Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 178: Return to Jinling


In this Internet age, nothing is airtight.

As for why

"What's the trouble? No matter what, we are all from the same school, so this small favor is nothing," Senior Brother Yan smiled and said with emotion, "Junior Brother, this time you are helping our LHCb Chinese cooperation group to compete internationally. Take a breath! Didn't you see how Academician Lu was bragging to others during the meeting in Shangjing, and Professor Gao from Shuimu University also praised you highly."

It is based on this rule that the 2013 Nobel Prize was awarded to Peter Higgs and Francois Engler, the proposers of the Higgs mechanism and Higgs boson theory, and this theory was was proposed in the sixties. As for the CERN researchers who participated in the experiment, although everyone deserves credit, the Nobel Prize has never been awarded to an institution, and it is impossible for so many people to share the prize.

It is the latter's work that is decisive.

This work will definitely take up a lot of Lu Zhou's time, but if the reward is a Nobel Prize, Lu Zhou feels that everything is worth it.

This has to start with the Nobel Prize awarding principles.

The first thing that must be said is that this is certainly possible.

In less than two days, the news spread from outside the wall to inside the wall, and within just three days, all kinds of eye-catching headlines were flying all over the sky.

In less than two days, the news spread from outside the wall to inside the wall, and within just three days, all kinds of eye-catching headlines were flying all over the sky.

Lu Zhou thought for a while and said, "Let's learn it when we have time. I feel it's not necessary now."

[Shock! He was the one who discovered high-energy particles?]

Lu Zhou thought for a while and said, "Let's learn it when we have time. I feel it's not necessary now."

Senior Brother Yan sighed and said with emotion: "Okay, when you are older, you are already thinking about buying a house. Academician Lu taught me how to do it. When will I be as good as you?"

Because in the general view of the academic community, although the work of the first two is important, it is not of that decisive importance. (Not absolute, for example: the person who proposed the theory has passed away or has won an award, or has designed groundbreaking experiments or made outstanding contributions, etc.)

It is based on this rule that the 2013 Nobel Prize was awarded to Peter Higgs and Francois Engler, the proposers of the Higgs mechanism and Higgs boson theory, and this theory was was proposed in the sixties. As for the CERN researchers who participated in the experiment, although everyone deserves credit, the Nobel Prize has never been awarded to an institution, and it is impossible for so many people to share the prize.

As for why

[Shock! He was the one who discovered high-energy particles?]

Of course, aside from system tasks, he is also very interested in high-energy physics, otherwise he would not have chosen the imaginative direction of mathematical physics.

[Lu Zhou: I am actually a physicist.]

When talking about this matter, Senior Brother Yan's expression was a little subtle, he coughed slightly, and said sheepishly: "Let's wait until the end of the year to see if we can get together a down payment. My partner wants me to settle down in Shangjing, and the task is a bit difficult... When did you do it? Are you under the illusion that I am rich?"

In the field of theoretical physics, as research work in this field becomes more and more systematic, it is worth discussing who has greater credit. According to the convention of the Nobel Prize, the medal will not be awarded to the discoverer of the particle, nor to the researcher who operates the hadron collider, but rather to the proposer or perfecter of this theory. .

For another example, the phenomenon of neutrino oscillation was discovered in the Daya Bay Reactor in China, but the nominees for this year’s Nobel Prize (2015) were Japan’s Takaaki Kajita and Canada’s Professor Arthur MacDonald.

And if logical autonomy cannot be achieved, even if you name the particle you discovered the Higgs particle, or claim to have found gravitational waves, you will not get recognition from the academic community at all...

[A bomb was thrown at high-energy physics, and the building of the Standard Model collapsed!]

For a brand-new theory or a novel physical model to be accepted, the premise must be at least theoretically established and logically autonomous. Just like superstring theory, although it is increasingly marginalized in the world of theoretical physics, at least no one can theoretically falsify it.

When I came, I was covered with stars and moon, and when I came back, I was the same.

After imagining that scene, Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly, but he was not too surprised.

Although Academician Lu told him that he could call Yan Xinjue when he came back. His senior brother would be in Jinling before September, but Kao Luzhou didn't want to trouble others, so he didn't mention it.

In the field of theoretical physics, as research work in this field becomes more and more systematic, it is worth discussing who has greater credit. According to the convention of the Nobel Prize, the medal will not be awarded to the discoverer of the particle, nor to the researcher who operates the hadron collider, but rather to the proposer or perfecter of this theory. .

The two agreed to communicate via email, collaborate to complete this theory, and sign their names together.

The two agreed to communicate via email, collaborate to complete this theory, and sign their names together.


However, it is possible, but it is hard to say how high the possibility is.

And this is why after the release of the 750GeV data, the Arxiv website and major theoretical physics journals experienced a spurt of submissions, because many people are betting on this theory.

After imagining that scene, Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly, but he was not too surprised.

Lu Zhou didn't know how to answer this question. He couldn't say that it was because of the guidance of the system's mission that he accidentally embarked on this path, right

Dragging his suitcase and walking to the airport gate, Lu Zhou was about to turn on his mobile phone to call a taxi when he saw someone standing on the roadside waving to him.

However, at this moment, Lu Zhou was still on the flight back to China. The phone in his pocket was turned off, and he was leaning on his seat with his eyes closed to relax. He didn't know that he had been trending again.

Senior Brother Yan sighed: "Theoretical research is so uncomfortable. Speaking of which, didn't you do a project with Professor Li Rongen? Why don't you do materials physics? That stuff is a popular field. Why did you think of studying high-energy physics? "

Of course there is.

After thinking for a while, Lu Zhou replied in an uncertain tone: "Maybe it's because of his love for science?"

Because it is not only the observation methods that are constantly being improved, but also the corresponding theories.

[A bomb was thrown at high-energy physics, and the building of the Standard Model collapsed!]

In fact, even if he knew, he probably wouldn't feel anything at all.

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "I'm saving it, waiting to buy a house."

"What's the trouble? No matter what, we are all from the same school, so this small favor is nothing," Senior Brother Yan smiled and said with emotion, "Junior Brother, this time you are helping our LHCb Chinese cooperation group to compete internationally. Take a breath! Didn't you see how Academician Lu was bragging to others during the meeting in Shangjing, and Professor Gao from Shuimu University also praised you highly."

In this Internet age, nothing is airtight.

[A bomb was thrown at high-energy physics, and the building of the Standard Model collapsed!]

Could this be serious

Because it is not only the observation methods that are constantly being improved, but also the corresponding theories.

"That guy Greer told me," Senior Brother Yan asked casually while holding the steering wheel, "Are you going back to school directly?"

After all, compared to the shock that the Nobel Prize brought to him, all the hot searches, headlines and the like were weak...

