Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 176: The strongest intern in history!


The first to report the news was the British newspaper The Guardian.

After all, it bears the name of a long-established academic journal and is born from the same mother. It is somewhat scientifically rigorous. At least it will not imitate the "Daily Mail" next door and play with those "Chinese scientists have discovered." There are headline-grabbing news such as "Supersymmetric Particles" and "Mysterious Phenomenon Discovered by the Hadron Collider."

For example, in the latest edition of Germany's "Focus Weekly", the report about the identity of this intern completely aroused people's attention.

And this Ms. Belinda is indeed a top student who graduated from Oxford University, and the questions she asked were more professional.

"I noticed that you use a lot of uncertain words. Is it because of a habit, or is it because of the rigor of physics?"

[This is a good thing, my graduation thesis is finished:)]

The reporter who wrote the article stated this discovery in words of amazement.

A North American international student forum.

In a coffee shop in Geneva, Professor Greer, who personally drove Lu Zhou here, introduced him to the female reporter from Nature Weekly.

Noon on August 2nd.

"...CERN captured an abnormal signal during the experiment. Experts said that this may be a major clue to the discovery of supersymmetric particles. What is incredible is that the discoverer of this clue turned out to be an intern from China. !”

After all, it bears the name of a long-established academic journal and is born from the same mother. It is somewhat scientifically rigorous. At least it will not imitate the "Daily Mail" next door and play with those "Chinese scientists have discovered." There are headline-grabbing news such as "Supersymmetric Particles" and "Mysterious Phenomenon Discovered by the Hadron Collider."

[It’s impossible. With the efficiency of the Hadron Collider, CERN may not even be able to figure out what that thing is at the year-end summary meeting. And I can write one more article before the end of the year:)]

The mysterious power from the East seems to be influencing the Hadron Collider.

"I hope it is a supersymmetric particle. If it is, the biggest trouble we face can be solved. But... this is just my personal wish. Many times things will not develop as smoothly as we expected," Lu Zhou After thinking about it, he continued, "If I were to speculate, I would rather believe that it might be something we don't understand...for example, dark matter."

"... Our reporter interviewed Mr. Francis, the president of the Federal Mathematical Society, and Edward Witten, the winner of the Fields Medal. Mr. Francis commented that he is a young scholar with excellent thinking and innovation. Edward Witten’s evaluation is even more surprising, he believes that he may become the first Chinese scholar to win the Fields Medal.”

"Because of an accident?" Lu Zhou smiled and said in a casual tone, "Although my colleagues think that the 750GeV incident may be an accident, the fact that this accident occurred on the ATLAS and CMS detectors at the same time is a bit too much. It was a coincidence. So I asked Professor Greer to find the collision records of the LHC during the search for the Higgs particle in 2012 or 2013, and I found some interesting things."

The first to report the news was the British newspaper The Guardian.

[Wake up, others were undergraduates at the beginning of this year, and they were already so awesome at that time.]

"I noticed that you use a lot of uncertain words. Is it because of a habit, or is it because of the rigor of physics?"

"Because of an accident?" Lu Zhou smiled and said in a casual tone, "Although my colleagues think that the 750GeV incident may be an accident, the fact that this accident occurred on the ATLAS and CMS detectors at the same time is a bit too much. It was a coincidence. So I asked Professor Greer to find the collision records of the LHC during the search for the Higgs particle in 2012 or 2013, and I found some interesting things."

[The Nobel Prize is still far away, but it is still very strong. Theoretical physics is the most difficult to produce results. Although this discovery is not a major research result, it has solved the problem of graduating at least a hundred Ph.D.s in high energy physics... This is still less.]

Immediately afterwards, some media dug out the identity of this intern.

It didn't matter if I dug it, many people were shocked.

"Because the signal is too unstable," Lu Zhou smiled and continued, "Although the experiment of the Hadron Collider itself is the accumulation of countless small-probability collision events, the appearance of this signal shows a... A situation that is difficult to explain using existing theories.”

It didn't matter if I dug it, many people were shocked.

But I don't know if it was Lu Zhou's misunderstanding, but I always felt that the atmosphere when the two met was slightly awkward.

[It’s terrible, even the Fields Medal can’t satisfy him! This is all heading towards the Nobel Prize...]

Belinda opened her mouth in surprise and asked: "Surprising speculation...but why?"

"Because of an accident?" Lu Zhou smiled and said in a casual tone, "Although my colleagues think that the 750GeV incident may be an accident, the fact that this accident occurred on the ATLAS and CMS detectors at the same time is a bit too much. It was a coincidence. So I asked Professor Greer to find the collision records of the LHC during the search for the Higgs particle in 2012 or 2013, and I found some interesting things."

[Thank you! I was originally on vacation, but just yesterday, my tutor called me back to school with a phone call. He told me like a lunatic that there was a new topic and he was starting to do it now... It was crazy.]

"... Our reporter interviewed Mr. Francis, the president of the Federal Mathematical Society, and Edward Witten, the winner of the Fields Medal. Mr. Francis commented that he is a young scholar with excellent thinking and innovation. Edward Witten’s evaluation is even more surprising, he believes that he may become the first Chinese scholar to win the Fields Medal.”

