Many people think of the neutrino oscillation experiments of the past few years, which proved that neutrinos, which should have no mass in the predictions of the Standard Model, actually have mass! Because of this astonishing discovery, the edifice of the Standard Model was almost torn down.

As for why, that’s a long story.

As for what it’s used for…

After thinking for a while, Peter Higgs said: "From a mathematical point of view, it is proved that there is a characteristic peak at 750GeV. Do you think this possibility exists?"

CERN is probably one of the institutions with the highest staff turnover among all scientific research institutions.

If his life trajectory does not deviate from the course, he will be a junior in college in two months and will have to start thinking about the serious question of whether to go to graduate school or find a job...

The same goes for the standard model.

In addition to member countries, there are also observer countries and cooperating countries. CERN has different personnel contracts for researchers sent by different countries and experimental institutions...

If he remembered the academic calendar correctly, the friends of 201 should have finished the last subject at this time, and only the postgraduate entrance examination army was stationed in the entire Jinling University.

"There is no reason." Academician Gao interrupted the doctoral student and smiled and continued, "The meaning of physics is not to make everything we see be as we want. On the contrary, it exists The meaning is precisely to find things that are beyond our expectations, and then we will get new puzzle pieces to improve our theories."

Just after the report meeting, Lynn Evans found him with a brand new personnel contract and extended an invitation to him.

But even if it is only possible, it is not easy for a master's student.

In short, no matter what the reason for staying, experiments of this level are not like double-slit interference or small ball pendulum that can quickly produce experimental results. It can take as little as a month or as long as half a year. This is possible.

The two had made a bet before, and Frank bet that this new clue would arouse his interest.

Lu Zhou's identity changed from a CERN intern to a CERN researcher.

Academician Lu shook his head: "It can't be explained. This phenomenon has gone beyond the standard model."

It is foreseeable that if the probability of the occurrence of this characteristic peak is really so high, CERN will definitely start the hadron collider to conduct experiments to verify this clue.

There is always no harm in having one more identity. As for whether you will be bound here by this identity, there is no need to worry at all.

Unconsciously, two and a half months have passed since I set foot on Europe in early May.

Frank stretched out his hand to stop his old friend: "Wait a minute."

Any physical conclusion is imperfect and depends on the progress of human observation methods.

There is always no harm in having one more identity. As for whether you will be bound here by this identity, there is no need to worry at all.

If there really is a particle at 750 GeV that is missing from the Standard Model...

With a smile, Frank rubbed his thumbs: "You forgot to pay."

Holding his breath, Yan Xinjue asked with a trembling tone of excitement: "In other words, Lu Zhou's discovery means new physics?"

In short, no matter what the reason for staying, experiments of this level are not like double-slit interference or small ball pendulum that can quickly produce experimental results. It can take as little as a month or as long as half a year. This is possible.

After thinking for a while, Peter Higgs said: "From a mathematical point of view, it is proved that there is a characteristic peak at 750GeV. Do you think this possibility exists?"

Academician Gao thought for a while and gave a vague answer: "Just maybe."

In addition to member countries, there are also observer countries and cooperating countries. CERN has different personnel contracts for researchers sent by different countries and experimental institutions...

For such an international research institution, the mobility of researchers is very high. For example, at the famous Argonne National Laboratory in the United States, the ratio of floating staff to permanent staff is even close to 1:1. It is not uncommon for academics to be named in a research institution.

It is foreseeable that if the probability of the occurrence of this characteristic peak is really so high, CERN will definitely start the hadron collider to conduct experiments to verify this clue.

Of course, this is only one of the reasons.

Reporting will continue.

Of course, Lu Zhou stayed not because of a "summer short-term job", but because CERN revised the original experimental arrangements and began to verify the clue he discovered.

As for now, it is obvious that he no longer needs to think about these superficial issues.

CERN is probably one of the institutions with the highest staff turnover among all scientific research institutions.

As for why, that’s a long story.

Lu Zhou, on the other hand, wanted to stay and witness whether his conclusion was correct.

In addition to member countries, there are also observer countries and cooperating countries. CERN has different personnel contracts for researchers sent by different countries and experimental institutions...

Another main reason is that the system has not yet determined that the task is over, so it is obviously related to this part.

In addition to member countries, there are also observer countries and cooperating countries. CERN has different personnel contracts for researchers sent by different countries and experimental institutions...

"You're right, I think so too," Peter nodded and slowly stood up from his seat, "I happen to have some new ideas about this clue... I'll go back first."

These contracts do not stipulate salary, so they are not considered employment agreements, but more like a form of identification.

After being stunned for a moment, Peter laughed and cursed, threw the crumpled Franklin on the chair, turned around and hurried away.

Lu Zhou's identity changed from a CERN intern to a CERN researcher.

"Then why-"

CERN is probably one of the institutions with the highest staff turnover among all scientific research institutions.

Lu Zhou's identity changed from a CERN intern to a CERN researcher.

In addition to member countries, there are also observer countries and cooperating countries. CERN has different personnel contracts for researchers sent by different countries and experimental institutions...