When talking about this matter, Senior Brother Yan's expression was a little subtle, he coughed slightly, and said sheepishly: "Let's wait until the end of the year to see if we can get together a down payment. My partner wants me to settle down in Shangjing, and the task is a bit difficult... When did you do it? Are you under the illusion that I am rich?"

This tone...

It's not that he's inflated, but compared to the Nobel Prize winner's invitation to him and the possible Nobel Prize, this level of honor and recognition does make him a little flattered.

Senior Brother Yan: "Speaking of which, aren't you going to learn how to drive?"


In less than two days, the news spread from outside the wall to inside the wall, and within just three days, all kinds of eye-catching headlines were flying all over the sky.

Senior Brother Yan was silent for a long time.

It must be mentioned here that even if CERN discovered something interesting at 750GeV, Lu Zhou would not win a prize for it, and he never thought he would win a prize based on this clue.

And if logical autonomy cannot be achieved, even if you name the particle you discovered the Higgs particle, or claim to have found gravitational waves, you will not get recognition from the academic community at all...

[Lu Zhou: I am actually a physicist.]

It must be mentioned here that even if CERN discovered something interesting at 750GeV, Lu Zhou would not win a prize for it, and he never thought he would win a prize based on this clue.

Because in the general view of the academic community, although the work of the first two is important, it is not of that decisive importance. (Not absolute, for example: the person who proposed the theory has passed away or has won an award, or has designed groundbreaking experiments or made outstanding contributions, etc.)

After all, compared to the shock that the Nobel Prize brought to him, all the hot searches, headlines and the like were weak...

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "I'm saving it, waiting to buy a house."

Senior Brother Yan: "Speaking of which, aren't you going to learn how to drive?"

Senior Brother Yan: "Why is it not necessary? If you often travel to other places, it is quite useful to buy a car. You have received so many bonuses, don't tell me that you have spent them all."

As for why

The main work of establishing this theory will be carried out by Frank and a doctoral student he led, while Lu Zhou will be responsible mainly for calculations.

It turned out to be Senior Brother Yan

This is also the reason why Minke will never win the Nobel Prize. Maybe they have submitted manuscripts, but let alone logical autonomy, they may not even be able to understand a few formulas.

When he saw the man's identity through the streetlight, he was suddenly surprised.

Someone may ask, in this case, if you just make up a fictional particle, and then set a lot of various physical properties about it, and wait until it is discovered by others, will you be able to win the prize

"I'm sorry, I was delayed for a while while connecting flights at Wanghai... By the way, how did you know about my flight?"

This has to start with the Nobel Prize awarding principles.

However, the amount of work involved is much more difficult than solving mathematical conjectures, and it is basically impossible to complete it by yourself. This is true for both Frank Wilczek and Lu Zhou.

Senior Brother Yan was silent for a long time.

If this particle is found to be a supersymmetric particle, then the Nobel Prize may be awarded to Hiroshige Miyazawa, who proposed the theory of supersymmetry and supersymmetric particles in 1966, or to the perfecter of the theory. As for Lu Zhou, is there any possibility of winning the award

When Swiss public funds are spent…

In the field of theoretical physics, as research work in this field becomes more and more systematic, it is worth discussing who has greater credit. According to the convention of the Nobel Prize, the medal will not be awarded to the discoverer of the particle, nor to the researcher who operates the hadron collider, but rather to the proposer or perfecter of this theory. .

[Shock! He was the one who discovered high-energy particles?]

After imagining that scene, Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly, but he was not too surprised.

Lu Zhou: "...?"

When talking about this matter, Senior Brother Yan's expression was a little subtle, he coughed slightly, and said sheepishly: "Let's wait until the end of the year to see if we can get together a down payment. My partner wants me to settle down in Shangjing, and the task is a bit difficult... When did you do it? Are you under the illusion that I am rich?"

The mathematical ability he displayed at CERN really conquered the Nobel Prize winner. And this was one of the main reasons why Frank Wilzek extended an invitation to him.

This has to start with the Nobel Prize awarding principles.

After thinking for a while, Lu Zhou replied in an uncertain tone: "Maybe it's because of his love for science?"

Because in the general view of the academic community, although the work of the first two is important, it is not of that decisive importance. (Not absolute, for example: the person who proposed the theory has passed away or has won an award, or has designed groundbreaking experiments or made outstanding contributions, etc.)

The mathematical ability he displayed at CERN really conquered the Nobel Prize winner. And this was one of the main reasons why Frank Wilzek extended an invitation to him.

Helping Lu Zhou throw the suitcase into the trunk, Senior Brother Yan, who got into the driver's seat, started the car and asked casually: "What are you doing at the airport? I've waited since ten o'clock until now, so I've waited for you." "

It is the latter's work that is decisive.

Senior Brother Yan was silent for a long time.

Therefore, the day before yesterday, Frank sent him an invitation to participate in this imaginative subject.

When talking about this matter, Senior Brother Yan's expression was a little subtle, he coughed slightly, and said sheepishly: "Let's wait until the end of the year to see if we can get together a down payment. My partner wants me to settle down in Shangjing, and the task is a bit difficult... When did you do it? Are you under the illusion that I am rich?"

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Well, I'm sorry to bother you."

In fact, even if he knew, he probably wouldn't feel anything at all.

It is the latter's work that is decisive.

Someone may ask, in this case, if you just make up a fictional particle, and then set a lot of various physical properties about it, and wait until it is discovered by others, will you be able to win the prize

It is based on this rule that the 2013 Nobel Prize was awarded to Peter Higgs and Francois Engler, the proposers of the Higgs mechanism and Higgs boson theory, and this theory was was proposed in the sixties. As for the CERN researchers who participated in the experiment, although everyone deserves credit, the Nobel Prize has never been awarded to an institution, and it is impossible for so many people to share the prize.

Senior Brother Yan: "Why is it not necessary? If you often travel to other places, it is quite useful to buy a car. You have received so many bonuses, don't tell me that you have spent them all."

Senior Brother Yan: "Why is it not necessary? If you often travel to other places, it is quite useful to buy a car. You have received so many bonuses, don't tell me that you have spent them all."

For another example, the phenomenon of neutrino oscillation was discovered in the Daya Bay Reactor in China, but the nominees for this year’s Nobel Prize (2015) were Japan’s Takaaki Kajita and Canada’s Professor Arthur MacDonald.

The first thing that must be said is that this is certainly possible.

Not only Lu Zhou, but also Frank Wilzek, who has already won the award once, has a chance.

When I came, I was covered with stars and moon, and when I came back, I was the same.

When Swiss public funds are spent…

Although Academician Lu told him that he could call Yan Xinjue when he came back. His senior brother would be in Jinling before September, but Kao Luzhou didn't want to trouble others, so he didn't mention it.