For example, in the latest edition of Germany's "Focus Weekly", the report about the identity of this intern completely aroused people's attention.

The mysterious power from the East seems to be influencing the Hadron Collider.

[This is a good thing, my graduation thesis is finished:)]

But I don't know if it was Lu Zhou's misunderstanding, but I always felt that the atmosphere when the two met was slightly awkward.

[That’s hard to say. What if CERN confirms the signal next month?]

Ms. Belinda smiled kindly, wrote down this sentence in her notebook, and continued to ask.

"Because the signal is too unstable," Lu Zhou smiled and continued, "Although the experiment of the Hadron Collider itself is the accumulation of countless small-probability collision events, the appearance of this signal shows a... A situation that is difficult to explain using existing theories.”

And this Ms. Belinda is indeed a top student who graduated from Oxford University, and the questions she asked were more professional.

"... The intern who discovered the 750GeV characteristic peak in the CERN collider experiment is a master's student at Jinling University and a member of the LHCb Chinese co-housing. And his achievements are not just in the field of physics, but at the Princeton academic conference at the beginning of this year , he won the honor of the best young speaker, and the content of the award-winning report was the proof of the twin prime conjecture!"

Ms. Belinda smiled kindly, wrote down this sentence in her notebook, and continued to ask.

Belinda: "What do you think that particle might be?"

Belinda opened her mouth in surprise and asked: "Surprising speculation...but why?"

After the "Focus Weekly" report about the identity of this intern came out, all major media reprinted the report.

A campus forum at a foreign Ivy League school.

Of course, now he is no longer an intern, but a formal researcher of CERN partner countries.

The mysterious power from the East seems to be influencing the Hadron Collider.

"I noticed that you use a lot of uncertain words. Is it because of a habit, or is it because of the rigor of physics?"

"... Our reporter interviewed Mr. Francis, the president of the Federal Mathematical Society, and Edward Witten, the winner of the Fields Medal. Mr. Francis commented that he is a young scholar with excellent thinking and innovation. Edward Witten’s evaluation is even more surprising, he believes that he may become the first Chinese scholar to win the Fields Medal.”

A campus forum at a foreign Ivy League school.

"Hello, nice to meet you," Belinda smiled after shaking hands and letting go, "The interview may take up a little time, can we start now?"

Lu Zhou nodded and said, "Of course it's the latter, because even now, we can't confirm what it is."

[Wake up, others were undergraduates at the beginning of this year, and they were already so awesome at that time.]

But I don't know if it was Lu Zhou's misunderstanding, but I always felt that the atmosphere when the two met was slightly awkward.

And this Ms. Belinda is indeed a top student who graduated from Oxford University, and the questions she asked were more professional.

[This is a good thing, my graduation thesis is finished:)]

"Of course." Lu Zhou smiled and said generously, "I hope my answer can satisfy your curiosity."

Originally, the news of 750GeV did not cause a widespread sensation and was only circulated in the small circle of high-energy physics. But because of this report by Focus Weekly, the popularity of the news suddenly reached its peak.

"... Our reporter interviewed Mr. Francis, the president of the Federal Mathematical Society, and Edward Witten, the winner of the Fields Medal. Mr. Francis commented that he is a young scholar with excellent thinking and innovation. Edward Witten’s evaluation is even more surprising, he believes that he may become the first Chinese scholar to win the Fields Medal.”

For example, the first question.

"The characteristic peak of 750GeV?"

"... Our reporter interviewed Mr. Francis, the president of the Federal Mathematical Society, and Edward Witten, the winner of the Fields Medal. Mr. Francis commented that he is a young scholar with excellent thinking and innovation. Edward Witten’s evaluation is even more surprising, he believes that he may become the first Chinese scholar to win the Fields Medal.”

Belinda opened her mouth in surprise and asked: "Surprising speculation...but why?"

The clues that were "hidden" from the bosses were discovered by an intern. This in itself is shocking enough. And the identity of this intern turned out not to be "from physics", but from mathematics, which was even more shocking.

[It’s terrible, even the Fields Medal can’t satisfy him! This is all heading towards the Nobel Prize...]

"But optimistically, this could also mean 'new physics.'"

Of course, now he is no longer an intern, but a formal researcher of CERN partner countries.

"The characteristic peak of 750GeV?"

[...Kneel down.]

A North American international student forum.

Originally, the news of 750GeV did not cause a widespread sensation and was only circulated in the small circle of high-energy physics. But because of this report by Focus Weekly, the popularity of the news suddenly reached its peak.

"I noticed that you use a lot of uncertain words. Is it because of a habit, or is it because of the rigor of physics?"

The news has not spread to the country yet, but it has triggered heated discussions on foreign social media.

The reporter who wrote the article stated this discovery in words of amazement.

[This is a good thing, my graduation thesis is finished:)]

"This is Ms. Belinda, who graduated from Oxford University," Professor Greer looked at Ms. Belinda and continued to introduce, "And this is the Lu Zhou I told you."

A campus forum at a foreign Ivy League school.

The two should know each other.

[Wake up, others were undergraduates at the beginning of this year, and they were already so awesome at that time.]

