Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 175: Interview with Nature Weekly


It's quite boring to stay in the hotel every day and wait for the results. After the nuclear research conference, CERN doesn't have that many high-quality lectures to listen to.

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Of course."

I don’t know when this experiment will be completed.

Shi Shang: "Traveling at public expense? I'm jealous."

Professor Greer asked: "Are you going back to China?"

Moreover, this is not too troublesome.

Unexpectedly, happiness came so suddenly.

I don’t know when this experiment will be completed.

After the nuclear research conference in early July, CERN couldn't wait to announce the discovery of the pentaquark particle Pc+ to the outside world. As many people expected, this became the most eye-catching research result in the physics world this year.

As he really had no time to spare, Lu Zhou went to nearby Geneva to play around, taking photos in front of various tourist attractions and buying the things on his shopping list.

Travel at public expense

Many well-known or unknown physicists have made bold speculations about the information contained behind this characteristic peak.

Travel at public expense

After returning to the hotel with the trophy, Lu Zhou took a photo and posted it on WeChat Moments, then turned and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Hopefully he's right.

After all, this professor has always taken good care of him, and it was thanks to his help that he was able to grasp the clue of 750 GeV.

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Of course."

To the outside observer, this is even more surprising than the pentaquark particle.

When the number of samples accumulates to a certain level, as predicted by the probability model displayed at the report meeting, a characteristic peak that cannot be explained by quantum chromodynamics appears in the 750GeV energy region.

Unexpectedly, happiness came so suddenly.

Unexpectedly, happiness came so suddenly.

After entering the office, Lu Zhou's first words were -

Maybe because he saw this circle of friends, or maybe because he was anxiously waiting for the purchasing agent, Lu Zhou had just finished taking a shower and getting ready to go to bed, when Shi Shang's WeChat call came over to greet him from across the ocean.

"Yes," Lu Zhou nodded and said with a smile, "I have waited for the result I wanted, and... my room fee is about to expire."

"Yes," Lu Zhou nodded and said with a smile, "I have waited for the result I wanted, and... my room fee is about to expire."

The first thing I said after I was connected was...

Many well-known or unknown physicists have made bold speculations about the information contained behind this characteristic peak.

Hopefully he's right.

Although he didn't really want to be interviewed by the media, he would still listen to Professor Greer's request.

Lu Zhou breathed a sigh of relief and felt that the dust had settled in his heart.

Moreover, this is not too troublesome.

Hopefully he's right.


Turns out to be an intern!

"Elbow, when will you come back?"

Of course, some people are pessimistic, and this may just be a quantum fluctuation... Even CERN researchers observed this phenomenon at the same time on both the ATLAS and CMS detectors.

Lu Zhou: "..."

"what's the result!"

Sitting under the air conditioner and wiping his hair, Lu Zhou thought for a while and replied casually: "It depends on the situation. I will be back as soon as the results of the experiment here come out. If you want to tell me anything else, I have been bored these days anyway. Walking around."

Moreover, this is not too troublesome.

Professor Greer asked: "Are you going back to China?"

Lu Zhou: "Okay, I should go back to school directly then. Is there anything else?"

I don’t know when this experiment will be completed.

When the number of samples accumulates to a certain level, as predicted by the probability model displayed at the report meeting, a characteristic peak that cannot be explained by quantum chromodynamics appears in the 750GeV energy region.

Lu Zhou: "Okay, I should go back to school directly then. Is there anything else?"

Putting away the printing paper on the table, Lu Zhou glanced at it and said casually, "I hope you can find that thing... If you find it, please be sure to tell me."

There is no way, these theoretical physicists have really been holding back for too long.

Shi Shang: "Traveling at public expense? I'm jealous."

He plans to receive the reward when he returns home and see what the new mission is at the same time.

Looking at the calendar that was almost at the end of the month, he sighed.

"what's the result!"

reported this finding.

Lu Zhou originally thought that he would have to wait at least another month to see the results, and was even ready to exchange some euros.

After all, even the collider doesn’t know what the 750GeV signal means...

Travel at public expense

These are all bad things to say.

Shi Shang shook his head: "It's okay... By the way, why didn't I see you on the scarf this time?"

The first person to tell him the news was Professor Greer, who was responsible for monitoring the ATLAS detector data.

Lu Zhou originally thought that he would have to wait at least another month to see the results, and was even ready to exchange some euros.

Although he didn't really want to be interviewed by the media, he would still listen to Professor Greer's request.

Many well-known or unknown physicists have made bold speculations about the information contained behind this characteristic peak.

"Yes," Lu Zhou nodded and said with a smile, "I have waited for the result I wanted, and... my room fee is about to expire."

Lu Zhou: "..."

Having said that, it seems to be true.

Moreover, if he guessed correctly, at this point, the system task should have been completed.

On the phone, Professor Greer didn't say much and just asked him to go to the office on the R1 floor.

Of course, in addition to those expected results, there are also some unexpected things that come into people's sight.

Although he really wanted to know what that signal was, this experiment would be much longer than searching for the characteristic peak of 750 GeV. He could not wait here forever for a year or two for this experiment.

Having said that, it seems to be true.