Just when Lu Zhou was reflecting on whether his answer was so nonsense that the senior brother couldn't complain, senior brother Yan suddenly sighed and sighed softly: "Maybe, this is because I can't be as good as you. The reason…”

Someone may ask, in this case, if you just make up a fictional particle, and then set a lot of various physical properties about it, and wait until it is discovered by others, will you be able to win the prize

In less than two days, the news spread from outside the wall to inside the wall, and within just three days, all kinds of eye-catching headlines were flying all over the sky.

Lu Zhou thought for a while and said, "Let's learn it when we have time. I feel it's not necessary now."

After thinking for a while, Lu Zhou replied in an uncertain tone: "Maybe it's because of his love for science?"

Could this be serious

However, the amount of work involved is much more difficult than solving mathematical conjectures, and it is basically impossible to complete it by yourself. This is true for both Frank Wilczek and Lu Zhou.

After all, compared to the shock that the Nobel Prize brought to him, all the hot searches, headlines and the like were weak...

And if logical autonomy cannot be achieved, even if you name the particle you discovered the Higgs particle, or claim to have found gravitational waves, you will not get recognition from the academic community at all...

The first thing that must be said is that this is certainly possible.

"That guy Greer told me," Senior Brother Yan asked casually while holding the steering wheel, "Are you going back to school directly?"

Lu Zhou: "...Is it so uncomfortable?"

It is based on this rule that the 2013 Nobel Prize was awarded to Peter Higgs and Francois Engler, the proposers of the Higgs mechanism and Higgs boson theory, and this theory was was proposed in the sixties. As for the CERN researchers who participated in the experiment, although everyone deserves credit, the Nobel Prize has never been awarded to an institution, and it is impossible for so many people to share the prize.

The mathematical ability he displayed at CERN really conquered the Nobel Prize winner. And this was one of the main reasons why Frank Wilzek extended an invitation to him.

Senior Brother Yan: "Speaking of which, aren't you going to learn how to drive?"

Senior Brother Yan was silent for a long time.

And this is why after the release of the 750GeV data, the Arxiv website and major theoretical physics journals experienced a spurt of submissions, because many people are betting on this theory.

Someone may ask, in this case, if you just make up a fictional particle, and then set a lot of various physical properties about it, and wait until it is discovered by others, will you be able to win the prize

However, it is possible, but it is hard to say how high the possibility is.

Someone may ask, in this case, if you just make up a fictional particle, and then set a lot of various physical properties about it, and wait until it is discovered by others, will you be able to win the prize

Helping Lu Zhou throw the suitcase into the trunk, Senior Brother Yan, who got into the driver's seat, started the car and asked casually: "What are you doing at the airport? I've waited since ten o'clock until now, so I've waited for you." "

Just when Lu Zhou was reflecting on whether his answer was so nonsense that the senior brother couldn't complain, senior brother Yan suddenly sighed and sighed softly: "Maybe, this is because I can't be as good as you. The reason…”

However, it is possible, but it is hard to say how high the possibility is.

In the field of theoretical physics, as research work in this field becomes more and more systematic, it is worth discussing who has greater credit. According to the convention of the Nobel Prize, the medal will not be awarded to the discoverer of the particle, nor to the researcher who operates the hadron collider, but rather to the proposer or perfecter of this theory. .

Helping Lu Zhou throw the suitcase into the trunk, Senior Brother Yan, who got into the driver's seat, started the car and asked casually: "What are you doing at the airport? I've waited since ten o'clock until now, so I've waited for you." "

Of course there is.

The first thing that must be said is that this is certainly possible.

This work will definitely take up a lot of Lu Zhou's time, but if the reward is a Nobel Prize, Lu Zhou feels that everything is worth it.

Because it is not only the observation methods that are constantly being improved, but also the corresponding theories.

The main work of establishing this theory will be carried out by Frank and a doctoral student he led, while Lu Zhou will be responsible mainly for calculations.

"What's the trouble? No matter what, we are all from the same school, so this small favor is nothing," Senior Brother Yan smiled and said with emotion, "Junior Brother, this time you are helping our LHCb Chinese cooperation group to compete internationally. Take a breath! Didn't you see how Academician Lu was bragging to others during the meeting in Shangjing, and Professor Gao from Shuimu University also praised you highly."

For a brand-new theory or a novel physical model to be accepted, the premise must be at least theoretically established and logically autonomous. Just like superstring theory, although it is increasingly marginalized in the world of theoretical physics, at least no one can theoretically falsify it.

Senior Brother Yan was silent for a long time.

After imagining that scene, Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly, but he was not too surprised.

However, the amount of work involved is much more difficult than solving mathematical conjectures, and it is basically impossible to complete it by yourself. This is true for both Frank Wilczek and Lu Zhou.

Senior Brother Yan sighed and said with emotion: "Okay, when you are older, you are already thinking about buying a house. Academician Lu taught me how to do it. When will I be as good as you?"

And if logical autonomy cannot be achieved, even if you name the particle you discovered the Higgs particle, or claim to have found gravitational waves, you will not get recognition from the academic community at all...

In this Internet age, nothing is airtight.

Not only Lu Zhou, but also Frank Wilzek, who has already won the award once, has a chance.

This is also the reason why Minke will never win the Nobel Prize. Maybe they have submitted manuscripts, but let alone logical autonomy, they may not even be able to understand a few formulas.

The two agreed to communicate via email, collaborate to complete this theory, and sign their names together.

Because it is not only the observation methods that are constantly being improved, but also the corresponding theories.

In the field of theoretical physics, as research work in this field becomes more and more systematic, it is worth discussing who has greater credit. According to the convention of the Nobel Prize, the medal will not be awarded to the discoverer of the particle, nor to the researcher who operates the hadron collider, but rather to the proposer or perfecter of this theory. .


If this particle is found to be a supersymmetric particle, then the Nobel Prize may be awarded to Hiroshige Miyazawa, who proposed the theory of supersymmetry and supersymmetric particles in 1966, or to the perfecter of the theory. As for Lu Zhou, is there any possibility of winning the award

Lu Zhou originally wanted to say this, but suddenly he remembered that it was Academician Lu who swiped the card at that time. Maybe this senior brother really didn't have much money.

Lu Zhou: "...Is it so uncomfortable?"

Of course there is.

Because in the general view of the academic community, although the work of the first two is important, it is not of that decisive importance. (Not absolute, for example: the person who proposed the theory has passed away or has won an award, or has designed groundbreaking experiments or made outstanding contributions, etc.)

And this is why after the release of the 750GeV data, the Arxiv website and major theoretical physics journals experienced a spurt of submissions, because many people are betting on this theory.

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Well, I'm sorry to bother you."