For example, the first question.

[Thank you! I was originally on vacation, but just yesterday, my tutor called me back to school with a phone call. He told me like a lunatic that there was a new topic and he was starting to do it now... It was crazy.]

Lu Zhou nodded and said, "Of course it's the latter, because even now, we can't confirm what it is."

"... The intern who discovered the 750GeV characteristic peak in the CERN collider experiment is a master's student at Jinling University and a member of the LHCb Chinese co-housing. And his achievements are not just in the field of physics, but at the Princeton academic conference at the beginning of this year , he won the honor of the best young speaker, and the content of the award-winning report was the proof of the twin prime conjecture!"

[This is a good thing, my graduation thesis is finished:)]

[This is a good thing, my graduation thesis is finished:)]

The two should know each other.

"I noticed that you use a lot of uncertain words. Is it because of a habit, or is it because of the rigor of physics?"

"The characteristic peak of 750GeV?"

It didn't matter if I dug it, many people were shocked.

The reporter who wrote the article stated this discovery in words of amazement.

"Hello, nice to meet you," Belinda smiled after shaking hands and letting go, "The interview may take up a little time, can we start now?"

[This is a good thing, my graduation thesis is finished:)]

[...Kneel down.]

[That’s hard to say. What if CERN confirms the signal next month?]

"I noticed that you use a lot of uncertain words. Is it because of a habit, or is it because of the rigor of physics?"

[...Kneel down.]

"Hello, nice to meet you," Belinda smiled after shaking hands and letting go, "The interview may take up a little time, can we start now?"

[It’s true that it’s less. The number of new papers on high-energy physics on arxiv has exploded in the past few days. Not only graduation theses, but also many professors are betting on it.]

Of course, now he is no longer an intern, but a formal researcher of CERN partner countries.

"How did you discover the characteristic peak in the 750GeV energy region?"

"Hello, nice to meet you," Belinda smiled after shaking hands and letting go, "The interview may take up a little time, can we start now?"

"...CERN captured an abnormal signal during the experiment. Experts said that this may be a major clue to the discovery of supersymmetric particles. What is incredible is that the discoverer of this clue turned out to be an intern from China. !”

[It’s impossible. With the efficiency of the Hadron Collider, CERN may not even be able to figure out what that thing is at the year-end summary meeting. And I can write one more article before the end of the year:)]

"Pessimistically, this may just be a type of two-photon signal."

Belinda: "What do you think that particle might be?"

"I noticed that you use a lot of uncertain words. Is it because of a habit, or is it because of the rigor of physics?"

Noon on August 2nd.

"Hello, Ms. Belinda." Lu Zhou took the initiative to extend his right hand.

"Of course." Lu Zhou smiled and said generously, "I hope my answer can satisfy your curiosity."

For example, in the latest edition of Germany's "Focus Weekly", the report about the identity of this intern completely aroused people's attention.

"Hello, Ms. Belinda." Lu Zhou took the initiative to extend his right hand.

A North American international student forum.

After all, it bears the name of a long-established academic journal and is born from the same mother. It is somewhat scientifically rigorous. At least it will not imitate the "Daily Mail" next door and play with those "Chinese scientists have discovered." There are headline-grabbing news such as "Supersymmetric Particles" and "Mysterious Phenomenon Discovered by the Hadron Collider."

For example, in the latest edition of Germany's "Focus Weekly", the report about the identity of this intern completely aroused people's attention.

"How did you discover the characteristic peak in the 750GeV energy region?"

Although many media have explored Lu Zhou's identity and background to a certain extent, the first person to interview the intern was Nature Weekly.

Ms. Belinda smiled kindly, wrote down this sentence in her notebook, and continued to ask.

[Thank you! I was originally on vacation, but just yesterday, my tutor called me back to school with a phone call. He told me like a lunatic that there was a new topic and he was starting to do it now... It was crazy.]

"Pessimistically, this may just be a type of two-photon signal."

[It’s terrible, even the Fields Medal can’t satisfy him! This is all heading towards the Nobel Prize...]

"The characteristic peak of 750GeV?"

Noon on August 2nd.

Noon on August 2nd.

"Hello, Ms. Belinda." Lu Zhou took the initiative to extend his right hand.

[It’s terrible, even the Fields Medal can’t satisfy him! This is all heading towards the Nobel Prize...]

[...Kneel down.]

[The Nobel Prize is still far away, but it is still very strong. Theoretical physics is the most difficult to produce results. Although this discovery is not a major research result, it has solved the problem of graduating at least a hundred Ph.D.s in high energy physics... This is still less.]

"Because of an accident?" Lu Zhou smiled and said in a casual tone, "Although my colleagues think that the 750GeV incident may be an accident, the fact that this accident occurred on the ATLAS and CMS detectors at the same time is a bit too much. It was a coincidence. So I asked Professor Greer to find the collision records of the LHC during the search for the Higgs particle in 2012 or 2013, and I found some interesting things."

"...CERN captured an abnormal signal during the experiment. Experts said that this may be a major clue to the discovery of supersymmetric particles. What is incredible is that the discoverer of this clue turned out to be an intern from China. !”