Although he didn't really want to be interviewed by the media, he would still listen to Professor Greer's request.

"Your guess is correct." In response to Lu Zhou's expectations, Professor Greer placed a few pieces of printing paper on the table, still looking in disbelief, and said with emotion, "The results of the experiment are quite optimistic. We observed the characteristic peak you predicted on CMS and ATLAS at the same time, and many people were quite surprised by this result."

Lu Zhou recalled carefully. It had been so long since he had been on European territory, but he had not spent any of his money.

According to the prediction made by Lu Zhou at the report meeting, CERN restarted the collision experiment and adjusted the collision energy of the particle beam to 1TeV.

After the nuclear research conference in early July, CERN couldn't wait to announce the discovery of the pentaquark particle Pc+ to the outside world. As many people expected, this became the most eye-catching research result in the physics world this year.

There is no way, these theoretical physicists have really been holding back for too long.

Affected by this discovery, in less than a month, hundreds of papers explaining this characteristic peak appeared on arxiv, and the number of submissions to major high-energy physics journals more than doubled.

Affected by this discovery, in less than a month, hundreds of papers explaining this characteristic peak appeared on arxiv, and the number of submissions to major high-energy physics journals more than doubled.

Travel at public expense

There is no way, these theoretical physicists have really been holding back for too long.

"what's the result!"

Shi Shang: "...Well, if you go back to school, just put the things you bought on my desk. If not, don't send them to my house. I don't have room to put them there."

As he really had no time to spare, Lu Zhou went to nearby Geneva to play around, taking photos in front of various tourist attractions and buying the things on his shopping list.

Lu Zhou breathed a sigh of relief and felt that the dust had settled in his heart.

Lu Zhou: "Okay, I should go back to school directly then. Is there anything else?"

Moreover, if he guessed correctly, at this point, the system task should have been completed.

Shi Shang shook his head: "It's okay... By the way, why didn't I see you on the scarf this time?"

Shi Shang shook his head: "It's okay... By the way, why didn't I see you on the scarf this time?"

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Of course."

Shi Shang: "Traveling at public expense? I'm jealous."

When the number of samples accumulates to a certain level, as predicted by the probability model displayed at the report meeting, a characteristic peak that cannot be explained by quantum chromodynamics appears in the 750GeV energy region.

Maybe because he saw this circle of friends, or maybe because he was anxiously waiting for the purchasing agent, Lu Zhou had just finished taking a shower and getting ready to go to bed, when Shi Shang's WeChat call came over to greet him from across the ocean.

Lu Zhou originally thought that he would have to wait at least another month to see the results, and was even ready to exchange some euros.

And the final result, just like the performance of the upgraded LHC, is quite amazing.

Lu Zhou was stunned for a moment and said doubtfully, "No way, I remember that all the photos I took were on my scarf."

For example, the characteristic peak appears at 750GeV.

High-energy physics is not like condensed matter physics. People's observation methods can never keep up with the speed of theoretical progress. The Standard Model has defined almost everything that can be seen and even invisible in people's field of vision.

Lu Zhou: "What are you busy with?"

Shi Shang: "No, I mean, why didn't I see you pretending to be cool?"

MMP, what do you mean you didn’t see me showing off

Shi Shang: "Traveling at public expense? I'm jealous."

Shi Shang: "No, I mean, why didn't I see you pretending to be cool?"

Lu Zhou: "..."

Looking at the calendar that was almost at the end of the month, he sighed.

Lu Zhou recalled carefully. It had been so long since he had been on European territory, but he had not spent any of his money.

According to the prediction made by Lu Zhou at the report meeting, CERN restarted the collision experiment and adjusted the collision energy of the particle beam to 1TeV.

MMP, what do you mean you didn’t see me showing off

"Yes," Lu Zhou nodded and said with a smile, "I have waited for the result I wanted, and... my room fee is about to expire."

Of course, in addition to those expected results, there are also some unexpected things that come into people's sight.

This serious tone made it seem like I was deliberately trying to show off every time.

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Of course."

reported this finding.

The first person to tell him the news was Professor Greer, who was responsible for monitoring the ATLAS detector data.

"An interview with Nature Weekly," Professor Greer said with a smile, "I have a friend who works as an editor there. Although he is not an expert in physics research, he still has some understanding of the field of high-energy physics. When he learned about you, he was even more surprised than me. Since he was coming to CERN to do a program anyway, he wanted to interview you by the way. He was flying from London to Geneva on August 2nd... So, I can trouble you. Would you like to stay in Switzerland for two more days?”

"An interview with Nature Weekly," Professor Greer said with a smile, "I have a friend who works as an editor there. Although he is not an expert in physics research, he still has some understanding of the field of high-energy physics. When he learned about you, he was even more surprised than me. Since he was coming to CERN to do a program anyway, he wanted to interview you by the way. He was flying from London to Geneva on August 2nd... So, I can trouble you. Would you like to stay in Switzerland for two more days?”

Hopefully he's right.

On the phone, Professor Greer didn't say much and just asked him to go to the office on the R1 floor.

Lu Zhou hung up the phone with a speechless expression and threw the phone next to the pillow.