This has to start with the Nobel Prize awarding principles.

The two agreed to communicate via email, collaborate to complete this theory, and sign their names together.

Helping Lu Zhou throw the suitcase into the trunk, Senior Brother Yan, who got into the driver's seat, started the car and asked casually: "What are you doing at the airport? I've waited since ten o'clock until now, so I've waited for you." "

After imagining that scene, Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly, but he was not too surprised.

Not only Lu Zhou, but also Frank Wilzek, who has already won the award once, has a chance.

"That guy Greer told me," Senior Brother Yan asked casually while holding the steering wheel, "Are you going back to school directly?"

This work will definitely take up a lot of Lu Zhou's time, but if the reward is a Nobel Prize, Lu Zhou feels that everything is worth it.

It is the latter's work that is decisive.

When Swiss public funds are spent…

Because it is not only the observation methods that are constantly being improved, but also the corresponding theories.

This tone...

Senior Brother Yan sighed and said with emotion: "Okay, when you are older, you are already thinking about buying a house. Academician Lu taught me how to do it. When will I be as good as you?"

"Don't you have a room yet?" Lu Zhou asked in surprise.

"What's the trouble? No matter what, we are all from the same school, so this small favor is nothing," Senior Brother Yan smiled and said with emotion, "Junior Brother, this time you are helping our LHCb Chinese cooperation group to compete internationally. Take a breath! Didn't you see how Academician Lu was bragging to others during the meeting in Shangjing, and Professor Gao from Shuimu University also praised you highly."

After all, compared to the shock that the Nobel Prize brought to him, all the hot searches, headlines and the like were weak...

Could this be serious

For example, the number 750 GeV is unexpected by supersymmetry and the standard model. It is so unexpected that it can even accommodate the emergence of a new "Vilzek-Lu" or "Lu-Vilzek" model to deal with this brand-new phenomenon. Explain.

"Don't you have a room yet?" Lu Zhou asked in surprise.

After imagining that scene, Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly, but he was not too surprised.

Lu Zhou: "...Is it so uncomfortable?"

Lu Zhou didn't know how to answer this question. He couldn't say that it was because of the guidance of the system's mission that he accidentally embarked on this path, right

When he saw the man's identity through the streetlight, he was suddenly surprised.

Even if it's just a possibility.

However, the amount of work involved is much more difficult than solving mathematical conjectures, and it is basically impossible to complete it by yourself. This is true for both Frank Wilczek and Lu Zhou.

In less than two days, the news spread from outside the wall to inside the wall, and within just three days, all kinds of eye-catching headlines were flying all over the sky.

Therefore, the day before yesterday, Frank sent him an invitation to participate in this imaginative subject.

It must be mentioned here that even if CERN discovered something interesting at 750GeV, Lu Zhou would not win a prize for it, and he never thought he would win a prize based on this clue.

"That guy Greer told me," Senior Brother Yan asked casually while holding the steering wheel, "Are you going back to school directly?"

This is also the reason why Minke will never win the Nobel Prize. Maybe they have submitted manuscripts, but let alone logical autonomy, they may not even be able to understand a few formulas.

When Swiss public funds are spent…

It must be mentioned here that even if CERN discovered something interesting at 750GeV, Lu Zhou would not win a prize for it, and he never thought he would win a prize based on this clue.

Therefore, the day before yesterday, Frank sent him an invitation to participate in this imaginative subject.

As for why

Because in the general view of the academic community, although the work of the first two is important, it is not of that decisive importance. (Not absolute, for example: the person who proposed the theory has passed away or has won an award, or has designed groundbreaking experiments or made outstanding contributions, etc.)

Not only Lu Zhou, but also Frank Wilzek, who has already won the award once, has a chance.

Passing through the deep night sky, the plane slowly landed on the runway.

It's not that he's inflated, but compared to the Nobel Prize winner's invitation to him and the possible Nobel Prize, this level of honor and recognition does make him a little flattered.

Lu Zhou originally wanted to say this, but suddenly he remembered that it was Academician Lu who swiped the card at that time. Maybe this senior brother really didn't have much money.

The two agreed to communicate via email, collaborate to complete this theory, and sign their names together.

"That guy Greer told me," Senior Brother Yan asked casually while holding the steering wheel, "Are you going back to school directly?"

And if logical autonomy cannot be achieved, even if you name the particle you discovered the Higgs particle, or claim to have found gravitational waves, you will not get recognition from the academic community at all...

After imagining that scene, Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly, but he was not too surprised.

Could this be serious

Even if it's just a possibility.

In this Internet age, nothing is airtight.

The main work of establishing this theory will be carried out by Frank and a doctoral student he led, while Lu Zhou will be responsible mainly for calculations.

If this particle is found to be a supersymmetric particle, then the Nobel Prize may be awarded to Hiroshige Miyazawa, who proposed the theory of supersymmetry and supersymmetric particles in 1966, or to the perfecter of the theory. As for Lu Zhou, is there any possibility of winning the award

The two agreed to communicate via email, collaborate to complete this theory, and sign their names together.

The mathematical ability he displayed at CERN really conquered the Nobel Prize winner. And this was one of the main reasons why Frank Wilzek extended an invitation to him.

For a brand-new theory or a novel physical model to be accepted, the premise must be at least theoretically established and logically autonomous. Just like superstring theory, although it is increasingly marginalized in the world of theoretical physics, at least no one can theoretically falsify it.

And this is why after the release of the 750GeV data, the Arxiv website and major theoretical physics journals experienced a spurt of submissions, because many people are betting on this theory.

It is the latter's work that is decisive.

For example, the number 750 GeV is unexpected by supersymmetry and the standard model. It is so unexpected that it can even accommodate the emergence of a new "Vilzek-Lu" or "Lu-Vilzek" model to deal with this brand-new phenomenon. Explain.

When talking about this matter, Senior Brother Yan's expression was a little subtle, he coughed slightly, and said sheepishly: "Let's wait until the end of the year to see if we can get together a down payment. My partner wants me to settle down in Shangjing, and the task is a bit difficult... When did you do it? Are you under the illusion that I am rich?"

Because in the general view of the academic community, although the work of the first two is important, it is not of that decisive importance. (Not absolute, for example: the person who proposed the theory has passed away or has won an award, or has designed groundbreaking experiments or made outstanding contributions, etc.)

However, the amount of work involved is much more difficult than solving mathematical conjectures, and it is basically impossible to complete it by yourself. This is true for both Frank Wilczek and Lu Zhou.

This work will definitely take up a lot of Lu Zhou's time, but if the reward is a Nobel Prize, Lu Zhou feels that everything is worth it.

This has to start with the Nobel Prize awarding principles.

Of course there is.