[It’s true that it’s less. The number of new papers on high-energy physics on arxiv has exploded in the past few days. Not only graduation theses, but also many professors are betting on it.]

[Thank you! I was originally on vacation, but just yesterday, my tutor called me back to school with a phone call. He told me like a lunatic that there was a new topic and he was starting to do it now... It was crazy.]

[That’s hard to say. What if CERN confirms the signal next month?]

[Looking up to the top academics, will I be able to cheat like this when I get my master's degree?]

"... Our reporter interviewed Mr. Francis, the president of the Federal Mathematical Society, and Edward Witten, the winner of the Fields Medal. Mr. Francis commented that he is a young scholar with excellent thinking and innovation. Edward Witten’s evaluation is even more surprising, he believes that he may become the first Chinese scholar to win the Fields Medal.”

"But optimistically, this could also mean 'new physics.'"

Of course, now he is no longer an intern, but a formal researcher of CERN partner countries.

For example, in the latest edition of Germany's "Focus Weekly", the report about the identity of this intern completely aroused people's attention.

[Looking up to the top academics, will I be able to cheat like this when I get my master's degree?]

The first to report the news was the British newspaper The Guardian.

"Hello, nice to meet you," Belinda smiled after shaking hands and letting go, "The interview may take up a little time, can we start now?"

In a coffee shop in Geneva, Professor Greer, who personally drove Lu Zhou here, introduced him to the female reporter from Nature Weekly.

[It’s terrible, even the Fields Medal can’t satisfy him! This is all heading towards the Nobel Prize...]

"This is Ms. Belinda, who graduated from Oxford University," Professor Greer looked at Ms. Belinda and continued to introduce, "And this is the Lu Zhou I told you."

Noon on August 2nd.

[Wake up, others were undergraduates at the beginning of this year, and they were already so awesome at that time.]

Immediately afterwards, some media dug out the identity of this intern.

In a coffee shop in Geneva, Professor Greer, who personally drove Lu Zhou here, introduced him to the female reporter from Nature Weekly.

[It’s terrible, even the Fields Medal can’t satisfy him! This is all heading towards the Nobel Prize...]

Although many media have explored Lu Zhou's identity and background to a certain extent, the first person to interview the intern was Nature Weekly.

"Hello, nice to meet you," Belinda smiled after shaking hands and letting go, "The interview may take up a little time, can we start now?"

Originally, the news of 750GeV did not cause a widespread sensation and was only circulated in the small circle of high-energy physics. But because of this report by Focus Weekly, the popularity of the news suddenly reached its peak.

[Thank you! I was originally on vacation, but just yesterday, my tutor called me back to school with a phone call. He told me like a lunatic that there was a new topic and he was starting to do it now... It was crazy.]

[...Kneel down.]

Ms. Belinda smiled kindly, wrote down this sentence in her notebook, and continued to ask.

It didn't matter if I dug it, many people were shocked.

"This is Ms. Belinda, who graduated from Oxford University," Professor Greer looked at Ms. Belinda and continued to introduce, "And this is the Lu Zhou I told you."

Immediately afterwards, some media dug out the identity of this intern.

[Looking up to the top academics, will I be able to cheat like this when I get my master's degree?]

Belinda opened her mouth in surprise and asked: "Surprising speculation...but why?"

The source of the embarrassment seemed to come from Professor Greer. On the other hand, the smile on Ms. Belina's face was quite natural.

Ms. Belinda smiled kindly, wrote down this sentence in her notebook, and continued to ask.

"Of course." Lu Zhou smiled and said generously, "I hope my answer can satisfy your curiosity."

[Looking up to the top academics, will I be able to cheat like this when I get my master's degree?]

Lu Zhou nodded and said, "Of course it's the latter, because even now, we can't confirm what it is."

[Thank you! I was originally on vacation, but just yesterday, my tutor called me back to school with a phone call. He told me like a lunatic that there was a new topic and he was starting to do it now... It was crazy.]

For example, the first question.

After the "Focus Weekly" report about the identity of this intern came out, all major media reprinted the report.

And this Ms. Belinda is indeed a top student who graduated from Oxford University, and the questions she asked were more professional.

It didn't matter if I dug it, many people were shocked.

"How did you discover the characteristic peak in the 750GeV energy region?"

For example, the first question.

Although many media have explored Lu Zhou's identity and background to a certain extent, the first person to interview the intern was Nature Weekly.

Although many media have explored Lu Zhou's identity and background to a certain extent, the first person to interview the intern was Nature Weekly.

Belinda opened her mouth in surprise and asked: "Surprising speculation...but why?"

Noon on August 2nd.

"But optimistically, this could also mean 'new physics.'"

"Pessimistically, this may just be a type of two-photon signal."

The clues that were "hidden" from the bosses were discovered by an intern. This in itself is shocking enough. And the identity of this intern turned out not to be "from physics", but from mathematics, which was even more shocking.

[Thank you! I was originally on vacation, but just yesterday, my tutor called me back to school with a phone call. He told me like a lunatic that there was a new topic and he was starting to do it now... It was crazy.]