Lu Zhou originally thought that he would have to wait at least another month to see the results, and was even ready to exchange some euros.

Although the work of CERN is far from settled, and the exploration of this signal has just begun, for him who drew this treasure map, his work has come to an end.

Having said that, it seems to be true.

MMP, what do you mean you didn’t see me showing off

Looking at the calendar that was almost at the end of the month, he sighed.

Lu Zhou: "..."

As a result, many PhDs who are engaged in high-energy physics research cannot even find a topic for their water thesis.

Although the work of CERN is far from settled, and the exploration of this signal has just begun, for him who drew this treasure map, his work has come to an end.

To the outside observer, this is even more surprising than the pentaquark particle.

I don’t know when this experiment will be completed.

And the final result, just like the performance of the upgraded LHC, is quite amazing.

After the nuclear research conference in early July, CERN couldn't wait to announce the discovery of the pentaquark particle Pc+ to the outside world. As many people expected, this became the most eye-catching research result in the physics world this year.

I don’t know when this experiment will be completed.

After entering the office, Lu Zhou's first words were -

The first person to tell him the news was Professor Greer, who was responsible for monitoring the ATLAS detector data.

As he really had no time to spare, Lu Zhou went to nearby Geneva to play around, taking photos in front of various tourist attractions and buying the things on his shopping list.

And the final result, just like the performance of the upgraded LHC, is quite amazing.

Of course, in addition to those expected results, there are also some unexpected things that come into people's sight.

There is no way, these theoretical physicists have really been holding back for too long.

"what's the result!"

Yes, this time it’s “showing up.”

Hopefully he's right.

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Of course."

On the phone, Professor Greer didn't say much and just asked him to go to the office on the R1 floor.

Looking at Lu Zhou who looked relieved, Professor Greer paused for a moment and continued, "Although we can't be sure what is there, seeing this result, we can be sure that there should be something there."

After the nuclear research conference in early July, CERN couldn't wait to announce the discovery of the pentaquark particle Pc+ to the outside world. As many people expected, this became the most eye-catching research result in the physics world this year.

"An interview with Nature Weekly," Professor Greer said with a smile, "I have a friend who works as an editor there. Although he is not an expert in physics research, he still has some understanding of the field of high-energy physics. When he learned about you, he was even more surprised than me. Since he was coming to CERN to do a program anyway, he wanted to interview you by the way. He was flying from London to Geneva on August 2nd... So, I can trouble you. Would you like to stay in Switzerland for two more days?”

Shi Shang: "...Well, if you go back to school, just put the things you bought on my desk. If not, don't send them to my house. I don't have room to put them there."

Otherwise, even if no one would blame him, he would feel a little guilty.

Lu Zhou: "..."

Moreover, this is not too troublesome.

After returning to the hotel with the trophy, Lu Zhou took a photo and posted it on WeChat Moments, then turned and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

"Elbow, when will you come back?"

Yes, this time it’s “showing up.”

"Elbow, when will you come back?"

Shi Shang shook his head: "It's okay... By the way, why didn't I see you on the scarf this time?"

reported this finding.

Although he really wanted to know what that signal was, this experiment would be much longer than searching for the characteristic peak of 750 GeV. He could not wait here forever for a year or two for this experiment.

Lu Zhou originally thought that he would have to wait at least another month to see the results, and was even ready to exchange some euros.

What if a Nobel Prize comes out of the water

To the outside observer, this is even more surprising than the pentaquark particle.

Now, the characteristic peak of 750GeV not only provides these people with an opportunity to graduate, but also places a glittering Nobel Prize in front of them.

Unexpectedly, happiness came so suddenly.

Lu Zhou originally thought that he would have to wait at least another month to see the results, and was even ready to exchange some euros.

Professor Greer asked: "Are you going back to China?"

Lu Zhou: "..."

"what's the result!"

The first person to tell him the news was Professor Greer, who was responsible for monitoring the ATLAS detector data.

Looking at the calendar that was almost at the end of the month, he sighed.

"Yes," Lu Zhou nodded and said with a smile, "I have waited for the result I wanted, and... my room fee is about to expire."

"Before returning home, can I ask you to do me a small favor? It won't take too long, just three days," Professor Greer said. "I can pay for the hotel room fee for you."

On the phone, Professor Greer didn't say much and just asked him to go to the office on the R1 floor.

Sitting under the air conditioner and wiping his hair, Lu Zhou thought for a while and replied casually: "It depends on the situation. I will be back as soon as the results of the experiment here come out. If you want to tell me anything else, I have been bored these days anyway. Walking around."

There is no way, these theoretical physicists have really been holding back for too long.

Lu Zhou: "What are you busy with?"

"Before returning home, can I ask you to do me a small favor? It won't take too long, just three days," Professor Greer said. "I can pay for the hotel room fee for you."

Maybe because he saw this circle of friends, or maybe because he was anxiously waiting for the purchasing agent, Lu Zhou had just finished taking a shower and getting ready to go to bed, when Shi Shang's WeChat call came over to greet him from across the ocean.

Moreover, if he guessed correctly, at this point, the system task should have been completed.