Someone may ask, in this case, if you just make up a fictional particle, and then set a lot of various physical properties about it, and wait until it is discovered by others, will you be able to win the prize

"I'm sorry, I was delayed for a while while connecting flights at Wanghai... By the way, how did you know about my flight?"

In this Internet age, nothing is airtight.

Lu Zhou originally wanted to say this, but suddenly he remembered that it was Academician Lu who swiped the card at that time. Maybe this senior brother really didn't have much money.

Of course there is.

Even if it's just a possibility.

"I'm sorry, I was delayed for a while while connecting flights at Wanghai... By the way, how did you know about my flight?"

For example, the number 750 GeV is unexpected by supersymmetry and the standard model. It is so unexpected that it can even accommodate the emergence of a new "Vilzek-Lu" or "Lu-Vilzek" model to deal with this brand-new phenomenon. Explain.

The first thing that must be said is that this is certainly possible.

And if logical autonomy cannot be achieved, even if you name the particle you discovered the Higgs particle, or claim to have found gravitational waves, you will not get recognition from the academic community at all...

For a brand-new theory or a novel physical model to be accepted, the premise must be at least theoretically established and logically autonomous. Just like superstring theory, although it is increasingly marginalized in the world of theoretical physics, at least no one can theoretically falsify it.

When Swiss public funds are spent…

Senior Brother Yan sighed: "Theoretical research is so uncomfortable. Speaking of which, didn't you do a project with Professor Li Rongen? Why don't you do materials physics? That stuff is a popular field. Why did you think of studying high-energy physics? "

Lu Zhou thought for a while and said, "Let's learn it when we have time. I feel it's not necessary now."

After thinking for a while, Lu Zhou replied in an uncertain tone: "Maybe it's because of his love for science?"

When talking about this matter, Senior Brother Yan's expression was a little subtle, he coughed slightly, and said sheepishly: "Let's wait until the end of the year to see if we can get together a down payment. My partner wants me to settle down in Shangjing, and the task is a bit difficult... When did you do it? Are you under the illusion that I am rich?"

It's not that he's inflated, but compared to the Nobel Prize winner's invitation to him and the possible Nobel Prize, this level of honor and recognition does make him a little flattered.

It is based on this rule that the 2013 Nobel Prize was awarded to Peter Higgs and Francois Engler, the proposers of the Higgs mechanism and Higgs boson theory, and this theory was was proposed in the sixties. As for the CERN researchers who participated in the experiment, although everyone deserves credit, the Nobel Prize has never been awarded to an institution, and it is impossible for so many people to share the prize.

When I came, I was covered with stars and moon, and when I came back, I was the same.

However, at this moment, Lu Zhou was still on the flight back to China. The phone in his pocket was turned off, and he was leaning on his seat with his eyes closed to relax. He didn't know that he had been trending again.

The mathematical ability he displayed at CERN really conquered the Nobel Prize winner. And this was one of the main reasons why Frank Wilzek extended an invitation to him.

It turned out to be Senior Brother Yan

Passing through the deep night sky, the plane slowly landed on the runway.

For a brand-new theory or a novel physical model to be accepted, the premise must be at least theoretically established and logically autonomous. Just like superstring theory, although it is increasingly marginalized in the world of theoretical physics, at least no one can theoretically falsify it.

Helping Lu Zhou throw the suitcase into the trunk, Senior Brother Yan, who got into the driver's seat, started the car and asked casually: "What are you doing at the airport? I've waited since ten o'clock until now, so I've waited for you." "

Dragging his suitcase and walking to the airport gate, Lu Zhou was about to turn on his mobile phone to call a taxi when he saw someone standing on the roadside waving to him.

Lu Zhou originally wanted to say this, but suddenly he remembered that it was Academician Lu who swiped the card at that time. Maybe this senior brother really didn't have much money.

Of course, aside from system tasks, he is also very interested in high-energy physics, otherwise he would not have chosen the imaginative direction of mathematical physics.

This tone...

Because it is not only the observation methods that are constantly being improved, but also the corresponding theories.

Of course there is.

Although Academician Lu told him that he could call Yan Xinjue when he came back. His senior brother would be in Jinling before September, but Kao Luzhou didn't want to trouble others, so he didn't mention it.

Of course there is.

And this is why after the release of the 750GeV data, the Arxiv website and major theoretical physics journals experienced a spurt of submissions, because many people are betting on this theory.

It is the latter's work that is decisive.

Dragging his suitcase and walking to the airport gate, Lu Zhou was about to turn on his mobile phone to call a taxi when he saw someone standing on the roadside waving to him.

It is based on this rule that the 2013 Nobel Prize was awarded to Peter Higgs and Francois Engler, the proposers of the Higgs mechanism and Higgs boson theory, and this theory was was proposed in the sixties. As for the CERN researchers who participated in the experiment, although everyone deserves credit, the Nobel Prize has never been awarded to an institution, and it is impossible for so many people to share the prize.

When Swiss public funds are spent…

The main work of establishing this theory will be carried out by Frank and a doctoral student he led, while Lu Zhou will be responsible mainly for calculations.

"What's the trouble? No matter what, we are all from the same school, so this small favor is nothing," Senior Brother Yan smiled and said with emotion, "Junior Brother, this time you are helping our LHCb Chinese cooperation group to compete internationally. Take a breath! Didn't you see how Academician Lu was bragging to others during the meeting in Shangjing, and Professor Gao from Shuimu University also praised you highly."

And if logical autonomy cannot be achieved, even if you name the particle you discovered the Higgs particle, or claim to have found gravitational waves, you will not get recognition from the academic community at all...

Although Academician Lu told him that he could call Yan Xinjue when he came back. His senior brother would be in Jinling before September, but Kao Luzhou didn't want to trouble others, so he didn't mention it.

When he saw the man's identity through the streetlight, he was suddenly surprised.

Lu Zhou: "...Is it so uncomfortable?"

"Don't you have a room yet?" Lu Zhou asked in surprise.

When talking about this matter, Senior Brother Yan's expression was a little subtle, he coughed slightly, and said sheepishly: "Let's wait until the end of the year to see if we can get together a down payment. My partner wants me to settle down in Shangjing, and the task is a bit difficult... When did you do it? Are you under the illusion that I am rich?"

For example, the number 750 GeV is unexpected by supersymmetry and the standard model. It is so unexpected that it can even accommodate the emergence of a new "Vilzek-Lu" or "Lu-Vilzek" model to deal with this brand-new phenomenon. Explain.

Therefore, the day before yesterday, Frank sent him an invitation to participate in this imaginative subject.

Of course there is.

After thinking for a while, Lu Zhou replied in an uncertain tone: "Maybe it's because of his love for science?"