Therefore, even if Einstein proved the theory of relativity, no physicist would jump out and say that he was "anti-Newton" or that Newton's theorem of motion was wrong.

Similarly, if one day in the future, when people set foot on more distant galaxies and find that the theory of relativity no longer applies in a certain corner of the universe, there will definitely not be any physicist who will say that the theory of relativity is wrong, but that it is still wrong. To be improved.

For example, Academician Lu and Senior Brother Yan also have similar identities.

Lu Zhou, on the other hand, wanted to stay and witness whether his conclusion was correct.

In short, no matter what the reason for staying, experiments of this level are not like double-slit interference or small ball pendulum that can quickly produce experimental results. It can take as little as a month or as long as half a year. This is possible.

"You're right, I think so too," Peter nodded and slowly stood up from his seat, "I happen to have some new ideas about this clue... I'll go back first."

This is indeed an important clue, but whether this clue really means a major discovery remains to be tested experimentally.

For example, Academician Lu and Senior Brother Yan also have similar identities.

If his life trajectory does not deviate from the course, he will be a junior in college in two months and will have to start thinking about the serious question of whether to go to graduate school or find a job...

With a smile, Frank rubbed his thumbs: "You forgot to pay."

Just after the report meeting, Lynn Evans found him with a brand new personnel contract and extended an invitation to him.

As for what it’s used for…

After thinking for a while, Peter Higgs said: "From a mathematical point of view, it is proved that there is a characteristic peak at 750GeV. Do you think this possibility exists?"

But even if it is only possible, it is not easy for a master's student.

The two had made a bet before, and Frank bet that this new clue would arouse his interest.

Of course, this is only one of the reasons.

These contracts do not stipulate salary, so they are not considered employment agreements, but more like a form of identification.

The significance behind this cannot be measured by the number of papers.

Apart from being a convenient point for visa processing, there doesn’t seem to be any special use for entering or exiting various research institutions that are not open to tourists.

Many people think of the neutrino oscillation experiments of the past few years, which proved that neutrinos, which should have no mass in the predictions of the Standard Model, actually have mass! Because of this astonishing discovery, the edifice of the Standard Model was almost torn down.

After all, for academician-level scientific researchers, time is very precious, and it is impossible to accompany him here to wait for the results to come out.

In addition, if you want to make some extra money, you can also rely on this identity certificate to sign a more specific long-term or short-term work or internship contract with the laboratory here.

Holding his breath, Yan Xinjue asked with a trembling tone of excitement: "In other words, Lu Zhou's discovery means new physics?"

However, it seems that the issues that need to be considered have not become less, but have become more.

Any physical conclusion is imperfect and depends on the progress of human observation methods.

If the data collected at the Hadron Collider finally proves that there is indeed a characteristic peak at the position of 750 GeV, and this characteristic peak is finally proven to be a new particle, this will not only mean "new physics", but also Means a Nobel Prize!

Apart from being a convenient point for visa processing, there doesn’t seem to be any special use for entering or exiting various research institutions that are not open to tourists.

Of course, Lu Zhou stayed not because of a "summer short-term job", but because CERN revised the original experimental arrangements and began to verify the clue he discovered.

It is foreseeable that if the probability of the occurrence of this characteristic peak is really so high, CERN will definitely start the hadron collider to conduct experiments to verify this clue.

If he remembered the academic calendar correctly, the friends of 201 should have finished the last subject at this time, and only the postgraduate entrance examination army was stationed in the entire Jinling University.

CERN is probably one of the institutions with the highest staff turnover among all scientific research institutions.

After being stunned for a moment, Peter laughed and cursed, threw the crumpled Franklin on the chair, turned around and hurried away.

With a smile, Frank rubbed his thumbs: "You forgot to pay."

But even if it is only possible, it is not easy for a master's student.

In addition to member countries, there are also observer countries and cooperating countries. CERN has different personnel contracts for researchers sent by different countries and experimental institutions...

Lu Zhou, on the other hand, wanted to stay and witness whether his conclusion was correct.

There is always no harm in having one more identity. As for whether you will be bound here by this identity, there is no need to worry at all.

It is foreseeable that if the probability of the occurrence of this characteristic peak is really so high, CERN will definitely start the hadron collider to conduct experiments to verify this clue.

As for why, that’s a long story.

He didn't dare to go too far away from here because he was worried that the mission would be interrupted.

Of course, this is only one of the reasons.

Lu Zhou, on the other hand, wanted to stay and witness whether his conclusion was correct.

Even now, he thinks so.

"There is no reason." Academician Gao interrupted the doctoral student and smiled and continued, "The meaning of physics is not to make everything we see be as we want. On the contrary, it exists The meaning is precisely to find things that are beyond our expectations, and then we will get new puzzle pieces to improve our theories."

In addition, if you want to make some extra money, you can also rely on this identity certificate to sign a more specific long-term or short-term work or internship contract with the laboratory here.

There is no doubt that this clue already has betting value.