Of course, now he is no longer an intern, but a formal researcher of CERN partner countries.

The two should know each other.

The source of the embarrassment seemed to come from Professor Greer. On the other hand, the smile on Ms. Belina's face was quite natural.

"Hello, nice to meet you," Belinda smiled after shaking hands and letting go, "The interview may take up a little time, can we start now?"

"Hello, Ms. Belinda." Lu Zhou took the initiative to extend his right hand.

Of course, now he is no longer an intern, but a formal researcher of CERN partner countries.

A campus forum at a foreign Ivy League school.

A North American international student forum.

Noon on August 2nd.

"Hello, Ms. Belinda." Lu Zhou took the initiative to extend his right hand.

"Hello, Ms. Belinda." Lu Zhou took the initiative to extend his right hand.

The reporter who wrote the article stated this discovery in words of amazement.

Belinda opened her mouth in surprise and asked: "Surprising speculation...but why?"

"Pessimistically, this may just be a type of two-photon signal."

The two should know each other.

The reporter who wrote the article stated this discovery in words of amazement.

In a coffee shop in Geneva, Professor Greer, who personally drove Lu Zhou here, introduced him to the female reporter from Nature Weekly.

The mysterious power from the East seems to be influencing the Hadron Collider.

"Because of an accident?" Lu Zhou smiled and said in a casual tone, "Although my colleagues think that the 750GeV incident may be an accident, the fact that this accident occurred on the ATLAS and CMS detectors at the same time is a bit too much. It was a coincidence. So I asked Professor Greer to find the collision records of the LHC during the search for the Higgs particle in 2012 or 2013, and I found some interesting things."

The mysterious power from the East seems to be influencing the Hadron Collider.

"... Our reporter interviewed Mr. Francis, the president of the Federal Mathematical Society, and Edward Witten, the winner of the Fields Medal. Mr. Francis commented that he is a young scholar with excellent thinking and innovation. Edward Witten’s evaluation is even more surprising, he believes that he may become the first Chinese scholar to win the Fields Medal.”

But I don't know if it was Lu Zhou's misunderstanding, but I always felt that the atmosphere when the two met was slightly awkward.

Of course, now he is no longer an intern, but a formal researcher of CERN partner countries.

"This is Ms. Belinda, who graduated from Oxford University," Professor Greer looked at Ms. Belinda and continued to introduce, "And this is the Lu Zhou I told you."

"No, but it's almost the same," Lu Zhou shrugged. "With limited samples, the information we can get is also quite limited. Therefore, I tried to prove from the perspective of probability that when the number of samples accumulates to a certain When it comes to the degree, the statistical model in prediction may have a characteristic peak at 750GeV... When this possibility is high enough, CERN will have a reason to start this experiment. As for this characteristic peak, it was found by the collider, not me .”

[...Kneel down.]

For example, in the latest edition of Germany's "Focus Weekly", the report about the identity of this intern completely aroused people's attention.

A North American international student forum.

The two should know each other.

"Because the signal is too unstable," Lu Zhou smiled and continued, "Although the experiment of the Hadron Collider itself is the accumulation of countless small-probability collision events, the appearance of this signal shows a... A situation that is difficult to explain using existing theories.”

"But optimistically, this could also mean 'new physics.'"

Ms. Belinda smiled kindly, wrote down this sentence in her notebook, and continued to ask.

"I noticed that you use a lot of uncertain words. Is it because of a habit, or is it because of the rigor of physics?"

But I don't know if it was Lu Zhou's misunderstanding, but I always felt that the atmosphere when the two met was slightly awkward.

A North American international student forum.

"... Our reporter interviewed Mr. Francis, the president of the Federal Mathematical Society, and Edward Witten, the winner of the Fields Medal. Mr. Francis commented that he is a young scholar with excellent thinking and innovation. Edward Witten’s evaluation is even more surprising, he believes that he may become the first Chinese scholar to win the Fields Medal.”

The source of the embarrassment seemed to come from Professor Greer. On the other hand, the smile on Ms. Belina's face was quite natural.

Ms. Belinda smiled kindly, wrote down this sentence in her notebook, and continued to ask.

"Because of an accident?" Lu Zhou smiled and said in a casual tone, "Although my colleagues think that the 750GeV incident may be an accident, the fact that this accident occurred on the ATLAS and CMS detectors at the same time is a bit too much. It was a coincidence. So I asked Professor Greer to find the collision records of the LHC during the search for the Higgs particle in 2012 or 2013, and I found some interesting things."

"Of course." Lu Zhou smiled and said generously, "I hope my answer can satisfy your curiosity."

"Hello, Ms. Belinda." Lu Zhou took the initiative to extend his right hand.

"Hello, Ms. Belinda." Lu Zhou took the initiative to extend his right hand.

The clues that were "hidden" from the bosses were discovered by an intern. This in itself is shocking enough. And the identity of this intern turned out not to be "from physics", but from mathematics, which was even more shocking.

"But optimistically, this could also mean 'new physics.'"

"Hello, nice to meet you," Belinda smiled after shaking hands and letting go, "The interview may take up a little time, can we start now?"