It turned out to be Senior Brother Yan

After imagining that scene, Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly, but he was not too surprised.

The two agreed to communicate via email, collaborate to complete this theory, and sign their names together.

It's not that he's inflated, but compared to the Nobel Prize winner's invitation to him and the possible Nobel Prize, this level of honor and recognition does make him a little flattered.

After thinking for a while, Lu Zhou replied in an uncertain tone: "Maybe it's because of his love for science?"


Because in the general view of the academic community, although the work of the first two is important, it is not of that decisive importance. (Not absolute, for example: the person who proposed the theory has passed away or has won an award, or has designed groundbreaking experiments or made outstanding contributions, etc.)

Senior Brother Yan sighed and said with emotion: "Okay, when you are older, you are already thinking about buying a house. Academician Lu taught me how to do it. When will I be as good as you?"

Helping Lu Zhou throw the suitcase into the trunk, Senior Brother Yan, who got into the driver's seat, started the car and asked casually: "What are you doing at the airport? I've waited since ten o'clock until now, so I've waited for you." "

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Well, I'm sorry to bother you."

[Shock! He was the one who discovered high-energy particles?]

Of course there is.

However, the amount of work involved is much more difficult than solving mathematical conjectures, and it is basically impossible to complete it by yourself. This is true for both Frank Wilczek and Lu Zhou.

Not only Lu Zhou, but also Frank Wilzek, who has already won the award once, has a chance.

When he saw the man's identity through the streetlight, he was suddenly surprised.

The mathematical ability he displayed at CERN really conquered the Nobel Prize winner. And this was one of the main reasons why Frank Wilzek extended an invitation to him.

"I'm sorry, I was delayed for a while while connecting flights at Wanghai... By the way, how did you know about my flight?"

However, the amount of work involved is much more difficult than solving mathematical conjectures, and it is basically impossible to complete it by yourself. This is true for both Frank Wilczek and Lu Zhou.

This work will definitely take up a lot of Lu Zhou's time, but if the reward is a Nobel Prize, Lu Zhou feels that everything is worth it.

It is based on this rule that the 2013 Nobel Prize was awarded to Peter Higgs and Francois Engler, the proposers of the Higgs mechanism and Higgs boson theory, and this theory was was proposed in the sixties. As for the CERN researchers who participated in the experiment, although everyone deserves credit, the Nobel Prize has never been awarded to an institution, and it is impossible for so many people to share the prize.

As for why

For another example, the phenomenon of neutrino oscillation was discovered in the Daya Bay Reactor in China, but the nominees for this year’s Nobel Prize (2015) were Japan’s Takaaki Kajita and Canada’s Professor Arthur MacDonald.

The two agreed to communicate via email, collaborate to complete this theory, and sign their names together.

However, the amount of work involved is much more difficult than solving mathematical conjectures, and it is basically impossible to complete it by yourself. This is true for both Frank Wilczek and Lu Zhou.

"That guy Greer told me," Senior Brother Yan asked casually while holding the steering wheel, "Are you going back to school directly?"

Of course, aside from system tasks, he is also very interested in high-energy physics, otherwise he would not have chosen the imaginative direction of mathematical physics.

After thinking for a while, Lu Zhou replied in an uncertain tone: "Maybe it's because of his love for science?"

Senior Brother Yan: "Why is it not necessary? If you often travel to other places, it is quite useful to buy a car. You have received so many bonuses, don't tell me that you have spent them all."

Therefore, the day before yesterday, Frank sent him an invitation to participate in this imaginative subject.

This is also the reason why Minke will never win the Nobel Prize. Maybe they have submitted manuscripts, but let alone logical autonomy, they may not even be able to understand a few formulas.

When Swiss public funds are spent…

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Well, I'm sorry to bother you."

If this particle is found to be a supersymmetric particle, then the Nobel Prize may be awarded to Hiroshige Miyazawa, who proposed the theory of supersymmetry and supersymmetric particles in 1966, or to the perfecter of the theory. As for Lu Zhou, is there any possibility of winning the award

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "I'm saving it, waiting to buy a house."

In the field of theoretical physics, as research work in this field becomes more and more systematic, it is worth discussing who has greater credit. According to the convention of the Nobel Prize, the medal will not be awarded to the discoverer of the particle, nor to the researcher who operates the hadron collider, but rather to the proposer or perfecter of this theory. .

Lu Zhou: "...Is it so uncomfortable?"

"What's the trouble? No matter what, we are all from the same school, so this small favor is nothing," Senior Brother Yan smiled and said with emotion, "Junior Brother, this time you are helping our LHCb Chinese cooperation group to compete internationally. Take a breath! Didn't you see how Academician Lu was bragging to others during the meeting in Shangjing, and Professor Gao from Shuimu University also praised you highly."

After imagining that scene, Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly, but he was not too surprised.

And if logical autonomy cannot be achieved, even if you name the particle you discovered the Higgs particle, or claim to have found gravitational waves, you will not get recognition from the academic community at all...

It must be mentioned here that even if CERN discovered something interesting at 750GeV, Lu Zhou would not win a prize for it, and he never thought he would win a prize based on this clue.

When I came, I was covered with stars and moon, and when I came back, I was the same.

If this particle is found to be a supersymmetric particle, then the Nobel Prize may be awarded to Hiroshige Miyazawa, who proposed the theory of supersymmetry and supersymmetric particles in 1966, or to the perfecter of the theory. As for Lu Zhou, is there any possibility of winning the award

For example, the number 750 GeV is unexpected by supersymmetry and the standard model. It is so unexpected that it can even accommodate the emergence of a new "Vilzek-Lu" or "Lu-Vilzek" model to deal with this brand-new phenomenon. Explain.

After imagining that scene, Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly, but he was not too surprised.

It is the latter's work that is decisive.

Lu Zhou: "...?"

The mathematical ability he displayed at CERN really conquered the Nobel Prize winner. And this was one of the main reasons why Frank Wilzek extended an invitation to him.

"What's the trouble? No matter what, we are all from the same school, so this small favor is nothing," Senior Brother Yan smiled and said with emotion, "Junior Brother, this time you are helping our LHCb Chinese cooperation group to compete internationally. Take a breath! Didn't you see how Academician Lu was bragging to others during the meeting in Shangjing, and Professor Gao from Shuimu University also praised you highly."

It's not that he's inflated, but compared to the Nobel Prize winner's invitation to him and the possible Nobel Prize, this level of honor and recognition does make him a little flattered.

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Well, I'm sorry to bother you."

In this Internet age, nothing is airtight.

For another example, the phenomenon of neutrino oscillation was discovered in the Daya Bay Reactor in China, but the nominees for this year’s Nobel Prize (2015) were Japan’s Takaaki Kajita and Canada’s Professor Arthur MacDonald.