In addition, if you want to make some extra money, you can also rely on this identity certificate to sign a more specific long-term or short-term work or internship contract with the laboratory here.

Another main reason is that the system has not yet determined that the task is over, so it is obviously related to this part.

But even if it is only possible, it is not easy for a master's student.

Many people were looking at their watches, and some people had even quietly left the venue early, rushing to their laboratories impatiently, ready to start writing papers to "explain" this new particle and new physical phenomenon, and then discover Go to the arxiv website to take advantage of the situation.

CERN is probably one of the institutions with the highest staff turnover among all scientific research institutions.

Peter Higgs slowly put down his clapping hands and said in an exclamation tone.

Peter: "Is there anything else?"

He didn't dare to go too far away from here because he was worried that the mission would be interrupted.

Looking at the calendar hanging on the bedside table, Lu Zhou couldn't help but sigh.

Lu Zhou, on the other hand, wanted to stay and witness whether his conclusion was correct.

However, Academician Lu did not ignore him completely. He left him 3,000 euros for living expenses before leaving, and helped him book the room until the end of July. If the money is not used up, there is no need to pay it back. Quan should treat it as a reward for him.

As for what it’s used for…

With a smile, Frank rubbed his thumbs: "You forgot to pay."

In short, no matter what the reason for staying, experiments of this level are not like double-slit interference or small ball pendulum that can quickly produce experimental results. It can take as little as a month or as long as half a year. This is possible.

In short, no matter what the reason for staying, experiments of this level are not like double-slit interference or small ball pendulum that can quickly produce experimental results. It can take as little as a month or as long as half a year. This is possible.

"Then why-"

Reporting will continue.

"I never said that," Academician Lu retorted with a serious face, "I just said that this possibility exists, and it is very likely."

As for why, that’s a long story.

Peter Higgs slowly put down his clapping hands and said in an exclamation tone.

Lu Zhou's identity changed from a CERN intern to a CERN researcher.

Therefore, even if Einstein proved the theory of relativity, no physicist would jump out and say that he was "anti-Newton" or that Newton's theorem of motion was wrong.

So, Academician Lu left Lu Zhou here alone.

Many people think of the neutrino oscillation experiments of the past few years, which proved that neutrinos, which should have no mass in the predictions of the Standard Model, actually have mass! Because of this astonishing discovery, the edifice of the Standard Model was almost torn down.

If he remembered the academic calendar correctly, the friends of 201 should have finished the last subject at this time, and only the postgraduate entrance examination army was stationed in the entire Jinling University.

Holding his breath, Yan Xinjue asked with a trembling tone of excitement: "In other words, Lu Zhou's discovery means new physics?"

After being stunned for a moment, Peter laughed and cursed, threw the crumpled Franklin on the chair, turned around and hurried away.

After all, for academician-level scientific researchers, time is very precious, and it is impossible to accompany him here to wait for the results to come out.

If he remembered the academic calendar correctly, the friends of 201 should have finished the last subject at this time, and only the postgraduate entrance examination army was stationed in the entire Jinling University.

"You're right, I think so too," Peter nodded and slowly stood up from his seat, "I happen to have some new ideas about this clue... I'll go back first."

However, it seems that the issues that need to be considered have not become less, but have become more.

After being stunned for a moment, Peter laughed and cursed, threw the crumpled Franklin on the chair, turned around and hurried away.

But even if it is only possible, it is not easy for a master's student.

Yan Xinjue continued to ask: "But if there is really a characteristic peak at 750GeV, how can this phenomenon be explained from the perspective of quantum chromodynamics?"

However, Academician Lu did not ignore him completely. He left him 3,000 euros for living expenses before leaving, and helped him book the room until the end of July. If the money is not used up, there is no need to pay it back. Quan should treat it as a reward for him.

If he remembered the academic calendar correctly, the friends of 201 should have finished the last subject at this time, and only the postgraduate entrance examination army was stationed in the entire Jinling University.

Many people were looking at their watches, and some people had even quietly left the venue early, rushing to their laboratories impatiently, ready to start writing papers to "explain" this new particle and new physical phenomenon, and then discover Go to the arxiv website to take advantage of the situation.

Reporting will continue.

In addition, if you want to make some extra money, you can also rely on this identity certificate to sign a more specific long-term or short-term work or internship contract with the laboratory here.

Another main reason is that the system has not yet determined that the task is over, so it is obviously related to this part.

Yes, just maybe.

After all, if this discovery is confirmed, no matter whether new particles enter people's field of vision, he will help the LHCb Chinese research team, which originally had no sense of existence, to breathe a sigh of relief.

Yes, just maybe.

But even if it is only possible, it is not easy for a master's student.

Looking at the calendar hanging on the bedside table, Lu Zhou couldn't help but sigh.

The significance behind this cannot be measured by the number of papers.

After thinking for a while, Peter Higgs said: "From a mathematical point of view, it is proved that there is a characteristic peak at 750GeV. Do you think this possibility exists?"

No way, this discovery is really amazing.

In a sense, this clue really has this subversive potential.