[The Nobel Prize is still far away, but it is still very strong. Theoretical physics is the most difficult to produce results. Although this discovery is not a major research result, it has solved the problem of graduating at least a hundred Ph.D.s in high energy physics... This is still less.]

"Pessimistically, this may just be a type of two-photon signal."

"No, but it's almost the same," Lu Zhou shrugged. "With limited samples, the information we can get is also quite limited. Therefore, I tried to prove from the perspective of probability that when the number of samples accumulates to a certain When it comes to the degree, the statistical model in prediction may have a characteristic peak at 750GeV... When this possibility is high enough, CERN will have a reason to start this experiment. As for this characteristic peak, it was found by the collider, not me .”

"Because of an accident?" Lu Zhou smiled and said in a casual tone, "Although my colleagues think that the 750GeV incident may be an accident, the fact that this accident occurred on the ATLAS and CMS detectors at the same time is a bit too much. It was a coincidence. So I asked Professor Greer to find the collision records of the LHC during the search for the Higgs particle in 2012 or 2013, and I found some interesting things."

[Thank you! I was originally on vacation, but just yesterday, my tutor called me back to school with a phone call. He told me like a lunatic that there was a new topic and he was starting to do it now... It was crazy.]

"No, but it's almost the same," Lu Zhou shrugged. "With limited samples, the information we can get is also quite limited. Therefore, I tried to prove from the perspective of probability that when the number of samples accumulates to a certain When it comes to the degree, the statistical model in prediction may have a characteristic peak at 750GeV... When this possibility is high enough, CERN will have a reason to start this experiment. As for this characteristic peak, it was found by the collider, not me .”

"...CERN captured an abnormal signal during the experiment. Experts said that this may be a major clue to the discovery of supersymmetric particles. What is incredible is that the discoverer of this clue turned out to be an intern from China. !”

"Because of an accident?" Lu Zhou smiled and said in a casual tone, "Although my colleagues think that the 750GeV incident may be an accident, the fact that this accident occurred on the ATLAS and CMS detectors at the same time is a bit too much. It was a coincidence. So I asked Professor Greer to find the collision records of the LHC during the search for the Higgs particle in 2012 or 2013, and I found some interesting things."

"Of course." Lu Zhou smiled and said generously, "I hope my answer can satisfy your curiosity."

The source of the embarrassment seemed to come from Professor Greer. On the other hand, the smile on Ms. Belina's face was quite natural.

[The Nobel Prize is still far away, but it is still very strong. Theoretical physics is the most difficult to produce results. Although this discovery is not a major research result, it has solved the problem of graduating at least a hundred Ph.D.s in high energy physics... This is still less.]

[The Nobel Prize is still far away, but it is still very strong. Theoretical physics is the most difficult to produce results. Although this discovery is not a major research result, it has solved the problem of graduating at least a hundred Ph.D.s in high energy physics... This is still less.]

The clues that were "hidden" from the bosses were discovered by an intern. This in itself is shocking enough. And the identity of this intern turned out not to be "from physics", but from mathematics, which was even more shocking.

The mysterious power from the East seems to be influencing the Hadron Collider.

[This is a good thing, my graduation thesis is finished:)]

After all, it bears the name of a long-established academic journal and is born from the same mother. It is somewhat scientifically rigorous. At least it will not imitate the "Daily Mail" next door and play with those "Chinese scientists have discovered." There are headline-grabbing news such as "Supersymmetric Particles" and "Mysterious Phenomenon Discovered by the Hadron Collider."

"The characteristic peak of 750GeV?"

"This is Ms. Belinda, who graduated from Oxford University," Professor Greer looked at Ms. Belinda and continued to introduce, "And this is the Lu Zhou I told you."

A campus forum at a foreign Ivy League school.

After the "Focus Weekly" report about the identity of this intern came out, all major media reprinted the report.

And this Ms. Belinda is indeed a top student who graduated from Oxford University, and the questions she asked were more professional.

The first to report the news was the British newspaper The Guardian.

After the "Focus Weekly" report about the identity of this intern came out, all major media reprinted the report.

[This is a good thing, my graduation thesis is finished:)]

[Looking up to the top academics, will I be able to cheat like this when I get my master's degree?]

The clues that were "hidden" from the bosses were discovered by an intern. This in itself is shocking enough. And the identity of this intern turned out not to be "from physics", but from mathematics, which was even more shocking.

And this Ms. Belinda is indeed a top student who graduated from Oxford University, and the questions she asked were more professional.

Belinda opened her mouth in surprise and asked: "Surprising speculation...but why?"

And this Ms. Belinda is indeed a top student who graduated from Oxford University, and the questions she asked were more professional.

For example, the first question.

"But optimistically, this could also mean 'new physics.'"

For example, the first question.

"How did you discover the characteristic peak in the 750GeV energy region?"

[This is a good thing, my graduation thesis is finished:)]

[Thank you! I was originally on vacation, but just yesterday, my tutor called me back to school with a phone call. He told me like a lunatic that there was a new topic and he was starting to do it now... It was crazy.]

"The characteristic peak of 750GeV?"