High-energy physics is not like condensed matter physics. People's observation methods can never keep up with the speed of theoretical progress. The Standard Model has defined almost everything that can be seen and even invisible in people's field of vision.

After entering the office, Lu Zhou's first words were -

Looking at Lu Zhou who looked relieved, Professor Greer paused for a moment and continued, "Although we can't be sure what is there, seeing this result, we can be sure that there should be something there."

As a result, many PhDs who are engaged in high-energy physics research cannot even find a topic for their water thesis.

"what's the result!"

"An interview with Nature Weekly," Professor Greer said with a smile, "I have a friend who works as an editor there. Although he is not an expert in physics research, he still has some understanding of the field of high-energy physics. When he learned about you, he was even more surprised than me. Since he was coming to CERN to do a program anyway, he wanted to interview you by the way. He was flying from London to Geneva on August 2nd... So, I can trouble you. Would you like to stay in Switzerland for two more days?”

After entering the office, Lu Zhou's first words were -

Lu Zhou hung up the phone with a speechless expression and threw the phone next to the pillow.

"Before returning home, can I ask you to do me a small favor? It won't take too long, just three days," Professor Greer said. "I can pay for the hotel room fee for you."

Moreover, if he guessed correctly, at this point, the system task should have been completed.

Sitting under the air conditioner and wiping his hair, Lu Zhou thought for a while and replied casually: "It depends on the situation. I will be back as soon as the results of the experiment here come out. If you want to tell me anything else, I have been bored these days anyway. Walking around."

reported this finding.

"Your guess is correct." In response to Lu Zhou's expectations, Professor Greer placed a few pieces of printing paper on the table, still looking in disbelief, and said with emotion, "The results of the experiment are quite optimistic. We observed the characteristic peak you predicted on CMS and ATLAS at the same time, and many people were quite surprised by this result."

After all, even the collider doesn’t know what the 750GeV signal means...

Although he didn't really want to be interviewed by the media, he would still listen to Professor Greer's request.

MMP, what do you mean you didn’t see me showing off

Lu Zhou breathed a sigh of relief and felt that the dust had settled in his heart.

Many well-known or unknown physicists have made bold speculations about the information contained behind this characteristic peak.

Maybe because he saw this circle of friends, or maybe because he was anxiously waiting for the purchasing agent, Lu Zhou had just finished taking a shower and getting ready to go to bed, when Shi Shang's WeChat call came over to greet him from across the ocean.

He plans to receive the reward when he returns home and see what the new mission is at the same time.

MMP, what do you mean you didn’t see me showing off

Lu Zhou breathed a sigh of relief and felt that the dust had settled in his heart.

It's quite boring to stay in the hotel every day and wait for the results. After the nuclear research conference, CERN doesn't have that many high-quality lectures to listen to.

Shi Shang: "Traveling at public expense? I'm jealous."

Although the work of CERN is far from settled, and the exploration of this signal has just begun, for him who drew this treasure map, his work has come to an end.

Sitting under the air conditioner and wiping his hair, Lu Zhou thought for a while and replied casually: "It depends on the situation. I will be back as soon as the results of the experiment here come out. If you want to tell me anything else, I have been bored these days anyway. Walking around."

Although the work of CERN is far from settled, and the exploration of this signal has just begun, for him who drew this treasure map, his work has come to an end.

Looking at Lu Zhou who looked relieved, Professor Greer paused for a moment and continued, "Although we can't be sure what is there, seeing this result, we can be sure that there should be something there."

He plans to receive the reward when he returns home and see what the new mission is at the same time.

Professor Greer asked: "Are you going back to China?"

Putting away the printing paper on the table, Lu Zhou glanced at it and said casually, "I hope you can find that thing... If you find it, please be sure to tell me."

What if a Nobel Prize comes out of the water

And the final result, just like the performance of the upgraded LHC, is quite amazing.

Of course, some people are pessimistic, and this may just be a quantum fluctuation... Even CERN researchers observed this phenomenon at the same time on both the ATLAS and CMS detectors.

Professor Greer asked: "Are you going back to China?"

Maybe because he saw this circle of friends, or maybe because he was anxiously waiting for the purchasing agent, Lu Zhou had just finished taking a shower and getting ready to go to bed, when Shi Shang's WeChat call came over to greet him from across the ocean.

For example, the characteristic peak appears at 750GeV.

"Elbow, when will you come back?"

Of course, in addition to those expected results, there are also some unexpected things that come into people's sight.

Lu Zhou: "Okay, I should go back to school directly then. Is there anything else?"

"Yes," Lu Zhou nodded and said with a smile, "I have waited for the result I wanted, and... my room fee is about to expire."

Shi Shang: "No, I mean, why didn't I see you pretending to be cool?"

Lu Zhou originally thought that he would have to wait at least another month to see the results, and was even ready to exchange some euros.

Although he really wanted to know what that signal was, this experiment would be much longer than searching for the characteristic peak of 750 GeV. He could not wait here forever for a year or two for this experiment.

Although the work of CERN is far from settled, and the exploration of this signal has just begun, for him who drew this treasure map, his work has come to an end.

Although he really wanted to know what that signal was, this experiment would be much longer than searching for the characteristic peak of 750 GeV. He could not wait here forever for a year or two for this experiment.