Lu Zhou: "...Is it so uncomfortable?"

Dragging his suitcase and walking to the airport gate, Lu Zhou was about to turn on his mobile phone to call a taxi when he saw someone standing on the roadside waving to him.

It turned out to be Senior Brother Yan

"Don't you have a room yet?" Lu Zhou asked in surprise.

Senior Brother Yan: "Speaking of which, aren't you going to learn how to drive?"

Someone may ask, in this case, if you just make up a fictional particle, and then set a lot of various physical properties about it, and wait until it is discovered by others, will you be able to win the prize

If this particle is found to be a supersymmetric particle, then the Nobel Prize may be awarded to Hiroshige Miyazawa, who proposed the theory of supersymmetry and supersymmetric particles in 1966, or to the perfecter of the theory. As for Lu Zhou, is there any possibility of winning the award

Even if it's just a possibility.

Lu Zhou thought for a while and said, "Let's learn it when we have time. I feel it's not necessary now."

This work will definitely take up a lot of Lu Zhou's time, but if the reward is a Nobel Prize, Lu Zhou feels that everything is worth it.

Lu Zhou thought for a while and said, "Let's learn it when we have time. I feel it's not necessary now."

Passing through the deep night sky, the plane slowly landed on the runway.

For a brand-new theory or a novel physical model to be accepted, the premise must be at least theoretically established and logically autonomous. Just like superstring theory, although it is increasingly marginalized in the world of theoretical physics, at least no one can theoretically falsify it.

It is based on this rule that the 2013 Nobel Prize was awarded to Peter Higgs and Francois Engler, the proposers of the Higgs mechanism and Higgs boson theory, and this theory was was proposed in the sixties. As for the CERN researchers who participated in the experiment, although everyone deserves credit, the Nobel Prize has never been awarded to an institution, and it is impossible for so many people to share the prize.

Lu Zhou didn't know how to answer this question. He couldn't say that it was because of the guidance of the system's mission that he accidentally embarked on this path, right

Helping Lu Zhou throw the suitcase into the trunk, Senior Brother Yan, who got into the driver's seat, started the car and asked casually: "What are you doing at the airport? I've waited since ten o'clock until now, so I've waited for you." "

Senior Brother Yan: "Why is it not necessary? If you often travel to other places, it is quite useful to buy a car. You have received so many bonuses, don't tell me that you have spent them all."

This has to start with the Nobel Prize awarding principles.

Lu Zhou: "...?"

And if logical autonomy cannot be achieved, even if you name the particle you discovered the Higgs particle, or claim to have found gravitational waves, you will not get recognition from the academic community at all...

Of course, aside from system tasks, he is also very interested in high-energy physics, otherwise he would not have chosen the imaginative direction of mathematical physics.

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "I'm saving it, waiting to buy a house."

This work will definitely take up a lot of Lu Zhou's time, but if the reward is a Nobel Prize, Lu Zhou feels that everything is worth it.

Could this be serious

Could this be serious

In this Internet age, nothing is airtight.

Although Academician Lu told him that he could call Yan Xinjue when he came back. His senior brother would be in Jinling before September, but Kao Luzhou didn't want to trouble others, so he didn't mention it.

Senior Brother Yan sighed and said with emotion: "Okay, when you are older, you are already thinking about buying a house. Academician Lu taught me how to do it. When will I be as good as you?"

Could this be serious

Senior Brother Yan was silent for a long time.

This has to start with the Nobel Prize awarding principles.

"Don't you have a room yet?" Lu Zhou asked in surprise.

When I came, I was covered with stars and moon, and when I came back, I was the same.

Passing through the deep night sky, the plane slowly landed on the runway.

The first thing that must be said is that this is certainly possible.

When I came, I was covered with stars and moon, and when I came back, I was the same.


If this particle is found to be a supersymmetric particle, then the Nobel Prize may be awarded to Hiroshige Miyazawa, who proposed the theory of supersymmetry and supersymmetric particles in 1966, or to the perfecter of the theory. As for Lu Zhou, is there any possibility of winning the award

When talking about this matter, Senior Brother Yan's expression was a little subtle, he coughed slightly, and said sheepishly: "Let's wait until the end of the year to see if we can get together a down payment. My partner wants me to settle down in Shangjing, and the task is a bit difficult... When did you do it? Are you under the illusion that I am rich?"

For example, the number 750 GeV is unexpected by supersymmetry and the standard model. It is so unexpected that it can even accommodate the emergence of a new "Vilzek-Lu" or "Lu-Vilzek" model to deal with this brand-new phenomenon. Explain.

Because in the general view of the academic community, although the work of the first two is important, it is not of that decisive importance. (Not absolute, for example: the person who proposed the theory has passed away or has won an award, or has designed groundbreaking experiments or made outstanding contributions, etc.)

Helping Lu Zhou throw the suitcase into the trunk, Senior Brother Yan, who got into the driver's seat, started the car and asked casually: "What are you doing at the airport? I've waited since ten o'clock until now, so I've waited for you." "

Someone may ask, in this case, if you just make up a fictional particle, and then set a lot of various physical properties about it, and wait until it is discovered by others, will you be able to win the prize

When Swiss public funds are spent…

For a brand-new theory or a novel physical model to be accepted, the premise must be at least theoretically established and logically autonomous. Just like superstring theory, although it is increasingly marginalized in the world of theoretical physics, at least no one can theoretically falsify it.

Lu Zhou originally wanted to say this, but suddenly he remembered that it was Academician Lu who swiped the card at that time. Maybe this senior brother really didn't have much money.

Could this be serious

"That guy Greer told me," Senior Brother Yan asked casually while holding the steering wheel, "Are you going back to school directly?"

Of course there is.

Senior Brother Yan: "Why is it not necessary? If you often travel to other places, it is quite useful to buy a car. You have received so many bonuses, don't tell me that you have spent them all."

Senior Brother Yan: "Speaking of which, aren't you going to learn how to drive?"

Lu Zhou originally wanted to say this, but suddenly he remembered that it was Academician Lu who swiped the card at that time. Maybe this senior brother really didn't have much money.

However, it is possible, but it is hard to say how high the possibility is.

Senior Brother Yan sighed and said with emotion: "Okay, when you are older, you are already thinking about buying a house. Academician Lu taught me how to do it. When will I be as good as you?"

When I came, I was covered with stars and moon, and when I came back, I was the same.

Lu Zhou: "...Is it so uncomfortable?"

Helping Lu Zhou throw the suitcase into the trunk, Senior Brother Yan, who got into the driver's seat, started the car and asked casually: "What are you doing at the airport? I've waited since ten o'clock until now, so I've waited for you." "

In less than two days, the news spread from outside the wall to inside the wall, and within just three days, all kinds of eye-catching headlines were flying all over the sky.