After all, it bears the name of a long-established academic journal and is born from the same mother. It is somewhat scientifically rigorous. At least it will not imitate the "Daily Mail" next door and play with those "Chinese scientists have discovered." There are headline-grabbing news such as "Supersymmetric Particles" and "Mysterious Phenomenon Discovered by the Hadron Collider."

"Because the signal is too unstable," Lu Zhou smiled and continued, "Although the experiment of the Hadron Collider itself is the accumulation of countless small-probability collision events, the appearance of this signal shows a... A situation that is difficult to explain using existing theories.”

And this Ms. Belinda is indeed a top student who graduated from Oxford University, and the questions she asked were more professional.

"Because of an accident?" Lu Zhou smiled and said in a casual tone, "Although my colleagues think that the 750GeV incident may be an accident, the fact that this accident occurred on the ATLAS and CMS detectors at the same time is a bit too much. It was a coincidence. So I asked Professor Greer to find the collision records of the LHC during the search for the Higgs particle in 2012 or 2013, and I found some interesting things."

"... The intern who discovered the 750GeV characteristic peak in the CERN collider experiment is a master's student at Jinling University and a member of the LHCb Chinese co-housing. And his achievements are not just in the field of physics, but at the Princeton academic conference at the beginning of this year , he won the honor of the best young speaker, and the content of the award-winning report was the proof of the twin prime conjecture!"

The mysterious power from the East seems to be influencing the Hadron Collider.

Lu Zhou nodded and said, "Of course it's the latter, because even now, we can't confirm what it is."

"... The intern who discovered the 750GeV characteristic peak in the CERN collider experiment is a master's student at Jinling University and a member of the LHCb Chinese co-housing. And his achievements are not just in the field of physics, but at the Princeton academic conference at the beginning of this year , he won the honor of the best young speaker, and the content of the award-winning report was the proof of the twin prime conjecture!"

"The characteristic peak of 750GeV?"

[The Nobel Prize is still far away, but it is still very strong. Theoretical physics is the most difficult to produce results. Although this discovery is not a major research result, it has solved the problem of graduating at least a hundred Ph.D.s in high energy physics... This is still less.]

[It’s impossible. With the efficiency of the Hadron Collider, CERN may not even be able to figure out what that thing is at the year-end summary meeting. And I can write one more article before the end of the year:)]

"Pessimistically, this may just be a type of two-photon signal."

"The characteristic peak of 750GeV?"

"No, but it's almost the same," Lu Zhou shrugged. "With limited samples, the information we can get is also quite limited. Therefore, I tried to prove from the perspective of probability that when the number of samples accumulates to a certain When it comes to the degree, the statistical model in prediction may have a characteristic peak at 750GeV... When this possibility is high enough, CERN will have a reason to start this experiment. As for this characteristic peak, it was found by the collider, not me .”

"Hello, nice to meet you," Belinda smiled after shaking hands and letting go, "The interview may take up a little time, can we start now?"

The two should know each other.

The reporter who wrote the article stated this discovery in words of amazement.

A North American international student forum.

And this Ms. Belinda is indeed a top student who graduated from Oxford University, and the questions she asked were more professional.

[Wake up, others were undergraduates at the beginning of this year, and they were already so awesome at that time.]

The reporter who wrote the article stated this discovery in words of amazement.

"No, but it's almost the same," Lu Zhou shrugged. "With limited samples, the information we can get is also quite limited. Therefore, I tried to prove from the perspective of probability that when the number of samples accumulates to a certain When it comes to the degree, the statistical model in prediction may have a characteristic peak at 750GeV... When this possibility is high enough, CERN will have a reason to start this experiment. As for this characteristic peak, it was found by the collider, not me .”

For example, the first question.

"This is Ms. Belinda, who graduated from Oxford University," Professor Greer looked at Ms. Belinda and continued to introduce, "And this is the Lu Zhou I told you."

Belinda opened her mouth in surprise and asked: "Surprising speculation...but why?"

And this Ms. Belinda is indeed a top student who graduated from Oxford University, and the questions she asked were more professional.

[It’s impossible. With the efficiency of the Hadron Collider, CERN may not even be able to figure out what that thing is at the year-end summary meeting. And I can write one more article before the end of the year:)]

Ms. Belinda smiled kindly, wrote down this sentence in her notebook, and continued to ask.

[...Kneel down.]

But I don't know if it was Lu Zhou's misunderstanding, but I always felt that the atmosphere when the two met was slightly awkward.

In a coffee shop in Geneva, Professor Greer, who personally drove Lu Zhou here, introduced him to the female reporter from Nature Weekly.

Lu Zhou nodded and said, "Of course it's the latter, because even now, we can't confirm what it is."

"This is Ms. Belinda, who graduated from Oxford University," Professor Greer looked at Ms. Belinda and continued to introduce, "And this is the Lu Zhou I told you."

The two should know each other.

"I noticed that you use a lot of uncertain words. Is it because of a habit, or is it because of the rigor of physics?"

After all, it bears the name of a long-established academic journal and is born from the same mother. It is somewhat scientifically rigorous. At least it will not imitate the "Daily Mail" next door and play with those "Chinese scientists have discovered." There are headline-grabbing news such as "Supersymmetric Particles" and "Mysterious Phenomenon Discovered by the Hadron Collider."