Lu Zhou was stunned for a moment and said doubtfully, "No way, I remember that all the photos I took were on my scarf."

I don’t know when this experiment will be completed.

Hopefully he's right.

He plans to receive the reward when he returns home and see what the new mission is at the same time.

High-energy physics is not like condensed matter physics. People's observation methods can never keep up with the speed of theoretical progress. The Standard Model has defined almost everything that can be seen and even invisible in people's field of vision.

Now, the characteristic peak of 750GeV not only provides these people with an opportunity to graduate, but also places a glittering Nobel Prize in front of them.

Moreover, if he guessed correctly, at this point, the system task should have been completed.

Lu Zhou: "Okay, I should go back to school directly then. Is there anything else?"

Shi Shang: "Traveling at public expense? I'm jealous."

He plans to receive the reward when he returns home and see what the new mission is at the same time.

The first person to tell him the news was Professor Greer, who was responsible for monitoring the ATLAS detector data.

As a result, many PhDs who are engaged in high-energy physics research cannot even find a topic for their water thesis.

After returning to the hotel with the trophy, Lu Zhou took a photo and posted it on WeChat Moments, then turned and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Lu Zhou: "Okay, I should go back to school directly then. Is there anything else?"

This serious tone made it seem like I was deliberately trying to show off every time.

"Before returning home, can I ask you to do me a small favor? It won't take too long, just three days," Professor Greer said. "I can pay for the hotel room fee for you."

To the outside observer, this is even more surprising than the pentaquark particle.

This serious tone made it seem like I was deliberately trying to show off every time.

After all, this professor has always taken good care of him, and it was thanks to his help that he was able to grasp the clue of 750 GeV.

Lu Zhou: "What are you busy with?"

Lu Zhou breathed a sigh of relief and felt that the dust had settled in his heart.

Of course, in addition to those expected results, there are also some unexpected things that come into people's sight.

Lu Zhou recalled carefully. It had been so long since he had been on European territory, but he had not spent any of his money.

This serious tone made it seem like I was deliberately trying to show off every time.

"An interview with Nature Weekly," Professor Greer said with a smile, "I have a friend who works as an editor there. Although he is not an expert in physics research, he still has some understanding of the field of high-energy physics. When he learned about you, he was even more surprised than me. Since he was coming to CERN to do a program anyway, he wanted to interview you by the way. He was flying from London to Geneva on August 2nd... So, I can trouble you. Would you like to stay in Switzerland for two more days?”

Looking at Lu Zhou who looked relieved, Professor Greer paused for a moment and continued, "Although we can't be sure what is there, seeing this result, we can be sure that there should be something there."

Moreover, this is not too troublesome.

Moreover, this is not too troublesome.

Affected by this discovery, in less than a month, hundreds of papers explaining this characteristic peak appeared on arxiv, and the number of submissions to major high-energy physics journals more than doubled.

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Of course."

"An interview with Nature Weekly," Professor Greer said with a smile, "I have a friend who works as an editor there. Although he is not an expert in physics research, he still has some understanding of the field of high-energy physics. When he learned about you, he was even more surprised than me. Since he was coming to CERN to do a program anyway, he wanted to interview you by the way. He was flying from London to Geneva on August 2nd... So, I can trouble you. Would you like to stay in Switzerland for two more days?”

After all, this professor has always taken good care of him, and it was thanks to his help that he was able to grasp the clue of 750 GeV.

For example, the characteristic peak appears at 750GeV.

He plans to receive the reward when he returns home and see what the new mission is at the same time.

Although he didn't really want to be interviewed by the media, he would still listen to Professor Greer's request.

Looking at Lu Zhou who looked relieved, Professor Greer paused for a moment and continued, "Although we can't be sure what is there, seeing this result, we can be sure that there should be something there."

Lu Zhou hung up the phone with a speechless expression and threw the phone next to the pillow.

Looking at the calendar that was almost at the end of the month, he sighed.

It's quite boring to stay in the hotel every day and wait for the results. After the nuclear research conference, CERN doesn't have that many high-quality lectures to listen to.

reported this finding.

Maybe because he saw this circle of friends, or maybe because he was anxiously waiting for the purchasing agent, Lu Zhou had just finished taking a shower and getting ready to go to bed, when Shi Shang's WeChat call came over to greet him from across the ocean.

After all, this professor has always taken good care of him, and it was thanks to his help that he was able to grasp the clue of 750 GeV.


"Your guess is correct." In response to Lu Zhou's expectations, Professor Greer placed a few pieces of printing paper on the table, still looking in disbelief, and said with emotion, "The results of the experiment are quite optimistic. We observed the characteristic peak you predicted on CMS and ATLAS at the same time, and many people were quite surprised by this result."

After entering the office, Lu Zhou's first words were -

These are all bad things to say.

Moreover, this is not too troublesome.

The first thing I said after I was connected was...

"Yes," Lu Zhou nodded and said with a smile, "I have waited for the result I wanted, and... my room fee is about to expire."