Therefore, the day before yesterday, Frank sent him an invitation to participate in this imaginative subject.

Not only Lu Zhou, but also Frank Wilzek, who has already won the award once, has a chance.

Of course, aside from system tasks, he is also very interested in high-energy physics, otherwise he would not have chosen the imaginative direction of mathematical physics.

Senior Brother Yan sighed: "Theoretical research is so uncomfortable. Speaking of which, didn't you do a project with Professor Li Rongen? Why don't you do materials physics? That stuff is a popular field. Why did you think of studying high-energy physics? "

Of course, aside from system tasks, he is also very interested in high-energy physics, otherwise he would not have chosen the imaginative direction of mathematical physics.

Of course there is.

"I'm sorry, I was delayed for a while while connecting flights at Wanghai... By the way, how did you know about my flight?"

For example, the number 750 GeV is unexpected by supersymmetry and the standard model. It is so unexpected that it can even accommodate the emergence of a new "Vilzek-Lu" or "Lu-Vilzek" model to deal with this brand-new phenomenon. Explain.

Someone may ask, in this case, if you just make up a fictional particle, and then set a lot of various physical properties about it, and wait until it is discovered by others, will you be able to win the prize

"Don't you have a room yet?" Lu Zhou asked in surprise.

Senior Brother Yan was silent for a long time.

Lu Zhou didn't know how to answer this question. He couldn't say that it was because of the guidance of the system's mission that he accidentally embarked on this path, right

This work will definitely take up a lot of Lu Zhou's time, but if the reward is a Nobel Prize, Lu Zhou feels that everything is worth it.

Senior Brother Yan: "Speaking of which, aren't you going to learn how to drive?"

Of course, aside from system tasks, he is also very interested in high-energy physics, otherwise he would not have chosen the imaginative direction of mathematical physics.

However, at this moment, Lu Zhou was still on the flight back to China. The phone in his pocket was turned off, and he was leaning on his seat with his eyes closed to relax. He didn't know that he had been trending again.

The mathematical ability he displayed at CERN really conquered the Nobel Prize winner. And this was one of the main reasons why Frank Wilzek extended an invitation to him.

Lu Zhou didn't know how to answer this question. He couldn't say that it was because of the guidance of the system's mission that he accidentally embarked on this path, right

Senior Brother Yan was silent for a long time.

Because in the general view of the academic community, although the work of the first two is important, it is not of that decisive importance. (Not absolute, for example: the person who proposed the theory has passed away or has won an award, or has designed groundbreaking experiments or made outstanding contributions, etc.)

Not only Lu Zhou, but also Frank Wilzek, who has already won the award once, has a chance.

The main work of establishing this theory will be carried out by Frank and a doctoral student he led, while Lu Zhou will be responsible mainly for calculations.

After thinking for a while, Lu Zhou replied in an uncertain tone: "Maybe it's because of his love for science?"

The mathematical ability he displayed at CERN really conquered the Nobel Prize winner. And this was one of the main reasons why Frank Wilzek extended an invitation to him.

Lu Zhou: "...?"

It is based on this rule that the 2013 Nobel Prize was awarded to Peter Higgs and Francois Engler, the proposers of the Higgs mechanism and Higgs boson theory, and this theory was was proposed in the sixties. As for the CERN researchers who participated in the experiment, although everyone deserves credit, the Nobel Prize has never been awarded to an institution, and it is impossible for so many people to share the prize.

Senior Brother Yan was silent for a long time.

This tone...

Of course, aside from system tasks, he is also very interested in high-energy physics, otherwise he would not have chosen the imaginative direction of mathematical physics.

Lu Zhou didn't know how to answer this question. He couldn't say that it was because of the guidance of the system's mission that he accidentally embarked on this path, right

Could this be serious

After all, compared to the shock that the Nobel Prize brought to him, all the hot searches, headlines and the like were weak...

This work will definitely take up a lot of Lu Zhou's time, but if the reward is a Nobel Prize, Lu Zhou feels that everything is worth it.

Just when Lu Zhou was reflecting on whether his answer was so nonsense that the senior brother couldn't complain, senior brother Yan suddenly sighed and sighed softly: "Maybe, this is because I can't be as good as you. The reason…”

It's not that he's inflated, but compared to the Nobel Prize winner's invitation to him and the possible Nobel Prize, this level of honor and recognition does make him a little flattered.

It turned out to be Senior Brother Yan

Just when Lu Zhou was reflecting on whether his answer was so nonsense that the senior brother couldn't complain, senior brother Yan suddenly sighed and sighed softly: "Maybe, this is because I can't be as good as you. The reason…”

Lu Zhou: "...?"

And this is why after the release of the 750GeV data, the Arxiv website and major theoretical physics journals experienced a spurt of submissions, because many people are betting on this theory.

"What's the trouble? No matter what, we are all from the same school, so this small favor is nothing," Senior Brother Yan smiled and said with emotion, "Junior Brother, this time you are helping our LHCb Chinese cooperation group to compete internationally. Take a breath! Didn't you see how Academician Lu was bragging to others during the meeting in Shangjing, and Professor Gao from Shuimu University also praised you highly."

When he saw the man's identity through the streetlight, he was suddenly surprised.

After imagining that scene, Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly, but he was not too surprised.

Senior Brother Yan: "Speaking of which, aren't you going to learn how to drive?"

Senior Brother Yan: "Speaking of which, aren't you going to learn how to drive?"

This tone...

Because it is not only the observation methods that are constantly being improved, but also the corresponding theories.

As for why

"Don't you have a room yet?" Lu Zhou asked in surprise.

"What's the trouble? No matter what, we are all from the same school, so this small favor is nothing," Senior Brother Yan smiled and said with emotion, "Junior Brother, this time you are helping our LHCb Chinese cooperation group to compete internationally. Take a breath! Didn't you see how Academician Lu was bragging to others during the meeting in Shangjing, and Professor Gao from Shuimu University also praised you highly."

Could this be serious

Senior Brother Yan: "Speaking of which, aren't you going to learn how to drive?"

When he saw the man's identity through the streetlight, he was suddenly surprised.

And this is why after the release of the 750GeV data, the Arxiv website and major theoretical physics journals experienced a spurt of submissions, because many people are betting on this theory.

"What's the trouble? No matter what, we are all from the same school, so this small favor is nothing," Senior Brother Yan smiled and said with emotion, "Junior Brother, this time you are helping our LHCb Chinese cooperation group to compete internationally. Take a breath! Didn't you see how Academician Lu was bragging to others during the meeting in Shangjing, and Professor Gao from Shuimu University also praised you highly."

In fact, even if he knew, he probably wouldn't feel anything at all.