[The Nobel Prize is still far away, but it is still very strong. Theoretical physics is the most difficult to produce results. Although this discovery is not a major research result, it has solved the problem of graduating at least a hundred Ph.D.s in high energy physics... This is still less.]

[Thank you! I was originally on vacation, but just yesterday, my tutor called me back to school with a phone call. He told me like a lunatic that there was a new topic and he was starting to do it now... It was crazy.]

The clues that were "hidden" from the bosses were discovered by an intern. This in itself is shocking enough. And the identity of this intern turned out not to be "from physics", but from mathematics, which was even more shocking.

Noon on August 2nd.

"How did you discover the characteristic peak in the 750GeV energy region?"

Lu Zhou nodded and said, "Of course it's the latter, because even now, we can't confirm what it is."

[...Kneel down.]

[The Nobel Prize is still far away, but it is still very strong. Theoretical physics is the most difficult to produce results. Although this discovery is not a major research result, it has solved the problem of graduating at least a hundred Ph.D.s in high energy physics... This is still less.]

But I don't know if it was Lu Zhou's misunderstanding, but I always felt that the atmosphere when the two met was slightly awkward.

"The characteristic peak of 750GeV?"

The two should know each other.

"...CERN captured an abnormal signal during the experiment. Experts said that this may be a major clue to the discovery of supersymmetric particles. What is incredible is that the discoverer of this clue turned out to be an intern from China. !”

Belinda: "What do you think that particle might be?"

"The characteristic peak of 750GeV?"

"But optimistically, this could also mean 'new physics.'"

"Pessimistically, this may just be a type of two-photon signal."

"...CERN captured an abnormal signal during the experiment. Experts said that this may be a major clue to the discovery of supersymmetric particles. What is incredible is that the discoverer of this clue turned out to be an intern from China. !”

"Hello, Ms. Belinda." Lu Zhou took the initiative to extend his right hand.

Although many media have explored Lu Zhou's identity and background to a certain extent, the first person to interview the intern was Nature Weekly.

"I hope it is a supersymmetric particle. If it is, the biggest trouble we face can be solved. But... this is just my personal wish. Many times things will not develop as smoothly as we expected," Lu Zhou After thinking about it, he continued, "If I were to speculate, I would rather believe that it might be something we don't understand...for example, dark matter."

[It’s terrible, even the Fields Medal can’t satisfy him! This is all heading towards the Nobel Prize...]

"But optimistically, this could also mean 'new physics.'"

The clues that were "hidden" from the bosses were discovered by an intern. This in itself is shocking enough. And the identity of this intern turned out not to be "from physics", but from mathematics, which was even more shocking.

"Pessimistically, this may just be a type of two-photon signal."

Belinda opened her mouth in surprise and asked: "Surprising speculation...but why?"

[Wake up, others were undergraduates at the beginning of this year, and they were already so awesome at that time.]

And this Ms. Belinda is indeed a top student who graduated from Oxford University, and the questions she asked were more professional.

But I don't know if it was Lu Zhou's misunderstanding, but I always felt that the atmosphere when the two met was slightly awkward.

"But optimistically, this could also mean 'new physics.'"

Belinda: "What do you think that particle might be?"

[That’s hard to say. What if CERN confirms the signal next month?]

"Because the signal is too unstable," Lu Zhou smiled and continued, "Although the experiment of the Hadron Collider itself is the accumulation of countless small-probability collision events, the appearance of this signal shows a... A situation that is difficult to explain using existing theories.”

After all, it bears the name of a long-established academic journal and is born from the same mother. It is somewhat scientifically rigorous. At least it will not imitate the "Daily Mail" next door and play with those "Chinese scientists have discovered." There are headline-grabbing news such as "Supersymmetric Particles" and "Mysterious Phenomenon Discovered by the Hadron Collider."

"This is Ms. Belinda, who graduated from Oxford University," Professor Greer looked at Ms. Belinda and continued to introduce, "And this is the Lu Zhou I told you."

Of course, now he is no longer an intern, but a formal researcher of CERN partner countries.

"Pessimistically, this may just be a type of two-photon signal."

For example, the first question.

Although many media have explored Lu Zhou's identity and background to a certain extent, the first person to interview the intern was Nature Weekly.

"But optimistically, this could also mean 'new physics.'"

After the "Focus Weekly" report about the identity of this intern came out, all major media reprinted the report.

"... The intern who discovered the 750GeV characteristic peak in the CERN collider experiment is a master's student at Jinling University and a member of the LHCb Chinese co-housing. And his achievements are not just in the field of physics, but at the Princeton academic conference at the beginning of this year , he won the honor of the best young speaker, and the content of the award-winning report was the proof of the twin prime conjecture!"

The clues that were "hidden" from the bosses were discovered by an intern. This in itself is shocking enough. And the identity of this intern turned out not to be "from physics", but from mathematics, which was even more shocking.

The mysterious power from the East seems to be influencing the Hadron Collider.

[This is a good thing, my graduation thesis is finished:)]

Noon on August 2nd.

Belinda: "What do you think that particle might be?"