"Your guess is correct." In response to Lu Zhou's expectations, Professor Greer placed a few pieces of printing paper on the table, still looking in disbelief, and said with emotion, "The results of the experiment are quite optimistic. We observed the characteristic peak you predicted on CMS and ATLAS at the same time, and many people were quite surprised by this result."

Now, the characteristic peak of 750GeV not only provides these people with an opportunity to graduate, but also places a glittering Nobel Prize in front of them.

The first thing I said after I was connected was...

For example, the characteristic peak appears at 750GeV.

Moreover, this is not too troublesome.

Shi Shang: "No, I mean, why didn't I see you pretending to be cool?"

Maybe because he saw this circle of friends, or maybe because he was anxiously waiting for the purchasing agent, Lu Zhou had just finished taking a shower and getting ready to go to bed, when Shi Shang's WeChat call came over to greet him from across the ocean.

Moreover, if he guessed correctly, at this point, the system task should have been completed.

"An interview with Nature Weekly," Professor Greer said with a smile, "I have a friend who works as an editor there. Although he is not an expert in physics research, he still has some understanding of the field of high-energy physics. When he learned about you, he was even more surprised than me. Since he was coming to CERN to do a program anyway, he wanted to interview you by the way. He was flying from London to Geneva on August 2nd... So, I can trouble you. Would you like to stay in Switzerland for two more days?”

After the nuclear research conference in early July, CERN couldn't wait to announce the discovery of the pentaquark particle Pc+ to the outside world. As many people expected, this became the most eye-catching research result in the physics world this year.

Moreover, this is not too troublesome.

Now, the characteristic peak of 750GeV not only provides these people with an opportunity to graduate, but also places a glittering Nobel Prize in front of them.

reported this finding.

To the outside observer, this is even more surprising than the pentaquark particle.

To the outside observer, this is even more surprising than the pentaquark particle.

Lu Zhou hung up the phone with a speechless expression and threw the phone next to the pillow.

Lu Zhou: "What are you busy with?"

"Yes," Lu Zhou nodded and said with a smile, "I have waited for the result I wanted, and... my room fee is about to expire."

Of course, in addition to those expected results, there are also some unexpected things that come into people's sight.

"Before returning home, can I ask you to do me a small favor? It won't take too long, just three days," Professor Greer said. "I can pay for the hotel room fee for you."

Having said that, it seems to be true.

And the final result, just like the performance of the upgraded LHC, is quite amazing.

For example, the characteristic peak appears at 750GeV.

Some people speculate that this is the signal released when a heavier particle decays, others speculate that it is a two-photon signal generated by the polymerization reaction of gluons, and others speculate that this is the last piece of the standard model puzzle that the theoretical physics community has been looking for for many years— Supersymmetric particles.

I don’t know when this experiment will be completed.

Affected by this discovery, in less than a month, hundreds of papers explaining this characteristic peak appeared on arxiv, and the number of submissions to major high-energy physics journals more than doubled.

When the number of samples accumulates to a certain level, as predicted by the probability model displayed at the report meeting, a characteristic peak that cannot be explained by quantum chromodynamics appears in the 750GeV energy region.

Shi Shang: "...Well, if you go back to school, just put the things you bought on my desk. If not, don't send them to my house. I don't have room to put them there."

Yes, this time it’s “showing up.”

Of course, some people are pessimistic, and this may just be a quantum fluctuation... Even CERN researchers observed this phenomenon at the same time on both the ATLAS and CMS detectors.

Lu Zhou was stunned for a moment and said doubtfully, "No way, I remember that all the photos I took were on my scarf."

According to the prediction made by Lu Zhou at the report meeting, CERN restarted the collision experiment and adjusted the collision energy of the particle beam to 1TeV.

Some people speculate that this is the signal released when a heavier particle decays, others speculate that it is a two-photon signal generated by the polymerization reaction of gluons, and others speculate that this is the last piece of the standard model puzzle that the theoretical physics community has been looking for for many years— Supersymmetric particles.

High-energy physics is not like condensed matter physics. People's observation methods can never keep up with the speed of theoretical progress. The Standard Model has defined almost everything that can be seen and even invisible in people's field of vision.

Moreover, this is not too troublesome.

When the number of samples accumulates to a certain level, as predicted by the probability model displayed at the report meeting, a characteristic peak that cannot be explained by quantum chromodynamics appears in the 750GeV energy region.

"what's the result!"

Shi Shang: "Traveling at public expense? I'm jealous."

As a result, many PhDs who are engaged in high-energy physics research cannot even find a topic for their water thesis.

And the final result, just like the performance of the upgraded LHC, is quite amazing.

Yes, this time it’s “showing up.”

Otherwise, even if no one would blame him, he would feel a little guilty.

Shi Shang: "Traveling at public expense? I'm jealous."

When the number of samples accumulates to a certain level, as predicted by the probability model displayed at the report meeting, a characteristic peak that cannot be explained by quantum chromodynamics appears in the 750GeV energy region.

Lu Zhou originally thought that he would have to wait at least another month to see the results, and was even ready to exchange some euros.

Professor Greer asked: "Are you going back to China?"

"An interview with Nature Weekly," Professor Greer said with a smile, "I have a friend who works as an editor there. Although he is not an expert in physics research, he still has some understanding of the field of high-energy physics. When he learned about you, he was even more surprised than me. Since he was coming to CERN to do a program anyway, he wanted to interview you by the way. He was flying from London to Geneva on August 2nd... So, I can trouble you. Would you like to stay in Switzerland for two more days?”

"Yes," Lu Zhou nodded and said with a smile, "I have waited for the result I wanted, and... my room fee is about to expire."

Shi Shang: "...Well, if you go back to school, just put the things you bought on my desk. If not, don't send them to my house. I don't have room to put them there."

There is no way, these theoretical physicists have really been holding back for too long.

Turns out to be an intern!

Some people speculate that this is the signal released when a heavier particle decays, others speculate that it is a two-photon signal generated by the polymerization reaction of gluons, and others speculate that this is the last piece of the standard model puzzle that the theoretical physics community has been looking for for many years— Supersymmetric particles.

Although he didn't really want to be interviewed by the media, he would still listen to Professor Greer's request.

Of course, some people are pessimistic, and this may just be a quantum fluctuation... Even CERN researchers observed this phenomenon at the same time on both the ATLAS and CMS detectors.

Although the work of CERN is far from settled, and the exploration of this signal has just begun, for him who drew this treasure map, his work has come to an end.

Travel at public expense

"Before returning home, can I ask you to do me a small favor? It won't take too long, just three days," Professor Greer said. "I can pay for the hotel room fee for you."

Of course, some people are pessimistic, and this may just be a quantum fluctuation... Even CERN researchers observed this phenomenon at the same time on both the ATLAS and CMS detectors.

Although he didn't really want to be interviewed by the media, he would still listen to Professor Greer's request.

"what's the result!"

"An interview with Nature Weekly," Professor Greer said with a smile, "I have a friend who works as an editor there. Although he is not an expert in physics research, he still has some understanding of the field of high-energy physics. When he learned about you, he was even more surprised than me. Since he was coming to CERN to do a program anyway, he wanted to interview you by the way. He was flying from London to Geneva on August 2nd... So, I can trouble you. Would you like to stay in Switzerland for two more days?”


These are all bad things to say.

Lu Zhou breathed a sigh of relief and felt that the dust had settled in his heart.

According to the prediction made by Lu Zhou at the report meeting, CERN restarted the collision experiment and adjusted the collision energy of the particle beam to 1TeV.

Lu Zhou was stunned for a moment and said doubtfully, "No way, I remember that all the photos I took were on my scarf."

Affected by this discovery, in less than a month, hundreds of papers explaining this characteristic peak appeared on arxiv, and the number of submissions to major high-energy physics journals more than doubled.

When the number of samples accumulates to a certain level, as predicted by the probability model displayed at the report meeting, a characteristic peak that cannot be explained by quantum chromodynamics appears in the 750GeV energy region.

Many well-known or unknown physicists have made bold speculations about the information contained behind this characteristic peak.

Many well-known or unknown physicists have made bold speculations about the information contained behind this characteristic peak.

"Before returning home, can I ask you to do me a small favor? It won't take too long, just three days," Professor Greer said. "I can pay for the hotel room fee for you."

And the final result, just like the performance of the upgraded LHC, is quite amazing.

Looking at the calendar that was almost at the end of the month, he sighed.

Having said that, it seems to be true.

Looking at the calendar that was almost at the end of the month, he sighed.

Having said that, it seems to be true.

There is no way, these theoretical physicists have really been holding back for too long.

Putting away the printing paper on the table, Lu Zhou glanced at it and said casually, "I hope you can find that thing... If you find it, please be sure to tell me."

Looking at the calendar that was almost at the end of the month, he sighed.

There is no way, these theoretical physicists have really been holding back for too long.

High-energy physics is not like condensed matter physics. People's observation methods can never keep up with the speed of theoretical progress. The Standard Model has defined almost everything that can be seen and even invisible in people's field of vision.

As he really had no time to spare, Lu Zhou went to nearby Geneva to play around, taking photos in front of various tourist attractions and buying the things on his shopping list.

He plans to receive the reward when he returns home and see what the new mission is at the same time.

Some people speculate that this is the signal released when a heavier particle decays, others speculate that it is a two-photon signal generated by the polymerization reaction of gluons, and others speculate that this is the last piece of the standard model puzzle that the theoretical physics community has been looking for for many years— Supersymmetric particles.

On the phone, Professor Greer didn't say much and just asked him to go to the office on the R1 floor.

As a result, many PhDs who are engaged in high-energy physics research cannot even find a topic for their water thesis.

Otherwise, even if no one would blame him, he would feel a little guilty.

Shi Shang: "...Well, if you go back to school, just put the things you bought on my desk. If not, don't send them to my house. I don't have room to put them there."

I don’t know when this experiment will be completed.

Now, the characteristic peak of 750GeV not only provides these people with an opportunity to graduate, but also places a glittering Nobel Prize in front of them.

Travel at public expense

Some people speculate that this is the signal released when a heavier particle decays, others speculate that it is a two-photon signal generated by the polymerization reaction of gluons, and others speculate that this is the last piece of the standard model puzzle that the theoretical physics community has been looking for for many years— Supersymmetric particles.

There is no way, these theoretical physicists have really been holding back for too long.

After all, even the collider doesn’t know what the 750GeV signal means...

When the number of samples accumulates to a certain level, as predicted by the probability model displayed at the report meeting, a characteristic peak that cannot be explained by quantum chromodynamics appears in the 750GeV energy region.

The first thing I said after I was connected was...

Many well-known or unknown physicists have made bold speculations about the information contained behind this characteristic peak.

What if a Nobel Prize comes out of the water

And the final result, just like the performance of the upgraded LHC, is quite amazing.

As a result, many PhDs who are engaged in high-energy physics research cannot even find a topic for their water thesis.

I don’t know when this experiment will be completed.

Moreover, this is not too troublesome.

Now, the characteristic peak of 750GeV not only provides these people with an opportunity to graduate, but also places a glittering Nobel Prize in front of them.

MMP, what do you mean you didn’t see me showing off

Lu Zhou: "What are you busy with?"

These are all bad things to say.

When the number of samples accumulates to a certain level, as predicted by the probability model displayed at the report meeting, a characteristic peak that cannot be explained by quantum chromodynamics appears in the 750GeV energy region.

Lu Zhou was stunned for a moment and said doubtfully, "No way, I remember that all the photos I took were on my scarf."

As a result, many PhDs who are engaged in high-energy physics research cannot even find a topic for their water thesis.

The first thing I said after I was connected was...

What if a Nobel Prize comes out of the water

Professor Greer asked: "Are you going back to China?"

Moreover, if he guessed correctly, at this point, the system task should have been completed.

After all, even the collider doesn’t know what the 750GeV signal means...

On the phone, Professor Greer didn't say much and just asked him to go to the office on the R1 floor.

Maybe because he saw this circle of friends, or maybe because he was anxiously waiting for the purchasing agent, Lu Zhou had just finished taking a shower and getting ready to go to bed, when Shi Shang's WeChat call came over to greet him from across the ocean.

Putting aside the debate in the theoretical physics community, the focus of the media and the public is in another place.

Lu Zhou: "Okay, I should go back to school directly then. Is there anything else?"

Hopefully he's right.

He plans to receive the reward when he returns home and see what the new mission is at the same time.

What if a Nobel Prize comes out of the water

To the outside observer, this is even more surprising than the pentaquark particle.

"An interview with Nature Weekly," Professor Greer said with a smile, "I have a friend who works as an editor there. Although he is not an expert in physics research, he still has some understanding of the field of high-energy physics. When he learned about you, he was even more surprised than me. Since he was coming to CERN to do a program anyway, he wanted to interview you by the way. He was flying from London to Geneva on August 2nd... So, I can trouble you. Would you like to stay in Switzerland for two more days?”

And the final result, just like the performance of the upgraded LHC, is quite amazing.

There is no way, these theoretical physicists have really been holding back for too long.

After the nuclear research conference in early July, CERN couldn't wait to announce the discovery of the pentaquark particle Pc+ to the outside world. As many people expected, this became the most eye-catching research result in the physics world this year.

"An interview with Nature Weekly," Professor Greer said with a smile, "I have a friend who works as an editor there. Although he is not an expert in physics research, he still has some understanding of the field of high-energy physics. When he learned about you, he was even more surprised than me. Since he was coming to CERN to do a program anyway, he wanted to interview you by the way. He was flying from London to Geneva on August 2nd... So, I can trouble you. Would you like to stay in Switzerland for two more days?”

Lu Zhou hung up the phone with a speechless expression and threw the phone next to the pillow.

"Your guess is correct." In response to Lu Zhou's expectations, Professor Greer placed a few pieces of printing paper on the table, still looking in disbelief, and said with emotion, "The results of the experiment are quite optimistic. We observed the characteristic peak you predicted on CMS and ATLAS at the same time, and many people were quite surprised by this result."


Lu Zhou: "Okay, I should go back to school directly then. Is there anything else?"

Otherwise, even if no one would blame him, he would feel a little guilty.

Of course, some people are pessimistic, and this may just be a quantum fluctuation... Even CERN researchers observed this phenomenon at the same time on both the ATLAS and CMS detectors.

reported this finding.

"Your guess is correct." In response to Lu Zhou's expectations, Professor Greer placed a few pieces of printing paper on the table, still looking in disbelief, and said with emotion, "The results of the experiment are quite optimistic. We observed the characteristic peak you predicted on CMS and ATLAS at the same time, and many people were quite surprised by this result."

After all, this professor has always taken good care of him, and it was thanks to his help that he was able to grasp the clue of 750 GeV.

"An interview with Nature Weekly," Professor Greer said with a smile, "I have a friend who works as an editor there. Although he is not an expert in physics research, he still has some understanding of the field of high-energy physics. When he learned about you, he was even more surprised than me. Since he was coming to CERN to do a program anyway, he wanted to interview you by the way. He was flying from London to Geneva on August 2nd... So, I can trouble you. Would you like to stay in Switzerland for two more days?”

Turns out to be an intern!

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Of course."

Yes, this time it’s “showing up.”